Hay Colin - Political Analysis - Cap1 Al 3

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The passage discusses political analysis and introduces some of the concepts and approaches used in the field such as structuralism, intentionalism, and the strategic relational approach.

The passage states that political analysts have always been able to choose from analytical perspectives and controversies, and mentions that issues they have divided on receive more sustained theoretical reflection now.

The passage discusses how the strategic relational approach offers a dynamic understanding that refuses to privilege either structure or agency, seeing them as dialectically and relationally interacting.

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POLIT! CAL rueso

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Series Editors: B. Cuy Peters, Jon Pierre and Cerry Stoker
Peter Burnham, Karin Gilland Lutz, Wyn Grant and Zig Layton-Henry
Research Methods in Polities (2nd edition)
Colin Hay
Political Analysis
Colin Hay, Michael Lister and David r-arsh (eds)
The State: Theories and Issues
Andrew Hindmoor
Rational Choice
David Marsh and Gerry Stoker (eds)
Theory and Methods in Political Science (2nd edition)
Jon Pierre and B. Guy Peters
Governance, Polities and the State
Martin J. Smith
Power and the State
Cees van der Eijk and r-tark Franklin
Elections and Voters
Keith Dowding
The Philosophy and Methods of Political Science
Colin Hay
Globalization and the State
David Marsh
Political Behaviour
Karen Mossberger and Mark Cassell
The Policy Process: Ideas, Interests and Institutions

Provedor. A\'\.o\ll
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Political Analysis
Colin Hay
Colin Hay 2002
To EIspeth, without whom it would not ha ve been possible
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Hay,Colin, 1968
Political analysis : a critical introduction I Colin Hay.
p. cm. - (Political analysis)
Ineludes bibliographical references and indexo
ISBN 0-333-75002-0 (eloth) - ISBN 0-333-75003-9 (paper)
1. Political science. 1. Title. 11. Political analysis (Palgrave)
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Chapter 1
FatiS"kMSs1b wmrxw" iO tV'Ny... n ~ ~ ~ i t t e F Z-un.. :,", .fic'bti- ....... ?tA.y "$ v'
Analytical Perspectives,
Analytical Controversies
While the issues with which this volume is principally concerned
have, arguably, always divided poltical analysts, ir is only in recent years
that rhey have started ro receive the susrained theoretical reflection their
importance warrants, Political analysrs have always been able to choose
from a wide diversity of analyrical strategies and have, as a consequence,
been divided by such strategies as much as by anything else, Yet, rhe sys
tematic reflection on the means by which one might adjudicate between
contending analytical perspectives has tended to be something of a mar
ginal concern. Moreover, where atrenrion has been paid ro the choice of
analytical strategies in polirical scence and international relations (for
instance, King, Keohane and Yerba 1994), rhe range of strategies con
sidered has tended to be limited to those considered consistent with the
dominant posirivist assumptions of the discipline's coreo Accordingly, the
appreciation of alternative analytical strategies and, indeed, rhe appre
ciation that there may be more rhan one way ro explore the political
world is less widespread than it might be. This is changing - and rhat is
no bad thing.
In rhis context, the aim of the present volume is two-fold. First,
ir seeks both to highlight the significance of, and ta provide a critical
introduction ta, a series of issues of contemporary controversy in politi
cal analysis. Second, and arguably more significant!y, it seeks to con
tribute to the growing reflexive turn in political science and, perhaps
more norably, international relations. In so far as this book can be
regarded as a manifesto for anything in particular, it is manifesto for a
poltical analysis more conscious and explicit about the underlying
assumptions upon which its choice of analyrical strategies is premised
and more sensitive to rhe trade-offs necessarily entailed in any choice of
foundational premises. The chapters which follow are, of course, not
entirely neutral with respect to such choices. But what they seek to do
is ta uncover and render explicit the assumptions which make those
choices possible, My hope in so doing is to contribure to a political
analysis whose interna] dialogues, controversies and disputes are char
2 3 Political Analysis
acterised by mutual understanding and respect for the analytical choices
which lead analysts in often divergent directions.
In this context, the aim of the present chapter is relatively modesto It
is to provide the necessary background for the task of later chapters. In
it, I consider (briefiy) the nature of political analysis itse!f, before intro
ducing, in a necessarily stylised manner, the core theoretical perspectives
which have come to define mainstream debate in political science and
international relations today. In the final sections of the chapter, I pare
this diversity of perspectives down to three distinct analytical traditions
- rationalism, behaviouralism and institutionalism/constructivism. I con
sider the positions adopted by each with respect to the issues which form
the key themes of the volume.
The scope and limits of poltical analysis
The term 'political analysis' is by no rneans unambiguous. From
the outset, then, it is important to be clear what I mean, and what I do
not mean, by it in this contexto For many, political analysis is synony
mous with analytical politics, which is, in turn, synonymous with ratio
nal choice theory (see, for instance, Hinich and Munger 1997). That is
most definitely not the sense of the term invoked here. While I will
have much to say about rational choice theory and rationalism more
generally, this is not a book about analytical politics. Indeed, it would
be to forej udge the issues of this volume to assume from the outset
that political analysis can, or should, be circumscribed by rationalist
analytical strategies. This book, in keeping with the spirit of the series
of which it forms a part, is about the diversity of analytical strategies
available to those engaged in the analysis of 'the political'. Though ratio
nalism is one such strategy, and a highly distinctive, influential and
important one at that, it is but one strategy among many. It has no
privileged or exclusive claim on the analysis of the political or the la be!
political analysis.
To talk of political analysis is not, then, in itself to advance a par
ticular perspective. The term, at least in the sense in which it is deployed
here, is neutral with respect to analytical strategies and traditions. This
particular conception of political analysis is inclusive. Yet the notion of
political analysis that I will seek to advance and defend in this and con
secutive chapters is inclusive in another sense too.
Here we move from the descriptive to the prescriptive. For while my
concern is to explore the full range of analytical strategies that might
inform political inquiry, it is not my intention to hide my preference for
certain analytical strategies and perspectives over others, Thus, while I
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Cantraversies
hope to reveal an inclusive conception of the fie!d of political analysis,
the political analysis I will seek to defend is inclusive in another sense
its specification of 'the political'. While acknowledging that many
approaches to political analysis confine themse!ves to the narrowly
political analysis of narrowly political variables, I will call for a con
ception of the political and of political analysis that is very different. It
is explored in far greater detail in Chapter 2. In brief, it is encornpass
ing in two senses.
First, the poltical should be defined in such a way as to encompass
the entire sphere of the social. The implication of this is that events,
processes and practices should not be labelled 'non-political' or 'extra
political' simply by virtue of the specific setting or context in which they
occur. All events, processes and practices which occur within the social
sphere have the potential to be political and, hence, to be amenable to
political analysis. The realm of government is no more innately politi
cal, by this definition, that that of culture, law or the domestic sphere.
Consequently, the division of domestic labour is no less political - and
no less appropriate a subject for political analysis - than the regulation
of the domestic division of labour by the sta te. Indeed, one rnight well
argue that any adequate analysis of the politics of the regulation of the
domestic division of labour itse!f entails a political analysis of the domes
tic division of labour. Yet this raises an obvious question. What makes
poltical analysis politicali In other words, what distinguishes political
analysis from cultural or sociological analyses which might also claim
to encompass the entire sphere of the social? What is here required is a
definition of the political itse!f. What makes a political analysis politi
cal is the emphasis it places on the political aspect of social re!ations. In
the same way, what makes a cultural analysis cultural is the emphasis it
places on the cultural aspects of social re!ations. A variety of definitions
of the political rnight be offered and are discussed further in the fol
lowing chapter. The specific definition that I advance, however, is of
politics and the poltical as concerned with the distribution, exercise and
consequences of power. A political analysis is, then, one which draws
attention to the power re!ations implicated in social re!ations. In this
sense, politics is not defined by the locus of its operation but by its nature
as a pracess.
This has interesting implications. For it suggests that the terrain of
political analysis, and hence the span of this volume, should include all
perspectives, whether consciously political or not, which might have
something to say about the distribution and exercise of power. In this
sen se, the sphere of political analysis is broad indeed, ranging from the
narrowly political analysis of narrowly political variables to the sociol
ogy of structural inequality within contemporary societies.
4 5 Political Analysis
This brings us to the second key feature of rhe polirical analysis 1 will
seek to defend in rhis volume. It concerns the role of extra-political vari
ables. Though rhe definition of the political that 1advance in this volume
is inclusive, this is not to say rhat all aspects of the social can be cap
tured in political terms, nor rhar the polirical is indistinguishable, say,
from rhe economic or the cultural. Economic and cultural processes may
be inherently political - in so far as they concern relations of power rhey
more certainly are - bur this does not mean thar rhey are exhausted by
this description. This raises the thorny question of the role political ana
Iysts should accord ro extra-political variables. Again, my approach is
inclusive. Political analysts simply cannot afford to leave the analysis of
economics ro economists, history to historians and so forth. In so far as
there are economic and/or cultural conditions of existence of political
dynamics, these need to be acknowledged and interrogared by political
analysts, Disciplinary boundaries have always been rather arbitrarily
drawn and, in an age in which the degree of interdependence between
cultural, political and economic processes is increasingly acknowledged
those boundaries surely rhreaten the qualiry of rhe analysis we are
capable of generating. For, in a world of (acknowledged) inrerdepen
dence, rigidly disciplinary approaches ro social, political and economic
analysis will tend to find themselves reliant upon assumptions generared
by orher disciplinary specialisms whose validity rhey are either incapable
or unwilling ro adjudicate. The clear danger is that the conclusions of
our analyses may increasingly come ro depend upon exrernally gener
ated assurnptions whose empirical contenr we do not regard ourselves
worthy to judge. This is a now all too familiar experience and is nowhere
more clear rhan in the lirerature on the political economic imperatives
globalisation supposedly summons for social dernocratic regimes. Here
the debate circles endlessly around the narure and degree of negotiabil
iry of the constraints that economic integration is seen to imply. Opin
ions vary - wildly (compare Garrett 1998; Gray 1997; C. Pierson 2001;
Wickham-Jones 2000). Yet whar is almost entirely absent frorn such dis
cussions is any attempt ro describe empirically, let aloneto evaluate, the
precise nature of social democratic regimes' external econornic relations
- with respect to trade, finance and foreign direct investrnent (FDI).
Indeed, in the vast rnajority of accounts a crude, simplistic and never
more than anecdotally empirical business school globalisation ortho
doxy is simply inrernalised and assumed ro reflect rhe limits of our
knowledge on such matters, with scant regard to rhe HOW substanrial
ernpirical evidence. That evidence, for whar it is worth, shows if any
thing a consistent de-globalisation of European economies over the last
forry years associated with rhe process, alrnost wholly absent from the
existing debate, of European economic integration (Hay 2002).
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies
The debate on the constrainrs irnplied by globalisation (real or imag
ined) is but one example. Whar it, and others like it, suggest is that, as
political ana lysts we simply cannot afford, if ever we could, ro ger by
without a rather more thorough grasp of the cognate disciplines on
whose assumptions we have increasingly come ro rely. Thar implies a
political analysis which refuses to restricr its analytical arrentions to
obviously political variables and processes; in one sense it implies, too,
an interdisciplinary political analysis.
Issues of interdependence and inrernational economic integration raise
a final issue, crucial ro the practice of conremporary political analysis
and inregral ro the concerns of rhis volume. Thar is the relationship
between rhe domestic and the international and, hence, between poli ti
cal science (as traditionally conceived) and international relations. Here,
again, 1 am an advocate of integration and the need ro dispense with an
arbitrary and increasingly problematic division of labour within poliri
cal analysis (see also Coates and Hay 2001). Ir is worth briefly explain
ing why. Ir is tempting ro argue, as many have, thar the world we inhabit
is more complex, interdependent and inrerconnecred rhan ever before.
Yet what is importanr here is not whether conremporary levels of inter
dependence are unprecedented hisrorically, but that we inhabit an inter
dependenr world which much be analysed as such. The poinr is thar
convenrional approaches ro rhe social sciences, based on rigid discipli
nary and sub-disciplinary fault lines and demarcations, do nor prepare
us well for a world of inrerdependence.
In a world in which rhe domestic and inrernarional, the political
and the economic were indeed independent this would nor present a
problem - though whether such a world can ever have been said ro
exist is another matter alrogether, Arguably, though patterns of sparial
inrerdependence have changed, rhe interdependence of political and
economic processes at a variety of spatial scales is norhing new. Furrher
more, rhe distinction between, say, political and economic variables
and hence between political science and economics as disciplines
was always arbitrary, rhe boundary between rhe two necessarily char
acterised by interdependencies which have remained poorly undersrood
as a consequence of the often sectarian policing of disciplinary bound
aries, These are imporrant poinrs in their own right. Yet the key point
for now is thar if we accept that we live in an inrerdependent world
which do es not respect spatial and sectoral divisions of analyticallabour
(if ever it did), such divisions of labour will no longer suffice. This enrails
a political analysis which refuses to accept a resolute interna] division
of labour berween political science and international relations just as ir
refuses to accept that it can leave the analysis of economic variables to
6 7 Political Analysis
Analytical perspectives, analytical choices,
analytical controversies
The approach to political analysis that I seek ro adopt in this book is
one in which contending analytical perspectives are adjudicated, as much
as possible, in their own terms, rather than those imposed upon them
frorn outside. Ir is also one which seeks ro foreground discussion of such
matters by focusing on the tssues which divide political analysts, rather
than the camps into which they divide themselves as a consequence.
As such this is a book about contemporary controversies in political
analysis much more than it is a book about the analytical perspectives
thernselves. Ir is less a book about labeis and badges of analytical self
identification than it is about the analytical choices which all approaches
to political analysis necessarily face. This is reflected in Chapters 2-6,
each of which focuses specifically upon a key contemporary controversy
- the boundaries of the 'political'; the relationship between structure and
agency; the strategies appropriate to the analysis of political change; the
conceptualisation of power; and the relationship between the realm of
political practice and the real of political discourse, respectively. More
over, while Chapter 7 does tocus attention on an increasingly influential
perspective to political analysis, namely posrrnodernisrn, it does so by
exploring the challenges this most self-conscious mode of reflection
poses to all other approaches to political analysis, rather than by treat
ing it as a perspective in its own right.
This is perhaps a rather unconventional strategy to adopt, but there
are good reasons for it. First, to concentrate attention principally on the
analytical choices, strategies and rationales of well-established traditions
of political analysis may serve merely to reinforce the dominance of
those traditions. This, in turn, may have the effect of diverting attention
from original and potentially significant interventions which are not
easily reconciled with a conventional mapping of the fault-lines of con
temporary debate. Ir may also serve, in so doing, to discourage innova
tive and heterodox approaches to issues of ongoing controversy. In short,
focusing on the lie of the \and at any particular moment in time may
blind us to the processes already under way serving ro reconfigure that
Second, as a number of recent commentators have noted, it is more
difficult than once it was ro delineate clearly the boundaries of contem
porary analytical approaches. Many important recent contributions
(such as rational choice institutionalism in political science and con
structivism in international relations theory) have served to explore and
thereby transcend the boundaries between perspectives previously con-
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies
sidered distinct and incommensurate (see, for instance, Wa:ver 1996; S.
Smith 2001; von Beyme 1996: 523-5).
Third, if the conventional approach to mapping the discipline's prin
cipal divisions is more problematic today than once it was, then this
should not lead us to overlook the limitations of such a strategy at each
and every stage in the discipline's history. Paradigmatic perspectives have
certainly always existed within political science and international rela
tions, but they have rarely been as insular, self-contained, internally con
sistent and unyielding in their engagement with contending approaches
as their invariably clichd textbook depiction. Accordingly, if political
analysis is to be presented as an essentially contested and dynamic field,
it is important that we resist the temptation to present it as comprised
of a series of timeless, closed and almost entirely self-referential
The conventional 'textbook' presentation of the discipline's principal
fault-lines has never been much more than a crude and distorted clich
- a one-dimensional depiction of a multi-dimensional reality. Ir is a pre
sentation, as far as possible, that I have sought ro resisto In the chapters
that follow, then, my aim has been both to respect and to reflect as accu
rately as possible the positions held by genuine (named) protagonists in
the controversies which characterise contemporary political analysis.
As far as possible, I ha ve resisted the temptation ro fall back on the
parsimony and anonymity of the standard 'textbook' formulations of
approaches such as behaviouralisrn, neo-realisrn and rational choice
theory. Nonetheless, it is important for what follows that we establish
from the outset the range and diversity of strategies in political analy
siso In so doing there is sorne utility in adopting a perspectival approach,
if only as a point of departure for what is to follow. In this sense, the
present chapter is something of an exception to the general rule. For in
the following section I seek briefly to map the contemporary field of
political analysis by examining the key themes, assumptions and con
tributions of the main perspectives in political science and international
relations. These are summarised schematically in Tables 1.1-1.8,
designed ro provide a point of reference for the chapters which follow.
Mapping the political science mainstream
It is conventional to see the political science mainstream today as char
acterised by three distinctive perspectives: rational choice theory; behav
iouralism; and the new institutionalism. Each adopts a very different
approach to political analysis.
8 9 Political Analysis
Table 1.1 Rational choice theory
Rational choice theory is, n essence, what you get if you seek to model
politcal behavour on the simplifyng assumpton rhat poltical actors
are nstrumental, self-serving utility-maxmsers (Table 1.1). In other
words, it seeks to construct stylsed (and often mathematical) models of
politcal conduct by assumng that ndvduals are ratonal and behave
as ir they engage n a cost-benefit analyss of each and every choce aval
able to them befare plumping for the oprion most likely to maxmise
their material self-interest. They behave ratonally, maxmisng personal
utility net of cost whle gvng little or no consderaton to the conse
quences, for others, of ther behaviour.'
The purpose of rational choice theory s to produce a deductive and
To import the rigour and predictive power of neo
classical economics inro political science
To produce a deductive science of the political on the
basis of a series of simplifying assumptions
To model (rnathematically) the implications of human
rationaliry for political conduct
Individual actors are the basic units of analysis
They are rational, efficienr and instrumental uriliry
maximisers who seek to maximise personal utility ner
of cost alone
They have a clear and 'transitivo' hierarchy of
preferences such that in any given context there is only
one oprima! course of action available to them
The aggregation of individually rational behaviour
frequently produces collectively irrational outcomes
Social welfare is often compromised by collective
action problems and 'free-riding'
The narrow pursuit of self-interest ensures thar public
officials cannor be trusted to deliver collective welfare
(public choice theory)
The behaviour of political parties in liberal democracies
is predicta ble given the structure of rhe electoral system
and the distribution of voter preferences
Even where actors share a common collective interest,
'free-riding' is likely to militate against collective action
in the absence of other incentives
'Where such collective action dilemmas can be overcome
powerful interest groups will deploy 'renr-seeking'
behaviour, lobbying for monopoly powers and subsidies
that are inefficienr cont. opposite
Analytical Perspectives, Analytical Controuersles
Table 1.1 Continued
Key Rationality
concepts Collective action problems
Silences Limited attention given to preference formation
and limitations Limited attention given to the institutional contexrs in
which rationality is exercised
Relies upon a series of implausible theoretical
Though ostensibly predictive, reuds to confine itself to
post hoc rationalisation
Limited conception of the human subject
Deals poorly with contexts in which altruism and
collectively rational behaviour is displayed
Deals poorly with processes of change (though
note rhe contribution of
evolutionary game theory)
Seminal Anthony Downs' Economic Theory o] Democracy
works (1957)
Mancur Olson's The Logic of Collectiue Action (1978)
William A. Niskanen's Bureaucracy ami Representatii-e
Gouernment (1971)
James Buchanen and Cordon Tullock's Tbe Calculus of
Consent (1962)
predictve science of the political, modelled on precisely the sarne
assumptons that have proved so influental in neo-classcal economics.
Its contributon to poltcal science has been consderable, drawng
attenton to the often perverse and collectvely rratonal effects of nd
vidually ratonal action. Ir ponts, n partcular to the problem of 'free
rdng'. Here, despite a stuaton in whch cooperaton will secure mutual
advantage, actors have a perverse incentve not ro partcpate in such
collectve acton. Ths sounds paradoxical, but the Jogic, f we assume
ratonalty, s mpeccable. For, n situatons where collectve acton s
requred to acheve a gven end, a ratonal actor knows that her nd
vdual behavour will not influence sgnificantly the overall outcome.
Moreover, f others cooperate she wll reap the benefits of rheir coopera
tion regardless of her particpaton. So why ncur personal costs by
takng unlateral acton? In such scenaros, the dependence of a
favourable outcome upon coordnated or collectve action s sufficent
to create (perverse) ncentves for actors to free rde on the conduct of
others. Tragcally, if all ndviduals behave rationally, no cooperation
10 Political Analysis
arises and an outcorne which is both collectively and individually sub
optimal ensues.
A now classic example is the so-called 'tragedy of the commons', first
identified by Garrett Hardin (1968; for an excellent discussion of the
strengths and limitations of this perspective see Pepper 1996: 56-9). It
provides an intuitively plausible and a11 too compelling model of the
seemingly intractable problem of environmental degradation in con
temporary societies. The systematic exploitation and pollution of the
environment, it is argued, is set to continue since individual corpora
tions and states, despite a clear co11ective interest, choose not to impose
upon themselves the costs of unilateral environmental action. Their logic
is entirely rational. They know that environmental regulation is costly
and, in an open international economy, a burden on cornpetitiveness.
Accordingly, in the absence of an international agency capable of enforc
ing the compliance of a11 sta tes and a11 corporations, the anticipation of
free-riding is sufficient to ensure that corporations and sta tes do not
burden themselves with additional costs and taxes. The long-term effects
for the environment are a11 too obvious. Once again, individual ratio
nality translates into co11ective irrationality.
Though behauiouralism, too, would claim to advance a predictive
science of the political, it proceeds very differently, basing its approach
to political analysis not on the deduction of testable hypotheses
from simplifying (and ultimately untestable) assumptions about human
nature, but upon extrapolation and generalisation from observed empiri
cal regularities (Table 1.2). In the primacy it gives to evidence and to the
search for evidence, behaviouralism rnight be thought neutral with
respect to subject matter, As a consequence it is not, like rational choice
theory or the new institutionalism, a distinctive theoretical approach
associated with a series of key substantive claims so much as a set of
analytical techniques and methodologies. These might be applied - in
principIe - to any area of political analytic inquiry. That having been
said, the tendency to emphasise the observable and those variables
which rnight more easily be quantified, has tended ro result in certain
distinctive features of behaviouralism. These include a focus on power
as decision-making and a tendency to assume that an analysis of the
inputs into the political system, such as the pressure exerted by interest
groups upon the sta te, is sufficient to account adequately for political
Of the three perspectives which serve to define the mainstream in con
temporary political science, the neto institutionalism is the new pretender
(Table 1.3). It has emerged since the early 1980s as a conscious response
both to the 'behavioural revolution' of the 1960s and to the growing
ascendancy of rational choice theory in subsequent decades (see
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 11
Figure 1.1 The evolution of mainstream political science
Old inslilulionalism New inslilulionalism
Behaviouralism Posl-behaviouralism
Ralional choice lheory
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Figure 1.1).2 It marks a return, albeit rather more consciously theoriscd,
to an older tradition of institutional analysis. This had dominated polit
ical science in the early decades of the twentieth century. By the 1960s,
however, despite the influence it continued ro exert on public adminis
tration in Europe, it had long since relinquished any ascendancy is had
once enjoyed over the discipline as a whole (Peters 1999; Rhodes 1995;
W. R. Scott 1995). This was particularly so in the USA, where the legacy
of the old institutionalism was negligible.
The new institutionalism departs from the mainstream of the 1980s
in two key respects, First, it rejects the simplifying assumptions which
make possible rational choice theory's mode11ing of political behaviour.
Second, it challenges the assumed regularity in human behaviour on
which rests behaviouralism's reliance on a logic of extrapolation and
generalisation (or induction). In their place, new institutionalists propose
more complex and plausible assumptions which seek to capture and
reflect the complexity and open-endedness of processes of social and
political change.
Unremarkably, perhaps, new institutionalism ernphasises the mediat
ing role of the institutional contexts in which events occur, rejecting what
it sees as the input-weighted political analysis of behaviouralism and
rational choice theory. In so doing, it draws attention ro the significance
of history, timing and sequence in explaining political dynamics. It
points, in particular, to the 'path dependent' qualities of institutional,
and hence political, development, as large and frequently irreversible
12 Politica! Analysis
Table 1.2 Behauiouralism
To use rigorous sratistical techniques in the analysis of
polirical data
To develop an inducrive science of the political capable
of generating predictive hyporheses on the basis of the
quaruitative analysis of human behaviour at an
aggregate level
The logic of inducrion is sound - general 'covering
laws' can be inferred rorn specific empirical
observa tions
Poltical behaviour exhibits regularities over time which
allow law-like statements to be generated inductively
The neutral and dispassionate analysis of raw political
data is possible
There is no separation of appearance and reality
No a priori rheorerical assurnptions should be allowed
ro inform political analysis
AH theoretical propositions and assumptions must
be exposed to rigorous and systernaric ernpirical
testing before they are deployed deductively
Ethical judgements must not be allowed to inform,
distort or interfere with the systernatic collarion,
recording and analysis of empirical evidence
Theoretical hypotheses take the form of probabilistic
predictions based on the assurnprion thar exhibited
regulariries in the data analysed are generalisable
beyond rhe irnmediate context and time period in which
the data was collecred cont. opposite
consequences may follow from seemingly minor or contingent events.
This places clear limits on a predictive science of the political (P. Pierson
2000). Institutions, they suggest, tend to become embedded in routine
and convention and are, consequently, difficult ro transformo Accord
ingly, political time tends to be characterised by periods of relative
tranquillity punctuated, periodically, by phases of rapid and intense insti
tutional change.
From relarively hurnble origins in the movement to 'bring the state
back into' the more input-weighted or society-centred political analysis
of the times (Evans, Rueschemeyer and Skocpol 1985), rhe new institu
tionalism has grown significantly, with a number of influential converts
frorn rational choice theory (Knight 1992,2001; North 1990) and, even,
behaviouralism (for a discussion of which see Dunleavy 1996). The
result has been a series of hybrid positions and a proliferation of inter
paradigm debates within contemporary political science. The most influ-
and limitations
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 13
Table 1.2 Continued
Polirical power is synonymous with decision-making and
may, as a consequence, be operationalised quantitatively
Polirical outcomes can largely be derived from an
analysis of political inputs

Statisrical significance
Problem of differentiating causation and correlation
Tends ro resrricr itself to 'visible' variables and to those
which can readily be quantified
Assumptions about regularity problernarise the extent to
which behaviouralsm can inform an analysis of social
and political change
The dependence of inductive inference on the
assumption of regularity renders behaviouralism
problematic in periods of social and political
Lacks a conception of agency
Suffers from a narrow conception of politics and power
Roben A. Dahl's Who Gouernss (1961)
Ted Curr's Why Mw Rebel (1970)
Cary King, Roben O. Keohane and Sidney Verba's
Designing Social lnquiry (1994)
ential of such hybrids is undoubtedly rational choice institutionalism
which examines the extent to which institutions might provide solutions
to collective action problems and, more generally, the (institutional)
context-dependence of rationaliry, Sorne so-called sociological institu
tionalists have also sought to apply (neo- )behaviouralist techniques and
methods to an institutionalist research agenda (Tolbert and Zucker
1983; Turna and Hannan 1984).
Mapping the mainstream in international relations
The international relations mainstream is sornewhat more complex and
contested. It is, partly as a consequence, rather more difficult to specify.
Its core is in fact relatively undisputed and comprises classical realism,
structural or neo-realism and a position variously referred to as plural
ism, liberalism, liberal institutionalism, liberal intergovernmentalism,
interdependence theory and, as here, neo-liberalisrn (compare Baldwin
1993; Baylis and Smith 2001; Hollis and Smith 1990b; jackson and
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 15
14 Political Analysis
Table 1.3 Continued
Table 1.3 New institutionalism
To restore the link between theoretical assumptions and
the reality they purport to represent
To acknowledge the crucial mediating role of
institutions in shaping political conduct and translating
political inputs into political outcornes
To acknowledge the complexiry and contingency of
political systems
'Institutions rnatter' - political conduct is shaped
profoundly by the institutional context in which it
occurs and acquires significance
'History matters' - the legacy the past bequeaths to the
present is considerable
Political systerns are complex and inherently
unpredicta ble
Actors do nor always behave instrumentally in pursuit
of material self-inrerest
Rationalism and behaviouralism tend to concentrate too
heavily on political inputs in explaining political
outcornes, ignoring the key mediating role of political
Institutions beco me embedded in routine and convention
and are, consequently, difficult to reform, transform or
The timing and scquence of evenrs matters since history
is 'path dependent' - large consequences may follow
from small or contingent events
Actors are socialised within institutional settings which
define informal rules and procedures
Accordingly, logics of appropriateness may better
explain political behaviour than those which assume
instrumental self-interest cont. otiposite
Sorensen 1999; M. Nicholson 1998; Steans and Pettiford 2001; Wxver
Altogether more contentious is the inclusion of constructivism and
postmodcrnism within the mainstream, For there are many who would
suggest that constructivism still has much to prove - not least its scien
tific status and its substantive contribution to the nnderstanding of world
politics (Keohane 1989; Moravcsik 2001) - before it can be welcomed
into the court of international rclations (IR) theory. And if this is said
of constructivism, it need hardly be stated that few, if any, of those who
regard themselvcs as defenders of the mainstream would be prepared to
and lirnitations
The rigidity of institutions means thar political time
tends to be characterised by periods of relative stability,
punctuated periodically by phases of intense institutional
Path dependence
Puncruated equilibrium
Despite its sensitivity to history, it is poor at accounting
for institutional change, tending merely to invoke
(unrheorised) exogenous shock
Tends to exhibit a rarher structuralist logic in which
actors are prisoners of institutional contexts and the
logics of appropriateness they define
In pointing to the mecliating role of institutions and the
high degree of variation between institutional contexts,
institutionalism tends towards rich description
It is, as a consequence, perhaps overly reticent of bold
theories and hyporhescs
In its emphasis upon path dependence and historical
legacies it is rather better at explaining stability than
Douglass C. North's lnstitutions, lnstitutional
Cbange and Econotnic Performance (1990)
Sven Steinmo, Kathleen Thelen and Frank Longstreth's
Structuring Politics (1992)
James G. March and johan P. Olsen's Rediscouering
lnstitutions (1989)
PauI Pierson's Dismantling the \YIelfare Statei (1994)
Theda Skocpol's States and Social Reuolutions (1979)
credit postmodernism with a seat at the tableo Moreover, and perhaps
more to the point, few postmodernists would thernselves be happy with
such an invitation, seeing any inclusion within the mainstream as an
alarming portent of assimilation and capitulation.
So why then insist on discussing constructivism anc! postmodernism
in the context of the mainstream? My reasons are, in fact, relatively
simple. The first of these is the seerningly inexora ble rise of construc
tivism in recent years. This rnight be gauged in a variety of ways, frorn
the large number of converts to its position since the 1990s, its irnpres
sive hold over a younger generation of international rclations scholars,
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 17
Figure 1.2 Tbe evolution of illternational relations theory
1950 1960
1970 1980
the exrent to which its contribution has been acknowledged, taken seri
ously and responded to by the mainstream, or just the reception that a
seminal constructivist work, such as Alexander Wendt's Social Theory
of International Politics (1999) has received from neo-realists and neo
liberals alike. If there are srill those who would be uncomfortable with
construetivism's inelusion within the mainstream, then it is surely only
a matter of time before they will be forced to concede thar, whether they
Iike it or not, it is already treated as such.
The position of postmodernism is obviously more COntroversia! and
there are, 1 think, good reasons for seeing it less as a (potentially) rnain
stream perspective than as a challenge to the very notion of a main
strearn (see also S. Smith 2001: 241). 1 inelude it here for two reasons:
(i) because the challenge it poses to the mainstream is, if ultimately prob
lema tic, fundamental and worthy of a response; and (ii) beca use con
structivism defines itself, at least in part, in and through its opposition
to neo-realism/neo-liberalism on the one hand and postmodernism on
the other (Figure 1.2).
In many respects, the key point of departure for al! contemporary Con
tenders for mainstream status in international relations theory is realism
(Table 1.4). It was iashioned as a direet response to the naive or 'utopan
idealism' of the period immediately following the Creat War (Carr
1990 2000

