Development and Performance Evaluation of Carrot Washer

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J. Glob. Innov. Agric. Soc. Sci., 2017, 5(1): 28-31.

ISSN (Online): 2311-3839; ISSN (Print): 2312-5225



Ghulam Siddique1, Abdul Aleem2, Ghulam Hussain3 and Hafiz Ali Raza4,*
Director AMRI Multan, Punjab Pakistan; 2Agricultural Engineer AMRI Multan, Punjab Pakistan;
Assistant Agricultural Engineer AMRI Multan, Punjab Pakistan; 4 Assistant Agricultural Engineer AMRI Multan,
Punjab Pakistan
*Corresponding author,s e-mail: [email protected]

Carrot washer is a machine which could find its use in agricultural fields. The root crops like carrot after harvesting have to be
cleaned-off soil particles before their transportation from field to market in order to enhance market value. The washing of
carrots is mainly carried out manually with the help of brooms and feet by using un-cleaned water of nearby source. Manual
cleaning requires labor and it is time consuming due to sticky mud on the surface of carrot. Carrot washer is a machine which
is very useful for cleaning purpose with a cleaning efficiency of 98%. It can also be used for the washing of other crops like
potatoes; radish etc., after their harvesting and then these crops can be transported to the market. This is a low cost machine
and every farmer in Pakistan can afford it. The objective of this paper is to discuss the design and details of this carrot washer.
The machine has a wooden drum with a continuous pressurized water supply. Muddy carrots after harvesting are placed inside
the drum through opening provided at the face of drum. The wooden drum rotates and rubs off foreign material from carrot
surface; pressurized water is used to wash away the soil. The wastewater after washing falls down from the drum through slots
provided at the circumference of drum. Hence carrot washer cleans the carrots and other root crops and makes them ready for
Keywords: Manual Cleaning; Carrots; Carrot Washer; Wooden Drum

INTRODUCTION being practice in Pakistan. Ahmad et al., (2012) reported that

the washing procedure of the farmers is very poor at the farm
Carrot (Daucuscarota) is a root-crop which is rich in vitamin level. These methods need to be improved for the greater
and used as a food, household vegetable and in salad. Maturity market value of the crop. Murry and Judy, (1996) reported
period of carrot is about 100-120 days and it is sown on an that there is a need of an efficient vegetable washer to remove
area of 33345 acres (13500 hectare) with a production of the foreign material from the surface of the vegetables
235.9 thousand tons in Pakistan (GOP, 2011). As it is a root especially from root crops.
crop so after harvesting washing of carrots is very essential to
get good market price (Shakeel et al., 2013). After harvesting
of root crops, immediate washing is necessary to avoid
contamination due to drying of soil on crops inorder to
enhance quality of crop (Whitemore and Whalley, 2009;
Aslam et al., 2014). In Pakistan washing of carrots is mostly
done manually which is laborious and time consuming due to
sticky mud on its surface. Manual washing is done alongside
the canals and water channels and it requires huge labor, it is
expensive, time consuming and in-efficient. Henderson and
Perry, (1980) reported that the manual washing is done by a
huge amount of water moving at medium to high speed over
the root crops. In some areas where canal water is not
available, the washing of carrots is done with waste water and
mud is removed with the help of feet. These methods of
washing are immoral, unhygienic and also damage the
carrots. Le Bohec, (1993) concluded that the conventional
methods of washing of carrots tend to damage the crop. Fig.1 Figure 1: Conventional Washing Method at Farm Level
shows the conventional method of carrot washing which is in Pakistan.
Siddique, Aleem, Hussain & Raza

MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to overcome the problems of tractor operated

machine Institute decided to redesign new prototype machine
According to demand of the root crop growers it was which is capable to overcome all issues faced in tractor
necessary to develop a machine which can help the farmers in operated machine. A medium size electric operated prototype
washing of root crops at farm level. Therefore, Agricultural machine was design, developed (Fig.3) and tested for washing
Mechanization Research Institute (AMRI), Multan has of carrots. The performance of machine was tested for
designed and developed two prototype machines for root crop washing efficiency and the capacity. The machine works on
growing community. These machines were tested many times the principle of rubbing action provided by the brushes
in filed and modifications were done to get best results. First installed in the washing drum. The newly developed carrot
prototype machine is operated with tractor P.T.O shaft and washing machine mainly consists of, circular wooden drum,
second is operated with 2 h.p electric motor. Fig 2 shows main frame, power transmission unit and drive assembly,
tractor operated carrot washer and fig 3 shows motor operated water supply unit and drain water collector tank
carrot washer. Both prototype machines were tested by Circular Wooden Drum: A circular wooden drum having
washing of carrots. Tractor operated machine has washing 2438 mm length, 610 mm diameter and 23 wooden strips is
drum of hexagonal shape which is made of iron strips. Carrots used in this machine. Carrots are continuously fed in rotating
up to 0.5 ton can feed in the washing drum and feeding door wooden drum through the opening provided at one face of the
is closed before rotation of drum. After one minute of drum and water is sprayed in the drum by a perforated pipe
continuous rotation of drum carrots are removed by opening having diameter of 25 mm mounted on the top inside the
the feeding door and collect the carrots on collector plate. washing drum. Three types of washing drums were fabricated
and tested under different conditions to get better results.
D1 = Washing drum of 6ft diameter.
D2 = Washing drum of 8ft diameter.
D3 = Washing drum of 8ft diameter with cleaning brush
inside the drum.
Main Frame: The main frame of carrot washer was
rectangular in shape made by using 38x38x5 mm angle iron
and 3 mm G.I sheet. The overall dimension of frame was 4000
x1066x1800 mm. Main frame of the machine have two wheel
and one hitch for the purpose of easy transportation in the
Power Transmission Unit and Drive Assembly: Two phase
motor having 900 rpm was use and power of motor was
diverted to the wooden drum by V-belt. Fig 3 shows power
transmission and drive assembly.

