shifu (hiatus)'s Reviews > City of Bones

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
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really liked it
bookshelves: favourite-plots, favourite-friendships, gangs-i-want-to-join, favourite-worlds, the-boy-is-mine
Read 2 times. Last read July 16, 2022.

Jace: I don't have any parents.

P.S: I don't care what you say. I love Jace.
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Quotes shifu (hiatus) Liked

Cassandra Clare
“It means 'Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234'.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Cassandra Clare
“Sarcasm is the last refuge of the imaginatively bankrupt.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Cassandra Clare
“The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he'd learned: that to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

Reading Progress

August 31, 2018 – Shelved
April 19, 2020 – Started Reading
April 20, 2020 – Finished Reading
July 16, 2022 – Started Reading
July 16, 2022 – Finished Reading
August 24, 2024 – Shelved as: favourite-plots
August 24, 2024 – Shelved as: favourite-friendships
August 24, 2024 – Shelved as: gangs-i-want-to-join
August 24, 2024 – Shelved as: favourite-worlds
August 24, 2024 – Shelved as: the-boy-is-mine

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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tappkalina I love him too. And although no one likes Clary, she is my favorite of the series.

shifu (hiatus) Me too!! I love Jace and Clary <3

Sara This review is so real.

message 4: by Arena♡ (new) - added it

Arena♡ Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie jeebies

shifu (hiatus) Sara wrote: "This review is so real."

Are you commenting on my amazing review writing skills?

shifu (hiatus) Arena wrote: "Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie jeebies

I hate the series and the movie :(
They don't do justice..........

Leyhanshelf ♡ I love him! Well next to Magnus at least 😂

message 8: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi What about me then??!!

shifu (hiatus) Lianne (Aine)✨ wrote: "I love him! Well next to Magnus at least 😂"

Who doesn't like Magnus?! But Jace wins this one for me.

shifu (hiatus) Mrinmayi wrote: "What about me then??!!

You can be his sister Mrin. *pats your head*

message 11: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Mrinmayi wrote: "What about me then??!!

You can be his sister Mrin. *pats your head*"

*still glaring at you*

message 12: by tappkalina (last edited Jul 28, 2020 04:36AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

tappkalina theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Arena wrote: "Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie jeebies

I hate the series and the movie :(
They don't do jus..."

The movie was really bad imo, if I hadn't known the story before I watched it, I wouldn't even know what's going on.
But I love the show. I read the books for Clary and Jace and watch the show for Malec, Izzy and Raphael.

message 13: by Arena♡ (new) - added it

Arena♡ love, tappkalina wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Arena wrote: "Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie jeebies

I hate the series and the m..."

I loved the show too!! Malec are goals!❤️😫

shifu (hiatus) love, tappkalina wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Arena wrote: "Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie jeebies

I hate the series and the m..."

I didn't like Jace and Clary in the show. ALTHOUGH MALEC IN THE SHOW WAS EVERYTHING.

shifu (hiatus) Arena wrote: "love, tappkalina wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Arena wrote: "Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie jeebies

I ..."

That gif *ugly crying*

message 16: by Tani (new) - added it

Tani I dnf-ed it.

shifu (hiatus) I saw that. I can see why you dnf-ed it but i love this series (even though i have only read the first three books). Are you going to give it another shot?
+ I haven't read TID but i have heard it's amazing so maybe give it a shot?

message 18: by Tani (new) - added it

Tani theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "I saw that. I can see why you dnf-ed it but i love this series (even though i have only read the first three books). Are you going to give it another shot?
+ I haven't read TID but i have heard it'..."

Let me think about it. 🙈

shifu (hiatus) Tani wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "I saw that. I can see why you dnf-ed it but i love this series (even though i have only read the first three books). Are you going to give it another shot?
+ I haven't read..."

Okayyy i hope you like it if you pick it up :)
*yay for our first civil conversation*

message 20: by Tani (new) - added it

Tani theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Tani wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "I saw that. I can see why you dnf-ed it but i love this series (even though i have only read the first three books). Are you going to give it another shot?
+ I..."

Me connecting with my baby brother. 😍😘

message 21: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi Tani wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Tani wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "I saw that. I can see why you dnf-ed it but i love this series (even though i have only read the first three books). Are you going to ..."

Mom cringing in the back ground

message 22: by Arena♡ (new) - added it

Arena♡ theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Arena wrote: "love, tappkalina wrote: "theburqaavenger➹ wrote: "Arena wrote: "Same!! I've read the books and watched the series though not the movies, the characters in the movie give my the heebie..."

