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CEO Todd Forkel said the acquisition is tentatively scheduled for the end of March. The health system is also looking for a CEO for the hospital.
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The pandemic started with paper hearts and 8 p.m. howls, but devolved into conspiracy theories and anger as we grew more isolated and frustrated. Columnist asks: What have we learned?
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As Congress looks to make significant cuts in health coverage to pay for tax cuts, families, hospitals and behavioral health leaders raise the alarm.
It takes about 6 months to develop and grow a vaccine, so time is tight for the next flu season


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The first chemo infusion center in Valley City, named after lifelong resident Debbie Gabel, will provide cancer patients with care closer to home.
House lawmakers advanced the bill to cap insulin and related medical supplies at $25 per month each with a 59-27 vote.
With a 50-43 vote, the House passed a bill to downgrade the crime of intentional HIV transmission from a felony to a misdemeanor, aligning the charge with other intentional disease transmission.
Those in favor of banning fluoride said the chemical makes people "dumber." Proponents of expanding vaccine exemptions said the action would preserve medical freedom.
A $27.4 million grant will fund 215 ultrasound machines and three years of training to support North Dakota’s underserved communities.