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A calendar of the best and brightest astronomical sights in April.
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In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about the right time to plant trees and when to buy onion sets.
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Don Kinzler writes: "We can help our wintered plants prepare for another outdoor growing season with a few simple tips."
This past week we have seen a broad range of weather, from some nice sunny days to some more light snow possibly for the weekend. Welcome to spring where each and every day is a bit different. As I was working in the backyard this past week, I was reminded that there are things to take a time out for and just sit to appreciate. It is a great reminder as we get into the new gardening season because we can get too busy working on things and not spend enough time relaxing and enjoying what surrounds us.


Latest Headlines
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Jessie Veeder writes about a recent cultural event with more than 20 different countries from the community represented.
It’s the idea behind a work of art that makes it “art, ” so say experts in describing why some outrageous stuff gets applause, sold, and even eaten.
Look for the eerie zodiacal light through March 30 and again from April 14-27
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The end result is elegant and decadent, but the process for cooking this delicious meal is deceptively simple.
Beginning May 7, U.S. travelers must be REAL ID compliant to board domestic flights.
Astronomers track the sun's 11-year cycle by counting sunspots. Also, we're expecting a strong geomagnetic storm and aurora to arrive on Saturday night.


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In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about how to divide a hydrangea and whether you can plant anything under evergreens.
The other day, I found myself running errands and became aware of all the gardening products coming out. I always find it exciting to see what is new on the shelves and what the prices are going to be for the year. Sometimes I see things that I forgot to put on my list, so I mentally take note and add it to my list when I get home.
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Some tasks can be more harmful to your lawn if checked off your list too early.