September 29, 2013

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00 Jammu Edition

STUdent aGE

JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 243







Kashmir is and will remain an integral part of India: Manmohan Singh at UN

4Pakistan must shut down its terror machinery. Settlement on all issues with Pakistan through Shimla Agreement only. 4India will never ever compromise on the territorial 4integrity of Jammu & Kashmir.
& Kashmir is an integral part. In his address to the UN general assembly on Saturday, he virtually rejected Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's demand for resolving the Kashmir issue on the basis of UN security council resolutions, saying India favoured settlement of all issues on the basis of the Simla Agreement. On Friday, Sharif had made the demand when he raked up the Kashmir issue in his speech. "India is committed sincerely in resolving all issues with Pakistan, including the issue of Jammu & Kashmir, through bilateral dialogue on the basis of Simla Agreement," he said. India considers the UN resolutions as outdated. Singh said terrorism remained a grave threat to security and stability everywhere and extracts a heavy toll of innocent lives around the world. "From Africa to Asia, we have seen several manifestations of this menace in the last few days alone," he said in an apparent reference to the twin terror attacks near Jammu on Thursday that claimed 10 lives and the Kenyan mall attack. "State-sponsored cross-border terrorism is of particular concern to India, also on account of the fact that the epicentre of terrorism in our region is located in our neighbourhood in Pakistan." While expressing readiness to solve issues including Jammu & Kashmir through bilateral dialogue, the Prime Minister said, "However, for progress to be made, it is imperative that the territory of Pakistan and the areas under its control are not utilized for aiding and abetting terrorism directed against India. "It is equally 8Contd p2


Jawans hunting for terrorist.
KATHUA, SEP 28: Friday Morning in Jammu created a scare when it was reported that militants had been sighted in Kathua . rumour mills ran over time as massive combing operation was launched at Diyalchak and its adjacent areas including dense forests in Kathua district after police received information from locals that three men donning Army uniform were seen roaming in the area. Reports said that the teacher of a government school along with some other locals informed police that the three suspected militants donning Army uniform carrying sophisticated weapons were roaming in the area. "I was informed by school children that three persons along with weapons entered into our school premises and after quenching their thirst left the school. I soon after informed the police about them," a school teacher told reporters in Diyalchak area. Another local said that he himself saw 8Contd p2 SRINAGAR, SEP 28: Two scooter-borne militants opened fire on a convoy of security forces in Sanat Nagar on the outskirts of the city on Saturday afternoon. The terrorist organisation Shohada Brigade - is believed to be responsible for the attack. "Our two men carried out the attack on Army at Sanat Nagar in Srinagar," a person introducing himself as Shamsul Haq, spokesman of the group, told agencies on phone. The militants opened fire on vehicles of the security forces between Sanat Nagar and Hyderpora bypass road this afternoon, official sources said. They said a civilian was injured in the 8Contd p2

PM, Manmohan Singh addressing at UN.

UNITED NATIONS, SEP 28: In a hard-hitting speech, Prime MinisterManmohan Singh asked Pakistan to shut down "terrorist machinery" on its soil while making it clear that there can "never, ever" be a compromise on the territorial integrity of India of which Jammu

India -US to fall in defence embrace

WASHINGTON, SEP 28: With India coy on the real significance and magnitude of U.S-India and not wishing to be identified as a U.S. ally. Both sides contrived to use all kinds of synonyms -- natural partners, friends etc -- to get around becoming formal treaty allies. Well, all such pretense goes out of the window with the declaration between the two countries on Friday that they ''share common security interests and place each other at the same level as their closest partners.'' In fact, following a summit meeting between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the White House, the two sides found it necessary to produce a Joint Declaration on Defense Cooperation, separate from the Joint Statement, 8Contd p2

