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TOEFL Listening: Conversation 1

In this section, you will hear short conversations. In the exam you will hear each conversation once. In this practice test you can control the audio yourself. You can also see the script of the conversation.

1. When is this conversation taking place? a. b. c. d. July before term starts at the beginning of term midway through a term

2. Whose mistake was it that led to the problem? a. b. c. d. The students The wardens Godfrey Whites The accommodation office

3. Where is the YMCA on the map? a. b. c. d. A B C D

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4. Which of the following TWO things does the accommodation officer provide for the student? a. b. c. d. a telephone a map information about bus routes a pen

5. Match the information to the type of accommodation. a. University Dormitories b. Private Houses c. YMCA

TOEFL Reading Test 1

Questions 1-10 Read the passage. Then answer the questions below. After you have answered the first 10 questions you will answer a 'Summary Question'. The Creators of Grammar

No student of a foreign language needs to be told that grammar is complex. By changing word sequences and by adding a range of auxiliary verbs and suffixes, we are able to communicate tiny variations in meaning. We can turn a statement into a question, state whether an action has taken place or is soon to take place, and perform many other word tricks to convey subtle differences in meaning. Nor is this complexity inherent to the English language. All languages, even those of so-called 'primitive' tribes have clever grammatical components. The Cherokee pronoun system, for example, can distinguish between 'you and I', 'several other people and I' and 'you, another person and I'. In English, all these meanings are Rewrite by Page 2

summed up in the one, crude pronoun 'we'. Grammar is universal and plays a part in every language, no matter how widespread it is. So the question which has baffled many linguists is who created grammar?

At first, it would appear that this question is impossible to answer. To find out how grammar is created, someone needs to be present at the time of a language's creation, documenting its emergence. Many historical linguists are able to trace modern complex languages back to earlier languages, but in order to answer the question of how complex languages are actually formed, the researcher needs to observe how languages are started from scratch. Amazingly, however, this is possible.

Some of the most recent languages evolved due to the Atlantic slave trade. At that time, slaves from a number of different ethnicities were forced to work together under colonizer's rule. Since they had no opportunity to learn each other's languages, they developed a makeshift language called a pidgin. Pidgins are strings of words copied from the language of the landowner. They have little in the way of grammar, and in many cases it is difficult for a listener to deduce when an event happened, and who did what to whom. [A] Speakers need to use circumlocution in order to make their meaning understood. [B] Interestingly, however, all it takes for a pidgin to become a complex language is for a group of children to be exposed to it at the time when they learn their mother tongue. [C] Slave children did not simply copy the strings of words uttered by their elders, they adapted their words to create a new, expressive language. [D] Complex grammar systems which emerge from pidgins are termed creoles, and they are invented by children.

Further evidence of this can be seen in studying sign languages for the deaf. Sign languages are not simply a series of gestures; they utilize the same grammatical machinery that is found in spoken languages. Moreover, there are many different languages used worldwide. The creation of one such language was documented quite recently in Nicaragua. Previously, all deaf people were isolated from each other, but in 1979 a new government introduced schools for the deaf. Although children were taught speech and lip reading in the classroom, in the playgrounds they began to invent their own sign system, using the gestures that they used at home. It was basically a pidgin. Each child used the signs differently, and there was no consistent grammar. However, children who joined the school later, when this inventive sign system was already around, developed a quite different sign language. Although it was based on the signs of the older children, the younger children's language was more fluid and compact, and it utilised a large range of grammatical devices to clarify meaning. What is more, all the children used the signs in the same way. A new Creole was born.

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Some linguists believe that many of the world's most established languages were creoles at first. The English past tense ed ending may have evolved from the verb 'do'. 'It ended' may once have been 'It end-did'. Therefore it would appear that even the most widespread languages were partly created by children. Children appear to have innate grammatical machinery in their brains, which springs to life when they are first trying to make sense of the world around them. Their minds can serve to create logical, complex structures, even when there is no grammar present for them to copy. 1 In paragraph 1, why does the writer include information about the Cherokee language? a. To show how simple, traditional cultures can have complicated grammar structures b. To show how English grammar differs from Cherokee grammar c. To prove that complex grammar structures were invented by the Cherokees. d. To demonstrate how difficult it is to learn the Cherokee language 2 What can be inferred about the slaves' pidgin language? a. b. c. d. It contained complex grammar. It was based on many different languages. It was difficult to understand, even among slaves. It was created by the land-owners.

3 All the following sentences about Nicaraguan sign language are true EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. The language has been created since 1979. The language is based on speech and lip reading. The language incorporates signs which children used at home. The language was perfected by younger children.

