Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies's Reviews > Going Vintage

Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt
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Actual rating: 1.5
"‘Don’t whine to your spouse about your daily troubles. He’s had a harder day providing for you and your children.’ This is what you’re aspiring to? To be some guy’s house slave?”

Ginnie hops out of her seat. “I hope you’re not romanticizing this too much. That prefeminist movement crap is scary.”

“What do you know about the feminist movement?” Um, what did I know? I’d meant to read some books on that too, but when I thought of old feminists, I thought of armpit hair and bra burning and lots of angry, political yelling, which is not nearly as fun as party dresses and school clubs.
This book is vapid, at best. It's cute, sure, if you don't really want to think about it too much. There was a lot lacking from this book, mainly, depth. The main character comes off as a whiny, selfish child who can't stop crying, instead of an actual young woman growing up and trying to overcome her heartbreak in a realistic way. It tries too hard to be cute, and the "vintage" premise was executed so halfheartedly that there was really no fucking point.

There is a love triangle involving two cousins, a insipid, whiny 12-going-on-16 main character, who can't stop thinking about ME ME ME ME ME ME. Her sister. Her mother. Her grandmother. They need to pay more attention to poor wittle Mallory.
If she has time? Doesn’t she get what I’m telling her? [Grandma] has changed, and not for the better. I know she’s still dealing with the loss of Grandpa, but we’re all dealing with something, and she should be more aware of that. More aware of me.
This is what I want to do to the main character.

This is the story of a girl who decides that life would be REALLY, REALLY AWESOME IF SHE WENT VINTAGE. That is, live life as she would if she had been a teenager living in 1962.

Let's see, let me rack my brain. What was life like in the 1960s?!

- Sexual inequality! Women made 2 cents (a rough estimation) for every dollar a man made. Why hello, there, Don Draper, how you doin'?!
- Segregation! If you're black, get back! To the back of the bus, that is. Don't touch the white-only drinking fountains!
- War movements! The Vietnam war and shit, give peace a chaaaaaaaance, man! All those war protests in Berkeley and throughout the country? Whatever.

Mallory? Fuck all that shit. For her, the 1960s means wearing pretty vintage clothing and be secretary of a pep club! Not the president, just the secretary. That's the woman's place, after all!

The Summary:
"I am so over this decade, this century.”
“I don’t think this century is your problem.”
“You’re right. Technology is the problem.”
“But you’re using technology right now,” Ginnie says.
I hold my phone out, giving the gadget a look of severe disgust. I switch to speaker, so I don’t have to get too close to The Battery-Operated Evil. “Yep. And do you know what cell phones cause? Cancer....And people die texting while driving. They’re villainous contraptions. Computers? Oh man, Internet predators lurk, lurk, online."
Mallory has the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. Jeremy is a dream come true, even if his cousin, Oliver is pretty awesome, too! I mean, right in the beginnig, we get this lovely little passage about dear ole Oliver.
I don’t know much about Oliver, but who does? I think that mysterious aloofness is part of his image. He was nice enough to give me a birthday card that night with a twenty-dollar gift card to Outback. Outback? That’s the way to get in good with your cousin’s girl.
It's not like it's a hint that Oliver's going to be the future love interest while she's still dating Jeremy or anything, no! *rolls eyes*

AAAAANYWAY. Jeremy's the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. I mean, he's good-looking, he makes fun of how much she eats.
“Really? You’re hungry?” he asks. “Even after Pizza Hut?”
“That was lunchtime.”
“You had two slices. I swear, on the weekends you eat more than the entire wrestling team.”
He makes her do his homework for him. This guy is a keeper. Best. Boyfriend. Ever.

So it comes as a total blow when Jeremy does something like cheat on Mallory with an online girlfriend. That's right, Jeremy the Amazing Asian Tool has a SimCity-like account, where he's been slutting it out with an avatar named BubbleYum. Mallory is furious. She "hacks" into his "FriendSpace" account, exposes him for the cheating cheater he is, and breaks up with him. And then she gets tons of hate messages blaming HER for their breakup.