NEW YORK, SEP 28: Derided by critics as a servitor and doormat when it comes to domestic politics, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has repeatedly shown that he can hold his own when it comes to international relations - bar, some commentators feel, when it comes to Pakistan. On Friday, Singh pushed back against the United States on many fronts, quite perceptively persuading President Obama to accept his view on at least two issues. The first was the trade and commerce relationship between the two sides that has hit a rough patch lately. Ahead of Singh's visit, US lawmakers and lobbyists acted in tandem to pile up a laundry list of complaints against New

Manmohan Singh -Obama talks: US Omar Abdullah pins hope appreciates Indian concerns, challenges in Manmohan-Nawaz talks
Delhi, drumming up a steady refrain that India was reverting to its socialist tendencies, particularly in the light of increased social safety net spending, and setting up roadblocks against foreign (read American) businesses. Singh was unapologetic about the road he has chosen, telling the US President that "India is a poor country" and his government's basic task is to improve the standard of living of its people and getting rid of mass poverty, ignorance and disease which still afflict millions. "And in that struggle, we want America to stand by our side," Singh said, with Obama seated beside him. He further added that "in the President, the United States has a leader who realizes and recognizes the contribution that a resurgent India can make not only to fighting poverty, but also to global peace and prosperity." The argument for pro-poor policies evidently made an impression on Obama, who has himself been dubbed a closet socialist. Despite pressure from domestic trade groups, US president did not push back with the counter-argument presented by many economists most evident in the Bhagwati vs Sen debate in India - that taking care of growth rate is a better way of lifting the poor out of poverty than dole and subsidies. "India continues to grow at an amazing rate, but as Prime Minister Singh indicates, 8Contd p2 SRINAGAR, SEP 28: Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah on Saturday expressed the hope that the talks between Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh and Pak Premier, Nawaz Sharief would prove fruitful for addressing all pending issues between the two countries amicably across the table. "Our eyes are presently at the summit room in New York where the two leaders will be talking", he said and referred to various attempts made at derailing the dialogue. He said the recent terrorist attacks in Hira Nagar and Samba were aimed at untoward is created to sabotage the talking process", he said and showered praises over Dr. Manmohan Singh that despite pressure on him, he went ahead to talk to his counter-part at New York defeating the designs of peace inimical and anti-dialogue elements who always conspire and attempt to disrupt talks when the occasions of talks are created. Omar Abdullah said that animosity between India and Pakistan has inflicted deep injuries and pain to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. "Thousands 8Contd p2

disrupting Manmohan SinghNawaz meet in New York. "We have observed that whenever the atmosphere for talks between the two countries is built and schedules are out in this regard, terrorist attacks or something most

Ghulam Hasan Mir says Rather for continuous audit assessments, inspections to plug tax pilferages "My life is open book"
perity and development of the State. This was stated by the Minister while addressing a largely attended public gathering at Kunzar Tangmarg on Saturday. The Minister said that economic independence is necessary for over all prosperity and development of the State and appealed the people to extend their cooperation for over all development of the State. He said he has always worked for welfare and prosperity of the people even while in power or out of power and reiterated to work with the same zeal and zest in future also. Mr Hassan said that he has always condemned the violence and advocated for peace, adding that peace is primary requirement for prosperity and development. The Minister said some elements are trying to create a wedge between me and people, but they will not succeed and get ashamed when truth comes to fore. "My personal and political life is an open book" said the Minister adding that the love and confidence he received from the people is 8Contd p2 SRINAGAR, SEP 28: The Commercial Taxes Department (CTD), Kashmir has set an all-time high revenue target of about Rs. 1506.56 crore during the current financial year against an achievement of Rs. 1120.27 crore during last fiscal. This includes revenue target of Rs. 1345.62 crore under Sales Tax / VAT, Rs. 157.34 crore under stamps and Rs. 3.60 crore under Passenger Tax. This was stated at a quarterly review meeting of the Commercial Taxes Department, Kashmir Division held on Saturday at the Excise and Taxation Complex, Rambagh, Srinagar. The Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Mr. Abdul Rahim Rather presided the meeting. It was stated that against the total revenue target of Rs. 1506.56 crore, the achievements registered during the first quarter of the current financial year is the order of Rs. 530.49 crore against Rs. 473.28 crore registered during the corresponding period of the last fiscal which shows the growth rate of 12.09 percent. The meeting, among other concerned officers, was also attended by the Commissioner Commercial Taxes, Mr. Kifayat Hussain

