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message 1: by JennyR (last edited Dec 22, 2019 11:24AM) (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments                         

Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

❄️ Your goal is to collect as many snowmen as possible by the end of the challenge.

❄️ You may use a task as many times as you like.

❄️ Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

TASK: Read a book with food on the cover (Bonus: Apple or pumpkin on the cover)
You read a book with food on the cover = 1 snowman

You read a book with an apple on the cover = 1 snowman for the food item + 1 snowman for the apple = 2 snowmen

❄️❄️ Please keep a record of your total snowmen at the top of your post.

❄️ Each book may only be used for one task but tasks may be used multiple times.
❄️ For each book, please post a link to the book, the author and the date finished.
❄️ If it isn't obvious, please explain how your book fits a task.
❄️ If more than one option is given for a task, please state which option your book relates to.
❄️ If the task relates to the cover of your book, please post the cover.
❄️ If the task relates to words/items in the text, please state location and passage.
❄️ All genres and formats welcome.
❄️ Re-reads are allowed.
❄️ No page minimum.
❄️ To count a book towards a challenge you must finish it after the start date of the challenge.

❄️ When you have finished please re-post your whole challenge as a new message or you will not be considered to have completed the challenge and we will not be able to award your Hall of Fame badge

❄️ If you don't hit the level you were aiming for by the deadline, please re-post your challenge anyway as you may still be eligible for a lower level badge.

Please use the TLC STANDARD RULES when participating in this challenge. If you are not familiar with these rules, please click on the link and read them over.


Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
  ⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
  ⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
  ⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
  ⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
   ☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
  ⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
   ☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
   ☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
  ⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
   ☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
   ☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
   ☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
  ⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
   ☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
  ⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
   ☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
  ⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 3: by JennyR (last edited Mar 17, 2020 08:07PM) (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019 - COMPLETE
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

Level: 21+ snowmen - Frosty the Snowman


1. Go dogsledding
  ⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
⛄☃️ Murder on the Iditarod Trail, Sue Henry -2/19
Dogs are used to pull the sleds. Bonus: dog on the cover.
Murder on the Iditarod Trail (Alex Jensen / Jessie Arnold, #1) by Sue Henry
⛄☃️ Inherit the Sky, Ariel Tachna -3/7
Horses are used for transportation in the story. - Bonus: a book with a service/working dog in the story. - There are working cattle dogs in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
  ⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
⛄☃️ Shattered, Sloane Kennedy -1/1
Takes place on Chesapeake bay.
Shattered (The Protectors, #11) by Sloane Kennedy
Shadow Scars: Rogue Wolf, Zoe Perdita -1/15
Published: Jan 15, 2013
⛄☃️ Justice For Skylar, Sandrine Gasq-Dion -1/13
Takes place in Seattle near the Pacific Ocean.
Justice For Skylar (The 12 Olympians, #1) by Sandrine Gasq-Dion
A Glimmer of Hope, Steve McHugh -1/19
Published: Mar 01, 2018
⛄☃️ Defined By Deceit, A.E. Via -2/1
Pub: Mar 23, 2015
Defined By Deceit by A.E. Via
Ghosts, Jackie Keswick -2/7
Pub: Feb 10, 2016
⛄☃️ Forbidden, Claire Cullen -2/23
Story takes place on Siren Cove (Pacific ocean). Bonus: mostly naked guy on cover.
Forbidden (Siren Cove #1) by Claire Cullen
A Case of Possession, K.J. Charles -3/12
published Jan 06, 2014

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
  ⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
The Black Feather, J.M. Wolf
There are multiple angels in the story.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
  ⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
   ☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
⛄☃️ Above and Beyond, Lucy Lennox -2/24
Takes place in Glacier NP. Bonus: mountains on the cover
Above and Beyond (Twist of Fate #4) by Lucy Lennox

5. Go stargazing
  ⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
In the Wreckage, Hailey Turner -1/1 - Author: T
In the Ruins, Hailey Turner -1/3 - Author: T
⛄ ☃️ In the Shadows, Hailey Turner -1/5 - Author: T
In the Shadows (Metahuman Files, #3) by Hailey Turner
In the Blood, Hailey Turner -1/7 - Author: T
A Ferry of Bones & Gold, Hailey Turner -1/8 - Author: T
All Souls Near & Nigh, Hailey Turner -1/10 - Author: T
A Crown of Iron & Silver, Hailey Turner -1/10 - Author: T
Grif's Salvation, Annabella Stone -1/2 - Author: A
Noble, Annabella Stone -1/2 - Author: A
The Date, May Archer -1/9 - Author: A
The Fall, May Archer -1/10 - Author: A
⛄ ☃️ Promise of Wrath, Steve McHugh -1/16 - Author: S
Promise of Wrath (Hellequin Chronicles, #6) by Steve McHugh
⛄ ☃️ Scorched Shadows, Steve McHugh -1/18 - Author: S
Scorched Shadows (Hellequin Chronicles, #7) by Steve McHugh
A Flicker of Steel, Steve McHugh -1/20 - Author: S
⛄ ☃️ A Thunder of War, Steve McHugh -1/21 - Author: S
A Thunder of War (The Avalon Chronicles #3) by Steve McHugh
⛄ ☃️ Sorcery Reborn, Steve McHugh -1/22 - Author: S
Sorcery Reborn (The Rebellion Chronicles #1) by Steve McHugh
Embracing His Syn, A.E. Via -1/24 - Author: A
Here Comes Trouble, A.E. Via -1/25 - Author: A
Don't Judge, A.E. Via -1/25 - Author: A
Nothing Special V, A.E. Via -1/26 - Author: A
His Hart's Command, A.E. Via -1/26 - Author: A
Burn for Me, Ilona Andrews -2/9 - Author: A
Burn for Me, Ilona Andrews -2/9 - Author: A
Supernatural Inmate, Avery Song -2/20 - Author: A
⛄☃️ Forgotten Magic, Jayne Hawke -2/29
The big battle with the bad guy takes place outside. Bonus: night sky on cover
Forgotten Magic (Stolen Magic Book 1) by Jayne Hawke

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
Truth Will Out, K.C, Wells -3/4
Jonathon de Mountford is a photographer.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
Down A Twisted Path, Hailey Turner -1/14
Patrick works for the SOA - kinda like the FBI.
Stop at Nothing, Macy Blake -2/21
There is a big battle between the good and bad guys at the end of the story.
Ricochet, Reese Knightly -2/29
Mac is a U.S. Marshal and Noah is a government operative.
Collide, Reese Knightly -3/2
Frost and Seth are government operatives for Phoenix.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
   ☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
⛄☃️ Tender with a Twist, Annabeth Albert -3/3
Curtis is a woodworker and one of his hobbies is motorcycle riding.
Bonus: a hat on the cover.
Tender with a Twist (Rainbow Cove, #2) by Annabeth Albert
Stitches and Witches, Nancy Warren -3/7
Lucy owns a knitting/yarn shop and is attempting to learn to knit.

10. Take a class
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
   ☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
All or Nothing, Macy Blake -2/20
Sawyer is getting his master's degree.
Beyond Hades, Luke Romyn -3/10
Doctor Talbot Harrison is a professor in archeology.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
  ⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
   ☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
Job Hunt, Jackie Keswick -2/5
Jack spends hours and hours hacking.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
   ☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
⛄☃️ Spectred Isle, K.J, Charles -3/5
Saul and Randolph must solve the riddle of a prophecy. Bonus: playing cards in the story - Saul and the other green men play gin rummy (Page 231: They decided on gin rummy, played at the sin…)

13. Plan your summer vacation
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
   ☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
  ⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
   ☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).
Remy’s Painter, A.C. Katt -2/3
Ian redecorates the home Remy purchased by specialty painting it.

15. Host a murder mystery party
  ⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
   ☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
Immortal Longing: An M/M Vampire Romance, Jax Garren -1/12
Multiple people and vampires die in the story.
Ghostly Paws, Leighann Dobbs -2/11
MPG: mystery
Sweet Masterpiece, Shelton, Connie -2/16
MPG: mystery
Nothing Ventured, Macy Blake -2/21
Multiple deaths in the story.
Next to Nothing, Macy Blake -2/21
Multiple deaths in the story.
Nothing Gained, Macy Blake -2/21
Multiple deaths in the story.
⛄☃️ Killer Jam, Karen MacInerney -3/3
Nettie Kocurek is murdered during the founders day party. - Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
  ⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
No Boundaries: Phoenix Inc., S.E. Jakes -2/5
Marcus, one of the main characters, runs his own charitable organization.
Lost and Found, Lucy Lennox -2/23
Charitable group of kids in the Rocky Mountains.
The Backup Boyfriend, River Jaymes -2/27
The free clinic and the motorcycle ride charities.

message 4: by Frankie (last edited Jan 04, 2020 09:14AM) (new)

Frankie Johnson | 3879 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)

5/5 Completed 7 snowmen. Finish!!

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover. (2 snowmen)
The Good Luck Sister-Jill Shalvis 12/23/19
The Good Luck Sister (Wildstone, #1.5) by Jill Shalvis

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover. (2 snowmen)
Outlaw Kind of Love-Nicole Snow 12/26/19
Outlaw Kind of Love (Prairie Devils MC #1) by Nicole Snow

3. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR. (1 snowman)
Terri Anne Browning-Holding Mia 12/30/19
Holding Mia (Rockers' Legacy #1) by Terri Anne Browning

4. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement. (1 snowman)
Addicted to You-Nikki Mays 12/27/19
Addicted to You (SAPD SWAT, #2) by Nikki Mays

5. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery. (1 snowman)
Savage Hunger-Lisa Renee Jones 1/02/20
Savage Hunger (Savage Trilogy #1) by Lisa Renee Jones

message 5: by Ferenc (last edited Mar 01, 2020 02:21AM) (new)

Ferenc (aeneth) | 2474 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

Goal: 21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman
Snowmen: 28

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
1 snowman - The Deep by Rivers Solomon – 12/27/2019. Title with D.
1 snowman - Dracula by Bram Stoker – 1/12/2020. Title with D.
1 snowman - Great Goddesses: Life lessons from myths and monsters by Nikita Gill – 01/26/2020. Title with G.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
1 snowman - Last Day by Luanne Rice – 02/07/2020
Published February 1st 2020
1 snowman - Even If I Fall by Abigail Johnson – 02/08/2020
Published January 8th 2019
1 snowman - The Periodic Table Book: A Visual Encyclopedia of the Elements – 02/10/2020
Published March 30th 2017
1 snowman - The Witch's Daughter by Rae D. Magdon – 02/15/2020
Published March 31th 2015
1 snowman - Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys – 02/23/2020
Published February 2nd 2016

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
1 snowman - Jeopardy in January (Calendar Mysteries #1) by Camilla Chafer - Jeopardy in January by Camilla Chafer – 01/19/2020

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
2 snowmen - A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe – 12/25/2019. Takes place on Mt. Fuji.
A Mortal Song by Megan Crewe

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
2 snowmen - Embertelen jó by Ágnes Gaura - 12/22/2019. Author's initial (A)
Embertelen jó by Ágnes Gaura
1 snowman - This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab – 01/04/2020. Author's initial (S)
1 snowman - Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson – 01/06/2020. Author's initial (A)
1 snowman - Sunstone Vol. 6 by Stjepan Šejić – 02/03/2020. Author's initial (S)
1 snowman - Ravenite by Alicia Rades – 02/03/2020. Author's initial (A)
1 snowman - Wolf’s Eyes by Rae D. Magdon – 02/13/2020. Author's initial (R)

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
2 snowmen - Down City A Daughter's Story of Love, Memory, and Murder by Leah Carroll Down City: A Daughter's Story of Love, Memory, and Murder by Leah Carroll – 02/22/2020
MC's father and mother are both hobby photographers.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
1 snowman - Lone Ranger/Green Hornet: Champions Of Justice by Michael E. Uslan – 12/24/2019. The Lone Ranger is in the law enforcement
1 snowman - The Savage Blue by Zoraida Córdova – 01/01/2020. Battles take place several times.
1 snowman - The Vast and Brutal Sea by Zoraida Córdova – 01/15/2020. Battles take place several times.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
1 snowman - Lab Girl by Hope Jahren – 01/31/2020 - "Icy" (scandinavian) MC

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
2 snowmen - Playlist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff – 02/26/2020
MC Sam plays video games all night long.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
2 snowmen - The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King – 02/21/2020
Olga was bent so close to the puzzle that her nose was touching it. (Kindle Location 5938)

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 6: by Emeli (last edited Feb 29, 2020 11:26AM) (new)

Emeli Webb | 490 comments My points 4 snowmen

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
Once Bitten (Javier Coven, #1) by Jayda Marx
Once Bitten
Finished 22/12
Geisha for Hire by Shawn Bailey
Geisha for Hire
Finished 3/1
2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
Malek (Whitfell Brothers #1) by Skye R. Richmond
Skye R. Richmond
Finished 1/1

Enticing Enigma (Miracle #12) by Shea Balik
Shea Balik
Finished 28/2

Puppy Love (Career Men #2) by Jill Haven
Austin Bates
Finished 11/1
6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable

message 7: by Sandy (last edited Mar 01, 2020 05:29PM) (new)

Sandy | 316 comments Sandy's Thread
1 snowman for each task - tasks can be used more than once but a book may only be able to be used on one task.