Clearly, technology is to blame. Evil, evil technology.
“If Jeremy didn’t have a computer or the Internet, he wouldn’t have met BubbleYum. If I didn’t have this cell phone, strangers couldn’t text me threats. Technology is the reason my life is falling apart.” My voice rises. I’ve never felt this passionate about anything before—the world, or my world at least, is suddenly so much clearer, like everything before was a big surface float, and now, for the first time, I’m diving into the deep end of life.
Uh huh. So dramatic. Much passion. Wow. Solution = go back to the past, specifically, 1962. Mallory finds a list that her 16-year old grandmother made in 1962, and seeks to emulate it.
Junior Year: Back-to-School Resolutions:
1. Run for pep squad secretary
2. Host a fancy dinner party/soiree
3. Sew a dress for homecoming
4. Find a steady
5. Do something dangerous
Uh. Ok. It doesn't quite turn out as planned, because the only thing Mallory has down pat is the clothes. Sixties dresses are so cute! Other stuff...doesn't work quite well. For one thing, she really didn't think the situation through at all. Like how the fuck is she supposed to give up the Internet when she SIGNED UP FOR A CLASS ABOUT THE INTERNET.
“You knew when you signed up for the class that most of this unit involves the Internet.”
I feel close to tears. When I made my oath, I didn’t think about schoolwork or other justified reasons to use technology.
And she throws a fucking fit when her sister Ginnie actually makes her follow through on her promise and bans her from using technology.
Another Post-it note where my alarm clock used to be.
LED digital alarm clocks weren’t available until the mid-seventies, and they sure didn’t have docking stations.
Ginnie’s handwriting is on another note on my now computer-less desk.
Personal computer? Please.

My sister, my insane sister, has removed every bit of technology not available fifty years ago, which basically is all technology in my room. Like my phone. Not my cell, but the cordless landline. Now I have no contact with the outside world.
Who cares about historical accuracy, anyway! Block all the bad stuff out!
I check out the Industrial Revolution books, but don’t bother with the sixties stuff. I’m worried history will only discredit my sunshiny hypothesis.
Uh huh. Way to make a plan and not follow through with it. Not to mention, Mallory cheats on both her "vintage" vow and her paper---she plagiarizes from the Internet.
I type Industrial Revolution right onto the main page search engine, and instantly a million possibilities pop up. Thank you. Thank you. Ask and you shall receive. I could probably type in Completed Industrial Revolution Paper and find five reports to combine into one.
So really, what's the fucking point?

It's ok, though, no matter what she does, dear Oliver will always thinks she's so quirky and beautiful and adorkable.
“Because I like being around you.” He’s still looking out the window, and I wonder if he’s focusing on one object when he says this and what that object is. “I probably shouldn’t, but I do. And I can’t say why. I mean, I can think of a bunch of reasons why.”
The way he describes me, like I’m this vapid girl who doesn’t care about deeper things … that’s so off.
Except, it's not off. Mallory behaves like an idiot child.

She cries over hula figures. To clarify, these things you put on your dashboard.

Reaction (over-reaction?): "He has three hula girls on the dash, three more in the back. I wonder what they think behind those vacant smiles, their plastic shells. These are women who will never wear a shirt, who must spend their existence dancing on demand. There’s something so sad about that, about me, about this situation, that the tears come hot and fast."

Mallory is immature. She doesn't think things through. Her reaction to the most minor fucking thing is to pat herself on the back.
I should push a little more than usual, make this something worthwhile. I’m here already, right?
Wow, so this is what follow-through feels like.
She sets a challenge for herself, to "go vintage" only she constantly whines about it, and constantly cheats on it. And her "living dangerously?"
I just need to figure out living dangerously, which might involve eating the cream cheese and sausage mixture Ginnie is presently concocting.
I can do something dangerous.
Or I can take a sewing class at the community center.
Pfffffffffft. To take a phrase from my friend Emily May. This is Sunday School rebellion. It's sad, pathetic, and so insipid it's not even cute.

She doesn't really want to think about the deeper side of the sixties, all she wants to see is the pretty pretty clothes and simple times. She hates it when people don't pay attention to HER. She expects people like her mother and grandmother to know just how she's feeling, and leave her alone when she wants to be left alone and give her attention when she wants it.
“It doesn’t sound fine. Are you sure you don’t want to talk?”
“No,” I say flatly. “It’s okay. I’m okay. Don’t worry.”
Mom pinches her glossed lips together. “If there’s any way I can help—”
“You can’t,” I say.
Her Mother:
She thinks she has a right to know my everything just because she had a forty-hour natural labor with me. My life would be so much easier if she would have just taken that stupid epidural.

