Gt13e2 Gas Turbine
Gt13e2 Gas Turbine
Gt13e2 Gas Turbine
Welcome to Alstom
Alstom is a global leader in power generation with a portfolio of products covering all fuel types. From fossil and biomass to nuclear and renewables, close to 25% of the worlds power production capacity depends on Alstom technology and services. Whether in design, manufacture, procurement or servicing, Alstom is setting the benchmark for innovative technologies that provide clean, efcient, exible and integrated power solutions. Alstom can supply anything from single components to complete turnkey power plants. Our Plant Integrator approach and power automation and control solutions ensure the optimisation of all elements to derive the maximum lifetime value from all our customers investments. Alstom has more than 100 years of experience in engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of new power plants. But our engineers are also experts in retrotting, modernising and servicing existing plants. With operations in 70 countries, Alstom is close to customers all over the world, ensuring rapid responses and service excellence at all times.
percent of the worlds power production capacity depends on Alstom technology
employees around the world in 70 countries
With our recognised expertise all over the power generation market, we are able to nd solutions to the challenges of today.
years of industry leading expertise
We recognise the need to improve the environmental balance of legacy plants while increasing adoption of new clean energy solutions.
Both highly versatile and highly efcient, Alstoms GT13E2 truly sets the standard.
Greater efciency.
Meeting the power
Key benets
Unrivalled efciency
The GT13E2 has the highest open-cycle efciency of any conventional class gas turbine, with a high exhaust energy level providing signicant fuel cost savings. Unlike many advanced gas turbines that come with high maintenance costs or reduced availability, in creating the GT13E2 we have optimised our existing proven technology to add these fuel cost savings without compromising in other areas.
Operational exibility
Todays markets are volatile. To maximise prot, the GT13E2 can operate in either a Performance Optimised Mode or a Maintenance Costs Optimised Mode: one maximises performance, the other maximises operating time between inspection intervals. With no change in hardware, plant operators simply respond to market changes by selecting the best mode online. The turbine can also handle wide uctuations in gas composition while the engine can operate on diesel oil (with or without water injection for NOx control), with an online switch-over between gas and oil, even at full load.
In an unpredictable energy market, the GT13E2 makes it simple to switch between operation modes.
Higher performance
industrys high demands
In an unpredictable energy market, the GT13E2 makes it simple to switch between operation modes.
Easier maintenance / reduced repair work
With the GT13E2, operators can achieve maintenance intervals of 36,000 Equivalent Operating Hours (EOH) between hot gas path inspections. This makes the GT13E2 the ultimate choice for operating regimes with a higher sensitivity to O&M costs and availability.
Continuous enhancement
We are constantly evolving the GT13E2, keeping it at the very cutting-edge of turbine technology. We do this by making incremental improvements. The GT13E2 had three upgrades so far, perfectly illustrating the way we make these enhancements: every upgrade to our turbine blading compressor and combustor has increased performance, boosted operational exibility and reduced maintenance time.
As well as covering electrical power generation at base load, intermediate or peak duty, the GT13E2 provides a cogeneration solution. Ideal for industrial applications such as aluminium smelters, district heating or desalination plants, it makes use of exhaust heat to generate thermal energy for a range of applications. It has been designed for superior performance under all conditions including extreme heat or cold.
Designing excellence
Meeting the
With every upgrade, Alstom increases efciency and availability, by reducing maintenance time and extending inspection intervals.
Annular combustor
A fully annular combustion chamber distributes the circumferential temperature evenly while avoiding problem zones such as cross-ring tubes or transition pieces. Alstoms annular combustion systems also do not need any combustor inspections as for can-annular systems. This reduces the amount of maintenance leading to higher availability.
Advanced aerodynamics and multi-convective cooling schemes contribute signicantly to the GT13E2s outstanding efciency. The design of the rst turbine stage, combined with thermal barrier coating and conservative ring temperatures, allows extended inspection intervals of up to 36,000 EOH. All Inconel 738 conventional cast turbine airfoils and heat shields ensure long parts life and allow for full, cost-effective refurbishment.
Reliability, exibility
and performance
Delivering outstanding results
The GT13E2 delivers exceptional performance coupled with low emissions at full and part load with low turndown. The worlds most reliable heavy-duty gas turbine, it offers a fast start and high load gradients as well as a frequency response in the wide load range. Plant operators benet from its high fuel exibility and power augmentation options.
