mich's Reviews > Sweet Home

Sweet Home by Tillie Cole
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I have only one real life friend who loves to read as much as I do (just one, isn't that crazy?! What the hell does everyone else do with their free time??) Anyway, every once in awhile she'll recommend a book to me that I absolutely MUST read and it always comes with her standard endorsement of "OMG this is the best book evarrrr!!!" Lol, I love her enthusiasm, and actually, I just plain love her to pieces. Problem is, I effing hate her book recs.

"What's up, bitches? Are we headin' to this jig or what? I wanna see what prime beef is on offer. Mama's taco needs a good ol' fillin'."

If you think these are humorous, believable lines, then please by all means read this book. If, however, you thought that piece of dialogue was stupid as fuck (like I did), then I advise you to run away from this book – fast.

I lost count of how many times I screamed in my head, “WHO TALKS LIKE THIS?!?” Jesus, the dialogue was awful, terrible, fucking horrendous! NO ONE talks like these people, the whole thing was a total joke. Even if this had been the best plotted story, I still could not have liked it simply because of the dumbass dialogue.

Also, this was not the best plotted story. Not even close. In case you couldn’t tell from the subtle hints in the blurb, Sweet Home is a story that appears to be inspired by William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. It makes me cringe to think that this well-known tale of star-crossed lovers has been used in any way whatsoever to inspire this piece of work laden with cheesy circumstances, stupid dialogue, and weak characterizations overflowing with over the top stereotypes. And Shakespeare is probably rolling over in his grave right now and wondering-- ok, I am so NOT gonna finish this sentence. I had typed out what I was thinking and realized it was too much, so I’m letting the delete key do its job. (I’ll just say it had to do with a taco and leave it at that.)

This is the 3rd book in a row that my friend recommended to me that I hated, and I’m really sad that it seems like we’re starting to just have different tastes. In the past, we’ve had fierce love for several of the same books, like The Opportunist and Angelfall, but in the last year things have taken a different turn. (And it goes both ways too: she asked me why I hated her and if I was literally trying to kill her with boredom when I had her read The Burning Sky, lol.) Oh well, all I can say is, thank god for goodreads.

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December 9, 2013 – Shelved
April 30, 2014 – Started Reading
April 30, 2014 –
0.0% "You're interrupting my planned TBR queue, book. You better be good."
May 4, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-36 of 36 (36 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Wait, his name is Romeo Prince??? He's not blond is he? Mich, I see this in your future:

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Omg, I completely missed the fact that the girl's name is Molly Shakespeare *rofl* You have to finish this book so I can live vicariously through you. (and if you're really loving this book, ignore my comments... a rose by any other name would smell as sweet and all that)

message 3: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

seriously can't stop laughing right now, aaaahhh! :)

message 4: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich ok, it took me so long to stop laughing to finish typing my reply back to you that I missed your 2nd comment.
No, you are right, the blurb is ridiculous. But I promised I would read this, so I'm gonna :P

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ I can't stop laughing either! Gah! Dis gon b gud ;)

message 6: by -ya (new) - added it

-ya omg! This gif is lmao! Kira, you are brilliant!

message 7: by Maida (new)

Maida Hilarious!!!

message 8: by -ya (last edited May 04, 2014 07:21PM) (new) - added it

-ya You actually managed to finish this novel!!!!??!!!
Great review, btw:) Totally agreed!

message 9: by mich (last edited May 04, 2014 07:34PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

mich It was hard, but I managed :P You had the right idea though with the dnf. (and thanks!) :)

message 10: by Bailey (new)

Bailey Mama's taco needs a good ol' fillin'

Oh. My. God.


message 11: by Maida (new)

Maida mich wrote: "It was hard, but I managed :P You had the right idea though with the dnf. (and thanks!) :)"

Mich, I'm sorry that it was such a terrible read for you. :( I can empathize. I've read more 1-star novels this year than I have in the past 5 years combined. It's incredible what passes for "literature" these days. I truly hope that your next novel is an enjoyable one!!! BTW, thanks so much for the wonderful review. :)

message 12: by lisa (new)

lisa Romeo Prince?! My god, what kind of parents named their kid that?

That dialogue killed me. NOPE.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

You make me laugh so hard. I'm sorry you had to read this book, buuuuut, I'm kinda with your friend on Burning Sky. That book almost killed me with boredom too HA!

message 14: by Tandie (new)

Tandie Still stunned by Mama's taco. Ewwwww!

ShellTheBelle LOOL! I so get you Sista!