I know!! Goshhh, I miss these two, maybe I'll give it a re-read😉 As for The Infernal Devices, I loved that series very much too, and if you love Cassie Clare's writing, you should definitely check The Dark Artifices series out! Tbh, The Dark Artifices is my favourite out of all of the shadowhunter books!

message 23: by Tani (new) - added it

Tani Mrinmayi wrote: "Mom cringing in the back ground"

Go and cook Tawa Pulao for us, Mom. Meanwhile, burst some eggs on Dad's head.

message 24: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi Tani wrote: "Mrinmayi wrote: "Mom cringing in the back ground"

Go and cook Tawa Pulao for us, Mom. Meanwhile, burst some eggs on Dad's head."

I don't like eggs..
BTW...did I tell you about my friend Tanishka??!!
She once annoyed me SOOOO I made tawa pulao let everyone have it except her...
Guess history is going to repeat itself..!!!

message 25: by Tani (new) - added it

Tani Mrinmayi wrote: "Tani wrote: "Mrinmayi wrote: "Mom cringing in the back ground"

Go and cook Tawa Pulao for us, Mom. Meanwhile, burst some eggs on Dad's head."

I don't like eggs..
BTW...did I tell you about my fri..."

Who's Tanishka? Cuz it isn't my name. Seriously. It's Taniksha.

message 26: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi Tani wrote: "Mrinmayi wrote: "Tani wrote: "Mrinmayi wrote: "Mom cringing in the back ground"

Go and cook Tawa Pulao for us, Mom. Meanwhile, burst some eggs on Dad's head."

I don't like eggs..
BTW...did I tell..."

Noo...I do have a friend IRL whose name is Tanishka...😂
I know your name is Taniksha

Stacy I named my son after Jace! 😍

message 28: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi Stacy wrote: "I named my son after Jace! 😍"

Now that's some dedication we got!!
You are a true fan!!!

shifu (hiatus) Stacy wrote: "I named my son after Jace! 😍"

awwwwwwwww I told Jace. He is so proud!!!
That is devotion Stacy omg!!!!!! <3

Stacy He’s pretty awesome. Almost two and a half 😊😊❤️❤️ we call him Jaceface and buy him all the rubber ducks 🤣

message 31: by Maryam (new) - added it

Maryam Rz. I haven't read the book BUT, I did not like the Jace in the TV show.............I actually didn't like any of them in the show, except for Simon. And okay Izzy. And yeah Alec too.

shifu (hiatus) Stacy wrote: "He’s pretty awesome. Almost two and a half 😊😊❤️❤️ we call him Jaceface and buy him all the rubber ducks 🤣"

awwwww that is so cute >.<
I hope he has a good life ahead of him <3

shifu (hiatus) Mary wrote: "I haven't read the book BUT, I did not like the Jace in the TV show.............I actually didn't like any of them in the show, except for Simon. And okay Izzy. And yeah Alec too."

I KNOW Jace in the TV show was awful and he was awful in the movie too. THEY DON'T DO HIM JUSTICE MARY. I liked Alec in the TV show though.

message 34: by Mrinmayi (new)

Mrinmayi Stacy wrote: "He’s pretty awesome. Almost two and a half 😊😊❤️❤️ we call him Jaceface and buy him all the rubber ducks 🤣"

That's adorable!!🥰

message 35: by Maryam (new) - added it

Maryam Rz. @Joey, in that case, I'm looking forward to meeting book Jace 🤔 actually reading this whole series in December.

shifu (hiatus) Mary wrote: "@Joey, in that case, I'm looking forward to meeting book Jace 🤔 actually reading this whole series in December."

Yesss I have only read the first three books of the series. I still have to read every other book by Cassie Clare *sighs*

message 37: by Maryam (new) - added it

Maryam Rz. I'd invite you to join me but I try to escape BRs as much as I can. If you're in for reading one book a day, then by all means please do join me.

shifu (hiatus) Mary wrote: "I'd invite you to join me but I try to escape BRs as much as I can. If you're in for reading one book a day, then by all means please do join me."

I escape BRs too. Thank you Mary and i am so so so sorry but i think i am just not the person who can BR with others.

message 39: by Maryam (new) - added it

Maryam Rz. Haha don't be sorry. I don't think that's the case (you've never BRed with me, I'm told I've been the best BR partner ppl have had 😎) but I totes get it.

message 40: by shifu (hiatus) (last edited Aug 04, 2020 07:16PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

shifu (hiatus) aaaaaaaa we will find that out when we do a buddy re-read of the book written about our son >.< + I am super busy now-a-days so a BR is totally out of question.

message 41: by Maryam (new) - added it

Maryam Rz. YASSSS we'll see alright 😁 also yeah I totally get u. I hope everything goes smoothly!

shifu (hiatus) Fingers crossed

Beenish I loved him too. I still do but not in my recent experience, in my first-time-i-read-it experience ❤️

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