Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies's Reviews > Killing Ruby Rose

Killing Ruby Rose by Jessie Humphries
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Even when I was little, I knew I wasn’t like everyone else. Sure, I had the clothes and the shoes and the general skills to win superficial popularity points. In the last couple years, I’d managed to get involved in stuff like debate and student government, but I’d never managed to be, well, normal.
I've read a lot of terrible YA detective novels and this book would fit in perfectly among those unholy terrors. When I saw a YA criminal-investigation book by an actual attorney, I had high hopes, hopes that were, needless to say, dashed to the ground.

I do not doubt the author's credentials in the least. I do not doubt her intelligence, I'm sure she's 1000x smarter than I am (they don't give law degrees to idiots), but this book was absolutely terrible.

The YA detective novel is a difficult thing to write, the author has to:

- Make the situations believable

- Give the main character credibility in her actions

- Portray her methods realistically, this is, after all, an under-aged character we're talking about)

- Not make the actual police and prosecuting attorneys look like incompetent, bumbling fools.

This book failed on all fronts.

The Summary:
Totally normal girls don’t wear four-inch Prada heels to the library, or stalk criminals, or wear four-inch Prada heels while stalking criminals.
17-year old Ruby Rose is something else. She's got a 4.0 GPA, she's a gray-eyed blonde, she can fit a cellphone, makeup, several small kittens, in between her breasts (known as "The Cleave")...
I felt for the picture of the girl hidden in The Cleave. Next to my other important stuff—cell phone, lip gloss—she was there.
...and she's famous!
My virginity wasn’t exactly a secret. One of those trashy magazines had even broadcast it in an article called “Ruby Rose: The Virgin Vigilante.”
Ruby's SWAT sergeant father was killed in action, and ever since his death, Ruby has been determined to mete out justice on his behalf. In her Prada peep-toe shoes.

Ruby Rose isn't your average 17-year old, no sir. She's got a closet (named Gladys) full of designer shoes that she can consult for help.
I needed a few moments with my oldest and dearest friend: Gladys—aka my shoe closet.
Happy to see me, too, Gladys and all her Pips stood at attention for my entry—except for my tan Dolce & Gabbana Catwoman boots, which had to be neatly hung to avoid damage or creases. I had to take care of my Sleeping Beauties.
“Gladys, I need help.” My words echoed into the space.
She's got a Black SUV called Big Black...
Big Black, my overly tinted SUV and current best friend.
Not to mention, at the tiny age of 17, Ruby Rose somehow fucking got a license to carry a concealed weapon. Of course, that license to carry is meaningless without a gun, right? Oh, she's got one, too, named Smith.
I looked down at the shimmering weapon—aka Smith, my .38 Special Revolver with built-in laser sight that I’d gotten for my Sweet Sixteenth.
Is there anything Ruby Rose doesn't name?

Ruby Rose can kick! She can fight! She can shoot! She's trained---at the ripe old age of 17---in the SWAT obstacle courses. She can hack into the Orange County Police Department's criminal system!! And all she wants to do is bring justice to the criminals who have escaped the system! But not kill them, no.

It's not ok to kill: Ruby Rose doesn't believe in killing.
“Liam, it’s never OK to kill,” I said flatly. I had good reason to do it, sure, but that didn’t make it “OK.”
Right. So it's just a little confusing when she kills not once...
I pulled the trigger.
The deafening gunshot rang out.
The world changed into a black-and-white movie with a river of red flowing all around me.
A ruby-red river of my own making.
Not twice.
I aimed for the largest target area and pulled the trigger. His chest ripped open and his body lost momentum. He would never fight again.
Not three times.
I renewed my grip on the knife and slashed once as hard as I could, until I felt the blade slide through tissue and hit bone. He went limp.
Oh, god, I lost track of the number of people that Ruby-I-Don't-Believe-In-Killing-People killed.
“Things have long been out of control, Liam. I have killed, or been responsible for...” I stopped to count with my fingers. “Seven deaths now. Seven!”
Killers don't faint! Definitely not. Ruby Rose is SO competent, right? She's killed so many people (while not believing in killing), she's trained her entire life to be a bad-ass motherfucker by her police dad. So naturally, in these situations, Ruby Rose would never do anything so silly as to...faint...right?
A falling sensation rushed over me, and a sickening crack echoed through my skull.
Shit. Ok. That was just once. That was just a fluke reaction in a school cafeteria, a visceral reaction to something. Surely she would never lose control of the situation and faint again...
And I was losing consciousness.
Fuck! Ok, that was a bad example. She got caught unaware and poison-darted on the beach because she was canoodling with lover boy. She will NEVER, EVER faint again. Seriously. Never.
My world quickly spun out from under me. Swirling. Darkness. Pain. The last thing I saw was Liam, still on the ground, soundlessly calling out my name.
OK, THAT WAS SERIOUSLY NOT HER FAULT. I mean, what kind of teen vigilante would expect a criminal to come up behind her and get caught unaware anyway. Who does that?! That's the last time. EVER.
A jarring pain stabbed through my chest, and a coughing fit brought me back to reality.
The last thing I felt was being carried away in the arms of a strong man.
That was...I don't know. I mean, whatever. Let's move on now >_<