There is a constant attempt at villifying her own mother that I just don't quite get. From what I read, her mother is just the right amount of attentive, only our dear little Sally Mallory here can't see it. She shames her mother for her looks.
When we walk into a store, guys always check out my mom first, taking in her tight body and large chest before noticing that she’s in her forties, not twenties.
Her mother is a hard working mom who is the family breadwinner. She is a caring mom, and Mallory, in her selfish way, can't see it. She constantly complain about her mom not understanding her, when she's doing everything she can to shut her out whenever her mother asks her any sort of question about her life. Mallory comes off as nothing more but a selfish, stubborn, childish girl.

The Romance: There is a love triangle between Mallory, her ex-boyfriend Jeremy, and his cousin, Oliver.
Why am I thinking about Jeremy?
I’m not.
Why am I thinking about Oliver?
I’m not.
She is. She constantly thinks about Jeremy after their breakup, which is annoying, but believable.
I look down at my wedge, and notice the head of lettuce looks like Jeremy’s head, that the bits of bacon could easily be his eyes, the tomatoes his mouth, and—
But meanwhile, she's got feelings for Oliver, too. Jeremy is doing everything he can to get Mallory back, while Oliver plays the kind, understanding, all sorts of supportive friend who wants to be something more.

In order for me to understand the romance, I have to support the characters. I liked Oliver, despite his "hipster" ways, but I can't, for the life of me, understand why the fuck he's in love with the utter birdbrain that is Mallory.

Overall: this book is the equivalent of a 6-year old refusing to eat bacon for a week after reading Charlotte's Web, and the main character has the same mental age. Not recommended.
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Reading Progress

May 8, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
May 8, 2014 – Shelved
May 10, 2014 – Started Reading
May 10, 2014 –
page 40
12.5% "“I don’t think this century is your problem.”

“You’re right. Technology is the problem.”

I hold my phone out, giving the gadget a look of severe disgust. I switch to speaker, so I don’t have to get too close to The Battery-Operated Evil. “Yep. And do you know what cell phones cause? Cancer.”

Oh, lord."
May 11, 2014 –
page 140
43.75% "Oh, blessed gavel! We did it! I have a pep club. I’ll call the first meeting together, assign myself as secretary, and … and … do other official club things.

God help us all."
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: why-do-i-hate-myself
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: ya
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: ya-contemporary
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: siblings
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: romance
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: high-school
May 11, 2014 – Shelved as: cheating
May 11, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-47 of 47 (47 new)

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Lulufrances OUUUH!! so curious about your feelings towards this one, khanh!

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies It's childish and wishy washy. And I can tell Oliver was the love interest from the second page.

Lulufrances haha yeah you are kinda right, especially about the love interest stuff (wish more books would be less obvious about it) but I enjoyed it for the fluff it was :)

message 4: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Madero (Boricuan Bookworms) Butter aalso causes cancer because of some agents used in it. And a whole heck of other things manufactured to kill us and make business men fat rich. Wow. Can't wait to read the review of this one!

Heather ~*dread mushrooms*~ Jennifer wrote: "Butter aalso causes cancer because of some agents used in it. And a whole heck of other things manufactured to kill us and make business men fat rich. Wow. Can't wait to read the review of this one!"

Butter causes cancer? I'm going to die.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Margarine will kill you before butter will :)

message 7: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Madero (Boricuan Bookworms) I'm not sure how it's written in english, but I read a report about some products containing an orange agent of sorts, plus genetic alteration that can cause damages to human and animal health. Everything around us is literally killing us in unnatural ways. I just try to live life as much as I can sometimes and ignore this. No use in being paranoid of that. But yeah, creepy stuff.

message 8: by Hersh (new) - added it

Hersh Awesome review!

message 10: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Monroe Another bad egg. Contempories are disappointing me left and right these days. I think the genre is finally in its dying stretch.

message 11: by Nikhat (new) - added it

Nikhat Hetavkar Ahh, I was thinking of picking this one up sometime. You saved me. Thank you.
And great review as always! :)

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Natalie: I can't comment on that, not being a huge fan of the genre, but it's definitely been more misses than hits.

