Federico DN's Reviews > The Third Man

The Third Man by Graham Greene
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bookshelves: classics, used-book, mystery, tbw

Can’t catch a break.

Occupied Vienna, 1945. Rollo Martins is a penniless author of cheap western novels barely scraping by, and always getting into incidents, especially with the ladies. His luck seemingly taking a good turn when his friend Harry Lime invites him to Vienna to spend some time. Rollo happily jumps at the opportunity and eagerly travels to meet his long esteemed friend, only to find him dead the day before. Dude can’t catch a break!

This was a fairly neat whodunit mystery. Not mind blowing by a long shot, yet not disappointing either. The Vienna of 1945 occupied by Soviet, American, British and French forces felt wildly contrived, but, to my surprise, bewildering realistic. Intermittently entertaining, occasionally amusing and sporadically funny. The characters and execution were done right, the ending left a bit to be desired. On the whole, just a sufficiently good enough novella to spend the time. Not a bad choice mind you, for a used book. You can always count on good ol’ Greene to give you a solid one.

*** Still remaining, the movie (1949)

[1949] [157p] [Mystery] [Conditional Recommendable] [Anna Schmidt]

★★★☆☆ The Third Man
★★★☆☆ Doctor Fischer of Geneva
★★★☆☆ The Return of A.J. Raffles [2.5]


Nunca una buena.

Viena ocupada, 1945. Rollo Martins es un pobre autor de novelas baratas del oeste apenas sobreviviendo el día a día, y siempre metiéndose en incidentes, especialmente con las señoritas. Su suerte parece tomar un cambio afortunado cuando su amigo Harry Lime lo invita a Viena a pasar un tiempo. Rollo felizmente toma la oportunidad y ansiosamente viaja para reencontrarse con su largamente estimado amigo, sólo para hallarlo muerto el día anterior. ¡Al tipo nunca le sale una!

Este fue un decentemente buen misterio de quién lo hizo. Por lejos nada que vuele la cabeza, pero no por eso decepcionante. La Viena de 1945 ocupada por fuerzas soviéticas, americanas, británicas y francesas se sintió increíblemente artificial, pero, para mi sorpresa, asombrosamente realista. Intermitentemente entretenida, ocasionalmente divertida y esporádicamente graciosa. Los personajes y ejecución estuvieron bien hechos, el final dejó un poco que desear. Dentro de todo, una novela corta suficientemente buena para pasar el rato. No una mala elección debo decir, para un libro usado. Siempre podés contar con el buen y viejo Greene para entregarte una sólida.

*** Queda pendiente, la película (1949)

[1949] [157p] [Misterio] [Recomendable Condicional] [Anna Schmidt]
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 94 (94 new)

message 1: by Ian (new) - rated it 4 stars

Ian Pretty good film as well Federico, though I know you aren't that keen on the old black and white movies. Great review!

message 2: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro Greene tended to be better known for his writing than his storytelling, and this appears to fall into that classification. Another excellent review, Federico!

Coco (Semi-Hiatus) Glad I'm not Rollo! That's some bad luck! Haha Glad it was a decent read overall. Great review, Federico!

Zoeb Kevin wrote: "Greene tended to be better known for his writing than his storytelling, and this appears to fall into that classification. Another excellent review, Federico!"

Don't quite agree with you, Kevin. His writing and storytelling skills were both quite solid and assured as of any great writer. There is a lot of depth to even a thriller like "The Third Man" and even in its pure linearity, it is quite compelling and still unpredictable.

Federico DN Ian wrote: "Pretty good film as well Federico, though I know you aren't that keen on the old black and white movies. Great review!"

Oh I have downloaded it already! By the amount of ratings it had I was surprised I had never heard of it before! Dunno when I'll watch it, but will definitely do. Thank you Ian :) !

message 6: by Federico (last edited Dec 06, 2023 11:03PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Kevin wrote: "Greene tended to be better known for his writing than his storytelling, and this appears to fall into that classification. Another excellent review, Federico!"

So far that has been the experience with all of his works lol. Thank you Kevin!

Federico DN Coco wrote: "Glad I'm not Rollo! That's some bad luck! Haha Glad it was a decent read overall. Great review, Federico!"

Always well decent with Greene so far lol. Thank you Coco!

message 8: by Federico (last edited Dec 06, 2023 11:14PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Zoeb wrote: "Don't quite agree with you, Kevin. His writing and storytelling skills were both quite solid and assured as of any great writer. There is a lot of depth to even a thriller like "The Third Man" and even..."