Fine. The fainting thing was a bad example. Despite all her fainting, Ruby Rose of the 4.0 GPA is supremely intelligent. Not idiotic in the least. A teen vigilante so well-educated, so well-prepared as Ruby would never do anything dumb.
He’d done it again. He wanted to toy with me. And I’d been stupid, impatient, and impetuous enough to walk right into his trap.
Crap. Ok, that was just one example. Surely, having killed so many criminals, having tracked so many of them down, Ruby would never...
Ha, I was insane. I was about to sneak out of my nice safe home and go looking for a rapist to convince him to help me. Real smart, Ruby. Best idea ever.

I give up.

The Setting: This book takes place in Huntington Beach, California, in Huntington Beach High School. It could have fooled me. I grew up 5 minutes away from Huntington Beach, California. I still live around there now. I didn't get any sense of place, any sense of location at all in the setting. There were places that were just names. The Huntington Beach Pier, Pacific Coast Highway. I love those places. I drive down there. I take long leisurely summer drives down PCH for sushi with my little sister. I went to high school in Huntington Beach. It's a beautiful town. I'm not quite sure what school Huntington Beach High School has become when in the book, teenagers have "group sex parties" and teachers ditch class to go surfing on high surf days. It's fucking Huntington Beach. People go to the beach year-round. HBHS students are stoners, at worst >_> (can you tell my high school was rivals with them?)

This book might as well have taken place in any generic beach town anywhere in the world. I didn't feel any authentic sense of the city.

Ruby Rose: Bafflingly inconsistent. She doesn't believe in killing, but somehow she still does it. She's intelligent, yet she constantly walks into fucking stupid situations, and allows herself to be baited into killing people (which is against her beliefs! Gasp!). She's SOOOOOOOOO fucking perfect, yet she constantly puts herself down. Really, it sucks that her father died, but do you really expect us to relate to a 5-million-dollar-trust-fund blond-haired silver-eyed, buxom 4.0 GPA high school student who's got a closet full of designer shoes, who drives a GMC Denali.

Who's got the attention of the hottest boy in school, a cheery best friend, the ability to shoot and kick-ass in karate, and a District Attorney mother (whom she hates for some fucking reason)?

Excuse me while I play the world's smallest fucking violin for Ruby. Trouble doesn't come looking for her, she seeks it out, and she cries fucking crocodile tears when things don't go her way.

Oh, and her mother. Her poor District Attorney mother. Her cougar mother who checks out her boyfriend. Her Botoxed, Restylaned mother. How dare she seek out a career as a politician. How dare she not ignore her own ambition. Fuck that bitch, right, Ruby Rose?

The Writing: Oh my god, so much name-dropping. From TMZ (SO MANY MENTIONS OF TMZ)
“How about that I killed somebody,” I said. “I’m a Vigilante Teen Assassin. At least that’s what TMZ called me."
To UGGs (I can hardly keep track of the shoe brands in this book).

To the extremely silly technological references that just sounds completely fucking absurd, even to an actual geek like me. People who like computers don't actually think in computer-speak!

- “So what about Taylor?” I asked, wondering why my brain had brought her up at a time like this. It was like my logical brain had a firewall and was trying to override the invading emotions.