I have a friend exactly the same as yours!! All the time she will rave about the latest book she has read, she will come to our book club meeting and bang on about it so much and how good it was that I fall for it almost the time and immediately download it to my kindle, only to almost always be disappointed.

Latest one was Love's Suicide and I am almost scared to write a review because I dont want to upset her - then another of the book club buddies read it and they loved it too and I'm thinking Is it just me? so then I have to go read other low star reviews just so that I know I'm not alone!!

Just now I have downloaded Fractured rec by the same two buddies - wish me luck!

I like it though how we can all read the same book differently, I always say if I FR someone or if they add me that it will almost definitely be the case that we will disagree on books etc but then I love the banter that goes with it, so long as it is light hearted and no one takes offence it't all good.

Better luck next time! BTW I loved Until You and I see you have read Bully and didnt really like? I didnt like that one much either but Until You, from Jared's POV is so much better.

Anway. great review hun! :)

message 16: by mich (last edited May 05, 2014 02:02AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

mich @Bailey, Lisa and Tandie - I admit I took one of the more excessively stupid quotes from the book, but still -- it WAS in there. And I read another review that actually pulled the exact same quote too, so yeah, it definitely does make an impression, lol.

@Maida - I'm sorry to hear of your bad run with crappy books as well! Let's hope for the best with our next reads! :)

@Kira - I totally understand about The Burning Sky. For some reason though, YA fantasy is the one genre that I don't get easily bored with, especially if it has a well-done girl character. It's one of my many weaknesses :)

@Danae - Thank you!

@Shell - yes, I agree about how it can be fun to disagree about books with friends :) My RL friend and I do it pretty often nowadays, and it always makes for interesting conversations.

And yup, I didn't care much for Bully. I remembered it being pretty engrossing as I read it, but Jared ended up kind of killing it for me so his POV book doesn't appeal to me too much :P

Btw, I just read that blurb for Fractured and it sounds interesting! Hope it works out (I'll be keeping an eye out for your review) :)

message 17: by Ash Wednesday (last edited May 05, 2014 02:07AM) (new)

Ash Wednesday I have very few RL friends who have the same preferences as I do. I recommended Succubus Blues to one of them and she dnf-ed it! Sacrilege! Then again I haven't made good on my promise to her that I'd give Twilight a go so...

Though I might imagine that line to be mildly amusing depending on the context (i.e. Is she a luchador? I dunno, maybe I can forgive that horrid quote if it comes from a luchador. Who looks like Jack Black. Digression: are there female luchadors? I'm way distracted, I'm sorry), the whole Romeo and Juliet trope doesn't really make a story palatable to me anyway.

ShellTheBelle Ash Wednesday wrote: "I have very few RL friends who have the same preferences as I do. I recommended Succubus Blues to one of them and she dnf-ed it! Sacrilege! Then again I haven't made good on my promis..."

LOOOL !! As for Twilight, I would say if you ever do try it, do so with an open mind; almost everyone says how Edward is creepy etc (does creepy things like watches Bella while she sleeps - and she doesnt know, controlling etc) but HEY! *spoiler alert* he's a bloody vampire, they're supposed to be creeepy!!

I dont usually like YA fantasy, I can watch it, but I cant read it, if that makes sense, like scy-fy in general, I love to watch a good scy-fy, but I just cant bear to read them, but Twilight, I really did end up enjoying it a lot. However be aware that the first book is a bit tedious, but the others are well worth a go.!

message 19: by mich (last edited May 05, 2014 03:39AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Ash Wednesday wrote: "I have very few RL friends who have the same preferences as I do. I recommended Succubus Blues to one of them and she dnf-ed it! Sacrilege! Then again I haven't made good on my promis..."

Omg Ash, LOL!!! :) The girl who said it was supposed to just be a regular college girl with a supposedly strong identity, on her way to a sorority party (she was one of the MC's roommates), not Nacho Libre. I'm guessing the author thinks American college girls just talk like this regularly :P

And I really must read Succubus Blues! You love the series so much, I feel like I'm already predisposed to liking it too :)

Stephanie Oh wow, I cannot believe you read the entire book. You are a better woman than I am because I had to peace out after the first classroom scene. Thanks for taking one for the team though. Your review was really fun to read!

message 21: by Bailey (new)

Bailey Tandie wrote: "Still stunned by Mama's taco. Ewwwww!"


message 22: by Bailey (new)

Bailey Ash Wednesday wrote: "I have very few RL friends who have the same preferences as I do. I recommended Succubus Blues to one of them and she dnf-ed it! Sacrilege! Then again I haven't made good on my promis..."

