
Stormtracker Forecast
Light rain moves out this evening
Radar & Roads
Weather Headlines
Much of the carnage was caused by one storm, the infamous Tristate tornado of March 18.
One of the most common causes of the rain smell comes from bacteria which are released from the soil by raindrops.
Wednesday's blizzard across Nebraska and western Iowa was severe enough that it will be it talked about for years.
Wind gusts in the range of 65 to 75 mph were widespread across eastern Nebraska.
The birds are impatient, not waiting for pleasant weather at all.
StormTRACKER Meteorologist Lydia Blume discusses how far behind we are on snowfall and moisture headed into spring.


Many of our warm days in spring are also windy days.
Nature's beauty from a weather perspective
Daylight is increasing by 3:22 per day.


Stormtracker Team
Robert Poynter
Robert Poynter
Charles Pekar - WDAY Headshots 2023.jpg
Charles Pekar