1939). Such idealism, horrified by the brutality of total war, had sought
to build an institutional architecture of international mediation and
mutual cooperation that might serve to guarantee perpetual peace.
Realism rose to dominance out of the ashes of that optimism in the late
1930s and throughout the 1940s. Ir prided itself upon its sanguine view
of world politics, premised on a realist(ic) if depressing view of human
nature. Rather like rational choice theory, it effectively derived the
instrumental rationality of the state and the anarchical character of
a world system in which the state was sovereign from essentially
Hobbesian assumptions about human nature. Life was nasty, brutish
and, in the context of the late 1930s and early 1940s, all too short. For
realists the study of international relations is the study of the interaction
berween sovereign sta tes whose principal, indeed essentially sole, moti
vation for action is self-preservation (security) and, in pursuit of that
end, the acquisition of power. Realism is, in short, rational choice theory
applied ar the level of the state system, with sta tes cast in the image of
utility-maxirnising rational actors. The result, a product to a consider
able exterit of its times, is a most depressing view of human affairs in
which conflict is the norm and cooperation arare and, aboye all, fragile
produce not of cooperative intent but of a ternporary balancing of strate
gies of narrow self-interest and mutual distrust.
Neo-realism emerged in the 1970s as an arternpt to produce a more
refined, rigorous and structural account of world politics - though one
still couched very much in realist terms (Table 1.5). Ir sought to emulate
the mathernatical rigour (as it saw it) of rational choice theory and,
indeed, neo-classical economics through the careful choice of simplifying
assurnptions on which the rational behaviour of states within the
international systern might be modelled. Yet rather than proceed from
ultimately universal, metaphysical and essentialist assumptions about
human nature, as had its realist forebears, it assurned only that states
(as unified actors) were rational in the pursuit of relative (rather than
absolute) gains. Consequently, given rhe structure of the international
system (anarchy), their behaviour was entirely predictable. For neo
realists, then, the conflictual and competitive nature of inter-state
relations was rhe product not of any innately belligerent or aggressive
qualities of sta tes, but merely of the pursuit of national interest under con
ditions of anarchy.
Neo-liberalism, too, might be seen to share much with realism, though
it arose firsr as a response to realism and was later shaped by its ongoing
engagement with neo-realism (Baldwin 1993). (Table 1.6) Moreover, and
despite any such similarities, its origins lie in precisely the 'utopian ide
alism' so categorically rejected by realists like E. H. Carr in the late
1930s, an idealism still reflected in its rather more positive and flexible
18 Political Analysis
Table 1.4 Realism
In the context of the 1930s, to re-inject a healthy does
of realism into the discussion of international relations
fol1owing the delusions of idealism
To be sanguine and realistic about rhe frailty of human
nature and to trace the implications for the conduct of
international relations
To render international relations a rigorous and
dispassionate science of world politics
The realm of international relations is governed by
objective laws which have their origins in human nature
The pursuit of power by individuals and states is
ubiquitous and unavoidable - consequently, conflict and
competition is endemic
The state is sovereign and the natural unit of analysis in
international relations since states recognise no aurhority
aboye themselves and are autonomous of non-state
actors and structures
States are unified actors, motivated exclusively by
considerations of national interest
National interests are objective
The principal national interest is that of survivallsecurity
There is a total separation of domestic and international
politics with the former subordinated to the latter
The study of international relations is the study of the
interacrion between sovereign states
Tbe self-interested behaviour of states in the absence of
any overarching authority on a global scale produces a
condition of auarchy canto opposite
view of human nature than that of realism. AII this having said, neo
liberals like neo-realists and realists before them are, at heart, rational
ists, committed to a notion of the human subject as a rational actor care
fully weighing up the respective merits and demerits of various courses
of action in an atternpt to maximise his or her personal utility. Yet he re
they part company, with neo-liberals drawing rather different conclu
sions. In particular, and in marked contrast to neo-realism, they ernpha
sise the capacity of human agents to shape their environment and hence
their destiny and, in marked contrast to c1assic realisrn, their capacity
to achieve cooperation for mutual advantage. Characteristically, and as
evidence for both, they cite the building of a global capitalist economy
regulated by a series of interconnected international institutions. Such
achievements, they suggest, demonstrate the conditions under which
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 19
Table 1.4 Continued
In so far as conflict is avoided, this is not because of the
pacific intentions of states, but precisely because of the
balance produced by the aggressive pursuit of power
and security by states
Ir is nave to assume that cooperation rather than
conflict is the natural condition of world politics
The evolution of world politics is cyclical,
characterised by timeless laws rooted in human nature
concepts Sovereignty
National interest
Power politics
Silences Limited attention to the role of non-state actors
and limitations Little or no consideration to economic processes
Relies on an impoverished conception of human nature
aud implausible assumptions
Narrowly state-centric
Less an accurate theory of world politics than the image
in and through wbich world politics was made - hence,
'nothing but a rationalisation of Cold War politics'
(Hoffman 1977: 48)
Seminal E. H. Carr's The Tu/enty Years' Crisis (1939)
works Hans Morgenthau's Politics Among Nations (1948)
cooperation may arise and in which states can pursue absolute rather
than relative gains.
Though there are clear differences in emphasis between neo-realists
and neo-liberals, successive rounds of the so-called 'inter-paradigm
debate' have drawn the two perspectives ever closer together such that
ir is now often difficult to position clearly once prominent neo-realists
or neo-liberals (W<ever 1996). This has led to the identification of a 'neo
neo-synthesis' which some would see as having come to circumscribe the
parameters of theoretical debate in mainstream international relations
(Kegley 1995; Lamy 2001; S. Smith 2001).
It is this cosy synthesis that constructivism and, in rather more radical
terms, postmodernism, challenge. Like the new institutionalism in polit
ical science, constructiuism rejects the rationalism on which the neo-neo
synthesis is premised, seeking to render its analytical assumptions more
complex and realistic (Table 1. 7). Ir is also characterised, again like the
new institutionalism in political science, by its broadening of the field of
political analysis to encompass not just interests but the means by which
LV r ouucat lllatYSIS
Table 1.5 Neo-realism
To produce a more sysremaric, rigorous and structural
account of international relarions in the realist tradition
To liberare realism from essenrialist and universal
assumprions abour human nature
To produce a deducrive science of world polirics on the
basis of parsimonious assumprions abour the
inrernarional systern
World polirics can be analysed as if srares were
unirary rarional acrors seeking ro maximise rheir
expected utiliry
The conrext in which sta res find rhemselves - a
condirion of anarchy - derermines rhe content of rhe
rationality they exhibir
The behaviour of sra res can be explained exclusively in
terrns of the structure of rhe inrernarional system irself,
since states are rarional and in any given setting there is
only one optimal course of action open ro thern
The srare is again sovereign and rhe natural unir of
arialysis in inrernational relations
However, rhe role of internarional institutions in the
governance of internationa! relarions (both polirical and
economic) cannot be overlooked
States are, again, unified actors, morivared solely by
considerarions of narional inreresr
Srares seek relarive rarher rhan absolure gains
The anarchical strucrure of the internarional sysrem
compels sta res to acr as they do
Accordingly, conflicr is a consequence nor of srate
belligerence bur of rhe pursuit of narional inrerest under
condirions of anarchy cont. opposite
interests are identified and constructed in the first place and the institu
tional context in which such interests are expressed, acted upon and
revised. This is a more dynarnic and open-ended a pproach ro world
politics which refuses to accept the primacy of material over ideational
factors, thereby opening up for ernpirical analysis the whole area of
social construction which realism, neo-realisrn and neo-Iiberalisrn had
closed off. The overriding theme of constructivist work is the problern
atic nature of the concept of interests. Material interests are by no means
transparent and uncontested. Moreover, it is perceptions of interesrs
rather rhan material interests per se on which states act. Consequently,
if we wish to understand world politics we need to explore the
means and mechanisms by which states come to identify, act upon and
r . ~ Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 21
Table 1.5 Continuad
Though srares are inherently contlicrual and comperirive,
actual conflicr can be averted in siruarions in which
there is a balance of power
Though there is always a tendency ro insrabiliry in
rhe interriarional sysrern, rhis can be attenuated if a
dominanr srate assumes a leadership (or hegernonicl role
Under such condirions of hegemonic stabiliry
internarional insrirutions can serve ro provide a secure
basis for cooperarion between narions, such as is
evidenced in rhe inrernarional economic systern which
developed in rhe post-war per iod
Key Balance of power
concepts Relarive (as opposed to absolute) gains
Hegemonic stabiliry
Silences Lacks clariry abour rhe conditions of cooperarion and
and limitations the condirions of conflicr in the inrernational systern
lncapable either of predicring or of explaining the end
of rhe Cold War despire irs focus on rhe balance of
power wirhin rhe inrernational system
Displays a very limired and impoverished conceprion of
sra re agency
Relies on a series of implausible assumptions abour rhe
unity and rarionality of rhe state
Seminal Robert Gilpin's \\7.1r and Ch'1IIge in \'(Iorld Polities
works (1981 )
Charles Kindlcbergers The World in Depressiou, 1929
1939 (1973)
Kenneth Walrz's Tbeory o( lnternational Polities (1979)
revise their perception of both their interests and, in the process, their
identity - who they are and what they stand foro A favoured exarnple
concerns the issue of security itself. States act in response ro perceived
security rhrears, not ro rhe (material) volume of armoury which a
state might (porentially) direct against them. As Alexander Wendt notes,
'500 British nuclear weapons are less threatening ro the US than five
North Korean nuclear weapons, because rhe British are friends of rhe
US and the Norrh Koreans are not, and arniry and enrnity is a unction
of shared understandings' (1995: 73). The neo-neo-synthesis has lirtle
or no way of dealing with this, appealing, as it does, ro a notion of
material interests as objective, uncontested and transparento For con
structivists, by contrast, crucial to understanding the conduct of states
~ ~ - - - - ---------
22 Political Analysis
Table 1.6 Neo-liberalism
are the shared or inrer-subjective understandings they fashion. In the
end, then, if anarchy is indeed the condition of the international system
it is important to acknowledge that 'anarchy is what states make of it'
(Wendt 1992).
If the challenge posed by constructivism to the mainstrearn is consid
erable, despite attempts by Wendt and others ro convince realists in par
ticular that they have little to fear from taking constructivisrn seriously
(1999, 2000), then that posed by postmodernism is altogcther more
fundamental (Table 1.8). Indeed, arguably it calls inro question the
whole enterprise of international relations, as it does political analysis
To counter the stare-cenrrisrn of realism and neo-realisrn
and ro reinsert economic dynarnics into international
To explore the possibilities for cooperation within the
internationai systern
To explore the implications of a more flexible and
positive view of human nature
Individuals and states, though rational, have the
capacity to solve problems through collective action
International cooperation for mutual advantage is borh
desirable and possible
Actors other than states - multi-national corporations,
religious and nationalist movernents - playa central role
in international events
States cannot be conceptualised as unified actors but are
rhernselves rnulti-centric and subject to a variety of
competing domestic and international pressures
Power, within the international system, is diffuse and
Liberal democratic states do not wage war upon one
another (rhe doctrine of the demacratic peace)
Military force is by no rneans the only, or the rnost
effective, instrument of foreign policy
Sta tes seek absolute rather than relative gains
An advanced international division of labour within the
world econorny encourages relations of interdependence
and cooperation between narions whieh are murually
The condition of complex interdependence which
characterises the international systern renders national
economies ever more sensitive and vulnerable to events
in other countries cont, opposite
AnalyticaJ Perspectives, Analytical Controversies 23
Table 1.6 CO/ltinued
This enrails a significanr Ioss of stare capacity and
There is a complex relationship between domestic and
international politics with no clear or consistent
Interna tional insritutions and organisations, though in
sorne sense thernselves the product of state action, may
come to assume an independent identity and display
agency in their OWIl right
Interdependencelcornplex interdependence
AbsoJute (as opposed ro relative) gains
International regimes
Like realisrn, it lacks clarity about the condirions under
and limitations
which we should expect cooperation and rhose under
which we should expecr conflict
For realists and neo-realisrs, liberals adopt a naive and
utopian eoneeption of both human nature and the
possibilities for international cooperation
Tends ro exaggerate the role of international institutions,
the extent of globalisation and the limited capacity of
the state
Tends ro legitimate the status quo
The empirical evidenee does not seem to eonfirm the
dernoeratie peaee thesis - democraric sta tes can be quite
Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye's Power and
lnterdependence (1977)
joseph S. Nye's Ullderstalldillg lnternational Confliets
James N. Rosenau's Turbulence in \'(lorld Politics
and social science more generally. While it might have some sympathy
for the idea thar the interests of stares are <onstructions rather rhan
objective properties, postrnodernism, quite simply, rejects al! of the
aboye. Though it has given rise ro a series of substantive contributions
to international relations scholarship (see, for instance, Ashley 1987;
Campbcll 1992; Walkcr 1993; C. Weber 1995), its principal contri bu
tion is to chal!enge the stated and, aboye all, unstated assumptions of
conventonal international relations theory (realist, idealist or construc
tivist). Ir problematises and ultimately rejects the notion of a neutral or
LLJ- rouucat Anatysis
Table 1.7 Constructiuism
To open up a 'rniddle way' (Adler) between rarionalsm
(neo-realism and neo-liberalsm) and postmodernism
To explore rhe irnplications of acknowledging rhar
polrical rea lities are socially construcred and of
according ideas an independent role in rhe analysis of
inrernational relations
To explore the implicarions of replacing rationalism's
logic of instrumental rarionality with a more
sociological conception of agency
To explore rhe implicarions of trearing interesrs and
preferences as social consrrucrions rarher than as
objectively given
Our beliefs playa crucial role in the consrruction of our
The social and political world is not a given but an
inherently inrersubjective domain - a product of social
There is no objecrive social or polirical realiry
independent of our understanding of it - there is no
social realm independent of human activity
Ideational facrors should be accorded as significant a
role in international relarions as material facrors
For most constructivists, posirivism cannot be reconciled
wirh an ernphasis upon the significance of intersubjecrive
'Anarchy is what states make of it' (Wendt) - the
structure of the international systern does not dictare
srate behaviour; ir is the inreraction and intersubjective
understandings of sta tes which gives rise ro the
condition of anarchy eont. opposite
dispassionate science of international relations, pointing, like construc
tivism, to the role of theory in the constitution of rhe objects of its ana
lytical attentions, Yet it takes this line of argument far further, charting
the complicity of inrernational relations theory in the repraduction of
existing power relations and in the praduction - invariably in the name
of progress, liberty or emancipation - of new power relations while
emphasising what it would see as rhe inherently partisan and political
subject-positions frorn which such theory is written. It suggests, in short,
that though students of world polities are loath to admit it, al! theories
are conceived and forrnulared to ref1ect a particular va ntage-point or
~ " ' F '
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 25
Table 1.7 Continued
~ ,
and limitations
Assesses the rransformative impact of novel social
consrructions (such as the European Union) on the state
Emphasises the irnpact of national norms on
international politics and inrernational norms on
national politics
Emphasises the importance of discursive construction
and narning in the identification and response, say, ro
securiry 'threats' - threats are perceptions and ir is
perceptions rarher than realiries rhat are responded to
Social construction
Unified more by what they distance themselves from
than by what they share
For rarionalists, much of what they c1aim rheorerically,
though plausible, remains either unrestable to untesred
May be seeking ro reconcile the irreconcilable - the
choice between rationalism and postmodernism may be
starker than constructivists assurne
Despire its ostensible aim ro define and inhabit a middle
ground between rationalism and postmodernism, many
of its proponents seem to gravita te rowards one or other
Despite its theoretical appeal its promise is, as yet,
largely unrealised
Friedrich Kratochwil's Rules, Norms and Decisions
Nicholas Onuf's A World of Our baking (1989)
Alexander Wendt's Social Theorv of lnternational
Politics (1999)
subject-position in a world characterised by near infinite profusin of
potential subject-positions. Consequently, al! theories, despite any pre
tensions they may make to universality, neutrality or scientific status, are
partial and partisano They are, as a consequence, either complicit in the
reproduction of the status quo and rhe power relations it serves to insti
tutionalise or cal!s for the transforrnarion of the existing state of affairs
couched in the name of a progress. The latter can only serve to replace
one system of domination and oppression wirh another.
26 Political Analysis
Table 1.8 Postmodemistn
Aim/ To cast doubt on modernist assumptions about the
contribution ability to generate objective knowledge of rhe social and
political world
To draw artenrion to the conceptual prisms in and
through which supposedly dispassionate and neutral
theories are formulated
To expose rhe silences, implicit assumptions and
universal pretensions of such theories and to reveal the
power relations in whose reproduction they are
To explore the implications of an international
relations which does not rely on universal claims,
privileged access to knowledge or the possibility of
liberation or emanciparion frorn power
Key There is no neutral vantage-point frorn which the world
assumptions can be described and analysed objecrively
Al! knowledge is partial, partisan and power-serving
Knowledge clairns are never neutral with respect to
power relarions which are, as a consequence, ubiquitous
and diffuse
There are no facts about the social and political world,
only interpretations advanced from a particular vantage
The social and political world is characterised not by
sameness and identity but by difference, diversity and
Key The identificatiori and exploration of the way power
themes operates in the discourses and practices of world politics
The celebration of difference, diversity and plurality
cont, op posite
Postmodernisrn raises a series of crucial and troubling issues which
dcserve a sustained and systernatic discussion. This will be the principal
concern of Chapter 7. Suffice it for now to note that ir the post
modernist challenge cannot be rebuffed it has very serious implications
for the conduct of political analysis and the claims we might legitimately
make in its name. It is conventional, both in international relations and
political science, to dismiss such issues and to suggest that until such
time as postmodernism has something 'better' to put in its place, its cri
tique of the mainstrearn does not deserve to be taken seriously. Though
certainly convenient, given the irnplications of the issues the postmod
ernist chal!enge raises, this is wholly inadequate and, in fact, profoundly
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 27
Table 1.8 Continued
A challenge to the notion of history as 'progress'
The atrempt to establish universal conditions for human
emancipation can only serve, in practice, to replace one
ser of relations of domination with another - there is no
escape from tyranny
The universal pretensions of general theories and
emancipatory projects (metanarratives) is mythical
Power relations often function through the construction,
in language, of hierarchical distinctions of identity/
difference, sameness/otherness
Key (Incredulity towards) 'rnctanarratives'
concepts Deconstruction
Silences Tendency towards nihilism, fatalism and passivity - an
and limitations abstention from judgement
Is not posnnodernism's normative respect for 'difference'
in the end self-defeating - precluding the taking of
action to protect that difference?
Are its implications not profoundly conservative
deconstruction without the possibility of the
reconstruction of an alternative?
Interna] contradictions - is not postmodernism itself the
metanarrative to end all rnetanarratives and hence a
contradiction in terms?
Tends towards pure descriptive narrative as opposed to
political analysis
Seminal David Campbell's Writing Security (1992)
works R. J. Walker's lnside/Outside (1993)
Cynthia Weber's Simulating Souereignty (1995)
irresponsible. Moreover, if the postmodernists are right then there is
nothing 'better' to put in place of the mainstream, for the enterprise itself
is profoundly flawed. Though this is a view that 1 wil! ultimately reject,
it is one that needs to be examined very closely.
Analytical strategies in contemporary political
science and international relations
As the aboye paragraphs serve to demonstrate, there are certain resern
blances between many of the perspectives which have come to charac
z.o r otutcat rvnarysts
terise the mainstream in political science and their counterparts in inter
national relations. Nonerheless, the degree of dialogue between rhe two
sub-disciplines has been somewhat limited. As 1 have sought already to
suggest, rational choice theory, realism, neo-realisrn and neo-liberalisrn
are all, essentially, rationalist. Moreover, constructivism in international
relations theory and the new institutionalism in political science would
seern to perforrn very similar roles within their respective sub-disciplines,
valuing similar things and drawing attention to the role of institutions
and ideas in the understanding of cornplex political change, Finally,
behaviouralisrn, though rather more influential within political science
than inrernational relations, might be applied - and, indeed, has been
applied - to world politics (see, for instance, Deutsch 1953, 1963;
Guertzkow 1950; Kaplan 1957; Singer 1968). There are certainly per
spectives, such as liberal intergovernrnentalism and ra tional choice insti
tutionalism, which are more difficult to position and seem to inhabit
hybrid-locations between rationalism and institutionalism, but this
merely reveals the limits of any fixed analytical scherna. Within those
limits, however, it is plausible to suggest rhe existence of three distinc
tive analytical traditions in political analysis which span international
relations and political science: rationalism, behaviouralism and con
structivismlneto institutionalsm,' In what follows, and in keeping with
my desire ro resist as far as is possible the artificial and polarising di s
tinction between international relations and political science, 1 will refer
not to the sub-discipline-specific perspectives outlined in the preceding
section but to the three distinctive analytical strategies on which they
In the rernaining sections of this chapter my aim is to introduce the
key thernes of the volume by examining the stance adopted with respect
to a series of key analytical issues by these three analytical paradigms.
Their distinctive features are summarised, albeit in a rather stylised
fashion, in Table 1.9.
Yet my aim is not to present a commentary on each paradigm in
turno Rather, 1 introduce the distinctiveness and diversity of analytical
strategies adopted in political science and international relations by
considering sorne of the principal analytical issues and choices
which divide rhern. Three issues in particular will prove particularly
significant in the cha pters which follow. They are: (1) the parsimony
versus complexity trade-off (2) the role of theory within political
analysis; and (3) the relationship between political conduct and the
context within which it occurs and acquires significance (the thorny
perennial of structure and agency). Each warrants a brief introduction
at rhis point.
Analvtical Perspectiues, Ana!ytica! Controuersies
Analytical paradigms in cOlltempormy political science
Table 1.9
institu tiona!iS/11
No analytical
Role of
To simplity rhe
To inform and
world - as a
sensitise analysis
role for theory;
to the complexity
theory as a
means ro
generate testable
of the process of
language for
None required
Sensitising and
derived frorn
(guides analysis)
. ~ t :
, predictive'
and historical
realism of
neutralit y
The parsimony versus complexity trade-off
Though rarely discussed in any sustained or systematic manner (for an
important exception see Sober 1988), the choice - perhaps better seen
as a trade-off - hetween parsimony and complexity is central to the selec
tion of analytical strategies in political science and international rela
tions. Yet, as King, Keohane and Yerba observe, 'the word has been used
in so many ways in casual conversation and scholarly writings that the
principie has become obscured' (1994: 20).
Before proceeding further, then, it is important rhat we are clear about
what the terrn irnplies. Here it is instructive ro differentiate clearly
30 Political Analysis
between two rather different logics of political inquiry - the inductiue
and the deductive. As we shall see, the trade-off berween parsimony and
cornplexity has rather different implications for inductive and deductive
approaches to political analysis.
Deductive and inductive logics in political ana/ysis
lnductiue approaches to political analysis take as their starting point the
(supposedly) neutral and dispassionate assessment of empirical evidence.
They begin, in short, with specific observations from which they seek to
genera te (though inductive generalisation and inference) more general
or even universal theoretical propositions (Hernpel 1966: 1]; Wolfe
1924: 450). As Norman Blaikie suggests, induction 'corresponds to a
popular conception of the activities of scientisrs [as] persons who make
careful observations, conduct experiments, rigorously analyse the data
obtained, and hence produce new discoveries or theories' (1993: 133).
Theory, in such a strategy, logically fol1ows observation and generalisa
tion and is little more than the statement of generalisable 'covering laws'
consistent with an existing set of empirical observations (Hempel 1994).
This inductive logic is depicted schematically in Figure 1.3.
Induction in the social sciences is associated with empiricism, the priv
ileging of evidence and observation over theory, reason or intuition.
It proceeds from relatively direct, simple and specific observations
('in 1992 corpor ation X left country A for country B with a lower rate
of corporate taxation' or 'this swan is white') to more general, even uni
versal, covering laws ('in an era of globalisation capital willleave high
taxation regimes for low-taxation regimes' or 'all swans are white').
Deductive approaches to political analysis are essentially a rnirror
image of such a strategy (see Figure 1.3). Rather than commencing with,
and thereby privileging, observation they seek to derive (or deduce)
testable propositions or hypotheses from pre-established facts or initial
theoretical assumptions. The predictive hypotheses thereby formulated
are subsequently exposed to rigorous empirical scrutiny; the hypothesis
either confirmed or rejected. The logic is, in Karl Popper's memorable
terms, one of 'conjecture and refutation' (1969).
A good example of such a deductive logic is that exhibited in Anthony
Downs' influential An Economic Theory of Democracy (1957); see also
Black (1958); Hotel1ing (1929). Downs starts with a series of sirnplify
ing theoretical assumptions which establish the parameters of the model
(that parties in democratic polities are analogous to firrns in a profit
seeking economy, that both voters and political parties are rational in
pursuit of their preferences, that opposition parties seek only election,
governments re-election and that parties have complete information as
to the distribution of preferences of the electorate, to name but a few).
Deduclive approach
(supplying initial ~
theOetical assumptons) \
Deduclive logic:
1IXlhen Y(hypothesis)
y (observation)
Then X
, J
~ ~ <
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 31
Figure 1.3 Deductive and inductiue logics in political analysis
Induclive approach
Emprical observation
(of a sample 01lhe instances
lar which a governing law is sought)
+ \
THEORY .---/
(as the statement 01
governng laws)
Inductive logic:
AII observed X ---. Y (observation)
X always ---. Y(generalisation)
X causes Y (induclive inlerence)
Through a process of logical theoretical deduction, Downs generates the
, ~
prediction (or hypothesis), that in a first-past-the-post, two-party elec
toral system in which voters' preferences are normally distributed, the
political parties will gravitate towards the preferences of the median
. ~ ,
voter. In other words, opposition and government will converge on the
political centre-ground. Such a prediction was seemingly confirmed by
the bipartisan centrism of the US Democrats and Republicans of the time
and, indeed, has been resuscitated to account for similarly bipartisan
convergence in countries such as Australia, Britain, Ireland and New
Zealand in recent years (for a critical assessment of this literature see
Hay 199ge: Ch. 3).4
Having established the distinctiveness of inductive and deductive
rationales in political research, we can now return to the trade-off
between parsimony and complexity.
Parsimony. complexity and induction
~ ,
i ~ '
In incluctive approaches to social and political analysis the aim, essen
tially, is to fit a theoretical model ro a set of empirical data. Here parsi
mony is most sirnply understood as getting value for one's variables. A
parsimonious explanation or model is one which includes as few vari
ables as possible yct which explains (or offers the potential ro explain)
JL roitttcat fil1at)'S/S
as much as possible (see also ]effreys 1961: 47; Zellner 1984). In sorne
sense, a berter explanation (cerrainly a more complete one) is one which
includes more variables. But here we run the risk of sacrificing a simple
and elegant account for a complex and sophisticated yet cumbersome
and inelegant alternati ve. In more technical (in facr, classically behav
iouralisr] terms, we run rhe risk of 'saturating' our model with addi
tional variables each of which account for progressively less of the
overall 'variance', The casualty in such a strategy is the analytical and
explanatory precision of a more parsimonious account.
This makes parsimony sound like a very attractive proposition and
something to aspire to in one's theoretical models. Who, after all, could
possibly prefer a cumbersome and ineleganr accounr saturated with vari
ables of only marginal (if any) significance when preserired with a simple,
neat and elegant alternative in which each variable's contribution ro the
causal chain is clear and unambiguous? Yet this is to present a some
whar distorted view. An example might serve to indicate why. Sal' we
are interested in formulating a general theory of electoral success and
failure in advanced liberal democratic polities. Impressed by the allure
of parsimony, we might be ternpred ro suggesr thar the key factor pre
disposing political parties to electoral success at a given election is their
success at the previous elecrion.' This is a highly parsimonious model,
yet one which is wholly inadequate. While ir might well be the case thar
incumbent administrations are marginally more likely ro be re-elected
than they are to be expelled from office at any given election, a model
of democratic electoral competition incapable of predicting anyrhing
orher than the perpetuation of a one-pany state is ar best somewhat
anomalous. Clearly parsimony can be taken too faro Our overly sim
plistic model might be rendered more complex and sophisricared (in
orher words, less parsimonious) by the incorporarion of a series of addi
tional variables - the length of the incumbenr administration's tenure in
office, the perceived relative economic competence of the principal
parties, and so forth, The question is, of course, how far ro go. At what
point are rhe merits of grearer complexity more than outweighed by the
loss of parsimony their incorporation in the rnodel would entail?
In seeking ro draw causal inferences from the observed pattern of cor
relations between a given set of variables, this is precisely the son of
choice behaviouralisr political scientists face on a routine basis. For
rhem, by and large, parsimony is a good thing; a plausible parsimonious
explanation is ro be preferred ro a similarly plausible yet more involved
alrernarive. In the end, however, the choice of how many variables to
incorporate - in other words, where precisely to position one's model
on the parsimony-complexity axis - is a subjective judgemenr, though
one inf1uenced significantly by the data under consideration. Sorne rela-
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 33
tionships (and the data sets in and through which behaviouralists
investigate such relationships) avail themselves of more parsimonious
explanarory models than others.
Parsimony, complexity and the nature of political reality
It is at this point that the discussion of parsimony, to the extent that it
occurs at all, usually terminates (see, for instance Miller 1995: 172;
Ragin 1994: 214; Ragin, Berg-Schlosser and de Meur 1996: 760-2). Yet
it is here, I would suggest, that it should really begin. For if we acknowl
edge that the extent to which parsimony might be deemed desirable
depends upon the object of our analytical attentions, then we can use
fully ask under what conditions the world avails itself of parsimonious
This brings us to a crucial point and one of relevance not only ro
inductive logics of polirical inquiry. As King, Keohane and Yerba per
ceptively note, for parsimony to be adopted as a guiding principie of
good political analysis implies 'a judgement, 01' euen assumption, abour
the nature of the world: it is assumed to be simple'. Moreover, as they
go on ro suggest, 'the principie of choosing theories that imply a simple
world is a rule that clearly applies in situations where there is a high
degree of certainty that the world is indeed simple'. Consequently, 'we
should never insist on parsimony as a general princi pie of designing the
ories, but it is useful in those situations where u/e haue some knotoledge
of the simplicity o] the u/orld u/e are studying' (1994: 20, emphasis
mine). This interesting and irnportant passage contains a subtle and
highly significant slippage: the progressive blurring (in the emphasised
passages) of judgements, assumptions and knowledge of the simplicity
of the world we inhabit. What are merely judgements or assertions in
the first sentence have acquired the status of knowledge by rhe second.
This raises a series of key questions. Do we have to make (presumably
subjective and untestable) assumpttons about the degree of simplicity or
complexity of rhe world in which we find ourselves, or can we acquire
(objective) lenotoledge of such things? What does it mean to have 'knowl
edge of the simplicity of the world we are studying'? How would we
ever test such a proposirion? No clear answers are provided ro such
disarming questions. However, what is clear is that, in the absence of
unambiguous means ro assess the degree of complexity of the world we
inhabir, the choice between parsimonious and more complex models of
political reality appears altogether more arbitrary and subjective rhan
King, Keohane and Yerba seem ro imply. Here it is instructive ro note
that, among political scientists, it tends ro be behaviouralists who make
sorne of the simplest assumptions about the world in which they find
34 Political Analysis
rhernselves." It is perhaps nor then surprising that they consistently prize
This brings us for the first time to a recurrent therne of this volume.
Generally untesrable assumptions about the nature of the social and
political world affect, fundamentally, the manner in which political
analysis is conducted and the status of the knowledge claims we feel we
rnay legitimately make as political analysts.
Parsimony, complexity and deduction
The force of this remark becomes clear if we move from inductiue logics
of political analysis (such as characterise behaviouralism) in which the
theoretical generalisations are inferred frorn the evidence to deductive
logics (such as characterise rational choice theory and neo-realism) in
which testable theoretical hypotheses are derived from initial theoreti
cal assumptions. Here parsimony has rather different implications and
is generally taken to refer to the theoretical assumptions upon which the
process of theoretical deduction is premised. Opinions and styles of
political analysis vary. Certain traditions in political science and inter
national relations - notably rational choice theory and neo-realism
prize themselves on the parsimony of their theoretical assumptions.
Others, notably new institutionalism in political science and construc
tivism in international relations theory, might be seen as reactions to
what they perceive ro be the dangers of ouerly parsimonious theoretical
assumptions (for a particularly lucid explanation, see P. Pierson 2000).
They prize themselves not on the parsimony but the realism of their
analytical premises.
A brief consideration of Downs' An Economic Theory of Democracy
is again instructive. Downs is a rational choice theorist whose model of
bipartisan convergence rests, essentially, on the theoretical assumptions
out of which it is constructed. Those assumptions are undoubtedly par
simonious, but frankly implausible. Voters are not simply self-serving
egoists motivated only by economic self-interest, parties are not blessed
with perfect inforrnation of the distribution of voter preferences, nor are
thcy motivated solely by the pursuit of office at any cost. Interestingly,
Downs himself is prepared to concede the point, clearly stating from the
outset that his assumptions are chosen not for their accuracy or sophis
tication but for their simplicity. As he remarks, 'theoretical models
should be tested primarily for the accuracy of their predictions rather
than for the reality of their assumptions' (1957: 21).7 Though refresh
ingly sanguine, this rnighr seem like a somewhat strange concession to
make. After all, what confidence can we have in a theory based on
premises whose implausibility is freely acknowledged by its most promi
nent exponents? Yet, there is another way of looking at this. For were
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 35
Downs ro render more complex the theoretical assumptions on which
the model is based, it would almost certainly preclude the sort of
modelling in which he engages. If there is utility in Downs' An Economic
Theory o] Democracy - probably the single most influential work
of political science in the post-war period (Goodin and Klingemann
1996: 32) - then it is largely despite, not because of, the parsimony of
its assumptions. Nonetheless, it would have been unthinkable in the
absence of such simplifying assumptions.
For increasing numbers of political scientists and international rela
tions theorists, however, this is no excuse. For new institutionalists and
constructivists in particular, theoretical assurnprions must certainly be
plausible and, arguably, as accurate as possible. If, in a complex and
interdependent world, chis makes political analysis difficult and the sort
't of mathematical modelling beloved of rational choice theorists and some
neo-realists impossible, then so be it. For them, parsimony is a dubious
virtue indeed - a synonym for the irrelevance that invariably accompa
nies high theoretical abstraction. It is, in short, an excuse for indulgent
exercises in the production of models with little or no genuine reference
ro the real world.
~ What this suggests is that parsimony, at least in deductive approaches
to political analysis, is achieved at some price in terms of the realism of
theoretical assumptions (a point acknowledged by many rationalists, see
Hinich and Munger 1997: 4). This clearly matters. For, notwithstand
ing the suggestion that it is only the predictive accuracy of analytical
models that really counts, the extent to which one can legitirnately claim
ro have explained political outcomes in terms of such models surely
depends on the use of credible assumptions.
Yet if parsimony should not be regarded as an unarnbiguous good, we
should perhaps be equally wary of viewing it as an unequivocal evil. For
no less problematic is the refusal, often associated with postmodernism,
to make theoretical assurnptions at all (on the grounds that assumptions
distort the complexity of reality). Equally debilitating is the attempt,
characteristic of sorne institutionalists and constructivists, to render our
analytical assurnptions so complex and sophisticated as ro preclude any
generalisation between cases. Pure description, at one end of the spec
trum, explains nothing yet is true ro the complexity of reality. At the
other end of the spectrum, abstract theoretical reflection and modelling
based on simplifying assumptions (as in rational choice theory) offers
the potential to explain mucho But it does so only by virtue of the vio
lence it inflicts on the nuance and complexity of the reality it purports
to explain, Abstraction and simplification makes prediction possible; but
the greater the degree of abstraction and simplification the less useful
that prediction is likely to proveo There is, in short a trade-off: parsi
mony and predictive capacity (the power of explanation) on the one
36 l'olitical Analysis
Figure 1.4 Tbe parsimony-complexity trade-off
Parsimony ..
Predietive eapaeity
Deseriptive aeeuraey
New Postmodern
institutionalism ethnograp hl

