Glucose Found in Urine

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Sugar in Urine Normally glucose is virtually absent from urine .

the renal threshold for glucose ranges from 160200mgm/dl depending on the individual .that is blood sugar must rise to its renal threshold before glucose will appear in urine. When glucose is present in urine it is called glysosuria .other less important sugar that may appear in urine are lactose galactose pentose which may give false positive results for glucose. So specific test must be performed for differentiating glucose from other sugars present in urine. Methods. 1. Determination of Glucose.

Benedicts test Fehlings test

2. Determination of Lactose

Yeast fermentation test Osazone test. Rubners test.

3. Saliwanoffs Test for Fructose 4. Bials Test For Pentoses Determination of Glucose by Benedicts Test

Fig. Benedict's test (Negative, 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ from left to right)
Principle When benedicts qualitative reagent is heated with 8 drops of urine glucose present in urine reduces cupric ions present in reagent to cuprous ions. Alkaline medium is provided to the reaction by sodium carbonate present in reagent .the color changes to green yellow orange or red according to concentration of glucose in urine. Reagent Benedicts qualitative reagent preparation:

Sodium citrate 1.73 gm. Sodium bicarbonate 100 gm.

Place in about 900 ml of distilled water. Boil for 2-3 minutes and add 17.3 gm of cupric sulfate Make final volume up to 1 liter The reagent is stable at room temperature.


Pipette ml of benedicts reagent in test tube By using Pasteur pipette add 8 drops of urine Heat carefully or place in boiling water bath for 5-10 mins Cool under tap water.


No change in color i.e. blue: Absence of sugar. Pale green with slightly cloudy: Trace Definite cloudy green: 1+ Yellow to orange precipitate with supernatant fluid pale blue: 2+ Orange to red precipitate supernatant fluid pale blue: 3+ Brick red precipitate supernatant decolorized: 4+

Clinical significance In general glucose is seen in urine in 2 conditions A. When blood sugar is elevated B. When blood sugar is not elevated but renal tubular absorption-glucose is impaired. Glucose in urine is mainly seen in diabetes mellitus. It is increased in 1. Any cause of increased blood glucose. 2. Rapid intestinal absorption (post gastrectomy dumping normal pregnancy) 3. Endocrine disorders other than diabetes milletus like thyrotoxicosis, gigantism.acromegaly, Cushing syndrome. 4. Major trauma stroke myocardial infarction or circulatory collapse cerebral hemorrhage 5. Burns oral steroid therapy infection pheochromocytoma 6. Glycogen storage disease, obesity, sepsis, carcinoma of pancrease, fanconis syndrome, cystinosis. Note

1. If benedicts show more than 2.5% sugar urine should be diluted. 2. If benedicts test is positive then it is necessary to confirm it by using glucose oxidase uristix

3. Sugar in urine is also detected in gestational diabetes oral glucose tolerance test spot test during
post prandial blood glucose. 4. Benedicts reagent gives false positive in certain non-carbohydrate also such as uric acid creatinine salicyaclic acid homogentisic acid and melanogen.

Fig. Multiple Uristix


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