Urban Renewal Kit Manual
Urban Renewal Kit Manual
Urban Renewal Kit Manual
Users Manual
Designed By: Ed Goldman, Chris Weiss, et al. DOS Programming: Ed Goldman Windows Programming: Jason Shankel, James Turner Producer: Chris Weiss Art Director: Sharon Perry Computer Art: Bonnie Borucki, Shannon Galvin, Barbara Pollak, Kok Wee Lim, Kelli Pearson, Sharon Perry Product Manager: Sally Vandershaf Technical Director: Brian Conrad QA Supervisor: Alan Barton Lead Tester: Scott Shicoff Testers: Cathy Castro, Michael Gilmartin, Jussi Ylinen, Marc Meyer Lead Technical Support Agent: Rick Acquistapace Manual Written By: Bob Sombrio, Michael Bremer Electronic Manual Created By: Incan Monkey God Studios Copy Editor: Debra Larson Documentation Design and Layout: David Caggiano, Amy Melker Package Design: Davison Design Manufacturing: Kim Vincent, Martin Chan
Thanks to: Jeff Braun, Will Wright, Joe Scirica, Sam Poole, Lois Tilles, Val Garcia, Jeff Screenshot Feil & all them other Maxoids and Don Walters Incan Monkey God Studios and the IMGS logo are trademarks of IMGS, Inc.
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INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SCURK and SimCity 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SCURK and Future Maxis Computer Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Your Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some (Really Small) Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The SCURK DOS Main Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3
The Palettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
DOS Notes on Palettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Options Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Window Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pick & Copy Notes and Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 The Pick & Copy Menu Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Object Group Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Target Size Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . Edit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . Object Group Menu . . . . . Window Menu . . . . . . . . . Windows Information Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 34 34 34 35
Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
File Menu . . . . . . Object Group Menu Window Menu . . . Information Line . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 48 48 48
A SCURK TUTORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Introcuction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Using Paint the Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Using Pick & Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
FAREWELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
APPENDIX 1 - File Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 APPENDIX 2 - Colors, the Palette and Color Cycling . . . . . . . . 73
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The SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kita.k.a. SCURKis the ultimate utility for the ultimate city simulator. Building and editing cities and terrain for your Sims was only the beginning. Now you can: Build a SimCity 2000 city from scratch, or modify any pre-built city your way, without any money, population, time or developmental constraints. Put buildings, roads, subways...you name it...anywhere, any time, for any reason. Enhance, modify, and otherwise embellish the original SimCity 2000 artwork, and even design your own. Mix and match the original SimCity 2000 buildings with your own art to create custom object sets that you can load into SimCity 2000. Print out your city in any of three sizes, above or below ground, and showing (or not) any layers you choose. Still not enough for you? Well then, as an added bonus, the talented folks in our art department have created an entirely new, futuristic set of graphics for your enjoyment and editing pleasure.
SCURK is an add-on to SimCity 2000. It wont install or work if you dont have SimCity 2000. Youll have a lot more fun with SCURK if you are already familiar with SimCity 2000, so if you havent played SimCity 2000, set this manual down and go play. Once you have a feel for the game, youll have a better feel for designing buildings and cities in SCURK.
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SCURK and Future Maxis Computer Games Using Your Graphics Some
(Really Small)
Not only will SCURK help you get more out of SimCity 2000, itll help you get more out of a number of other yet-to-bereleased games as well. SCURK will work with and enhance a number of future Maxis games. Youll be able to use SCURK to create city raceways for driving simulations, targets and obstacle courses for flying simulations, and the playfields for games that...well, youll just have to wait and see.
When you install SCURK, all the necessary changes are made to your copy of SimCity 2000 so you can use the new graphics we provide or the ones you create. See the SimCity 2000 Special Edition Quick-Start Guide for complete instructions for installing and starting SCURK on your computer.
Some of the windows on your computer, and some of the object names, may be a little different than how they appear in this manual. This wont have any effect at all on how the utilities and objects work. Even though there is a great deal of similarity in how SKURK utilities function on different computers, there are a few differences. Where these differences are significant, the instructions are grouped by that particular computer.
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After youve clicked your way through the title screens, youll be at the riveting SCURK Main Screen. This is where you access each of the three SCURK utilities. Each utility is described under its button. Click on a button to start that utility. FILE MENU About...scrolls important credits and information. Its worth the reading. Honest. Quit ends SCURK and sends you back to DOS. UTILITIES MENU Paint the Town starts the Paint the Town utility. Pick & Copy starts the Pick & Copy utility. Place & Print starts the Place & Print utility. SOUND MENU Enabled toggles all sound effects On and Off. Note: Keyboard shortcuts for menu options are displayed in the menus. DOS
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SCURK in Windows
SCURK consists of three utilities, each in its own window. To activate a utility, either click on it, or select it in the Window menu. Paint the Town is a specialized paint program that lets you create new graphics or enhance old ones from either the original or Future City set.
Place & Print Pick & Copy Paint the Town
Pick & Copy lets you mix and match different graphics. Place & Print lets you design, modify, plan, model or otherwise shape a city, and print it out in three different sizes.
Common Definitions
Before jumping into the program, here are some helpful definitions: ObjectsObjects are things that appear in SimCity 2000 that can be modified in SCURK. They include buildings, roads, rubble, animated objects and a few other things. Object SetAn Object Set is a file containing one or more objects. In SCURK, you are able to copy objects from set to set. Working Object SetThe Working Object Set is the Object Set that you are currently modifying. In Windows and the Working Object Set is available to all three utilities, and changes you make to the Working Set in one utility are immediately reflected in the other utilities.
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Paint the Town is a specialized paint program that lets you create your own graphics for the objects (buildings, etc.) in SimCity 2000. You can create artwork from scratch or you can start with the original or Future City sets and modify them. Note: Changing the look of the objects does not in any way change the way the SimCity 2000 simulation works or the game plays. This means you can get as weird and wild as you want with your object designs and itll always work. In the words of the Immortal Bard, A Braun Llama Dome by any other visual representation would still smell as sweet. (At least to your Sims.) Here are a couple more useful definitions for understanding Paint the Town: TilesA tile is a measurement of area in SimCity 2000. Tiles are the little squares on the ground. Base SizeEach object has a pre-set, unchangeable base size that limits its width and depth. Some objects have a base size of 1 x 1 tile, others are 2 x 2, a few are 3 x 3, and the biggest ones are 4 x 4. Even the animated, moving objects that dont sit on the ground (like planes and ships) are limited to their base tile size.
Base Size
General Information
Object Tiles
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When the Paint the Town utility window is open you can create brand new graphics for SimCity 2000 from scratch, or load in an existing set to modify.
View Windows
Object Selector
Menu Bar
View Windows
Square Brushes Current Color Color Palette Object Selector Information Line Round Brushes
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Paint the Town works like most computer paint programs, with a couple of special tools to make it easier to draw in the proper perspective for SimCity 2000. The basic process is to choose the tool you want to use from the Toolbox, choose the color you want to use from the palette, then paint in the Drawing Area. Your work will simultaneously be displayed in three SimCity 2000 zoom sizes. If you are familiar with other computer paint programs, youll master Paint the Town in no time. If not, then read through this section of the manual and play through the tutorial, and youll master it in almost no time.