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story. Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen dog on cover - this doesn't work because it doesn't meet the first criteria.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March. Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen lake ontario
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR. Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen body found at night in the park The Craftsman - climax at night - 2/22/20
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer. Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen - Ross is a city paper photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place. State of the Onion FBI in the story.Lock In 1/5/20

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character. An Unwanted Guest 1/8/20 takes place in hotel

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character. Hitting the Books 1/4/20 They have crafternoons in the book.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill. Trading in Danger 2/26/20 - mc learns how to be a trader.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time. plays games for years
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games. Ready Player One 1/7/20 He is trying to break the final game.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer. A Minute to Midnight 1/17/20
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 8: by Kellene (last edited Feb 14, 2020 06:03PM) (new)

Kellene | 660 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

Level: 21+ snowmen - Frosty the Snowman


1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
Death and Daisies Amanda Flower 1/1/20
Gunpowder Green Laura Childs 1/13/20

☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
Collared (Andy Carpenter, #16) by David Rosenfelt David Rosenfelt 1/13/20
A Deadly Cliché (A Books by the Bay Mystery, #2) by Ellery Adams Ellery Adams 1/20/20

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
Americanos, Apple Pies, and Art Thieves Harper Lin 1/16/20 published March 2017
The Silence of the Library Miranda James 1/29/20 published January 28, 2014
book:By Familiar Means|28186323] Delia James . 2/5/20 . set in Portsmouth, NH, which is situated on the Piscataqua River

☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
Murder, Served Simply (Amish Quilt Shop Mystery #3) by Isabella Alan Isabella Alan 1/7/20
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
Puppies in Paradise . Kathi Daley 1/28/20 TJ loved snow. She really did. She was an avid skier and snowboarder as well as a homegrown mountain girl. (p.7)

☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
Black Cat Crossing . Kay Finch 12/24/19 Sabrina discovers Bobby Joe's body in the river behind her house at night
⛄ Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
Ghost Stories of the Old South Edrick Thay 1/1/20
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
A Vision in Velvet (A Witchcraft Mystery, #6) by Juliet Blackwell Juliet Blackwell . 1/5/20

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book with a character who is a photographer. Murder of a Small-Town Honey Denise Swanson 1/20/20 Mike Young is a photographer
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone.
The Red Notebook . Antoine Laurain 1/3/20 Laurent looks for the owner of the pocketbook he found, using items in the bag as clues
Tarnished and Torn Juliet Blackwell 12/30/19 . Lily is looking for a ring to banish a demon
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement The Magician's Lie Greer Macallister 1/26/20 one of the 2 MCs, Virgil Holt, is a policeman
An Occupied Grave A.G. Barnett 2/12/20 . the main character is a detective-sargeant in a village police force

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
Witch You Wouldn't Believe (A Lemon Tea Cozy Mystery #1) by Lucy May Lucy May 1/8/20

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
If Onions Could Spring Leeks Paige Shelton (both Betts and Gram teach at the cooking school) 12/24/19
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity Books Can Be Deceiving Jenn McKinlay 1/24/20 Lindsey and friends gather weekly at the library for Crafternoon, during which they knit and discuss the book of the week

☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) Murder of a Sweet Old Lady Denise Swanson . 2/8/20 . MC solves the puzzle of who killed her grandmother

☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover. Pride and Prejudice . Jane Austen 2/14/20 . characters play cards at Bingley's house while Jane is recuperating

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
Working Stiff Annelise Ryan 1/18/20
Jeopardy in January Camilla Chafer 2/5/20

☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story. Death on Eat Street J.J. Cook 12/30/19 Zoe gives all of her leftover food each day to homeless shelter

message 9: by Celia (last edited Mar 19, 2020 09:44PM) (new)

Celia Buell (celiareadsbooks) | 1191 comments 16 snowmen - The abominable snowman

Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
1. Deadly by Julie Chibbaro 12/22/19 - 1 snowman - Title starts with D
Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
1. Poison by Bridget Zinn 12/29/19 - 1 snowman - Published March 12, 2013
Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
1. Rose Poems By Li-Young Lee by Li-Young Lee - 1 snowman - " a snow-covered road..." p.49 and "I looked for you in your shoes." p.60
Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
1. Children of Virtue and Vengeance (Legacy of Orïsha, #2) by Tomi Adeyemi 1/22/20 - 1 snowman - Author initials TA
2. The Best Lies by Sarah Lyu 3/9/20 - 1 snowman - (view spoiler)
Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
1. Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha, #1) by Tomi Adeyemi 1/17/20 - 1 snowman - (view spoiler)
2. Legion (Legion, #1) by Brandon Sanderson 3/18/20 - 1 snowman - (view spoiler)
Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
1. Nyxia Unleashed (The Nyxia Triad, #2) by Scott Reintgen 1/8/20 - 1 snowman - (view spoiler)
Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
1. Akata Witch (Akata Witch, #1) by Nnedi Okorafor 3/13/20 - 1 snowman - the four stay in a hotel in Abuja
Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
1. Nyxia Uprising (The Nyxia Triad, #3) by Scott Reintgen 1/12/20 - 1 snowman - Emmett learns new nyxia manipulations
Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle.
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
1. Nyxia (The Nyxia Triad, #1) by Scott Reintgen 1/4/20 - 2 snowmen - Emmett has to figure out strategy and discover what Babel is really doing AND the characters meet to play cards in Bilal's room.
Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
1. Lady Be Good by Amber Brock 2/23/20 - 2 snowmen - Kitty spends most of the book on vacation in Miami and Cuba AND the scene on the cover is something we typically see in summer, although the book takes place in winter (lounging by the outdoor pool in Miami or Cuba)
Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
1. Once Upon a Dream (Twisted Tales #2) by Liz Braswell 1/31/20 - 2 snowmen - (view spoiler)
Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 10: by Christina (AKA Babbling) (last edited May 19, 2020 02:04PM) (new)

Christina (AKA Babbling) (babblingbookreviews) | 344 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020


11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman

❄️ Your goal is to collect as many snowmen as possible by the end of the challenge.

❄️ You may use a task as many times as you like.

❄️ Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

TASK: Read a book with food on the cover (Bonus: Apple or pumpkin on the cover)
You read a book with food on the cover = 1 snowman

You read a book with an apple on the cover = 1 snowman for the food item + 1 snowman for the apple = 2 snowmen

❄️❄️ Please keep a record of your total snowmen at the top of your post.

❄️ Each book may only be used for one task but tasks may be used multiple times.

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
starts with D
1 point Darkness Everlasting by Alexandra Ivy 18 January 2020 ★★★★
1 point Dream of Orchids by Phyllis A. Whitney 4 February 2020 ★★★
1 point Darkness Revealed by Alexandra Ivy 29 February 2020 ★★★★
starts with O
1 point One Night More by Mandy Baxter 5 March 2020 ★★★

Darkness Everlasting (Guardians of Eternity, #3) by Alexandra Ivy Dream of Orchids by Phyllis A. Whitney Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity, #4) by Alexandra Ivy One Night More (U.S. Marshals, #1) by Mandy Baxter

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
1 point Staked by Kevin Hearne 18 January 2020 ★★★ 01/26/16
1 point Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire 25 January 2020 ★★★★★ 03/01/16

Staked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #8) by Kevin Hearne Chaos Choreography (InCryptid #5) by Seanan McGuire

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
Author's initial
1 point Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart 31 December2019 ★★★★★
1 point Public Secrets by Nora Roberts 10 January 2020 ★★★
1 point Ace of Shades by Amanda Foody 16 January 2020 ★★★★
1 point Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch 31 January 2020 ★★★
1 point Storm of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse 20 February 2020 ★★★★★
1 point Hate to Want You by Alisha Rai 25 February 2020 ★★★★
1 point Untouched by Sara Humphreys 10 March 2020 ★★★★

Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart Public Secrets by Nora Roberts Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game, #1) by Amanda Foody Ice Like Fire (Snow Like Ashes, #2) by Sara Raasch Storm of Locusts (The Sixth World, #2) by Rebecca Roanhorse Hate to Want You (Forbidden Hearts, #1) by Alisha Rai Untouched (The Amoveo Legend, #2) by Sara Humphreys

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
1 point Empire of Ivory by Naomi Novik 25 December 2019 ★★★★ Will Laurence is in the Royal Air Corps

Empire of Ivory (Temeraire, #4) by Naomi Novik

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
1 point Knit One, Kill Two by Maggie Sefton 5 January 2020 ★★★

Knit One, Kill Two (A Knitting Mystery, #1) by Maggie Sefton

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
2 points Arena by Holly Jennings 28 December 2019 ★★★★ the MC is in the Virtual Gaming Leagues, She and her team mates also play traditional video games in their down time

Arena (Arena Series, #1) by Holly Jennings

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
1 point Murder with a Twist by Allyson K. Abbott 12 January 2020 ★★★★
1 point Sugar and Iced by Jenn McKinlay 15 February 2020 ★★★★

Murder with a Twist (A Mack's Bar Mystery #2) by Allyson K. Abbott Sugar and Iced (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #6) by Jenn McKinlay

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 11: by Sandra (last edited Dec 29, 2019 04:44AM) (new)

Sandra | 1009 comments I'M IN!
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
Hot Target - Marliss Melton - 28 DEC - 1
Hot Target (Echo Platoon #4) by Marliss Melton

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
The Dough Must Go On - H.Y. Hanna - 22 DEC - 1
Evil Elves - Mildred Abbott - 23 DEC - 1
The Mousse Wonderful Time of Year - H.Y. Hanna - 23 DEC - 1
She Can Hide - Melinda Leigh - 24 DEC - 1

The Dough Must Go On (Oxford Tearoom Mysteries, #9) by H.Y. Hanna Evil Elves (Cozy Corgi Mysteries Book 15) by Mildred Abbott The Mousse Wonderful Time of Year by H.Y. Hanna She Can Hide (She Can, #4) by Melinda Leigh

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 12: by Kendra (last edited Mar 19, 2020 08:32PM) (new)

Kendra | 2282 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: Dec. 22nd, 2019 - Mar. 19th, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman


1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
1 snowman: How to Behave Badly in Elizabethan England: A Guide for Knaves, Fools, Harlots, Cuckolds, Drunkards, Liars, Thieves, and Braggarts by Ruth Goodman - Jan. 22nd, 2020
Horses for transportation.
2 snowmen: Goldenhand by Garth Nix - Jan. 25th, 2020

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
2 snowmen: Immortal Craving by Kendra Leigh Castle - Jan. 2nd, 2020
Immortal Craving (Dark Dynasties, #4) by Kendra Leigh Castle
Published Jan. 29th, 2013
1 snowman: Midnight Blue-Light Special by Seanan McGuire - Feb. 18th, 2020
Published Mar. 5th, 2013
1 snowman: Half-Off Ragnarok by Seanan McGuire - Feb. 24th, 2020
Published Mar. 4th, 2014.
1 snowman: Pocket Apocalypse by Seanan McGuire - Feb. 26th, 2020
Published Mar. 3rd, 2015.
1 snowman: Magic for Nothing by Seanan McGuire - Mar. 8th, 2020
Published Mar. 7th, 2017.
1 snowman: That Ain’t Witchcraft by Seanan McGuire - Mar. 12th, 2020
Published Mar. 5th, 2018.
1 snowman: Imaginary Numbers by Seanan McGuire - Mar. 16th, 2020
Published Feb. 25th, 2020.
1 snowman: The Queen's Bargain by Anne Bishop - Mar. 19th, 2020
Published Mar. 10th, 2020.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
1 snowman: Shadow Rising by Kendra Leigh Castle - Dec. 23rd, 2019

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
2 snowmen: The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson - Jan. 14th, 2020
The Cold Dish (Walt Longmire, #1) by Craig Johnson Set in the mountains

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
1 snowman: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot - Dec. 27th, 2019
2 snowmen: Silent Blade by Ilona Andrews - Jan. 3rd, 2020
Silent Blade (Kinsmen, #1) by Ilona Andrews
2 snowmen: Silver Shark by Ilona Andrews - Jan. 5th, 2020
Silver Shark (Kinsmen, #2) by Ilona Andrews
2 snowmen: Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire - Jan. 28th, 2020
Come Tumbling Down (Wayward Children, #5) by Seanan McGuire
2 snowmen: Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire - Feb. 15th, 2020
Discount Armageddon (InCryptid, #1) by Seanan McGuire
1 snowman: Movies by Shea Serrano - Feb. 15th, 2020
1 snowman: Bad English: A History of Linguistic Aggravation by Ammon Shea - Feb. 19th, 2020
2 snowmen: Tricks for Free by Seanan McGuire - Mar. 9th, 2020
Tricks for Free (InCryptid, #7) by Seanan McGuire

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
1 snowman: The Brightest Fell by Seanan McGuire - Dec. 31st, 2019
Toby searches for her sister.
1 snowman: Night and Silence by Seanan McGuire - Jan. 9th, 2020
Toby searches for her daughter.
1 snowman: Firefly: Big Damn Hero by James Lovegrove - Feb. 13th, 2020
The crew searches for Mal.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
1 snowman: Sweep with Me by Ilona Andrews - Jan. 26th, 2020

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
1 snowman: Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh - Jan. 21st
Icy characters.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
1 snowman: Generation Friends: An Inside Look at the Show That Defined a Television Era by Saul Austerlitz - Mar. 10th, 2020

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
2 snowmen: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling - Dec. 26th, 2019
2 snowmen: Deadly Class, Volume 2: Kids of the Black Hole by Rick Remender - Jan. 20th, 2020
2 snowmen: Deadly Class, Volume 3: The Snake Pit by Rick Remender - Feb. 3rd, 2020
1 snowman: The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness - Feb. 5th, 2020
2 snowmen: Deadly Class, Volume 4: Die for Me by Rick Remender - Feb. 20th, 2020
2 snowmen: Red Glove by Holly Black - Feb. 28th, 2020
2 snowmen: Deadly Class, Volume 5: Carousel by Rick Remender - Mar. 14th, 2020
1 snowman: Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi - Mar. 17th, 2020

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
2 snowmen: White Cat by Holly Black - Jan. 27th, 2020
Friends get together.
2 snowmen: Sailor Moon, #1 by Naoko Takeuchi - Jan. 28th, 2020
Friends get together to play video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
1 snowman: Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA by Brenda Maddox - Jan. 6th, 2020
2 snowmen: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern - Feb. 8th, 2020