Parsimony Complexity
......- -
hand versus accuracy of assumptions (or, in the case of pure description,
rhe absence of assumptions) and the ability to reflect the cornplexiry and
indeterrninacy of political processes on the other.
The trade-off is captured schernatically in Figure 1.4. It provides a
particular/y useful way of highlighting the range and diversity of ratio
nales underpinning strategies of political analysis.
At the parsimonious end of the spectrum, rationalist perspectives
value the predictive capacity that comes with the choice of simplifying
theoretical assumptions. Some way towards the opposite end of rhe spec
trum we find the new institutionalists and constructivists who insist on
more precisely specified and contextually specific assumptions, scaling
down their ambitions for the construction of generalisable and predic
ti ve theory as a consequence. Finally, and still urther along this axis, we
find postmodernists, happy ro sacrifice any such lingering (modernist)
ambitions. As we shall see in Chapter 7, these authors argue that all the
oretical abstractions and generalisations necessarily distort, and thereby
do violence to, the distinctiveness of each and every contexto Such con
texts, they suggest, deserve to be respected for what they are and
analysed in their own rerrns rather than those imposed upon them by
political analysts writing, invariably, frorn altogether different vantage-
Analytical Perspectiues, Analyticul Controuersies 37
points. Postmodernists thus shun generalisation, theoretical abstraction
and prediction, preferring instead analyses conducted in terms familiar
to the participants in rhe political behaviour being considered. For thern,
parsirnony is little more rhan a signal of the universalising, totalising and
colonising pretensions of mainstream political science.
The role for and nature of theory in
political analysis
This brings us fairly directly to the nature of and role for theory in polit
ical science and international relations. Ir is tempting ro assume that
theory serves but one purpose in political analysis, a purpose that is
essentially the same regardless of the analyrical tradition within which
that purpose is to be realised. Yet as the above discussion already serves
to indicare, this is far from being the case. For positivists, keen to model
the analysis of the political upon the natural sciences, a theory is not a
theory unless it is capable of generating tesrable (preferably falsifiable)
hyporheses (King, Keohane and Yerba 1994: 100-5; Nagell961). While
this perhaps remains rhe dorninant understanding of theory within polit
ical analysis, such a restrictive conception is sectarian in dismissing (as
atheoretical) those whose philosophical worldview tells them that the
political world is so complex and indeterminate that it is not amenable
ro prediction. Ir is yet another instance of rhe imposition of a universal
standard which happens ro conforrn to one (of many) strands of politi
cal analysis. What it fails to appreciate is that the role for and nature of
theory in political analysis is itself variable, reflective of different
assurnptions about the nature of the political reality being investigated,
the extent of the knowledge we can hope to acquire of it, and the strate
gies appropriate to its analysis. Ir also fails to acknowledge the theoret
ical content of precisely such assumptions.
As the previous sections have already made c!ear, a variety of com
peting tendencies can be identified in conternporary political science and
international relations, pulling in different directions. Three in particu
lar have proved inluential in setting the terms of contemporary contro
versy within the discipline. Each has a rather different conception of the
role of theory.
Rationalism and formal theory
First, and perhaps still the dominant strand at least in US political science
and international relations, is rationalism, This broad school of thought
encompasses borh rational choice theory in political science and neo
38 Political Analysis
realisrn in international relations theory. As we have seen, rationalists,
often in the face of mounting criticism from neo-institutionalists and
constructivists, continue to value parsimony, predictive power and the
scientific assuredness both make possible.
Rationalists are positivists, cornmitted not only to a unity of method
between the natural and social sciences tnaturalisms, but to the idea that
the natural sciences provide a model of good practice to which the social
sciences sbould aspire. In short, they seek to model political analysis
upon the natural sciences. However, as we sball see in more detail in the
following cha pter, there is more than one way to do this. Rationalists,
rather like theoretical physicists, tend to privilege deduction over
induction, proceeding on the basis of extrernely pared-down and par
simonious theoretical assurnptions (invariably relating to the narrow
instrumental rationality of political actors or states cast in the image
of unified political actors) to derive testable propositions. As in neo
classical economics, on whose assurnptions rationalism tends to draw,
the preferred mode of analysis is (mathematical) modelling (on ratio
nalism's debt to neo-classical economics see Buchanen and Tullock 1962;
Moe 1984; Tullock 1976). This certainly gives the impression of ana
lytical rigour, as a quick glance at the pages of algebraic notation in any
issue of the American Political Science Review or lnternational Studies
Quarterly will surely testify, Whether, in the end, pages of algebraic nota
tion tell us anything that words cannot better convey, is an interesting
_ and understandably contentious - issue." Whatever one's view, it is
important to acknowledge that des pite methodological and computa
tional innovations, such modelling entails a significant simplification of
the complexity of politicallife. It is manifestly impossible, cornputational
advances notwithstanding, to render mathematically anything even
vaguely approximating the rich complexity of social and political inter
action. However impressive and seemingly complex the maths, then,
rationalism must assume a world far more simple and predictable than
our experiences would suggest.
Paul Pierson makes the point with characteristic clarity:
Since the rise of behaviouralism, many political scientists have had
lofty aspirations about developing a science of politics, rooted in
parsimony and generalisation and capable of great predictive power.
Despite modest achievements over four decades, these aspirations
remain. Setbacks are shrugged off with ca lis for more time or more
sustained application of the proper methods, but the inability to gen
erate powerful generalisations that facilitate prediction remains a
puzzle. (2000: 266; see also Crick 1962)
~ ;
~ :
. ~ .
Analytical Perspectives, Analytical Controuersies 39
In seeking to account for this troubling dispariry between arnbition and
realisation, political scientists ha ve been looking in the wrong place.
Rather than focusing quizzically on their various atternpts to put posi
tivism into practice in political analysis, they would have been better
advised to come to terms with the inherent complexity of political reality.
The problem, as Pierson explains, 'lies in the character of the political
world itself' (2000: 266). In short, 'reality' does not avail itself of the
sort of parsimony on which rationalisrn is premised.
As the aboye discussion indicates, the role of theory for rationalists is
the simplification of an external reality as a condition of the generation
of predictive hypotheses. These are, at least in principie, capable of fal
sification. That having been said, the emphasis in rational choice theory
and more formal variants of neo-realism tends to be on the deduction
and derivation from initial assumptions of stylised models of political
behaviour, rather than on the testing of the formal models thereby
generated. As Melvin J. Hinich and Michael C. Munger explain in an
influential text, 'formal theories help social scientists explore "what if?"
questions by deducing the implications of a set of premises ... the
particular "what if" implications derived from abstract theory may have
little to do with the world of directly observable phenomena' (1997:
This is an important statement, for ir suggests something of a tension,
characteristic of much rational choice rheory, between the practice of
rationalism on the one hand and the posirivism its exponents invariably
espouse on the other. The tension becomes somewhat clearer if we
compare the aboye extract with the following passage, a little later in
the same volume:
the external application, or 'testing', of formal rheory is by analogy:
the theory is tested by measuring relationships among observable phe
nomena, in the hope that the observable phenomena are 'like' the rela
tionships the model focuses on. (1997: 5, emphasis in the original)
Well, which is it to be? Are rationalism's assumptions genuinely chosen
for interest's sake as means to the end of conducting hypothetical thought
experiments (along the lines, 'what if the world wcre like this?'). Or are
they intended to provide approximations, however rough, of an external
reality against which they might be evaluated? In the former case, the
plausibility or implausibility of the assumptions is of no great conse
quence. For the purpose of the process of theoretical deduction is,
presumably, to reveal the consequences of a world (unlike our own) in
which the hypothecated assumptions were true. While this might make
rationalism sound like a rather fanciful and indulgent pursuit, the value
40 Political Analysis
of such hypothetical reasoning should not be so easily dismissed.
The positing of 'what if' questions can be extremely useful, having the
potential to provide, for instance, timely and powerful warnings about
the likely consequences of existing political trajectories. If it appears as
though political parties increasingly appeal to the electorate in much the
same way as corporations appeal to consumers, then it might be useful
to model formally the consequences, say, within a two-party, first-past
the-posr electoral system, of such a dynamic. The point, of course, would
not be ro seek to explain the conduct of the parties exhibiting such a logic,
but rather to point to the positive and/or negative consequences of such
a dynamic in the hope that it might either be encouraged or resisted. Such
reflection might also draw attention to the conditions under which polit
ical parties come to exhibit this particular 'rationality'. 9
Similarly, were we concerned about the seemingly growing power of
capital with respect to the state under conditions of regional and/or
global economic integration, we might usefully construct a formal model
of an open and global economy in which capital is freely mobile. Though
hypothetical, this might allow us ro examine the potential implications
of further doses of capital liberalisation. Again, the assumptions would
be chosen not for their correspondence to the existing state of affairs
but as a means of exploring potential futures. The purpose would be not
so much to produce predictive hypotheses so much as conditional pre
dictions. As in the case of the free mobility of capital, these might take
the form of precautionary political warnings of the potential conse
quences of the untempered unfolding of existing dynamics, made at a
point at which such logics might still be checked.
Sadly, however, little work in the rationalist tradition adopts this kind
of rationale. Instead, speculative and implausible ('what if') assumptions
are used as the basis from which to construct formal models of the polity
or economy. Such models are then presented, and frequently accepted
by policy-rnakers, as accurate representations of the systems they
purport to reflecto The hypothetical nature of rhe initial assurnptions is
now forgotten, as open economy macroeconomic models are used to
derive optimal taxation regimes (Tanzi and Schuknecht 1997; Tanzi and
Zee 1997), as central banks are given independence on the basis of,
frankly, fanciful assumptions about the 'rational expectations' of market
actors (Lucas 1973; Kydland and Prescott 1977; Sargent 1986; Sargent
and Wallace 1975), and as public bureaucracies are rctrenched or
marketised on the basis of equally implausible assumptions about the
narrow self-interest of public bureaucrats (Buchanen 1977; Niskanen
1971, 1975; Tllllock 1965).10 While these remain the principal contri
butions of rationalism to the social sciences, its full potential has yet to
be realised.
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 41
Behaviouralism and inductive theory
The basic principie of behaviouralism is succinctly captured by Steve
Smith in the following maxim: 'ler the facts, with sorne help and a recep
tive audience, speak for themselves' (1995: 7). If rationalism places its
emphasis upon the elucidation and deduction from initial theoretical
assumptions of hypotheses that are, in principie, testable, then behav
iouralism adopts an altogether different logic, proceeding from obser
vation through inductive generalisation to theory. Where rationalism
places its emphasis upon the process of logical rheoretical deduction,
giving little or no sustained attention ro the means by which theoretical
propositions might be tested empirically, beha viouralisrn tends ro take
for granted the means by which rheoretical propositions might be
inferred frorn empirical evidence, while focusing considerable attention
on the means by which reliable empirical evidence might be gathered in
the first place. In short, what rationalism treats as intuitive and unprob
lema tic - namely, the gathering of empirical evidence - behaviouralism
problematises; what behaviouralism treats as intuitive and unproblern
atic - namely, the relationship between theory, inference and deduction
- rationalism problematises. Accordingly, while behaviouralists tend ro
rely upon a simple logic of induction that many rationalists would regard
as deeply suspect in its attempt to draw generalisable conc!usions from
specific observations, rationalists tend to rely upon a similarly simplis
tic, intuitive and often anecdotal appeal ro empirical evidence which
many behaviouralists would certainly see as no less problematic.
Shunning theory, certainly as a guide to the investigation of political
reality, behaviouralism proceeds from the empirical evidence itself. The
(acknowledged) role for theory in pure behaviouralism is, then, strictly
limited. Empirical observations, though potentially capable of adjudi
cating between contending theoretical accounts, are, or at least should
be, conducted in a matter that is entirely neutral with respect to such
theories. Indeed, ideally, the analysrs should be oblivious to all con
tending theoretical approaches at the point of observation. For the gen
uinely dispassionate assessment of emprical evidence relies upon, as it
irnplies, the absence of a priori assumptions. Thus, as Martin Hollis and
Steve Smith suggest,
For behaviouralists, the path to theory started with what was observ
able, and strict behaviouralists held that there should be no non
observable elements in the theory at all. The guiding lighr in the search
for theory was rhe methods of the natural sciences (usually equated
with physics), construed in strictly observational terms. The social
sciences were conceived as a realm of enquiry to which the transfer
of these methods was essentially unproblematic. Embarrassment at the
42 Political Analysis
lack of results was brushed off by pointing out that the social sciences
were new, and therefore could not be expected to achieve the theo
retical power of the natural sciences straight away. (1990: 29b)
Two points might he re be made. First, the analogy with physics, as we
have already seen, is a poor one, with many theoretical physicists adopt
ing a largely formal and deductive approach considerably at odds with
behaviouralism's empiricism. If anything, it is the rather more empirical
natural sciences, such as biology or genetics, that classic behaviouralisrn
resembles. That having been said, an older tradition of experimental
physics, epitomised by Newtonian mechanics, did exhibit a more induc
tive approach. Yet this perhaps only serves to draw attention to a second
and more general point: the rather dated nature of pure behaviouralism.
That the aboye extract is expressed in the past tense is by no means acci
dental. That was then, this is now, However influential it might have
been in the 1950s and 1960s, especially in the USA, few pure behav
iouralists remain today. Indeed, it is surely testimony to the severity of
the critique that behaviouralism endured in the late 1960s and thraugh
out the 1970s that those adopting an essentially inductive appraach to
political analysis today now invariably refer to themselves not even as
'neo-behaviouralists' but as 'post-behaviouralists' (see, for instance,
Easton 1997; Sanders 1995: 64, 74-5). Nonetheless, as David Easton
has recently remarked, contemporary political science is characterised
by an increasing neo/post-behavioural content (1997). The same might
also be said of internati anal relations (for an excellent review see
Vasquez 1996).
However qualified in recent years, behaviouralism's care assumptions
are simply stated (Crick 1959; Dahl 1961a; Easton 1967: 16-17, 1979:
7, 1997: 14; Hayward 1999: 23; Sanders 1995; S. Smith 1996):
1. Social and political reality can be said to exist 'out there' and is
directly accessible to scientific inquiry unencumbered by pre
existing beliefs
2. Political behaviour exhibits discoverable reglllarities and uniformi
ties, such as might be captured in general 'covering' laws
3. The validity of any such covering laws can be established only by
testing them by reference to the relevant political behaviour - al!
theoretical propositions must be testable
4. The means for acquiring and interpreting data poses a series of
methodological challenges and cannot be taken for granted
5. Accuracy and precision in the recording of empirical evidence entails
measurement and quantification
Analytical Perspectives, Analytical Controversies 43
6. Ethical judgements and theoretical assumptions must not be allowed
to inform, distort, or otherwise interfere with the systematic colla
tion and recording of empirical evidence
( ~
~ ;
7. Data collection, interpretation and explanation logically proceed,
and should not be influenced by, concerns relating to the utilisation
.{- of the knowledge thereby acquired.
~ : : : - "
Many of these assumptions (especially 5-7) have been softened consid
erably since the high point of the 'behavioural revolution' in the 1960s.
Indeed, most self-praclaimed post-behaviouralists would openly
acknowledge the following qualifications:
8. Key variables may be difficult or impossible to quantify or gauge
9. Normative agendas and theoretical assumptions inevitably playa
part in influencing the choice of data to be analysed
10. In an age of restricted research funding the anticipated utility and
application of research findings can and should inform the choice of
research strategy (Easton 1997: 15-20; Sanders 1995: 64-8).
As a consequence, today's heirs to the behaviouralist inheritance would
tend to see the quantitative methods with which they are principally
associated not as a necessary condition of a science of the political so
much as a potentially useful set of analytical techniques, among others,
in the service of such a science. They are thus far more prepared than
once they were to accept an academic division of labour within politi
cal analysis, rejecting, in so doing, the totalising vision of an integrated
behavioural social science in favour of methodological pluralismo
Nonetheless, the basic behaviouralist rationale, as encapsulated in
assumptions 1-4 aboye, remains essentially intacto Post-behaviouralists
~ ' - '
:1 thus still retain a highly distinctive conception of theory in political
analysis and one which is not so very different fram that of their
behaviouralist forebears. As rnuch as possible, theory should not be al
lowed to interfere with or, worst still, inform empirical observation
(as in constructivism and the new institutionalisrn). Rather, it is best
seen as following naturally from empirical observation, Theory, for
behaviouralists, is in a sense little more than a language for registering
statistical correlations between observed variables - a repository, in
short, of empirical generalisations. Theory pravides a set of abstracted
re-descriptions (couchecl in the form of empirically testable hypotheses)
of the patterns exhibited in observed political data. As David Sanders
usefully suggests, it acts as sornething of a short-hand, 'distancing the
analyst from the potentially overwhelming detail of what can be directly
.... VI-HIL(.Il Dlllll)':JI:J
observed, so that abstraer deductions can be made about the connec
tions between differenr phenomena' (1995: 74).
In this way, as James C. Charlesworth notes, behaviouralists are
at once modest and imrnodesr ... [T]hey do not preterid to know the
origin and destiny of man [sic], but conclude that the only way to
understand hirn is to observe him and record what he does in the
courtroorn, in the legislative hall, in the hustings. If enough records
are kept we can predict after a while (on an actuaria] basis) whar he
will do in the presence of recognised stimuli. Thus we can objectively
and inductively discover urhat and where and bou/ and u/hen,
although not why. (1967: 3, ernphasis in the original)
This is an important point and brings us to the limitations of behav
iouralism, about which we will have more to say presently and in later
chapters. Those limitations tend to derive frorn the fundamental (meta
theoretical) assumptions which make behaviouralism possible, and
which behaviouralists tend not to acknowledge as theoretical (or meta
theoretical) assumptions in the first place. Arguably this already prob
lernatises their central conviction that the analysis and interpretation of
empirical evidence should be conducted in a theoretical vacuum. As soon
as one acknowledges, as many post-behaviouralists now would, rhat to
presume a world in which appearance and reality are one and the same
(assumption 1) or in which social relarions exhibir discoverable regu
larities and uniformities over time (assumption 2) is itself to make
(untestable) theoretical assumptions, behaviouralism's pristine empiri
cism is quickly tarnished.
While the firsr of these assumptions is, in the end, a matter of belief
(either realty presents itself to us as really it is, or it does not), the second
is arguably more of a matter of convenience. For while human behav
iour does, undoubtedly, exhibir regularities over time, such regularities
are far fram universal, varying both historically and culturally. Few
would now accept that what might be inferred inductively about polit
ical behaviour, say, from an analysis of voting behaviour in Britain before
the passing of the 1832 Reform Act would have rnuch to say about
voting behaviour in the Czech Republic today. What allows behav
iouralists to draw predictive inferences fram the empirical evidence they
analyse is rhe convenient assurnption thar any regularities thereby
observed will continue to hold in the future - or, indeed, in other cul
tural contexts or institutional domains. Under certain conditions, rhar
may well be an appropriate assurnption to make, but it effectively
silences behaviouralism's contribution to the analysis of political change.
Less fundamental, perhaps, but arguably no less significanr in matters
of substantive political analysis, is behaviouralism's 'tendency to ernpha-
Analyticat Perspectiues, Analvtical Controuersies 45
sise what can be easily measured rather than what might be theoreti
cally importanr' (Sanders 1995: 65). We have already encountered a
similar lirnitation of rationalism - narnely the tendency to emphasise that
which rnight easily be incorporated within a formal model, at the
expense of that which might be more causally significant. Largely as a
consequence of these mutually reinforcing tendencies in rationalism and
behaviouralism a series of crucial issues, such as the role of ideas in
pracesses of political causation (discussed in Chapter 6), have rernained
systematically unexplored. As a consequence, behaviouralists (and,
indeed, rationalists) invariably overlook the significance of subjective
and/or cultural factors in political processes. Often, as Walter Berns has
persuasively argued, the most significant aspects of political 'reality' are
invisible to the analyst only concerned to describe and catalogue or,
worst still, to model an unfolding sequence of events. As he suggests in
a revealing example, racial segregation
is only seen by the observer because he [sic] can see the injustice of the
practice ... Through the 'eye of the rnind' we are enabled ro see the
injustice and hence the poli tic al; with rhe eye alone we would see orily
men of dark skin sitting in the balconies of theatres marked 'coloured',
or not sitting at Woolworth lunch counters. Out of the millions of 50
called factual events that pass within the range of our vision, we could
not single out these events except as they are seen by the eye of a mind
rhat is not blinded by prejudice or a fallacious theoretical commitment.
Ir is rhis commitment that accounts for political science books devoid
of political contento (Cited in Sibley 1967: 55)
No less troubling, as Sanders again notes, is behaviouralism's 'tendency
to concentrare on readily observed phenomena - such as voting - rather
than rhe more subtle, and perhaps deeper, structural forces that promote
stability and change in social and political systerns' (1995: 66). Ironi
cally, this leaves beha viouralists inca pable of accounting for precisely the
stability and regularity of the political world which they assume and on
which their appeal to induction rests. The combination of such limiting
factors serves perhaps to indicate why rationalism and behaviouralism
have so frequently provided the point of departure for alternative
approaches to political analysis. It is ro two of these, the new institu
tionalism and constructivisrn, that we now turno
New institutionalism, constructvism and theory as a
heuristic device
While rationalism is relatively easily characterised in terms of its deduc
tive and formal rheory and behaviouralisrn in terms of its empiricist
46 Political Analysis
appeal to the logic of induction, the new institutionalisrn in political
science and constructivism in international relations are rather more dis
parate schools of thought. In terms of their understanding of the nature
of and role for theory they are characterised more by what they reject
than what they embrace (Christiansen, jorgensen and Wiener 2001: 4;
Hall and Taylor 1996: 936; Hay and Wincott 1998; Peters 1999: 15-7;
W. R. Scott 1995: 26). As such, they are united, more than anything else,
by their opposition to behaviouralism and, if in a rather more uneven
and sornewhat lesser extent, rationalisrn.!' While it is probably some
thing of an exaggeration, then, there is surely S0111e substance to Grant
Jordon's suggestion that the new institutionalisrn has attracted the atten
tion it has largely because the label signalled 'a disposition to oppose
the political science mainstrearn' (1990: 482)Y With a similar caveat the
same might also be said of constructivism's opposition to the so-called
'neo-neo-synthesis' in international relations theory (Baldwin 1993;
Kegley 1995; Lamy 2001; S. Smith 2001; 1996).
What is clear, however, is that proponents of the new institutionalism
and constructivism are united in their resistance to purely deductive and
purely inductive logics in political analysis. At the same time, both are
broad churches in such matters, with so-called rational choice institu
tionalists and 'thin' constructivists like Wendt himself close to one end
of the spectrum and historical and sociological institutionalists and more
radical constructivists close to the other (for a perhaps overly stylised
depiction see Figure 1.5).
When compared with more formal and purist variants of rationalism,
rational choice institutionalism certainly tends to be more cautious in its
specification of initial assumptions, seeking to capture theoretically
sornething of the detail of the specific institutional contexts within which
actors' 'rationality' is exercised.':' This often precludes the sort of formal
modelling otherwise characteristic of rationalism while encouraging a
rather closer appeal to the empirical evidence. Thus, though by no means
inductive in approach, rational choice institutionalism exhibirs a quali
fied deductive logic. Similarly, though frorn the other end of spectrum,
while historical and sociological institutionalists and radical construc
tivists tend to shun what they regard as the overly theoreticist abstrae
tion of purely deductive models in favour of richer descriptive narratives
(see, for instance Thelen and Steinmo 1992: 12), such narratives are
invariably informed by abstract theoretical reflections and are thus far
from purely inductive (see, especially, Skocpol 1979: 33-40, 1994:
322-3; d. Burawoy 1989; Kiser and Hechter 1991).
Accordingly, historical institutionalists and constructivists in particu
lar terid to view theory in rather different terms to behaviouralists and
rationalists. Yes, theory is about simplifying a complex external reality,
Allalytical Perspeetives, Allalytical COlltroversies 47
Figure 1.5 Inductive and deductiue logics in tbe neur
institutionalism and coltstructivism
Deductive ... - - - - - - - - - - .. Inductive
Rational choice
Construclivism ==:>

but not as a rneans of modelling it, nor of drawing predictive inferences
on the basis of observed regularities. Rather, theory is a guide to ernpir
ical exploration, a rneans of reflecting more or less abstractly upon
complex processes of institutional evolution and transformation in arder
to highJight key periods or phases of change which warrant closer ernpir
ical scrutiny. Theory sensitises the analysr to the causal processes being
rf' elucidated, selecting from the rich cornplexity of events the underlying
rnechanisms and processes of change.
In this way, institutionalist and constructivist political analysis pro
ceeds by way of a dialogue between theory and evidence as the analyst,
often painstakingly, pieces together a rich and theoretically informed

