Danielle The Book Huntress 's Reviews > New Moon

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer
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I admit I put off reading this second book in the Twilight series, for a few reasons. Maybe my love for Twilight would turn out to be a fluke. I had watched the movie recently, so it would feel like a rerun. I wasn’t ready to dive back into the series. Well, I finally manned up and read New Moon this week. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite books of all time.

Many bad things have been said about Ms. Meyer’s writing. I don’t agree with any of it. Ms. Meyer has proven to me that she can write books that I can admire and enjoy, and that I can appreciate from an artistic and literary standpoint. She brings the story to vivid life, and pulls me right into the action. She knows how to make me feel. For me, it’s not a good sign when I read a book and I feel detached, bored, withdrawn. I want to be involved in a story that I read for pleasure, which is 95% of the time I spend reading. When I read Twilight, I couldn’t get over the awe and joy I felt as I discovered the world of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. The beauty of their love story. I didn’t think this book could top that feeling. Surprisingly, it did. Ms. Meyer took the story that much deeper for me with New Moon.

I have actually read few writers that have such a gift for illustrating and bringing emotions to live. Showing the complexity of relationships, how they all come to matter and play a part of our emotional landscape. The pain that Bella feels when Edward leaves….I felt it acutely. I felt like my heart was breaking along with Bella’s. I felt angry at Edward. I was so mad I wanted to slap him. But, I also felt that same love for Edward I felt when I read Twilight. I could understand why he left, not possibly knowing that his leaving could never be the best thing for Bella. With this couple, as with my favorites in literature, you can see how mutual, how all-consuming their love for each other is. Some might call it self-destructive. But emotions don’t follow the rules. Even when people try to control them, they still manifest in other ways. Especially those that are so powerful, like the love these two people shared.

When it came to Bella’s recovery (at least partial), I thought it was so well-written as Ms. Meyer showed Bella picking herself up from the abyss that Edward and the Cullens’ departure had thrown her into. The way that Ms. Meyer showed the first four months was so beautifully evocative and yet so basic, it was that much more effective. Just each month written on a individual page. Nothing else. That’s how it was for Bella. She couldn’t stop living, not knowing what that would do to her parents. So she existed. Nothing more. After that, there was her developing relationship with Jacob Black.
Again, there was so much skill in describing how Bella becomes friends with Jake. I love how Jake is described as Bella’s sun. Her love for him that is more than just a friend, like a brother, but deeper. I know that if there was no Edward Cullen, then maybe Jake could have been Bella’s true love. But in the world where Edward existed, there was no substitute. I thought that the book would be boring without Edward, but it was far from that. I found that I loved this book even though he wasn’t technically there, except for his voice in Bella’s head. That voice that came around to warn Bella when she was in trouble. Yet at the same time, Jake had the power to hold the pain from Edward’s leaving at bay. When he would smile his sweet smile, and shine his light on Bella. Even though Jake was like a crutch that held a crippled Bella on her feet, I didn’t feel like she used Jake and gave nothing in return. Her friendship also helped him. She stood up for him and cared about him, bringing something to his life as well.

I love Bella as a character. She’s a good person, very caring, but also stubborn as a mule. I like how she is shown to be imperfect, but more than willing to examine her actions and her motives to see if she is doing what she feels is right. Yes, Bella did some immature things, but what do humans do when they are hurting? I think that considering the circumstances she went through, I don’t find fault with Bella. I think Bella might come off wrong on first glance to the casual observer. Like she is in her own little world, selfish and self-absorbed. The way I read her is what I’ve seen in people in real life like Bella. She’s one of those people whose capacity for love is all consuming. She has to hold herself at a distance or lose herself. Because some people don’t understand how deep she commits herself to others. It totally makes sense why she falls apart when Edward leaves, and then when Jake pushes her away because of what is going on with him. The fact that I respected Bella so much is why I loved this book passionately, even though my favorite character is hardly even in the book. It also testifies to Ms. Meyer’s skill at writing. Her characters keep me invested, the way they interact with each other, creating the fabric of this book, a beautifully-woven creation that sucked me in too deep to let go until I was done. I love my dad, but Charlie would be a great dad for any girl. He makes this book series special to me, just for his small parts in the books. He’s adorable!