Nik: You're very welcome, and thank you!

message 13: by Komal (new)

Komal The premise did sound interesting but your review was even more interesting and honest. Nice review! :)

Liz* Fashionably Late

I feel cheated! I was promised Kittens and Unicorns and shit lol

Great review, Khanh. I knew this was going for cute and light but there're so many amazing books out there that I don't think I have the time for a whiny, selfish MC and a stupid love triangle.

message 15: by Rogier (new)

Rogier *facepalm* how enjoying it . You hack into someone's account and get flack from it . But ooh is not your fault, dearie . It's must be the evil 21st technology .tnx for reviewing it ,Khanh

Ps .i would probably sit on the back of the bus in the 60s ( in a hairspray singing voice )

message 16: by Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies (last edited May 12, 2014 01:01AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Komal: Thank you! I'm nothing if not honest :P

Liz: My name is so deceiving :P There are definitely better cute books out there, as far as comparing authors, I'd say this is Jenny Han level of innocent, naive characters.

Kit: I would totally eat that. I'd leave out the lettuce though, because I hate lettuce.

Rogier: You and me both! Do they make Asians sit on the back of the bus?

message 17: by Kuroi (new)

Kuroi My sister hated me after reading Charlotte's Web, 'cos I recommended the book. I think she's still recovering from the trauma ;)

"She thinks she has a right to know my everything just because she had a forty-hour natural labor with me. My life would be so much easier if she would have just taken that stupid epidural."

message 18: by Rogier (new)

Rogier @khanh ,I don't know lol . ^^

message 19: by Shinjini (new)

Shinjini Hilarious review, Khanh! I cannot stop laughing. :D

message 20: by Natalia (last edited May 12, 2014 03:23AM) (new)

Natalia A fun review, Khanh, but I feel genuinely offended by the very last paragraph. When I was a little girl and made the connection between animals and food, I, too, started choking on meat that my parents and nannies in the kindergarten were feeding me.
And this is exactly the reason I choose to be a vegetarian now.
Honestly, I don't think feeling compassionate is something to mock. And I remember people (adults and playmates) laughing at me back then.
Sorry for this outburst, it's a touchy subject for me, always has been :)

aimee (aimeecanread) Almost fell off my chair laughing, Khanh. This is why we love you.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Krishna: Who would say that about their mom?!

Shinjini: Thank you!

Natalia: I was a vegetarian for over 10 years. I still don't eat much meat at all, and I still support animal rights. That was a stupid joke and I'm sorry if I offended you.

Aimee: Glad you liked it!

message 23: by O.R. (new)

O.R. This book sounds just plain dumb and nothing more

message 24: by Igor (new)

Igor Ljubuncic What just happened?

message 25: by Emi えみ (new)

Emi えみ Takami 鷹見 Thanks for saving me from this one!!

message 26: by Christyn (new)

Christyn This wasn't on my TBR list anyway as the summary just did not perk my interest - but it is now firmly on my avoid-at-all-costs list. Hopefully the next one's better!

message 27: by Martyn (new)

Martyn Stanley Great review. Sounds awful - though the premise of trying to give up 'technology' is interesting. Maybe it's been done better elsewhere?

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies TheOracle: Yep!

Igor: I don't even know.

Emmy Lou: No problem!

Christyn: It is better, my next book is fab!

Martyn: Thank you! I really can't think of where else it's been done. There are Amish romances, I'm sure, where the normal MC falls in love with an Amish dude and his lifestyle, or vice versa, but I can't think of an YA/adult contemporary that has this premise.

message 29: by Martyn (new)

Martyn Stanley Hmmm, I have an idea in my head brewing for my second series... It's an urban fantasy with anti-theistic undertones, I still haven't worked it all out yet - but I definitely think this is a theme i could work in - It might work very well actually with the subject matter I'm intending to tackle. :)

message 30: by Mike (new)

Mike Great review as always (though your quota for kittens, rainbows, and sunshine may not have been fully met).

Also, 1962 is a very weird year to pick as a time to emulate. When people think sixties, they usually mean the late sixties with the counter culture, war protests, Woodstock, free love, etc. 1962 was more culturally aligned with the fifties than the sixties in my mind.