historical narrative. In preference to the more abstraer and generic
explanations offered by rationalists and beha viouralists, such historical
narrati ves seeks to preserve and capture the complexity and specificity
of the process of change under consideration, examining the interplay
of actors, ideas and institutions and establishing the conditions of exis
tence of the mechanisrns of evolution and transformation described.
Institutionalists and contructivists thus resolutely refuse to foreclose or
prejudge discussion of the temporality of change by fitting to it a more
general covering law or model. Instead they pay particularly clase atten
tion to the specificity of sequence and timing in the precise context under
consideration (see, for instance, Campbell and Pedersen 2001b, 2001c;
Hay 2001b; P. Pierson 2000; Skowronek 1993, 1995).
- - .. ~ . ~ ~ ....... . ... . .1'"' ......
The emphasis of such work rends to be upon the identification and
tracing of causal proces ses over time and the theoretical elucidation of
such processes - on process-tradny and process-elucidatioll (Katzensrein
1978; Krasner 1984; Thelen and Steinmo 1992: 21-2). In contrast to
behaviouralism and rationalism, then, these contending approaches
tend ro value the accuracy and specificity of assumptions in a world of
acknowledged complexity. They are also quick to emphasise the limita
tions of political analysis as a predictive science of the political (domes
tic, comparative or international), pointing to the inherent complexity
and contingency (or open-endedness) of processes of change in which
human subjects are involved. For thern, the intrinsically unpredicrable
characrer of human behaviour renders a predictive science of the politi
cal impossible. Institutionalists and constructivists thus tend to target
and problematise the simplifying assumptions employed in rationalism
and behaviouralism which have made such a predictive science app ear
possible (see Table 1.10). Accordingly, they come to focus, theoretically
and more substantively, on those areas of political analysis and inquiry
closed off by such attempts to preserve a pristine and predictive science
of the political.
Where behaviouralists simply assume a political universe charac
terised by the regularities which might render possible a predictive (albeit
probabilistic) science of the political, institurionalisrs and eonstructivists
prefer (ironically, perhaps) a more empirical approach which refuses to
foreclose the issue theoretically. Thus, rather than take regularity as a
given, they explore the conditions of existence of both regularities and
of irregularities in political behaviour. As such they treat the issue of
change and temporality (discussed further in Chapter 4) as an open
empiricalmatter rather than one to be resolved on the basis of analyti
cal convenience. Similarly, where rationalists assume the rationality of
political actors blessed with perfect information in the pursuit of egois
tic self-interest alone, institutionalists and constructivists adopt a more
flexible and, again, empirical approach, acknowledging the open-ended
nature of the process of strategic deliberation and the role of ideas is
shaping the range of strategic options considered by actors. As Kathleen
Thelen and Sven Steinrno explain,
By taking the goals, strategies and preferences as something to be
explained, historical institutionalists show rhat, unless something is
known about the context, broad assumptions about 'self-interested
behaviour' are empty ... [H]istorical institutionalists would not have
trouble with the ... idea thar political actors are acting strategically
to achieve their ends. But clearly it is not very useful sirnply to leave
it at that. We need a historically based analysis to tell LIS whar they
Anatytical Perspectiues, Anatyticat Controuersies 4 ~
assumptions of
Theoretical stance Substantive
rationalism and
Regularity Polirical world The question of Elucidation
characrerised regulariry/irregularity of the
by regularities is empirical and mechanisms
context-dependent and rernporaliry
of instirurional
and behavioural
Rationaliry Rarionaliry is Rarionality is Elucidation of
universal culrure-, conrexr rhe process of
time a nd and rirne-dependent; srraregic
1: conrexr the relationship deliberation
invarianr between rationality
~ ' . and exhibited
behaviour is
Closure/ Political sysrems Political systems are Analysis of rhe
openness of are closed and open and contingent evolution and
political predicra ble transformation
systems of social and
politica! systems
Causal role Materialism: Ideas (knowledge, Elucidarion of
for ideas in ideas have no norrns, convictions) the mechanisms
political independent influence political and ternporality
analysis? causal efficacy behaviour; they are of ideational
irreducible ro change and the
material factors role of ideas in
are trying ro rnaximise and why they emphasise certain goals over
others. (1992: 9)
Again, where both behaviouralists and rationalists assume that political
systems are, like those examined in the natural sciences, closed and pre
dictable, institutionalists and constructivists make no such assumption,
acknowledging the contingency injected into political systems by politi
cal actors themselves. For them the Iirnitations of a predictive science of
Table 1.10 Beyond rationalism and behauiouralism
50 Political Analysis
politics reside not so much in the limitations of political scientists and
scholars of international relations, but in the inherently contingent arid
indeterminant nature of our subject matter. In the search for a predic
ti ve science of politics we are bound ro be disappointed because there is
no predictive science of the political to be hado
Context and conduct: dealing with
the 'problem' of agency
This brings us farly directly to a quite fundamental issue which lies at
the heart of this volume and which is explored at some length in the fol
lowing chapters. It is what mght he re be termed the 'problem' of human
agency. Arguably what renders the social sciences qualitatively different
from the physical sciences is that the former must deal with conscious
and reflective subjects, capable of acting differently under the same
stirnuli, whereas the units which comprise the latter can be assumed
inanimate, unreflexive and hence entirely predictable in response to
external stimuli. Agency injects an inherent indeterrninacy and contin
gency into human affars for which there is sirnply no analogy in the
physical sciences (see also Bernstein et al. 2000).
In itself, there is probably nothing terribly contentious about this
claim. Yet it has important implications, particularly for those keen to
model the science of the political upon the natural sciences. For, if actors'
behaviour is not given by the context in which they find themselves (in
the same way that a particle's kinetic energy is given by the gravitational
field within which it is situated] - indeed, if actors may refashion the
context in which they find themselves and hence any regularities it may
previously have given rise to - then what hope is there for a predictive
science of the political? It is for precisely this reason that agency does
indeed pose a 'probleru' for aspiring political scientists.
The central contention of what is to follow, and a logical correlate of
the aboye argument, is simply stated. If one is prepared to acknowledge
that human agency does inject an inherent indeterminacy and contin
gency into all social systems, then this poses a fundamental and largely
insurrnountable problem for a predictive science of the political
modelled upon the natural sciences.!" If agency, and the indetenninacy
that its acknowledgement implies, poses a fundamental problem for
positivists (committed not only to a unity of method between the natural
and social sciences but to the idea that the natural sciences provide
that method), then it is interesting to note that it is a problem handled
very differently by behaviouralists and rationalists. Consider each in
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies 51
Behaviouralism: aggregation as a 'solunon' to
the 'problern' of agency
In so far as behaviouralism deals with the problem of agency at all, it
does so in the same way as whole animal biology (which also has to
cope with, certainly, animate and, arguabiy, reflexive subjects). It does
so by (statistical) aggregation. The logic here is relatively simple, While
the behaviour of any single individual (fruit fly, gazelle or human) is
likely to prove unpredictable, even in response to a cornmon stimulus,
analysis of a population of individuals will invariably throw up patterns
;: of beha viour which can be detailed, described and catalogued. Thus,
~ c
for instance, while the preferences of voters will vary from one to
another, the distribution of voter preferences may well exhibir a consis
tent pattern which might be exposed to empirical analysis. Strictly speak
ing, then, for behaviouralists it is such exhibited regularities in the
behaviour of political populations rather than political behaviour itself
that forms the subject matter of political analysis, If one assumes, as
behaviouralists invariably do, that such exhibited regularities are gener
alisable beyond the immediate context ami time-frame within which they
: ~ " . : were observed, a probabilistic and predictive science of political bchav
iour is possible, after a fashion. The logic of such probabilistic predic
tion runs something like this:
Empirical observations in a particular context over a particular time
frame (or, more likely, at a particular instant] reveal a series of (sta
tistically significant) correlations between the observed variables
Let us assume that such correlations are indeed generalisable beyond
the context in which, and the time period over which, they were
On the basis of this assumption, we can infer that in another context
over another period in time the same relationship between these vari
ables will pertain
If the relationship holds, then we can predict the following ...
What is clear from the aboye is that this is a science of the political in
which there is no recognition of the role of agents as anything other than
the carriers of behaviours which aggregate to form a particular pattern.
It is, moreover, a mode of political analysis which, in its concern to map
the relationship between variables often sampled at the same moment in
time, finds it very difficult to differentiate between mere correlation and
genuine causation (c. Marsh 1982: Chs 2, 4; Miller 1995: 168-79).
Finally, while this type of probabilistic predictive inference may be valid
under conditions of social and political stability, it is almost wholly inca
pable of dealing with periods of social and political upheaval and trans
~ \
..1. vru'LUI j "t/..Hy,;;,t,;;,
formation. For in these, arguably the rnost interesting periods of politi
cal time, the assumprion of regulariry on which its inductive logic is
premised is sharrered, as agents depart from the 'rules' which had pre
viously governed their behaviour and 'make history' (cf. Callinicos
Rationalism: taking the choice out of rational choice
If behaviouralism is characterised by rhe atternpt to by-pass the ques
tion of agency through statisrical aggregation, then rationalism responds
to the challenge of agency in a very different and rather more direct
fashion. As 1 shall argue at greater length and in more detail in the
Chapter 3, rationalism is characteristically ingenious in its attempts to
negotiate the indeterminacy that would otherwise be injected into its
stylised modelling of rational choice by agency.
In this respect, aboye all, rational choice theory is not all that it might
first appear. What, after all, could be better placed to deal with the
'problem' of agency than a perspective which emphasises the rational
ity exhibited by (presumably) conscious and reflective actors in the
process of making choices? Is ir any wonder that an author of the stature
of David Easton should describe rational choice theory as the pre
dominant post-behavioural response to 'behaviouralism's neglect of the
actor' (1997: 20)? In one sense, he is right to do so, for rationalism prob
ably does owe its ascendancy in those quarters of the discipline in which
it is ascendant to its perceived ability to offer a solution to the problem
of agency that behaviouralism left unresolved. Yet that solution, as 1will
argue, is almost entirely illusory and it is here that Easton surely gets ir
wrong." The rational actor model, he suggests,
gained sway beca use it inadvertently fit into the voluntarisr tenden
cies of the countercultural sentiments of the time ... The image of the
individual was subtly changed by rational modelling. He or she was
not just a subject reacting to external circumstances but was proac
tive - choosing, selecting, rejecting in terms of his or her own prefer
ences or utility-maximising behaviour. The focus shifted decisively
from the structure or constrainrs surrounding behaviour ... to the
actor and his or her strategies of choice in pursuit of individual
volitions. (1997: 21-2)
The extent to which voluntarism (rhe view that individuals are essen
tially masters of their own destiny) chimed with rhe 'countercultural
sentirnents of the time' need not concern us here. The point is that, all
appearances to the contrary and such senrirnenrs norwithsranding,
rationalism is in fact about as far from voluntarism as one can get. For,
Analyticat Perspectiues, Anatytical Controuersies .'>3
within any rationalist model, we know one thing aboye all: rhat the actor
will behave rationally, maximising his or her personal utility. Moreover,
we know that there is, by definition, only one optimal course of action
by which the actor's personal utility might be maximised. It follows, log
ically, rhat a rational actor in a giuen context will altuays cboose pre
cise/y the same course of action. So much for voluntarism. What this
implies is that the agem's 'choice' (in fact the absence of choice) is ren
dered entirely predictable given the contexto Accordingly, for rationalist
models, context determines conduct, structure determines agency. While
actors are free to choose, they will always choose the optimal strategy;
consequently, their behaviour is entirely predictable, This is most clearly
seen in neo- or structural realism (Waltz 1979), in which the rational
conduct of stares is considered derivable from rhe anarchic character of
the international system.
It is in this way that rationalism deals with the problem of the con
tingency otherwise injected into social systems by agency. It does so
simply by denying that agents exercise any meaningful choice at the
moment of strategic deliberation. They have, if you like, a nominal
choice berween rationality and irrationality but, as rational actors,
always opt for the former. This is an exrrernely ingenious and con
venient, if perhaps rather disingenuous, solution to the problem of
agency and one which does salvage a (natural) science of the political.
Yet it does so only on the basis of denying the inherent indererrninacy
of individual choice. It relies, in short and in the name of parsirnonv
once again, on a convenient assumption that we know to be false: rhat
individuals in a given context will always choose the same (rational)
option, In so doing it translates what would otherwise be a moment of
contingency and indeterrninism (at least from rhe political analyst's point
of view) into one of complete and absolute determinisrn.
Dealing with structure and agency: post-positivism
Behaviouralism and rationalism go to considerable pains to avoid having
to acknowledge what, to the uninitiated, might appear entirely obvious:
the ability of actors to transform both the environment and the laws
governing the environment in which they find themselves. This may
seern, at best, somewhat bizarre, ar worst, wilfully perverse. However,
as 1 have sought to demonstrate, for positivists in particular, there is
much at stake in these issues. If they concede, 01' are forced to concede,
the capacity of actors to influence the course of social and political
change and hence the contingency of social and political systems, then
they may also have to abandon any prerensions for a science of rhe po
litical capable of generating testable (i.e. predictive) hypotheses. The best
54 Political Analysis
that might be hoped for is a more retrospective science of the political,
capable of adjudicating between contending accounts of events that have
already occurred. The limits of such a political science are wonderfully
encapsulated in Jack Hayward's disarming aphorism, 'political scientists
have the capacity to offer sorne hindsight, a little insight and almost no
foresight' (1999: 34). This may indeed be all that we can legitimately
aspire to as political analysts, a view now silently endorsed by many;
but it is far less than rationalists and behaviouralists have traditionally
projected for the discipline.
For self-professed post-positivists, however, it is not agency per se that
poses the problem, but the relationship between structure and agency,
conduct and contexto For behaviouralists and rationalists, of course,
the relationship between structure and agency is quite simple. As 1 have
argued, behaviouralists are interested principally in the (structural)
regularities exhibited in political behaviour; and for rationalists, agency
is essentially reducible to the (structural) context in which it is exercised.
For institutionalists, constructivists, critical theorists and other avowed
post-positivists, however, things are more complex and involved. Indeed,
arguably the central controversy of contemporary political analysis con
cerns the dynarnic relationship between conduct and context, agents and
structure. It is to a detailed examinatian of that relationship that we turn
in Chapter 3.
The structure of the bool<
My aim in this chapter has been to introduce the theoretical perspec
tives which tend to characterise the mainstream within political science
and international relations, pointing to the analytical choices, trade-offs
and strategies on which they are premised.
In Chapter 2, we turn to two of the most frequently asked questions
of political analysis - should political analysis be scientijici and uihat
does it mean to claim that it should? - and two of the most infrequently
asked questions - should political analysis be political? and what is the
nature o] tbe 'political' that [orms the subject matter o] political analy
sis? These questions, as we shall see, lie at the heart of the conternpo
rary controversies that divide those engaged in the analysis of the
political, It is important to deal with these issues first since we can say
little about the techniques and strategies of political analysis and the
claims that one might make for thern, without first giving due attention
to the nature of the 'political' and ro the implications of according 'sci
entific' status to its analysis. My aim is to demonstrate the essentially
c ; ~
Anaiytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuetsies 55
contested nature both of the boundaries of 'politics' and the 'political'
on the one hand, and the nature of 'scientific' enquiry on the other.
In Chapter 3 we turn to another crucial question that has consistently
plagued political analysis and divided political analysts: that of the
relationship between political actors and political institutions, between
political conduct and political context, between structure and agency.
Questions of structure and agency, however implicit, are implicated in
all attempts to fashion notions of social and political causality. Accord
ingly, we can benefit greatly from seeking to render explicit the concep
tions of structure and agency that we necessarily appeal ro, thereby
interrogating the notions of causality we formulate. The argument of
this chapter also proceeds in two parts.
In the first, 1 demonstrate the pathologies of both structuralism (rhe
tendency to reduce social and political outcomes to the operation of
institutional or structural beyond the control of actors) and intention
alism (the tendency to account for observable effects in purely agential
terms), befare considering, in the second, a series of recent attempts to
move beyond the unhelpful and polarising dualism of structure and
agency. 1 dernonstrate how such perspectives might, and indeed have
been, used to inform discussions of social and political causality and
complex institutional change.
This theme is developed further in Chapter 4. Despite Rgis Debray's
enticing comment that 'time is to politics what space is to geometry'
(1973: 103), contemporary politicl analysis exhibits considerable diffi
culties in accounting for continuity and discontinuity and in reflecting
theoretically the uneven temporality of political change. 1 argue that
there are two principIe reasons for this. First, the complexity and une ven
temporality of political change can only be grasped if structuralist and
intentionalist tendencies are first rejected and a more complex view of
the relationship between structure and agency is set in their place.
Second, positivist tendencies within political science prize predictive
capacity, parsimony and the simplifying assurnptions that this entails.
The result has been to privilege simple, general and 'elegant' theoretical
models that cannot deal adequately with complex political dynarnics.
For the simplifying assumptions upon which they draw, and by which
their parsimony is achieved, tend ro involve an understanding of context
as static and unchanging. In the atteinpt to move beyond these limita
tions, 1 examine those conternporary developments in political analysis
(associated, in particular, with the new institutionalism) that offer the
potential for a more adequate understanding of political change, conti
nuity and discontinuity.
In Chapter 5 1 turn my attention ro the highly contested concept of
s: VHHt.C-U rvncu y s
power, focusing on the Anglo-American discussion of the concept arising
out of classical pluralism in the post-war period and the contrasting
discussion of the term in continental Europe which follows the work of
Michel Foucault. That political analysts remain divided by the comrnon
language of power is perhaps testirnony to the centrality of the concept
to political inquiry. For power is probably the most universal and fun
damental concept of political analysis. Ir has been, and continues to be,
rhe subject of extended and heated debate. I review the highly influen
tial 'faces of power' controversy, examining the extent to which its
various protagonists succeed in transcending the residues of behav
iouralism that rhey inherit from classic pluralism. I advance a definition
of power as 'conrext-shaping' and demonstrate how this helps us to
disenrangle rhe notions of power, responsibiliry and culpability that the
faces of power debate conflates. In so doing, 1 suggest thar we differen
tiate clearly berween analytical questions concerning rhe identification
of power within social and political contexts, and normative questions
concerning the critique of the distribution and exercise of power thus
In the final section of the chapter, I consider the challenge posed to
orthodox accounts of power and ro mainstream conceptions of poli ti
cal analysis more generally by the work of Michel Foucault. 1 examine
critically his conceprion of power as ubiquitous and as manifest in a
constant succession of 'power-knowledge regimes'. His argument, if
accepted, has important implications for the practice of polrical inquiry,
especially that which would claim to inform an emancipatory politics of
resistance to relations of power and domination. Foucault's disarming
and provocative perspecrive rejects the notion of a neutral vantage-point
from whieh the relative merits of different power-knowledge regimes
might be adjudicated, paving the way in so doing to the postmodernist
position considered in Chapter 7.
In Chapter 6, attention switches from a concern with structure, agency
and power to a consideration of the increasingly controversial question
of the relationship between the material realm and the realm of ideas. In
recent years this has emerged as an issue of crucial significance and much
controversy in debates on the appropriate analytical techniques and
strategies of polirical analysis. Like the question of structure and agency,
however, there has been a certain tendency for political analysrs ro choose
between one of two rather polarised positions on this question. These
might be referred to as rnaterialism and idealism. Materialists refuse ro
accord much significance to the role of ideas, insisring that notions of
causality must be couched in material (norrnally instititutional, political
or economic) terms. Idealists, by contrast, argue that in so far as one can
posit a notion of reality, that realiry is irself the product of 'discursive con-
Analytical Perspectiues, Analytical Controuersies S7
srruction'. Quite sirnply, there is no externa] or pre-discursive reality
outside of our constructions and imaginings of ir.
If we are to move beyond this stark opposition, constructivisrn and
the new institutionalism have much to offer. Drawing on both perspec
tives, I argue that political actors inhabit complex and densely structured
institutional environments rhar favour or privilege certain strategies
over others. Yet such actors do nor appropriate these contexts directly,
bIessed with a perfect knowledge of the contours of the terrain, Rarher
their ability and capaciry ro act strategically is mediated and filtered
though perceptions (and indeed mis-perceptions] of the context they
inhabit. These may either facilitare or militate against their abiliry ro
realise their intentions through strategic action. This basic schema allows
a sophisticated analysis of institutional change over time rhat is sensi
tive borh to the uneven temporality of polirical change (referred to in
Chaprer 4) and to the independent role of ideas in the mediation of
political dynamics.
In Chapter 7 the focus turns eventually ro the rather shadowy notion
of postmodernism. My aim is ro dernonstrate rhat postmodernism
represents perhaps the greatest single challenge to the strategies and
techniques of political analysis (classical and conternporary, positivist
and interpretivist alike). I present a guide to its key theorists and ro its
key claims - its increduliry towards 'rnetanarratives', its epistemological
scepticism, its disavowal of critical theory, and its tendency towa rds
relativismo I argue rhat despite its obvious and increasing appeal, post
modernism is but one way of answering rhe key questions dealt with in
this volume that currently trouble and divide political analysts. Although
it may provide an important corrective ro the characteristic tendency of
political analysts to assume a privileged vantage-point from which to
accord their insights a scientific status, the relativism and political fatal
ism with which it is so often associa ted are not warranted, Political
analysis after postrnodernisrn is still possible.
In the Conclusion, I airn to draw togerher the disparate strands of the
argurnent presented in the proceeding chapters, in presenting one inter
pretation of what political analysis after postrnodernism might look
like. Contemporary political analysis, it is argued, can no longer afford
ro privilege rhe political in explanations of political phenomenon; rnust
be sensitive to rhe perils of structuralisrn and intentionalism, rnaterial
isrn and idealism; must give far greater consideration to rhe uneven rern
porality of political change and the importance of political ideas therein;
and rnust take seriously the challenge presented by postmodernist critics,
aboye all by acknowledging the value-laden and norrnarive content of
many of its assumptions. These ideas are illustrated with respect ro a
particularly significant, contentious and potent exarnple: that of global
58 Political Analysis
Chapter 2 isation. 1 condude then by demonstrating how the ideas discussed in
previous chapters can be brought to bear on the question of rhe limits
of the political (and of political autonomy in particular) in an era of
Whats 'Polltcal' About
much-vaunted globalisation.
Political Science?
A reflexve reuolution seems recently ro have engulfed the discourse and
:.:;- discipline of political science on both sides of the Atlantic. L For the first
time in a long time, political scientists and those no longer quite so happy
to embrace the 'science' designation, debate the very nature of their
\ ' ~ '
';'.! subject matter and the claims they might legitimately make about it.
This debate is both descriptive and prescriptive. For, it refers not only
r ; , ~ to the practices and habits of political science as a discipline but also
to the revisions to such disciplinary conventions that a sustained reflec
tion on the nature of the 'political' and on the daims we might legiti
rnately make about it suggests. In Europe, where this debate has perhaps
been rather more explicit and long-running, controversy has tended to
focus around the very definition of the legitimate terrain of political
~ ~ '
inquiry (see for instance Leftwich 1984a) and, more recently, the chal
lenge posed to the political science and international relations main
stream by the distinctly post-positivist agendas of constructivism, critical
realism, post-structuralism and postmodernism (for a flavour see Booth
and Smith 1995; Hollis and Smith 1990b; Marsh and Stoker 1995). In
recent years, however, the debate has been joined by the North
American core of the discipline (see, for instance Almond 1990; Der
Derian 1995; George 1994; Green and Shapiro 1994; Lapid and
Kratochwil1995; Wendt 1999).2 Thus, American political scientists, just
as much as their European counterparts, are currently embroiled in a
host of fundamental debates, disputes and controversies over the disci
pline's legitimate concerns and what might be taken to constitute
'''minimal professional competence" within the discipline' (Goodin and
Klingernann 1996: 6).
This return to fundarnentals has invariably been occasioned by one of
three tendencies: (i) the rejection of the 'malestream' rnainstrearn by
ferninist scholars (see, for instance, Hirschmann and Di Stefano 1996a);
(ii) the challenge posed to thc ascendancy of rational choice theory and
behaviouralism in political science by neo-statist and neo-institutional
ist perspectives (Evans, Ruescherneyer and Skocpol 1985; March and
Olsen 1984, 1989; Skocpol1979; Steinmo, Thekn and Longstreth 1992;
uv 1 UUnOl rvnatvsts
for a review see Hall and Taylor 1996); and (iii) that posed ro neo
realism and neo-liberalism in international relarions theory by both
constructivism and more radically 'reflectivisr' or posrmodernist posi
tions (see, for instance, Adler 1997; Ashley 1984; Campbell 1992;
Kratochwil 1989; Onuf 1989; Ruggie 1998; S. Smith 2001; Tickner
1993; Walker 1993; Wendt 1992, 1999). This contestation of the main
stream has served to problemarise a series of quite basic and funda
mental issues on which the principal protagonists remain, and are likely
to remain, divided and with which this volume is principally concerned.
These include: (i) the nature of political power and rhe techniques appro
priate to its analysis; (ii) the relationship between political conducr
and political context (more conventionally, structure and agency); (iii)
the respective significance of behavioural, institutional and ideational
factors in political explanation; (iv) the relationship between the politi
cal world and the ideas held by political actors about that political world
(more conventionally, the relationship between the material and the
discursive); and (v) the nature of political time and the understanding
of social and political change.
It is with two yet more fundamental issues, however, that 1 am prin
cipally concerned in this chaprer, They relate to the nature of the 'politi
cal' that forms the focus of our analytical attentions (the 'political'
question) and the status of the claims we might make about such a
subject matter (the 'science' question). The former involves us in posing
some quite basic questions about the narure of the political world itself
- irs essence (if it might be said to possess one), irs boundaries and the
constituent units out of which it is comprised. The latter is certainly no
less significant, raising the question of what we have the potential to
know about the (political) objects of our enquiry and the means by
which we might come to realise that potential.
These are, arguably, the most two most basic questions of all for po
litical analysts. For, what kind of discipline, we might ask, lacks a clear
sense of its terrain of enquiry and the means appropriate to adjudicate
conrending accounts of whar occurs wirhin that domain? Yet, to point
to the logical primacy of such issues is, of course, not to suggest that
rhey have always been accorded the attention such a fundamental nature
might warrant. Nor is it to suggesr that they have been accorded equal
Despite the paltry interest it has attracted over the years, of the two,
the question of the nature and scope of the political is logically prior.
For the degree of confidence that we might have in the knowledge we
acquire of our subject matter (our answer to the 'science' question)
depends, crucially, on what we choose that subject matter to be (our
answer to the 'political' quesrion). In shon, the claims we might make
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 61
of our subject rnatter are conditional upon rhe nature of that subject
matter. Ir is, then, with the concept of the 'poltica!' that we must begin.
Yet, before doing so, it is important to introduce rhe terminology in
which such debates tend to be conducted.
Ontology and epistemology: the 'political question'
{ - ~
and the 'science question'
~ ~ t
~ 1 ~
From the outset it is important to puncture the veil of impenetrability
which invariably accompanies the philosophy of the social sciences, rhe
language of onrology, epistemology and methodology in particular. In
the philosophy of the social sciences, what we have thus far termed the
political question is referred to as an ontological issue; what we have
thus far termed the science question is referred to as an epistemological
issue. Both, as we shall see, have methodological implications.
Ir is in rnany respects unfortunate that what are, in fact, simple and
intuitive ideas should be referred to in a language which is far from
immediately transparent and accessible. Nonetheless, this is the language
in which much political analytical debate is now conducted and ir is
irnportant that we familiarise ourselves with it before we proceed.
Ontology, is, literally, the science or philosophy of being.:' As a first
step in the process of clariication, this may not seem like progress.
Rather more illuminating is Norman Blaikie's definition. Onrology, he
suggests, 'refers to the claims or assumptions that a panicular approach
to social [or, by extension, political] enquiry makes abour the nature of
social [or political] reality - claims about what exists, what it looks like,
what units make it up and how these units interact with one another'
(1993: 6). Ontology relates to being, to what is, to what exists. One's
ontological position is, then, one's answer to the question: what is the
nature of the social and political reality to be investigated? Alternatively,
what exists that we might acquire knowledge of? However put, this is
a rather significant question and one whose answer may determine, ro
a considerable extent, the content of the political analysis we are likely
to engage in and, indeed, what we regard as an (adequate) political
explanation. Thus, for 'ontological aromists', convinced in Hobbesian
terms that 'basic human needs, capacities and motivations arise in each
individual without regard to any specific fearure of social groups or
social interactions' (Fay 1996: 31), there can be no appeal in political
explanation to social interactions, processes or structures. For 'ontolog
ical structuralists', by contrast, it is the appeal to human needs and
capacities that is ruled inadmissible in the court of political analysis.
Similarly, for those convinced of a separarion of appearance and reality
t -- msw=
62 Political Analysis
- such that we cannot 'trust' our senses to reveal to us that which is real
as distinct frorn that which merely presents itself to us as if it were real
- political analysis is likely ro be a more cornpiex process rhan for those
prepared to accept that reality presents itself to us in a direct and
unmediated fashion.
A great variety of ontological questions can be posited. Adapting
Uskali Maki's thoughtful (and pioneering) reflections on economic
ontology (2001: 3) to the political realm, we might suggest that all of
the fol1owing are ontological questions:
What is rhe polity made of? What are its constituents and how do
they hang together? What kinds of general principies govern its func
tioning, and its change? Are they causal principIes and, if so, what is
the nature of political causation? What drives political actors and
what mental capacities do they possess? Do individual preferences and
social institutions exist, and in what sense? Are (and of) these things
historically and culturally invariant universals, or are they relative to
Yet rhe ontological questions with which we wil1 principal1y be con
cerned are the fol1owing:
The relationship between structure and agency (the focus of
Chapter 2)
The extent of rhe causal and/or constitutive role of ideas in the deter
mination of political outcornes (the focus of Chapter 6)
The extent to which social and political systems exhibit organic (as
opposed to atomistic) qualities (in which the product of social inter
action is greater than rhe sum of its cornponent parts)
and, most fundamental1y of al1;
The extent (if any) of the separation of appearance and reality - the
extent to which the social and political world presents itself to us as
real1y it is such that what is real is observable.
The crucial point to note about each of these issues is that they cannot
be resolved empirical1y. Ultimately, no arnounr of empirical evidence can
refute rhe (ontological) claims of the ontological atornist or the onto
logical structuralist; neither can it confirm or reject the assurnption that
rhere is no separation of appearance and reality."
Epistemology, again defined literally, is the science or philosophy of
knowledge.? In Blaikie's terrns, it refers 'to the claims or assumptions
made about the ways in which it is possible to gain knowledge of reality'
(1993: 6-7). In short, if the ontologist asks 'what exists to be known?',
rhen the epistemologist asks 'whar are the conditions of acquiring
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 63
knowledge of thar which exists?'. Epistemology concerns itself with such
issues as the degree of certainty we might legitimately claim for the con
clusions we are tempted to draw from our analyses, the extent to which
specific knowledge claims might be generalised beyond the immediate
context in which our observations were made and, in general terms,
how we might adjudicate and defend a preference berween contending
political explanations.
Methodology relates to the choice of analytical strategy and re
search design which underpins substantive research. As Blaikie again
helpful1y explains, 'methodology is the analysis of how research
should or does proceed' (1993: 7). Thus, although methodology estab
lishes the principIes which might guide the choice of method, it
should not be confused with the methods and techniques of research
themselves. Indeed, methodologists frequent1y draw the distinction
between the two, ernphasising the extent of the gulf between what they
regard as established methodological principies and perhaps equal1y
well-established methodological practices. For our purposes methodol
ogy is best understood as the means by which we reflect upon the
;\' methods appropriate to realise fully our potential to acquire knowledge
of that which exists.
What this brief discussion hopeful1y serves to demonstrate is that
ontology, epistemology and methodology, though closely related, are
irreducible. Moreover, their relationship is directional in the sense that
' ~
ontology logically precedes epistemology which logically precedes
To summarise, ontology relates to the nature of the social and political
u/orld, episternology to what we can know about it and methodology
to how we migbt go about acqulring that knowledge. The directional
dependence of this relationship is summarised schematical1y in
Figure 2.l.
To suggest that ontological consideration are both irreducible and
logically prior to those of epistemology is not, however, to suggest that
they are unrelated. The degree of confidence that we might ha ve for the
claims we make about political phenornena, for instance, is likely to be
vary significant1y depending on our view of the relationship between the
ideas we formulate on the one hand and the political referents of those
ideas on the other (the focus of Chapter 6). In this way, our ontology
may shape our epistemology. If we are happy ro conceive of ourselves
~ .
as disinterested and dispassionate observers of an externa] (political)
reality existing independently of our conceptions of ir then we are likely
to be rather more confident epistemological1y than if we are prepared to
concede that: (i) we are, at best, partisan participant observers, (ii) that
there is no neutral vantage-point from which the political can be viewed
~ uHtlLL.H lNlUY::;/::;
Figure 2.1 Ontology, epistemology and methodology: a
directional dependence
Ontology ----... Epistemology Methodology
What's out there to know
What can we (hope to)
know about it? ~
How can we go aboul
acquiring lhat knowledge?
objectively; and that (iii) the ideas we fashion of the political context we
inhabit infiuence our behaviour and hence the unfolding dynamic of that
political context.f These are issues ro which we return.
Second, the significance of ontological and epistemological questions
for the pracrice and, indecd, the status of political science can scarcely
be overstared. Chief among the ontological and episternological concerns
of this chapter are the nature of the political and the possibility of a
science of the political. As their shorthand designation as the 'political
question' and the 'science questiori' might imply, a political science
without a ready answer ro borh - and hence without a clear sense of
what there is ro know and what mighr be known about ir - scarcely
warrants the labe! political science.
Moreover, if we put these two questions rogether we get the question
of political science itself: u/hat is the nature and purpose of political
sciencei Posed in such a direct and stark a manner, rhis may well be a
rather uncomfortable question to ask. For such a simple and obvious
question surely demands an equally obvious and simple answer. In
the absence of an intuitively appealing, instantaneous and collective
response from the discipline, we might well be advised not to raise such
issues, at least in public. But burying our heads in the sand is not a real
istic option either, as we are increasingly called upon ro justify Out prac
tices publicly. As Gerry Sroker notes, 'the case for setting out explicitly
the core features of poltical science ... has become increasingly com
pelling as the outside world increasingly demands evaluations of both
What's 'Politica!' About Political Sciellce? 65
its teaching and research' (1995: 1; cf. Goodin and Klingemann 1996).
Whether rhat task is as simple as Stoker's disarming remark seems to
imply is an interesting question, and one which will concern us presently.
Suffice it for now to note rhat while we may well be able to agree on
the questions that divide us, the 'core features of political science' rernain
as contested as ever. Indeed, arguably, they have become if anything
rather more contested as an array of authors have felt the need to
respond in recent years ro the challenge here sumrnarised by Stoker. In
so far as the 'core' of the discipline might be identified, it rernains
remarkably elusive and hardly lends itself towards the type of unequi
vocal and unambiguous statement that Stoker's challenge would seem
to require. While such a state of affairs persists, the best we can perhaps
do is ro acknowledge, with the appropriate rwingc of embarrassment,
that it is far easier ro identiy (and thereby justify) the purpose of a par
ticular piece of political analysis than it is ro make rhe more general case
for political analysis which is not so much a distinct mode of enquiry as
a collection of often mutually incompatible analytical srrategies. For
many, this is a deeply worrying and depressing state of affars; for just
as many others, however, it is a sign of theoretical vibrancy and intel
lectual pluralism (cL Rule 1997).
Nonetheless, while generalised answers ro such discomforting ques
tions may be difficult to reach at least in any consensual fashion and
while, for many, attempts to establish standards of 'minimal professional
cornperence' within rhe 'discipline' are part of the problem and not the
solution, there is much that can be gained from thinking aloud about
such issues. Indeed, if the cornmunity of political scientists and political
analysts is ro esrablish in its own procedures the rype of informed and
dernocratic dialogue rhat it so frequently espouses for others (Dryzek
1990; Giddens 1994; d. Cohen and Rogers 1995; Habermas 1993,
1996), ir is precisely ro such fundamental foundational and procedural
questions that ir must artend, While we will no doubt continue ro be
divided by our answers, it is important that we consider what we can
and should legitimately expect of poltical analysts. Can we aspire to
'science' and, if so, what precisely does rhat aspiration entail? 15 there a
radical separation between the subject matter of the natural and the
social 'sciences' which might qualfy the extent to which social and
political analysts can make 'scientific' claims? Are there cosrs of model
ling the analysis of rhe political upon rhe natural sciences? And, if so,
do they more than outweigh the benefits? Are the questions thar call be
answered objecrvely or scienrifically the most interesting and compelling
ones? These are rhe rhemes of rhis chapter. They serve as points of depar
tute for the argument to follow.
66 Political Analysis
Specifying and respecifying the political
Quite c1early, and despite the various c1aims made about the disciplinary
nature of political science, there are no definitive nor for that matter
even commonly accepted answers to such questions. The nature of politi
cal analysis is, like the focus of its attentions, profoundly value-Iaden,
profoundly contested and aboye all profoundly politica!. It is, then, not
that surprising that wirh few rare exceptions, political analysts have
tended to shy away from the question of the nature of politics or of the
political itself (for notable exceptions see, for instance, Arendt 1958;
Crick 1962; Duverger 1964/6; Goodin and Klingemann 1996: 7-9;
Lasswell 1936/50; Leftwich 1984a; Morgenthau 1948).7 Thus, rather
than justify, defend or even render explicit the conception of the politi
cal appealed ro within political analysis, the tendency has been to
proceed on the basis of an implicit and unquestioned conception of the
legitima te terrain of political inquiry.
Where the concept of 'politics' or, more usefully perhaps, the 'politi
cal' has been rendered explicit this has remained very much on the
margins of the discipline. It has usually taken the form of a challenge to
the parochialism and formalism held to characterise a political science
'mainstream', in particular by feminist scholars (Benhabib 1996;
Hirschmann and Di Stefano 1996a; see also Leftwich 1984a). Through
a rather protracted and attritional process, such criticism has in recent
years begun to scratch the surface of a previously tightly guarded and
policed disciplinary core, facilitating the emergence of a more inter
disciplinary, even post-disciplinary analysis of the political - an integral
pan of a more integrated social science.
If the conception of the 'polirical' within political science has still to
attract significant attention, the same is certainly not true of 'science'. It
is no exaggeration to suggest that hundreds of books and thousands of
articles have been written on the (more or less) scientific status of knowl
edge claims made within the social 'sciences', the imperative to be
'scientific' and, indeed, the very nature of 'science' itself."
That the 'political' has given rise to a paltry srnattering of interest
while the 'scientific' has generated a remarkable profusion of literature,
at least among more reflexive political analysrs, might suggest that the
two questions are in fact rather unrelated. Yet further reflection would
suggest otherwise. For, by and large, those with the most narrow, re
strictive and formal conceptions of politics are the most attached to the
labe! 'science' and most likely to acknowledge no qualitative differ
ence between the su bject matters of the natural and social sciences (see
Figure 2.2).
This suggests, again, a directional dependence between the episterno
l, ~
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 67
Figure 2.2 Alternative conceptions of the political in political analysis
01: Should 'politics' be delined narrowly
as the sphere 01government?
Critical theory
analysed in terms 01 narrowly
02: Should the sphere 01politics be
political variables?
Discourse analysis
Historical lnsitutionallsrn
Classic psephology Poltical sociology 01voting behaviour
Orthodox rational choice theory Political economy 01voting behaviour
Classic pluralism Elite theory
Classic realism in international re/ations Rational choice institutionalism
Neo-realism in international relations
logical and the ontologica!. Yet we need to proceed with some caution
here. Directional dependence there certainly is; but that directional
dependence is not determinant. Ultirnately one's epistemology is not
reducible ro one's ontology. What this means, in more practical terrns,
is that we should resist the ternptation to jump too swiftly to the
conclusion that whether one can conceive of the practice of political
analysis as scientific or not is in turn ultimately dependent upon the
conception of the political - a narrow conception of the political sus
taining a claim to a scientific epistemology that a more inclusive con
ception might noto Nor, indeed, should we uncritically accept the
converse - that a belief in the unity of method between the natural and
social sciences (naturalism) necessitates a narrow specification of the
politica!. There are at least two good reasons for this.
First, the consequences of so doing are to create a powerful ternpta
tion ro sacrifice a more integral and inclusive conception of the politi
cal (such as that proposed by feminist critics of the mainstream) on the
altar of the scientific imperative. Moreover, as we shall see, there may
be good reasons for rejecting both naturaltsm (in Bhaskar's terrns 'the
thesis that there are or can be an essential unity of method between
the natural and social sciences' (1989: 67)) and positiuism (the view that
the methods of the latter should be modelled on the former since the
natural sciences provide a privileged, indeed the only access to neutral
ity and objectivity - in short, 'truth'). Accordingly, there is no reason to
00 r Ul1l1CaI 1111aIYSIS
suggest rhat a more restrictive specification of the political will liberare
us from the 'Iimits of naturalism' (Bhaskar 1979).
Whatever the reasons, then, for the characteristic affinity between a
restrictive view of the political and a positivistic view of scientific
method, they are not based on logical correspondence. More plausible,
perhaps, is that they are bound up with a certain professionalisation of
'knowledge' (and the pursuit of knowledge) within the 'discipline' and
the academy more generally. Here we might note the vested interest
bound up in rigidly policing disciplinary boundaries and the rhetorical
authority conjured in the 'scientific' claims that positivism might sustain.
When we note, further, that a rigidly specified disciplinary core almost
necessarily entails a narrow conception of the discipline's subject matter
and that claims to positivism are only likely ro be taken seriously if
accompanied by the confident proclamation of naturalism, then the rela
tionship between professionalisation and a narrowly political and rigidly
scientific conception of the discipline would appear somewhat more than
merely contingento There may be obvious reasons for this. Put simply, if
one wishes ro preserve and defend a disciplinary core and to see that
conrinuing resources are available for the analysis of its content, it is
likely ro prove instrumental ro specify narrowly one's subject matter and
ro claim for its analysis scientific status.
In this context, it is surely telling ro note that outside of the political
science mainstrearn (or, as some would have it, the political science
'rnalestream'), the concept of the political is rarely held synonymous
with the realm of formal government. Indeed, one might go so far as to
suggest that it is only within the political science mainstream (and even
here only in certain quarters) that such a narrow specificarion of the
po1itical retains many enthusiasts.
The tarnished authority of science?
In assessing the reasons for the contemporary reappraisal of the content
and status of politica1 analysis, one final factor is also relevant. Inter
esting1y, and as a growing number of commentators have noted, 'science'
is not quite all that it once was; its rherorical authority tarnished some
what in a society characterised, for many, by a proliferation of 'high
consequence risks' with which scientific 'progress' itself appears directly
implicated." Consequently, the softening of naturalist and positivist
claims in recent years and the corresponding broadening of the concept
of the politica1 may reflect, as some have suggested, a certain re
eva1uation of the utility ro be gained by constructing political science in
the image of its previously more esteemed big brother." As an explana
tion for the re-eva1uation of rhe scientific content of political analysis
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 69
this would certainly appear more plausible than any more profound
change of heart on the part of a discipline that has a1ways been char
acterised, as much as by anything else, by its pragmarisrn.!' What is clear
is that, for the first time in a long time, the question of political science
has become admissible again in the court of political analysis.
The nature of politics, the nature of the political
Although rhey can agree on little else, there is at least some unanimity
within the discipline that political analysis is concerned essentially with
the analysis of the processes and practices of politics.l ' Yet, as we shall
soon see, rhis covers a rnultitude of differing perspectives, and a wide
diversity of often mutually incompatible approaches ro the politica!.
Definitions of the 1egitimate terrain of political analysis range broadly,
from 'politics is what rhe government does' at one end of the spectrum
to 'the personal is rhe polirical' at the orher, Thus political analysts differ
widely over the relevance of extra-political Iactors (the economic, the
social, the cultural) in political analysis. Sorne, for instance, insist that
a po1itica1 science worthy of the name must resolutely privilege the polit
ical (constructing political explanations of po1itical phenomena) while
others favour a more avowedly multi-dimensiona1 approach (compare,
for instance, Eastan 1979; Keohane 1986; Moravcsik 1997, 1998;
Morgenthau 1948; Waltz 1979; with Grofman 1997: 77-8; D. Marsh
1995; Vasquez 1998; Wendt 1999). And this, ir shou1d be noted, is
ro put ro one side their equally diverging views on the nature of the
poli tica1 itself. 13
In turning our attention to the scope and range of the po1itical we can
usefully distinguish between a series of closely related (if not quite inter
changeable) conceptual dua1isms often associated with the delimiting of
the po1itical (see also Hay and Marsh 1999a). These are summarised in
Tab1e 2.1.
For those who wish to delineate strictly the sphere of politica1 inquiry,
the focus of political analysis is generally specified by the first term of
Table2.1 Delimiting the Political
70 Political Analysis
each conceptual pairing. Politics (big 'P') is concerned with the public
sphere, the state and the sphere of governrnental activity beca use poli
tics (lttle 'p') occurs only in such arenas. Fram such a perspective, the
personal is certainly not political- by deiinition, Moreover, with respect
to all but the first dualism, the processes by which, say, trade unions
select their leadership and formulate strategy are again not political- by
detinition, Such a focus, narrow as it is, has a certain obvious appeal in
specifying precisely a subject rnatter." Nonetheless, such a definition has
serious and potentially rather disturbing consequences. To be fair, few
authors have sought to defend such a rigidly fonnalistic understanding
of the limits of the political. Nonetheless, analyses which confine thern
selves in practice to the narrowly political analysis of narrawly political
variables abound."
To begin with, it is important to note the deeply normative (and, in
any lay sense of the tenn, 'political') content of this boundary question.
This suggests an interesting comparison with other arenas in which the
boundaries of the 'political' are contested. The call to restrict the realm
of the political has become extrernely familiar in recent years, occurring
with increasing regularity in the rhetoric and practice of public policy
reform since the 1980s. This raises an interesting question: is the popu
list cry to 'take the political out of' ... sport, the economy, the domes
tic sphere, and so forth, so very different fram the theoretical atternpt
to delimit tightly the political realm? Suffice it to note that party poli ti
cal attempts to circumscribe the scope of the political have in recent years
tended to be associated with the neoliberal and libertarian right. They
have been expressed in terms of the desire to restrict, or further restrict,
the realm of government from the overbearing influence of a Leviathan,
and in so doing to remove fram public scrutiny and accountability
an area of social regulation. It is no huge leap to suggest
that there may be similar consequences of a restrictive conceptual defi
nition of the political. For, if we are to conceive of political analysis
as one means (albeit, one means among many) of exposing political prac
tice to public scrutiny, then to restrict one's definition of the political
to the juridico-political (that most narrowly and formally constitutive
of the state) is to disavow the democratic privilege afforded political
Two points might here be made. First, to restrict the analysis of the
political to that conventionally held to lie within the sphere of formal
politics (that associated with the state, the Government and the process
of government narrowly conceived) at a particular context at a parti
cular moment in time is to exclude a consideration of the mechanisms,
processes and, aboye al1, struggles and conflicts by which the 'political'
comes to be thus understood. It is, in short, to treat as immutable, given
What's 'Political' About Political Science? 71
and apolitical our fluid and contested conceptions of the legitima te
scope, scale and penetration of government and the state within the
private sphere, civil society and the economy. It is to deprive the politi
cal analyst of the conceptual armoury to interrogate the processes by
which the realm of the political is both specified and respecified. A politi
cal analysis that restricts its field of vision to that formally (and legal1y)
codified as such is, in this respect, complicit in the exclusions which such
a formal politics sustains. It is perhaps not merely a .science o( the state,
but a science (01' the state. This, as we shal1 see in Chapter 5, is an argu
ment frequently made of pluralist and neo-pluralist perspectives.
Beyond 'malestream' political analysis:
the feminist challenge
This suggests a second parallel line of critique, associated in particular
with contemporary feminist scholarship. Stated most simply, to insist
that the political is synonymous with the public sphere is to exclude fram
political analysis the private arena within which much of wornen's
oppression, subordination and, indeed, resistan ce occurs. It is, moreover,
to dismiss as apolitical (or perhaps even pre-politica1)16 al1 struggles,
whether self-consciously political or not, on the part of women which
do not manage to traverse the public-private divide. For it is only in so
doing that they can thereby register thernselves as 'political'. More fun
damentally still, it is to exclude fram consideration the pracesses by
which the historical and contemporary confinement of wornen to a pre
dominantly 'prvate' existence centred upon the family and domestic
'duty' have been sustained, reproduced and, increasingly, chal1enged
(Elshtain 1981; Paternan 1989; Young 1987; for a useful review see
Ackelsberg and Shanley 1996). It is, in the most profound way, to deny
the possibility of a feminist political analysis.
Feminism, in its concern to interrogate the politics of wornen's sub
ordination in all the contexts in which it occurs, thus constitutes a pro
~ ! ~ ~ ; :
found challenge to the traditional and conservative conception of the
political that has tended to dominate malestream political science. Simi
lady, malestream political science constitutes a fundamental rejection of
the very space from which a feminist political analysis might be con
structed. In this context it is surely telling to note the response of sorne
liberal political theorists to such atternpts by feminists to reclaim for
critical social inquiry more general1y the concept of the political. This
has been to misrepresent fundamentally ferninists' call for a broadening
of the definition of the political, by presenting it as an invitation for the
state to encraach still further into the pristine and pre-political arena of
privacy that they identify beyond 'the political'. In so doing they betray
-.. ./ .... ~ ~
their own inability to think beyond their own narrow and formal con
ception of politics. For, to see politics beyond the realm of the public
sphere, as feminists do, is not to invite a colonisation of the latrer by the
sta te. As Nancy Hirshmann and Christine Di Stefano note, 'feminism
offers a radical challenge to the notion of politics itself and has insti
gated a redefinition of politics to include things that 'mainstream' theory
considers completely non-political, such as the body and sexuality, the
family and interpersonal relationships' (l996b: 6). This in no way con
stitutes an invitation to the srare to engage in the formal political regu
larion of the body, sexuality, the family and interpersonal relationships.
Such a reading is made all the more ridiculous when the characteristic
antipathy of feminist theorists towards a patriarchnl stare, intimately
associated with the subordination of women, is considered (for a variety
of views on which, see AlIen 1990; Brown 1992; M. Daly 1978;
MacKinnon 1985; Pateman 1989).
Revisioning the political: from politics as arena to
politics as process
Ir is one thing to dismiss the parochial, conservative and perhaps
malestream definitions of the political that have tended to characterise
traditional and contemporary mainsrream political science alike; it is
quite another to advance an alternative formulation of politics and the
politica!. Yet feminist scholars, at least in recent years, have not shied
away from this rask of 'revisioning the political' (Hirschmann and Di
Stefano 1996a). Nonetheless, in considering alternative and more inclu
sive conceptions of the political it would be wrong to give the impres
sion that it is only feminists who have seen the need to reject a rigid
legal/institutional definition of politics. As Iris Marion Young notes, it
is not only women who are relegared to the realm of the privare sphere
(1990: 100-1). Consequently, it is not only feminists who soughr to
acknowledge the politics of the private sphere.
As Adrian Leftwich is surely right to note, 'the single most important
factor involved in influencing the way people implicitly or explicitly con
ceive of politics is whether they define it primarily in terms of a process,
01' whether they define it in terms of the place or places where it happens,
that is in terrns of an arena or institutional forum' (1984b: 10, empha
sis in the original). Ir is c1ear that for those who would restrict the realm
of political inquiry to thar of the stare, the public sphere or government,
politics (a term they prefer to the politica!) is an arena. Politics is the
process of governing, an activiry or a range of activities made meaning
fuI, significant and worrhy of investigation by virtue of the (formal)
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 73
context in which it occurs. The same processes displaced, mirrored 01'
reproduced in other institutional environments are not, by definitional
fiat, politica!. As such, they remain the preserve of other disciplines. The
ferninist's concern with the patriarchal characrer of the instirution of rhe
nuclear family, for instance, whatever the merits of such a focus, sirnply
lies beyond the realm of political inquiry thus conceived and has no place
within such a political science.'" This, by and large, is the approach
adopted by the behaviouralist and rationalist core of the discipline.
By contrast, those for whom the political (a term they tend ro prefer
to politics) is ubiquitous, occurring (or at least having the potential ro
occur) in all social contexts in al1 societies at all points in their hisrory,
must c1early reject such a narrow definition of politics as an arena.
Political inquiry, within such an alternative framework, is concerned
with process; more specifically, with the (uneven) distribution of power,
wealth and resources. As such it may occur in any institutional and social
environment, however mundane, however parochial. As Lefrwich again
notes, politics thus conceived 'is at the heart of all collective social
activity, formal and informal, public and private'. Ir may occur, 'in all
human groups, institutions and societies' (1984c: 63).
Yet if this captures rhe spirit of the contemporary challenge to an insti
tutionally rigid specification of the terrain of political inquiry, then it still
leaves largely unanswered the question with which we began - iohat is
politics? By now it should come as no great surprise that opinions val')'
as to its defining essence. Some emphasise violence, though not neces
sarily physical force, concentrating for instance on mechanisms of coer
cion, persuasin and what rhe French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu terms
'symbolic violence' by which the deployrnent of physical force is
deferred." Others emphasise distributional conflict over scarce resources
(though one might argue that in rhe advanced capitalist North the issue
is less one of scarce resources per se than of distribution so unequal as
to render plentiful resources scarce in certain social locarions), Still
others emphasise the c1aim ro legitimate authority or the conflict arising
frorn the paucity of human judgement (Moodie 1984).
Yet the conception of the political which captures most ful1y the chal
lenge posed by contemporary feminism and critical theory, and arguably
the most inclusive, is that which conceives of politics as power and politi
cal inquiry as the identification and interrogation of the distribution,
exercise and consequences of power. This position is well expressed by
David Held and Adrian Leftwich,
politics is about power; about the forces which intluence and reflect
its distribution and use; and a bout the effect of this on resource use
74 Political Analysis
and distribution; it is about the 'transforrnatory capacity' of social
agents, agencies and institutions; it is not about Government or
government alone. (1984: 144)
Yet arguably even this merely displaces the problem. For politics is
defined in terms of power; and power itself rernains unspecified. Suffice
it to say that there is no more contested concept in political analysis than
that of power. As I shall argue in Chapter 5, political science is divided
by a common language - that of power. Clearly, however, only certain
conceptions of power are compatible with the spirit of Held and
Leftwich's remarks. Indeed they allude to a specific conception of power
in their tangential reference to Anthony Giddens' notion of power as
'transformatory capacity' (1981: Ch. 2). Such a conception might be
further specified in the following terms.
Power ... is about context-shaping, about the capacity of actors to
redefine the parameters of what is socially, politically and economi
cally possible for others, More formally we can define power ... as
the ability of actors (whether individual or collective) to 'have an
effect' upon the context which defines the range of possibilities of
others. (Hay 1997a: 50)
Yet there is ar least one obvious objection to such an integral and uni
versal conception of politics. This is well articulated by Andrew
Heywood, 'one danger of expanding "the politcal" to inelude all social
institutions ... is that it comes elose to defining everything as politics,
thus rendering rhe rerrn itself almost meaningless' (1994: 25-6). Though
superficially attractive, this is, I think, to confuse and conflate a con
ception of palitics as an arena on the one hand and politics as a process
on the other. Were one ro advance a conception of politics as a locus,
site or institutional arena and then suggest that this arena were univer
sal, Heywood's comments would be entirely appropriate. We would
merely have emptied the term 'polines' of all content, effectively dis
pensing with the distinction between the political and the extra
politica!. Yet to suggest that politics as process has the potential to exist
in all social locations, since all social relations can be characterised as
relations of power (making thern potential subjects of political inquiry),
is neither to insist that we must see palitics everywhere, nor that such
social relations are exhausted by their description and analysis in polit
ical terrns. Ir is to suggest that political analysis avails us of rhe oppor
tunity to interrogate power relations in any social context without either
suggesting that we could or should reduce our analysis to that, Nor is
it to suggest that viewing specific social relations in terms of political
categories (of power and domination, etc.) will necessarily further our
What's 'Political' About Political Science? 75
inquiries. To suggest that all social relations ha ve political dimensions is
to open to scrutiny the power relations that pervade social institutions,
without in any sense denying the economic and cultural processes with
which they are articulated. Though all social relations may also be politi
cal relations, this does not imply that they are only political relations,
nor that they can adequately be understood in such terms. It is useful
indeed, I would suggest essential - ro be able ro consider relations of
dornestic violence for instance as political relations. To suggest that they
are exhausted by their description in such terms, however, would be to