Whaaaaaat! She gave up on Seth?!?! So sad.

message 23: by Amanda (new)

Amanda at least u have one real life friend who do. I had none and my friends think I'm inhuman.

message 24: by Ash Wednesday (last edited May 05, 2014 09:39PM) (new)

Ash Wednesday Bailey wrote: "Whaaaaaat! She gave up on Seth?!?! So sad. "

I know! And she's all into this New Age-y stuff (view spoiler) I can't believe she didn't love it :(

mich wrote: "Ash Wednesday wrote: "I have very few RL friends who have the same preferences as I do. I recommended Succubus Blues to one of them and she dnf-ed it! Sacrilege! Then again I haven't ..."

Well I've been wrong before but I rarely re-read nowadays, I made time to re-read that one because the envy just became unbearable :) i hope you like it when you get around to giving it a shot!

Shell The Belle wrote: "."

I've added that in a quarterly reading challenge so I HAVE to read that before next month at the latest. I'm both scared to like it and not like it. Go figure :)

message 25: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Stephanie wrote: "Oh wow, I cannot believe you read the entire book. You are a better woman than I am because I had to peace out after the first classroom scene. Thanks for taking one for the team though. Your r..."

If I didn’t feel so obligated to read this, I’d have quit at that exact same place too. I agree, anyone could tell already - even from that early on - that this was gonna be a bad one :P

message 26: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Perfect gif Bailey!!! :)

message 27: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Amanda wrote: "at least u have one real life friend who do. I had none and my friends think I'm inhuman."

I know, I do feel really lucky to have her! I totally would not be able talk books with any of my other friends, they’d just look at me funny. So no matter how I may complain, I will always read books with her just to talk about them, cuz it's fun :). I wish she’d get her butt on Goodreads too, I think she’d love the NA reader community on here.

Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ Yeah . . . for once in my life, I actually read the preview chapters before one-clicking, and they were so bad that I still remember them.

ShellTheBelle Ash Wednesday wrote: "Bailey wrote: "Whaaaaaat! She gave up on Seth?!?! So sad. "

I know! And she's all into this New Age-y stuff [spoilers removed] I can't believe she didn't love it :(

mich wrote: "Ash Wednesday wro..."

LOL like I said, the first book is a bit tedious, but it gets way better. Im going to do a re-read myself when Ive got through some ARCs etc. Hey, why are we not friends? Let me do something about that !

message 30: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Jessica (Rabid Reads) wrote: "Yeah . . . for once in my life, I actually read the preview chapters before one-clicking, and they were so bad that I still remember them."

Smart move, Jessica :) I'm going to try to be better about doing that myself from now on. My trigger finger is so fast though :P

message 31: by Anna (new) - rated it 3 stars

Anna i wasnt a fan of the book either i had a read it all before vibe while reading it and i didnt feel the plots were well developed enough and Romeo felt forced to me like she tried to hard to make him the obssesed alpha bad boy

message 32: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Lian92 wrote: "i wasnt a fan of the book either i had a read it all before vibe while reading it and i didnt feel the plots were well developed enough and Romeo felt forced to me like she tried to hard to make h..."

I agree, and that sums it up really well! :)

message 33: by Kim (new)

Kim  *Mo Chridhe* Oh gawd. I can't stop laughing at your review and the comments that followed. What I would give to have a friend like yours to humor me. I have two real life friends who read: one is addicted to celebrity-penned books (yes, even Snooki's and the Kardashians') and one only reads types like Jose Saramago, Ian McEwan and Junot Diaz. And they look at my YA, Fantasy and Romance books and question my choices. Thank God for Goodreads indeed!

message 34: by mich (new) - rated it 1 star

mich Kim wrote: "Oh gawd. I can't stop laughing at your review and the comments that followed. What I would give to have a friend like yours to humor me. I have two real life friends who read: one is addicted to ce..."

Heehee, so I take it that you never made a deal with your friend that you’d read Snooki’s book if she read one of your YA books? ;) hehe, yeah, everyone else’s comments on here cracked me up too, it made the memory of reading this book much more bearable than it otherwise would have been! :)

message 35: by Kim (new)

Kim  *Mo Chridhe* mich wrote: "Heehee, so I take it that you never made a deal with your friend that you’d read Snooki’s book if she read one of your YA books? ;) hehe, yeah, everyone else’s comments on here cracked me up too, it made the memory of reading this book much more bearable than it otherwise would have been! :) "

Ugh. I hate Snooki but that might not be such a bad idea :)

Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦ rofl... I especially loved that scene where the heroine was pushed into a table and proceeded to have a miscarriage in front of a room full of people. (not) I was like "fuck ya'll, I'm outa here, DNF"

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