In simple cycle turbines, the GT13E2 provides the highest efciency in its class, delivering unrivalled performance in markets where fuel costs are higher or uctuate regularly. Its Performance Optimised Operation Mode also offers the lowest Cost of Electricity (CoE) when fuel prices rise.
Seamless integration
Alstom engineers work in partnership with our customers to meet every requirement.
Developing, building, and operating a protable gas turbine power plant goes far beyond selecting the best components. A key aspect is integration, which can substantially enhance exibility and performance. As a leading EPC contractor, we approach every integration project with the following list of requirements for our gas turbines: The gas turbine should be designed for simple and cost effective integration into the overall plant. In-depth, comprehensive user information should be readily available. Application consulting should be available when required.
Plant owners add the following requirements to the list: Operational exibility to support plant dispatch requirements such as quick start-up, fuel exibility, black start, power augmentation, air inlet cooling. Operational stability to accommodate sudden load changes, active grid frequency support, black grid restoration, partial or global load rejection. An efcient Operation & Maintenance regime. With the Alstom GT13E2 gas turbine, all the above come as standard. The GT13E2 is backed by Alstoms plant operating and maintenance service expertise, with a portfolio including any level of service from spare parts delivery up to full operation and maintenance. Operational support is also available on a 24/7 basis with the on-line Alstom Monitoring and Diagnosis System (AMODIS). The GT13E2 is the result of years of Alstom experience in gas turbine plant design and construction. This experience goes back to the worlds rst commercial gas turbine plant in Neuchtel, Switzerland, in 1939. Today, Alstom is the leading EPC contractor worldwide, with technology for all plant components in house.
FKIRINA ALGERIA Constructed in record time Operating since October 2004, Sonelgaz base load simple cycle power plant is located 120 km South-East of Constantine. From signing the contracts to the rst units commercial operation date, the plant was built on a turnkey basis in record time. The plant layout is designed so that, in the future, further units including the conversion to combined-cycle can be added without disturbing operations.
COCKBURN AUSTRALIA Delivered four months ahead of schedule Western Powers 240 MW combinedcycle Cockburn power plant is situated adjacent to the existing coal-red power plant in Kwinana, Western Australia. Construction began in June 2002 and cold commissioning took place at the end of March 2003. Completion was achieved in early October 2003, nearly four months ahead of schedule.
KUALA LANGAT MALAYSIA Using a exible operating mode This cogeneration plant was the rst of several independent power projects with the GT13E2 in Malaysia. Owned by Genting Sanyen Power and nished in just 24 months, on completion it generated 667 MW and supplied 57 tons/hour of process steam to the adjacent paper mill. In early 2007, all gas turbines were upgraded to a exible operating mode that allows choosing on-line between higher output and extended lifetime.
RAS ABU FONTAS B & B1 QATAR Using natural gas from 14 different sources Ras Abu Fontas is the largest and most important power and water production plant in Qatar. In 2002, the plants capacity was increased by 377 MW thanks to three additional GT13E2 gas turbines. All eight turbines are installed in one air-conditioned gas turbine building. Operating on natural gas from 14 different sources, with a wide range of gas compositions without any hardware change, the power plant demonstrates exceptional fuel exibility.
ALBA BAHRAIN Continuously upgraded With an installed production capacity of more than 800,000 tonnes per year, Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) is currently one of the largest modern aluminium smelters in the world. Power Stations 3 & 4, installed by Alstom, supply three quarters of Albas installed power generation capacity. The gas turbines have been continuously upgraded, resulting in increased performance, extended inspection intervals, increased expected lifetime and improved overall availability.
PELICAN POINT AUSTRALIA Built on a fast-track basis Operational since September 2000, Pelican Point is a 500 MW combinedcycle power project developed on a fasttrack basis by National Power. Alstom installed two GT13E2 gas turbines equipped with advanced high-efciency, low-emission burner technology to help meet the strict environmental requirements. Alstom also supplied the overall power plant control system, plant engineering, and associated installation and commissioning.
With millions of red hours, the GT13E2 boasts an enviable track record.
LUMUT EXTENSION MALAYSIA Efcient installation When Alstom installed another block to this GT13E2 based 1,400 MW combined-cycle power plant, the developers invested in a bypass stack. This allowed open-cycle operations while Alstom converted the plant to a combined-cycle. Alstom supplied 3 x 165 MW GT13E2 gas turbines, a steam turbine, three HRSGs, electrical generators, the entire auxiliary system, control system and interconnection facility. Alstom was also responsible for the supervision of erection and commissioning works
RUWAIS UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Consistent high service In 1998, Alstom won a contract for the Ruwais power and desalination plant in Abu Dhabi. The facility is located in the coastal industrial area of Ruwais, 230 km west of the capital Abu Dhabi City. Alstom supplied four GT13E2 gas turbines and generators, along with the associated HRSGs and desalination plant. We also provided the overall plant control system, the BoP equipment and complete engineering, installation and commissioning work.