present an analysis that is both grossly distorting and wholly inadequate.
The political is perhaps then best seen as an aspect or moment of the

social, articulated with other moments (such as the economic or the
cultural). Though politics may be everywhere, nothing is exhaustively


Science, politics and ethics
If there is much at stake in political scientists' attempts to specify the
terrain of legitimate political inquiry, then there is certainly no less at
stake in adjudicating the elaims that political analysrs might make of
this subject matter. Yet, as noted aboye, while the former has prompted
comparatively little explicit attention, the 'science question' has pro
voked almost incessant and intense controversy. Opinions again range
widely. In so far as these can be arrayed along a spectrum - and it is
ro distort somewhat the complexity of the issues at hand to suggest
that they can - this ranges from (i) those who would like to construct
political science in rhe image of the 'hard' and value-neutral physical sci
ences, via (ii) those who deny the neutrality of the latter and wish to
'reclaim' a conception of 'science' liberated from the conceptual shack
les of positivism and feigned value-neutrality, to (iii) those happy to leave
the fundamentally tarnished coucept of science to such natural scientists

as would wish to embrace it while openly acknowlcdging the essentially
normative and value-laden nature of social and political analysis and the

It: 1.;
ethical responsibilities this places upon the analyst. A number of issues
are involved here which it is useful to unpack in terms of a series of key
Q1 What do es it mean ro elaim that a staternent or theory is scientific?
What is science?
Q2 Are scientific elaims theory- and/or value-neutral?
Q3 Can there be an essential unity of rnethod between the natural sci
ences and social/political inquiry (the basis of naturalisni
/b routicat Analysts
Q4 Should social/political inquiry be modelled on the natural sciences
(the basis of positivism, of which naturalism is a necessary but not
in itself sufficienr condition)?
Q5 Can social/political analysts afford to dispense with the rhetorical!y
significant claim to scientific knowledge?
Q6 Are there privileged vantage points from which knowledge of rhe
social and political world can be generated?
When cast in such terms, what is revealed is a complex, voluminous and
multi-faceted debate (for excellent introducrions to which see Benron
and Craih 2001; Blaikie 1993; Bohman 1991; Delanty 1997; Fay 1996;
Hollis 1994; Kincaid 1996; Kukla 2000; May and Williams 1998; M.
Williams 2000). The following remarks may, as a consequence, only
serve ro scratch the service of that debate. My aim is not to provide an
exhaustive survey but ro indicate rhe nature of the issues at stake in such
Cartesianism and the Enlightenment
Let us begin, as it were, at the beginning with Descartes and the birth
of rhe modern sciences in sevenreenth-century Europe. The distinctive
ness of Descartes' approach was its rigorous atternpt, an attempt that
would later come to characterise the Enlightenment more general!y, to
liberate reason and knowledge from the elutches of traditional elerical
authority, From its inception, then, modern science was deeply associ
ated with the secularisation of knowledge. As Martin Hollis notes, 'by
removing the imprimtur of Reason from al! traditional authorities and
[by] giving it ro every retlective individual with an open miud, Descartes
laid the ground for a secular science, which would be neutral on ques
tions of meaning and value' (1994: 16). That, at least, was his aim. There
is no little irony in the Iact that contemporary debate in the philosophy
of science (whether natural or social) seems ro have come ful! cirele,
returning to the question of whether there is any qualirative difference
between the knowledge claims made in the narne of science and those
made in the name of religion (Feyerabend 1987; for commentaries see
Chalmers 1986; Couvalis 1988, 1989, 1997: 111-39).
If knowledge and reason were to be prised frorn the clutches of a
clerical elite, sorne basis frorn which to generare and ground alterna
tively premised knowledge claims had first to be established. The basis
from which to construct such secular knowledge claims was sought in
innate human characteristics. As Alan Chalmers explains,
Since it is human beings who produce and appraise knowledge in
general and scientific knowledge in particular, to understand the ways
What's 'Politica!' About Political Science? 77
in which knowledge can be appropriarclv acquircd and appraised we
must consider the nature of the individual humans who acquire and
appraise ir. (1990: 12)
He goes on to suggest that, for sevenreenth-century philosophers of
science, those relevanr characteristics were 'the capacity of humans to
reason and the capacity of humans to observe the world by way of the
senses' (1990: 12).
This was to give rise to two rival traditions of scientific inquiry
with rationaltsts emphasising reason and deduction, whilst empiricists
placed their confidence in the dispassionate observation of an external
Descartes was a rationalist, arguing for an approach premised 011 the
development - through retlection, 'intellectual intuitiori' and, as he put
: ~ ;
it, the 'naturallight of reason' - of general axioms from which might be
derived an understanding of the underlying and unobservable structures
which he believed constitured the 'reality' of the natural order. In so
doing he appealed to the (ontological) distinction between appearance
and reality, arguing that it was only by deploying the innate human
capacities of reason and intuition that one could transcend the
ephemeral world of surface appearance ro reveal the structured realiry
beneath, This argument clearly mirrors that now frequently made by
philosophical realists (for instance, Archer 1995; Bhaskar 1975, 1979,
1989; Delanty 1997: Ch. 6; Harr 1970; Harr and Madden 1975; Sayer
1992). The spirit of Descartes' rationalism is beautiful!y depicted in
Bernard de Fontenelle's al!egorical introduction to the new asrroriomy,
The Plurality of Worlds, published in 1686. In this rernarkable volume,
the author sought ro explain to an elite yet lay audience the operation
of nature as revealed by (Cartesian) science and philosophy:
Upon this I fancy to myself that Nature very much resembleth an
Opera, where you stand, you do not see the stage as rea lly it is; but
it is plac'd with advantage, and al! the Wheels and Movemenrs are
hid, to rnake the Representation the more agreeable. Nor do you
trouble yourself how, 01' by what means the Machines are moved,
though certainly an Engineer in the Pit is affected with what doth riot
touch YOl1; he is pleas'd with the motion, and is demonsrrating ro
himself on what ir depends, and how it comes to pass. This Engineer
then is like a Philosopher, thongh the difficulty is greater on the
Philosopher's part, rhe Machines of rhe Theatre being nothing so
curious as those of Nature, which disposeth her Wheels and Springs
78 Political Analysis
so out of sight, that we have been long a-guessing at rhe movernent
of the Universe. (1686/1929, cited in Hollis 1994: 27)
There are problems with such a schema, enricing and eleganr rhough ir
certainly is. For our access ro reality (a realiry, recall, not accessible from
surface experience) comes only through logical deduction from axioms
that we can never test and must simply assume as valido These axioms
are in turn the producr of inspirarion, one mighr even suggest divine
inspirarion. Is this so ver y differenr from seeking a religious sanction for
knowledge clairnsr " The arbirrariness of so doing is c1ear, and surely
flies in the face of Descartes' atternpt ro generare a secular foundarion
for objective knowledge.
Empircism and the principie of induction
If rarionalism placed its faith, so ro speak, in the mind and rhe realm of
reason, then empiricism carne ro privilege experience, assuming (con
veniently) that there is no appearance-realiry dichotorny and that the
world presenrs itself ro us in a direcr, 'real' and unmediated way rhrough
our senses. In this way empiricism's deducrive logic can be replaced with
an inductive approach, proceeding from particular observations through
inductive generalisation ro general axioms or covering laws. These
tend ro rake the form of observable correlations rather perhaps than
explanarions per se. This, as should now be clear, is the c1assical
anrecedenr of modern-day behaviouralism. Behaviouralism is ro
sevenreenrh-cenrury empiricism what rational choice theory is ro
Cartesian rarionalism.
Yet such an approach is scarcely less arbitrary than its Cartesian coun
rerparr, relying on two at best questionable and unresrable assumptions:
(i) that realiry does indeed present itself ro us in a direct and unmedi
ated way (the very antithesis of the rarionalists' starting point, ir should
be nored); and (ii) rhar whar has been found rrue in known cases ro dare
wil! also hold rrue in orher cases where rhe same condirions perrain (rhe
principie of inducrion). Accordingly, once rhe behaviour of a single apple
falling from a rree has been observed and analysed so as ro reveal rhe
derails of irs morion and hence rhe 'laws' governing irs descenr, we can
expecr similar obiecrs ro behave in a manner consisrenr wirh rhose laws.
This, ar any rare, is rhe assumprion which makes empiricism possible.
Though nor srrictly unresrable, rhis assumprion is unverifiable. For how,
orher rhan observing each and every insrance for which a covering law
is formulared, does one verify rhe proposirion rhar rhe covering law is
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 79

Moreover, however plausible and intuitive such an assumption mighr
seem in rhe realm of rhe physical sciences, ir is far more problernatic in
a world po pulared by active, conscious and reflexive social subjects. We
are back ro the 'problem' of agency introduced in Chapter 1. For, once
identified as general laws governing social behaviour, social scientific
propositions enter public discourse. Once in this public domain they may
''f ...
lead actors ro modify their behaviour, effecrively changing the rules of

the game. Thus, even sornething as mundane as identifying an inner-city
are a as a high crime zone may initiate a fresh and complex series of
causal processes with irnportant, if initially unpredictable, implications
for the subsequent rate of crime in the area. Such effecrs may be entirely

unintended. However, in many cases propositions in the social sciences
are formula red with the explicit intention of disrupting the regulariries
on which they are based.

In this way, social and political analysts may come ro play an active
role in the reproduction and transforrnation of the very conduct that
forms the focus of their attentions. There is simply no anaJogy in the
natural sciences. Intentionality and reflexivity are cornplications which
rhe natural sciences do not have ro deal with; molecules do not modiy
their behaviour in the light of the claims scientisrs may make about
ir. This is an issue ro which we wilJ return in much grearer derail in
Chapters 6.
A further problern, alluded ro in Chapter 1 and again aboye, mighr
usefully be introduced at this point. Ir concerns the question of causal
ity, At best, ir seems, empiricism can esrablish observable correlations
between everits. Yet this is hardly sufficient ro establish causation, on
which any adequare conception of explanarion must surely be founded
(de Vaus 1991: 5; May 1997: 104). Ultirnately, pure empiricism can
esrablish no basis for adjudicaring between relations of cause and effecr
on rhe one hand and mere coincidence on the other, save except for:
1. an appeal ro other cases in which a similar sequence can be observed
(a probabiJisric approach), and
2. an appeal ro argumenrs abour rhe specific remporaliry of rhar
sequence (causal facrors musr be chronologicalJy prior ro rhose rhey
mighr explain).
As Martin Hollis nares, wirhin an empiricisr episremology 'a cause is
simply an insrance of a regulariry and a causal law or law of narure
simply a regulariry Ilude up of insrances ... The cause of an evenr is
rhus a regular sequence which we ha ve come ro expecr ro hold' (1994:
If accepred, rhis has imporranr implicarions. For while an indncrive
...........""0-,, .......... ""'''"t..''.YJIJ
and empiricist approach might supplv us with potentially useful sets of
correlations, an inherently interpretative and creative act of translation
is still required to produce something recognisable as a causal explana
tion from such correlations.
The logic of positivist social inquiry
Despite such more or less fundamental problems, and the existence of a
substantial literature charting them in infinitesimal detail, empiricism
continues to dominare the natural sciences and certain sections of the
social sciences. Within political science its clearest exponenrs are the
behaviouralists who deny the existence of underlying mechanisms and
structures not apparent ro the immediate participants in social and
political conduct, concentrate on the analysis of observable behaviour
and insist that all explanation be subject to empirical testing (for an
admirable summary, see Sanders 1995; see also Carmines and Huckfeldt
1996; King, Keohane and Yerba 1994).
As argued in Chapter 1, however, rnodern-day behaviouralists tend to
sofren the rigid empiricism and purist logic of induction this would
imply. Contemporary empiricism thus proceeds in the following manner.
A confidence in the principIe of induction allows general theoretical
statements or law-like generalisations to be derived inductively from
ernpirical regularities between observed phenomena. Yet in a departure
from classic empiricism, suggesting a certain rapprochement with
ratianalism, the resulting body of theary rnay be used ro generate,
deductively, a series of hyporheses and predictions. These, in clear vio
lation of the strictures of narrow empiricism, are inevitably theory-laden
(Easton 1997; Sanders 1995). Such propositions and predictions are sub
sequently exposed to empirical testing, leading ether ro (partial) verifi
catian of rhe thesis (and rhe theory on which it is premised) or rejection
and the consequent revision or replacement of the existing theory (this
is depicted schernatically in Figure 2.3).
This positivist approach t social inquiry has been exposed to a range
af rather different critiques. These range from (i) thase who would wish
ro tighten its purchase on the 'realiry' it claims to reveal, to (ii) those
who seek ro dernonsrrate its fundamental and rredeemable contra
dictions, to (iii) those pointing to the 'lirnits of naturalism' who wauld
merely wish to chaJJenge the appropriateness of such a framework for
the analysis of social phenomena, to (iv) those who would reject the very
scientific label it seeks ro systematise. It is to the challenge ro positivism,
both historical and conrernporary, and the implications for the scientific
content of political analysis that we now turno
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 81
Figure 2.3 The logic of positivist social and political analysis
If theory inconsistent
with the facts, it is
rejected in ts current
Concluslon: theory is I/ \If theory consistent with
consistent or nconsistent ... the facts, no consequent
with the evidence action required
The retreat from positivism
Popper's positivist revisionism
When it comes ro the epistemology of science, the influence of Karl
Popper can hardly be overstared. Despite launching what amounts to a
profound critique of the practice of traditional positivism, his contri bu
tion should cerrainly be seen as a reulsion rather than a rejection of
positivismo As a devout believer in naturalism he has come ro be cham
pioned by advocates of an empirical approach to horh the natural and
social sciences as the saviour of (an albeit qualified) positivism frorn its
own internal cantradictions and its many detracrors."
Popper's target is rhe principIe of induction, conventionally held ro
distingllish science from pselldo-science and metaphysics. The scientific
method, for classic positivists, is characterised by induction - rhe
rnovernent from observation and experiment to scientific law. Ir is this,
its defenders suggest, that differentiates science from pseudo-science,
science from speculation; and it is this that Popper rejects. There is, he
suggests, no logical way of deducing general (far less universal) theories
from particular staternenrs. If there were, as classic positivists attest, then
the weight of confirming empirical evidence would indeed provide an
indication of the veracity (or truth-contenr) of a thearetical systern. The
82 Palitical Analysis
consequence, that the theories of Marx, Adler and Freud (for which, he
conceded, there was much confirming evidence) should be regarded as
scientific, was so unpalatable to him that it led him to seek alternative
and rather more discriminating means of differentiating science from
pseudo-science. Popper's disdain for Marxism in particular, and the irri
tation it so obviously caused him that such a theory might be accorded
the labe! 'scientific', is we!l captured in his comment that 'a Marxist
could not open a newspaper without finding on every page confirming
evidence for his [sic] interpretatian of history' (Popper 1969: 35). This
observation, and others like it for Freud, Adler and the like, led Popper
to the conclusion that 'the criterian of the scientific status of a theory is
its falsifiability, or refutability, or testability' (37). Marxism was not
scientific since whatever was observed (be it A, the absence of A, or the
opposite of A) could be adequately accounted for within the body of
the theory after the fact." In short, Marxisrn was pseudo-scientific not
beca use it lacked confirming evidence but because it simply could not
be refuted.
The basis of the argument is worth examining in just a little more
detail. The principIe of induction states that the more As are found to
be like B, the better confirmed is the hyporhesis that As are Bs. Thus, if
a hypothesis (H) implies an observation (O), and this anticipated obser
vation is confirmed, then the hypothesis is verified (Box 2.1).
Box 2.1 The principie of induction
(1) H ---7 o
I (2) o
:. (3) H
Popper rejecrs this as an invalid inference. In its place, he proposes a
logic of falsifiability (Box 2.2).
Box 2.2 The principie of falsification
(1) H ---7 o
(2) not o
.. (3) not H
The process of empirical testing, Popper argues, should not proceed on
the basis of seeking to establish verification for a hypothesis, since no
amount of confirming evidence can warrant the claim that the hypoth
esis is correcto Rather, it should seek to elimina te false hyporheses, since
What's 'Patitical' About Palitical Science? 83

a falsification is fina!. A statement can never be verified, but it can be
exposed to rigorous and incessant testing. For Popper, then, scientific
theory, at best, is composed of a set of provisional truth claims con
stantly in the process of being refuted. Truth is never absolute though
falsification is. The genuine scientist is thus animated by what might at
first appear a rather perverse and perplexing drive to falsify any plau
sible theoretical proposition she generates. For it is only by so doing that
she can improve the state of our knowledge of the natural and social
Popper's 'falsificationism' has proved phenomenal!y int1uential. It is
proba bly fair to suggest that the majority of social and political scien
tists who regard tbemsclves as positivists profess sorne variant of falsi
ficationism (whether strictly Popperian or in its qualified, Lakatosian,
guise),22 Nonethe!ess, there are three obvious objections to the account
Popper presents, a significant advance on classic positivism tbougb it
undoubtedly is,
The first is largely semantic and can be dealt with fairly swiftly, It con
stitutes a direct attack on Popper 's claimed asymrnetry between con
firming and falsifying statements - the notion that we can never ha ve
enough confirming evidence to verify a tbesis, but that one piece of evi
dence inconsistent with the thesis is terminal. The critics point out that
this asymmetry is purely sernantic. For, in Roberta Corvi's admirably
succinct summary, 'whenever we falsify a statemerit we automatical!y
verify its negation' (1997: 23). This may sound devastating for falsifi
cationism, but an example quickly reveals that this elegant (if pedantic)
criticism is somewhat less devastating than it might at first appear, Con
sider Popper 's own i!lustration, tbe staternent 'al! swans are white'. If
we falsify this starernent by observing a black creature that we are pre

pared to concede is a swan, we are indeed verifying tbe starernent's nega
tion, the staternent 'not al! swans are white',23 The point is, however,
rhat this latter staternent cannot, in Poppers terms, be falsified, whereas
it can be verified - the observation of one black swan wil! suffice. The