The Tools
Free Drawing Tool Line Left Wall Circle Fill Zoom Out Copy (DOS) Copy/Import
Eraser Diamond Right Wall Box Eyedropper (Color Picker) Zoom In Paste
Free Drawing ToolTurns your cursor into a free-style drawing tool. Click or click and drag the mouse in the Drawing Area to use it. In DOS and Windows, while active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a pencil. The size of dots and lines that this tool draws depends on the brush size. Page 7
EraserTurns your cursor into an eraser. Click or click and drag the mouse in the Drawing Area to use it. In DOS and Windows while active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is an eraser. The area that this tool erases depends on the brush size. LineDraws a straight line at any angle. Click and hold to begin the line, drag the mouse to define the line, then release the mouse button to draw the line. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. The thickness of the line depends on the brush size. DiamondDraws diamond shapes. Click and hold to choose one corner of the diamond, drag the mouse until the diamond is the size you want, then release the mouse button. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. The thickness of the diamonds outline depends on the brush size. When this button is active, click it again to open a submenu that lets you choose between a hollow diamond and a filled diamond. Left WallDraws parallelograms that make it easy to draw left walls of buildings in the proper perspective for SimCity 2000. Of course, you can use it for things other than left walls if you choose. Click and hold to choose one corner of the wall, drag the mouse until the wall is the size you want, then release the mouse button. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. The thickness of the walls outline depends on the brush size. When this button is active, click it again to open a submenu that lets you choose between a hollow left wall and a filled left wall. Right WallDraws parallelograms that make it easy to draw right walls of buildings in the proper perspective for SimCity 2000. Naturally, you can use it for things other than right walls if you choose. Click and hold to choose one corner of the wall, drag the mouse until the wall is the size you want, Page 8 SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit Paint the Town
then release the mouse button. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. The thickness of the walls outline depends on the brush size. When this button is active, click it again to open a submenu that lets you choose between a hollow right wall and a filled right wall. CircleDraws circles and ellipses. Click and drag the mouse until the circle is the sizeand shapeyou want, then release the mouse button. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. The thickness of the circles outline depends on the brush size. When this button is active, click it again to open a submenu that lets you choose between a hollow circle and a filled circle. BoxDraws squares and rectangles. Click and drag the mouse until the box is the sizeand shapeyou want, then release the mouse button. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. The thickness of the boxs outline depends on the brush size. When this button is active, click it again to open a submenu that lets you choose between a hollow box and a filled box. FillFills an area with the selected color, cycle, or texture. It begins where you click in the Drawing Area and fills in all directions until it comes to another color. Fill considers each color of a color cycle pattern to be a different color, so filling over color cycled areas isnt very effective. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair. Eyedropper (Color Picker)Lets you set the brush color by selecting a color in the Drawing Area (so you dont have to find the color in the palette). Click on the color you want. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair.
DOS Windows
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Zoom OutLets you step back from your drawing in the Drawing Area for a big picture look at your work. There are four zoom levels. These are zoom levels in addition to the zoom levels of SimCity 2000. They exist to make drawing easier, and do not affect the actual artwork. Zoom InMoves you up close in the Drawing Area for those dot-by-dot corrections which can make all the difference between good work and great art. There are four levels. These are zoom levels in addition to the zoom levels that appear in SimCity 2000. They exist to make drawing easier, and do not affect the actual artwork. CopyLets you make a copy of any portion of any object in the Drawing Area. Click and drag the cursor to outline the part of the object you want to copy. When you release the mouse button, your cursor becomes a brush composed of the copy, and SCURK automatically changes to the Paste tool. Click to paste the copy, or click and drag to paint with the brush. While active (and within the Drawing Area), the cursor is a crosshair until something is copied. You can manipulate the copy (rotate or flip) with tools in the Edit menu before you paste it. The copy is kept on the clipboard until you copy something else. PasteLets you paste what you have copied (from the Drawing Area or to the clipboard from another program) into the Drawing Area. It is automatically selected by SCURK right after you copy something with the Copy tool. The copy is kept in memory until you copy something else, so you can use different tools and even load another Object Set, then return to Paste and still have the copy to paste.
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The DOS Copy tool can be switched between its normal copy function and a special Copy Import function. When you import a PCX file (see the section on the File menu below), the Copy tool automatically becomes the Copy PCX tool. As long as a PCX file is loaded in, you can click and hold or doubleclick on the Copy button to open a submenu that lets you change back and forth between normal Copy and Copy PCX. Copy ImportLets you copy parts of imported PCX graphics so you can paste them into your work in the Drawing Area. Copy Import is only available if you have imported a graphic. Click on the Copy Import button to open the Import screen. Copy Import functions in the Import screen the same way as Copy works in the Drawing Area. As soon as you copy something in the Import screen, you are automatically returned to the Drawing Area with the Paste tool activated. See the section on the Import screen later in this manual for more details. Click and hold or double-click on the Copy Import button to open a submenu that lets you change back and forth between normal Copy and Copy Import.
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The Palettes
Brush Color Brush Size Texture Palette
Brush ColorShows the current color and texture pattern of the brush.
Brush SizeLets you set the size and/or thickness of the dots, lines and shapes you draw (or erase) to a one-, two-, three-, four-, five- or sixpixel square. Windows users also have round brushes which are four- and five-pixels in size. Brush Size affects the free drawing tool, eraser tool, line tool, and all the shape tools. Larger brush sizes soften the corners of the Diamond, Left Wall and Right Wall shapes. Texture PaletteLets you choose from a selection of pre-designed texture patterns. Click on a texture to chose it. A red square marks the active texture. In DOS, the solid texture, at the top-left of the texture palette, uses only the foreground (f) color. The three textures across the top of the Windows palette use solid colors. The first one (white) uses only the foreground (f) color. The second one (gray) mixes the foreground and background (b) colors together. The third one (black) uses only the background color. All other textures under all platforms use both foreground and background colors to create their patterns. Color PaletteShows the electronic paints available for your works of art. Click on a color with the left mouse button to select a foreground color, and the right mouse button
Texture Palette
Color Palette
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to select a background color. The color cycle patterns are at the end of this palette.
Color Cycle DisplayShows the currently accessible color cycle pattern. Double-click on the Color Cycle Display to open the Color Cycle Palette. (You can also open it with the Cycle Palette item in the Windows menu.) This palette lets you choose from eleven pre-set color cycle patterns. The No Disp option at the end of the palette turns off the cycle display. (It doesnt stop the colors from cycling, just the display which can get on some peoples nerves.) Sample Color PaletteDisplays colors which are near each other in the full palette. Use the Slider bar to scroll through all the colors of the palette. Click and hold or double-click on any color to display the entire palette of colors at once. (You can also open it with the Palette item in the Windows menu.) Click on a color to select that color (in either the Sample or Full Color Palette). Use the left mouse button to select the foreground color, and the right mouse button to set the background color. Background colors can only be used with textures, not with solid colors. Note: See Appendix 2 for more information on colors, palettes and color cycling.
The Drawing Area is where you modify our graphics and create your own. Objects in the Drawing Area are displayed larger than theyll be in SimCity 2000, so you can more easily see the details while drawing them. The display size can be adjusted with the Zoom In and Zoom Out tools in the Toolbox.
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BASE SIZE, HEIGHT LIMIT AND THE CLIP REGION Each object (even when it is blank) has a set base size. Base sizes can be one, two, three or four tiles square. The Drawing Area always displays a 4 x 4 base, but you cant always use the whole baseonly as much of the base as the object you are drawing or editing has. Base sizes cannot be changed. The base size is displayed in the Paint the Town title bar, along with the object name.
Each object also has a height limit, which is the top of the Drawing Area. No object can extend beyond the top of the Drawing Area. SCURK will instantly and automatically erase (clip) anything you draw or paste outside an objects base size or above the Drawing Area. An easy way to keep track of both the base size and the height limit while painting an object is to turn on the Clip Region or clip grid display. This will show a grid that defines the part of the Drawing Area that can be used for a particular object. It is always active, but is only displayed when you want to see it. To turn on the Clip Region display, open the Options menu and select Show Clip Region. Select it again to turn it off.
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The view windows show the entire Drawing Area, and display what your finished products will look like in three SimCity 2000 zoom levels. These windows are for display only. You cant draw in them. Note: You only have to draw each object once and SCURK automatically converts it to all three sizes for you.
If you want to edit existing graphics, open the File menu, select Open... then choose the existing graphics set you want to edit. (In Windows, the original objects are loaded by default.) If you want to start your own graphics set from scratch, open the File menu and select New. (In DOS, a new set is loaded by default.) The Paint the Town Object Selector is where you choose the object you want to work on in the Drawing Area. Heres how to use it:
Object Selector
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Open the Object Group menu and choose a group of objects (the default is Residential). Click on either arrow in the Object Selector until you see the object you want to edit. (If you hear a little bell when you click an arrow, it means you are at one end of a group of objects. Simply click the other arrow. In DOS the objects loop around and repeat endlessly). Click on the object you want to edit to load it into the Drawing Area, ready for creative talents to go wild. In Windows, if you want to edit a different set of objects, open the File menu, select Load..., then choose Working Object Set. A dialog box will let you choose the object set you want to edit.
The Windows Information Line provides a brief explanation of the highlighted Menu item. It also displays the coordinates of the drawing tool within the Drawing Area. Position 0/0 is the top-left corner and 128/256 is the bottom-right corner of the Drawing Area, regardless of base tile size.
FILE MENU NewCreates a new, unnamed, blank graphics set. Open...Lets you load a previously saved graphics set for editing. SaveSaves the current graphics set under the file name shown in the title bar. Save As...Lets you change the name and path of a graphics set as you save it.