PHU MY VIETNAM The largest power complex in Vietnam The Phu My combined-cycle power plant has a total capacity of over 3,800 MW, making it the largest power-generating complex in Vietnam. Alstoms plants in the complex include: Phu My 2.1 - 300 MW, 1997 Phu My 2.1 - Add-On 160 MW, 2003 Phu My 4 - 450 MW, 2004 Phu My 2.1 Ext. - 160 MW add-on, 2006
VAIRES-SUR-MARNES FRANCE Efcient power Alstom was commissioned to install three GT13E2 gas turbines into the Vaires-sur-Marnes power plant on the bank on the river Marnes. It is now a 555 MW (3 x 185 MW) plant, providing efcient power to meet Frances rising energy demands.
MINSK BELARUS Reducing emissions Operated by RUE Minskenergo, the Minsk gas power plant was originally opened in 1999 as a single simple cycle unit. In 2012 a second unit was developed and installed by Alstom, converting Minsk into a combined-cycle cogeneration plant, producing more energy with higher efciency and less impact on the environment.
MUARA TAWAR INDONESIA Providing efciency The Muara Tawar combined-cycle gas power plant is located near Jakarta, West Java. It now has 14 units and a capacity of 2158 MW. Alstom has provided one KA13E2-3, one SC13E2-2-1 and one KA13E2-1.
Alstom engineers have optimised our Powertrains for both hot and cold end performance, creating maximum combined-cycle efciency. Powertrain Arrangements
Whether used for utility, cogeneration or industrial applications, Alstom has extensive experience with various sizes of multishaft arrangement in all types of power trains, from base load to daily start and stop.
Alstom steam turbines offer: An HP turbine shrink ring design for sustained efciency and fast start-up Welded rotor design for fast start-up and low maintenance Single bearing designs for compact arrangement Single axial or lateral exhaust designs available for lower foundations and lower rst costs.
TOPAIR Multi-chamber Totally Enclosed Water to Air Cooled (TEWAC) system for high efciency Self-retightening stator end windings for low maintenance proven reliability in various applications and shaft arrangements.
Alstom gas turbines the core of any combined-cycle plant.
Alstom turbogenerators demonstrate high efciency, reliability and availability with low maintenance requirements.
Alstom collaborates with over 30 universities worldwide, giving it an unparalleled reputation for R&D.
We are constantly searching for solutions to make the best use of both our customers investments and the earths resources. Thanks to our upgrades and innovations, our customers receive ever-greater efciencies and reduced costs throughout the lifecycle of their plants. We also focus on minimising CO2 emissions through the development of renewable technologies for application in both new and retrot installations. Developing hydro turbines with Grenoble and Lausanne universities. Researching combustion with Colognes Deutsches Zentrum fr Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR). Studying heat transfer with Oxford University and engineering institutes in China, India and Russia.
International collaboration
In the eld of international collaboration, Alstom has played a leading role in establishing the European technology platform for zero emission fossil fuel power generation (ZEP).
Partnership throughout
with Alstom
the plants lifecycle
Alstom has over 100 years experience and an installed eet of more than 650 GW.
AMERICAS Danville Richmond Richmond Richmond Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter Sao Paulo
MIDDLE EAST / ASIA PACIFIC Dubai Dubai Dubai Rabigh Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur
Thanks to Alstoms maintenance contracts, our customers are free to introduce new management strategies by outsourcing risks and responsibilities contracts that put plant owners in control.
Alstom has long-term service contracts with 25 plants and 60 GT13E2 gas turbines. As we are the original equipment manufacturer, our GT13E2 service customers benet from our extensive rst-hand experience and expertise. We make sure our contracts are tailored to meet all your operational, maintenance and support requirements. Whether you prefer a Long Term Agreement or an Operation & Maintenance contract, with Alstoms comprehensive, yet exible agreements, you can be sure of a win-win situation.
TPW/BPROB/GSTSRB12/eng/THP/09.12/UK/7726 ALSTOM 2012. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is indicative only. No representation or warranty is given or should be relied on that it is complete or correct or will apply to any particular project. This will depend on the technical and commercial circumstances. It is provided without liability and is subject to change without notice. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties, without express written authority, is strictly prohibited.
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