Farm Mechanisation

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L&T Finance

Welcome to Functional Thursday Farm Mechanization Trends in India

Arun Virupakshi Retail Product Finance

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


India - a large producer and consumer of food

All 15 major climates of the World are present in India 52% of total land is cultivable as against world average of 11% India is a multi crop country unlike major ag economies
Milk Largest Producer 91 Mn T

L&T Finance

Fisheries Marine: 2.7 Mn T Inland : 3.1 Mn T

Cattle / buffaloes Largest in the world 283 million

Fruits and Vegetables 41% of mango 23% of Banana 24 % of cashew nut 10% of onion 30% of cauliflower 36% of Green Peas. Meat and Poultry 53% of worlds buffalo 17% of goat Fifth in world egg production
Cereals Largest Producer of Pulses Second largest producer of Food grains Second largest producer of Sugarcane

F&V #2 in the world 129 Mn T

Food Grains #2 in the world (218 Mn T)

Tea Largest Producer (0.85 Mn T)

Goat & Sheep 182 million Sugarcane # 2 in the world (245 Mn T)

Source: FAO / NHB / Department of Animal Husbandry

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Statistical Profile of India

L&T Finance

Total Land Area Area which is enumerated in the census Forest Area under non agricultural use Barren and uncultivable Land Permanent pastures and Grazing Land Fallow Land Cropped Area Area under food grain cultivation Of this, area under rain fed systems
Source of Inf: (I) GOI: Directorate of Economics and Statistics

811.889m acres
757.055 m acres 175.49 m acres 60.88m acres 53.78 m acres 30.65 m acres 60.28 m acres 375.975 m acres 305.045 m acres 219.83 m acres

16% to GDP
Contribution of agriculture and allied areas 10.23% to total exports 52.1% to total employment
Corporate Finance Construction Equipment Commercial Vehicle Rural Finance Micro Finance Distribution

Snapshot of Indian States

State Andhra Pradesh Bihar Gujarat Haryana Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Reported Area (000 hectares) 27440 17329 18825 4391 19050 3885 44210 30758 15540 5033 34234 12994 29830 8846 Irrigated Land (000hectares) 4527 1753 4400 2164 2688 1500 5500 2013 2603 3088 1600 7000 3500 4434

L&T Finance

Production of food grains (000tonnes) 14,395 12,908 5566 12,123 9976 691 19,798 12,752 5806 22,906 12,933 10,140 40,145 14,367

Source : Agricultural Dept of India

Corporate Finance Construction Equipment Commercial Vehicle Rural Finance Micro Finance Distribution

L&T Finance

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


L&T Finance

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Kharif & Rabi Seasons Season Period Sowing Harvest

L&T Finance

Major Crops
Bajra, Jowar Rice Maize, Pulses Groundnut Chillies Cotton, Soyabean Sugarcane and Turmeric Wheat, Barley Mustard, Sesame Peas, Gram Safflower and Linseed


June to

June-July: Pre sowing and preparatory tillage of the soil July: Sowing

September to December

Mid October Rabi to February

September to November

February & March

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Revolution in Traditional farming

L&T Finance

The traditional farming has undergone the following changes over a period of time: Mechanical (Tractors ,Harvestors) Chemical (Fertilizers & Pesticides) Genetic (Genetic modification of seeds) Information technologies ( whether reports, Data) Others (Irrigation ,credit availability )

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Evolution of agriculture in India

L&T Finance

1960-80 1950s Stagnation in agriculture Crop growth rates of 0.4 per cent/year Food grains growth of 0.1 per cent/year Food grain production of 59.2 mt in 195253, with a yield of 579.8 kg/ha Pioneering work of agricultural scientists and efforts of farmers led to Green Revolution High Yield Variety (HYV) of seeds, increased use of fertilizers and irrigation resulted in a significant increase in production Attained food security and reduced import of food grains

1980-00 Expanding cereal production Economic reforms introduced; encouragement to exports Generated surplus agricultural commodities for exports India became a net exporter of agricultural products, with a small surplus