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Import PCX...Loads a PCX format graphic created by another graphic program so you can copy a portion of it and paste it into the Drawing Area. See the DOS Import Screen section in this manual for more information. Export PCX...Saves the object in the Drawing Area as a PCX file that other graphics programs can use. Export PCX... only exports the one object in the Drawing Area, not the whole graphics file. Main ScreenReturns you to the SCURK Main Screen. QuitReturns you to the DOS prompt. PREFERENCES MENU Clip GridWhen selected, displays the clip grid for the object currently in the drawing area. Color CycleWhen selected, displays the changing color cycle patterns in the palette and in the drawing area. When off, no color cycling is displayed (sometimes those flashing colors can get annoying). WINDOWS MENU PaletteOpens the Color Palette. Cycle PaletteDisplays the Color Cycle Palette. Import ScreenDisplays an imported PCX graphic. If you have not imported a graphic, this option is ghosted and unavailable. STATUS AREA This area displays any or all of the following references: IMPORTIndicates that PCX file has been imported and is available for use. The Copy Import tool and the Import Screen are also available.
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COPYIndicates that you have copied something with the Copy tool or Copy Import tool, and can modify it with commands in the Edit menu and paste it into the Drawing Area. X: & Y:Shows the coordinates of the drawing tool within the Drawing Area. Position 0/0 is the top-left and 128/256 is the bottom-right corner of the Drawing Area, regardless of base tile size, height limit or Clip Grid. File SizeDisplays the size of the currently loaded graphics set. The size of the graphics set depends on the sizesespecially the heightsof the buildings. If you keep your buildings small and short, the graphics sets will be small. Graphics sets can be quite large. The original set is about 1 MB, and you can make your own sets much larger. Saving a lot a graphics sets can eat up a lot of up disk space. DOS IMPORT SCREEN The Import screen appears when you click on the Copy Import tool or select Import Screen from the Windows menu. Click and drag the cursor over the part of the PCX graphic that you want to copy. When you release the mouse button, you will return to the Drawing Area, ready to paste the copy (or rotate or flip it with the Edit menu tools). You can outline a large chunk of the PCX file that might be too big to fit into the Drawing Area. When this happens, anything outside of the Clip Grid will be erased.
Instruction Bar
Imported Graphic
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The Background Color Indicator shows which color is considered to be background. You select the background color by clicking the cursor on that color with the right mouse button. The background color will be transparent when you return to the Drawing Area, letting you automatically trim an object out of its background as you copy it. (This is not the same as the background color of the color palette.) Colors will not cycle in the Import screen, but any colors which correspond to a color cycle will cycle once pasted into the Drawing Area. To leave the Import screen without copying anything, just clickdont click and dragin the screen. Two PCX files, Sample1.pcx and Sample2.pcx are included with SCURK. These files have different building parts, patterns and textures that you can copy and use in your own creations. FILE MENU Since the SCURK utilities share the same information, they share many of the same menus and menu functions. Each utility also has some menu items which are unique to that utility. Heres a list of the Paint the Town menu under Windows items and what they do: Load has three submenu items: City...Loads a previously saved city terrain for use in Place & Print. Source Object Set...Loads a source object set for use in Pick & Copy. Working Object Set...Loads the Working Object Set used in all three SCURK utilities.
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Save has two submenu items: CitySaves the city terrain used by Place & Print under its current name and path. Working Object SetSaves the Working Object Set under its current name and path. Save As has two submenu items: City...Lets you change the name or path (or both) of the city terrain used by Place & Print. Working Object Set...Lets you change the name or path (or both) of the Working Object Set. New has two submenu items: CityLoads an unnamed, blank, flat city terrain for use in Place & Print. Working Object SetLoads a clean, unblemished copy of the original object set as the Working Object Set. Export BMP File...Under Windows, Exports the Object in the Paint the Town Drawing Area as a BMP file. Print Setup...Opens a dialog box which allows you to change certain aspects of how your printer will function. Print City...Opens a dialog box which allows you to print some or all of the city which is loaded in Place & Print. ExitCloses SCURK (after prompting you to save any changes you made). OPTIONS MENU Grid Settings...Lets you set how fine your drawing grid will be so you can more easily line up shapes with each other in the drawing area.
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Snap to GridForces the shapes you draw to line up along the grid pattern. Show GridToggles the Snap to Grid pattern so you can see how your objects will line up when you draw them. This grid is for display only. It wont become part of an objects artwork. Show Clip RegionWhen selected, displays the Clip Region for the object currently in the Drawing Area. Cycle ColorsToggles the color cycling on and off, which can make it easier to use for animation. (Sometimes those flashing colors can get annoying). This affects color cycling only in Paint the Town. Increment CycleLets you step through the Paint the Town color cycle patterns for easier animation. This affects color cycling only in Paint the Town. You can use it only when color cycling is turned off. Sound ToggleToggles the sounds for SCURK tools and sound effects of the objects. This only affects objects when they are in SCURK. WINDOW MENU CascadeOverlaps the SCURK utility windows. Click the title bar of the utility you wish to use to activate. Paint the TownActivates the Paint the Town utility. Pick & CopyActivates the Pick & Copy utility. Place & PrintActivates the Place & Print utility. EDIT MENU UndoRemoves the result of the most recent mouse action from the Drawing Area. CopyLets you make a copy of any portion of an object in the Drawing Area. Page 21
Undo or Revert? Undo removes the results of only the most recent mouse click. For example, if you were to draw a circle, Undo would remove it. If you draw a circle and then a box, Undo would remove the box. Revert removes work you have done since you brought an object into the Drawing Area. For example, if you draw a circle and then a box, Revert removes both of them. If you draw something and then load another object into the Drawing Area, and then load the first object again, Revert does not remove what you drew previously.
PasteLets you paste what you have copied (either with the Copy tool or to the clipboard) into the Drawing Area. ClearErases the contents of the Drawing Area and leaves clean ground and clear sky. RevertReturns the object in the Drawing Area to the state it was in when you brought it into the Drawing Area. Revert only works on one object at a time. You must use it before you change objectsno go backs. RotateRotates what you have copied to the clipboard 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Select it again for an additional 90-degree rotation. This item is ghosted if the Paste tool is not selected or if the clipboard is empty. Flip HorizFlips what you have copied to the clipboard 180 degrees horizontally. (Left becomes Right.) This item is ghosted if the Paste tool is not selected or if the clipboard is empty. In DOS this item is Flip Copy of Horiz. Flip VertFlips what you have copied to the clipboard 180 degrees vertically. (Top becomes Bottom.) This item is ghosted if the Paste tool is not selected or if the clipboard is empty. In DOS this item is Flip Copy Vert. RenameOpens a dialog box that allows you to change the name of an object. (This is the name that appears in the query box of SimCity 2000.) Revert NameReturns the original name of an object to that object. OBJECT GROUP MENU This menu lets you select a group of objects from the currently loaded object set. The selected group will appear in the Object Selector. Load any single group at a time, or an entire object with the All option.
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OBJECTS YOU CANT MODIFY The following objects cannot be altered in SCURK: Roads Onramps Rails Trains Power Lines Bridges Water Tiles Hillside Tiles The Alien Small Boats Zone Indicator Colors Airport Runways Highways Tunnels Subways Sub-to-Rail Connectors Water Pipes Wire Crossings Ground Tiles Signs Small Parks Helicopters Police, Fire and Military Dispatch Icons
IMPORTING GRAPHICS UNDER WINDOWS You can import graphics into Paint the Town. If you can load them (or draw them) in any graphics program and copy them to the clipboard, you can paste them into the Paint the Town drawing area. IMPORTED GRAPHICS AND COLOR Palettes are tricky things, especially when you import graphics from other programs. Both SimCity 2000 and SCURK have a set 256-color palette that reserves a number of places for color cycling. This palette is not changeable in either SimCity 2000 or SCURK. When you import graphics from another program, SCURK will do its best to match each color in the imported graphic to a color in the SimCity 2000 palette. This might work perfectlyor it might leave some colors looking strange. You can touch up the colors you dont like, or leave them alone and call it art. Your Sims wont care one whit either way. Page 23
If you want to use another paint program to draw or put the finishing touches on objects, its best to use the right palette. You can do this by first exporting an object with Export BMP... (Windows) in the File menu, then loading that file into your other paint program. The palette is usually included in the exported file. Most paint programs will also let you copy the palette from another file, so you can get the correct palette for your other program from the sample BMP file. In any event, even with the right palette, the color cycling wont appear in your other paint program, and you might use the cycle colors by accident. The best thing to do is to start objects in SCURK, export them for detailed touch-up in another program (if you have one you really really like), then bring it back into SCURK for final color test and touch-up. OBJECTS AND THE SIMCITY 2000 SIMULATION You can make any of the buildings look any way you want, but remember that each of the buildings (and other objects) has a specific meaning to the SimCity 2000 simulation. For the most part, the functions of all the objects in the Specials, Power, Transport & Military and Misc. Ground object groups are pretty obvious. But youll need to take a little care when dealing with the objects in the Residential, Commercial and Industrial groups. Each of these buildings is selected by the simulation and put into a SimCity 2000 zone based primarily on population density, with minor variations for land value. As a rule of thumb, any residential, commercial or industrial building that has a 1 x 1 base size is low density. A building with a 3 x 3 base size is high density. Buildings with 2 x 2 base sizes are medium density (some are low-medium and others high-medium).
