Catherine's Reviews > Playing for Keeps

Playing for Keeps by R.L. Mathewson
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it was amazing
bookshelves: kindle, romance, series, comedy, contemporary, friends-to-lovers, read-2012, excellent

*4.5 Stars*

This book came to my attention and I bought it for exactly one reason: I was told it was similar to Shelly Laurenston's style. Sold! It didn't hurt that it was only a $0.99 investment, either. :) And luckily the recommender was correct. It did read like Shelly Laurenston. Yay! Another author to feed my need for immature humor and outrageous antics. :D

This book was, quite simply, hilarious. The start was a little clunky for me, but it quickly smoothed out and settled into a fast paced, cute read that had me giggling often. The hero, Jason, strongly reminds me of Mitch from Laurenston's Pride series. He's rude, arrogant, fun loving, and quite obsessed with food. He can eat and eat and eat and it always turns into the biggest production. He has good friends who know him for the lovable ass he is and who mock and tease him mercilessly about his delusions toward his relationship with the heroine.

His delusion consists of the fact that he doesn't like-like Haley. When he intimidates or scares off the men interested in her, it's only for her benefit. What else could a wingman do but help her out? When he stares at her ass, it's only natural. It's like having a best friend and a show in one. Nothing personal. The fact that he needs her more than she needs him doesn't even ping on his radar. He's in Jason-land and nothing is rocking that boat.
"I don't know how Haley put up with you for the last few weeks. I would have killed you by now."

"Haley worships me," he said with a snort.

"Yeah, okay," Brad said, laughing. "That's why she dates other men and screws you over just to laugh at you."


Brad looked over at him. "You are a seriously fucked up man, aren't you?"

Of course, Haley is much more self aware than Jason. She comes to realize that they're in an intimate non-relationship, but it eventually drives her nuts that it's not intimate enough. She doesn't want to ruin the friendship that they do have, so she doesn't make a huge issue out of it, but she yearns for a real relationship instead of the weird ass friendship they have going.

I'm not going to go into much more detail than that, but it was great. The author slowly built up a convincing friendship between Haley and Jason and slid them toward a real relationship so smoothly that the reader didn't even blink. It all just fit perfectly.

Toward the end we got into a bit of drama that had the characters doing things that bounced the "victim" tag back and forth between them. It felt like it got a bit away from the author, but it also provided the opportunity for more hilarious scenes like,
"This is kidnapping!" she sputtered in disbelief.

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is!"


"What the hell would you call it?" she demanded, snatching his soda from him and finishing it off.

"A romantic getaway?"

so it was hard to be too bothered. :) The epilogue was sweet--too sweet for me--but I know some people enjoy that sort of thing. All in all, this was a great read. I can't wait to try something else by this author.

Favorite Quote:
Megan's eyes narrowed on her. "You're really his girlfriend?"


"This isn't just some sick game he's playing?"

"Uh, there something wrong?" She was really starting to feel self-conscious.

"Nothing other than you are the first woman he's ever brought home and you'll have to forgive me if I seem a little surprised. For a moment there I though hell had frozen over."
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Reading Progress

February 12, 2012 – Started Reading
February 12, 2012 – Shelved
February 12, 2012 – Shelved as: kindle
February 12, 2012 – Shelved as: romance
February 12, 2012 – Shelved as: series
February 12, 2012 –
10.0% "Jason reminds me a lot of Mitch from Shelly Laurenston's Pride series. I find it hilarious that he considers himself her wingman and that he keeps scaring off guys who are interested in her."
February 12, 2012 – Finished Reading
February 15, 2012 –
11.0% "

"Well, do you think the two of you would want to-"

"No," she said firmly.

"But what if I-"


"It would be fun-"


"But what if-"

"She said no," Jason said as he cut in line and threw his arm around her shoulders in that lazy way of his.

"Hey! I thought you said you were gay!" the man said accusingly.

Without missing a beat Jason said, "She is. I'm just her bitch."

February 15, 2012 –
20.0% "

"I don't know how Haley put up with you for the last few weeks. I would have killed you by now."

"Haley worships me," he said with a snort.

"Yeah, okay," Brad said, laughing. "That's why she dates other men and screws you over just to laugh at you."


Brad looked over at him. "You are a seriously fucked up man, aren't you?"

February 15, 2012 –
46.0% "

You know you could do better than me, right?"

She rolled her eyes and gave him a watery smile. "Well, duh."

"As long as we're on the same page," he mumbled before his mouth came down on hers.

February 15, 2012 –
47.0% "

He glared accusingly at her while he made short work of his clothes. "You didn't wake me up."

She rolled her eyes as she speared a piece of sausage with her fork. "I did wake you up. Three times in fact. Each time you threw something at me and went back to sleep."

Jason gaped at her. "And you gave up? You know our routine, woman. You have to keep at it until I'm forced to get off the bed to [cont'd]

February 15, 2012 –
55.0% "

Megan's eyes narrowed on her. "You're really his girlfriend?"