Regardless of the differences Zoeb, Greene is and always will be a solid classical author. His fame is very well deserved :)

Zoeb Federico wrote: "Zoeb wrote: "Don't quite agree with you, Kevin. His writing and storytelling skills were both quite solid and assured as of any great writer. There is a lot of depth to even a thriller like "The Th..."

I agree with you there unanimously. The reason that we are having this discussion is itself evidence to that fact.

Daren I liked this one with its quirky setting in triple occupied Vienna. Nice review Federico.

Federico DN Daren wrote: "I liked this one with its quirky setting in triple occupied Vienna. Nice review Federico."

Quirkiest setting indeed! Never knew of it before. Thank you Daren! Glad to see you enjoyed it too :) !

message 12: by Rowan (new)

Rowan Great review, Federico! Now I have the film score stuck in my head Haha I need to read more of these classics!

Federico DN Rowan wrote: "Great review, Federico! Now I have the film score stuck in my head Haha I need to read more of these classics!"

Oh now I can't to watch the movie and hear it lol. Thank you Rowan! A classic every now and then never hurt anyone methinks :p

message 14: by Zoeb (new) - rated it 5 stars

Zoeb Zoeb wrote: "Kevin wrote: "Greene tended to be better known for his writing than his storytelling, and this appears to fall into that classification. Another excellent review, Federico!"

Don't quite agree with..."

Forgive my snobbery about Greene, Kevin. I just end up believing that I am his greatest admirer. Forgive my comments, dear friend.

message 15: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Ansbro Zoeb wrote: "Forgive my snobbery about Greene, Kevin. I just end up believing that I am his greatest admirer. Forgive my comments, dear friend...."

Hey, don't sweat it, Zoeb. As you can see I am actually a big fan of Graham Green's stylish prose. *Big hug!*
I have the same snobbery about Márquez and Rushdie, wishing that everyone would love their storytelling as much as I do. : )

message 16: by Thibault (new)

Thibault Busschots The historic setting sounds like the best part of this book, with a solid mystery to keep you reading. Good review, Federico.

message 17: by Karen (new)

Karen Fantastic review Federico! 🙂 I’ve never considered Graham Greene as an author I should try (for no reason really) but your review makes me think it’s worth it.

message 18: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Hanes Great review, Federico!! I’m glad this was a decent whodunnit mystery for you. If you do watch the movie, I hope you enjoy that as well! :)

Federico DN Thibault wrote: "The historic setting sounds like the best part of this book, with a solid mystery to keep you reading. Good review, Federico."

Actually that crazy setting was the only thing that kinda threw me off lol. So weird xD. Thank you Thibault!

message 20: by Federico (last edited Dec 07, 2023 04:16AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Karen wrote: "Fantastic review Federico! 🙂 I’ve never considered Graham Greene as an author I should try (for no reason really) but your review makes me think it’s worth it."

His reputation speaks for himself. I think he's worth checking out sometime, if only for curiosity's sake, although still haven't read any of this most acclaimed works. Thank you Karen :) !

Federico DN Rachel wrote: "Great review, Federico!! I’m glad this was a decent whodunnit mystery for you. If you do watch the movie, I hope you enjoy that as well! :)"

I hear it's even better than the book, but we'll soon see lol. Thank you Rachel :D !

message 22: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp Sounds quite fun; I find stories about someone who is always down on their luck pretty charming for some reason haha

Federico DN Imme [hiatus] wrote: "Sounds quite fun; I find stories about someone who is always down on their luck pretty charming for some reason haha"

Somehow I can see you liking it Imme. Well, maybe lol. Good luck if you go for it ;)

message 24: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha As long as it entertains! Hope the movie will also be good. Superb review, Federcio. Sadly, lands being colonized by multiple countries at once is a part of our dark history.

Federico DN Srivalli wrote: "As long as it entertains! Hope the movie will also be good. Superb review, Federcio. Sadly, lands being colonized by multiple countries at once is a part of our dark history."

Thank you Srivalli! I hear the movie is quite good, but we'll see. I'm really not a fan of B&W xD

message 26: by Tina (new)

Tina Glad you enjoyed it. They can't all be, "knock your socks off" stories. Great review Fedo 😊

Federico DN Tina wrote: "Glad you enjoyed it. They can't all be, "knock your socks off" stories. Great review Fedo 😊"

Thank you Tina! Greene has never knocked my socks off, but he's been always good ;)

Carrot :3 (on a hiatus) Nice review! Sounds interesting. Sad it wasn’t a 5 star read :/

message 29: by Barbara (new)

Barbara I have yet to read Greene although his books have been on my TBR list for a long time. Maybe this won't be the one I will begin with. Enjoyed your review, Federico. Your three stars are well supported.