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Each object has two names. The Full Name that appears in the Paint the Town title bar is similar to name that will appear in SimCity 2000 in the Query windows. This is the name that you can edit to suit your creative whims and spelling abilities. More than one object may have the same Full Name. The other name is a shortened version that appears only in SCURK within the Object Selector to help you pick the object you want to work on. Each shortened name is different to help you tell objects apart. This name also tells you how objects are used by the simulation. In these shorter names, L=Large, M=Medium and S=Small. Some of the animations in the Animated I object group consist of multiple frames. Their shortened names are labeled A, B, C, etc., to show their frame order. The objects in the Animated II object group show the object moving in different directions. Their shortened names indicate their direction: N=facing north (up), E=facing east, NE=facing northeast, SE=facing southeast, S=facing south. (When these objects need to face the other directions, SimCity 2000 flips them.) COPYING AND PASTING You can edit only one object at a time, but you can copy and paste between different objects and groups within different object sets. You can only copy what is showing in the Drawing Area. You cannot scroll through the drawing area while copying. Use Zoom Out to Copy large objects, including entire buildings as long as they fit within the Drawing Area. COLORS AND COLOR PALETTES As the F stands for foreground, the B in the color palette stands for background. The letters F and B simply distinguish between two colors which can both exist in a texture pattern. It does not indicate such things as the background of the drawing area for example, or that one color is in front of or behind another. Page 25
The foreground and background can be the same color. When using the solid texture, the color of the brush is always the foreground color. The colors in the palette and cycle patterns are fixed and are not user alterable. Sorry. Regardless of how the color cycles move in the display, cycle direction is determined by the order in which the colors are placed on an object. For example, if color number two of a pattern is placed above color one, and color three is placed above color two, and so on, motion is from bottom to top. Any steady color or color of a cycle pattern can be either background or foreground for any texture pattern. Mix and match color cycles, steady colors and textures for truly garish effects. See Appendix 2 for additional information on colors, palettes and color cycling.
The Pick & Copy utility lets you mix and match objects from the original object set, the future set and your own sets (from Paint the Town) to create new object sets. You can save them to disk and use them in SimCity 2000 to provide your Sims with your own particular (or peculiar) architectural interpretations. As soon as you activate Pick & Copy, youll see one of the screens on the next page. The DOS Object Selector has a fixed size. The number of objects your Object Selectors show in Windows will depend on your window size and the resolution you are using. Your Object Set names may be different:
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Menu Bar Active Object Group Source File Name and Path Source Object Selector Forward Selector Arrow Backward Selector Arrow Target Size Display
Copy Buttons
Target Name
Source Object Set Name
Information Line
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The basic steps for using Pick and copy are: 1. Pick a Source graphics set file. This can be the original set, the future set or any set created in Paint the Town. 2. Pick a Target for the new set. A Target can be a new graphics set, an existing graphics set file, or the SimCity 2000 program itself. 3. Copy objects, one-by-one or in groups, from the Source to the Target. You can change Source files if you want to. Select objects from a number of Sources. 4. Save the Target to disk as a graphics set or copy it into SimCity 2000.
DOS Targets
New Graphics Set creates a new, blank graphics set. Use this option to make a new graphics set from parts of existing graphics sets. Existing Graphics Set lets you choose an existing graphics set as your Target. Use this option to change a few objects or groups in a graphics set. SimCity 2000 selects SimCity 2000 as the Target. Use this option to change some or all the graphics that will be used when you next play SimCity 2000.
The basic steps for using Pick and copy are: 1. Pick a Source Object Set. This can be the original set, the future set, or any set created in Paint the Town. 2. Pick a Working Object Set to build. This could be the set you most recently worked on in Paint the Town, (default) any other existing object set, or a new, blank object set. 3. Copy objects, one-by-one or in groups from the source to the working set. You can change the source object set if you want to select objects from a number of sources.
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4. Save the working set to disk. You can load a different working set at any time to build a library of object sets. This Place & Print screen lets you pick individual objects or object groups in the Source set and copy them into the Working set.
You always copy from the Source set to the Working or Target set. Here s how: 1. Locate the object(s) in the Source set that you want to copy to the Working or Target set. Open the Object Group menu and select the object group that contains the object(s) you want to copy. The same object group is always displayed in both the Source and Working or Target object selectors, even though the individual objects may look different. Click on the Selector Arrows until the object you want to copy is showing. 2. Select the object(s) that you want to copy to the Working or Target set. Click on the object or objects in the Source Object selector that you want to copy. Both the Source and Working or Target instances of the object(s) will be highlighted. Hold the Ctrl key (for Windows) and click on multiple objects to select them. Hold the Shift key and drag your mouse across a row of objects to select them. To deselect an object, click on it again (in DOS), hold the Ctrl key and click on it (in Windows). 3. Copy the Selected Object(s). Open the Edit menu and choose either Copy Selected (in DOS) or Copy All, (in Windows), or drag the highlighted objects from the Source set to the Working set. DOS users can also click on Copy Selected Object(s). SCURK will automatically put selected objects from the
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Source set in their proper place within the Working set. Youll get a dialog box confirming what you want to copy. After objects are copied, they are de-selected. 4. Select another Source and repeat. If you want your Working or Target set to include individual objects from other Source files, then open the File menu, select Load Source... or Open Source File... and select the new Source file. Repeat steps one through three until your Working or Target set is complete. Copying entire Object Groups is very similar to copying individual objects. Just follow these steps: 1. Select the object group you want to copy from the Source set to the Working or Target set. Open the Object Group menu and select the group you want to copy. Select All Objects if you want to copy the entire object set from the Source set to the Working set. 2. Click the Copy Object Group button in DOS, or Open the Edit menu and select Copy All in Windows. The selected object group will be copied from the Source set to the Working or Target set. If you choose All from the Object Group menu, the entire Source Object Set will be copied. Youll be asked to confirm your action. 3. Select another Source and repeat. If you want your Working or Target set to include object groups from other Source files, then open the File menu, select Load and then Source..., and load a new source object set. Repeat steps one and two until your Target or Working set is complete. Save your new (and improved) Target or Working set to the disk like this:
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In DOS, open the File menu and select Save Target (to update an old set) or Save Target As... (to create a new set). If you have made SimCity 2000 your Target, then you also have the option Copy to SimCity 2000. If you chose this option, then your artwork will be used by your Sims the next time you start SimCity 2000. In Windows, open the File menu and select Save (to update an old set) or Save As... (to create a new set), then select Working Object Set from the submenu. Youll be able to load your artwork as an alternate graphic set the next time you start SimCity 2000. PICK AND COPY GUIDELINES You can only copy objects from the Source Object Set to the Working Object Set (or the Target set in DOS). You cannot copy objects to the Source set. Any object set can be either Source or Working. You can even use the same set as both the Source and the Working or Target. You can only copy from a particular Source object to the same particular in the Working or Target set. No matter how you drag highlighted objects, Pick & Copy will always copy the Source objects you have selected to their proper place in the Working or Target set. Nothing you do has any effect on the Source Object Set. You cannot copy objects to the set you have loaded as the Source set, nor can you save the Source set. If you want to make changes to an object set, it must be loaded as the Working or Target set.
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FILE MENU Open Source Graphics Set...Opens a dialog box so you can select a graphics set as the Source set. Change TargetOpens a dialog box so you can select either New Graphics Set, Existing Graphics Set or SimCity 2000 as the Pick & Copy Target. Save TargetSaves the current Target graphics set to disk. The original and future graphics sets are protected. If they are chosen as your Target, youll have to rename them as you save them. Save Target As...Allows you to rename or relocate the Target graphics set as you save it. The original and future graphics sets are protected. If they are chosen as your Target, youll have to rename them as you save them. Copy to SimCity 2000Copies the current Target graphics set into the SimCity 2000 game. The graphics will appear in the game the next time you play it. This option is only available if you have chosen SimCity 2000 as the Target in the Choose Target dialog box. Main ScreenReturns you to the SCURK Main Screen. QuitReturns you to the DOS prompt. OBJECT GROUP MENU This menu lets you select a group of objects from the currently loaded object set (including new or blank sets). The selected group will appear in the Object Selector. TARGET SIZE DISPLAY This displays how much larger or smaller the current Target graphics set is compared to the original graphics set. The display is updated each time you use the Copy Selected Objects or Copy Object Group buttons.