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
1 snowman: Believe Me: A Memoir of Love, Death, and Jazz Chickens by Eddie Izzard - Jan. 30th, 2020

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).
1 snowman: Victoria & Albert: A Royal Love Affair by Daisy Goodwin & Sara Sheridan - Mar. 4th, 2020

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
1 snowman: An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten - Jan. 14th, 2020
1 snowman: The Unkindest Tide by Seanan McGuire - Jan. 17th, 2020
1 snowman: Hell's Princess: The Mystery of Belle Gunness, Butcher of Men by Harold Schechter - Feb. 22nd, 2020
1 snowman: Here Comes a Chopper to Chop Off Your Head: The Dark Side of Childhood Rhymes and Stories by Liz Evers - Mar. 3rd, 2020
1 snowman: Chaos Choreography by Seanan McGuire - Mar. 5th, 2020

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
1 snowman: Tea, Coffee Chocolate: How We Fell in Love with Caffeine by Melanie King - Jan. 27th, 2020
Charitable organizations.
1 snowman: The Life and Times of Call the Midwife: The Official Companion to Season One and Two by Heidi Thomas - Feb. 28th, 2020
Charitable organization.
1 snowman: Crisis in the Red Zone: The Story of the Deadliest Ebola Outbreak in History, and of the Outbreaks to Come by Richard Preston - Mar. 16th, 2020
Charitable organization.

message 13: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome! Everyone is linked up.

message 14: by Grace (last edited Mar 03, 2020 05:10AM) (new)

Grace | 1650 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

Level: 21+ snowmen - Frosty the Snowman


1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue-Mackenzi Lee 1/22
The Gentleman’s Guide to Getting Lucky-Mackenzi Lee 1/23
Death Note: Black Edition, Vol. 2-Tsugumi Ohba 1/24
Glass-Ellen Hopkins 1/29

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
Come Tumbling Down-Seanan McGuire 1/9
Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring-Masashi Kishimoto 1/24
Mind Games-Kiersten White 2/1
Monster Academy for the Magical 3: The Monster Trial-Jessica Sorensen 2/3

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed)
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
Until Mallory-Ella Fox 12/25/19 “get your purple snow boots so we can go, honey” 61% & “some of those shitty ice cream sandwiches” 68%

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
The Kingdom-Jess Rothenberg12/27/19
Shades of Magic Vol. 2: Night of Knives-V.E. Schwab 1/16
Heartstopper: Volume Two-Alice Oseman 1/19
Court of Shadows-Madeleine Roux 1/26
Salt to the Sea-Ruta Sepetys 2/5

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
Endlessly-Kiersten White 1/26

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military
Attack on Titan: Before the Fall, Vol. 17-Hajime Isayama 1/7

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel- The Hazel Wood-Melissa Albert 1/3

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
This Girl-Colleen Hoover 1/2

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
While It Lasts-Abbi Glines 1/8

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
Sugar Cookies & Zombie Secrets-Jessica Sorensen 1/4
People Kill People-Ellen Hopkins 1/21
Brittle Midnight-Helen Harper 1/31
Enlightening Bloom-Michelle Turner 2/1

message 15: by JoAnne (last edited Mar 17, 2020 08:49AM) (new)

JoAnne | 54730 comments Mod
Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
Level: 21+ snowmen - Frosty the Snowman


1. Go dogsledding

⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
1 pt. Dirty Skye Warren 1/13/2020
1 pt. Domino Phyllis A. Whitney 1/17/20

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
1 pt. Jan 2013 Willowleaf Lane RaeAnne Thayne 1/8/20
1 pt. March 2017 Give Me A Chance Natalie Ann 1/15/20
1 pt. Jan 2001 The You I Never Knew Susan Wiggs 1/21/20
1 pt. Jan 2020 Almost Just Friends Jill Shalvis 2/6/20
1 pt. Jan 2020 A Longer Fall Charlaine Harris 2/16/20
1 pt. Jan 2020 No Fixed Line Dana Stabenow 2/18/20
1 pt. water Under Currents Nora Roberts 2/14/20
1 pt. water Solace Island Meg Tilly 2/15/20
1 pt. water Cliff's Edge Meg Tilly 2/17/20
1 pt. water Murder on the SS Rosa Lee Strauss 3/3/20

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
1 pt. Die Again (Rizzoli & Isles, #11) by Tess Gerritsen Die Again Tess Gerritsen 1/16/20
1 pt. The Christmas Boutique (Elm Creek Quilts #21) by Jennifer Chiaverini The Christmas Boutique Jennifer Chiaverini 3/11/20

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
2 pts. Snow p 160 We can pretty much count on snow from October to April.
Ski The resort keeps the ski lifts running until April,...
Sweet Laurel Falls (Hope's Crossing, #3) by RaeAnne Thayne Sweet Laurel Falls RaeAnne Thayne 1/3/20

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
1 pt. - outdoors The Wicked Redhead Beatriz Williams 3/4/20
1 pt. - Initial Julian Jade Allen 1/7/20
1 pt. - Initial Follow Tessa Bailey 1/18/20
1 pt. - Initial The Ten Thousand Doors of January Alix E. Harrow 2/7/20
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
2 pts. The Shape of Night by Tess Gerritsen The Shape of Night Tess Gerritsen 2/1/20
2 pts. Kiss of Death (The Morganville Vampires, #8) by Rachel Caine Kiss of Death Rachel Caine 2/3/20

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
1 pt. photographer The Confession Club Elizabeth Berg 1/13/20
1 pt. - search The Family Upstairs Lisa Jewell 1/22/20
1 pt. - search Triptych Karin Slaughter 1/25/20
1 pt. - search Fractured Karin Slaughter 2/2/20

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
1 pt. - law enforcement I Know A Secret Tess Gerritsen 2/4/20
1 pt. - law enforcement Undone Karin Slaughter 2/9/20
1 pt. - battle Shattered Bonds Faith Hunter 2/21/20

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
1 pt. Evvie Drake Starts Over Linda Holmes 1/11/20

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
1 pt. The Slow Burn Kristen Ashley 1/23/20

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
2 pts. Sinful Like Us Krista Ritchie 3/7/20

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
1 pt. solve Lady in the Lake Laura Lippman 1/28/20
1 pt. solve The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond Jaime Jo Wright 3/11/20
1 pt. plays Her Dakota Man Lisa Mondello 2/8/20

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
1 pt. Revenge Kisses Addison Moore 2/19/20
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
2 pts. Brumby's Run (The Wild Australia Stories Book 1) by Jennifer Scoullar Brumby's Run Jennifer Scoullar 1/20/20
2 pts. Whole Latte Life by Joanne DeMaio Whole Latte Life Joanne DeMaio 1/27/20

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
1 pt. Spring Forward Catherine Anderson 2/12/20

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
1 pt. Blindsighted Karin Slaughter 2/10/20
1 pt. Kisscut Karin Slaughter 2/11/20
1 pt. Killing Time in Charleston Tom Turner 3/14/20
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
2 pts. Dear Wife Kimberly Belle 1/9/20
2 pts. Windigo Island William Kent Krueger 3/17/20

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
1 pt. The Oysterville Sewing Circle Susan Wiggs 2/5/20
1 pt. The Christmas Spirits on Tradd Street Karen White 2/27/20
1 pt. Life and Other Inconveniences Kristan Higgins 3/5/20

message 16: by Anne (last edited Feb 03, 2020 08:52AM) (new)

Anne | 1296 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - February 2, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Points: 21

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
Guilty as Charred by Devon Delaney 2/2/2020 1 Point

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
Goat Castle: A True Story of Murder, Race, and the Gothic South by Karen L. Cox 1/18/2020
Natchez, MS is on the Mississippi River. 1 Point
Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh 1/21/2020
Beachy Head is the suicide point -- clearly on the water. 1 Point

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane 1/5/2019
Francis, Brian, and Peter are all police officers in NYC. 1 Point

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
Elvis and the Dearly Departed by Peggy Webb 12/26/2019
Callie and Lovie stay in a hotel in Vegas while looking for Bubbles. 1 Point
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens 1/12/2020
Pip stays in a hotel across town and is told his life story from the owner, but with a focus of someone else being his savior. 1 Point
Lying in Wait by Liz Nugent 1/16/2020
Lydia, who kills both her twin sister and a woman conning her husband out of money is an icy character. 1 Point
Theater Nights Are Murder by Libby Klein 1/24/2020
Poppy spends every night in a B&B since she runs one. 1 Point
Find Her by Lisa Gardner 1/30/2020
Flora spends many nights in cheap hotels with her kidnapper. 1 Point

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore by Matthew Sullivan 1/26/2020 Reading is a hobby 1 Point

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
Small Admissions by Amy Poeppel 1/2/2020
Kate learns a new skill (Adulting/ Life/Getting a Job) and Bonus - set in a school. 2 Points

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
The Summer We Lost Her by Tish Cohen 1/1/2019 occurs in summer and cover for the bonus:
The Summer We Lost Her by Tish Cohen 2 Points

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
Carpet Diem by Misty Simon 12/28/2019
Tallie owns a cleaning company. She is hired by a family to clean an old house they are fixing up for sale. 1 Point

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
Last Pen Standing by Vivian Conroy 12/31/2019
Murder Mystery in which Vera White was killed at the annual Gold Ball at the Lodge. (bonus met) 2 Points
Jell-O Girls: A Family History by Allie Rowbottom 1/20/2020
Midge and Mary both die. 1 Point
Entombed by Linda Fairstein 1/29/2020
The victim was found at a grand opening party, but had been a murder victim decades earlier. 2 Points

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Have You Seen Luis Velez? by Catherine Ryan Hyde 12/29/2019
Raymond gives freely of his time and resources to help both Millie and the stray cat. 1 Point

message 17: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 23, 2020 06:25AM) (new)

Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Winter Bucket List - 21/21+

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
Once Upon a Real Good Time by Lauren Blakely - 1/11

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book published in January, February, or March.
On One Condition by Diane Alberts - 1/25 - published Feb 2012
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
On One Condition by Diane Alberts

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
Where Winter Finds You by J.R. Ward - 2/10 - snow falling on cover
Where Winter Finds You (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #18) by J.R. Ward

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed).
Cruel and Beautiful by A.M. Hargrove - 1/22 - p.4: A slushy wave of ice and snow..."

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera - 1/11
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book with a character who is a photographer.
Depth of Field by Riley Hart - 2/16 - Main character Van is a professional photographer.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement.
Twisted and Tied by Mary Calmes - 1/7 - Miro & Ian are US Marshals

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast.
Priest by Ella Frank - 1/17 - Priest & Robbie stay overnight at a hotel for safe hideout

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata - 1/8 - Ruby sews costumes for figure skaters

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student.
Top Secret by Sarina Bowen - 1/12 - Keaton & Luke are college students.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
Story takes place at Darby College.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer - 2/22/20 - Emma, Ethan, & Cait spend hours playing the online game that Emma created.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
Emma & her dad's video game obsession is a major theme in the book

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation).
A Harmless Little Plan by Meli Raine - 1/17 - Drew must solve the puzzle as to how Lindsay was able to be kidnapped dispite having a highly trained security detail

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation.
Left Drowning by Jessica Park - 2/1 - Blythe and the Shephard siblings all go on vacation to Bar Harbor, Maine.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
Left Drowning (Left Drowning, #1) by Jessica Park

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated.
More of You by A.L. Jackson - 1/6 - Jace is renovating/restoring Faith's old plantation home.

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book where a death occurs.
The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey - 1/3 - several death occur throughout the story

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Boy in Luv by Jay Crownover - 1/19 - Langley works in charitable organization fund management

message 18: by Tari (last edited Jan 16, 2020 04:37PM) (new)

Tari (thann) | 2241 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman
❄️ Your goal is to collect as many snowmen as possible by the end of the challenge.
❄️ You may use a task as many times as you like.
❄️ Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

16/10 snowmen
4/10 bonus

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
No bonus--D--The Diva Takes the Cake Krista Davis 12/31/19

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
No bonus--The 5K Killer: A Cozy Mystery for Pet Lovers Mel Faye 12/27/19

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
No bonus
Silenced in Sequins (Resale Boutique Mystery #2) by Debra Sennefelder Debra Sennefelder 1/16/20

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
No bonus--Holiday Roast Mortem Tonya Kappes 12/30/19
ice: Ch. 1 pg. 13 "The weather report said there could be some black ice on the road."
snow: Ch. 3 pg. 41 "...I asked and looked out the window as the snow, which was predicted, started to fall."