Silly me. I didn’t expect to enjoy Jake’s story and the wolves as much as I did. I’m silly because I love werewolf stories. I’m silly because I was completely wrong. The wolf pack aspect was very interesting. I felt so much for Jake, how he was confused and at sea; how he truly believed that the wolf that had awakened in him made him bad. I was glad that he had Bella to help him see that the wolf was a beautiful thing, part of who he was. Part of why she loved him, and like she loved Edward even with his being a vampire, she would continue to love him, even as a wolf. I have to say that although Edward is still my favorite, I adore Jake tremendously. I could see what a special, sweet guy he was, how hard he tried to do what was right, and the control that he mustered when it was clear how much his ‘gift’ made control very difficult for him. I just love how he is described. He is like sunshine to Edward’s moon. So yes, I am a Jacob fan now, and well as loving his pack brothers and Emily.

Even though there is not a lot of action in this book, it still kept me riveted. I appreciated how the menace of the Volturi came off so clearly, even with very little onscreen violence. The contrast between the Cullens and the Volturi was beautifully, clearly rendered. How the Cullens had chosen the connection between them, the capacity to love over the bloodlust, even if it was terribly hard at times. This helped me to see that Edward’s motives were truly good, even if they seemed foolhardy. Once that was clear, and seeing his pain, how leaving Bella had destroyed him, I couldn’t stay mad at him. I love Edward way too much. I also adore the Cullens, especially Alice and Carlisle.

I honestly feel that this series shows a deep kind of love that I haven’t seen in all my twenty-plus years of romance reading. It’s not just boy-girl romance, either. It shows a deep, powerful romantic love, but also the love of friendship, the bonds of family (not merely by blood, but by choice), and how they all come together, serving as our greatest weaknesses, but also our greatest strengths. That’s the duality of human nature. Funny how I can learn this lesson from a book about vampires and werewolves, and a human girl caught between them. I can hardly describe how much I love this book! I’m done trying..for now!
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January 7, 2009 – Shelved
July 15, 2010 – Shelved as: owned-copy
December 27, 2010 – Shelved as: fantasy
December 27, 2010 – Shelved as: part-of-a-series
December 27, 2010 – Shelved as: read-the-season-inverno
December 27, 2010 – Shelved as: young-adult
March 13, 2011 – Started Reading
March 13, 2011 –
0.0% "I will start this tomorrow. I think this will keep me busy for a few days."
March 16, 2011 –
100.0% "I Loved This Book!!!"
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: desert-island-keepers
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: im-jealous-of-this-heroine
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: hero-to-die-for
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: heroine-i-adore
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: favorites
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: favorite-or-autobuy-author
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: angsty-read
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: stellar-love-story
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: werewolf
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: vampire
March 16, 2011 – Shelved as: suicidal-hero
March 16, 2011 – Finished Reading
March 18, 2011 – Shelved as: 2011-reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

Jessa ♥dhanger♥ EvilDarkSide Is this a first read, Danielle?

 Danielle The Book Huntress My first read of New Moon. I've already read Twilight.

Jessa ♥dhanger♥ EvilDarkSide So you still have Eclipse and Breaking Dawn to go? Awesome! You'll love 'em. Eclipse is my favorite!

 Danielle The Book Huntress I'm looking forward to reading them. :)

Lacy Wow! You zoomed through NM! I'm glad you loved it.

 Danielle The Book Huntress It was one of those books that grabbed me and I couldn't let go of it.

Sarah A. In your face twilight hatres, lol! Love the review. I could never understand how ppl would judge a book or an author before reading what they offer! Im glad you loved it. This series- as a whole, is superb.

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Yay Daniel glad u loved it

Praj Danielle, your review even made a "anti-Meyer" like myself smile pleasantly.

Tarra Fantastic review! I teared up reading it, remembering why i loved this series! Should be required reading for all the Twi-haters! Of course most of them have not even bothered to read the books. I can't wait to read your reviews for the final two.

Cheryl Wonderful review, Danielle! I loved this series, it captured me -no, consumed me- as I did nothing else but read it straight through. I don't think I've ever read another book or series that did that to me, at least to that degree!

message 12: by Lacy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lacy Awesome review! You beautifully capture the reasons that this series has captured my heart and imagination.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

As like the rest of the people who made comments, your review reminded me how much I loved these books. I envy you facing into the rest of these books(eclipse is also my fav book). I hope you enjoy the rest and please post your reviews just to remind us how it feels to read these books for the first time.

message 14: by Brylit (new)

Brylit Now you can see why I am so taken with New Moon, and You can perhaps better understand my comments about my frustration with EC. I, like so many of SM's fans, are totally given over to her entire series. I also want to tell you how much I agree with your review of the New Moon characters and situations. :)
You have to keep reading, I couldn't stop until I finished the saga. I love Ms. Meyers and her storytelling, she and a few others are autobuy authors.
Thanks for this excellent review. BRYLIT

message 15: by TJ (new) - rated it 4 stars

TJ Those are my thoughts exactly and I couldn't have expressed them better, thank you Danielle!