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This display is meaningful if memory is tight. If you have 8 MB of RAM, your graphic set can be 4 MB before you have any problemsplenty big enough for most art work. Additional RAM allows correspondingly larger graphics sets. If your Target size is too large, you can still save it to disk, and even copy it into SimCity 2000. But SimCity 2000 wont run on your computer if you dont have enough memory.
The SCURK utilities share many of the same menus and menu functions. Each utility also has some menu items which are unique to that utility. Heres a list of the Pick & Copy Menu items and what they do: FILE MENU Load has three submenu items: City...Loads a previously saved city terrain for use in Place & Print. Source Object Set...Loads a source object set for use in Pick & Copy. Working Object Set...Loads the Working Object Set used by the three SCURK utilities. Save has two submenu items: CitySaves the city terrain used by Place & Print under its current name and path. Working Object SetSaves the Working Object Set under its current name and path. Save As has two submenu items: City...Lets you change the name or path (or both) of the city terrain used by Place & Print. Working Object Set...Lets you change the name or path (or both) of the Working Object Set.
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New has two submenu items: CityLoads an unnamed, blank, flat city terrain for use in Place & Print. Working Object SetLoads the original object set as the Working Object Set. Print Setup...Opens a standard dialog box that allows you to change certain aspects of how your printer will function. Print City...Opens a dialog box that allows you to print some or all of the city that is loaded in Place & Print. ExitCloses SCURK (after prompting you to save any changes you made). EDIT MENU Copy SelectedCopies all the objects you have selected from the Source Object Set to the Working Object Set. Copy AllCopies the entire group of objects that you have loaded from the Source Object Set to the Working Object Set. If you selected All from the Object Group menu, then the entire object set will be copied from the Source to the Working Object Set. OBJECT GROUP MENU This menu lets you select a group of objects from the currently loaded object set (including new or blank sets). The selected group will appear in the Object Selector. WINDOW MENU CascadeOverlaps the SCURK utility windows. Click the title bar of the utility you wish to use to activate that utility. Paint the TownActivates the Paint the Town utility. Pick & CopyActivates the Pick & Copy utility.
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Place & PrintActivates the Place & Print utility. INFORMATION LINE IN WINDOWS Below the Windows object selector is the Information Line. This area provides a brief explanation of the highlighted Menu item.
Place & Print has two functions: It allows you to completely model a citys terrain, and provide buildings, infrastructure and all that other city stuff without the annoying money, time and population constraints of SimCity 2000. It prints part or all of your city in any of three sizes, in color or black and white. Big Big Warning!! Place & Print gives you complete freedom to place any road, zone, building, object or whatever anywhere you wantBUT once you load your creation into SimCity 2000, dont be surprised when the buildings you so carefully placed start to decay or disappear. Place & Print leaves you open to explore beautiful and impossible cities and print them out, but it doesnt convince the Sims to like them. (Thats controlled by the SimCity 2000 simulation and is not changed by SCURK.) But Place & Print serves another purpose: Beyond designing impossible cities (and customizing possible ones) it will let you create the playfields for future Maxis games, including driving and flying simulations and...well, just wait and see. When you first enter Place & Print (and if you havent already loaded a city), the terrain is completely empty and flat, ready to be molded to suit your fancy. You can leave it flat for maximum city size, or sculpt it with the Edit tools. You can also load cities created with either SCURK or SimCity 2000.
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View Tools
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Note: The graphics displayed in Place & Print are those currently loaded as the Working Object Set. To change the graphics for placing or printing, simply open the File menu, select Load and then select Working.
The Place & Print Tools are very similar to their counterparts in SimCity 2000, with just a few differences: If a tool button has several functions, then click and hold or click twice (DOS) or double-click (Windows) to open a submenu of additional functions. Water (ponds, rivers, lakes) and water pipes are selected with the Water tool. All zones, including seaports, airports and military, are selected with the Zone tool.
The Tools
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Every objectexcept those in Animated I and Animated IIthat you can modify in SCURK (including trees, power plants, bus depots, rail and subway stations, schools, police and fire stations, etc.) is in a group, and is chosen from the Object Selector.
Bulldozer Zone Tool Rail Tool Rotate Counter-Clockwise Zoom Out Center Tool Show Buildings Show Signs
Water Tool Road Tool Power Line Tool Rotate Clockwise Zoom In Show Underground View Show Infrastructure Show Zones
Note: The Terrain toolbox in SimCity 2000 has more extensive terrain modification tools. If you need more earth-moving power than SCURK has, then, in SimCity 2000, select Edit New Map from either the Startup dialog box or the File menu, make all the major modifications you want, and save it to disk. You can then load it into SCURK for adding city infrastructure and objects. BULLDOZER The Bulldozer is your main tool for molding the land as well as a source of destructive delight. Click once to use the most previously used function. Click again for a submenu of these functions: Demolish/Clear is the default function. It destroys and removes objects without altering terrain or zoning status. Click on anything to destroy it. The Place & Print Bulldozer does not leave rubble. Page 38 SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit Place & Print
Level Terrain lets you choose an altitude level. Click on terrain with the altitude you want, then move the mouse (without releasing the mouse button) to slice off hills and fill valleys to the chosen height. When terrain is leveled, any objects on that terrain are removed. Raise Terrain lets you build hills, mountains and plateaus. When terrain is raised, any objects built on that terrain are removed. Lower Terrain lets you dig canyons and remove mountains. When terrain is lowered, any objects built on that terrain are removed. If you lower the terrain below sea level, it will fill with water. De-zone lets you change undeveloped residential, commercial, industrial, seaport and airport zones to unzoned land. Developed zones are unaffected. WATER TOOL The Water tool lets you place water on the terrain and water pipes underground. Click once to use the most previously used function. Click and hold or double click (DOS) or click twice for this submenu of options: Pond/Lake/River lets you paint water on your terrain. Use it to place lakes, rivers, coastal areas and water falls. The cursor is a water drop when this function is active. The Pond/Lake/River option does not lower terrain. Pipes lets you place underground water pipes. Choosing this option automatically changes the Work Area to the Underground view so you can see where your pipes are going. Your cursor is a water faucet when this function is chosen. Note: The Water Pump, Water Tower, Water Treatment Plant and Desalinization Plant, which are part of the SimCity 2000 water system, are placed with the Object Selector. They are in the Specials group.
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ZONE TOOL The Zone tool lets you place nine zone types. Click and hold or double click (DOS) or click twice to choose between these types of zones: Light Residential, Dense Residential, Light Commercial, Dense Commercial, Light Industrial, Dense Industrial, Seaports, Airports and Military. Note: All the Military airport and Seaport objects are placed with the object Selector, and are in the Transport & Military Group. ROAD TOOL The Road tool lets you place roads and related functions. Click and hold, or double click (DOS), or click twice to chose between Road, Highway, Tunnel and Onramp. Note: The Bus Depot, which is part of the Road tool in SimCity 2000, is placed with the Object Selector. It is in the Transport & Military group. RAIL TOOL The Rail tool lets you place rails and related functions. Click and hold, or double click (DOS) or click twice chose between Rail, Subway and Subway to Rail connections. Note: The Rail Station and the Subway Station, which are part of the Rail tool in SimCity 2000, are placed with the Object Selector. They are in the Transport & Military group. POWER LINE TOOL The Power Line tool lets you paint power lines. There is no submenu. Note: Power Plants, which are part of the Power tool in SimCity 2000, are placed with the Object Selector. They are in the Power group. ROTATE COUNTER-CLOCKWISE Click to rotate the entire city map 90 degrees counterclockwise. Page 40 SimCity Urban Renewal Kit Place & Print
ROTATE CLOCKWISE Click to rotate the entire city map 90 degrees clockwise. ZOOM OUT Click to step back for a big picture look at your city. ZOOM IN Click to move in for a detailed look at your city. CENTER TOOL The Center tool lets you pick a place in your city to be centered in the Work Area. Activate the tool and click anywhere in the Work Area. SHOW UNDERGROUND VIEW Click to toggle between the surface and the underground views. SHOW BUILDINGS Click to toggle on and off the display of all buildings in the Work Area. The buildings wont be destroyed, theyll just be invisible until you turn them back on. SHOW INFRASTRUCTURE Click to toggle on and off the display of all Miscellaneous Ground Objects, plus power lines, roads and highways, rail lines and subway stations. SHOW SIGNS Click to toggle on and off the display of all signs in the Work Area. SHOW ZONES Click to toggle on and off the display of most buildings. It doesnt affect arcologies or city-owned buildings like police and fire stations, educational facilities, depots or power plants, but it does affect ports and military bases. In underground view, it toggles on and off a color display that Page 41
lets you know where your zones are without going back upstairs.