- I wasn’t drinking her Very Cherry Kool-Aid. And I definitely wasn’t getting the message she was trying to send. Like the physical contact had created a spam filter and her message was just going to the junk file.

To the long, pointless, rambling extended metaphors.
I stared at his lips. Were they telling the truth? Or were they like chocolate—promising happiness, providing a few moments of heaven, then ultimately betraying me, going behind my back and putting junk in the trunk?
It didn’t seem like a fair choice. Chocolate had total power over me—there was no denying my addiction to the dark, creamy crack. Those few moments of bliss were always enough for me to disregard the consequences. So, even if Liam was only chocolate, I wanted to taste a piece.
The Romance: Liam. Handsome Liam. Liam who might be a killer.
It didn’t seem like a fair choice. Chocolate had total power over me—there was no denying my addiction to the dark, creamy crack. Those few moments of bliss were always enough for me to disregard the consequences. So, even if Liam was only chocolate, I wanted to taste a piece.
The Romance: Liam. Handsome Liam. Liam who might be a killer.
“I nearly killed my father,” he said point-blank, staring at his hands as if they might still have blood on them.
Oh, but it's fine that he beat the crap out of his dad! It's just self-defense!
“Protecting yourself would be calling the police, not taking a baseball bat and putting your own father in a coma for seven days.”
“You don’t know all the facts,” I said, a little thrown by the baseball-bat thing. Liam hadn’t mentioned that detail, and I flinched at the image of him beating his father.
*slow clap* Good fucking job, Ruby Rose.

Recommended for people who love stabbing themselves in the eye.
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May 1, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
May 1, 2014 – Shelved
Started Reading
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: ya
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: why-do-i-hate-myself
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: tstl
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: shits-and-giggles
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: romance
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: mystery
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: mary-sue
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: high-school
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: detective
May 8, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 71 (71 new)

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ The authors profile... "About Me"
"Half-witted Writer"

ally  ¯\(ツ)/¯ SHE SAID IT!

message 3: by Katherine (new)

Katherine That's what she said. How much fail are we talking about? I wasted two hours of my life fail or I just lost some IQ points fail?

message 4: by Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies (last edited May 08, 2014 09:13PM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Only slightly better than Dear Killer.

And that book was written by a 17-year old.

I'd say 85% I-wasted-two-hours-of-my-life-fail and 15% I-just-lost-some-IQ fail.

message 5: by Jenna (new)

Jenna Was Ruby Rose a stripper?

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies No, a 4.0 student with the idiocy of a 7-year old playing detective.

message 7: by Jenna (new)

Jenna Khanh (Destroyer of Dreams) wrote: "No, a 4.0 student with the idiocy of a 7-year old playing detective."

Oh boy, one of those. I'll pass!

Nasty Lady MJ Well, considering that most law schools only require one criminal law class where most of the time is spent learning the difference between burglary and larceny its not that surprising.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Considering the fact that you're a lawyer yourself, I'll take your word for it :D

message 10: by Kribu (new) - added it

Kribu Dammit. I have this one.

message 11: by Tara (new) - rated it 3 stars

Tara I went to her book signing a few days ago is it that bad?

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Kribu: So sorry :P

Tara: Yes, it was.

Kit: /facepalm. I didn't do that. I only saw that she was an attorney.

Killer: Enjoy!

message 13: by Carmen (new) - added it

Carmen Khanh - sometimes I read a one-star review by you and it leaves me with a desire to read the book. ... Something is wrong with me...

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies WHO SAYS NEGATIVE REVIEWS DON'T SELL BOOKS? XP

This is one of those so-bad-it's-good book at times.

message 15: by Shinjini (new)

Shinjini Why is she rambling about chocolate?! And why name your main character with a 4.0 GPA, Ruby Rose?!

Alas, some questions shall never be answered.

Loved the review. Passing on the book. Pretty sure I would hate it. :P

message 16: by Christyn (new)

Christyn Wow - Ruby sounds so... unbelievable (and so creative with the 'names' she gives everything - does she name her shoes too? And whats up with all the shoes anyway, when you say consults do you mean she actually talks to the shoes? I wonder if she actually expects them to answer. - I probably couldn't tell a Prada from a Payless brand, well not unless I could see the label). The whole story just sounds like some kind of alternate reality I have no interest in joining. I just know I want to stay very far away from this book.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Shinjini: Thank you! Good decision :P

Kit: I just realized, that out of context, that quote is REALLY, REALLY DIRTY. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. EW.

