Nutrition For Dummies Quotes

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Nutrition For Dummies Nutrition For Dummies by Carol Ann Rinzler
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“many (some say most) Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners, South Americans, and Eastern, Central, or Southern Europeans are deficient in lactase, the enzyme that splits lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose. If these people drink milk or eat milk products, they end up with a lot of undigested lactose in their intestinal tracts. This undigested lactose makes the bacteria living there happy as clams — but not the person who owns the intestines: As bacteria feast on the undigested sugar, they excrete waste products that give their host gas and cramps. To avoid this anomaly, many national cuisines purposely avoid milk as an ingredient. (Quick! Name one native Asian dish that’s made with milk. No, coconut milk doesn’t count.) To get the calcium their bodies need, these people simply substitute high-calcium foods such as greens or calcium-enriched soy products for milk.”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Think of your energy requirements as a bank account. You make deposits when you consume calories. You make withdrawals when your body spends energy on work. Nutritionists divide the amount of energy you withdraw each day into two parts: The energy you need when your body is at rest The energy you need to do your daily “work” To keep your energy account in balance, you need to take in enough each day to cover your withdrawals. As a general rule, infants and adolescents burn more energy per pound than adults do, because they’re continually making large amounts of new tissue. Similarly, an average man burns more energy than an average woman because his body is larger and has more muscle (see the upcoming section “Sex,”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Your body can pack about 400 grams (14 ounces) of glycogen into liver and muscle cells. A gram of carbohydrates — including glucose — has four calories. If you add up all the glucose stored in glycogen to the small amount of glucose in your cells and blood, it equals about 1,800 calories of energy. If your diet provides more carbohydrates than you need to produce this amount of stored calories in the form of glucose and glycogen in your cells, blood, muscles, and liver, the excess will be converted to fat. And that’s how”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Two 2010 studies, one at the University of Chicago Medical Center and the other at the Division of Sleep Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, link sleep deprivation to weight gain. In the first study, dieters who had a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night lost fat when they lost weight. In the second study, teenagers who slept fewer than eight hours a night ate more fatty foods than did those who caught a full night’s sleep. Why? Some believe the answer may lie in the sleep-satisfied body’s ability to regulate hormones that control appetite, but conclusive evidence must wait for another study. In the meantime, here’s a motto for the weight conscious: 40 winks or 40 pounds.”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Do it very gradually, a little bit more every day. That way, you’re less likely to experience intestinal distress. In other words, if your current diet is heavy on no-fiber foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and cheese, and low-fiber foods such as white bread and white rice, don’t load up on bran cereal (35 grams dietary fiber per 3.5-ounce serving) or dried figs (9.3 grams per serving) all at once. Start by adding a serving of cornflakes (2.0 grams dietary fiber) at breakfast, maybe an apple (2.8 grams) at lunch, a pear (2.6 grams) at mid-afternoon, and a half cup of baked beans (7.7 grams) at dinner. Four simple additions, and already you’re up to 15 grams dietary fiber.”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“This vitamin cannot be produced by higher plants (the ones that yield our fruits and vegetables), but like vitamin K, vitamin B12 is made by beneficial bacteria living in the small intestine. Meat, fish, poultry, milk products, and eggs are good sources of vitamin B12. Grains don’t naturally contain vitamin B12, but like other B vitamins, it’s”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Bring on the veggies In 1980, the first Guidelines directed consumers to “Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber.” By 1990, that had become “Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products.” Today, the new, direct directive is to make half of your plate vegetables and fruits. Maybe the whole plate: The Guidelines say right out, no mincing words here, those vegetarian-style diets are associated with a variety of health benefits including lower weight, a lower risk of heart disease, and — best of all — a longer life. Finally, two new charts, Appendix 8 and Appendix 9, detail (respectively) “Lacto-ova Adaptations of USDA Food Patterns” (meal planning for vegetarians who eat dairy products)”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Exercise increases brainpower. You know that aerobic exercise increases the flow of oxygen to the heart, but did you also know that it increases the flow of oxygen to the brain? When a rush job (or a rush of anxiety) keeps you up all night, a judicious exercise break can keep you bright until dawn. According to nutrition research scientist Judith J. Wurtman, PhD, when you’re awake and working during hours that you’d normally be asleep, your internal body rhythms tell your body to cool down, even though your brain is racing along. Simply standing up and stretching, walking around the room, or doing a couple of sit-ups every hour or so speeds up your metabolism, warms up your muscles, increases your ability to stay awake, and, in Dr. Wurtman’s words, “prolongs your ability to work smart into the night.” Eureka!”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Not only does a developing brain need plenty of calories; a lot of those calories should come from fats, particularly the polyunsaturated omaga-3 fatty acid docosahexanoic acid, better known as DHA. Fats”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies
“Fluoridated water: The real Tooth Fairy Except for the common cold, dental cavities are the most common human medical problem. You get cavities from mutans streptococci, bacteria that live in dental plaque. The bacteria digest and ferment carbohydrate residue on your teeth (plain table sugar is the worst offender) leaving acid that eats away at the mineral surface of the tooth. This eating away is called decay. When the decay gets past the enamel to the softer pulp inside of the tooth, your tooth hurts. And you head for the dentist even though you hate it so much you’d almost rather put up with the pain. But almost doesn’t count, so off you go.”
Carol Ann Rinzler, Nutrition for Dummies