Figure 2: Tractor Operated Carrot Washer.

Figure 4. Power Transmission and Drive Assembly of

Carrot Washer.

Water Supply Unit: Mono block pump having discharge of

1.5 liters/sec is used to supply water in the washing drum.
Head of the pump is 70ft. The suction pipe of 37 mm and
delivery pipe of 25 mm are attached with the pump. Pump is
operated with electric motor having 2850 rpm. Perforated
Figure 3: Motor Operated Carrot Washer. pipes are used to add fresh water with pressure and remove

Carrot Washer

floating produce after cleaning (Kitinoja and Kader, 2002). Specifications: The detailed specifications of the carrot
Fig 4 shows water supply unit and washing brushes with their washer are given in Table 1 and specification of the pump
exact position and spray angle inside the washing drum. The used in carrot washer is given in Table 2.
bruise index increased with increase in operating speed for Cleaning and Washing Efficiency: Cleaning efficiency is the
washing root crops (Jayashree and Viswanathan, 2010). ratio of quantity of carrots washed effectively to the quantity
Vegetable washing by means of a spray washer is most of carrots supplied to the carrot washer for washing. It can
effective method. Antony, (1987) concluded that those also be determined by using following formula.
products that are heavily contaminated with soil should be Cleaning Efficiency =
thoroughly soaked in order to lose the soil and then pass it Quantity of carrots washed
under sprays. In the case of plastic matting, washing X 100
Total quantity of carrots in drum for washing
efficiency was more for carrot and radish at 3.5 mm thickness Washing efficiency is the ratio of the weight of carrots before
compared to 1.5 mm thickness for the same produce. Fig 4 washing to the weight of carrots after washing and it can be
shows water supply unit and spray angle inside the drum. calculated by the following formula.
Washing Efficiency =
Weight of carrots before washing
X 100
Weight of carrots after washing


The carrot washer was tested under different field conditions

and data was collected carefully to check the performance of
carrot washer. On the basis of these tests, suitable dimensions
of the carrot washer were suggested. The results obtained at
different field conditions are presented statistically in table 3.
Table 3 consists of different types of washing drums having
different lengths, slope, average cleaning capacity in kg/hr.
Figure 5: Water Supply Unit and Spray Angle inside the and finally average cleaning efficiency of carrot washer at
Drum. different slopes and lengths.
Statistical Analysis of Obtained Data: Statistical analysis of
Drain Water Collector Tank: After washing of root crops the data show that there was a significant difference in the
(i.e. carrots) waste water falls down through spacing provided performance of carrot washer under changing parameters.
between the wooden strips of washing drum and collected in There was a significant difference in the cleaning capacity and
a collection tank present at the bottom of the machine. After cleaning efficiency of the carrot washers having washing
collection the collected water is drained into the watercourse drum of same length at different slope also there was a
by the help of drained pipe. In this way water is saved and can significant difference in the cleaning capacity and cleaning
be reused for agriculture purposes.

Table 1: Specifications of Motor Operated Carrot Washer

Washing capacity 25 Mound/hour
Power of drive motor 2 h.p (Three phase) with 900 rpm
rpm of washing drum 40
Length of washing drum 2438 mm
Inner dia. Of drum 610 mm
Number of wooden strips used in drum 23
No. of transmission pulleys 2 (304 mm and 100 mm in dia.)
Number of supported rims 4 (dia. 660 mm)
Overall machine dimensions (L x W x H) mm 4000 x 1066 x 1800
Main material of machine (mm) Angle iron (38 x 38 x 5) and M.S sheet 3 mm in thickness

Table 2: Specifications of Pump

Type of Discharge Suction (mm) Delivery Power of motor attached RPM Maximum
pump (lit/sec) (mm) with pump (hp) Head (ft)
Mono block 1.5 37 25 0.5 2850 70

Siddique, Aleem, Hussain & Raza

efficiency at same slope in washing drums of different length. of this machine is about Rs. 2800 per acre. Manual washing
Firstly, when the drum D1 was used its cleaning capacity was also takes a lot of time but washing with carrot washer save
more at slope 2.25 % as shown in table 3 but cleaning time when we compare with manual washing. In conventional
efficiency was more at slope but cleaning efficiency was less, washing 80 hours are required per acre per person for washing
so D1 replaced with D2 but D2 also gave the same results as of carrots. While the same work can be performing in 15
D1. Now we introduced cleaning brushes in D2 and named it hours. In short, it can save about 65 hours per acre and also it
as D3. On testing D3 at different slopes the results were is easy to operate and ensures safe handling of carrots.
excellent. At 0.75% slope the cleaning efficiency was Besides of carrots it can also be used for the washing of other
maximum but cleaning capacity was less and at 2.25 % slope root crops.
the cleaning capacity was maximum but cleaning efficiency
was minimum. In this study our main concern was on cleaning REFERENCES
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