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
No bonus--A-Amanda--Verse and Vengeance Amanda Flower 12/23/19

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
No bonus but my characters falls under both regular items, she's a photographer and she's searching for clues to a murder--BlackBuried Pie Lyndsey Cole 1/3/20

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
Georgie with pepper spray vs a killer with a gun, Georgie for the win--Cherry Pie or Die CeeCee James 1/15/20

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
There's A Murder Afoot Vicki Delany 1/5/20

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover. the beginnings of a scarf
Murder, She Knit (A Knit & Nibble Mystery #1) by Peggy Ehrhart Peggy Ehrhart 1/9/20

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
Poppy learns to run stage lights--Theater Nights Are Murder Libby Klein 1/2/20

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games. (Wyatt)
Poppy Harmon and the Hung Jury Lee Hollis 1/8/20

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
Wendy was trying to figure out who killed Harold--Negative Exposure Lisa B. Thomas 1/4/20 (no bonus)
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
Both plus the bonus--Sunshine Hunter Maddie Cochere 1/7/20

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).--Ch. 2 p. 17 "I kind of knew about Feng Shui. Arranging your furniture to bring good luck or something like that..."
Jammed Deany Ray 1/13/20

15. Host a murder mystery party
Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.--has both--A Body Below Ground Danielle Collins 1/6/20
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party. (no bonus)

16. Volunteer your time
Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Millie Fisher--Matchmaking Can Be Murder Amanda Flower 1/10/20

message 19: by Laila Jane (last edited Feb 20, 2020 09:30AM) (new)

Laila Jane (axlilxlala) | 315 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter

Goal Points: Frosty the Snowman - 23/21 snowmen
December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
No page minimum
You may use a task as many times as you like


1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
   Not in Front of the Corgis: Secrets of Life Behind the Royal Curtains by Brian Hoey (12/28/19)
      Dog on the cover
Not in Front of the Corgis Secrets of Life Behind the Royal Curtains by Brian Hoey

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
   The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski (01/22/20)
   Published January, 1993
The Last Wish (The Witcher, #0.5) by Andrzej Sapkowski

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover
   Summer and the City by Candace Bushnell (01/02/20)
      Shoe - "And always wear shoes you can run in." - pg 4
      Ice - "A piece of ice." - pg 81
   Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Bella Andre (01/31/20)
      Snow - "Flakes of fresh snow fell from another rig..." - pg 30
      Shoe - "The exotic destinations. The clothes. The shoes." - pg 159
      Bonus: Mountains on the cover

Summer and the City (The Carrie Diaries, #2) by Candace Bushnell Kissing Under the Mistletoe (San Francisco Sullivans, #9; The Sullivans, #9) by Bella Andre

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
   How the Dukes Stole Christmas by Tessa Dare/Sarah MacLean/Sophie Jordan/Joanna Shupe (12/31/19)
      Each story in the anthology has an important scene that happens outdoors at night
      Bonus: Night sky on the cover
How the Dukes Stole Christmas by Tessa Dare

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
   Always Room for Cupcakes by Bethany Lopez (01/14/20)
      MC is a photographer
      Bonus: Camera/photograph on the cover
Always Room for Cupcakes (Cupcakes, #1) by Bethany Lopez

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
   The NewlyFEDS by Logan Chance (01/12/20)
      MCs are in the FBI
The NewlyFEDS by Logan Chance

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
   Something Blue by Kristy Nicolle (12/23/19)
     MCs spend a couple weeks in a hotel for their honeymoon
   The Hardest Fall by Ella Maise (01/24/20)
      MCs spend a weekend in a hotel
Something Blue by Kristy Nicolle The Hardest Fall by Ella Maise

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
   Without Merit by Colleen Hoover (12/25/19)
      MC is a high school student
   I Hate You by Ilsa Madden-Mills (01/11/20)
      MCs are college students
      Bonus: Primary setting is a college university

   Manners & Mutiny by Gail Carriger (01/14/20)
      MC is a student at St. Geraldine's Finishing School
      Bonus: Primary setting is St. Geraldine's

Without Merit by Colleen Hoover I Hate You by Ilsa Madden-Mills Manners & Mutiny (Finishing School, #4) by Gail Carriger

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
   The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth (01/25/20)
      The MCs get together multiple times for various activies
      Bonus:Angela's sons play video games

The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
   Seeking Her by Cora Carmack (01/08/20)
      MCs goes on vacation to Europe for the summer
Seeking Her (Losing It, #3.5) by Cora Carmack

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
   Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (01/20/20)
      MPG mystery; several people are murdered
   Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (02/08/20)
      MPG Mystery; a death occurs
      Bonus: A death occurs during a party

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story

message 20: by Genevieve (last edited Jan 21, 2020 11:22PM) (new)

Genevieve | 8582 comments Mod
Winter Bucket List Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman
21/21 ⛄

1. Go dogsledding. Read a book with a title that begins with a letter in DOG. Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover. Starts with a letter from Dog D has a dog on the cover for bonus
Death of a Wedding Cake Baker (Hayley Powell Food and Cocktails Mystery #11) by Lee Hollis by Lee Hollis 12/26/2019 (2 ⛄)
Dangerous Ground (Dangerous Ground, #1) by Josh Lanyon by Josh Lanyon 1/11/2020 (1 ⛄)

2. Do the polar bear plunge. Read a book that was published in January, February, or March.
Batter Off Dead (Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery, #17) by Tamar Myers by Tamar Myers 12/22/2019 Published February 3rd 2009 12/22/2019 (1 ⛄)

5. Go stargazing. Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night. He is outside at night and gets attacked by the killer.
Fair Game (All's Fair, #1) by Josh Lanyon by Josh Lanyon 01/07/2020 (1 ⛄)

Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR. A is in Star.
Appointment with Death (Hercule Poirot, #19) by Agatha Christie by Agatha Christie 12/31/2019 (1 ⛄)

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone . She is a bounty hunter on a search of her man
One for the Money (Stephanie Plum, #1) by Janet Evanovich by Janet Evanovich (1 ⛄)

8. Sleep in an ice hotel. Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast. Stays in a hotel with her boyfriend
Empty Nest (Birds of a Feather Mystery, #2) by Marty Wingate by Marty Wingate 01/21/2020 (1 ⛄)

10. Take a class
Read a book where the main character is a student. Bonus: primary setting is a school.
Vanishing Acts by Phillip Margolin by Phillip Margolin 12/23/2019. Main character is a student and a lot of the setting is at school where she is a student and plays soccer. (2 ⛄)

15. Host a murder mystery party. Read a book where a death occurs. Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
Tide and Punishment (A Seaside Cafe Mystery, #3) by Bree Baker by Bree Baker 1/20/2020 The murder takes place at a Christmas party (2 ⛄)
Murder's No Votive Confidence (Nantucket Candle Maker Mystery #1) by Christin Brecher by Christin Brecher 01/12/2020 (1 ⛄)
Unzipped (A Chrissy McMullen Mystery, #1) by Lois Greiman by Lois Greiman 1/10/2020 (1 ⛄)
Pleating for Mercy (A Magical Dressmaking Mystery, #1) by Melissa Bourbon by Melissa Bourbon 1/14/2020 (1 ⛄)
Birthdays Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens #1) by Cindy Bell by Cindy Bell 1/08/2020. BONUS Death happens at a birthday party (2 ⛄)
Eggs in Purgatory (Cackleberry Club, #1) by Laura Childs by Laura Childs 12/30/2019 (1 ⛄)
Wicked Witch Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery, #16) by Leslie Meier by Leslie Meier 12/31/2019 (1 ⛄)
Murder at the Dog Training Academy (Wagging Tail Cozy Mystery Book 4) by Cindy Bell by Cindy Bell 1/16/2020 (1 ⛄)
The Man with No Borders by Richard C. Morais by Richard C. Morais 12/31/2019. (1 ⛄)

message 21: by Rina (last edited Feb 10, 2020 11:05AM) (new)

Rina | 1084 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Completed: 25

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
- The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway, 28.12.2019 - 1 point
- Demon Magic and a Martini, Annette Marie, 02.01.2020 - 1 point
- The Dangerous Lord, Sabrina Jeffries, 19.01.2020 - 1 point

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
- Unveiled, Courtney Milan, 26.12.2019 - Published January 25th 2011 - 1 point
- Bad Blood, J.R. Rain, 16.01.2020 - first published January 1st 2011 - 1 point
- Just One Wish, Janette Rallison, 17.01.2020 - first published January 17th 2009 - 1 point
- Terminal 19, L.R. Olson, 26.01.2020
Terminal 19 by L.R. Olson - 3 points

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
- The Case of the Velvet Claws, Erle Stanley Gardner, 27.12.2019 - 1 point
- A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway, 29.12.2019 - 1 point
- Till Death Do Us Tart, H.Y. Hanna, 31.12.2019 - 1 point
- The Ugly Duchess, Eloisa James, 01.01.2020 - 1 point
- Sapphire Flames, Ilona Andrews, 04.01.2020 - 1 point
- Beautiful Creatures, Kami Garcia, 09.01.2020 - 1 point
- How to Capture a Duke, Bianca Blythe, 09.01.2020 - 1 point
- Pirate Latitudes, Michael Crichton, 11.01.2020 - 1 point
- The Vampire Knitting Club, Nancy Warren, 12.01.2020 - 1 point
- Blood of the Demon, Diana Rowland, 23.01.2020 - 1 point
- Samson's Lovely Mortal, Tina Folsom, 25.01.2020 - 1 point
- Crystal Singer, Anne McCaffrey, 27.01.2020 - 1 point
- Montezuma's Daughter, H. Rider Haggard, 29.01.2020 - 1 point
- Secrets of the Demon, Diana Rowland, 01.02.2020 - 1 point
- The Keepsake, Tess Gerritsen, 31.01.2020 - 1 point
- Sins of the Demon, Diana Rowland, 10.02.2020 - 1 point

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 22: by Hannah (new)

Hannah (bookwormhannah) | 299 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 23: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome & Happy Holidays!!

message 24: by Jessica (last edited Mar 21, 2020 04:56PM) (new)

Jessica (jvblazejak) | 601 comments ✅Done!!!✅


Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄Animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG:
☃️ Bonus: Dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story:

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March:
1 pt ❧ ~ Feb 2017~: Pachinko ★★★★ 8 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Feb 2020~: We Used To Be Friends ★★★ 11 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Mar 2020~: Only Mostly Devastated ★★★★ 14 March
1 pt ❧ ~ Feb 2020~: Yes No Maybe So ★★★★ 24 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Feb 2019~: The Lost Girl ★★★ 27 February
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover:

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Snow on the cover or an angel in the story:
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover:

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains:
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover:

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Important scene takes place outdoors &at night or one of the author's initials is found in STAR:
1 pt ❧ ~ Battle in the maze~: Small Spaces ★★★ 6 March
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover:

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ MC searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer:
1 pt ❧ ~ Searches for freedom~: The Kiss of Deception ★★★★ 17 March
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover:

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ MC is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place:
1 pt ❧ ~ battle zombie ghosts~: Lair of Dreams ★★★ 8 February
1 pt ❧ ~ battle bad guy~: All Fall Down ★★ 28 February
1 pt ❧ ~ WWII ~: Lilac Girls ★★★ 7 March

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ MC spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character:
1 pt ❧ ~ Spends night at inn~: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society ★★★★ 29 February

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ MC engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character:
1 pt ❧ ~ Hobby is acting~: Positively Izzy ★★★★ 18 March
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover:
2 pt ❧ ~ Hat~: The King of Crows ★★★ 19 February

10. Take a class
⛄ MC is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill:
1 pt ❧ ~ Students~:The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl ★★★★ 11 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Students~: I Am Malala: How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World ★★★★ 8 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Students~: Eliza and Her Monsters ★★★★ 10 January
1 pt ❧ ~ Students~: Sal and Gabi Break the Universe ★★★ 14 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Students~:Buried Beneath the Baobab Tree ★★★★ 13 March
1 pt ❧ ~ Students~:Other Words for Home ★★★★ 12 March
☃️ Bonus: the primary setting is a school:
2 pt ❧ ~ primary setting is school~: Suggested Reading ★★★ 14 January

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Friends get together for an activity or where the MC does the same activity for long periods of time:
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games:

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ MC must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation):
1 pt ❧ ~ amateur crime solvers~: Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered: The Definitive How-To Guide ★★★★ 19 January
1 pt ❧ ~ solve art heist ~: Framed! ★★★★ 14 February
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover:

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ MC goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer:
1 pt ❧ ~ Summer setting~: When We Collided ★★★ 29 January
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover:
2 pt ❧ ~ Summer~: Infamous ★★★ 20 January

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ A structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony:
1 pt ❧ ~ MC finds balance & harmony~: The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story ★★★★ 12 February
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage):

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ MPG mystery or where a death occurs:
1 pt ❧ ~ Death~: The Picture of Dorian Gray ★★★ 7 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Death~: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared ★★★ 30 January
1 pt ❧ ~ Death~: Before the Devil Breaks You ★★★ 14 January
1 pt ❧ ~ Death~: Whisper Network ★★★★ 8 January
1 pt ❧ ~ Death~: Unleashed ★★★ 29 February
1 pt ❧ ~ Death~: The Heart of Betrayal★★★★ 19 March
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party:

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ A charitable or giving MC or with a charitable organization in the story:

Books Read:

Pachinko by Min Jin Lee We Used To Be Friends by Amy Spalding Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2) by Libba Bray The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty I Am Malala How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World (Young Readers Edition) by Malala Yousafzai Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (Sal and Gabi, #1) by Carlos Hernandez The King of Crows (The Diviners, #4) by Libba Bray Suggested Reading by David Connis Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered The Definitive How-To Guide by Karen Kilgariff Framed! (Framed #1) by James Ponti When We Collided by Emery Lord Infamous (Beautiful Idols, #3) by Alyson Noel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales Yes No Maybe So by Becky Albertalli The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (The Hundred-Year-Old Man, #1) by Jonas Jonasson Before the Devil Breaks You (The Diviners, #3) by Libba Bray Whisper Network by Chandler Baker The Lost Girl by Anne Ursu Unleashed (Uninvited, #2) by Sophie Jordan The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up A Magical Story by Marie Kondō Buried Beneath the Baobab Tree by Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga The Heart of Betrayal (The Remnant Chronicles, #2) by Mary E. Pearson The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer Positively Izzy by Terri Libenson All Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1) by Ally Carter Small Spaces (Small Spaces, #1) by Katherine Arden The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles, #1) by Mary E. Pearson Lilac Girls (Lilac Girls, #1) by Martha Hall Kelly

message 25: by Shash (last edited Feb 28, 2020 12:47PM) (new)

Shash | 2739 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

80 Snowmen Collected

Winter Bucket List:

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
1 - Gift of Hope by Shanna Hatfield (12/29/19) - horses
1 - A Cowboy for Christmas by Christine Sterling (12/31/19) - horses
1 - The Daring One by Cami Checketts (1/6/19)
1 - The Disenchanted One by Cami Checketts (1/6/20)
1 - Tabitha's Folly by Jen Geigle Johnson (1/19/20) - horses
1 - Dumplings and Dynamite by Shanna Hatfield (1/26/20)
1 - The Heiress by Laura Beers (2/18/20) - horses
1 - Simply Anna by Jennifer Moore (2/25/20) - horses

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
1 - The Christmas Ring by Shanna Hatfield (1/4/20) - 1/2/20
1 - Rebound by Sophia Summers (1/15/20) - 1/14/20
1 - The Stranded Patriot by Cami Checketts (1/28/20) - body of water
1 - Running from the Cowboy by Cami Checketts (2/9/20) - 3/14/16
1 - Crosscheck by Rebecca Connolly (2/12/20) - 2/12/20
1 - Her Snow Valley Fake Valentine Boyfriend by Taylor Hart (2/15/20) - 2/14/20
1 - The Maid, a Family Secret, and the Billionaire by Erica Penrod (2/20/20) - water
1 - Saving the Billionaire's Daughter by Jennifer Youngblood (2/21/20) - 2/1/20
1 - An Agent for Fallon by Ginny Sterling (2/23/20) - 2/14/20
1 - Loving Her Fling by Heather B. Moore (2/26/20) - 2/3/20

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
1 - Contracted Cowboy by Liz Isaacson (12/30/19)
Contracted Cowboy (Quinn Valley Ranch, #5) by Liz Isaacson

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
2 - Valley of Dreams by Sarah M. Eden (1/24/20)
snow - "The tips were white with SNOW..." (Loc 468)
shoe - "She'd have SHOES on her feet." (Loc 568)

Valley of Dreams (Longing for Home, #5) by Sarah M. Eden

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
1 - A Christmas List for the Billionaire by Christene Houston (12/23/19) - outdoor at night
1 - Her Best Friend Fake Fiancé by Kimberly Krey (12/31/19) - outdoor at night
1 - The Unfinished Groom by Taylor Hart (1/8/20) - sTar
1 - Endlessly by Kiersten White (1/14/20) - outdoor at night
1 - The Billionaire Patriot by Sarah Gay (1/20/20) - Star
2 - Kiss of the Spindle by Nancy Campbell Allen (1/23/20) - both
Kiss of the Spindle (Steampunk Proper Romance #2) by Nancy Campbell Allen
2 - Fall from Trace by Rebecca Connolly (2/2/20) - staR
Fall from Trace (London League #5) by Rebecca Connolly
1 - An Agent for Marianne by Christine Sterling (2/10/20) - Star
1 - A Twist of Date by Susan Hatler (2/12/20) - Star

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
1 - One Perfect Day by Jennifer Youngblood (12/27/19) - photographer
1 - The Curse of February Fourteenth by Liz Isaacson (2/14/20) - searches

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
1 - Her Snow Valley Fake New Year's Eve Boyfriend by Taylor Hart (1/1/20) - Navy SEAL
1 - The New Year's Bride by Kit Morgan (1/2/20) - Sheriff
1 - The Rivals of Rosennor Hall by Rebecca Connolly (2/9/20) - battle
1 - Loving the Beast by Anne-Marie Meyer (2/17/20) - Sheriff
1 - Catch a Falling Star by Cindy Roland Anderson (2/18/20) - Sheriff

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
1 - Her Crazy Rich Fake Fiancé by Jennifer Youngblood (12/22/19) - bed & breakfast
1 - Give Me a Dream by Zoe Ann Wood (1/7/20) - hotel
1 - Kit and Elizabeth by Karen Tuft (1/10/20) - inn
1 - Her Dream Date Boss by Cami Checketts (1/27/20) - hotel

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
2 - In Pursuit of a Gentleman by Arlem Hawks (12/24/19) - crafty character
In Pursuit of a Gentleman (Forever After Retellings, #6) by Arlem Hawks
1 - A Provision for Love by Heather Chapman (1/12/20) - crafty character
1 - Supernaturally by Kiersten White (1/13/20) - crafty character

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
1 - Mostly Risky by Heather B. Moore (1/3/20) - new skill
1 - Love at the Ocean Breeze by Jennifer Youngblood (2/3/20) - new skill
1 - Her Billionaire Professor by Sophia Summers (2/11/20) - student
1 - Tin Foil Tiaras by Jeanette Lewis (2/22/20) - teacher
1 - Loving the Bully by Kelsie Fann (2/24/20) - teacher

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
1 - Sparks Will Fly by Daniel Banner (1/17/20) - with friends
1 - Mistaken Identity by Mindy Burbidge Strunk (1/18/20) - with friends
1 - First Glance by Sarah Gay (1/19/20) - same activity
1 - Her Reluctant Boss by Sarah Gay (1/20/20) - with friends
1 - Her App, a Match, and the Billionaire by Maria Hoagland (2/13/20) - with friends

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
2 - Her Stand-in Fake Fiancé by Cindy Roland Anderson (12/30/19) - board game
1 - The Lady and the Highwayman by Sarah M. Eden (1/21/20) - puzzle
1 - The Committed Warrior by Cami Checketts (1/30/20) - both
2 - A Clever Alliance by Laura Beers (2/27/20) - cards

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
1 - A Kiss at Christmas by Meg Easton (12/23/19) - vacation
1 - Love on the Rebound by Jennifer Youngblood (1/22/20) - vacation
1 - First Love by Taylor Hart (2/3/20) - summer
2 - The Solicitor's Son by Rachael Anderson (2/4/20) - summer
The Solicitor's Son (Serendipity #3) by Rachael Anderson
1 - One Summer Day by Heather B. Moore (2/10/20) - summer

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).
1 - Sawdust and Mistletoe by Michelle Pennington (12/25/19) - redecorated
1 - Just the Way You Are by Jessica R. Patch (1/6/20) - balance/harmony
1 - Extreme Devotion by Cami Checketts (1/30/20) - balance/harmony

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
1 - Gift of Grace by Shanna Hatfield (12/28/19) - death in story
1 - Gift of Faith by Shanna Hatfield (12/29/19) - death in story
1 - A Perfect Rescue by Daniel Banner (1/16/20) - death in story
1 - The Pursued Patriot by Cami Checketts (1/31/20) - death in story

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
1 - The Beauty's Groom by Taylor Hart (12/26/19) - charitable MC
1 - Powerplay by Heather B. Moore (1/5/20) - charitable MC
1 - The Refugee's Billionaire by Rachelle J. Christensen (1/10/20) - charitable organization
1 - His Unexpected Heiress by Sally Britton (2/6/20) - charitable MC

message 26: by Joann (last edited Mar 20, 2020 07:30AM) (new)

Joann | 1366 comments finished with 53 points

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation
1 pt - Mrs. Jeffries and the Mistletoe Mix-Up - Emily Brightwell - 12/30/19
1 pt - Mrs. Jeffries Defends her Own - Emily Brightwell - 1/15/20
1 pt - Gone Missing - Linda Castillo - 1/22/20
1 pt - An Artless Demise - Anna Lee Huber - 1/27/20
1 pt - The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline - Nancy Springer - 2/2/20
1 PT - Her Last Breath - Linda Castillo - 2/5/20
1 pt - Mrs. Jeffries Turns the Tide - Emily Brightwell - 2/7/20
or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover
3 pt - Zoobreak - Gordon Kormon - 3/9/20

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
1 pt - Educated - Tara Westover - 12/27/19 - Feb 2018
1 pt - Moonlight Falls on Seven Sisters - M.L. Bullock - 2/3/20 - Jan 2015
1 pt - The Paragon Hotel - Lyndsay Faye - 2/27/20 - Jan 2019
1 pt - Murder at an Irish Wedding - Carlene O’Connor - 3/1/20 - Feb 2017
1 pt - The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Brian Selznick - 3/17/20 - Mar 2007

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover
1 pt - Breaking Silence (Kate Burkholder, #3) by Linda Castillo - Linda Castillo - 1/6/20
1 pt - Mrs. Jeffries and the Merry Gentlemen (Mrs. Jeffries, #32) by Emily Brightwell - Emily Brightwell - 2/23/20

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night
1 pt - Jeopardy in January - Camilla Chafer - 1/15/20
1 pt - Vintage 1954 - Antoine Laurain - 3/10/20
1 pt - The Mummy Case - Elizabeth Peters - 3/19/20
or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
1 pt - My Real Name is Hanna - Arthur Golden - 1/19/20 - A
1 pt - When The Black Roses Grow - Angela Christina Archer - 2/1/20 - A
1 pt - The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - R. A. Dick - 2/4/20 - R
1 pt - Lyrebird - Celia Ahern - 2/22/20 - A
1 pt - Fatal Enquiry - Will Thomas - 2/21/20 - T
1 pt - The Myth of Perpetual Summer - Susan Crandell - 3/6/20
1 pt - The History of Things to Come - Duncan Simpson - 3/13/20

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone
1 pt - Where They Found Her - Kimberly McCreight - 2/9/20
1 pt - A Study in Treason - Leonard Goldberg - 2/15/20
1 pt - Murder at the Opera - D. M. Quincy - 3/2/20
1 pt - Church of Marvels - Leslie Parry - 3/3/20
or with a character who is a photographer.
1 pt - The Cat Who Ate Modern Danish - Lillian Jackson Braun - 1/4/20
1 pt - The Dead will Tell - Linda Castillo - 3/8/20

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement
1 pt - A Better Man - Louise Penny - 1/30/20

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
1 pt - You - Caroline Kepnes - 12/24/19

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
1 pt - The Girl with No Shadow - Joanne Harris - 2/14/20
1 pt - I Found You - Lisa Jewell - 2/29/20
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
3 pt - Letters to the Lost by Iona Grey - Iona Grey - 2/16/20

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher
1 pt - The Library of Lost Things - Laura Taylor Namey - 1/14/20
or the main character learns a new skill.
1 pt - The Aviator’s Wife - Melanie Benjamin - 1/8/20

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
1 pt - Rachel’s Holiday - Marian Keyes - 1/2/20
1 pt - A Newfoundlander in Canada: Always Going Somewhere, Always Coming Home - Alan Doyle - 3/15/20
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
3 pt - The Rosie Result - Graeme Simsion - 2/17/20

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
1 pt - Still Life With Murder - P.B. Ryan - 1/20/20
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
3 pt - Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen - 1/25/20 - characters are frequently playing cards

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
1 pt - Miss Marley: The Untold Story of Jacob Marley’s Sister - Vanessa Lafaye - 1/9/20
1 pt - Keeping My Sister’s Secrets - Beezy Marsh - 1/12/20

message 27: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome - Jessica, Shash, & Joann!

message 28: by [deleted user] (last edited Mar 28, 2020 04:17AM) (new)

Winter Bucket List 22.12.19 - 19.03.20 COMPLETION POST
Aiming for Frosty level 54/21

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
Dead if you don’t – peter james – 29.12.19
the girl next door – ruth rendell – 07.02.20
double cross – Malorie black 16.02.20
the dare game – Jacqueline Wilson 20.02.20
Ghost – Jason Reynolds - 03.03.20 192
Glass sword – Victoria Aveyard – red queen #2 –14.03.20 444
Dead If You Don't (Roy Grace, #14) by Peter James The Girl Next Door by Ruth Rendell Double Cross (Noughts & Crosses, #4) by Malorie Blackman The Dare Game (Tracy Beaker, #2) by Jacqueline Wilson Ghost (Track, #1) by Jason Reynolds Glass Sword (Red Queen, #2) by Victoria Aveyard

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book published in January, February, or March.
Exposure – helen Dunmore – 28.12.19
Published 28.01.19
away with the fairies – Kerry greenwood 24.02.20 pub 01.01.20
The familiars – Stacey halls – 26.01.20
Published 07.02.19
the frozen woman – jon Michelet – 09.02.20 PUB 01.01.01
for sale with corpse – j.m. gregson 22.02.20 pub 01.01.90
falling in honey – Jennifer Barclay – 16.02.20 01.03.13
Beneath the Skin – Nicci French - 05.03.20 – 419 pub 01.01.97
Exposure by Helen Dunmore Away with the Fairies (Phryne Fisher, #11) by Kerry Greenwood The Familiars by Stacey Halls The Frozen Woman (Vilhelm Thygesen, #9) by Jon Michelet For Sale - With Corpse (Lambert and Hook #2) by J.M. Gregson Falling in Honey How a Tiny Greek Island Stole My Heart by Jennifer Barclay Beneath the Skin by Nicci French

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
The Star Outside My Window – Onjali Q Rauf 18.01.20
The Magic Finger – Roald Dahl – 27.01.20
The little snake – a.l. kennedy 29.01.20
The Summer of Impossible Things – Rowan Coleman – 06.02.20 - 432
the lovely bones – alice Sebold -22.02.20
everything we ever wanted - sara shepherd – 14.02.20
wham! George and me – Andrew Ridgeley – 21.02.20
the lost temple – tom harper 19.02.20
A perfect explanation - Eleanor anstruther – 27.02.20- 320 pages
Your Truth or Mine? – Trisha Sakhlecha 08.03.20 – 448
Keep Calman Carry On – Susan Calman – 10.03.20 -
The Four Last Things – Andrew Taylor – 11.03.20 – 402

☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
The Star Outside My Window – Onjali Q Rauf 18.01.20
The Star Outside my Window by Onjali Q. Raúf The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl The Little Snake by A.L. Kennedy The Summer of Impossible Things by Rowan Coleman The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold Everything We Ever Wanted by Sara Shepard Wham! George & Me by Andrew Ridgeley The Lost Temple by Tom Harper A Perfect Explanation by Eleanor Anstruther Your Truth or Mine? by Trisha Sakhlecha Keep Calman Carry On by Susan Calman The Four Last Things (Roth, #1) by Andrew Taylor
6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
Lion – saroo Brierley – 22.01.20
The Hunting of the Snark – Lewis Carroll – 15.01.20
Last Letter Home – Rachel Hore – 06.01.20
Song of the dolphin boy – Elizabeth laird – 28.01.20
boy meets boy – David levithan – 22.02.20 – one of the boys is a photographer
Lion by Saroo Brierley Last Letter Home by Rachel Hore Song of the Dolphin Boy by Elizabeth Laird Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
The Three Musketeers – alexander dumas – 13.01.20
The 18th Abduction - James Patterson – 14.01.20
isle of dogs – Patricia cornwell – 12.02.20
Road to war – a first world war girl’s diary, 1916 - Valerie wilding - 25.02.20
The Three Musketeers (The D'Artagnan Romances, #1) by Alexandre Dumas The 18th Abduction (Women's Murder Club, #18) by James Patterson Isle of Dogs (Andy Brazil, #3) by Patricia Cornwell Road to War A First World War Girl's Diary, 1916 by Valerie Wilding

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
Th1rt3en – steve Cavanagh 24.01.20
Room – Emma Donoghue – 15.03.20 321
9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
Lightening mary – anthea simmons – 19.12.19
TH1RT3EN by Steve Cavanagh Room by Emma Donoghue Lightning Mary by Anthea Simmons
10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
Jessica’s ghost – Andrew norriss – 21.01.20
A house without walls – Elizabeth laird – 01.01.20
midnight – Jacqueline Wilson 18.02.20
the illustrated mum – Jacqueline Wilson 18.02.20
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
Jessica’s ghost – Andrew norriss – 21.01.20
Jessica's Ghost by Andrew Norriss A House Without Walls by Elizabeth Laird Midnight by Jacqueline Wilson The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson
11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
The good pilot, peter woodhouse – alexander mccall smith 01.01.20
The House at Pooh Corner – A.A. Milne – 15.01.20
Winnie-the-pooh – a.a.milne – 02.01.20
The Good Pilot, Peter Woodhouse by Alexander McCall Smith The House at Pooh Corner (Winnie-the-Pooh, #2) by A.A. Milne Winnie-the-Pooh (Winnie-the-Pooh, #1) by A.A. Milne

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
Black Out – Lisa Unger - 07.01.20
One Little Lie – Sam Carrington – 17.01.20
murder in montparnase – Kerry greenwood 20.02.20
the pisces – Melissa broder 15.02.20
fragile – lisa unger – 02.02.20 - 336

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
Cari mora – Thomas harris 31.12.19
CrossFire – Malorie Blackman – 03.01.20
A Guilty Thing Surprised – Ruth Rendell – 04.01.20
Bridge of clay – markus zusak – 19.01.20
cocaine blues – Kerry greenwood 21.02.20
Black Out by Lisa Unger One Little Lie by Sam Carrington Murder in Montparnasse (Phryne Fisher, #12) by Kerry Greenwood The Pisces by Melissa Broder Fragile (The Hollows, #1) by Lisa Unger Cari Mora by Thomas Harris Crossfire (Noughts & Crosses, #5) by Malorie Blackman A Guilty Thing Surprised (Inspector Wexford, #5) by Ruth Rendell Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak Cocaine Blues (Phryne Fisher, #1) by Kerry Greenwood

message 29: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome, DenXXX!

message 30: by JoAnne (last edited Jan 23, 2020 04:08PM) (new)

JoAnne (joannemwct) | 1347 comments Winter Bucket List 12/22/19 - 3/19/20
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Read 22 books; 29 snowmen DONE!

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
Ghostly Manners (Lorna Shadow, #1) by K.E. O'Connor Ghostly Manners (Lorna Shadow #1) by K.E. O'Connor 12/23/19 3stars (G for title; dog named Flipper lets Lorna know when ghosts are around)
Dashing Through the Snow by Mary Higgins Clark Dashing Through the Snow (Regan Reilly Mystery)by Mary Higgins Clark, Carol Higgins Clark 12/31/19 3stars (D)
The Death Factory (Penn Cage, #3.5) by Greg Iles The Death Factory (Penn Cage #3.5) by Greg Iles 12/31/19 3stars (D)

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
The Inconvenient Elmswood Marriage (Penniless Brides of Convenience Book 4) by Marguerite Kaye The Inconvenient Elmswood Marriage (Penniless Brides of Convenience #4) by Marguerite Kaye 12/30/19 5stars (lake on the estate; to be released 1/1/20)
Colton Baby Conspiracy by Marie Ferrarella Colton Baby Conspiracy (Colton's of Mustang Valley #1) by Marie Ferrarella 1/1/20 3.5stars (to be released 1/7/20)
Rich, Rugged Rancher by Joss Wood Rich, Rugged Rancher (Texas Cattleman’s Club: Inheritance #2) by Joss Wood 1/4/20 4stars (to be released 1/7/20)
A Love to Redeem His Haunted Heart A Historical Western Romance Book by Etta Foster A Love to Redeem His Haunted Heart: A Historical Western Romance Book by Etta Foster 1/8/20 4stars (January 4, 2020)
Love Her or Lose Her (Hot & Hammered, #2) by Tessa Bailey Love Her or Lose Her (Hot & Hammered #2) by Tessa Bailey 1/9/20 4stars (January 14, 2020)

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
Small Town Christmas (Serendipity, Indiana Book 1) by Magdalena Scott Small Town Christmas (Serendipity, Indiana Book 1) by Magdalena Scott 12/28/19 4stars
Songs of Christmas (Thomas Kinkade's Cape Light) by Katherine Spencer Songs of Christmas (Cape Light #14) by Katherine Spencer 1/15/20 5stars (snow on cover; snowman to left of the house)
Thomas Kinkade's Cape Light All is Bright (Cape Light #15) by Katherine Spencer
Thomas Kinkade's Cape Light: All is Bright (Cape Light #15) by Katherine Spencer 1/17/20 4 stars (snow and snowman on cover)

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
The Way Back to You (Blessings, Georgia #9) by Sharon Sala The Way Back to You (Blessings, Georgia #9) by Sharon Sala 12/31/19 5stars (mountains on cover too)
ice: Kindle location 3392 - "Then Coke it is. On ice?"
shoe: Kindle location 1399 - She went in and put her shoes on, added a little lipstick, then dropped it in her purse.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 1/6/20 3.5stars (S and night on cover)

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins 1/23/20 4stars (Posey for birth mother)

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
For Her Honor (The Gentrys of Paradise, #3) by Holly Bush For Her Honor (The Gentrys of Paradise #3) by Holly Bush 1/4/20 5stars (Adam at a hotel in Philadelphia)
Cowboy Courage (Longhorn Canyon, #6) by Carolyn Brown Cowboy Courage (Longhorn Canyon #6) by Carolyn Brown 1/13/20 4.5stars (Rose staying at her aunt's B&B while she's traveling)

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
A Cowboy Never Quits (Turn Around Ranch #1) by Cindi Madsen A Cowboy Never Quits (Turn Around Ranch #1) by Cindi Madsen 12/27/19 4stars (Jessica learns to cook)

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
Ruthie's Gift by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley Ruthie's Gift by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley 1/4/20 4stars (Ruthie, Hallie and Mallie to play and dress up cats, make a tie for Joe)

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
The Young Heart (The Nordic Heart #0) by Helena Halme The Young Heart (The Nordic Heart #0) by Helena Halme 1/19/20 3stars (Kaisa, her sister and mom; cover scene)

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).
The Last Real Cowboy (Cold River Ranch, #3) by Caitlin Crews The Last Real Cowboy (Cold River Ranch #3) by Caitlin Crews 1/19/20 4stars (Brady renovates a barn that he had purchased and the carriage house to live in)

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
Sit! Stay! Speak! by Annie England Noblin Sit! Stay! Speak! by Annie England Noblin 12/28/19 4stars (dog is shot/killed during a dogfight where there are lots of spectators and drinking)

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story
Jungle Rock A fabulous & funny feel-good read by Caroline James Jungle Rock: A fabulous & funny feel-good read by Caroline James 1/11/20 4stars (Zach is very giving while on the reality TV show - letting others win tasks so they can eat)

message 31: by Lily (new)

Lily (lilygcs) | 122 comments 11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman

0/16 -

Title begins with a letter in DOG...

Published in Jan, Feb, or Mar...

Snow on cover or angel in the story...

Words snow and ice in book... Snowfall and Romance

One of the author's initials is found in STAR...

MC searches for something/someone...

MC is in military or law enforcement...

MC spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast...

MC engages in a hobby...

MC is a student or a teacher...

Friends get together for an activity or MC does same activity for long periods of time.

MC must solve a puzzle...

MC goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer...

A structure/room is remodeled/redecorated...

Book where a death occurs...

Charitable or givingMC or a charitable organization in the story...

message 32: by SANDYE (last edited Mar 18, 2020 07:25AM) (new)

SANDYE (sandye_c) | 1219 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
Date Started: December 22, 2019
Date Completed: March 18, 2020

Total Snowmen Built: 36

21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

❄️ Your goal is to collect as many snowmen as possible by the end of the challenge.

❄️ You may use a task as many times as you like.

❄️ Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
Read a book where animals are used for transportation
a.) The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore - 12/24/19 - reindeer pull Santa's sleigh - 1 snowman
Read a book with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
a.) Dead Wrong (Calladine and Bayliss 1) by Helen H. Durrant - 1/30/20 1 snowman

2. Do the polar bear plunge
Read a book that takes place near a body of water
a.) Born To Love (Jasper Lake 1) by Leah Atwood - 1/13/20 - LOC 558 - the lake is wide and encompasses several municipalities, but the actual town of Jasper Lake is the biggest. 1 snowman
b.) Death Visits the Hair Salon (Mysteries of Marion 1) by Amy Andersen - 3/3/20 - LOC 84 Located in an enclave next to an ocean, Chippingville seemed to reflect the waves 1 snowman
Read a book that was published in January, February, or March.
a.) Just One Piece (PTO Murder Club 3) by Katie Graykowski - 1/8/20 - Published January 25, 2018 1 snowman
b.) Grandkids Gone Wild (Garden Girls 2) by Hope Callaghan - 1/20/20 - Published January 8, 2015 1 snowman
c.) Hamburger Heist (Felicia's Food Truck 2) by Celia Kinsey - 2/28/20 - Published February 23, 2019 1 snowman

5. Go stargazing
Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night
a.) The new year's eve kiss by Chloë Miller - 1/4/20 1 snowman
b.) Falling for the Wolf (Shifted Mates 0.5) by Crystal Ash - 2/27/20 - Astrid & Orion kiss after Astrid breaks up with her boyfriend at a college formal1 snowman
Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
a.) Gifts of Jangalore (Grand Master's Trilogy 0.5) by Aurora Springer - 12/29/19 - 1 snowman
b.) Horrible Halloween Hazards by Amelia Morgan - 1/20/20 1 snowman
c.) The Neil Gage Hit by Robert North - 2/9/20 1 snowman

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone
a.) Death at a Diner (Murder at Milburn 3) by Nancy McGovern - 1/3/20 - Nora (MC) searches for killer as well as a missing flash drive containing evidence 1 snowman

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement
a.) Quinlan's Quest (Quinlan O'Connor 1) by Alyssa Bailey - 12/30/19 - MC Quinn is Sheriff of Sheridan, Wyoming - 1 snowman
b.) The Fargenstropple Case (Terrence Morgan 1) by Lia London - 3/18/20 1 snowman

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast
a.) You Can't Iron a Wrinkled Birthday Suit by Sharon Phennah - 1/28/20 - Pg. 136 - Spending the night in a noisy motel, Gus drove into Pine Crossing on Sunday 1 snowman

10. Take a class
Read a book where the main character is a student
a.) Alex Finch: Monster Hunter (Monster Files 1) by Cate Dean - 12/28/19 - MC Alex is a high school student - 1 snowman
b.) New Year's Eve Kiss Goodnight by Kasey Hill - 1/4/20 - both MCs are college students 1 snowman
Read a book where the main character learns a new skill.
a.) Let's Dance (Scott Family 1) by Amanda Paull - 2/27/20 - MCs take ballroom dance lessons 1 snowman

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
Read a book where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
a.) Cream Caramel and Murder (Holly Holmes 1) by K.E. O'Connor - 1/14/20 - Holly bakes for several hours a day

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation)
a.) Hotdogs and Havoc (Day and Night Diner 5) by Gretchen Allen - 3/14/20 - MC must figure out who broke into coworker's house, who stole item from diner, and who killed a woman connected to the missing item 1 snowman
Read a book with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
a.) Chasing Skye (Texas High 1) by Kelsie Stelting - 12/23/19 - MC Skye plays on the school volleyball and basketball teams - 1 snowman
b.) The Big Gamble (Lucky Lady Casino 1) by Kathryn Shay - 1/12/20 - both MCs go to the casino once a week and play slots and roulette 1 snowman
c.) Cappuccinos, Cupcakes, and a Corpse (Cape Bay Cafe 1) by Harper Lin - 1/18/20 - Fran (MC) plays chess - BONUS - Pg. 196 - I think I can still hold my own if you want to play a game 2 snowmen

13. Plan your summer vacation
Read a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
a.) Death Under the Fireworks (Murder in Milburn 3.5) by Nancy McGovern - 1/2/20 - Takes place on the 4th of July 2 snowmen
a.) Bonus: Death Under the Fireworks (A Murder in Milburn the Novellas #2) by Nancy McGovern

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated
a.) BBQ, Bikers, and Murder (Hawg Heaven 1) by Summer Prescott - 2/24/20 - MC buys candy shop and turns it into a biker diner 1 snowman
b.) Three Little Words (Walker Family 0.5) by Melissa Tagg - 3/5/20 - MC Seth renovates a bank turning it into a restaurant with an apartment above it 1 snowman

15. Host a murder mystery party
Read a book with the MPG mystery
a.) The Mystery of the Missing Crystal Golf Ball: A Canterbury Golf Club Mini-Mystery by Jessa Archer - 1/12/20 1 snowman
b.) Lemon Bars with a Side of Murder (Daley Buzz 4) by Meredith Potts - 1/19/20 1 snowman
c.) Aspen Allegations (Sutton, Massachusetts 1) by Lisa Shea - 1/26/20 1 snowman
d.) Smothered in Onions: A Breezy Spoon Diner Cozy Mystery (Breezy Spoon 3) by Tracey Quinn - 2/28/20 1 snowman
Read a book where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
a.) Birthdays Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens 1) by Cindy Bell - 1/28/20 - James is murdered during his birthday party 2 snowman

message 33: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome - JoAnne, Lily, & Sandye!

message 34: by Sandy (new)

Sandy | 316 comments i have a question - does the bonus count if the book that you read as in number one - an animal used for transportation - does that same book have to have a service animal or a dog on the cover? Same book or do you have to read a second book for the bonus?

message 35: by myfortressofbooks (last edited Mar 18, 2020 06:21AM) (new)

myfortressofbooks | 30 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
Date Started: December 29, 2019

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Tasks Completed: 16/16
Books Read: 19
Score: 26 - Achieved Frosty the Snowman!

