ELE401 - Field Theory: Tutorial Problems Week 8

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ELE401 - Field Theory: Tutorial Problems Week 8

1. An innitely long line of current Io [A] passes through the point A(6, 0, 5) in the direction, 3ax + 4ay . Determine the expression for the magnetic intensity vector H at point P (11, 10, 0).

P(0, 0, z)

z=c z' z=b dz'

K = K a

Figure 1: A circle of line current

2. Starting with the expression for a circle of line current located on the circle (see Figure 1) x2 + y 2 = a2 at z = z as sensed at a point P (0, 0, z ) as: H = Ia2 2[a2 + (z z )2 ] 2

az [A/m]


(a) Convert this into a suitable expression for an incremental ring of surface current density K Having a width of dz . ( K = K a ) (b) Integrate to solve for the H -eld due to a solenoid of radius a and extending from z = b to z = c. 1

(c) Show that the H -eld due to an innitely long solenoid (i.e. c and b ) becomes, H = K az [A/m] 3. If J =
Io a2 az


[A/m2 ] in the conductor (see Figure 2), but J = 0 outside.

(a) Solve for H1 inside the conductor, and H2 outside the conductor, using Amperes Circuital Law and symmetry. (b) Solve B1 and B2 inside and outside the conductor respectively. (c) Solve for the ux crossing the surface,
a 2

2a; =

0 z L; B dS .

= 0 (3)

(d) If A1 and A2 are given for the two regions, inside and outside the conductor respectively: A1 = A2 = Io o 2 az [W b/m] 4a2 Io o a 1 ln az [W b/m]. 2 2 (4) (5)

Conrm that B = A in both regions. (e) Conrm that the ux calculation in (3c) can also be done using: = A d l . (6)

J Non-magnetic o everywhere Conductor a

Figure 2: A conductor

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