Heather K (dentist in my spare time)'s Reviews > Daylight Again

Daylight Again by S.E. Jakes
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*2.5 stars*

I'm just going to come out and say it.

It was very hard for me to finish this book.

Now remember, friends, I'm basing my rating mostly on personal enjoyment and this fell somewhere between "okay" and "like" for me. I can see why this book has lots of 5-star ratings and loyal fans, however me for me it wasn't a win. "Why, Heather, why?!?" I know you all are wailing. Well most of my rating boils down to one simple truth: This book confused the crap out of me. Still perplexed? I'll explain.

-A bajillion characters: There are at least 10 guys mentioned through the course of the book, guys that have important roles in the story, and I couldn't for the life of me keep everyone straight. The tangled web or who works for whom and who has slept with whom practically gave me a migraine. They all started fusing together into one giant blind/deaf/mute/gay/muscular/marine/navy/spy character. I call him Doc Malblucilliaproph.

-The time and space jumps: Sounds mildly sci-fi, no? Anyway, one minutes the guys are in a remote country and the next they are back in their apartment, lickety split. Time seems to have no meaning in this book. It could take place over the course of one day or ten weeks and I wouldn't be able to tell.

-The way all the accessory characters keep popping in: Mildly related to my first point, it was strange how one moment the Tom and Prophet would be alone and the next they are with 5 different people. This happened over and over again. People keep randomly appearing in the story and it felt so sudden each time.

-All the secret spy organizations: FBI, CIA, EE, Marines, Secret Ops... I give up. I can't remember who is from where and why...

-Prophet's disease: Okay, I'm a scientist of sorts and it drove me up the wall that I didn't get a name for Prophet's eye condition. I don't need a full explanation but what was given was really vague and I would think that Prophet would want to know more details. I did some research on my own given the information from the story (degenerative, x-linked due to the fact that all the males had it, variable phenotype) and I diagnosed Prophet with Choroideremia. Now I feel better.

-All of them being practically invincible: It started to feel a bit far fetched. I mean, super human strength, cunning, precision reaction times... I think Prophet is made of steel sometimes.

Now that I've aired all my grievances, what was good about the book? Lots of things, really. I love when Tom and Prophet get it on (holy hot sexy-times!) and when the plot has its more straightforward moments. I liked the start of the book and the emotional strides that Prophet and Tom took in this story. It had some very bright spots but my enjoyment was greatly lessoned by all of the things I've listed above.

I know this series has tons of fan-girls and I get it, I really do, but I'm starting to realize that this series is just not going my way. Things are feeling more and more convoluted and I'm a straightforward kind of girl. Everyone else, keep enjoying the yumminess that is Prophet and Tom because I think I'm closing the door on this series.

**Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**
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Reading Progress

May 4, 2014 – Shelved
May 4, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
May 4, 2014 – Shelved as: read-to-review-arc
May 5, 2014 – Started Reading
May 6, 2014 –
7.0% "Nice start!"
May 7, 2014 –
May 7, 2014 –
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: suspense
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: romance
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: police-or-military
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: m-m
May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: everyone-else-loves-it
May 8, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-34 of 34 (34 new)

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Xing Wow, you and I have pretty much the same opinion on this book. Which is saddening for the both of us. :(

MishyJo Right there with you Heather. Great review.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Xing wrote: "Wow, you and I have pretty much the same opinion on this book. Which is saddening for the both of us. :("

I know- it is like you read my mind!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Mishyjo wrote: "Right there with you Heather. Great review."

Thank you! I'm sad to leave this series behind but clearly I'm not getting out of it what I want.

message 5: by Jenni Lea (new)

Jenni Lea Great review. I gave up after reading Dirty Deeds for the reasons you listed.

BTW - I call him Doc Malblucilliaproph. made me LOL :D

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Jenni Lea wrote: "Great review. I gave up after reading Dirty Deeds for the reasons you listed.

BTW - I call him Doc Malblucilliaproph. made me LOL :D"

:D ;)

Normally, I can kind of let the chaotic plot stuff pass with this author but it was too much here.

Valerie Nice review. I'm not feeling this series, either. I think Long Time Gone was my favorite. I was generous with my 3 star rating for this one. :)

Vanessa North I confess... I read SE Jakes for the biting.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Valerie C wrote: "Nice review. I'm not feeling this series, either. I think Long Time Gone was my favorite. I was generous with my 3 star rating for this one. :)"

Me too. I could have gone down to two stars but I decided to round up.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Vanessa wrote: "I confess... I read SE Jakes for the biting."