Challenge Completed!
Date Finished: March 18, 2020

1. Go dogsledding
  ⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
  ☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

Defiance | Shelly Crane | Title begins with letter D | 12/01 | 1 pt

Destroy Me | Tahereh Mafi | Title begins with letter D | 04/02 | 1 pt

2. Do the polar bear plunge
  ⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
  ☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

A Curse So Dark and Lonely | Brigid Kemmerer | Published in January 2019 | 17/01 | 1 pt

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
  ⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
  ☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

Daughter of Smoke & Bone | Lainy Taylor | There are angels in the story | 13/02 | 1 pt

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
  ⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
  ☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

Sky in the Deep | Adrienne Young | Takes place in the mountains | 20/02 | 1 pt

5. Go stargazing
  ⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
  ☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas | Chapter 44 - Celebration of Starfall + Night sky on the cover | 02/01 | 2 pts

A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2) by Sarah J. Maas

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
  ☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

The Star-Touched Queen | Roshani Chokshi | (view spoiler) | 14/01 | 1 pt

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

Lord of Shadows | Cassandra Clare | Multiple battles take place | 11/01| 1 pt

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

The Bane Chronicles | Cassandra Clare | Magnus stays in multiple hotels & inns in a few different places | 21/01 | 1 pt

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
  ☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

Queen of Air and Darkness | Cassandra Clare | Julian draws or paints in the book | 14/03 | 1 pt

10. Take a class
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
  ☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy | Cassandra Clare | Main character is a student at the academy | 06/01 | 2 pts

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
  ⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
  ☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

Warcross | Marie Lu | (view spoiler) + Characters play video games | 23/01 | 2 pts

Wildcard | Marie Lu | (view spoiler) + Characters play video games | 29/01 | 2 pts

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
  ☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

My Favorite Half-Night Stand | Christina Lauren | Main characters play monopoly | 03/01 | 2 pts

13. Plan your summer vacation
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
  ☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

Doon | Carey Corp & Lorie Langdon | Characters go on a vacation to Scotland during summer holidays + summer scene of Doon on the cover | 18/03 | 2 pts

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
  ⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
  ☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

Love & Gelato | Jenna Evans Welch | Howard mentions redecorating Lina's room for her in chapter 1 | 02/02 | 1 pt

15. Host a murder mystery party
  ⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
  ☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

The Red Scrolls of Magic | Cassandra Clare | (view spoiler) | 20/01 | 2 pts

16. Volunteer your time
  ⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

Independence | Shelly Crane | (view spoiler) | 22/01 | 1 pt

Red, White & Royal Blue | Casey McQuiston | Both main characters are very giving in nature and there are multiple charitable organizations mentioned on the story | 07/02 | 1 pt

Defiance (Significance, #3) by Shelly Crane Destroy Me (Shatter Me, #1.5) by Tahereh Mafi A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Cursebreakers, #1) by Brigid Kemmerer Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1) by Laini Taylor Sky in the Deep (Sky in the Deep, #1) by Adrienne Young A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2) by Sarah J. Maas The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1) by Roshani Chokshi Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices, #2) by Cassandra Clare The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices, #3) by Cassandra Clare Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare Warcross (Warcross, #1) by Marie Lu Wildcard (Warcross, #2) by Marie Lu My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren Doon (Doon, #1) by Carey Corp Love & Gelato (Love & Gelato, #1) by Jenna Evans Welch The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses #1) by Cassandra Clare Independence (Significance, #4) by Shelly Crane Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

message 36: by Amanda A (last edited Mar 25, 2020 06:30PM) (new)

Amanda A | 723 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020
Level: 21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Total Snowmen: 65

❄️ You may use a task as many times as you like.

❄️ Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter 1/7
Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum 1/8
Dancing with the Doc by Jennifer Youngblood 1/14

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon 1/1 {pub in March}
Beneath These Lies (Beneath, #5) by Meghan March by Meghan March 1/2 {mostly naked man + pub in March = 2 snowmen}
Long Shot by Kennedy Ryan 1/18 {pub 3/20/18}

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
Christmas, Criminals, and Campers (A Camper & Criminals Cozy #4) by Tonya Kappes by Tonya Kappes 12/31 {Snow + snowman = 2 snowmen}
The Billionaire's Email-Order Date (Email-Order Romance, #1) by Vivi Holt by Vivi Holt 12/22
The Christmas Blessing (Christmas Hope, #2) by Donna VanLiere by Donna VanLiere 12/27
Murder in Her Stocking (A Granny Reid Mystery, #1) by G.A. McKevett by G.A. McKevett 12/28
Holiday Homecoming Secrets by Lynette Eason by Lynette Eason 1/6
The Christmas Keeper (Happily Ever After, #2) by Jenn McKinlay by Jenn McKinlay 1/11
Amish Christmas Hideaway by Lenora Worth by Lenora Worth 1/20

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
Wild Card 12/27 by Karina Halle {Set in the mountains}
Nightingale Way by Emily March 1/16
"patches of snow" pg 5 | "his shoe hit a slick spot" pg 48
Wishful Thinking by Helen Harper 1/16
"used their reputation to skate by" pg 154 | "finally getting the toe of my shoe in contact with the edge of the Director's wand" pg 247

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket 12/22 {Initials LS}
Merry Christmas, Baby by Katie Reus 12/23 {Initials KR}
Southern Wands 12/23 by Amy Boyles {Initials AB}
The Heartbreakers 12/26 by Ali Novak{Initials AN}
The Fall Up 12/27 by Aly Martinez{Initials AM}
Remember Hope by Ginny Stirling 12/30 {Initials GS}
Ruff Around the Edges by Roxanne St. Claire 1/5 {Initials RS}
Unleashing Mr. Darcy by Teri Wilson 1/10 {Initials TW}
Friends Without Benefits by Penny Reid 1/11 {Initials PR}
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott 1/19 {initials RL}
One Fell Sweep by Ilona Andrews 1/19 {Initials IA}
Cursed Brides and Alibis by Amy Boyles 1/20 {Initials AB}
Wrestlin' Christmas by Shanna Hatfield 1/23 {Initials SH}

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
Zachary's Law by Lisa Jackson 12/30 {Lauren searches for her kids}

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
Fatal Justice by Marie Force 12/31 {Sam is a police lieutenant}
The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver 1/3 {Amelia is a police detective}

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
Easy Charm by Kristen Proby 12/23 {Rhys stays at B&B}
Christmas on Mistletoe Lane by Annie Rains 1/4 {Kaitlyn inherits a B&B and fixes it up}

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
The Christmas Mail Order Bride (Holiday Mail Order Brides, #1) by Kit Morgan by Kit Morgan 12/31 {Summer sews + hat = 2 snowmen}
Dancing to the Altar (Holliday Islands Resort, #2) by Christi Bortner by Christi Bortner 12/24 {crafty matchmaker + hat/scarf on cover = 2 snowmen}
It Started With Joy (Jackson Hole, #1) by Cindy Kirk by Cindy Kirk 1/5 {Rachel & Derek go skiing + scarf on cover = 2 snowmen}

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay 12/24 {Samantha is a student}

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal 1/12 {Friends get together to watch a launch at Mission Control}

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
Unlucky by Jana Deleon by Jana DeLeon 12/28 {Jake plays casino games + playing cards on cover = 2 snowmen}

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
Just This Once by Rosalind James 1/14 {Hannah goes on vacation to New Zealand}

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
12th of Never by James Patterson 12/29 {Mystery MPG}
The Hexorcist by Amanda M. Lee 12/29 {Mystery MPG}
Front Page Fatality by LynDee Walker 12/29 {Mystery MPG}
Ghostly Tricks 12/31 by Lily Harper Hart {Mystery MPG}
Apple Cider Slaying by Julie Anne Lindsey 1/1 {Mystery MPG}
Queen of Hearts by Rhys Bowen 1/2 {Mystery MPG}
The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries by Emily Brightwell 1/7 {Mystery MPG}
The Wife by Alafair Burke 1/9 {Mystery MPG}
Stockings and Spells by Nancy Warren 1/12 {Mystery MPG}
True Fiction by Lee Goldman 1/13 {Mystery MPG}
Milk and Honey by Faye Kellerman 1/17 {Mystery MPG}
Chili Con Carnage by Kylie Logan 1/18 {Mystery MPG}
The Bodies in the Library by Marty Wingate 1/21 {Mystery MPG}
The Unremembered Girl by Eliza Maxwell 1/22 {Mystery MPG}
In the Woods by Tana French 1/24 {Mystery MPG}

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Let It Snow by Nancy Thayer 1/9 {Christina is a giving person}

message 37: by Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (last edited Jan 05, 2020 11:24AM) (new)

Sallie(GeorgiaGirl) (shuga) | 196 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
A Biscuit, a Casket 05 Jan 2020

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 38: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Sandy wrote: "i have a question - does the bonus count if the book that you read as in number one - an animal used for transportation - does that same book have to have a service animal or a dog on the cover? Sa..."

It would need to be the same book ☺

message 39: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome - myfortressofbooks, Amanda A, & Sallie(GeorgiaGirl)!

message 40: by Sandy (new)

Sandy | 316 comments JennyR wrote: "Sandy wrote: "i have a question - does the bonus count if the book that you read as in number one - an animal used for transportation - does that same book have to have a service animal or a dog on..."

Thanks so much for the help on this one.

message 41: by Aminko (last edited Mar 20, 2020 07:03PM) (new)

Aminko | 175 comments ⛄⛄⛄Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019⛄⛄⛄
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)

Read: 6

1. Go dogsledding: December by Alexander Kluge

2. Do the polar bear plunge: Her Vigilant SEAL by Caitlyn O'Leary (9/2/2020)

3. Build a snowman or snow angel: Broken Bones by Angela Marsons

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding: Playing for Keeps by Kendall Ryan

5. Go stargazing: Hold Your Breath by Katie Ruggle

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt: Undiscovered by Anna Hackett

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight: Never Love a Highlander by Maya Banks

8. Sleep in an ice hotel: Hard Play by Sheryl Nantus

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf: Love Potions by Michelle M. Pillow (25/1/2020)

10. Take a class: Sacked by Jen Frederick

11. Host a movie or video game marathon: Kulti by Mariana Zapata (25/2/2020)

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games: Changing the Game by Jaci Burton

13. Plan your summer vacation: Her Three Suitors by Anneka R. Walker (14/3/2020)

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home: A Hundred Pieces of Me by Lucy Dillon (4/3/2020)

15. Host a murder mystery party: The Lost Man by Jane Harper (15/1/2020)

16. Volunteer your time: Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata

December by Alexander Kluge Her Vigilant SEAL (Midnight Delta, #1) by Caitlyn O'Leary Broken Bones (D.I. Kim Stone, #7) by Angela Marsons Playing for Keeps (Hot Jocks, #1) by Kendall Ryan Hold Your Breath (Search and Rescue, #1) by Katie Ruggle Undiscovered (Treasure Hunter Security, #1) by Anna Hackett Never Love a Highlander (McCabe Trilogy, #3) by Maya Banks Hard Play (Delta Force Brotherhood, #1) by Sheryl Nantus Love Potions (Warlocks MacGregor, #1) by Michelle M. Pillow Sacked (Gridiron, #1) by Jen Frederick Kulti by Mariana Zapata Changing the Game (Play by Play, #2) by Jaci Burton Her Three Suitors (Regency Ever After #1) by Anneka R. Walker A Hundred Pieces of Me by Lucy Dillon The Lost Man by Jane Harper Dear Aaron by Mariana Zapata

message 42: by Josie (new)

Josie (j_osie) | 48 comments 1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.

message 43: by Melanie (last edited Mar 23, 2020 11:08PM) (new)

Melanie TLC Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

Level: 21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

❄️ Your goal is to collect as many snowmen as possible by the end of the challenge.
❄️ You may use a task as many times as you like.