The Menus
FILE MENU New CityStarts all over again with clear, flat terrain. Open City...Loads a previously saved city. Save CityUpdates the currently loaded city to disk under the same name and in the same place where it was last saved. Save City As...Opens a dialog box that lets you name or rename your work, and choose the disk and directory where you want to save it. Export PCXOpens a dialog box and lets you save the part of the city that is showing in the Work Area (not the entire city) as a graphic in the PCX format. Print Setup...Brings up a dialog box so you can choose from the a number of printer setting and default preferences. Set Your Printer (or Compatible)Click on the button for the type of printer you have or one that your printer is compatible with. If your printer isnt listed here, chances are that it is compatible with at least one of these choices. Check your printer manual for compatibility information. The choices are: LaserJet, PostScript, DeskJet Color, Epson 8-pin and Epson 24-pin. (If you have a monochrome DeskJet, try the LaserJet setting. It should work on some of them, but not all.) Warning: Choosing the wrong type of printer can waste a lot of time and paper!
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QualitySelect either Low, Medium or High for printed resolution. In most cases, the higher the resolution, the longer something will take to print. If you have a really nice city, it might be worth the wait. ContrastClick the plus or minus buttons to increase or decrease the contrast. Increasing the contrast makes darker areas darker and lighter areas lighter. Decreasing the contrast makes darker areas lighter and lighter areas darker. The default setting of 0 is neutral. You can adjust the contrast as high as +100 and as low as -100. LightnessClick the plus or minus buttons to increase or decrease the lightness of your printouts. Lightening may save you printer toner and make dark areas clearer. You can adjust the lightness as high as +99 and as low as -99. Print ToClick on the port that your printer is hooked to. Most people have their printers hooked to LPT1. You can also choose to print to a disk file that can later be sent to your printer or taken to work or a friends house to print on a better printer. Configuration FileClick Save to save the printer settings (in the printer configuration file). Click Cancel to close the Print Setup dialog box without saving any changes you have made. Print...Opens a dialog box that allows you to print some or all of your city. Choose your zoom level from the City Scale options, then click the cursor on the small city map to select how much of your city you want to print. You can also override your default print settings. The City Map displays your entire city. The cursor, when over the map, becomes a rectangle the size of one printed page. The larger the City Scale, the smaller the page size will appear. Click or click and drag over the part of Page 43
the city you want to print. Numbered pages will be displayed. City Scale determines the size of the city to printLarge, Medium or Small. You can print any of the three basic zoom sizes that you see in SimCity 2000. It is not based on the zoom level in the Place & Print Work Area. QualityLets you override the settings in the Print Setup configuration file. Select either Low, Medium or High final printed resolution. In most cases, the higher the resolution, the longer something will take to print. ContrastLets you override the settings in the Print Setup configuration file. You can set the contrast in increments of ten between -100% and +100%. Positive numbers make light areas lighter and dark areas darker. Negative numbers make light areas darker and dark areas lighter. LightnessLets you override the settings in the Print Setup configuration file. Set this value to any whole number between -99 and +99 to decrease or increase the overall lightness of your print. Print ToLets you choose (click on) the port that your printer is hooked to. Most people have their printers hooked to LPT1. You can also choose to print to a disk file that can later be sent to your printer or taken to work or a friends house to print on a better printer. Note: A file printed to a hard drive can take up 16 MB or more on your hard drive, depending on the settings and how much of your city you print. Start PrintingPrints the area of the city you have defined in the City Map when you click Selected, and prints the entire map when you click on Entire Map. Printing begins as soon as you click either button. Click Cancel to close the Print dialog box without printing. Note: Printing an entire city can take as long as five hours, depending on Quality and City Scale settings. Page 44 SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit Place & Print
Main ScreenReturns you to the SCURK Main Screen. QuitReturns you to the DOS prompt. OBJECT GROUP MENU The Object Group menu lets you choose the group which has the objects you want to place. Any modifications you have made to objects in Animated I or Animated II groups will be used in SimCity 2000, but you cant place them in Place & Print. STATUS AREA Red text here tells you which tool is active while your cursor is in the Work Area.
The SCURK utilities share the same information and many of the same menus and menu functions. Each utility also has some menu items that are unique to that utility. Heres a list of the Place & Print menu items and what they do: FILE MENU Load has three submenu items: City...Loads a previously saved city terrain for use in Place & Print. Source Object Set...Loads a Source Object Set for use in Pick & Copy. Working Object Set...Loads a Working Object Set for use in all three SCURK utilities. Save has two submenu items: CitySaves the city terrain used by Place & Print under its current name and path. Working Object SetSaves the Working Object Set under its current name and path.
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Save As has two submenu items: City...Lets you change the name or path (or both) of the city terrain used by Place & Print. Working Object Set...Lets you change the name or path (or both) of the Working Object Set. New has two submenu items: CityLoads an unnamed, blank, flat city terrain for use in Place & Print. Working Object SetLoads a clean, unblemished copy of the original set as the Working Object Set. Export City...Exports the city in the Work Area as a BMP file (for Windows). Print Setup...Opens a system standard dialog box which allows you to change certain aspects of how your printer will function. Consult your computer and printer manuals if you need help with changing any settings. Print City...Opens a dialog box that allows you to print some or all of your city. Choose your zoom level from the Magnification options then select the pages you want to print. You can also make changes to your printer setup if necessary. The City Map displays an entire city area. You wont see any features such as mountains, coasts or buildings, but the map itself is positioned the same way as your city terrain in the Place & Print Work Area. The numbered rectangles indicate what part of the city will be printed on one page of paper. The larger the Page 46 SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit Place & Print
magnification level, the smaller the page size and the more detail each page will have. Click on pages you dont want to print to make them gray. Click on any of those pages again if you want to print them. Magnification determines the size of city to print. The 1x option prints pages in the farthest Zoom Out mode, 2x is the medium view, and 4x is the closest Zoom In mode. This magnification level is not based on the zoom level you are using in the Place & Print Work Area. Print What gives you the choice of printing the Entire Map or the pages you have Selected. If you select Entire Map, you cant turn off any pages. The Print button prints the area of the city you have defined in the City Map, either the Entire Map, or Selected pages. The Setup button opens a standard print setup dialog box. You can change several options of printing from this dialog box. For best results, you should use Portrait Orientation and 8 1/2 x 11 in. The Cancel button closes the print dialog box and returns you to the Place & Print Work Area without printing. The Help button opens the Help file if you need assistance. Note: Printing an entire city can take as long as five hours, depending on the Magnification Setting. ExitCloses SCURK (after prompting you to save any changes you made).
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OBJECT GROUP MENU The Object Group menu lets you choose the group which has the objects you want to place. The groups Animated I and Animated II are missing from this menu list. Any modifications you have made to objects in Animated I or Animated II groups will be used in SimCity 2000, but you cant place them in Place & Print. WINDOW MENU CascadeOverlaps the SCURK utility windows. Click the title bar of the utility you wish to use to activate that utility. Paint the TownActivates the Paint the Town utility. Pick & CopyActivates the Pick & Copy utility. Place & PrintActivates the Place & Print utility. INFORMATION LINE This area provides a brief explanation of the highlighted Menu item.
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REGULATIONS FOR CITY PLANNERS All SimCity 2000 Edge-of-the-World restrictions and Terrain type and size requirements are in effect in Place & Print. Objects that cannot go on the edge of the map in SimCity 2000 cannot be placed there in Place & Print; all objects require their specific base tile size to be flat terrain; the Marina must be placed on at least one water tile; Onramps must still be at proper intersections of Road and Highway; Subway to Rail connections require at least one Rail, a Subway, or another Subway to Rail connection. Power Plants dont grow old in SCURK. Zoning does not affect where you can place objects. For example, if you place a residential building in an industrial zone, the land under the residential building will be rezoned residential. You can load your old cities and renovate to your hearts content. Any and all renovations do not take effect until the next time you load your city into SimCity 2000. You cant alter scenarios. Sorry, youll have to beat those on your own. There is no rubble when you demolish something, but you can place rubble anywhere you want, if you want. You cant add money to your citys treasury. (Who needs money now, anyway?)