Worth reading for that alone!

message 11: by Khaoula (new)

Khaoula you are the only one of my Goodreads friends who've read it so far & after reading this am afraid of coming near it XD.

message 12: by Troy (new)

Troy Sounds exactly like what I was expecting after Long Time Gone.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Khaoula wrote: "you are the only one of my Goodreads friends who've read it so far & after reading this am afraid of coming near it XD."

I have tons of friends that loved it so don't go by just me! If you loved the other ones you will probably love this too.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Troy wrote: "Sounds exactly like what I was expecting after Long Time Gone."

Yup, it was what I was afraid of :(

Debra ~~ seriously slacking on her reviews ~~ Gah! That's disappointing. Will still give it a try though.

message 16: by Troy (new)

Troy The characters and smut have a lot of promise, spoiled my crappy and confusing plots.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Debra wrote: "Gah! That's disappointing. Will still give it a try though."

You might love it! Lots of people did. Just not me :(

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Troy wrote: "The characters and smut have a lot of promise, spoiled my crappy and confusing plots."

Totally agree.

Snowtulip You are so right with the time thing! I kept flipping back pages to see if I somehow missed something since it didn't make sense! Still love Prophet and Tommy together :D

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Snowtulip wrote: "You are so right with the time thing! I kept flipping back pages to see if I somehow missed something since it didn't make sense! Still love Prophet and Tommy together :D"

Me too! The other details just became too much for me. But I get it, I do!

Angela Bee Bee lol. you diagnosed prophet? Go girl. This sounds a lot like the other two books, hot smexin but also a hot mess. I might still give it a go because I followed the last one OK.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Angela Bee Bee wrote: "lol. you diagnosed prophet? Go girl. This sounds a lot like the other two books, hot smexin but also a hot mess. I might still give it a go because I followed the last one OK."

LOL, I did!!! :P

Yoshi Good review. Thanks for telling us Prophet's disease. I wonder why the author didn't mention about what disease but just saying he's going to be blind. I am also lost with all the people mentioned in the book because I haven't read the other books by the author.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Yoshi wrote: "Good review. Thanks for telling us Prophet's disease. I wonder why the author didn't mention about what disease but just saying he's going to be blind. I am also lost with all the people mentioned ..."

OMG, I can't believe you attempted this book as a standalone! It's hard to figure out what's going on in S.E. Jakes' books for ME, and I've read a ton of them!

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) I just guessed the disease according to the symptoms. I hope the author is reading this and takes my suggestion!

Yoshi I have read book 1 & 2 of this series and the book with Mal and Cillian. I am not sure if I should read that Men of Honor series though.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Yoshi wrote: "I have read book 1 & 2 of this series and the book with Mal and Cillian. I am not sure if I should read that Men of Honor series though."

Ahh. Still confusing after reading MOH.

Yoshi LOL

message 29: by Ran ♠ (last edited Nov 16, 2014 08:28PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ran ♠ great review! you covered all of my issues with this book as well. I'm really sad coz this story would have been really great if only executed right.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Ran wrote: "great review! you covered all of my issues with this book as well. I'm really sad coz this story would have been really great if only executed right."

Yeah, it had a lot of potential but it really turned me off from the series.

Ran ♠ Heather K (dentist in my spare time) wrote: "Ran wrote: "great review! you covered all of my issues with this book as well. I'm really sad coz this story would have been really great if only executed right."

Yeah, it had a lot of potential b..."

Same here. I don't even know if I wanna read Dirty Deeds or not after how this book turned out for me.

Sheziss It confused the crap out of me, too.

message 33: by Jolinar (new) - added it

Jolinar I'm almost finished with this one, i'm 'reading' the audiobook version and I kept thinking i'd fallen asleep and missed something at some point with all the characters/places that I felt with them being so casually mentioned that I should have heard about them before. Glad to know i'm not losing my mind, i thikn i'll have to listen to it over again.

Heather K (dentist in my spare time) Jolinar wrote: "I'm almost finished with this one, i'm 'reading' the audiobook version and I kept thinking i'd fallen asleep and missed something at some point with all the characters/places that I felt with them ..."

This would be rough in audio form!

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