asymmetry persists, even if our labelling of the statements which corn
prise it has to be reversed, Tbe logic of Popper's argument, if not the
precise terminology within which it is couched, remains essential!y
A second and ultimately far more fundamental criticism concerns
the extent ro which we can be certain abour a starernent 01' propositiou's
falsification. For Popper, ler us recal!, the moment of falsification
is perhaps the only rnornent in the scientific process in which there is
an unmistakable and decisive mornent of clarity and revelation, the
moment in which 'truth' speaks to science. Yet, as Martin Hollis
o-r t: ()IUlt-U/ i1.naIYS1S
rhere cannot possibly be such a decisive momenr unless we are sure
that the same would always occur if the test were repeared. But that
depends on an inductive inference from the present occasion to rhe
next ... Deny the soundness of induction [as Popper does], and we
have no reason to eliminate a theory just beca use its predictions have
nor been upheld on particular occasions. If Popper has indeed shown
that induction is a myth, we cannot rest contenr with the logic of fal
sificarion. (1994: 76)
Popper, it seems, has been hoisted by his own petardo His response,
that this may be true but that it does nor invalidare the claimed asyrn
metry between basic and universal starernents and the ability of rhe
former - i( true - to refute the latter, does not seem altogether adequate
and concedes much ground (1985: 185). For it is to acknowledge, at
pain of self-conrradiction, that all claims, whether verificarions or falsi
fication, are provisional and probabilistic. It is, in short, ro relativise the
notion of scientific progress that Popper had sought ro defend. For if, as
Popper seems ro concede, not even falsification may provide adequate
grounds for adjudicating knowledge claims and knowledge claims
are regularly adjudicated within both the natural and social sciences
then science may well be a far more arbitrary, or at least norrn-driven,
mode of conduct than most positivists would be happy ro acknowledge.
For sorne then, far from rescuing positivism, Popper rnay well have
buried it.
A final objection, which rnerely shuffles further soil over the coffin
of Popperian falsificarionism and empiricism alike, concerns Popper's
assurnption that theories can be tested in the singular on which,
arguably, the edifice of posirivism hangs. The philosopher Quine in a
remarkable essay, 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism', convincingly dernon
strates that it is impossible ro test single hypotheses in isolation from
others (1953). As Harold Kincaid neatly puts it, 'hypotheses do not
confront experience or evidence one by one' (1996: 20). Consider an
exarnple. When we observe evidence from an electron microscope incon
sistent, say, with a widely accepted theory of the molecular composition
of a given material, do we revise our theory of the way in which the
electron microscope operates, our theory of the way in which the image
in front of us is produced, or the theory of the molecular composition
of the substance itself? Should we question the purity of the sample, rhe
dedication of the technician who prepared it, or the physics and chern
isrry of the processes used in thar preparation - or, indeed, should we
put in a requisition for a new electron microscope? The truism that no
scienrific proposition can ever be tested in isolation from others presents
considerable difficulries for rhe scientist diligently following Popper's
\YIhat's 'Political' About Political Sciencc? 85
prescriptions since she can never hope to idenrify and isolate precisely
the guilty false rheoretical proposition that her observations refute. Still
further space is opened for the role of scientific norm and convention in
dictating the course of scientific developrnent, forcing a concession many
would see as bringing Popper perilously close to abandoning any claim
for science's privileged access to reality, truth and knowledge.
The Imits of naturalsm
Thus far our discussion has tended ro assume that there is no sharp
distinction to be drawn between the natural and social sciences and
that common methodological standards can and should be brought ro
bear in each doma in of scientific inquiry. This is the basic premise of
naturalism, a position often associared with positivism, though by no
means reducible ro it. Ir does not, however, take much thought ro reveal
that the subject matter of rhe social and political sciences is in certain
crucial respects qualiratively different from that of the natural sciences,
for reasons already touched upon. In making this claim 1 follow Roy
Bhaskar in arguing that 'ir is the nature of the object that determines the
form of its science ... ro investigate the limits of naturalism is ipso (acto
to investigate the conditions which make social science, whether 01' not
it is actualised in practice, possible' (1989: 67-8).
Bhaskar, though ultimately a defender of a highly qualified and dis
tinctly non-positivist naturalism, is nonetheless acutely aware that
'ontological, epistemological and relational considerations reveal differ
ences that place limits on the possibility of naturalism, or rather qualify
the form it must take in the social sciences' (1989: 67). In particular, he
identifies three clear qualitative differences between rhe subject matter
of rhe social and natural sciences which places limits on the possibility
of methodological affinities between their respective 'sciences':
1. social structures, unlike natural structures, do not exist indepen
dently of rhe activities they govern
2. social structures, unlike natural structures, do not exist indepen
dently of the agents' conceptions of what they are doing in their
J. social strucrures, unlike natural structures, may be only relatively
enduring (so that the tendencies they ground rnay not be universal
in the sense of space-time-invariant) (Bhaskar 1989: 79).
Though Bhaskar suggests that even given these fundamental differences
in subject rnatter, a qualiried naturalism is still possible (and, as such,
desirable), it is clear that such a naturalism sirnply carinot be grounded
in positivism (however modified its inductivist logic).
86 Political Analysis
The limitations of positivism within the social sciences are revealed if
we consider the evol utiori and transformation of a cornplex social system
such as the global poli tic al economy. For it is in such systems, charac
terised as they are by incessant change that the (simplifying) assump
tions used by positivists to generate scientific models, propositions and
testable hypotheses about the social and political environment are
rendered rnost problematic. The most basic assumption of the natural
sciences - arguably the assumption that makes most if not all natural
science possible (and a very good assumption at that) - is that the rules
of the game do not change with time. The laws of physics, for insrance,
can be assumed to penain in a1l situations - past, present or future. Each
time an apple falls, its motion can be accounted for adequately (given a
few staning conditions) by the application of Newtonian physics. More
over, that just such an apple fe1l in just such a way to land on Newton's
head can be assumed not to have changed rhe 'natural' and trans
historical laws of physics; but only our understanding of thern." Con
sequently, natural scieritists never have to deal with the effects of their
understandings on the very rules of the game that forrn the subject matter
of those understandings.
Sadly for those who study them (and thankfu11y for those who par
ticipate in them), neither assumption is valid for social and political
systerns. In so far as they can be identified, the rules of social and
political life are rhernselves subject to constant reproduction, renewal
and transforrnation. They are, one might suggest, cultura11y, spatially
and historically specific. This is simply not the case for the laws of
gravity;" or even, say, for Heisenberg's Uncenainty Principie which can
both be assumed universal. Furtherrnore, in what Anthony Giddens
rather cryptically refers ro as the 'double herrneneutic' (1984: 374), the
ideas that we a11 hold about the social and political world - whether as
theorists, cornrnentators or merely as social subjects - are part of that
world and may profoundly shape it.
Thus, whereas 'theories in the
natural sciences which have been replaced by others which do the job
better are of no interest to the current practice of science ... this cannot
be the case [as in the social sciences] where those theories have helped
ro constitute what they interpret or explicate' (1984: xxxv).
The nature of the 'econornic' and the 'political' is different after
Keynes and Marx in a way that the 'physical' and the 'natural' is not
after Newton or Einstein."
Conclusion: the limits of political science and
the ethics of political analysis
The aboye remarks raise two crucial issues which many would see as
compromising fundamentally the basis for a sellce of the social or
What's 'Political' About Political Sciencei 87
poltical altogether - if, by science, we mean the ability ro generate
neutral, dispassionate and objective knowledge claims.
The first concerns the unavoidable location of the social or political
analyst within the social and poli tic al environment that forms the subject
of his or her analytical attentions. This, it is suggested, compromises the
notion of the dsinteresred, dispassionate and aboye a11 external gaze of
the analyst so central to the claim that science provides a privileged
vantage-point and a direct access to knowledge oE an external reality,
The analyst, comrnentator, theorist, lay participant and scientist alike
are a11 socially and politically embedded within a complex and densely
srrucrured institutional and culturallandscape which they cannot sirnply
escape by climbing the ivory tower of academe to look down with sci
entific dispassion and disinterest on a11 they survey. On what basis then
can the scientist claim a more privileged access to knowledge? On what
basis should we adjudicate between the variety of mutually incom
patible accounts generated by a variety of differentially located social
participants (sorne of them claiming scientific licence for their proposi
tions, others none)? Moreover, if the analyst can indeed legitirnately
claim no privileged access to reality, truth and knowledge, what rnpi
cations does this have for the claims that the analyst does make about
the social and political environrnent?
If an acknowledgement of the social embeddedness of the social or
political analyst raises certain epistemological issues about the claims to
knowledge that such a subject might make, then this should not allow
us to overlook the ethical dilemmas that this recognition also throws up.
Social and political commentators sensitive to the epistemological issues
~ ~ discussed aboye may choose not to claim a privileged vantage-point from
r ~ ;
which to adjudicare knowledge clairns, but they do nonetheless inhabit
~ : ..
r;: a peculiarly privileged position in the potential shaping of (ideas about)
the social and political context in which they write. For, as in the case
of Keynes or Marx discussed aboye, social and political analysts
(whether they claim a scientific pedigree for rheir ideas or not) may come
to redefine perceptions of the politically desirable, the politically pos
sible and the politically necessary, thereby altering - in some cases quite
profoundly - the realrn of the possible, the feasible and the desirable.
This brings us eventually ro the crucial question of ethics and aboye
a11 the erhical responsibilities of social and political analysrs, a consid
eration of which the discourse of science tends to displace. There are
perhaps three distinct ways of dealing with the c!osely related ethical
and episternological concerns dealt with in the proceeding paragraphs.
The first and perhaps the easiest is simply to ignore thern as, argllably,
positivists have done for decades, hiding behind the cornforting rhetoric
of science, objectivity, neutralit y and truth. Quite simply, if one refuses
to acknowJedge the normative content of social and political analysis
.L VIIL-IL-UI rvriu i yst:
then the question of ethical responsibility does not arise, save except for
the ethical imperative to seek out and reveal 'the truth'. A second, and
perhaps increasingly widespread response (associated in particular with
relativism, post-structuralism, postmodernism and deconstruction) has
been to acknowledge and indeed openly embrace the value- and theory
laden nature of all social and political inquiry. Such authors take
extremely seriously the ethical responsibilities that this brings (particu
larly for those 'others' repeatedly marginalised, silenced and subjugated
by the privileged voice of science). Their response is to deny both the
possibility of generating social scientific knowledge and of grounding a
critical theory capable of thinking that things might be different and of
seeking to influence conceptions of the possible, the feasible and the
There is, however, a possible third way which avoids both the
parochialism and self-assuredness of positivism's blindness to ethical
considerations and the nihilism and fatalism frequently engendered by
relativism (see Chaprer 7). This is to insist that, like its subject matter,
the analysis of social and political processes is itself inherently, irre
deemably and essentially political. Thus, as soon as we move from the
realm of mere description to that of explanation we move from the realm
of science to that of interpretation. In this realm there are no privileged
vantage-points, merely the conlicr between alternarive and competing
narratives premised on different ontological, erhical and normative
assumptions. To take seriously the ethical responsibility that comes with
an acknowledgement that epistemology cannot adjudicare political
claims is then ro insist on three things: (i) that political analysis remains
essentially political and refuses to abandon its ability to think of a world
different from our own simply beca use such claims cannot be adjudi
cated with ultimare certainry; (ii) that it seeks to acknowledge its neces
sarily normative content; and (iii) that it strives to render as explicit as
possible rhe normative and ethical assumptions on which it is premised.
Ir is perhaps only in the contcxt of discussions within political analysis
thar ro insist on this would be to insist on very much at all. Such an
insistence, however, maps out the terrain of the critical political analy
sis I seek ro defend in this vol lime.
Chapter 3
'-'&f'fCt?i . ~ , , - - - ' ; ' - ~ ~ " - ; ; 62(-%" ":E'" "($' ~ ..... .. ....,,,1-... ---...,-__ - _. _._......-......-i
Beyond Structure versus Agency,
Context versus Conduct
In Chapter 2 we dealt with what might be regarded as the two most fun
damental questions of political analysis - how we define the 'political'
and how we might adjudicate between contending accounts of what
occurs within that domain. In this chapter we descend one rung on the
ladder of conceptual abstraction to deal with a scarcely less significant
issue - that of structure and agency (or context and conducr). Essen
tially, what we are concerned with here is the relationship between the
political actors we identify (having decided upon our specification of the
''":'(, sphere of the political) and the environment in which they find them
selves; in short, with the extent to which political conduct shapes and is
shaped by political contexto Clearly on such a fundamental issue as this
we are likely to find a considerable variety of opinions. Some authors
(notably pluralists and elite theorists) place their emphasis upon the
capacity of decision-makers to shape the course of events. By contrast,
other more structuralist authors (notably many institutionalists and neo
Marxists) emphasise instead the limited autonomy of the state's person
nel and the extent to which they are constrained by the form, function
and structure of the state itself.
Historically, such abstract issues as the relationship between actors
and their environment have been thought the exclusive preserve of soci
ologists and philosophers. Yet, although for a long time silent on such
questions, in recent years political scientists and, in particular, interna
tional relations theorists ha ve felt the need to return to, to render explicit
and to interrogate their own assumptions about structure and agency.'
In so doing they have increasingly sought to acknowledge, problematise
and revise the implicit sociologies and social theories underpinning con
ventional approaches to their respective spheres of inquiry. This move
is nowhere more clearly stated that in the title of Alexander Wendt's
seminal Social Theory of lnternational Politics (1999). Even five years
before its publication the idea that international relations needed, far
less was necessarily premised upon, a social theory would have been
90 Political Analysis
What is - and what is not - at stake in the
structure-agency debate?
Given the sheer volume of literatu re devoted in recent years to the
question of structure and agency in political science and international
relations, it might be tempting to assume that the need for a series of
reflections on this question is relatively undisputed. The reality, however,
it somewhat different. For even in sociology, perhaps the natural home
of the structure-agency question, there are dissenting voices. If we are,
then, to make the case for the centrality of the relationship between
structure and agency to political analysis it is perhaps appropriate that
we first deal with the potential objections. Al110ng the most vociferous
of critics of the 'structure-agency craze', as he terms it, has been Steve
Ful1er. His central argument is simply stated:
Given the supposedly abortive atternpts at solving the structure
agency problem, one is tempted to condude that sociologists are not
smart enough to solve the problern or that the problem itself is spu
rious. (Ful1er 1998: 104)
The case is certainly wel1 made. If sociologists ha ve spent 200 years on
the issue and have got no further than Marx's truism that men make
history, but not in circumstances of their own choosing, then either the
question wasn't a ver y good one in the first place or sociologists ha ve
revealed themselves singularly incompetent in their attempts to answer
ir. Either way the reflections stimulated by pondering this great impon
derable have hardly proved ver y constructive. Consequently, there would
seem to be little to be gained by international relations theorists and
political analysts in fol1owing their sociological forebears into this cul
de-sac of obfuscation and meaningless abstraction.
However tempting it mal' be to concur and to terminate the discus
sion at this point, Ful1er's remarks are not quite as devastating as they
might at first appear. For, in certain crucial respects, they reveal a sys
tematic, if widespread, misinterpretation of the nature of the structure
agency debate itself. In this regard they prove quite useful in helping us
establish what is - and what is not - at stake in the structure-agency
debate (d. Dessler 1989). Put most simply, the question of structure and
agency is not a 'problem' to which there is, or can be, a definitive solu
tion. Accordingly, the issue cannot be reduced ro one of whether soci
ologists, political scientists or international relations theorists are smart
enough to solve it.
Yet at this point it must be noted that if the very language of 'problem'
and 'solution' is itself problematic, then it is precisely the language in
which much of the debate is couched (see, for instance, Doty 1997;
~ ' : :
. , - , ~ "
Beyond Structure versus AgellCY, Context versus Couduct 91
Wendt 1987; Wight 1999). Let's consider why ir is so problematic. To
appeal to the issue of structure and agency as a 'problem' with a poten
tial 'solution' or, indeed, 'solutions' - such that one could speak, in
Ful1er's terms, of progress towards a solution over time - is effectively
to claim that the issue is an empirical one that can be resolved defini
tively. Yet, claims as to the relative significance of structural and agen
tial factors are founded on ontological assumptions as tu the nature uf
a social and political reality. To insist that such claims can be resolved
by appeal ro the evidence (as Ful1er seems to suggest) is, then, to con
flate the empirical and the ontological. To put this in more practical and
prosaic terms, any given and agreed set of empirical observations can be
accounted for in more or less agential, more or less structural terrns, We
might, for instance, agree on the precise chain of events leading up to
the French Revolution of 1789 while disagreeing vehernently over the
relative significance of structural and agential factors in the explanation
of the event itself. As such, the relationship between structure and agency
is not one that can be adjudicated empirical1y. It is, presumably, this
which frustrates Fuller's desire for a solution after two hundred years of
reflection and debate. Structure-agency is not so much a problem as a
language by tohich ontological differences beticeen contending accounts
nught be registered.
The language of structure and agency provides a convenient means
of recording such ontological differences in a systematic and coherent
manner. Ir should not be taken to imply an empirical schema for adju
dicating contending ontological claims.
Two irnportant implications fol1ow directly from the aboye discussion.
First, if the relative significance of structural and agential factors cannot
be established empirical1y, rhen we must seek to avoid al1 claims which
suggest that it might. Sadly, such clairns are commonplace. Even Wendt
himself, doyen of the 'structure-agency problernatique' in international
relations, is not aboye such conceptual confusions. Consider the fol
lowing passage from an otherwise exemplary chapter co-written with
Ian Shapiro:
The differences among ... 'realist' models of agency and structure
and among them and their individualist and holist rivals - are differ
ences about where the important causal mechanisms lie in sociallife.
As such, we can settle them only by u.restling u/ith the empirical merits
of tbeir claims about human agency and social structure ... These are
in substantial part empirical questions, (Wendt and Shapiro 1997:
181, emphasis mine)
Wendt and Shapiro are surely right to note that ontological differences
such as those between, sal', more agency-centred and more structure
'::J1. Political Analysis
centred accounts, tend ro resolve themselves into differences about where
to look for and, indeed, what counts as, important causal mechanisms
in the first place. This implies that onrology proceeds epistemology. Such
a view is entirely consisrent with the argument of Chapter 2 - we must
decide what exists out there to know about (ontology) before we can
consider how we might go about acquiring knowledge of ir (epistemol
ogy). Yet having noted this, Wendt and Shapiro almost immediately
abandon the logic it implies, suggesting that we rnighr choose between
contending onrologies on rhe basis of what we observe empirically.
Surely this now implies that epistemology proceeds ontology. If our
onrology informs where we look for causal mechanisms and what we
see in the firsr place (as they contend), then how can we rely upon what
we observe to adjudicate between contending ontologies?
Wendt and Shapiro's confusion is further compounded in rhe passage
which irnmediately follows, in which a Popperian logic of fa lisifiability
is invoked:
The advocates of individualism, structuralism and srructurarion
theory have all done a poor job of specifying the conditions under
which their claims about rhe relationship of agency and social struc
ture would be falsified. (Wendt and Shapiro 1997: 181)
Putting to one side the problems of Popperian falsificationalism dealt
with in Chapter 2, here again we see direct appeal ro rhe possibility of
an episternological refuration of ontological propositions. A similar con
flation underpins Wendt's prescriptive suggestion that 'ontology talk is
necessary, but we should also be looking for ways ro translate it inro
propositions that might be adjudicared empirically' (1999: 37). If only
this were possible. When, as Wendt himself notes, ontological sensiriv
ities inform what is 'seeri' in the first place and, for realists, provide rhe
key to peering through the mists of the ephemeral and rhe superficial to
the structured reality beneath, the idea that ontological claims as to what
exists can be adjudicated empirically is rendered deeply suspecr. Quite
simply, perspectives on rhe question of structure and agency cannor be
falsified - for they make no necessary empirical claim. Ir is for precisely
this reason that logical positivists (like many Popper lans) reject as mean
ingless ontological claims such as those upon which realism and struc
turation theory are premised.
The danger of assuming an ultimate empirical court within which
ontological claims might be adjudicated is revealed if we consider rhe
ultra-structuralist theory of predestination. There is perhaps no more
extreme position on rhe structure-agency spectrum than the theory of
predestination - rhe view that all evenrs, however mundane and
Beyond Structure versus Agency, Context versus Conduct 93
ephemeral, represent the unfolding of a preordained, inexorable and
immutable historical path. The point is rhat there is no empirical evi
dence capable of refuting such a theory, True, a proponent of predesti
nation might falsely predict a particular political outcome, yet this would
constiture not so much a refutation of predestination per se as of the
theorist's access ro its particular path. Similar points might be made of
social onrologies usually considered more plausible, including Wendt's
own 'rhiri' constructivism.
It is important, then, that we avoid claiming empiricallicence for onto
logical claims and assurnptions. Yet arguably more important still is that
we resist the rempration to present positions on the structure-agency
question as universal solutions for all social scientific dilernmas
whether ontological, epistemological or methodological. In particular,
social ontologies cannot be brought in ro resolve substantive empirical
disputes. Giddens' structuration theory can no more tell me who will
win the next US Presidential Election than the theory of predestination
can tell me whether my train will be on time tomorrow. The latter might
be able to tell me that the movements of trains is etched into the archae
ology of hisrorical time itself, just as the structuration theorist might rell
me that the next US Presidential Election will be won and lost in the
interaction berween political actors and the context in which they find
themselves. Neither is likely to be of much practical use to me, nor is it
likely to provide much consolation if m)' train is late and my preferred
candidare loses. Ir is irnportant, then, rhat we do not expect too much
frorn 'solutions' ro the 'problern' of structure and agency.
Conceptualising structure and agency
Having established that while much is at stake in rhe agent-structure
debate, not everything is at stake, we are now in a position to review
more dispassionately the terms 'structure' and 'agency' rhernselves.
Ir is no exaggeration to suggest that the question o structure
and agency has troubled, concerned and occupied the attentions of
very many social scientists over the vears, Yet, as noted aboye, ir is
only relatively recently that it has been taken up by poltica! scientists
and international relations scholars, as both disciplines have gone
through more or less intensive processes o soul searching and have
begun again to ask rhe big questions. Structure and agency is one of rhe
Put most simply, the question of structure and agency is about the
explanation of social and political phenomena. It is about what is
94 Political Analysis
deemed to constitute a valid or adequate explanation of a political effect
or outcome; about what adequate political explanation entails.
If we look at how political phenornena ha ve traditionally been
explained, we can differentiate relatively easily between two types of
explanation: (i) those which appeal predominantly to what might be
called structural [actors on the one hand, and (ii) those which appeal
principally to agency (or agential) [actors on the other. If we are to do
so, however, we must firsr define our terms.
Structure basically means context and refers to the setting within
which social, political and economic events occur and acquire meaning.
Yet by appealing to a notion of structure to describe context or setting,
political scientists are implying something more. In particular, they are
referring to the ordered nature of social and political relations - ro the
fact that political institutions, practices, routines and conventions appear
ro exhibit some regularity or structure over time. To appeal to the notion
of structure to refer to political context may, then, not be ro assume very
much; but it is ro assume that political beha viour tends to be ordered.
At this point it is important to note that to refer to political behav
iour as ordered is not necessarily to imply that such behaviour is,
consequently, predictable. Nonetheless, as we shall see, the greater the
influence of structure, the more predicrable political behaviour is
assumed to be.
Here the analogy with the natural sciences is again informative. As
suggested in Chapter 2, the most fundamental premise of the larter is
that the physical world is ordered in such a way as to render outcomes
predictable given a few initial conditions and knowledge of the struc
turing principies of the universe. The purpose of the natural sciences is
to elucidate such universal and trans-historical governing axioms. Given
knowledge of these and a set of initial conditions (for instance, the
theory of gravity and the position and mass of an object to be dropped),
the outcome is (assumed to be) predictable." This is seldom the case
and seldom assumed to be the case (theories of predestination notwith
standing) - in the social sciences.' For although rhe social and political
context is structured, it is not structured in this ultimately deterrninant
sense. The reason for this, quite simply, is agency - a term which has no
obvious analogue in the natural sciences."
Agellcy refers to action, in our case to political conduct, Ir can de
defined, simply, as the ability or capacity of an actor to act consciously
and, in so doing, to attempt to realise his or her intentions. In the same
way that the notion of structure is not an entirely neutral synonym for
context, however, the notion of agency implies more than mere politi
cal action or conducto In particular, it irnplies a sense of free will, choice
or autonorny - that the actor could ha ve behaved differently and that
Beyond Stiucture versus Agellcy, Coutext versus Conduct 95
this choice between potential courses of action was, or at least could
ha ve been, subject to the actor's conscious deliberation.:' In this sense,
the term agency tends to be associated with a range of other concepts,
notably reflexivity (the ability of the actor to monitor consciously and
to reflect upon the consequences of previous action), rationa lity (rhe
capacity of rhe actor to select modes of conduct best likely to realise a
given set of preferences) and motivation (the desire and passion with
which an actor approaches the atternpt to realise a particular intention
or preference).
Set up in this way, the concepts of structure and agency rend to be
thought of as oppositional - the extent to which we appeal to agential
factors in a particular explanarion is the extent ro which we regard struc
tural factors as incidental and vice versa. As we shall see, however, this
need not necessarily be the case. For now, however, it is important that
we distinguish clearly between structural and agential explanations. An
; , ~ example might here prove instructive.
~ ~ i .
Consider the long-running controversy over rhe rnost effcctive means
to reduce (or, more realistically, ro stabilise) the rate of crime in con
temporary societies. The controversy invariably crystallises itself into
a dispute between, on the one hand, those advocating deterrent or
retributive forms of punishment and those, on the other, advocating
broadly redistributive or re-educative programmes and poJicies designed
to alleviate social depri vation and/or to resocialise the criminal into
society. In recent years, in countries as different in their political cultures
as Britain and South Africa, rhe debate has tended to focus around the
popular, if perhaps rather unhelpful, slogan 'tough on crime, tough on
the causes of crime'." Equally significant, however, was the comment,
associated in Britain with John Major, that when it comes to crime, we
should understand a little less and condemn a little more. Implicit within
both of these aphorisms is the notion thar those who choose ro 'under
stand' crime by offering causes for it tend ro attribute ir to socio
economic factors which, in some sense, the individual bears subcon
sciously. This, it is suggested, irnplies a 'softness' on crime itself. By con
trast, those who choose to 'understand rather less', preferring a more
immediate and intuitive notion of causation, focus instead upon the
direct responsibility and culpability of the criminal, thereby resisting the
('sociological') ternptation to 'explain away' or dissolve notions of moral
deviancy and individual guilt. For present purposes, suffice it to note
that the forrner places the emphasis upon structural facrors, the latter
upon agential facrors.
In sum, in rnost contexts a series of structural and agential factors
can be identified. Structural factors emphasise the context within which
political events, outcomes and effects occur - factors beyond the imme
./ V 1 UIUIUI/ 11.lIal)'SIS
diate control of the actors directly involved; whereas agential factors
ernphasise the conduct of the actors directly involved - implying rhat it
is their behaviour, their conduct, their agency that is responsible for the
effects and outcomes we observe and are interested in explaining. The
specific blend of factors we choose ro appeal to will retlect the analyti
cal questions we pose of the contexts which interest uso But those ques
tions should not be considered theoretically neutral. Those predisposed
ro structural explanations will tend to pose questions which lend thern
selves ro the appeal to structural factors, just as those predisposed to
more agential explanations wl! tend to frame their inquiries n such a
way as to seleet for more agency-centrcd accounts.
Operationalising structure and agency: the rise of
fascism in Germany in the 1930s
Having examned the terms estructure' and 'agency' n sorne detail, it
s instructive ro turn, for a more derailcd exposirion, ro a specific
Consder the rse of fascism in Germany in the 1930s. In this partic
ular case, the contrast between structural and agental factors and asso
ciated explanations s srark. Consder first the strucrural or contextual
factors appealed to in accounts of the rise of fascism n Germany in the
1930s (summarsed in Table 3.1).
These fall, fairly clearly, into three categories, though they are by no
means mutually exclusve. First, a number of accounts place consider
able emphasise upon the immediate socal and econornic context,
argung that it was only under condtions such as those that Germany
experienced n the 1930s that fascsm could arise, and that rhis explains
ro a signficant extent the appeal of Nazism at the time. Such explana
tions tend to appeal to the interna! economc, socal and polirical
tensions and contradctions of the \'(1emar regme. Over time rhese con
densed to precipitate a widespread sense of a st atc, economic and gov
ernmental crisis. This, in turn, predisposed rhe German population ro a
decisive rejection of the seemingly crisis-prone ruling ideas of the time
and, in particular, to a dramatic and populist move ro the right which
sought ro punish the failings of a now delegitimated liberal-left estab
lishrnenr, Note, however, that although such a form of explanation
might account for a significant change in the political sensitivites of
everyday Germans, facilitating fascist mobilisation, t cannot, in itself,
explain the form that fascism would take, nor indeed the capacity of the
fascists to appropriate strategica11y this 'poltical opportunity structure'
(Jenson 1995). This is, then, in essence a structural explanation in that
Beyund Structure versus Agency, Context versus Condltct 97
Table 3.1 Context and conduct, structure and agency in the
rise of [ascism in Germany
ExpLmatiolls emphasistng conductt
Explanations emphasising
1. Hitler himsell: the charismaric
1. Social and economic contcxt:
leadership of Hitler mobilised
the interna! contradictions of the
and duped the population into
Weimar regime and the widespread
an anti-sernitic arid xenophobic
sense of a governing crisis made
fascist mobilisation
the German population highly
susceptible ro a decisive move ro
2. Groundswell resistance ro
the righr which soughr ro punish Weimar: in the political vacuum
:c rhe failings of rhe liberal-leEr following rhe demise of Weimar
esrablishment and the failure of the
Comrnunists ro seize rhe
2. Cultural context: a pervasive,
mornent, fascisr rendencies and
deep-seated and distinctly German
groupings organised rhemselves
tradition of anti-Semirism
with considerable strategic skill,
pathologically predisposed thc
rhereby crysrallising and
German popularion to fascisr
mobilising a popular and
poplllisr groundswell of
3. Historical context: rhe lingering resisrance capable, evenrually, of
legacy of defcat in 1918 predisposed
seizing the stare apparatus
rhe German pcoplc ro rhe prornise
of military and economic ascendancy
offered by rhe Nazis
the context is seen to conditian, if not entirely determine, the outcorne.
Given the context, the outcome was likely if not perhaps inevitable.
Modes of analysis like this seek ro establish the conditions under iobich
particular outcornes become possible, even probable. To derive any
greater predictive capacity from them would be ro assume that actors
are little more than simple extensions of their environment. This is but
a small step from the ultra-determinist philosophy of predestination.
A second set of authors emphasise not so much the historical specificity
of post-Weimar Germany, so much as the distinctiveness, indeed unique
ness, of German culture over a rather more extended period of time. Thus
a currently extremely fashionable account emphasises the context pro
vided by German culture and, in particular, German anti-Semitism. This
reading is associated in particular with Daniel Goldhagen's highly
emotive and deeply controversial book, Hitler's Willing ExeclItiollers
(1996) _ a book which began life as a Harvard PhD thesis and which has
subsequently won its author a succession of accolades, fram the Ameri
98 Political Analysis
can Political Science Associatiori's prestigious Gabriel A. Almond Prize in
comparative politics ro the Blatter [r deutscbe und internationale
Politik's Democracy Prize (awarded last in 1990).
Ir is important to note, however, that Goldhagen's work is not a direct
attempt ro explain the rise of fascism in the 1930s. Rather, he seeks
to establish the motivations underpinning the perpetration of the
Holocaust, an act of unprecedented barbarism and 'a radical break with
everything know in human history' (1996: 4). The perpetration of the
Holocaust by Germans, he argues, 'rnarked their departure from the
cornmunity of civilised people' (1996: 419). Coldhageri's thesis can be
summarised as follows. Germany was, for sorne centuries prior to the
Nazi years, permeated by a particularly radical and vicious brand of
anti-Sernitisrn whose ultimare historical aim was the elimination of the
]ews. This 'viral' and increasingly virulent strain of anti-Sernitism,
'resided ultimately in the heart of German political culture, in German
society itself (1996: 428). Indeed, by the end of the nineteenth century,
'eliminationist anti-Semitism' (23-4) had come to dominate the German
political scene; the Nazi machine only translated this ideology into a
reality. The Holocaust, then, must be seen not so much as the product
of Nazism, but as the culrnination of an eliminationist anti-Sernitisrn
which long pre-dared fascism and was actively embraced by 'ordinary
Germans', willing executors of Hitler's wil!. They had no need of special
orders, coercion or pressure because their (distinctly German) 'cognitive
rnodels' showed them that the ]ewish people were 'ultimately fit only ro
suffer and die' (316).
In sum, for Goldhagen, a pervasive, deep-seated and distinctively
German tradition of anti-Semitism made the German public peculiarly,
indeed pathologically, indined to fascist mobilisation. Goldhagen's
book, as noted aboye, is by no means uncontroversial (see, inter alia,
Birn 1997; Finkelstein 1997; Shandley 1998; Stern 1996; and, for
responses, Goldhagen 1997, 1998). Nor, for that matter, is it unprob
lematic. One might, for instance, point to other pervasive traditions of
anri-Sernitism in European countries in which Fascism did not take hold,
to subjects other than the ]ewish people against which a similar bar
barism was perpetrated and to the direct participation of non-German
subjects in the prosecution of the Holocaust. Yet whether or not his
thesis is accepted, one thing is c1ear: this is a quite unambiguously con
textual or structural explanation. Fascism, for Goldhagen, was in the
most fundamental sense an expression of a pervasive yet, until then,
repressed or larent but ultimately 'eliminationisr' anti-Sernitisrn waiting
to find an explicit political voice. Consequently, rhe cultural context was
a necessary (though, again, not in itself sufficient) condition of fascism
and, indeed, the Holocaust.
Beyond Structure versus Agency, Context versus Conduct 99
Given the controversy which has come to surround Goldhagen's book
- a controversy which at one point threatened to spill over into the
courts - it is perhaps important to pay just a little more attention to the
argument itself. For in cerrain key respects the widely identified weak
nesses in the text derive from confusions over the question of structure
and agency. Goldhagen's ostensible purpose is entirely laudable. It is
ro restare the conscious human subject to the perpetration of the
Holocaust - in short, to restore a notion of human agency to a set of
atrocities for too long accounted for in (comfortingly) structural terms.
The deep irony, then, is that the logic of his thesis in fact largely serves
to absolve German subjects of culpability for an act of barbarism he
regards as at least latent in an 'exceptional' and 'elirninationist' anti
Semitism that pre-dates the rise of Fascism. If Hitler's willing execu
tioners were indeed products of their (German cultural) environment,
we must assume they could not have acted differently. Accordingly, they
cannot be held culpable or even accountable for their actions. If, on the
other hand, they were conscious, reflexive strategic actors who could
~ ; . . .
have beha ved differently but chose instead ro indulge themselves in an
orgy of violence, then their German identity is of no conceivable rel
evance. Goldhagen seems to dissolve the notion of human agency and
subjectivity upon which notions of moral responsibility and culpability
must surely be premised. The problem, to be c1ear, is not so much
Goldhagen's tacit structuralisrn, but his inconsistency on the question of
structure and agency - his vacillation between, on the one hand, an
essentially contextual explanation of the Holocaust and, on the other,
one which would attribute responsibility directly ro the actors immedi
ately implicated (for a more detailed exposition, see Hay 2000b).
As Norman Finkelstein notes:
If Goldhagen's thesis is correct ... Germans bear no individual or, for
that rnatter, collective guilt. After all, German culture was 'radically
different' from ours. It shared none of our basic values. Killing ]ews
could accordingly be done in 'good conscience', Germans perceived
]ews the way we perceive raaches. They did not know better, They
could not know better ... Touted as a searing indictment of Germans,
Goldhagen's thesis is, in fact, their perfect alibi. Who can condemn a
'crazy' people? (1997: 44)
If Goldhagen does indeed provide an unwitting alibi for Hitler's willing
accomplices, then it is nonetheless crucial ro note that he resolutely
resists the logic of Finkelsteiri's move. That move - to reconceptualise
the perpetrarors not as exceptional characters (though everyday
Germans) but as entirely unexceptional modern subjects, people like
ourselves - Goldhagen categorically rejects, This is unsurprising. For it
1 VV routicat Anatysts
is an extrernely disturbing move to make and one not easily accom
plished in a work dedicated as an act of remembrance. Yet, if we are ro
come to terms with the Holocaust, and to assess its consequences for
contemporary societies, we must surely pose the disturbing question of
the latent potential for atrocities like the Holocaust in modernity itself.
As Finkelstein again notes, 'lurid as Goldhagen's account is, the lesson
[it] finally teaches us is ... remarkably complacent: normal people - and
most people, after all, are normal - would not do such things' (1997:
86). This contrasts sharply with the view of Primo Levi (hirnself an
Auschwitz survivor): 'we must remember [that] the diligent executors of
inhuman orders were not born torturers, were not (with few exceptions)
monsters: they were ordinary men [and women]' (1965: 214).
A third, and altogerher less controversia], set of structural explana
tions for the rise of fascism appeals neither to the immediate context of
Weimar, nor ro what are regarded as the historical specificiries of Ger
manic culture, but ro the legacy of defeat in 1918. Here the humiliating
terrns of the peace settlement 100m large. A pervasive sense of economic
crisis and decline together with the continuing ignominy of defeat in
1918, it is argued, made the German public prone to the promise of mili
tary and economic recovery and global ascendancy offered by the Nazis.
Turning to the more familiar agential explanations (again, see Table
3.1), we find two prominent, if rather different accounts.
The first emphasises Hitler himself. For many authors, the rise of
fascism in Germany in the 1930s is unimaginable and hence inexpli
cable without appeal to the character of Hitler. The contextual factors
are incidental. The argument is elegant in its simplicity. Exceptional out
comes require exceptional explanations. Consequently, what Goldhagen
attributes ro rhe exceptional nature of German anti-Semitism, other
authors trace instead ro the exceptional personal attributes of Hitler. The
latter's charismatic leadership, it is argued, is the decisive factor of the
mobilisation of the German population behind a nationalist, anti-Semitic
and xenophobic ideology. This is, as clear as you get, an agential
Other agency-cenrred explanations draw their analytical brushstrokes
more broadly, also arguing that history is made by conscious actors, but
now drawing attention to a more extensive casto Here the ernphasis is
placed on popular resistance. In the political vacuum following the
demise of Weimar and the subsequent failure of the Communists to seize
the moment, fascist tendencies and groupings came to mobilise a popular
and populist groundswell of resistance, eventually seizing the state appa
While the focus of this latter explanation is still, essentially, agential,
it is quite clear that significant appeal is here made ro the context in
Beyond Structurc i-ersus Agcnc)', Coutcxt l'crSIIS Conduct 101
which specific agential factors came to acquire significance. Timing arid
the precise sequencing of events, is here crucial. The window of oppor
runiry for fascist mobilisation may welI have been small (an assumption
which could only be defended through more sustained contextua! ana ly
sis). Nonetheless, what is distinctive about this form of analysis is thar
it places the emphasis not upon the 'political opportunity structure' itself
so much as the capacity of strategic actors to seize the opportunity with
which they were presented.
Interestingly, this suggests that rather different standards of explana
tion are invoked by different authors and, more significant1y, that these
might depend upon prior ontological sensitivities. Thus, those more
predisposed to structural explanations may define their analytical
and explanatory task as one of seeking to establish the conditions under
which a particular set of events might arise, while those predisposed
ro a more agential account might regard rheir task as that of elucidar
ing the srrategies required to realise a set of preferences within a
given set of conditions. What this also suggests is that structural and
agential factors need not be seen as oppositional. Indeed, it suggests
the potential utility of seeking to combine the analysis of structure and
agency and of recognising the complex interplay between the two in
any given situation. Ir is ro attempts to do precisely this that we turn
presently. For now, however, it is important that we establish in rather
greater detail the limitations of overly structural and overly agential
Positions in the structure-agency debate
As noted in the introduction to this chapter, there has been something
of a (re)discovery and (rejturn to the question of structure and agency
in political analysis in recent years. This has been accompanied by a
quite conscious and concerted attempt to move beyond the widely iden
tified limitations of the structural and agential extremes to which social
and political theories seemed inexorably drawn in the 1970s. In this
sense, and this sense alone, the renewed concern with the relation
shi p between srructure and agency has been impressi vely consensual.
Scholars in political science and international relations have rounded on
both structuralist and intentionalist rendencies with one voice (see, for
instance, Adler 1997; Carlsnaes 1992; Cerny 1990; DessIer 1989; Kenny
and Smith 1997; M. J. Smith 1998, 1999; Suganami 1999; Wendt 1987
and, for a review, Hay 1995b). In so doing they have drawn extensively
and quite explicitly upon a prior strand of sociological and social theo
retical work (see, for instance, Alexander 1988, 1989, 1995; Archer
102 Political Analysis
1989, 1995; Bhaskar 1979, 1989, 1994; Bourdieu 1977, 1984, 1991;
Giddens 1979, 1984). If we are, then, to understand the contemporary
debate, it is first crucial that we identify what has been seen so trouble
sorne about structuralist and intentionalist perspectives.
Ir is perhaps appropriate that we begin with the private language
in which such discussions have tended to be couched. Those positions
and bodies of theory that consistently privilege structural or contextua]
factor s are referred to as structuralist; those that consistently privilege
agential factors as intentionalist or uoluntarist, Consider each in turno
Structuralism is the explanation of political effects, outcomes and events
exclusively in terrns of structural or contextual factors. By such a defi
nition, few if any pure forms of structuralism persisto Nonetheless, the
, ~ ,
ter m is widely deployed to point to the marginalisation of actors and
agency in social and political analysis. As I have elsewhere noted, used
in such a way structuralism is little more than a term of abuse (Hay
1995b: 193). To ada pt Terry Eagleton's characteristically memorable
phrase, nobody would claim that their own thinking was structuralist,
'just as noone would habitually refer to themselves as Fatso'. Struc
turalism 'like halitosis is what the other person has' (1991: 2).
Yet despite the bad odour that the term now seems to convey, struc
turalist tendencies have by no means been totally excised from political
science and international relations. Thus, although rarely explicitly iden
tified and defended as structuraltst, structuralism lives on in various
forms of systems theory. Such approaches seek to account for regulari
ties in observed patterns of political behaviour (for instance, the behav
, ~
iour of states within an international system) by appeal to the operation <ro
of systemic logics (logics operating at the level of the system as a whole).
In so far as these logics are seen ro operate in sorne sense independently . ~ i
of - and over the heads of - the actors themselves, recourse is being
made to a structuralist mode of argumento Within international relations
theory, neo- or structural realism and world systems theory might both
be regarded as systemic in this sense (on the former see Buzan, Jones
and Little 1993; Waltz 1979: 38-59; Wendt 1999: 11-12; and, on the
latter, Hopkins and Wallerstein 1980, 1983; Wallerstein 1974, 1980,
1989; for a useful critique, Hobden 1999).
Moreover, in a related if nonetheless distinct sense, the now familiar
appeal to notions like globalisation itself frequently implies a form of
structuralism. For, insofar as globalisation is seen to imply a develop
mentallogic unfolding over time in a largely irreversible fashion, and in
so far as such a logic is seen as circumscribing the parameters of what
Beyond Structure versus Agency, Context versus Conduct 103
is possible politically and economically, the analysis is structuralist
(for instance, Barnet and Cavanagh 1994; O'Brien 1992; Ohmae 1990,
1995; Teeple 1995). The same might be said more generally of all
appeals to seemingly inexorable 'processes without subjects' (Hay
1999b; Hay and Marsh 2000; Wincott 2000) or, as Peter J. Taylor
has it, '-isations' (2000).
Yet this by no means exhausts the prevalcnce of structuralist tenden
cies within contemporary political analysis. Structuralism lurks in the
most unlikely places. For, as hinted at in Chapter 4, even the most osten
sibly agency-centred accounts, such as rational choice theory, often rely
upon an implicit and underlying structuralism. Thus, although the form
of rational choice is clearly agent-centred in the emphasis it places upon
individual choice, its form is nonetheless inherently structuralist.
The paradoxical structuralism of rational choice
This potentially paradoxical remark perhaps requires sorne explanation.
The point is, in essence, a simple one. The most basic assumption upon
which rational choice theory is premised is that individuals are egoistic
and self-regarding utility-maximisers who behave rationally in pursuit
of their preferences. Moreover, in most cases these actors are assumed
to have perfect (or near-perfect) knowledge of the environment in which
they find themselves. Additionally, in any particular situation there is
only one rational course of action consistent with a specific preference
seto Consequently, if the actor is indeed 'the very model of a modern
individual' (Hollis 1998: 16), then she or he will behave in any given
situation in a manner determined (and thereby rendered predictable) by
the context itself.
The implications of this are clear. We need know nothing about the
actor to predict the outcome of political behaviour. For it is independent
of the actor in question. Indeed, it is precisely this which gives ratio
nalist modes of explanation their (much cherished) predictive capacity.
While it may seem somewhat perverse to detect in rational choice
theory a basic structuralism, this is by no means as contentious as it
rnight at first seem. For one of its principal protagonists, George Tse
belis, notes precisely this paradox:
That the rational-choice approach is unconcerned with individuals
seems paradoxical. The reason for this paradox is simple: individual
action is assumed to be an optimal adaptation to an institutional
environment, and the interaction between individuals is assumed to
be an optimal response to one another. Therefore, the prevailing
institutions (rules of the game) determine the behaviour of the actors,
lU'+ r ottttcat Analys/s
which in turn produces political or social outcomes. (1990: 4, empha
sis mine)
Yet this is not just any form of structuralism. In one key respect it is a
highly unusual form of structuralism. For whereas, conventionally, struc
turalisrn is associated with the claim that the actor is a prisoner of her
environment, in rational choice theory (as the name would perhaps
imply), the actor is deemed autonornous and free 1'0 choose - if only 1'0
choose the sole 'rational' option in any given contexto Ir is this, in the
end, thar is the genuine paradox. Yet, it should be noted, it is in the
conflation of choice and structural determination which this paradox
implies that rational choice theory's particular appeal resides. For it
allows rationalists 1'0 deal (ostensibly) with questions of choice and
agency, which would norrnally entail sorne recognition of the indeter
minacy of political outcomes, without ever having ro concede the open
ended nature of political processes. In short, ir allows a quasi-natural
scientific notion of prediction 1'0 be retained despite the theoretical incor
poration of human agency, for which there is no natural scientific ana
logue. In the end, however, this is a facade, For what sense does it make
1'0 speak of a rational actor's choice in a context which is assumed ro
provide only one rational option? This is rather reminiscent of Henry
Ford's (no doubt apocryphal) comment abour the Model T, 'you can
have any colour you like, so long as it's black',
This final observarion raises a crucial issue, one we have thus far
tiptoed cautiously around. Since there is no analogue of human agency
in the natural sciences," structuralism might be seen 1'0 have strong affini
ties with naturalism." While structuralists have certainly not held a
monopoly on claims 1'0 a naturalist mandate for their 'scienriic' con
clusions, there is surely sorne substance 1'0 this connection. For in systems
theory, as in rationalist approaches, the social sciences most closely
resemble their natural scientific role-models. If the utiliry of an aspirant
science is ro be judged in terms of its ability 1'0 formulate testable
hypotheses (predictions), then structuralism may hold the key 1'0 such a
scientific status. This is, of course, neither 1'0 suggest that the utility of
social and political rheories sbould be assessed in such terms, nor thar
there are not considerable difficulties in squeezing social scientific prob
lerns into analytical categories derived from the natural sciences. Ir is,
however, 1'0 suggest that naturalism may only be credible 1'0 those pre
pared 1'0 dispense with the notion of agency - whether explicitly (as in
systems theory) or (as in rational choice theory) by appeal 1'0 the fallacy
of fully determined free choice. If warranted, this makes the clear reti
cence of contemporary social and political theorists 1'0 label themselves
structuralist (Tsebelis' candour notwithstanding) somewhat surprising.
Beyond Structure versus Ageney, Context versus Conduct 105
The strueturalist tendencies of the new institutionafism
If rational choice theory is perhaps a rather unexpected, and largely
unacknowledged, devotee of structuralsm, then the same cannot be said
of the new institutionalism. In a sense the new institutionalisru's oft
remarked structuralism can be traced 1'0 its ver y origins as a response 1'0
and rejection of the society-centred or input-weighted theories which
had come 1'0 dominate political science (especially in the USA) since the
'behavioural revolution'. Where these emphasised the decision-making
capacity of actors 1'0 determine outcomes, the new institutionalism
emphasised the mediating and constraining role of the institutional
settings within which such outcomes were 1'0 be realised. The former's
tendencies 1'0 intentionalism were almost directly mirrored in the cor
rective structuralism of the latter. Indeed, the terrn 'institutionalism' itselr
implies such a certain strucruralism. For if institutions are structures then
institutionalism is a form of structuralism.
In this way, the new institutionalism emphasises the ordering (or struc
turing) of social and political relations in and through rhe operation of
institutions and institutional constraints. Such constraints operate in a
variety of ways and might be summarised as follows:
1. The 'density' of the existing institutional fabric in any given social
or political conrext renders established practices, processes ami ten
dencies difficult 1'0 reform and steer (P. Pierson 2000)
2. Institutions are normalising in rhe sense that they tend 1'0 embody
shared codes, rules and conventions, thereby imposing upon politi
cal subjects value-systems which may serve 1'0 constrain behaviour
(Brinton and Nee 1998: Part 1)
3. Institutions are also normalising in rhe sense that they may come 1'0
define logics of appropriate behaviour in a given institutional setting
1'0 which actors conform in anticipation of the sanctions or oppro
brium 1'0 which non-compliance is likely 1'0 give rise (March and
Olsen 1984, 1989)
4. Institutions serve 1'0 embody sets of ideas about that which is pos
sible, feasible and desirable and the means, tools and techniques
appropriate ro realise a given set of policy goals (Hall 1989, 1993)
5. Institutional creation may be constrained by a reliance upon exist
ing institutional templates (DiMaggio and Powell 1991).
In the emphasis it places on each of these mechanisms of instirutional
constraint, the new institutionalism might be regarded as structuralist.
This structuralism, however, is somewhat softer and more flexible than
that of rational choice theory and has been tempered somewhat since
the initial attempts 1'0 'bring the state back into' poltical analysis in the
106 Political Analysis
1980s (for instance, Evans, Rueschemeyer and Skocpol 1985). Indeed,
the question of the relationship between structure and agency has
emerged as a key focus of analytical attention in recent years among his
torical institutionalists in particular (Hall and Taylor 1998; Thelen 1999;
Thelen and Steinmo 1992: 7-9; see also Hay and Wincott 1998; Hay
The notion of structure to which it appeals is also distinctive aud
worthy of cornment. In all of the positions we have thus far considered
structures are principally appealed to as material factors constraining
behaviour. Yet institutionalism, like constructivism, draws attention to
the intersubjectiue nature of structure and hence to the role of agents in
the constitution of the very contexts within which their political conduct
occurs and acquires significance. Even if the explanatory weight tends
to be placed upon the structures thereby created, this already implies a
rather more cornplex view of the relationship between structure and
agency than we have thus far seen. This is nowhere more clear than in
rhe appeal to institutions in political explanation. For institutions tend
to be defined in terms of rules, norms and conventions (Hall 1986: 6;
March and Olsen 1984, 1989). In so far as such rules and conventions
are upheld without the resort to force, sanctions or other forms of direct
imposition and constraint, such institutions are intersubjective. They
emerge and evolve out of human behaviour. The new institurionalisrn,
particularly in its more historical and sociological variants, thus tends
to replace rational choice theory's 'logic of calculus' with a 'Iogic of
appropriateness'.9 Conduct is context-dependent not because it is
rational, in pursuit of a given set of preferences, for actors to behave
in a particular manner in a given context, but because it becomes habit
ual so to do. In this way, the parameters of the possible become con
fined through the emergence of (intersubjective) habits and norms and
their reinforcement over time such that rituals beco me normalised
(DiMaggio and Powell 1991). We behave the way we do beca use we
have become habituated to behaving in particular ways in particular
contexts and because it is difficult and potentially risky, as a conse
quence, to imagine ourselves behaving in any other way. Context
dependent norrns of behaviour thus emerge to which, by and large, we
conform out of ha bit and of our own volition. In essence, we beco me
self-constraining, as we put on a jacket on a hot summer's day to go to
a meeting or troop en masse to the canteen on the stroke of 1 p.m. when
it might be rather more 'rational' to dress in keeping with the weather
and to stagger our lunch breaks.
For institutionalists, then, it is unremarkable that policy-makers in a
Keynesian treasury department or finance ministry will tend to confine
themselves to thoughts and policy proposals consistent with that
Beyond Structure versus Agellcy, Context versus Conduct 107
Keynesian orthodoxy, even when a more utility-rnaximising course
might be open to them (Hall 1989, 1993). While it might well be ratio
nal to consider and, arguably, to pursue different policy solutions, utility
maximisation has lttle or nothing to do with it. Until such time as an
economic paradigm such as Keynesianism reveals itself inca pable of
throwing up 'solutions' to the policy dilemmas its implementation
periodically generates - until, in short, its crisis is announced - it is
likely to circumscribe the parameters of policy choice (Hay 2001 j.
It is in this emphasis upon institutions as constraining the parameters
of political possibility that the new institutionalism's strengths and weak
nesses lie. On the positive side, it is highly sensitive to the difficulties in
bringing about significant institutional and prograrnmatic change and
to the irreversibility of paths once taken. Yet, on the negative side of the
balance sheet, its ability to account for the degree of institutional change
that is observed is rather limited. Precisely by virtue of the ernphasis it
places on processes of institutionalisation and normalisation, then, it is
far better at accounting for institutional stability than it is institutional
Critiques of structuralism
That structuralism, like halitosis, is something the other theorist exhi
bits is testament to the barrage of critiques to which it has been exposed
over the years." Nonetheless, as we shall see, while there may be good
reasons for exercising a preference for views of the structure-agency
relationship other than structuralism, the conventional critiques are less
than totally devastating. Moreover, they tend to be critiques of a rather
more totalising and debilitating form of structuralism than that which
characterises either rational choice theory or the new institutionalism.
Four common challenges are worthy of particular attention.
The first is little more than an expression of exasperation. Structural
ism here stands accused of a systematic failure to acknowledge the influ
ence of actors (individual or collective) upon the course of political
events, In the last instance, the detractors and critics argue, it is actors
that make history. Without them nothing changes; without thern there
is nothing to explain. An account which argues that political subjects
simply make no difference is, then, nonsensical.
We might well empathise with the sentiments expressed here. Yet that
such a critique is somewhat less than devastating is not difficult to see.
For, quite simply, this is a charge to which any genuine structuralist could
quite happily plead guilty. Structuralism fails to acknowledge the influ
ence of actors upon events beca use, for structuralists, almost by defin
tion, actors have no (independent causal) influence upon events. Agency
1 uo r outtcat AnalYS1S
is merely a medium through which structural logics unfold over
time. To this there is simply no response, save to reiterate the alternate
view. This is less a critique of structuralism than a tracing of its logical
A second, related, criticism takes us a little further. Here it is suggested
that structuralism presents the depressing image of a world populated
by mere autornatons whose behaviour is entirely predictable given
the context in which they find themselves. Human subjects, in such a
schema, are little more than functional relays for processes which are
beyond their control, influence or comprehension. Exasperating though
this may be for the critic (who fails ro recognise this as a description of
her experience), the critique do es nor stop here. Rather it seeks to trace
the implications of such an assertion. In particular, it is noted, such
an essentially hollow conception of human subjectivity is incapable of
recognising any difference between, say, a fascist dictatorship whose
erher might be penetrated to a considerable extent by processes of
ideological indoctrination and social control and a liberal democracy
in which the subject might be regarded as enjoying a rather greater
degree of autonomy.
Two points might here be noted. First, this may indeed be a logical
implication of the ultra-structuralist position. On such a reading there
is nothing (or precious little) to choose berween a fascist dictatorship
and a liberal democracy in terms of the autonorny they accord the
subject. Note, however, rhat this is only a problern for those who suggest
that there is - those who hold out the prospect of actors reclaiming their
freedorn from the structural prison house they currently inhabir. For a
genuine structuralist, neither condition is likely to be satisfied. Conse
quently, while this line of critique may again draw out the implications
of an ultra-structuralism and might, as such, motivate a normative rejec
tion of structuralism it, too, is less than totally devastating.
Relatedly, structuralism stands accused of (often unwittingly)
promoting fatalisrn and passivity. For if the course of human history is
ultimarely pre-destined and pre-determined, then it makes no difference
whar we (as mere agents) do. Consequently, we might as well sit back
and wait for the inevitable unfolding of history's inner logic. The irony,
of course, is that by so doing the anticipated future might be put on per
manent hold. If the transition from capitalism is inevitable, then there
is no need to devote ourselves to the promotion of a revolution whose
form, function and (perhaps) date is etched into the archaeology of his
torical time. A confidence in historical teleology!' simply leaves no room
for political intervention. Here again, the only problem is one of con
sistency. In so far as authors who espouse a teleological view of history
subscribe also to a notion of transformati ve political agency, they are
Beyond Structure JlerSIIS Agency, Context l'erSIIS Conduct 109
committing a logical fallacy. This is not likely to be a problern for pure
structuralists, however dull their political lives, as a consequence, rnight
Finally, and perhaps of rather greater significance, many authors
suggest that there is a fundamental contradiction at rhe heart of the
structuralist position. Ir is simply stated. If the structuralist view were
indeed valid, could structuralisrn ever be expressed? Put differenrly,
if we are indeed all simply expressions of the structures we bear, how
could we hope to know? How, in particular, is it rhat structuralist
scholars, by climbing to a high perch in rhe ivory tower, can seemingly
gain a vantage point from which to observe the structures which con
strain the rest of us? In the end structuralism seems to rely on a patronis
ing distinction between the 'enlightened' theorist and rhe rest of us
which is logically inconsistent. This is a point to which we return in
discussing Steven Lukes' 'three-dimensional' conception of power in
Chapter 5.
This final line of critique does rather more damage to the structural
ist position than the others combined. Once again, it points to a problem
of inconsistency. If, as for purist structuralists, human subjects are prod
ucts of their environment to the extent to which the ideas they hold are
not their own but those they imbibe from rhe context in which they find
themselves (as, for instance, in Althusser 1971), then what capacity does
this give the structuralist to analyse rhe process? In short, unless the
structuralist ideology critic is accorded rather greater autonomy, agency
and insight than the rest of us (a proposition inconsistent with a struc
turalist ontology), then we should surely dismiss her theories as the
product of a consciousness no less distorted than our own. What this
suggests, in the end, is the difficulties of apure and logically consistent
structuralism. Note, however, that this is not the basis for a refutation
of structuralism per se - merely particular forms of structuralism (those
which imply a privileged position for the critic). The structuralist ontol
ogy may well be 'correct'. But, we can only hope that it is noto For if it
is, there is precious little than we can hope to say abour rhe environ
ment in which we find ourselves.
While the exasperation which the aboye critiques express has tended to
put pay to the open declaration and defence of structuralism, its antithe
sis - intentionalism (or voluntarisrn] - has survived the years rather
The term 'intentionalisrn' itself implies that actors are able ro realise
their intentions, Accordingly, we can explain political outcomes simply
110 Political Analysis
by referring to the intentions of the actors directly implicated. Inten
tionalists tend to view the social and political world from the perspec
tive of the participants in social and political processes, climbing down
from their high perch in the ivory tower to adopt a position somewhat
closer to the action. Like structuralism, intentionalism presents a simple
view of the relationship between structure and agency. For, in the same
way that pure structuralism effectively dispenses with agency, so pure
intentionalism disavows notions of structure.
The concepts of structure, constraint and context are, then, largely
absent from such accounts. Instead, intentionalists tend to take issues of
social and political interaction at face value, 'constructing explanations
out of the direct intentions, motivations and self-understandings of rhe
acrors involved and using explanatory concepts which the actors thern
selves might use to account for their actions' (Hay 1995b: 195). The
world, it is argued, presents itself to us as really it is and should, con
sequently, be conceptualised in such terms. There is no need to import
complex theoretical abstractions such as those associated with more
structuralist analytical strategies.
The result is a form of analysis which tends to be highly descriptive.
Ir is rich on detail; low on explanation. An intentionalist account of
the reform of European social democratic parties in recent years, for
instance, might adopt a 'fly on the wall' approach to the internal work
ings of such parties in developing a detailed account of this 'moderni
sation' process. Ir is less likely to account for the (perceived) need for
modernisation in the first place or to situate it in terms of any broader
context allowing wider lessons to be drawn.
Like structuralisrn, however, virtually no pure forms of intentionalisrn
persist ro the present day. J2 Intentionalism is perhaps best seen as a ten
dency present in certain modes of analysis rather than as a distinct and
clearly defended position in its own right. Ir is not difficult to see why.
For, without sorne conception of context it is almost impossible to deal
with the diHerential capacity of actors to influence political processes
and outcomes or, more prosaically still, to account for the inability of
actors to realise their intentions in contexts in which they simply lack
the resources to do so. Ir might be rather harsh, for instance, to attribute
the failure of any Green Party to win a national election in a liberal
democracy to purely agential factors.
Ir is perhaps not then surprising that most ostensibly intentionalist
forms of analysis tend to contain submerged assumptions about the
impact of context which rema in unacknowledged, undefended and un
interrogated. Thus, for instance, an agency-centred account of the
'rnodernisation' of European social democratic parties in recent years is
l \ ~
Beyond Structure versus Agenc)', Context versus Conduct 111
:!., likely to accord far greater significance to the actions of those holding
(structural) positions of power and authority within the party than to
random passengers on the Clapham Omnibus or the Paris Mtro. More
over, even where causal significance is attached (as well it might be) to
the ideas held by those on the Clapham mnibus or Paris Mtro, such
an appeal is likely to refer to the structuring of societal preferences. As
this example hopefully dernonstrares, it is an extrernely difficult exercise
to formulate an explanation for a given social and political outcome with
a lexicon restricted exclusively to agential terms. That this is so is due
in no small part to the fact thar aetors themselves routinely appeal to
the structured nature of their behaviour, their experience and the con
: t ~ ~ texts in which they find themselves.
A purist intentionalist might well at this point interject by noting that
the 'structure' routinely appealed to by aetors is, in fact, the behaviour
of others (or, at least, a consequence of the behaviour of others).
Nonetheless, even this represents a considerable concession. For, from
the perspective of the actor being considered (the prcferred vantage point
of the intentionalist, it should be recalled), the behaviour of others is
a relevant contextual factor. Ir is, after all, the anticipated response of
others, a factor beyond by control, thar leads me to put on a jacket for
the meeting or leave the office at 1 p.m. for the canteen. In this way, and
numerous others, the behaviour of others causes aetors to reconsider
what they would otherwise do. Yet, even were we to regard the appeal
to the structured behaviour of others as an agential factor, this does not
exhaust the analytical poverty of a narrowly intentionalist position. For
it does not deal with the fact that Lionel jospin, for instance, by virtue
of his structural position as leader of the Parti Soeialiste, could exert a
more direct influence over the course of the party's policy trajeetory than
any of his (not so similarly elevated) constituents.
Pure intentionalism tends to irnply a condition of near anarchy in
which all outcomes are entirely contingent upon the immediate conduct
of the direct participants and in which, consequently, all outcomes are
entirely indeterminent. Moreover, it would seern to imply, additionally,
that no particular actor is Iikely ro be able to exert any grcater influenee
than any other - or, more accurately, that insofar as certain actors'
conduct comes ro acquire greater significance this, in itself, is a contn
gent outcome. Again, however, it should be noted that even the seern
ingly most intentionalist accounts tend to shy away from this logic of
pure indeterminacy, just as structuralist accounts tend to shy away from
a logic of pure determination.
If intentionalism is best seen, then, as a tendency, it is important
to consider with what other tendencies it might be assoeiated. Two, in
- - .... ~ ..... ... .., ...... yJ.J
particular, might usefully be identified. The first of these is what mighr
be called chronocentrian or, more prosaically, presentism. Ir is the ten
dency to concentrate upon the present moment and, in so doing, to
remove thar mornenr frorn its historical context and, in particular, from
its relation to borh past and future. Ir is not difficult to see why inten
tionalism might tend to be associared with presentism. For if there is no
conception of contexr or structure and hence no notion of strategic
resources, strategic opportunities or strategic constraints, then there is
effectively no relationship between the past and the presento Without a
notion of the opportunities and constraints the past might bequeath
actors in the present, there is simply no need to historicise action _ nor,
for thar matter, any capacity to contextualise it historically. Similarly, if
the determinants of all political outcomes are contained in the instanr
in which political action occurs, then there is no legacy passed on into
the future (save, perhaps, for the memories of the actors themselves).
Consequently, a purely intentionalist account can say nothing a bout the
process of social and political change over time, sa ve that it is indeter
minant and explicable in purely intentional terms (a staternenr which
arnounts to no more than the reassertion of an ontological assumption).
The second tendency arises directly from the first. Ir is what might be
tenned contextual parochialism or what Richard Rose terrns 'false par
ticularisation' (1991: 450) - the tendency to restrict one's analysis to
a tightly specified situation, ro analyse thar situation in its own terms
and resolutely to resist the atternpt to draw general or even transferable
conclusions. I J In sorne respects chronocentrism is merely a particular
form of con textual parochialism in which the conrexr to be analysed is
specified temporally. Again, it is not difficult to see why intentionalism
should result in a reluctance to draw conclusions frorn one situation and
ro apply them to another. For, like sorne postmodernist strands, its logic
is that each and every event or occurrence must be understood in its own
terms, since the way in which actors behave in any given situarion is
both unique and unpredictable. Consequently, we can make no appea
to general concepts and there are no lessons ro be drawn frorn one
context to another.
Like structuralism, it would seem, pure intentionalism is extremely
Jimiting. Observations like those aboye have led many authors to suggest
thar if srructuralisr accounts tilr the stick too far towards the pole of
structure in the structure-agency relarionship, then intentionalism is
guilty of the converse, failing to consider both the structural constraints
on the ability of actors to realise their intentions and the structural con
sequences of their actions. Again, it is not so much wrong as profoundly
limited and limiting, confining and consigning political analysis to a
largely descriptive as opposed to an explanatory role.
Beyond Structure versus Agency, Context versus Conauct llJ
The centrality of structure and agency to
political explanation
The widely identified problerns - or, perhaps more accurately, limitations
- of both structuralism and intentionalism have suggested for many the
need ro move beyond these extremes to sorne middle ground (for perhaps
the most explicit starernent of this, see Adler 1997). What is required,
it is argued, is a mode of analysis (and corresponding social ontology)
capable of reconciling structural and agential factors within a single
explanation; an account which is neither structuralist nor intentionalist
yet an account which does not simply va cilla te between these two poles.
In recent years there has been a proliferation of contending accounts.
These we will review presently. Before doing so, however, it is first
important to establish sorne general principIes from the discussion thus
As the example of the rise of fascism in Germany in the 1930s
demonstrates well, concepts of structure and agency are implicit in
every explanation we offer. Consequently, we can benefit from render
ing them explicit and exposing them ro critical scrutiny. In so doing it
is, aboye all, consistency to which we must aspire. Yet we need to be
clear about what precisely is entailed - and what is not entailed - by
.,... consistency in this contexto As Martin Hollis and Steve Smith note, 'the
agent-structure problern is not settled by deciding what proportions to
put in the blender' (1990a: 393). By consistency, then, I do not have
in mind a particular proportion of structural and agential factors (say,
two parts agency for every one part structure) that must be appealed to
in any set of explanations which might be seen as sharing a common
'Consistency' here means something rather different. What it entails
is being able to dernonstrate how a common social ontology is applied
in each case considered and how this reveals the relative primacy of
structural or agential factors in a given situation, A social ontology, as
this makes clear, is not a guide to the correct proportion of structural
and agential ingredients in any adequate explanation. Ir is, instead, a
general statement of the manner in which agents are believed to appro
priate their context and the consequences of that appropriation for their
development as agents and for that of the context itself.
In seeking consistency in our appeal to the relationship between
structure and agency we can benefit from interrogating the explanations
we formulare by asking ourselves a series of questions (Box 3.1).
114 Political Anaiysis
Box 3.1 .nterrogating structure and agency in
poltica' ana.ysis
1. Have we identified an agent or agents?
2. Is our agent individual or collective?
3. If collective, can we account for how this collective agency has been
5. Have we contextualised our agent(s) within the broader context?
6. How relevant is the context we have chosen?
7. Are there other relevant contexts we have omitted?
Source: Adapted from Hay (1995b: 191).
The value of posing such questions can perhaps been seen if we consider
the example of globalisation (a topic which could well benefit from an
injection of analytical clarity). Consider the following staternent, famil
iar from borh the academic literature and the pronouncements of poli ti
cians on the subject:
Globalisation places pressures Oll uiestern states to rol! back their
welfare prouision.
Staternents such as this irnply a loosely articulated explanation for
welfare retrenchment along the lines, 'globalisation causes (or necessi
tates) welfare retrenchrnent'. Here, as is so often the case, globalisation
is invoked as a process without a subject; no agent is identified. Conse
. te:
quently, we fail to get beyond the first question. Yet if we seek to restore
' r ~ :
~ ; i
active subjects ro this hypothcsised process, its logic of inevitability is
rapidly tempered. Immediate progress, then, is made by replacing the
initial staternent with the following:
The ability of [oreign inuestors to moue capital and assets rapidly [rom
one national context to another undermines tbe state's capacity to
mise reuenue to [ulid tbe ioelfare state through corporate taxation.
. ~ .