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IF YOU BUILD IT, WILL THEY COME? Any city you create with Place & Print can, of course, be loaded into SimCity 2000. Be forewarned though. The second you load it into SimCity 2000, the simulation will start to change things according to the whims of the Sims. A city you pre-build with Place & Print will experience an initial spurt of growth when loaded into SimCity 2000. The larger your city, the sooner this growth will end. The first Sims who move in occupy only a few of the buildings youve provided. All the rest of the buildings are considered abandoned. Office towers sit vacant as they wait for tenants who are slow in coming. Houses are unbought and apartments are unrented. There are no workers for the factories. Finally, Power Plants you placed in SCURK reach the end of their life cycle. Urban blight spreads quickly, which is hardly a selling point for enticing more Sims to move to your city. The main practical and productive uses for the Place part of Place & Print are: To modify, customize or otherwise touch up cities that youve built in SimCity 2000 To create cities-as-art to print out To see just how well you understand city design and the SimCity 2000 simulator by building a city first and seeing if the Sims like it To create the playfields for future Maxis driving, flying and other games and simulations
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A SCURK Tutorial
In this brief tutorial, well touch on the basic features of each of the three SCURK utilities. We will: Start Paint the Town and modify one object (the Statue) with the paint tools and color cycling. Use Pick & Copy to put some different graphics into the SimCity 2000 game. Use Place & Print to make a small citywith our new statue and graphicsand print it out.
In this tutorial, when you see type that looks like this, it is an instruction for you to follow.
Type that looks like this is an explanation. By the way, this tutorial assumes that you are familiar with SimCity 2000. If you arent, take some time and play the game, then come back to SCURK and this tutorial. Itll make a lot more sense if you do.
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This first part of the tutorial will walk you through the basics of using the Paint the Town utility. Heres what were going to do: Start Paint the Town. Locate a particular object (the statue). Modify the object (put a couple of pigeons on top of it, then snazz it up with color cycling). Save the modified object for later use.
Load SCURK. Activate Paint the Town. Expand the utility to its full size if necessary.
When you first enter Paint the Town, youll see one of the following screens:
Drawing Area
Object Selector
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Object Selector
Youll want to draw your own buildings eventually, but for now well use the original graphics as a base. By default, you start with a blank set under DOS, or the original set of objects in Windows. DOS users: Open the File menu and select Open.... Click on original.til in the Select Graphics Set File dialog box, then click the Open button. LOCATING THE STATUE When an object set is loaded, the Large Apartments object of the Residential Group is the default starting point. We want the Statue, which is in a different object group Specials.
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Youll now see that the Object Selector looks like this:
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Now the Statue is ready for enhancement. FOR THE BIRDSOUR FIRST DRAWING Well zoom in close and work at the pixel level to see what were doing, just like the artists did when the statue was first drawn.
Click the Zoom In tool until it is ghosted and you are zoomed all the way in. Move the right-side scroll bar up until just the top of the Statues head shows.
Note: The Statue in the Drawing area will lose some definition, but the three View screens will not change. We could draw our pigeon directly on the Statue, but itll be easier to draw it above the statue first, in case we make mistakes or have to erase something. We can copy it and move it down when were sure we have it right. In DOS, click and hold on any color of the sample palette to open the entire palette.
Click on one of the gray colors of the color palette.
An F (for foreground) appears in the palette on the color you chose. This color is also the color in the Brush Color Box.
Click the Free Drawing tool (if it isnt already selected).
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Click the smallest brush size (if it isnt already selected). Make sure you are using the Solid texture.
Solid Texture
Heres the pigeon were going to create (its a simple bird, consisting of only seven pixels):
Draw a pigeon in the space above the Statue, like the one in the picture.
The sample uses white and two shades of gray, but you can use as few or many shades or colors as you want. Just find the color(s) you want to use in the palette, click on them (one at a time) and draw with them. Note: If you draw something that is erased by the editor, it means you are outside the Clip Region. If this happens, make sure the bottom scroll bar is near the center of the bar and try drawing the pigeon lower down, closer to the Statues head.
Smallest Brush
COPYING, PASTING AND ERASING Now well use the Copy tool to place our work of art on the Statue.
Click the Copy tool. Move the cursor slightly above and to the left of your bird. Click and hold the left mouse button, and drag the cursor down and right to stretch a box around your bird. Release the mouse button.
Your cursor becomes a brush in the shape, size and color of our feathered friend. When you move the cursor outside the drawing area, it becomes a normal arrow again. In DOS, a red COPY appears in the Status line to remind you that a copy is stored in memory.
Use the scroll or slider bars to bring the Statue back into the Drawing Area. Position your bird-cursor to one shoulder of the Statue like in the top picture at the right. Click the mouse to paste a copy of your bird onto the Statue.
Anyone who has seen pigeons knows that there is never just one. However, we wont have to draw another one. We can flip our drawing in the clipboard to make a new image.
Open the Edit menu. Choose Flip Horiz or Flip Copy Horiz to make your pigeon-cursor change direction. Move the cursor to the Statues head like in the bottom picture at the right. Click to paste another bird, this time on the Statues head.
Next, well remove our initial pigeon, since we dont want it as part of our object.
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Use the scroll or slide bars to bring the initial pigeon back into the Drawing Area. Click the Erase tool. Put the eraser end of the cursor on each dot of the test bird, and click to remove that dot.
SAVING YOUR WORK Now were ready to save our work for later use. We dont save just the Statue. We must save the Statue as part of a new Object Set.
In DOS, open the file menu and choose Save As...
Note: Remember, you must name the graphics set before you can save ityou wont be allowed to overwrite the original set of graphics.
In Windows open the File menu and choose Save As..., then choose Working Object Group. This will open a standard dialog box for saving files. Type the word Tutorial in the file name box.
ADDING PANACHE WITH COLOR CYCLING SimCity 2000 uses color cycling to create a sense of motion and activity. Traffic, tornadoes, water flow, smoke from factorieseven the drive-in movieare just a few of the objects that use color cycling. See Appendix 2 for more information on color cycling. Were going to do something a little more modest. Well use color cycling to give the pedestal of our pigeon-covered Statue some eye-catching lights. Heres what were going to do:
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Zoom in to the base of the statue Choose a color cycle pattern Draw our flashing lights
Click the Zoom In tool to get as close in as you can, then zoom out one level. Use the Drawing Area scroll or slider bars to bring the left side of the pedestal to the center of the Drawing Area as pictured. Square One Square Two Square Three Square Four Square Five Square Six Square Seven
The numbered squares in the picture above are where we will add our color-cycling lights. First, lets change our brush size.
Click the next-to-smallest brush size, then click the Free Drawing tool.
Note: Since our brush size is larger, it might be a tad more difficult to position the brush properly. Use the Undo option from the Edit menu if you put a dot in the wrong place. Now lets get our color cycle pattern. IF YOURE IN DOS
Click and hold on the Color Cycle Palette to open the eleven color cycle patterns. Click the top color of the four-color red-yellow-brown-brown cycle pattern. (The sixth from the left in the Color Cycle Palette.)
The selected color cycle pattern is now displayed on the left side of the sample palette. IF YOURE IN WINDOWS The color cycles are all gathered together at the bottom of the Color Palette.
Scroll the color palette until you see the color cycle patterns.
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First color in cycle pattern selected
Were at the end of the pattern, but we still have more squares to work on. To make a cycle which is longer than the length of the pattern, start the pattern over with the first color.
Click the first color of the pattern, and place this color in square five. Put the second color of the pattern in the square six. Finally, put the third color of the pattern in square seven.
Now we have a lovely set of running lights along the base of the statue. All we need to do now is save our work and were ready for the next step.
Open the File menu and select Save, and in Windows, choose Working Object Set.
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In this part of the tutorial, well: Start the Pick & Copy utility. Load in the graphics set we saved with the modified Statue. Copy the Statue into the SimCity 2000 game.
Click the Pick & Copy button in the Main Screen.
You are first asked to select a Source Graphic Set. In our case, this is the file we saved with our new Statue graphics.
Open the Tutorial graphics set.
Next, you are asked to choose a Target. We want our Target to be the SimCity 2000 program so our new Statue will show up the next time we play.
Click on SimCity 2000.
The Pick & Copy screen will now open. At the top of the screen are objects from our source graphics set (Tutorial), and at the bottom are the equivalent objects that are currently in the SimCity 2000 game. The Residential Group is the default active group. Our Statue is in Specials, so we need to load the Specials object group.