❄️ Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
Give It Back by Danielle Esplin Give It Back - Danielle Esplin - 1/13/2020
Daddy's Little Girl by Mary Higgins Clark Daddy's Little Girl - Mary Higgins Clark - 1/24/2020
Devil's Waltz (Alex Delaware, #7) by Jonathan Kellerman Devil's Waltz - Jonathan Kellerman - 2/1/2020
Gone (Gone, #1) by Stacy Claflin Gone - Stacy Claflin - 2/9/2020
The Golden Land by Di Morrissey The Golden Land - Di Morrissey - 2/29/2020

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
Voyager (Outlander, #3) by Diana Gabaldon Voyager - Diana Gabaldon - 1/10/2020
How it fits: Published February 2015
The Secretary by Renée Knight The Secretary - Renée Knight - 1/16/2020
How it fits: Published February 2019
The Orphan's Tale by Pam Jenoff The Orphan's Tale - Pam Jenoff - 1/28/2020
How it fits: Published March 2017
The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer The Things We Cannot Say - Kelly Rimmer - 3/10/2020
How it fits: Published February 2019

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
All Good Deeds (Lucy Kendall, #1) by Stacy Green All Good Deeds - Stacy Green - 2/15/2020

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
Silver Wattle by Belinda Alexandra Silver Wattle - Belinda Alexandra - 12/31/2019
How it fits: Adela is a photographer.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis - 1/11/2020 - the White Witch.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.
The Maple Murders (Riverdale, #3) by Micol Ostow The Maple Murders - Micol Ostow - 2/2/2020
How it fits: MC's participate in the Riverdale Revels together.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
Brain on Fire My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness - Susannah Cahalan - 1/4/2020
How it fits: MC has to solve a puzzle, she has to draw a clock face to determine if her brain is working correctly.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
The Stolen Marriage by Diane Chamberlain The Stolen Marriage - Diane Chamberlain - 12/23/2019 - (view spoiler)
Liliana (Liliana, #1) by Neva Squires-Rodriguez Liliana - Neva Squires-Rodriguez - 1/14/2020 - Liliana's mother.
The King's Curse by Philippa Gregory The King's Curse - Philippa Gregory - 1/22/2020 - Margaret Pole.
The Fence by Meredith Jaffe The Fence - Meredith Jaffe - 1/26/2020 - the dog due to chocolate poisoning.
The Safest Place in London by Maggie Joel The Safest Place in London - Maggie Joel - 2/7/2020 - (view spoiler)

The Sleeping Beauty Killer by Mary Higgins Clark The Sleeping Beauty Killer - Mary Higgins Clark and Alafair Burke - 2/17/2020
How it fits: MPG Mystery by 197 users.
The Understudy by Sophie Hannah The Understudy - Sophie Hannah, Claire Mackintosh, B.A. Paris and Holly Brown - 3/19/2020
How it fits: MPG Mystery by 4 users.

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Now You See Me How I Forgave the Unforgivable by Kathy Sanders Now You See Me: How I Forgave the Unforgivable - Kathy Sanders - 2/4/2020
How it fits: MC is a charitable and giving woman, offering support to the Twin Tower bombing victim's families.

message 44: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Sandy wrote: "JennyR wrote: "Sandy wrote: "i have a question - does the bonus count if the book that you read as in number one - an animal used for transportation - does that same book have to have a service ani..."

You're welcome!

message 45: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Welcome - Aminko, Josie, & Melanie!

message 46: by Allison (last edited Mar 03, 2020 06:18PM) (new)

Allison (allison302) TLC Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

22 snowmen

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)
11-20 snowmen: Abominable Snowman
21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
Tell Me More: Stories about the 12 Hardest Things I'm Learning to Say by Kelly Corrigan- published January 2018- 1/7/20 = 1 snowman
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond- published in March 2016 - 1/25/2020 = 1 snowman
American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins- published January 2020 = 1 snowman

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.
The Gift by Cecelia Ahern by Cecelia Ahern (snowman on the cover)- 1/27/2020= 2 snowmen

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
Night of Miracles by Elizabeth Berg- Snow & Ice in the text:
Pg 184: "Wouldn't hurt you kids one bit to go to school when there's a little snow on the ground."
Pg 105: "She pulls a quart of chocolate-cherry-walnut ice cream from the freezer." -2/26/20 = 1 snowman

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn by Kate Clayborn (important scene takes place outdoors and at night & there is a night sky on the cover)- 1/19/2020 = 2 snowmen
Running from Mercy: Jonah and the Surprising Story of God's Unstoppable Grace by Anthony Carter- author has an A in his initials- 2/29/20 = 1 snowman

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
Real: The Surprising Secret to Deeper Relationships by Catherine Parks- author is searching for authentic friendships = 1 snowman

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
Wanderlost by Jen Malone- main character stays in many hotels- 12/31/19 = 1 snowman
Cure for the Common Breakup by Beth Kendrick- there is an "icy" character- 2/1/2020 = 1 snowman
The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory- main character stays in a hotel - 2/7/20 = 1 snowman

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional LifeLara Casey- main character gardens a lot - 2/25/20 = 1 snowman

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang- The main character learns physical intimacy and how to be in a relationship- 1/11/20 = 1 snowman

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen Takes place in the summer and has a summer scene on the cover -2/16/20 =2 snowmen

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).
Notes from a Blue Bike: The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World by Tsh Oxenreider- author finds balance and harmony- 1/15/2020 =1 snowman
The One That Got Away by Bethany Chase- a home remodel takes place- 3/3/20 = 1 snowman

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
Every Last Lie by Mary Kubica- MPG mystery and a death occurs, but not at a party- 1/7/20 = 1 snowman

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Marching Off the Map: Inspire Students to Navigate a Brand New World by Tim Elmore- charitable organization (Growing Leaders) in the story- 1/25/2020 - 1 snowman
The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates- the entire book is about charitable and giving people/organizations - 3/1/2020 = 1 snowman

message 47: by Frankie (new)

Frankie Johnson | 3879 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

5-10 snowmen: Olaf (Frozen)

5/5 Completed 7 snowmen. Finish!!

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover. (2 snowmen)
The Good Luck Sister-Jill Shalvis 12/23/19
The Good Luck Sister (Wildstone, #1.5) by Jill Shalvis

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that was published in January, February, or March.
☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover. (2 snowmen)
Outlaw Kind of Love-Nicole Snow 12/26/19
Outlaw Kind of Love (Prairie Devils MC #1) by Nicole Snow

3. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where one of the author's initials is found in STAR. (1 snowman)
Terri Anne Browning-Holding Mia 12/30/19
Holding Mia (Rockers' Legacy #1) by Terri Anne Browning

4. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement. (1 snowman)
Addicted to You-Nikki Mays 12/27/19
Addicted to You (SAPD SWAT, #2) by Nikki Mays

5. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery. (1 snowman)
Savage Hunger-Lisa Renee Jones 1/02/20
Savage Hunger (Savage Trilogy #1) by Lisa Renee Jones

message 48: by ✨ Vittoria ✨ (last edited Mar 19, 2020 06:05PM) (new)

✨ Vittoria ✨ | 541 comments Reading the Seasons - Winter 2019
Duration: December 22, 2019 - March 19, 2020

Level: 21+ snowmen: Frosty the Snowman
My Points: 45

Your goal is to collect as many snowmen as possible by the end of the challenge. You may use a task as many times as you like. Scoring: Score 1 snowman for each book read that fits a task plus 1 snowman for each bonus task completed.

1. Go dogsledding
⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG. ⛄ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.
Grandi speranze by Charles Dickens - 25 Jan 20 (letter in DOG + dog on cover) [2 points] (view spoiler)
A Treacherous Curse by Deanna Raybourn - 27 Jan 20 (animals are used for transportation + dog on cover) [2 points] (view spoiler)

2. Do the polar bear plunge
⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March. ⛄ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.
The Uninvited Corpse by Debra Sennefelder - 28 Dec 19 (published in March) [1 point]
Angels' Blood by Nalini Singh - 03 Feb 20 (near a body of water + mostly naked character on cover) [2 points] (view spoiler)
Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh - 06 Feb 20 (published in March + mostly naked character on cover) [2 points] (view spoiler)
Thread of Death by Jennifer Estep - 17 Feb 20 (published in January) [1 point]

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story. ⛄ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains. ⛄ Bonus: mountains on the cover.
Heart of Venom by Jennifer Estep - 28 Feb 20 (takes place in the mountains) [1 point]
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien - 12 Mar 20 (takes place in the mountains + mountains on the cover) [2 points]

5. Go stargazing
⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR. ☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.
Dead as a Door Knocker by Diane Kelly - 24 Dec 19 (outdoors and at night) [1 point]
Murder on Black Swan Lane by Andrea Penrose - 08 Jan 20 (outdoors and at night + night sky on the cover) [2 points]
Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue by Victoria Thompson - 22 Jan 20 (initial in STAR + night sky on the cover) [2 points]
Face Down in the Marrow-Bone Pie by Kathy Lynn Emerson - 29 Jan 20 (outdoors and at night + night sky on the cover) [2 points]
Venom by Jennifer Estep - 09 Feb 20 (outdoors and at night + night sky on the cover) [2 points]
Widow’s Web by Jennifer Estep - 23 Feb 20 (outdoors and at night + night sky on the cover) [2 points]

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer. ☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.
A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn - 16 Jan 20 (main character searches for someone) [1 point]

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.
Salvation in Death by J.D. Robb - 30 Dec 19 (main character in law enforcement) [1 point]
Spider's Revenge by Jennifer Estep - 15 Feb 20 (battle takes place) [1 point]

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.
Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep - 12 Feb 20 ("icy" character) [1 point]

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character. ☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.
Who Buries the Dead by C.S. Harris - 12 Jan 20 (hobby + hat on cover) [2 points]
Murder at Half Moon Gate by Andrea Penrose - 19 Jan 20 (hobby + hat on cover) [2 points]
Kiss of Venom by Jennifer Estep - 14 Mar 20 ("crafty" character) [1 point]

10. Take a class
⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill. ☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time. ☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation). ☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.
Death At Victoria Dock by Kerry Greenwood - 04 Jan 20 (puzzle + playing cards in the story) [2 points]
Murder at Kensington Palace by Andrea Penrose - 31 Jan 20 (puzzle + playing cards in the story) [2 points]

13. Plan your summer vacation
⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer. ☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.
By a Thread by Jennifer Estep - 20 Feb 20 (MC goes on vacation) [1 point]

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony. ☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).
Wall-to-Wall Dead by Jennie Bentley - 17 Mar 20 (structure/room is remodeled) [1 point]
Shot Through the Hearth by Kate Carlisle - 19 Mar 20 (structure/room is remodeled) [1 point]

15. Host a murder mystery party
⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs. ☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.
The Cat of the Baskervilles by Vicki Delany - 31 Dec 19 (death + during a party) [2 points]
Deadly Sting by Jennifer Estep - 26 Feb 20 (death + during a party) [2 points]

16. Volunteer your time
⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story.
Death by Committee by Alexis Morgan - 26 Dec 19 (giving main character) [1 point]

message 49: by Jodie (JT) (new)

Jodie (JT) (jodiewolfbane) Snowman

Winter Bucket List

1. Go dogsledding
  ⛄ Read a book where animals are used for transportation or with a title that begins with a letter in DOG.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a dog on the cover or a service/working dog in the story.

2. Do the polar bear plunge
  ⛄ Read a book that takes place near a body of water or was published in January, February, or March.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a mostly naked character on the cover.

3. Build a snowman or snow angel
  ⛄ Read a book with snow on the cover or an angel in the story.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a snowman or snow angel on the cover.

4. Go snowshoeing, ice skating, skiing, or snowboarding
  ⛄ Read a book with two of the following words in the text: snow, shoe, ice, skate, or ski (variations allowed) or that takes place in the mountains.
   ☃️ Bonus: mountains on the cover.

5. Go stargazing
  ⛄ Read a book where an important scene takes place outdoors and at night or where one of the author's initials is found in STAR.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with the night sky on the cover.

6. Go on a winter photo scavenger hunt
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character searches for something/someone or with a character who is a photographer.
   ☃️ Bonus: a book with a camera or photograph on the cover.

7. Build a snow fort and have a snowball fight
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is in the military or law enforcement or where a battle takes place.

8. Sleep in an ice hotel
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character spends the night in a hotel, inn, or bed and breakfast or has an "icy" (your interpretation) character.

9. Start a scrapbook or a knit/crochet a hat or scarf
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character engages in a hobby or with a "crafty" (your interpretation) character.
   ☃️ Bonus: a hat and/or scarf on the cover.

10. Take a class
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character is a student or a teacher or the main character learns a new skill.
   ☃️ Bonus: primary setting is a school.

11. Host a movie or video game marathon
  ⛄Read a book where friends get together for an activity or where the main character does the same activity for long periods of time.
   ☃️ Bonus: a character plays video games.

12. Put together a jigsaw puzzle or play board/card games
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character must solve a puzzle (your interpretation) or with a character that plays games (your interpretation).
   ☃️ Bonus: jigsaw puzzle, board game, or playing cards in the story or on the cover.

13. Plan your summer vacation
  ⛄ Read a book where the main character goes on vacation or a book that takes place in summer.
   ☃️ Bonus: a "summer" scene on the cover.

14. Redecorate or Feng Shui your home
  ⛄ Read a book where a structure/room is remodeled/redecorated or where the main character finds balance and harmony.
   ☃️ Bonus: the words Feng Shui in the text (state location and passage).

15. Host a murder mystery party
  ⛄ Read a book with the MPG mystery or where a death occurs.
   ☃️ Bonus: a death takes place during a party.

16. Volunteer your time
  ⛄ Read a book with a charitable or giving main character or with a charitable organization in the story. 

message 50: by JennyR (new)

JennyR (jenniferra) | 628 comments Fantastic, Frankie!

Welcome - Allison, ✨ Vittoria ✨, & Jodie (JCT)!

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