Such a staternent has the clear benefit of identifying a series of agents
wirh the capacity to act; it also replaces the abstract and potentially
obfuscating appeal to globalisation with a rather more specific process.
Yet there is stillno direct attribution of causal agency to identifiable sub
jects. Moving further to restore actors to this process without a subject,
we might suggest a second modification:
The perception on the part o] many ioestern gouernments that
inuestors are mobile and ioill exit high taxation enuironinents has
Beyond Structure versus Agellcy, Context versus Conduct 115
driven a process of corp orate tax cutting, thereby undermining the
revenue basis o] the ioelfare state.
This is, once again, an improvement. We have now identified a rather
different set of potential actors rather closer to decisions relating to
welfare expenditure and we have introduced their perceptions into the
equation. It is but a short step from perceptions to actions. Yet we have
still not directly attributed welfare reform to identifiable subjecrs in a
genuinely causal fashion. One final step fully restores agency to the (now
considerably weakened) relationship between globalisation and welfare
Govemment X, acting on its belief that investors wil! leaue bigh
taxation enuironments [or lour-taxation enuironments, has reduced
the rate o] corporate tax, with consequent effects [or the reuenue basis
of the we/fare state.
This is by no means a neutral example. Indeed, there are many ways
of restoring a notion of agency to our initial staternent in such a way as
to identify different groups of significant actors and, no doubt, in
such a way as to retain a more direct relationship between globalisation
and welfare retrenchment. Now is not the place to review the argument
thar this relationship is, at best, a contingent one (though see Hay
21c). Suffice it to note that attempts, such as this, to restare notions
of agency to processes, like globalisation, without subjects, do serve to
problematise the logics of inevitability such processes are frequently seen
to imply,
Beyond structure versus agency
In recent years, as noted aboye, considerable attention has been devoted
to the question or 'problem' of structure and agency. Invariably that
attention has sought to diagnose the need for an approach to the ques
tion of structure and agency - in sorne accounts a 'solution' to the
'problem' - that transcends the unhelpful and polarising opposition of
structure and agency. This opposition or dualism, it is argued, has tended
to resolve itself into fruitless exchanges between structuralists and inten
tionalists. Here the ill-tempered debate, internal to Marxist theory,
between the humanist and historicist Marxism of E. P. Thompson on
the one hand and the structural Marxism of Louis Althusser is often seen
as emblematic (see, for instance, McAnulla 1999). The debate was ini
tiated by Thornpson, whose blistering ad hominem critique, The Poverty
o] Theory (1978) was provoked by the (alleged) 'structural super
- - .. .......... , ..
determinism' (Miliband 1970) of Althusser's anti-humanist Marxism
(Althusser 1969, 1971; Alrhusser and Balibar 1970).14 In what might be
seen as an ironic victory for the structuraiist view, Althusser's position
is defended not by its author but by a range of Althusserian sympathis
ers presumably allured and 'inrerpellated' by its seeming logic (princi
pally Anderson 1980; Hirst 1979; Nield and Seed 1979). Whether such
exchanges were genuinely representative of the state of Marxist thought
at the time is a moot point. For, arguably, the heat of the confrontation
itself drove rhe protagonists to adopt and ro seek to defend positions
somewhat more entrenched than those they held at the outset. More
over, however inf!uential, the work of Althusser was by no means rypical
of Marxism at the time, Iying, as it did, far to one end of the human
ism versus anti-humanism continuum. Nonerheless, it is perhaps fair to
suggest that the theoretical extremes of rhe time (wherher Althusser's
structural Marxism or the intentionalism of ethnomethodology) attrac
ted rather greater atrention (frorn proponents and derractors alike) than
the more densely populated but seldom explicitly defended middle
From the late 1970s onwards, however, things were to change as a
younger gene ration of social theorists sought to resist the centrifugal pull
of existing social theory. Principal among thern was Anthony Giddens
(then a recently appointed fellow of King's College, Cambridge, now
director of the London School of Economics). Giddens, and others
like him (notably Jeffrey Alexander, Margaret Archer, Roy Bhaskar,
Pierre Bourdieu and Piotr Sztompka), effectively argued rhat structural
ism and intentionalism had failed ro deal with the relationship between
structure and agency, by simply reducing one to the other, What was
required was a return ro rhe most basic of ontological principIes, those
concerning the relationship berween rhe actor and the context in which
she finJs herself.
On the basis of this 'return to ontology', we have seen a proliferation
of positions which alIow us ro move beyond structuralism and inren
tionalism, beyond the opposition of structure and agency. If, for struc
turalists, structure determines agency, and, for inrentionalists, agency
causes structure, then for rhis new group of authors, structure and
agency both inf!uence each other, Iudeed, rhey are inherently and
inexorably related and interrwined.
There is much on which these authors concur. This extends beyond a
shared critique of the theoretical poverty of structuralist aud intention
alist tendencies, ro the nature of the relationship berween conduct and
context, agency and structureY In short, each accepts the view that
agents are situated within a structured context which presents an uneven
distribution of opportunities and constraints ro them. Actors influence
Be)'ond Strllctllre lIerSIIS Agenc)', Context l'erSIIS LO/Ia/ler 11 I
the development of that context over time rhrough the consequences of
their actions. Yet, at any given time, the ability of actors to realise their
intentions is set by the context irsel.
Despite this cornmon ontological core, however, rhe precise view of

the relarionship between srructure and agency and the implications one
might draw from it for political analysis vary considerably from author
ro author, In the pages which follow, we concentrate on the two
approaches most frequently identified as 'solutions' ro rhe problem of
structure and agency, name1y Giddens' structllratioll theory and the
critical realism of Bhaskar and Archer. Through a critical engagement
with these highly influential positions, we establish a point of departure
for the preferred strategic-relatiollol np proach which is outlined and
defended in the rest of this volume.
Before doing so, however, it is perhaps first worth noting that Giddens,
Archer and Bhaskar were by no means the first ro suggest the utiliry of
a dynamic and dialectical unJerstanding of rhe re1ationship between
srructure and agency.
Ironically perhaps, given the structuralism more usually attributed
ro him (a smicruralism which certainly charaeterises many of his most
important works), it is Marx who, in the opening passage of The Eigh
teenth Brumaire o] Louis Bonaparte famously declares, 'rnen make their
own history, but not of their own free will; not under circumstances they
thernselves have chosen' (1852[1960]: 115). This brief passage, though
frequently cited, is often dismissed as unrepresentative of Marx's writ
ings along the lines that if YOl! write enough you wilI invariably srumble
across insights more profound rhan the scherna within which you are
working. This is to do Marx a considerable disservice. For while it would
perhaps be wrong to follow John-Paul Sartre in viewing this statement
as the central thesis of historical materialism itself (1968), it is far from
unrepresentative of Marx's historical writings. Indeed, similar sentiments
are expressed in the rhird of Marx's Theses 01/ Feuerbach of 1845,
perhaps his clearest denunciation of structuralism:
The materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and
upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by man and thar it
is essential ro educate the educator himself ... The coincidence of the
changing of circumstance and of human acrivity or self-changing can
be conceived and rationalIy understood only as reuollltio/wr)J practice
(1845[1975]: 422, emphasis in rhe original).
Tbe Theses, it should be noted, culminare in another of Marx's oft-cited
aphorisms which purs paid ro his image as a structuralist, 'the phi loso
phers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is ro
change it' (ibid.: 423, emphasis in the original).
118 Political Analysis
In each of these passages, Marx seems to be suggesting that while
agents do indeed fashion the world they inhabit (agency causes struc
ture), the context or circumstances in which this occurs affects rheir
ability to do so (structure constrains or conditions agency). It is precisely
this sense of the dynamic interplay of structure and agency over time
that authors like Giddens struggle - and, as we shall see, in certain
respects fail - to emulare. Arguably, the profusion of recent literature
notwithstanding, there is little to the question of structure and agency
which is not already well (even better) captured by Marx in the opening
paragraphs of rhe The Eighteenth Brumaire.
Giddens' theory of structuration
Whatever the rnerits of Marx's more humanist and historical writings,
it is without doubt Giddens who has done more than any contemporary
theorist to restore the question of structure and agency t centre stage.
His ambitious theory of structuration, deve!oped over many years,
has rightly led him t become the most influential social theorist of the
times, perhaps of the entire post-war periodo Giddens' formulation is,
as perhaps all social ontologies should be, appealing in its disarming
sirnplicity. He sets out t transcend the dualism of structure and agency
in existing social theory and, in so doing, sturnbles upon a logic to which
he can now attribute his considerable reputation. His approach to
such questions is essentially dialectical: he notes the opposition between
the entrenched positions which constitute the terms of a dualism, seeks
to demonstrate the poverty of each, and transcends the dualisrn by offer
ing a qualitative!y nove! 'third way'. Where there were dualisms,
Giddens sows the seeds of duality, Thus, where, in his most recent
work, Giddens sets out to transcend the dualism of old !eft and new
right, social democracy and Thatcherism, in forging a 'third way' (1998)
which claims t be 'beyond left and right' (1994), so in the theory of
structuration he proposes what might be seen as a 'third ontology'
beyond both structuralism and intentionalism (1976, 1979, 1981:
26-48, 1984).
As 1have e!sewhere noted, Giddens' aim 'has been t deve!op a hybrid
theory capable of reconciling, on the one hand, a focus on the structures
which are the very condition of social and political interaction, with, on
the other hand, a sensitivity to the intentionality, reflexivity, autonorny
and agency of actors' (Hay 1995b: 197). Structure and agency are, then,
for Giddens, internally re!ated or ontologically intertwined. They corn
prise a duality. The analogy he deploys is that of a coin: structure and
agency are opposite faces. The analogy is telling and has implications to
which we shall return presently. Note, however, that it implies an inter
nal rather than an external re!ationship between structure and agency
Beyond Structure versus Agency, Context versus Conduct 119
they are mutually dependent, indeed rnutually constitutive. This clearly
sets the theory of structuration apart from its structuralist and inten
tionalist precursors in which, at best, structure and agency are coins of
greatly unequal weights which periodically collide.
The keys ro Giddens' theoretical toolbox are the twin concepts struc
turation and the duality of structure. These are defined, in the useful
glossary to The Constitution of Society, in the following terms:
Duality of structure
Structure as the rnedium and outcorne of the
conduct it recursively organises; the structural
properties of social systems do not exist outside
of action but are chronically implicated in its
production and reproduction. (1984: 374)
The structuring of social relations across time
and space, in virtue of the duality of structure.
(1984: 376)
With the notion of structuration, Giddens extends the symbolic interac
tionists' emphasis upon the skilled accomplishment of everyday interac
tion (Goffman 1959, 1963, 1972) to the macro-leve], coming to conceive
of the dynamic reproduction of social structures over time as a skilled
accomplishment on the part of social actors. His focus is thus upon the
process of change, in which structure and agent are mutually and directly
implicated, rather than upon the context in which that change occurs or
upon the actors inhabiting that contexto This emphasis upon process is,
" , ~ ~
as we shall see, crucial to any attempt genuinely to transcend the dualism
of structure and agency as it is to the analysis of social and political
change (see Chapter 4). It is particularly central to the 'praxiological'
approach of Piotr Sztornpka which focuses particular attention upon the
, ~ , , :
interplay of agency, practice (or praxis) and what is terrned 'social
c ~ . becoming' (1991, 1993). As Giddens himself suggests, social processes
are 'brought about by the active constitutive ski lis of .. , historically
, . : ~ ~
located actors' and, he adds, 'not under conditions of their own choos
ing' (1976: 157). This scarcely veiled reference to Marx is highly sig
" ~ r
nificant, suggesting as it does that even in its earliest formulations,
Giddens' theory of structuration owed much to Marx's time!ess insight.
Surprisingly, given his emphasis upon the need to transcend the
dualism of structure and agency, Giddens chooses to highlight not
the duality of structure and agency (and hence the analytical nature of
the distinction between the two), but what he terrns the duality o] struc
ture." By this Giddens refers t the (ontological) claim that 'social struc
tures are both constituted by human agency, and yet at the same time
are the very medium of its constitution' (1976: 121). Again he is close
t echoing Marx - agents make structures, but, their autonorny is lirnited
_ ~ . r._"." ..... '.-04 ..Y""I-""
by the (always) already structured contexr in which they find thernselves.
Thar Giddens seeks ro transcend rhe dualism of structure and agency by
pointing ro rhe duality of structure alone has troubled many cornrnen
rarors. Yer, strange though it rnight at first seem, it provides a c1ue to
the distinctiveness - and possibly ro the problematic nature - of his
chosen 'solution' to the structure.-agency conundrum.
Recall Giddens' coin analogy. Structure and agency are flip sides of
rhe same coin. Consequently, we can view only one at a time. Ir is surely
for this reason that he is reluctant ro investigare the duality of structure
and agency that his initial ontological interventions perhaps irnply, What
Giddens seems ro suggest is thar while structure and agency may indeed
be ontologically intertwined, we as analysts are incapable of capturing
that 'real' duality of structure and agency, confined as we are to view
the world from one side of the coin or the other at any given momento
We may alter our viewpoint to capture the other side, but we cannot
view both simultaneously. Accordingly, the best we can perhaps hope
for is ro recognise in the duality of structure and, presumably, the duality
of agency (a term Giddens does not invoke), traces of the dialecrical rela
tionship berween structure and agency."" The irony, then, is that while
Giddens appeals ro an ontological duality (interlinking) of structure and
agency, he delivers an analytical dualism (separation). Although this is
capable of capturing the janus-face of structure and perhaps that of
agency or praxis, it is incapable of inrerrogating the internal relation
ship between structure and agency which Giddens posits.
This analytical dualism is reflected in the 'methodological bracketing'
of structure and agency that he proposes (1984: 281-372, esp. 288-93).
This is simply grasped. In practice, he suggests, it is seldom if ever pos
sible to capture simultaneously borh the strategic (agenrial) and institu
tional (structurallsystemic) aspects of a given siruation. Consequently,
when engaged in an analysis of 'strategic conduct' we must temporarily
suspend or 'bracket off' our concern with the institutional contexr, for
we cannot hope to view both sides of the coin simultaneously. Similarly,
when engaged in an 'institutional analysis' we must 'bracket off' our
concern with strategic conducto The c1ear danger is a simple alternation
between structuralist and intentionalist accounts which can only belie
the sophistication of rhe structurationist ontology. Sadly, this tendency
is closely replicared in Giddens' more substantive contributions in which
he seems ro vacillate between, on the one hand, structuralist accounts
in which processes seem ro operate without subjects (as, for instance, in
his depiction of the 'juggernaut' of globalising 'late modernity' (1990,
1998, 1999) and, on the orher, intentionalist accounts in which the
reflexivity and creativity of subjects is emphasised with little considera
tion ro the context in which they find themselves (as, for instance, in
Beyond Structure uersus Agency, Context i-ersus Conduct 121
\.... ~ ;
his reflections on self-identity and rhe 'pure relationship' (1991, 1992,
1994).18 As Derek Layder notes, 'methodological bracketing ... has
the paradoxical effect of enforcing an artificial separation between
lifeworld and system elernents and this is, of course, an outcorne which
is directly counter ro the explicit objectives of structuration rheory'
(1998: 100).
This is by no means the only problem with Giddens' formulation. Ir
is, nonetheless, intimately connected ro the others. If rhe (undoubted)
appeal of structuration theory lies in its promise (finally) ro transcend
rhe dualism of structure and agency, as 1 think it does, rhen it should be
noted that this promise remains largely unrealised. That this is so is due,
in no small part, ro Giddens' reformulation and redefinition of rhe terrns
of rhat dualism.
Throughout rhis chapter we have tended to assume a common (and
generally unproblematic) understanding of structure as the context in
which action occurs. Yet this is not whar Giddens means by rhe termo
In fact, this latter sense of structure is far closer to Giddens' notion of
system - which he defines as 'the patterning of social relations across
time-space, understood as reproduced practices' (1984: 377). Structure
is (re)defined, rather ideosyncratically, as 'the rules and resources recur
sively implicated in the reproduction of social systems'. He continues,
'structure exists only as memory traces, the organic basis of human
knowledgeability, and as instantiated in action' (1984: 377). There are
rhree things to note here. First, as Layder observes, in this formulation
~ 'structure does not mean anything like the sarne thing as it does in con
ventional approaches' (1994: 138). Consequently, at best Giddens has
transcended a rather different dualism to that which now arrracts atten
tion to the theory of structuration. The theory of structuration may well
be regarded as a solution to a particular problem (rhough note again rhe
dangers of the 'problem-solution' rerminology), but ir is not a solution
to rhe conventional 'problem of structure and agency'. Second, on closer
inspection rhere was no dualism between rhe terms Giddens deploys
(Hay 1995b: 198). If agency is understood as rhe actor's 'capability of
doing things' (Giddens 1984: 9) and strllcture as 'memory traces ...
instantiated in action' (1984: 377), then rhere would seem little disrance
ro bridge theoretically between rhern; rhese terrns naturally imply a
duality. Accordingly, it would seem, rhe dualism of structure and agency
is resolved less by theoretical innovarion rhan by definitional sleight of
hand. Finally, and rather ironically, the genuine dualism between context
and conduct (or, in Giddens' terrns, system and agency) lives on. Indeed,
as we have seen, it is replicated in the methodological bracketing rhe
rheory of structuration recommends. Far from providing a solution ro
rhe 'problern', Giddens rnay well compound ir.
122 Political Analysis