Federico DN Carrot :3 (trying to keep up) wrote: "Nice review! Sounds interesting. Sad it wasn’t a 5 star read :/"

Thank you Carrot! 5 stars are an extremely rare breed, I content myself with 3 or 4 :p

message 31: by Federico (last edited Dec 07, 2023 08:17AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Barbara wrote: "I have yet to read Greene although his books have been on my TBR list for a long time. Maybe this won't be the one I will begin with. Enjoyed your review, Federico. Your three stars are well suppor..."

Yup this is probably not the best one to start with; I mean Greene is always good but this is not one of his most acclaimed works. Thank you Barbara :) !

message 32: by P.B. (new) - added it

P.B. Flower Another great review, Federico. The plot seems interesting. Sometimes I like when the end leaves me desiring more. Depends on the unsaid intrigue. If the main thing got a closure, I am ok.

Federico DN P.B. wrote: "Another great review, Federico. The plot seems interesting. Sometimes I like when the end leaves me desiring more. Depends on the unsaid intrigue. If the main thing got a closure, I am ok."

I think the ending was underwhelming more than anything, but oh well, it happens. Overall it's good :). Thank you PB!

message 34: by Debra (new)

Debra Fantastic review, Federico!

Federico DN Debra wrote: "Fantastic review, Federico!"

Thank you, Debra!

message 36: by Jim (new)

Jim Ef I really like the movie, didn't't know there is a book. I looked it up and it tuns out the movie came first. Greene wrote a novella but not to be published. Only to help him set the atmosphere etc. Then he wrote the screen play. I guess due to the success they decided to publish the book after all under the same name. Thank you for your review Frederico, got me looking up interesting things.

message 37: by Kay (new)

Kay Glad you enjoyed this novella, great review!!🤩

message 38: by Ruben (new)

Ruben Not the greatest ending, then! I haven't particularly read anything by Greene. Great review as usual, Federico! :)

message 39: by Ian (new)

Ian Slater There was a British radio drama produced 1952-52, starring Orson Welles, as “The Adventures of Harry Lime,” broadcast in the US as The Lives of Harry Lime.” I remember listening to it in the 1960s, as part of a radio drama revival of sorts on a Los Angeles station. It was accompanied by “The Shadow,” and “The Green Hornet,” and, I think, “The Black Museum.” Pretty entertaining, all killed off by television in the US at least.

Federico DN Jim wrote: "I really like the movie, didn't't know there is a book. I looked it up and it tuns out the movie came first. Greene wrote a novella but not to be published. Only to help him set the atmosphere etc...."

Thank you Jim! Yes, I hear this novella was a preliminary thing of sorts, and the movie went its own way so it's not entirely faithful to it. Sadly haven't watched the movie yet so can't tell you for sure. Glad I could help! And good to know the movie is something good to look forward to :)

Federico DN Kay ❅*̩̩͙‧͙꙳⋆⍋⍋⋆꙳‧͙*̩̩͙❆ wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this novella, great review!!🤩"

Thank you Kay :D!

message 42: by Federico (last edited Dec 07, 2023 10:06AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Ruben wrote: "Not the greatest ending, then! I haven't particularly read anything by Greene. Great review as usual, Federico! :)"

Yes, kind of underwhelming actually. Still good, considering. I don't regret reading it. Thank you Ruben :) !

message 43: by Ian (new)

Ian Slater Oh yes. Orson Welles also figured in The Black Museum and some seasons of The Shadow (confirmed through Wikipedia, which covers all of the programs).

message 44: by Federico (last edited Dec 07, 2023 10:10AM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Federico DN Ian wrote: "There was a British radio drama produced 1952-52, starring Orson Welles, as “The Adventures of Harry Lime,” broadcast in the US as The Lives of Harry Lime...

"Oh yes. Orson Welles also figured in The Black Museum and some seasons of The Shadow (confirmed through Wikipedia, which covers all of the programs)."

Oh cool! Never knew of any of those shows. Good to know Ian!

message 45: by Dmitri (new)

Dmitri The movie is great!

message 46: by Alexandra (new)

Alexandra I really liked the movie, but haven't read the book. Might be nice... Very good review, Federico!

message 47: by Pam (new)

Pam I agree with Dmitri. One of those cases where the movie topped the book.

Federico DN Dmitri wrote: "The movie is great!"

Yay! Have to watch it asap!

Federico DN Alexandra wrote: "I really liked the movie, but haven't read the book. Might be nice... Very good review, Federico!"

Everyone has watched the movie but me, always late to the party lol xD. Thank you Alexandra!

Federico DN Pam wrote: "I agree with Dmitri. One of those cases where the movie topped the book."

So few cases of that, but it happens!

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