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks girls. I don't understand the Meyer hate. I think she's brought something very special into my life, and I really admire her for that.

message 17: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne great review Danielle I enjoyed these, and can't understand why there is sooo much vitriol about them.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Adrienne. If I don't like an author, I move on. Spending time on hating isn't worth it to me.

Lisa Kay Nice review Lady D. You liked the book more than I did, but I'm glad.

message 20: by AH (new) - rated it 4 stars

AH Great review, Danielle. I've read this book many times and you summed up my feelings for this book. It wasn't my favorite of the series - I usually skipped through til Edward returns, but I have a soft spot for these books.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Ladies.

AH, I thought I'd be that way, but I wasn't. I was captivated, even with the lack of Edward.

♡Meme♡Reads love♡ Your making me want to read the series again, you nailed it with this review Lady D.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Meme! I want to reread the first two books again already.

♡Meme♡Reads love♡ At this moment I'm having a Twilight marathon. I just finished watching New Moon Going on to Eclipse.. It's been raining all day and that put me in the mood to watch the movies. I can't wait for Breaking Dawn to come out.

message 25: by Lucie (new)

Lucie "a heart so wild" Oh Great review Danielle!!...
As you said:
I honestly feel that this series shows a deep kind of love that I haven’t seen in all my twenty-plus years of romance reading.

-** I totally agree!!

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree Lucie! You won't find such love anywhere. Its why I love Twilight so much aside from identifying with Bella to some extant.

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

♡Meme♡ wrote: "At this moment I'm having a Twilight marathon. I just finished watching New Moon Going on to Eclipse.. It's been raining all day and that put me in the mood to watch the movies. I can't wait for Br..."

I have those all the time. I have watched Twilight the movie 47 times and listen to the Cd most everyday.
have you seen Twilight Tours yet? What fun.

♡Meme♡Reads love♡ Aww I just finished watching eclipse I love that action in that one oh and the kissing scene's too.

@Lady Lavender... When I first got the Twilight movie I had it on replay for 2 days. LOL.. And you just reminded me that I have Twilight on Cd too... I think I'm gonna listen to it now:)

♡Meme♡Reads love♡ Lucie wrote: "Oh Great review Danielle!!...
As you said:
I honestly feel that this series shows a deep kind of love that I haven’t seen in all my twenty-plus years of romance reading.

-** I totally agree!!"

Me too I think in this day&age This is the best love story.

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

♡Meme♡ wrote: "Aww I just finished watching eclipse I love that action in that one oh and the kissing scene's too.

@Lady Lavender... When I first got the Twilight movie I had it on replay for 2 days. LOL.. And ..."

I am going to Forks very soon! Walmart had copies of Twilight Tours....its more fun to watch also.

♡Meme♡Reads love♡ Really I'm gonna have to get that. On the Eclipse dvd they showed previews about it. Hey have you guys heard this song called New Moon? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lt3Mt...
I love this song!

Candie Awesome review! :-)

message 33: by AH (new) - rated it 4 stars

AH Danielle, have you ever watched The Hillywood Show? They have a spoof of New Moon and Eclipse that is hilarious.


Lisa Kay AH, Those were great (I watched several). LOL! Such talented young people.

message 35: by Anna (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anna Thanks so much for a great review. As a former reading teacher, I love the fact that even Twi-haters go to so much trouble to blog and critique the books harshly, because hey! they're talking about BOOKS! And the books are drawing an emotional response from them--even if they claim it is hate!

I am one of those who does not consider Ms. Meyer a great writer, even though I loved the books. But, after reading your review, I have to reconsider a bit, because even if I don't consider her a great author, she did create unforgettable characters and put a unique spin on an oft-told legend. I have to give her kudos for that.

Of course I love the spins of the vampire legend by Christine Feehan and Sherrilyn Kenyon as well!

Katie Great review. I didn't care too much for New Moon the first time I read it. The action of the plot not starting until the last 1/4 of the book put me off. However, after reading your review I'm identifying more the emotional aspect of it and may consider a second reading. I have to admit it was one of those books that I loved the voice while I was reading it...but once I set it down there just wasn't any real pull to pick it back up. Hopefully a second reading will be better.

message 37: by Danielle The Book Huntress (last edited Mar 21, 2011 05:05PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks to everyone for the comments.