Christyn: She talks to her shoe closet to choose a shoe that will bring her spiritual peace *rols her eyes*. And yes, she names her shoes. Her Pradas are "Penelope." And no, that's not the name of the shoe by Prada. I googled :P

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies I can't speak for my own bras, being a sad A cup (B on a good day), but I've seen some bras that could double as bulletproof vests.

message 19: by Christyn (new)

Christyn Shoes = spiritual peace, really? *joins in eye rolling* Because there is no deeper spiritual enlightenment than that found in shoes. I can only guess at what she'd name her baby - "Baby", "Babs".

message 20: by Yzabel (new)

Yzabel Ginsberg I must confess to naming a lot of things, so I won't hold this agains the character.

(Seriously. I named all my computers, for starters, ranging from Fafnir to Malkhut to Naotalba, but that's just normal and useful on a network anyway. My deep-freezer is called Fimbulvetr. My car had a name, but like all my cars, it ended up being the Yzmobile. I haven't got to naming my shoes yet, though, so I guess there's still hope for me?)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies I name my computer/external drive/laptop and iPod. And some spiders in my bathroom, but that's all!

message 22: by Kribu (new) - added it

Kribu The brand-name dropping is obnoxious when done in fanfic written by 13-year-olds and it sounds like it's no less obnoxious here. Urgh.

Are there any redeeming features to this at all?

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

'The Cleave' wtf?

message 24: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Monroe I've seen women with big breasts, but I doubt you could cram a cell phone in between there. No matter how slim Apple makes them.

message 25: by Yzabel (new)

Yzabel Ginsberg Natalie wrote: "I've seen women with big breasts, but I doubt you could cram a cell phone in between there. No matter how slim Apple makes them."

You can, but it's really socially awkward at best to take it out. Not to mention other people *will* notice it stuck there. *rolls eyes*

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

"Totally normal girls don’t wear four-inch Prada heels to the library, or stalk criminals, or wear four-inch Prada heels while stalking criminals."

Eh. Idk. There's this major market thingy - think heaps of fruit, yelling, buying, fish and people - lots and lots of people. And I swear I caught like 3 people wearing insanely high heels. Honestly, I think they took a wrong turn and accidentally came to the markets instead of some runway or something.


message 27: by Marc (new)

Marc Jones This book is the most "eye ball roll" inducing review ever.
It does however make me wonder if she names the bullets in "smith" so that they have someones name on them :)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Kribu: No insta-love. That's the only thing. There were plenty of minor annoyances that I didn't mention as well.

Greentea: I should name my cleavage too. Oh, wait. I have to have one in the first place.

Natalie: I've seen it happen, but those women are usually D cups and above, and 80% of the time, they are tremendously overweight or fake. And just plain tacky.

Innocent Lamb: I have to confess to loving high heels. I wear them grocery shopping, etc, but if I were a private investigator? Heeeeell no. She runs in them, too.

Marc: Oh god, I'm thankful she didn't.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

HOLY..... How the hell do you run in high heels???? I can hardly walk in them.

On a side note, perhaps the chick thought that the heels would double up as a weapon. I swear. Some look like you could poke someone's eye out with them. O.o

Do you know what I'm waiting for? Girls in heels playing football. And actually playing well. Gosh. I'd pay a million bucks to watch that....

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies They have a lingerie football league, it's just a matter of time!

message 31: by Sam (last edited May 09, 2014 02:49AM) (new) - added it

Sam Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
:( This is a bummer. I really wanted to read this one. I read the blurb, thought Veronica Mars, and was instantly excited. (Also, the cover is so pretty.) This is very disappointing. :(

...And why does she have to name everything?

Not pleased. Not pleased at all.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies She's like Veronica Mars if Veronica Mars digs designer duds, drops brand names like crazy, is trust-fund rich and police-trained since she was like...2.

message 33: by Sam (last edited May 09, 2014 02:56AM) (new) - added it

Sam Boo. :( That's very displeasing, lol. I've been saving my Veronica Mars book to read for when I have time to enjoy it, but I thought this might be a good pre-Veronica Mars read. But... Veronica Mars is awesome, and this chick does not sound awesome.