2000 onwards Massive increase in population and substantial income growth amplified the demand for food grains MNC players brought in better technology to the market Rise in institutional credit for agriculture Launched NFSM to increase production of rice, wheat and pulses

Source: RBI, Ministry of Agriculture, Aranca Research Notes: NFSM - National Food Security Mission, MNC Multi National Company, mt - metric tonne
Corporate Finance Construction Equipment Commercial Vehicle Rural Finance Micro Finance Distribution

Growth Drivers of Indian Agriculture

L&T Finance

Demand-side drivers Population and income growth

Policy support
Institutional credit Increasing MSPs Favourable policies

Supply-side drivers Hybrid and genetically modified seeds Mechanization Irrigational facilities

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Budget Allocation

L&T Finance

Financial Year 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-2009 2007-2008

Agri Budget allocated 14,744 Cr 12,308 Cr 7,018 Cr 5,000 Cr (approx) 3,200 Cr (approx)

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


India in the Global Farm Equipment market

L&T Finance

Over the last few years Indian agricultural equipment market has been widely exposed to international trade.

Global majors like John Deere, New Holland, Carraro and Same Deutz have already made an entry in Indian market, whereas Indian players are looking for alliances with foreign partners overseas.

Indian manufacturers are also contributing to the Global markets by exporting the tractors , harvestors and other agri implements. (Mahindra is the 2nd largest Tractor manufacturer in the world)

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Indian States

L&T Finance

Northern States such as Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh (particularly Western and Tarai belt) have achieved a faster growth in mechanization over various Plans. The pace of mechanization in North-Eastern States has not been satisfactory due to constraints such as hilly topography, socio-economic conditions, high cost of transport etc. Western & Southern market are catching up with the mechanisation due to various subsidy schemes extended by the Govt, good monsoon and MSPs

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Mechanization in Farming
Land Development, Tillage, Seedbed Preparation

L&T Finance

1.Tractors 2. Levelers3. Ploughs4. Dozers 5. Scrapers

Sowing and Planting

1. Drill 2. Seeder 3. Planter 4. Dibbler 5. Trans-planter

Weeding, Inter - Cultivation, Plant Protection

1. Shovel/Plough2. Harrow3. Tiller 4 .Sprayer 5. Duster

Harvesting & Threshing

1. Harvester 2. Thresher3. Digger4. Reaper 5. Sickle/Dao

Post Harvesting & Agri processing

1.Seed Extractor 2. Dehusker 3.Cleaner 4. Grader 5. Dryer

Commercial Vehicle Rural Finance Micro Finance Distribution

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Economic Advantage of Mechanization in %

L&T Finance

Increase in productivity up to Seed-cum-fertilizer drill facilitates Saving in seeds Saving in fertilizer Enhancement in cropping intensity
Increase in gross income of the farmers

12% to 34% 20% 15% to 20% 5% to 22%

29% to 49%

Source: Report of the Sub-Group on Agricultural Implements and Machinery for Formulation of 9th Five Year Plan, Govt. of India.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


History of Mechanization in India

L&T Finance

Trend of Machinery Population(Number in Lacs) Machinery 1950-51 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2010-11

Tractor PowerTiller
Combine Harvester Electric Pump Diesel Pump Power Sprayer



0.9 0.17

4.28 0.8

12.33 0.95

26.41 1.18
0.06 125.14 59.4 3.11

30.41 1.38
0.09 165 69.5 4

0.2 0.83

1 2.3

10.29 15.46 0.45

43.3 31.01 1.24

89.1 46.59 2

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Annual Market Size

L&T Finance

Combine Harvester Power Tiller Rotavetor Thresher Tractor

Annual Market (units) Growth Rate

3000 4000 60,000 70,000 50,000 20,000 5,00,000 40% 10% 50% 10% 15%

Source: Italian Trade Commission

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Penetration of Agricultural Equipment (Nos per 1000 hectare)L&T Finance