Meme, Twilight and New Moon come on Showtime and TMC all the time, but I don't watch them all the time. I don't like to watch a movie until I get jaded with it. I like for it to stay special for me.

Katie, everyone is different, so you might not feel the same draw that I did at the beginning parts of the book. I love an action-driven story, but I also like intimate character-driven stories that show the emotional climate of the characters. Since this book has a lot of that element, I was happy.

Anna, not that I want to start a huge dialogue on what makes a good writer, I don't see any problem with Meyer's writing ability, although I have heard that said many times. (Shrugs). I feel that I've read plenty of books so that I know what I consider good and not so good writing, and Meyer is in the first category for me. I also think it depends on what kinds of writing appeals to a reader, and for me, what I feel like reading. Like I said, dry, emotionless writing does nothing for me, no matter how technically perfect it is. Since these books are told through Bella's eyes, I feel that the composition reflects the way a person might think, not necessarily rigid, formal use of grammar.

Christine Great review!

To respond to someone's post, I think all the animosity and vitriol for the books comes as a backlash to the teen-girl/ tween-girl phenomenon that has become twilight. When something becomes it's own brand and seems to be everywhere and accompanied by annoying high-pitched screams of delight it gets a little annoying. It the same reason people get a kick out of watching poor Justin Beiber get hit in the head with a water bottle. (ashamed to say I'm guilty as charged... sorry Beib..)

It's a sign of immaturity though in my opinion to sooo virulently want to distinguish yourself from annoying Twi-hards that you become just as annoying in your own Twi-bashing. Like this weekend, I was giggling with my friend in the bookstore at this Twilight themed "Vampire Knitting" book, I mean, really?? And this random lady turns around and passionately states, "OH! That book RUINED vampires!" Ooooo kaaaaay, Queen of the Middle Aged Goths, get over it. Glitter vampires are pretty fabulous in my opinion.

Sadly, I think the hype has prevented a lot of people from reading a really good, touching vamptastic love story that they would probably like.

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Christine. Gosh, how long have vampires been around? Two hundred years. And they will stay around, regardless of one person's version of vampires. I think it's impossible for one movie/book/show to ruin a genre. You either like that version of the folklore or you don't. I can't stand Smallville, but it doesn't ruin Superman for me. I just avoid watching that show.

Sharon Huxford Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to Edward

Sharon Huxford Of course you enjoyed Jacob and the wolf pack


 Danielle The Book Huntress Hi Sharon! I missed you. Of course you would come out to bash Edward and to give Jacob props!

Sharon Huxford he he he he Danielleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I missed you as well!

how are you?

 Danielle The Book Huntress Right now I'm tired. But over all, doing well!

Sharon Huxford Oh Happy Belated Birthday Danielle!

you are March as well right?

 Danielle The Book Huntress Thanks, Sharon. Yup my B-day is the 2nd of March.

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Lady Danielle "The Book Huntress" wrote: "Thanks, Ladies.

AH, I thought I'd be that way, but I wasn't. I was captivated, even with the lack of Edward."

So was I even tho I like them both very much. But I am mainly Team Bella. Going to Forks very soon! Can't wait. Today we saw Little Red Riding Hood at the theater....the wolf is a werewolf. I give it 5 stars.

Rachel awesome review like always :)

message 49: by Alexis (new)

Alexis Thompson I've never watched the movie before but to me Ms.Meyer has changed everyone's perspective about vampires. In the book they can go outside without anything but in some books they need rings or can't go in the sun period.There was a complete lack of quality exhibited by these vampires and no way at all reflects the traditional styling's of how vampires are suppose to be.The werewolves in this story aren't really werewolves they're shape shifters. The styling's of traditional shape shifters they are how they're suppose to be but not really with the exception of certain qualities in which they lack. Everyone that is a shape shifter has the same tattoo which kind of gives you a hint as to who was who. Moods are not the key pointers in shape shifting. In the story Jacob's friend gets mad and shape shifts into a werewolves.

message 50: by Chiz (new) - rated it 4 stars

Chiz I totally agree with you about Ms. Meyer's writing. I've only read the first version of Twilight and the draft script of Midnight Sun in the writer's HP. But both of them has taken me into the world of Twilight which is making a bit of a problem that I cannot make myself back to the real world after reading, for a while. I am surprised that there are so many negative words about this series, but for me, it is awesome! I love it too much, my feelings attach too much to Edward and Bella, that I feel like I'm living in their world!!

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