"This isn't just some sick game he's playing?"

"Uh, there something wrong?" She was really starting to feel self-conscious.

"Nothing other than you are the first woman he's ever brought home and you'll have to forgive me if I seem a little surprised. For a moment there I though hell had frozen over."

- Jason's mom. LOL!"
February 15, 2012 –
81.0% "

This is kidnapping! she sputtered in disbelief.

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is!"


"What the hell would you call it?" she demanded, snatching his soda from him and finishing it off.

"A romantic getaway?"

February 15, 2012 – Shelved as: comedy
February 15, 2012 – Shelved as: contemporary
February 15, 2012 – Shelved as: friends-to-lovers
February 15, 2012 – Shelved as: read-2012
February 19, 2012 – Shelved as: excellent

Comments Showing 1-30 of 30 (30 new)

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Anna (Bobs Her Hair) Shelly Laurenston. Love her! Saw this ebook was only 99 cents. Thanks for the info!

Catherine Anna wrote: "Shelly Laurenston. Love her! Saw this ebook was only 99 cents. Thanks for the info!"

Is it really? I hadn't looked yet. I can't resist such a good price. I'm off to go buy it. :)

Mrs. Badass dammit. sigh. I have no will power

message 4: by Anna (Bobs Her Hair) (last edited Feb 12, 2012 05:32PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anna (Bobs Her Hair) Today Karla recommended a book - available for free - by this author, which is how I noticed the price for this book. ;o)

***edited to add***
Double-checked. Yes, it's 99 cents and so is book 2 Perfection. The free book is Tall, Dark, and Lonely.

Catherine Erika wrote: "dammit. sigh. I have no will power"

LOL. Gonna buy it?

Catherine Anna wrote: "Today Karla recommended a book - available for free - by this author, which is how I noticed the price for this book. ;o)"

What was the free book? I might want to grab that too. ;)

message 7: by Mrs. (last edited Feb 12, 2012 05:33PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mrs. Badass Already bought.
here is the free one

Catherine Erika wrote: "Already bought.
here is the free one"


Nikki Catherine I loved this -- it was freaking hilarious! I'm still yet to write my full review though.

Catherine I finished it in one night and loved it too. I finally got a chance to upload all the status updates I had highlighted so I could mark it as read. :) It was great! Everyone was right when they said it was just like Shelly Laurenston's voice.

I see you haven't read SL. If you enjoyed this, you should really check her out. Start with The Mane Event!

Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalker It must be a great book, it's surviving and thriving with a horrible cover!

message 12: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy It is great!!

message 13: by Mrs. (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mrs. Badass I really enjoyed it

Catherine Michelle, the Bookshelf Stalking wrote: "It must be a great book, it's surviving and thriving with a horrible cover!"

I see I forgot to rate it. I'll fix that. I thought it was great!

message 15: by Sans (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans Sold. Gonna buy it from Amazon now.

Catherine Sans wrote: "Sold. Gonna buy it from Amazon now."

I hope it cracks you up, too. And how can you go wrong with only $0.99?

message 17: by Sans (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans Seriously!

❤️ Dorsey aka Wrath Lover Reviews ❤️ Sans wrote: "Sold. Gonna buy it from Amazon now."

You will LOVE it!!

message 19: by Sans (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans Awesome! I'll start on it today I think. I tried to start Katharine Ashe's new book last night but the prose! OMG the prose. I haven't seen so much purple in a long time.

Catherine Lol! You have to be in the right mood for that sort of thing.

message 21: by Sans (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans No joke. Maybe I was too tired (doubt it)? Here's an example of what I was bombarded with on the second page:

Her smooth voice, only a whisper, held no crude note of puerile curiosity. Like satin she spoke, like waves up on a gentle shore she moved, and like a nightingale she sang. Or so her suitors flattered.


Catherine Yeah... That's pretty flowery.

message 23: by Mrs. (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mrs. Badass flowers, there.

message 24: by Sans (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans For realz.

Tracy You had me at, 'reads like Shelly Laurenston.' Off to blow my book budget for yet ANOTHER week!! Yay!

Catherine Tracy wrote: "You had me at, 'reads like Shelly Laurenston.' Off to blow my book budget for yet ANOTHER week!! Yay!"

LOL! I hope you enjoy it too. =D

message 27: by Sans (last edited Mar 04, 2012 03:39PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans Dude, that was such a great book! Thank you so much for the awesome review. I read this in one sitting and I want to read it again right away. I agree with you on the nits (especially the saccharine epilogue and the victim tag), but the rest of the book totally made up for that.

Catherine Sans wrote: "Dude, that was such a great book! Thank you so much for the awesome review. I read this in one sitting and I want to read it again right away."

Yay! I'm glad you liked it too! Have you tried anything else by her?

message 29: by Sans (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sans Not yet, but I bought the second book in this series and I'm going to start it right away. ^o^

Catherine I've seen a few updates about that one too. Apparently it's just as hilarious.

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