Critical realism and the morphogenetic approach
This brings us to the other much-touted 'solution' to the problem of
structure and agency, namely the critical realism of Roy Bhaskar. Given
the sheer volume of references to his work in this area, Bhaskar has
written remarkably little which pertains directly to the question of struc
ture and agency (though see especially Bhaskar 1979: 34-56, 106-37,

1989: 89-115, 1994: 100-7). Moreover, what he has written is both suf
ficiently general and, at times, suficiently inpenetrable to sustain a
diverse range of often mutually incompatible readings (compare, say,
Archer 1989, 1995; Collier 1994; Outhwaite 1987; Sayer 1992, 2000
and the various contriburions to Archer et al. 1998). Consequently,
rather than present yet another variant in the pages which follow I focus
instead on Margaret Archer's rather more systematic and exhaustive

atternpt to trace the implications of Bhaskar's critical realism for the
question of structure and agency. This she advances in her distinctive,

and now increasingly influential, 'morphogenetic approach' (1989,
1995, 1998). Although this, too, is based upon a particular reading of
Bhaskar (and a not uncontentious reading at that), it is a reading that
he would seem to endorse (Bhaskar 1998: xvi; see also Archer 1995:
xii). Moreover, it is a reading which addresses the issues which concern
us here in a more direct and systematic fashion than does the work of
Bhaskar himself.
On the face of it the critical realist position is very similar to that
advanced by Giddens. As philosophical realists, however, Bhaskar and
Archer approach the analysis of social and political processes from a
sornewha t different starting point." The world, they c1aim is structured
in such a way that it exhibits a separation of appearance and reality. As
Archer herself notes, 'there is no direct access to the "hard facts" of
social life, at least for the vast majority of us who cannot subscribe to
the discredited doctrine of imrnaculate perceptiou' (1995: 17). Clearly
such an ontological c1aim is untestable. Yet it serves as the very condi
tion of a (critical) realist approach to social enquiry. The world does not
present itself to us as it really is. Accordingly, if we are to reveal the
structured reality of the world we inhabit, we must cast our gaze beyond
the superficial realm of appearances, deploying theory as a sensitising
device to reveal the structured reality beneath the surface. It is this 'depth
ontology' which underpins critical realismo As this already makes c1ear,
Bhaskar and Archer rely upon a rather more familiar conception of
structure to that developed by Giddens. Despite this, what is said about
the relationship between structure and agency is rernarkably similar to
the theory of structuration. Indeed, as already noted, Bhaskar goes so
far as to use Giddens' notion of the duality of structure, arguing, in an
Beyond Structure versus Agmcy, Context versus Conduct 123
uncharacteristically accessible rnoment, that 'sociery is both the ever
present condition and the continually reproduced outcome of human
agency' (1979: 43, 1989: 92, emphasis in the original).
On the basis of the aboye observations it might be tempting to suggest
that critical realism offers fresh promise of transcending the dualism of
structure and agency and, in effect, of delivering what Giddens set out
to achieve in the theory of structuration, Yer, as Margaret Archer's cri
tique of Giddens rnakes c1ear, this is far frorn being the case.
Her cri
tique is, in certain key respects, the very antithesis of that presented in
the previous section. Archer takes Giddens' c1aim to ha ve transcended
the dualism of structure and agency at face value, and takes issue with
ir. For Archer it is not so much Giddens' ability to deliver what he
promises that is at issue, so much as what he sets out to deliver in the
first place. Quite simply, structuration theory is prernised upon a dan
gerous and false assumption - that structure and agency comprise a
duality and not a dualismo As she argues, 'the two have to be related
rather than conflated' (1995: 6). For Archer, then, structure and agency
are ontologically independent, capable of exercising 'autonornous influ
ences' (ibid.).
This critique of Giddens provides the basis for Archer's more general
distinction between what she terrns elisionist and emergentist theoreri
cal orientations (60-1). In pointing to the need to transcend the dualism
of structure and agency, Giddens is an e1isionist, dangerously (as Archer
sees it) conf1ating structure and agency by denying their separa bility.
Archer and, presumably by implication Bhaskar, are emergentists, for
whom structure and agency 'are both regarded as emergent strata of
social reality' (60)Y Whereas elisionists concern themse1ves with the
mutual constitution of structure and agency, emergentists concentrare
instead upon the interplay of structure and agency over time.
It is the issue of the separability of structure and agency which is the
crux of the matter, Archer's position, at least as expressed in Realist
Social Theory (1995), is that structure and agency are not only analyr
ically separable but ontologically separate. In this sense, an analytical
dualism hardens into an ontological dualismo For Giddens, by contrast,
while structure and agency may be separable analytically, they are not
separate ontologically,
At this point it is importanr to note that Archer disputes this reading
of structuration theory, arguing that Giddens endorses an 'inseparabil
ity thesis' in which structure and agency becorne entrely indistinct and
irresolvable analytically. This seems a particularly harsh judgement, For
while Giddens c1early defines structure (as rules and resources) and
agency (as the capability to act) such that they are inextricably inter
linked, the very fact that they are defined differently would seern to
, v''''U/I nrUUYSlS
indicare that they are seen as separable analyrically, To talk of rules and
resources is not ro talk of the capability to acr. The suggestion thar
Giddens, and other (unnamed) critics of analytical dualism, cannot tell
the difference between chickens and eggs (75), is sornething of a cheap
shot. Moreover, as already noted, when it comes ro operarionalise the
theory of structuration, Giddens invokes a 'rnethodological bracketing'
which effectively serves to reimpose a rigid analytical and methodologi
cal separation of structure and agency. The irony, rhen, is thatdespite
Archers sustained critique, rhe morphogenetic approach and the theory
of srructuration, albeit for very different reasons, tend to replicate
the dualism of structure and agency which Archer proposes. Archer,
nonetheless, does ha ve the benefit of consistency.
It is with respect to temporaliry, however, that the distinctiveness of
the morphogenetic approach is established. Archer's central thesis is
stated simply in the fol1owing terrns: 'structure and agency can only be
linked by explaining the interplay between thern over time ... without
the proper incorporation of time the problem of srructure and agency
can never be satisactorily resolved' (65). Here again the ontological sep
aration of strucrure and agency is key. For Archer insists that structure
and agency reside in different temporal domains, such that the pre
existence of structure is a condition of individual action: 'structures (as
emergent emities) are not only irreducible to people, they pre-exist thern,
and people are not puppets of structures because they have their own
emergent properties which mean they either reproduce or transform
social structure, rather then creating it' (71). Inrerestingly, however, as
Anthony King notes, Archer's own position on this question seems to
have shifted over time (1999: 199-201). For, in her first book, Culture
and Agenc)' (1989), she refers to this temporal divide as purely 'aria
lytical', whereas in Realist Social Tbeory (1995) it acquires the char
acteristics of a profound ontological dualism. Archer's view, at least
in her more recent works, then, is that srructures pre-exist agenrs (or
This ontological premise provides rhe basis upon which Archer builds
her distinctive conception of 'the morphogenetic sequence' (for practi
cal elaboration see also McAnuUa 1999; Wilmott 1999).
Structure, here understood as ontologically separare from agency, nec
essarily pre-dates the actions which either serve to transform or to repro
duce it - ro produce its morphogenesis or its morphostasis (Archer 1995:
295-7). Thar action or interaction occurs over a particular (and finite)
period of time. Its consequences, borh intended and unintended, neces
sarily post-date such action and are captured in Archer's terrn structural
e1aboration. This, then, establishes a simple temporal sequence through
which 'morphogenesis of structure' occurs.
There is much to commend tbis attractive theoretical schema. Ir seems
Beyond Structure versus Agency. Context versus Conduct 125
to capture weU the practical consciousness of engaging with a densely
structured social and political environment. When orienting ourselves
to the realisation of a particular goal we do indeed seem to encounter
and engage with an external and pre-existing structural context. Our
attcrnpts to realisc out intentions tend to be limited rempora lly, though
the consequences of our acrions may take sorne time to realise thern
selves. Moreover, rhat process of structural elaboration is one over which
we effectively lose control once we have acted.
Yet what this serves to indicate, despite the ostensible concern with
rhe complex interplay of structure and agency, is that such a temporal
sequence presents a rather agent-centred and individualistic view of mor
phogenesis. From the vantage-point of a particular actor, rhe world does
indeed appear to be pre-structured, such that structure and agent inhabit
different temporal domains. The problem here is a perspectival one.
From the vantage-point of a singular actor, social srrucrures do indeed
appear external and temporally independent. Yet, a subtle change in
vantage-point alters this. As King explains,
the key error which Archer makes in her derivation of social structure
is to draw the sociological conclusion of rhe existence of a social
structure frorn the perspective of a single individual ... if she had de
centred her perspective to see that rhe constraint which 1 face is other
individuals - and no less serious for that - just as 1 form some of the
social conditions which rnutually constrain these orhers, she would
not have fallen into ontological dualismo (1999: 217)
This is an importam point and will serve as a crucial point of departure
for whar is to follow. Yet ir is crucial that we first clear up a potenrial
misinterpretation. While the srructured nature of social and political
reality is indeed rhe product of human agency, it is not simply reducible
to it (as King here seems ro irnply). The relationship between actors and
their environment is an organic one. As such, the product of human
action is, in key respects, greater than the sum of its component parts.
It is this that gives structures what Archer terms 'emergent properties'.
The key point, however, is that such ernergenr properties are not exclu
sively properties of rhe structure itself. To speak, as Archer does, of struc
tural elaboration is to speak of a process by which forms of conduct and
hence human agency are transformed over time, just as ro invoke a
notion of socia 1strucrure in the first place is to appeal to the structur
ing of such conduct. Thus conceptualised, structure and agency do not
exist in different temporal domains. Indeed, rhe very distinction between
structure and agency is revealed as purely analytical. To speak of the dif
ferent temporal domains of structure and agency is, then, to reify and
ontologise an analytical distinction.
What it more, this ontological dualism of structure and agency seems
126 Political Analysis
somewhat at odds with Bhaskar's critical realismo In the end, Archer's
position is too important to be adjudicated on the basis of whether it
presents a credible reading and elaboration of Bhaskar. Nonetheless, it
is surely instructive to note the tension between Archer's insistence that
structure and agency exhibit an ontological (and temporal) dualism and
Bhaskar's comment that structures can be said to exist only by virtue of
their mediation of human conduct - structures constitute both thc
medium and condition of human agency (Bhaskar 1979: 43, 1989: 92;
d. Giddens 1984). This would certainly seem to imply that structure and
agency are (temporally) coextensive.
As this perhaps suggests, the central limitation of Archer's approach
is the rather episodic, disjointed and discontinuous view of agency it
seems to imply. Despite her cornment that 'action itself is undeniably
continuous' (1995: 73), there is precious little room to acknowledge
this within the morphogenetic sequence Archer identifies. The impres
sion she seems to give is of structure as distant, external and long
enduring, while agency is conceptualised, in contrast, as an ephemeral
or fleeting momento This seems to imply a residual structuralism pune
tuated only periodically yet infrequent1y by a largely unexplicated con
ception of agency. This appears from the shadows and returns swift1y
from whence it carne, a perturbation or disruption in the otherwise pris
tine logic of structural reproduction.
The methodological implications of Archer's morphogenetic ap
proach, as I have already hinted, may well be to reproduce precisely the
bracketing of structure and agency which Giddens proposes.
Towards a strategic-relational approach
The aboye discussion suggests that any genuine attempt to transcend the
dualism of structure and agency is only likely to be frustrated by adopt
ing either the theory of structuration or the morphogenetic approach. i;'
Giddens' theory of structuration sets out in pursuit of this illusive goal
but comes up short, ultimately capitulating in a methodological brack
eting which seems to legitimate an alternation between structuralism
and intentionalism. Arguably precisely this tendency is exhibited in his . ~ !
more substantive writings (Hay, 'Brien and Penna 1994: 51-61; Stones
1991; Thrift 1985). Archer's morphogenetic approach gets us no further
since it is premised upon precisely the ontological dualism we are seeking
to transcend. Archer, then, seeks to make a virtue out of the dualism of
structure and agency which Giddens seeks but fails to overturn.
Altogether more promising is the strategic-relational approach
developed by Bob ]essop (1990a, 1996; Hay 1999b; Hay and ]essop
1995). Like Giddens' theory of structuration, the strategic-relational
Beyoud Structure versus Agency, Context versus Conduct 127
approach sets out to transcend the artificial dualism of structure and
agency; like Archer it draws upon the critical realism of Bhaskar." Yet
in other respects it differs significant1y from each of these positions. It
is important, then, that we begin by establishing its principal ontologi
cal premises.
The first of these, which places the strategic-relational approach in
opposition to much of the cxisting literature is that the distinction
between structure and agency is taken to be a purely analytical one. This
assumption renders redundant Archer's insistence, for instance, that
structure and agency reside in different temporal domains, such that the
pre-existence of structure is a condition of individual action. For if the
distinction is analytical, structure and agency must be present simulta
neously in any given situation. Whether we can speak of structure and
agency as exhibiting different temporal characteristics is an interesting
and contentious point to which we return. Stated most simply, then,
neither agents nor structures are real, since neither has an existence in
isolation from the other - their existence is relational (structure and
agency are mutually constitutive) and dialectical (their interaction is not
reducible to the sum of structural and agential factors treated sepa
rately). While it may be useful analytically to differentiate between struc
tural and agential factors, then, it is important that this analytical
distinction is not reified and hardened into a rigid ontological dualismo
As I have argued elsewhere, structure and agency are best seen, not so
much (a la Giddens) as flip-sides of the same coin, as metals in the alloy
frorn which the coin is forged. From our vantage-point they do not exist
as themselves but through their relational interaction. Structure and
agency, though analytically separable, 'are in practice cornpletely inter
woven (we cannot see either metal in the alloy only the product of their
fusion)' (Hay 1995b: 200).
As this perhaps suggests, a strategic-relational approach offers the
potential to transcend the dualism between structure and agency. It does
so by suggesting that rather than consign ourselves to references to struc
ture and agency which are, after all, merely theoretical abstractions,
we concentrate instead upon the dialectical interplay of structure and
agency in real contexts of social and political interaction. Thus ulti
rnately more useful than the abstract and arbitrary analytical distinction
between structure and agency is that between strategic action on the one
hand, and the strategically selective context within which it is forrnu
lated and upon which it impacts on the other,
Consequently, for exponents of the strategic-relational approach part
of the problem of the structure-agency debate is the language in which
it has been conducted. Put simply, the very terms structure and agency
themselves seem to imply an analytical and ontological separability
- --------------
. __ . ~ ~ " " o ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ r . , ) ' ' ' , )
at odds with the onrological assumptions of the straregic-relational
approach. What is required is an attempt ro devise a new conceptual
language whieh might better refleet the relational and dialectical quali
ties of the ongoing interaction of structure and agency. This ]essop has
sought ro provide by drawing OUt attenrion to a range of second- and
third-order concepts in which strueture and agency are already muru
ally implicared. His srrategy is straightforward. Starting with structure
and agency, a pairing which seems automatically to invoke a conceptual
dualism, jessop seeks to bring agency into structure - producing a struc
tured context (an action setting) - and to bring structure inro agency
producing a contextualised actor (a situared agenr). In moving to this
new pairing of concepts, the conceptual dualism has been partially over
comeY Yet Jessop does not stop here. A repeat move - bringing thc sit
uated actor back into the structured conrexr and rhc struetural conrext
ro the situated actor - yields a new conceptual pairing in which the
dualism of structure and agency has been dissolved. Jessop now idenri
fies a strategic actor within a strategicaliy selective contexto No dualism
exists berween these concepts which, as a consequence, far better relect
both the manner in which actors appropriate rhe environment in which
they are situated and the manner in which that context circumscribes
the paramcters of possible actions far them. The path from abstraer
ro concrete, conceptual dualism to conceptual duality is traced in
Figure 3.l.
The key relationship in the strategic-relational approach, then, is not
that berwecn srructure and agency, but rather the more immediate inter
action of strategic actors and the strategic context in which they find
themselves. In emphasising the strategic content of action, this approach
Figure 3.1 Frol/l dualism to duality: the strategic-relational approach
Abstrae! Structure
C'""'ptr d,,/;,m
Slructural Actor in
'Ooubled dualism '
context -- - - - conlexl
1 X 1
Strategically Strategic
Concrete Conceptual duality
selective context .. .. actor
Be)'o/uJ Structure versus Agenc)', Context versus vU"W'C'
aeknowledges that agenrs both inrernalise perceptions of their context
and consClously orient themselves rowards that context in choosing
between potential courses of action. Srrategy is intentional conduct ori
ented rowards the environment in which it is ro occur, Ir is the inrcntion
ro realise certain outcomes aud objectives which motivares action. Yet
for that action to have any chance of realising such intentions, it must
be informed by a strategic assessment of the relevant context in which
strategy occurs an d upon which it subsequently impinges.
jcssop's contribution is not merely to recognise, in srrategic action, the
orientation of actars towards an environment. Equally significant is his
insight that rhe strategic environment itself is strategically selectiue - in
other words, it favours certain strategies over others as means to realise
a given set of intentions or preferences. In one sen se this is obvious. A
government seeking re-election is likely to find itself in a position of
strategic choice as the election approaches (relating not only to the
campaign it might fight, but also, for insrance, ro whether it should seek
ro engineer a pre-election economic boom). Yet, given the nature of the
(strategically selective) environment in which it finds itself (given what
we know, for instance, about its tenure in office, the sta te of the
economy, the phase of rhe business cycle, the existing preferences of the
electorate, the strategic choices made by contending parties and so
forth), certain strategies are more likely to be rewarded at rhe polls than
others. If this is obvious, then we should nonetheless note that it is
scarcely acknowledged in rhe existing literature on strucrure and agency
which gives us litrle insight into rhe sclcctiviry of contexts. That many
of jessop's theoretical statements are litrle more than sociological truisms
(at least once stripped of their terminological complexity) might be seen
as a sign of their strength, not their weakness. Good political analysis is
oiren a case of stating and re-stating that which is obvious but all roo
rarely reflected upon.
Cleady not all outcomes are possible in any given situaton. Ir may
well be that by the time of the election, the incumbent administration
has become unclectable, for instance. Yet whatever the context, the
outcome is nor determined by the structure of the situation itseH. Out
comes, then, are structurally underdetermined. Ths is by no means an
unfamiliar suggestion. Indeed, it wOllld surely be accepted by all but the
most ardent of structuralists. Yet Jessop takes us further. Indeed, what
differentiates his position from those we have thus far considered is his
suggestion that although, 1n the final analysis, social and political out
comes are contingent llpon strategic choices, the context itself presents
an unevenly conroured terrain which favours certain strategies over
others and hence seleets far certain outcomes while militating against
others. Over time, such strategic selectivity will throw up a series of
130 Political Analysis
systematically structured outcomes. Parties capable of engineering an
e1ectorally expedient or 'political' business cycle may be more Iikely to
extend their tenure in office (see, for instance, Alesina 1987, 1989). Con
sequently, while the outcome of any particular strategic intervention is
unpredictable, the distribution of outcomes over a longer time frame will
exhibit a characteristic regularity (given sorne degree of structural sta
bility over the time frame considered). A couple of examples may help
ro reveal the significance of this insight,
Consider first the prospects for labour market reforrn in Britain today,
particularly the likelihood of reforms - such as the provision of corn
prehensive state-funded child-care facilities - designed to increase the
labour market participation of women. An applied strategic-relational
approach to such issues would perhaps suggest that given the existing
institutions, traditions, culture, selections mechanisms and personnel of
the British state, it is more likely than not that the state will continue to
fail to pass legislation which might project a Scandinavian future (of
greater labour market participation on more equitable terms) for British
women (Esping-Andersen 1999: 57-60; ]enson, Hagen and Reddy 1988;
Klausen 1999). Though by no means entirely determined, the outcome
is strategically selected foro
A second, and rather different example comes from the political
economy of globalisation, discussed aboye (see pp. 114-15). Given near
universal perceptions amongst policy-rnaking elites of the increased
mobility of capital, it is unlikely (though, again, by no means irnpossi
ble) that liberal-democratic states will increase the tax burden on cor
porations. The outcome is, again, strategically selected foro Heightened
capital mobility, it is widely believed, rnakes credible previously implau
sible capital exit strategies. Consequently, states which wish to retain
their revenue base will find themselves having to internalise the prefer
ence of capital for lower rates of taxation and more deregulated ('flex
ible') labour markets (Przeworski and Wallerstein 1988; Wickham-]ones
1995). Interestingly, the empirical evidence lends a further complexity
to this strategic-relational logic. For, given what we know about the dif
ficulty of systematic welfare retrenchment (see, for instance, P. Pierson
1994, 1996a, 2001), we might expect to find states cutting headline rates
of corporate taxation while, at the same time, c1awing back various sub
sidies and incentives offered as tax concessions to business. This, again,
is strategically selected foro As the empirical evidence reveals, while cor
porate taxation has fallen across ECD nations, aggregate tax burdens
on capital ha ve remained relatively stable (Swank 1996, 2001).
In both of these cases the outcome is 'strategically selected for', though
by no means inevitable.
The conceprs of strategy and strategic selectivity thus provide the
Beyond Structure versus Context versus Conduct 131
Figure 3.2 Structure, strategy and agency in the strategic-relational
Strategic actor 1.... Effeets of ection:
(individual or enhaneed strategie knowledge;
collective) strategie learning
Strategic calculation:
tormutatlon 01 strategy
within context
Effeets of ection:
Strategically __ ,_.'
selective cot , ot eontext tor future strategy
Source: Adapted from Hay (1995b: 202).
building blocks of the strategic-relarional approach. It is this approach
that underpins the argument of subsequent chapters. It is briefly
elaborated in the pages which follow and outlined schematically in
Figure 3.2.
Actors are conceptualised as conscious, reflexive and strategic. They
are, broadly, intentional in the sense that they may act purposively in
the attempt to realise their intentions and preferences. However, they
may also act intuitivelyand/or out of ha bit. Nonetheless, even when
acting routinely they are assumed to be able to render explicit their inten
tions and their motivations. Actors are assurned to monitor the imme
diate consequences of their actions, whether intuitively or more
deliberately, and to be capable of monitoring the longer-terrn conse
quences of their actions. Though actors are conceptualised as intentional
and strategic, their preferences are not assumed to be fixed, nor to be
determined by the material circumstances in which they find themselves.
Different actors in similar material circumstances (exposed, perhaps
to different influences and experiences) will construct their interests and
preferences differently. In a similar manner, the same actors will review,
revise and reform their perceived interests and preferences over time (as
material circumstances and ideational influences change). Accordingly,
in monitoring the consequences (both intended and unintended) of their
actions, actors may come to modify, revise or reject their chosen means
ro realise their intentions as, indeed, rhey may also come ro modify,
revise or reject their original intentions and rhe conceprion of interest
upon which rhey were predicared.
Actors, as discussed aboye, are presumed ro be strategic - ro be
capable of devising and revising means ro realise their intentions. This
immediarely implies a relationship, and a dynamic relarionship at that,
between the actor (individual or collective) and the context in which she
finds herself. For, ro act srrategically, is to project the likely consequences
of differenr courses of action and, in turn, to judge the contours of the
rerrain, Ir is, in shorr, ro orient potential courses of action ro percep
tions of the relevant strategic context and ro use such an exercise as a
means to select rhe particular course of acrion ro be pursued. On such
an undersranding, the ability ro formulare strategy (whether explicitly
recognised as such or not) is the very condition of action.
At this point ir is importarit ro deal with a potential objection, For, ir
mighr be suggested, there is a certain danger here of so closely e1iding
strategy and agency as ro imply thar all action is the product of
overt and explicit strategic calculation (just as rational choice theorists
attribute an instrumental utility-maximising means-end rationality ro all
actors). The argument being made here is, in fact, sornewhar different.
What I am suggesring is that all action contains at least a residual strate
gic mornent though this need not be rendered conscious. This makes
it important ro differentiate clearly between intuitively and explicitly
straregic action:
1. lutuitiue, routine 01' habitual strategies and practices are based upon
perceptions (accurate or otherwise) of the strategic context and the
likely consequences of specific actions. As such rhey can be regarded
as straregic insofar as such practices are oriented towards the context
in which they occur. However intuitive, the act of crossing the road
so as ro avoid oncoming cars and other pedestrians contains an
inherently strategic momenr. Although such an understanding and
lay know!edge can be rendered explicit, invariably it remains un
articulated and unchallenged. Note, however, how effectively a close
shave on a zebra crossing brings ro the surface previously unques
tioned strategic calcularions. Insofar as the assumptions which
implicitly inform such routines, ha bits, rituals and other forms of
unreflexive acrion can be rendered explicit, these practices contain a
significant strategic component. Such strategy is manifest in 'practi
cal consciousness' (ef. Giddens 1984: 21-2).
2. Explicitly strategic action also relies upon perceprions of the strate
gic contexr and rhe configuration of constraints and opportunities
rhar ir provides. Yer here such calculations and attempts to map rhe
Beyond Structure uersus Agency, Context versus Couduct 133
contours of the context are rendered explicit and are subjected ro
interrogation and contestation (parricularly in the formularion and
reformulation of collective strategies) in an overt and conscious
attempt to identify options rnost likely to realise intentions and
objectives (whether individual or collective).
These are, of course, ideal types. Any specific action is likely to combine
both intuitive and explicit straregic aspects, though to differing degrees.
Even the most explicit strategic calculation is likely to be infused with
intuitive assumptions at the level of 'pracrical consciousness'.
Wirhin this account, strategies, once formulared, are operationalised
in action. Such action yields effecrs, both intended and unintended. Since
individuals (and groups of individuals) are knowledgeable and reflexive,
they routinely monitor the consequences of rheir action (assessing the
impacr of previous strategies, and their success or failure in securing
prior objectives). Srrategic action thus yields:
1. Direct effects upon the structured contexts within which it takes
place and within which furure action occurs - producing a parrial
(however rninimal) transforrnation of the structured context (though
not necessarily as anticipated), and
2. Strategic learning on the part of the actor(s) involved, enhancing
awareness of structures and the constraints/opportuniries they
impose, providing the basis from which subsequent straregy mighr
be forrnulated and perhaps prove more successful.
An example will perhaps serve ro dernonstrate the point. Consider,
once again, a government seeking re-election. The consequences (both
intended and unintended) of its strategic actions in the election campaign
itself are likely to irnpact significantly upon the environrnent in which
the party finds itself after the election - reflecred, most directly, in the
number of seats the party wins, whether ir finds itself in office once
again and, if so, with which collection o coalition partners, These are
direct effects o its strategic choices, even i they contain significant
unintended aspects. Ir may well be, for insrance, that the (unintended)
consequence o seeking to engineer a pre-election economic upturn (at
whatever longer-terrn cost ro economic performance) was ro discredit
the incumbent adrninistration, contributing to its poor electoral
showing. Wherher intended 01' unintended, however, such effects are
directo Yet the process o electoral competition also throws up a series
o more indirect effecrs. These relate, in particular, to the lessons drawn
frorn a reflection upon straregic success and ailure during rhe campaign.
An administrarion expelled from ofice on the basis of an expos of its
attempt to sacrifice rhe long-term healrh o the economy for short-term
134 Political Analysis
electoral gain might come to re-evaluate the opportunity cost of such a
strategy in future. In this way, the interaction of strategy and context
serves to sha pe both the development of that context and the very
conduct and identity of strategic actors after the evento
What the strategic relational approach oHers us, then, is a dynamic
understanding of the relationship of structure and agency which res
olutely refuses to privilege either mornent (structure or agency) in this
dialectical and relational interaction. As we shall see in later chapters,
this provides a range of crucial insights into the analysis of political
power and political change, whilst exhibiting a particular sensitivity to
the role of ideas (ideational factors) in the understanding of political
". t
: ~
~ .
Chapter 4
Continuity and Discontinuity in
the Analysis of Political Change
That political analysts have increasingly turned to the question of struc
ture and agency derives in no small part frorn concerns about the capac
ity of existing approaches to deal with complex issues of social and
political change. To posit a world in which structuralist analysis will
suffice is to assume that political change is effectively confined to rela
tively marginal modifications of behaviour set within the context of a
definitive set of structuring rules or laws which remain essentially static
over time. Though such an assumprion renders more plausible a con
ception of political analysis as a social science couched in the image of
the natural sciences (as argued in Chapter 2), it is increasngly difficult
to reconcile with a world in which the 'rules of the game' seem to be in
a state of near-constant flux. Though itself hotly disputed, the globali
sation thesis would, for instance, suggest that many of the most cher
ished of political analytical assurnptions (of tightly delimited political
territories governed by sovereign states, of nation sta tes and national
economies as the natural units of political and political economic analy
sis respectively) are in a process of being transcended (for a flavour of
the debate compare Held et al. 1999 with Hirst and Thompson 1999).
However sceptical one might (and perhaps should) be about the new
globalisation orthodoxy, the point is that were it ever plausible to posit
a world in which the rules of the game remained constant over time and
were immune from human intervention, it is no longer.
If structuralism is inadequate to the task of explaining complex social
and political change, then intentionalism is no less problematic. Here,
however, the problem is somewhat different. Structuralism implies a
world of stability, even stasis - a world in which actors are weighed
down by the structural constraints they bear. Intentionalism, by contrast,
implies the absence of constraint - a world, in short, in which there are
essentially no rules of the game and in which there is a close corre
spondence between observed and intended outcornes. Intentionalism cer
tainly posits a world of flux, yet it is no better placed to capture the
complexity of social and political change. The example of globalisation
is again instructive. If globalisation is understood as a process by which

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