Heck, look at the billboard Top 100 for 1962. I grew up on oldies and love a lot of these songs, but I am also a bit of an outlier for my demographic. I highly doubt Mallory would enjoy such songs as "Mashed Potato Time" (#3) or "The Stripper"(#5, which is probably what Mallory will end up as if she doesn't get her shit together).

message 31: by Aaron (new)

Aaron Nagy Maybe not a book but I know there was a reality Tv show where a family was given the chance to live for a few years like a 1900 family and at first th...more Maybe not a book but I know there was a reality Tv show where a family was given the chance to live for a few years like a 1900 family and at first they were all excited because things were so much simpler and better back then...of course it wasn't long until they realized how incredibly wrong this was.

Found it

message 32: by Martyn (new)

Martyn Stanley

Interesting series! Not sure I'd like to volunteer for that !

message 33: by DarthLolita (new)

DarthLolita The comments at feminism were enough to make me rage @_@ I don't know how you pushed on...

message 34: by Bettie (new)

Bettie That ' whining to your spouse' bit comes from Mrs Beeton book of household management

message 35: by D.G. (new)

D.G. Yikes! This MC sounds like a childish twit.

Amanda | District Reads Mallory sounds AWFUL. I don't think I could have stomached this book.

message 37: by pdbkwm (new)

pdbkwm I can't stand it when teen characters hate their parents for no reason. Then again, considering how Mallory is in this novel, if she didn't hate her mother then that would be out of character for her.

I think I'll pass on this one.

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Martyn: Sounds fun! You'll have to make the premise believable, but I have faith in you :)

Mike: I'm saving the kittens and stuff for Rainie. She picked 1962 because it was the year in which her grandmother turned 16. I only know two of the top 10 songs, so clearly the good stuff (Beatles) hasn't arrived in the US yet :P

Aaron: The PBS show? I watched that, and it was hilarious =)

Rebeca: Yeah, the past is fun until you think about how terrible things were for women and people of color

Bettie: Yep, it did

D.G: Yeah, she was >_< The only saving grace was her very rational sister

Amanda: She was! Be glad you've been warned from it.

Tim: Sadly, it wasn't. I can see a parody when I read one. I hope.

pdbkwm: I can understand it, because I hated mine, too, but it doesn't endear me to the MC

message 39: by christine (new)

christine Wow, she sounds absolutely awful! The whole book sounds so shallow and vapid :\

message 40: by Dear Faye (new)

Dear Faye Wow, thanks Khanh. I was actually planning to read this one, but the voice of the narration is trying too hard to be cute and perky but it sounds super contrived instead. Not getting it!

message 41: by Mike (new)

Mike Khanh (Kittens, Rainbows, and Sunshine) wrote: "Mike: I'm saving the kittens and stuff for Rainie. She picked 1962 because it was the year in which her grandmother turned 16. I only know two of the top 10 songs, so clearly the good stuff (Beatles) hasn't arrived in the US yet :P"

My beef was more with the author for choosing that year, just struck me as the wrong year to pick. But mox nix, I won't be reading this anyway :-P

message 42: by Nina (new)

Nina This book is a joke right?

Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies Christine: Yep. I might have liked the premise better had she actually thought things through, and didn't simplify it as cheating bf bad -> simpler times good.

Faye: There are way cuter and better written YA books out there. I'd recommend the Anna and the French Kiss series over this -.-

Eva Rose: If it had been written as a satire, it wasn't a very good one.

message 44: by Martyn (new)

Martyn Stanley @Khanh

Thanks! I think the problem with this story is the bizarre link of seemingly unrelated things. Boyfriend has an online affair, so all technology is bad, so we should live like it's 1962. That makes no sense.

I think I'm seeing an urban sci-fi fantasy, set in the future - where the protagonists need to shun technology to avoid being detected. A bit like that old Will Smith - Enemy of the State film? That would seem a more plausible reason for shunning technology.

I suppose it's difficult, when you're writing, you make up your own rules. Everything has to make sense though - however outlandish the idea is, you have to be able to provide an explanation for it.

message 45: by Siyoung (new) - added it

Siyoung Yoo OOh my gosh this review is awesome! Had high hopes for tgis one but..

message 46: by Josephine (new)

Josephine Couldn't finish it half done and I just had to stop.

Laurinda Literally can’t agree with your review even more

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