Tractor drawn seed cum fertilizer drill Tractor operated levellers Plant protection equipment(manually operated) Plant protection equipment(power operated) Drip and Sprinkler Equipment Horticultural tools Tractors Power tillers Tractor operated Disc harrow Tractor operated Cultivator Tractor operated Rotovator Potato Digger Straw Reaper Forage Harvester 4.3


8.9 16.7

6.6 12.5

2.1 18.8 18.2

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Emerging trends in Indian Farm Mechanization

L&T Finance

Rice Transplanter Rice Transplanter


Harvestor Tractor Driven

Harvestor Self - Tyre

Harvestor Self - Chain

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Emerging trends in Indian Farm Mechanization

L&T Finance

Tractor Sugarcane Harvestor


Corporate Finance Construction Equipment Commercial Vehicle Rural Finance

Potato Planter
Micro Finance Distribution


L&T Finance

Used for transplanting the seedlings Productivity : 3-4 acre/day 10-15% more yield than manual transplantation 30% less water is required than manual transplantation Quick and easy because of even transplanting in rows

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Grain Combine Harvester

L&T Finance

Offers the advantage of timely harvesting, reduced grain losses and makes available the field for immediate sowing of subsequent crops.
Being a self propelled unit has the provision of cutting/reaping, conveying, threshing, cleaning and delivering the grain to tank/bags. Suitable for harvesting rice, wheat, soybean, chick pea and similar crops and covers wide area depending on the size of cutter bar and conditions of field.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


States AP TN KR MP Irrigated Land (In million acres) 9.38 13.34 24.21 20.25 No of harvesters needed 9000 10000 12000 11500 Current Population 4000 8200 5000 1500

L&T Finance

Additional required 5000 1800 7000 10000

Man VS Machine
Implement (For 1 acre land) Harvester Rice Transplanter Manually (Time Taken) 4 hr 8hr Machine (Time Taken) 60 mts 2 persons in 60 mts

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Power Weeder / Tiller

L&T Finance

Useful for smaller land holdings. Multiple applications, such as tilling, ploughing, spraying etc The wheel setting is done as per crop row spacing. Are preferred by the small farmers and horticulture units.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Sprinkler Irrigation System

L&T Finance

Water is sprayed into the air and allowed to fall on the ground surface simulating rainfall. Capable of applying water to any crop, soil and topographic conditions. Low rates of water may be applied as required for seed germination, frost protection, delay of fruit budding and cooling of crops in hot weather. The overall irrigation efficiency of this method is as high as 7580% compared to 25-30% of surface method of irrigation.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance



L&T Finance

This is a one-pass agricultural technology, which is utilized for ploughing fields for all types of soils in the world . Rotavators are used with tractor ranging from 40 - 60 Hp. The high performance Rotavator assists in saving tractor hours, saving fuel, time & labor in preparing the field for sowing.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance



L&T Finance

Are capable of cutting, threshing and cleaning the straw in a single operation and then cuts the stalks into minute pieces against the concave.
The end product is used for animal fodder. Prior to mechanization the farmers used to burn the waste after harvesting , and that used to pollute the atmosphere.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


Mechanical Cotton Picker

L&T Finance

Hand picking of cotton requires around 465 labour hour per hectare.
Due to non-availability of labourers in time the cotton pickings get delayed causing around 15 per cent field losses and affecting the overall quality of cotton balls.

The mechanical cotton picker is a self propelled two row unit provided with spindle type picking mechanism.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


New technology and the future

L&T Finance

Researches and tests are being conducted world wide to make the Farm work more automated with lesser manual intervention. In the foreseeable future, some agricultural machines will be capable of driving themselves, using GPS maps and electronic sensors.

Self-steer programs allow the most advanced tractors and implements to be more precise and less wasteful in the use of fuel, seed, or fertilizer.

Corporate Finance

Construction Equipment

Commercial Vehicle

Rural Finance

Micro Finance


L&T Finance

Corporate Finance Construction Equipment Commercial Vehicle Rural Finance Micro Finance Distribution

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