4 In paragraph 3, where can the following sentence be placed? It included standardized word orders and grammatical markers that existed in neither the pidgin language, nor the language of the colonizers. a. b. c. d. A B C D

5. 'From scratch' in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to: a. b. c. d. from the very beginning in simple cultures by copying something else by using written information Page 4

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6 Make-shift' in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to: a. complicated and expressive b. simple and temporary c. extensive and diverse d. private and personal 7 Which sentence is closest in meaning to the highlighted sentence? Grammar is universal and plays a part in every language, no matter how widespread it is. a. All languages, whether they are spoken by a few people or a lot of people, contain grammar. b. Some languages include a lot of grammar, whereas other languages contain a little. c. Languages which contain a lot of grammar are more common that languages that contain a little. d. The grammar of all languages is the same, no matter where the languages evolved. 8 All of the following are features of the new Nicaraguan sign language EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. All children used the same gestures to show meaning. The meaning was clearer than the previous sign language. The hand movements were smoother and smaller. New gestures were created for everyday objects and activities.

9 Which idea is presented in the final paragraph? a. b. c. d. English was probably once a creole. The English past tense system is inaccurate. Linguists have proven that English was created by children. Children say English past tenses differently from adults.

10 Look at the word 'consistent' in paragraph 4. This word could best be replaced by which of the following? a. b. c. d. natural predictable imaginable uniform

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TOEFL Structure Test 1

This free practice test has the same sort of questions as you will find in the paper-based TOEFL test. You have 20 minutes to do 20 questions. When you have completed the test you will get a score and you can review your answer to each question. Choose the correct answer 1. By far the most noticeable blemishes on the surface of the Sun _____ sunspots. a. b. c. d. the that are are in the

2. Food is, after all, an important part of Chinese culture and mission controllers say it is important _____ China's space pioneers do not go hungry. a. b. c. d. to ensure that so that make sure that food is provided for

3. The 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in the state, and 46 percent of those couples had children under roof. a. b. c. d. and made up to make up made up which they made up

There are 4 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong. 4. Japans latitudinal spread, ranging from subtropical in the south to sub-arctic in the north, makes that a wide diversity of flora and fauna. a. b. c. d. makes that latitudinal spread subtropical wide diversity

5. Crushed ice is use to cool drinks, and is often applied to injuries where there is swelling, to remove excess heat generated in the tissues.

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a. b. c. d.

is often where there is generated use

6 The hospital is now discounting 10 standard operations and _____ , ranging from having a baby and treating a cataract to undergoing a heart bypass. a. b. c. d. equipment visits procedures medication

7 Long hours and unsociable shifts _____ take their toll on health, relationships and family life. a. b. c. d. must can are able to shouldn't

There are 4 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong. 8 A no-smoking program has help overweight people reduce their risk of heart attacks or their need for surgery by 63 percent. a. b. c. d. A reduce help need

9. Apple Computer has unveiled its new desktop computer design, _____ all disk drives and processors into a flat display less than two inches thick a. b. c. d. which includes enclosing which contains which integrates

10. The Eiffel Tower was built the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. a. b. c. d. of was built commemorating the Page 7

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11. after a muscle fiber has worked intensely for while, it begins to lose potassium, and that dampens the fiber's ability to contract. a. b. c. d. After a and that ability to while

12. Across the country, recreational and commercial fishers have been pointing fingers for decades over which group is responsible for _____ stocks of sports fish. a. b. c. d. increasing growing dwindling reduce

13._____ are poor observers of their child's behavior so deviant behavior reaches unmanageable proportions. a. b. c. d. Parents that When parents If parents Parents

14.The problems of squaring a pan-European agenda with the national interests of 25 separate countries _____ the process of integration a slow, complex and at times divisive one. a. b. c. d. causes have made often affect resulting in

15. Astronomers on _____ announced the discovery of a new -- and possibly abundant -- class of planets that has more in common with Earth than the uninhabitable gas giants previously discovered. a. b. c. d. university research labs NASA observatories Tuesday

16. Nearly all the brown bears in the United States _____ in Alaska, which has an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 brown bears, also called grizzlies. Rewrite by Page 8

a. b. c. d.

are resident reside inhabit live

There are 4 underlined sections in the text below. Select the one which is wrong. 17.Greece's achievement in the 2004 Olympics raise anew the question of whether Athens should be the permanent home of the Games. a. b. c. d. achievement in the whether raise anew should be

18. For decades the food industry has been known serving up sugary or fat-laden products, promoted with ceaseless advertising. a. b. c. d. For decades has been known promoted with ceaseless

19. International trade in the world's 20-odd varieties of sturgeon _____ by the United Nations since 1998, after a drastic rise in poaching. a. b. c. d. is controlled is supported has been regulated has been promoted

20.The number of girls in school and women in parliaments has risen, and their overall access to contraception has improved in the past decade, _____ new report. a. b. c. d. according a published in a according to a as stated in a

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