Open the Object Group Menu and select Specials. Click either Selector Arrow until the Statue appears in the Selectors. Click the Statue in either Selector.
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The Statue in both the Source and the Target Selectors is now active. The Source Statue has flashing lights and some pigeons. The Target Statue is staid and bird free. Now we copy our handiwork.
Click the Copy Selected Object(s) button.
Our Source Statue is copied to the Target Statue. The Source Statue is unchanged, while the Target Statue is much more energized.
Statue selected in both Source and Target
The only thing left to do is save the Target so that SimCity 2000 can use our Statue.
Open the File menu and select Copy to SimCity 2000. When prompted, choose Yes to Overwrite the existing file.
Thats all there is to it. Your new Statue is the one that will be on display next time it appears in SimCity 2000. You can also use it in the Place & Print tutorial.
Open the File menu and select Main Screen.
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In this part of the tutorial, well: Start the Pick & Copy utility. Pick some objects that have interesting graphics. Copy these graphics to another object set which we will use in the SimCity 2000 game.
Click the Pick & Copy window grow box to expand Pick & Copy to the full size of your screen.
The Statue we modified is already in the Working set. In order to embellish it further, well use some graphics from the Future graphics set.
Open the File menu and select Load.... Select the Source Object Set submenu item. Choose the Future Object set.
At the top of the screen are objects from the source object set (Future), and at the bottom are the equivalent objects of the Working Object Set. Our statue would look best if it were surrounded with a few municipal buildings, such as a city hall and a museum. These buildings are in the Specials object group.
Open the Object Group menu and select Specials. Click either Selector Arrow until the Zoo and Museum appear in the Selectors. While holding down your Ctrl key, click on the Museum, then the Zoo object in the Source Object Set.
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The Zoo and Museum objects in both the Source and the Working Selectors are now active. Now well build our Working set by adding these new graphics to it.
Click and hold your mouse, and drag the selected objects to the Working Object selector.
As soon as your mouse cursor enters the Working Object Set selector, the Working objects which correspond to the Source objects you selected will highlight. Dont worry about lining up the specific Source objects with the Working objects. SCURK will make sure that the graphics are put in their proper place.
Release the mouse button to finalize the copying.
Youll be asked to confirm that you want to copy the Museum and Zoo tiles. Click the OK button. The future graphics we selected are now a part of our working set. Of course, since we have made a change to our Working set, we should save our work again.
Open the File menu and select Save, then select Working Object Set. When prompted, choose Yes to Overwrite the existing file.
Thats all there is to it. These now objects are the ones your Sims will use the next time you start SimCity 2000. But why wait? Lets put them to use in Place & Print.
Open the Windows menu and select Place & Print.
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In this part of the tutorial, well: Start the Place & Print utility, Build a tiny city that will display and the objects we copied, Toolbar Save our work as a city that can be loaded into SimCity 2000, and print it out. In DOS: Click the Place & Print button on the main screen. We start with flat, blank terrain. First, well put down some roads the same way we would in SimCity 2000.
Click the Road tool in the toolbox. Place some roads in the Work Area. Object Selector
Now well use the Object Selector to locate some objects. Lets get to the Specials section and find our artwork.
Open the Object Group menu and select Specials. Click on either of the Object Selector arrows until we see our statue and any buildings we have copied. Click on the Statue to select it, then place a few in the Work Area along the roads.
Now lets make them the centerpiece of a plaza. Note: To DOS users! In the DOS Pick & Copy tutorial, only the statue was copied. You can load the future set and add the zoo and museum to the set with your statue, or use the original buildings.
Click on the Museum object and place one or two near the statue.
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Thats all there is to using the Object Selector: select the object group, select the object, place the object in the Work Area. Simple. Obviously, this isnt much of a city, so if you want to spend some time adding roads, modifying the terrain with the Bulldozer tool and placing more objects, go right ahead. Well wait here for you. Come on back when youre ready to save the city to disk and print it out. SAVING YOUR CITY Now to save the city.
Open the File menu and select Save City.
Our City is now saved and ready to load into SimCity 2000. Now lets print it out. Note: If you dont have a printer hooked up to your computer, youll want to skip this part and jump ahead to the Farewell section.
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PRINTING IN DOS: 0pen the File menu and select Print Setup... to open the Print Setup dialog box. Click on the button under Set Your Printer which best matches your printer. Click on the button under Print To that tells which port your printer is hooked to (usually its LPT1). Click on Save to save this configuration. Open the File menu and Select Print....
This opens the Print dialog box. The Print dialog box is described in detail in the DOS Menu section of Paint the Town. You can print your city in three sizes, matching the three zoom levels in SimCity 2000. The Large size could take over 20 pages to print an entire city. In Medium, you can print your whole city in eight pages, and Small will fill two pages. Luckily, you dont have to print the whole city. In fact, Tutorial City is small enough to fit on one page in the Large size. Lets print it.
Click the Large button under City Scale. Move your cursor (which is a rectangle the size of one page) over the small city map, position it so it surrounds as much of the city as possible, and click. Click the Selected button at the bottom of the dialog box.
Printing will begin. This may take a while, depending on your computer, your printer and the complexity of your city. If you want to halt the printing process, press the Esc key. Printing one page is nice for a small city, but printing a larger area is also easy. Just click and drag the page-sized cursor across the part of the city you want to print. The pages will
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be marked and numbered. Dont worry about overshooting the mapany pages that are off the map wont be printed. Or if you want to print the whole city, dont bother with the map or the cursor at all. Just click on the Entire Map button at the bottom of the Print dialog box. PRINTING IN WINDOWS
Open the File menu and select Print City... to open the Prints of the City dialog box.
This opens the print dialog box. You can print your city in three sizes, matching the three zoom levels in SimCity 2000. The Large size (4x) could take over 20 pages to print a whole city in the sharpest detail. In Medium (2x), you can print your whole city in eight pages, and Small (1x) will fill two pages, but you wont see very much detail. Luckily, you dont have to print the entire city area. In fact, the city we have made is small enough to fit on a few pages in the Large size. Lets print it.
Click the 4x Magnification option. Click on the Selected button under Print What.
It may be a little hard to determine where your buildings are on the city map. If youve put your Plaza near the center of the map, you should turn off the pages near the edge so you dont have to wait for them to print.
Click the Print button.
Printing will begin. This may take a while, depending on your computer, your printer and the complexity of your city. If you want to halt the printing process, press the Esc key.
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Printing one page is nice for a small city, but printing a larger area is also easy. Just click and drag the page-sized cursor across the part of the city you want to print. The pages will be marked and numbered. Dont worry about overshooting the mapany pages that are off the map wont be printed. Or if you want to print the whole city, dont bother with the map or the cursor at all. Just click on the Entire Map option.
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Thats it for the tutorial. You should now be able to use SCURK and customize cities to your hearts content. But if you want more help or details, check out the rest of this manual. It explains every button, tool and function, and has a lot of helpful hints and tips that will make your time with SCURK more fun and more efficient. Happy SCURKing!
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The Source in Pick & Copy is always this type of file. You can choose to have the Target be a graphics set, or the SimCity 2000 program. Even if you choose SimCity 2000 as the Target, when you save the target, it is saved as a graphics set file. SIMCITY.DATDOS ONLY This is a special file that comes with SimCity 2000. It contains, among other things, all the graphics for the program. When you choose Copy to SimCity 2000 from the File menu, SCURK copies the graphics in the Target into this file so the next time you play SimCity 2000, youll see the new Target graphics.
SIMCITY 2000 CITY FILES *.SC2 These are saved cities for and from SimCity 2000. PCX FILES *.PCX This is a standard graphics file format that can be read and written by most DOS- and Windows-based art programs. These files always end with .pcx. In Place & Print, you can export the part of the city that is currently showing in the Work Areanot the whole cityas a PCX file that can be loaded into other paint programs. Files that end with .til can be used in DOS or Windows SimCity 2000 cities. Files that end in .mif can only be used in Windows SimCity 2000 cities.
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The palette can be customized for each program and changed while a program is running. If you change a color definition in the palette, say change color 192 from blue to red, then every instance of color 192 on the screen will change from blue to red. This change happens very quicklymuch more quickly than having the computer search every dot to find out which ones are color 192 and changing them to another colorand takes very little CPU time, so it doesnt slow down the action in the game. Color cycling is a technique that takes advantage of the power, speed and flexibility of changing color definitions in the palette to create effects or animations. SimCity 2000 uses color cycling to create, among other things, the animations of traffic on the road, the smoke from the factory smokestacks and the flashing lights on the Title screen.
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