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Khanh (Destroyer of Dreams) wrote: "They have a lingerie football league, it's just a matter of time!"

Imagine the injury list for high heel football... O.o

Do you know what I find funny? The fact that the writer actually took the time to label herself as a half-witted writer. Isn't she so nice?

She did all the work for you, Khanh!

Seriously though. Who names their MC Ruby Rose????

message 35: by katayoun (new) - added it

katayoun Masoodi thanks, love the reviews

message 37: by Shannon (new)

Shannon S. Well, the author is cute--she doesn't have to know how to write. Therefore Ruby Rose doesn't have to be believable or even likeable. Y'know, 'cause she's hot.

Noor = BookreadingFiend♥ Muwahahaaha lol Shannon! Khanh great review, had a few laughs!

message 39: by Lulufrances (new)

Lulufrances aww another book that could be cool but apparently fails.

loving that new name, by the way, khan :)

message 40: by Lulufrances (new)

Lulufrances so fierce

message 41: by Lulufrances (new)

Lulufrances ooops i mean khanh.

...gosh just saw your status about the namechange.
that is just crazy!

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

No eye-stabbing for me.

Sounds like a whole chapter of "Let's make contradicting characters"

Aliyah (Jennifer) Based on your review, I'd say this book is a bit like the movie "Legally Blonde".

message 44: by Mike (new)

Mike That is a hell of a body count, even if she we an adult PI. I presume the cops cleared her in all those incidents or did they go unreported?

Great review as always, hope your weekend reads turn out better!

message 45: by Shannon (new)

Shannon S. Khanh (Kittens, Rainbows, and Sunshine) wrote: "I name my computer/external drive/laptop and iPod. And some spiders in my bathroom, but that's all!"

Eww. You name arachnids? Something other than "creepy unnatural furry bastards"? Whatever you do, don't look up "clock spider" on the internet.

message 46: by Marc (last edited May 09, 2014 07:15AM) (new)

Marc Jones I have decided to name all the objects on my desk as a tribute to Ruby rose.....but time and effort reduced me to just sticking goggley eyes to everything and trying to hold stationary between a "The Cleave" I do not have.

message 47: by Savina (new)

Savina M. Great review as always, Miss Sunshine :D

And with all the one-star books you've been reading, I'm surprised you still have enough IQ points to form an intelligible sentence.

message 48: by inga (last edited May 09, 2014 08:12AM) (new)

inga I know that storing stuff in your bra is a thing, I do it myself, and a lot of people I know do it too, but then again, I'm not buxom.

Also, wtf is this: My virginity wasn’t exactly a secret. One of those trashy magazines had even broadcast it in an article called “Ruby Rose: The Virgin Vigilante.” - Is it a thing in California to talk about other people's virginities? I don't know how I feel about that.

"group sex parties" - So, basically orgies? Lol, irl.

Anyway, awesome review, Khanh. Kudos!

Jenn (One of Many, We are Legion) I do not doubt the author's credentials in the least. I do not doubt her intelligence, I'm sure she's 1000x smarter than I am (they don't give law degrees to idiots), but this book was absolutely terrible.

As an actual attorney, I have to beg to differ, lol. You would be surprised. There are some terrible schools out there, people who get horrific LSAT scores, and like with any profession, loads of people just squeak by. I read briefs all the time that make me cringe and rage with how inaccurate they are and how unsound the reasoning is.

Quite frankly, based solely on what little I know of you based on reading your reviews, you are far more intelligent than many attorneys I know. Law, like anything, is a skill usually honed on the job - you learn how to think in school, but you don't learn how to do the job until you actually do it. And since there are so many sub-specialties, usually you tend to know what you know, and not know a whole hell of a lot about anything else (if that makes sense). It's like what Howdy said - you take one crim law class in school and unless you actually go into the criminal field, you really don't understand it's workings. I don't do criminal law and can confidently say I know very, very little about it.

Jenn (One of Many, We are Legion) Hrm. The first portion of my comment was supposed to be a quote...apparently quotes don't work the same in comments??

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