Inquire Gen Singh's allegations by CBI or SC Judge: Farooq

NEW DELHI, SEP 28: Union minister and National Conference (NC) president Farooq Abdullah has demanded an inquiry by a Supreme Court judge or CBI into the "shocking" remarks of General (retd) VK Singh that the Army has been regularly paying money to ministers and politicians in Jammu & Kashmir. Holding that the former Army chief had "destroyed the credibility" of the Army and "tarnished" India's image, Abdullah on Saturday said he would ask PM Manmohan Singh to institute a "high-level" inquiry into the entire episode once he

KUNZAR (TANGMARG), SEP 28: The Minister for Agriculture, Ghulam Hassan Mir has said that he all along his political career has worked for strengthening the democratic institutions besides advocating for peace which is imperative for pros-

Rizvi, Additional Commoner, Commercial Taxes, Kashmir , Hakeem Rafiq Ahmad, Additional Secretary, Finance, Mr. Showkat Aijaz, Deputy Commissioners of various wings of CTD and Commercial Taxes Officers (CTOs) of various circles of Kashmir Division. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister urged for extensive monitoring and regular audit assessments to plug all the Tax pilferages adding that the officers should conduct regular inspections also in this regard. He said a vigorous tax recovery drive should be taken 8Contd p2

returns from the US next week. "Action should be taken against him (Gen Singh) ... he should be prosecuted," said Abdullah, a day after eight former Army chiefs also rejected Gen Singh's claims 8Contd p2


ROHIT SINGH RANA Sometimes queer things happen which are not even on the dim horizons of the mind. Perplexing as they are, commotion is caused and dust is raised. As the plumes of dust settle, real picture starts emerging. It is easy to bring in horses, raise plumes of dust or make a bull raise his head menacingly but difficult to grasp the aftershocks of an event especially when it is of your own making. A typical drill and a typical drill master, the scenario makes a complete picture. With the drill master at the sweet fancy and whim making the troops fall in line. Shouting at his emotional best -Halt, the troops do the same with a thud. Looking sideways and raising the sleeves up he shouts -Forward and the troops move loyally- Forward. A whim again strikes the wayward mind of the drill master, he shouts again-- Nonsense, perplexed, the troops look sideways. After all the drill master's command has to be obeyed. Finding what to do in absence of established guidelines of a regular drill they shout in unison-- Nonsense. Priding over his command and authority, the drill master, now worked up pauses and shouts another command-- Tear up and Throw Away. Again confused the troops look askance but to please the drill master tear the buttons of their shirts looking expectantly at the drill master. A whim strikes again the irreverent drill master. He leaves the ground without a word. Bewildered, the troops are left to themselves to gauge the real meaning of the unique commands of their drill master and future itinerary of drill syllabus. Rahul Gandhi did the same on Thursday afternoon when the ordinance on the convicted law makers was described by him as nonsense and fit to be torn apart. So far so good, no qualms with his contention, as the ordinance deserved to be thrown away but Rahul's behavior while rubbishing it leaves a lot to be answered. He is projected as the face of UPA or for that matter Congress of which the Gandhis will always remain the face. Congress is today, a party which needs a Fevicol to put it together. Gandhis provide the important Fevicol for the party to stick together. But in this rather unique mechanicm of political expediency, one thing that is becoming an enigma, day after day is the fact that, despite wielding unquestioned authority, the 10 Janpath super humans are beyond any responsibility. Seems, a carefully crafted strategy, insulate the Gandhis from the muck, dirt and smear of the daily political routine. Seat them on an exalted, magnificently high throne. Make them appear as if they are demigods, always ready to sort things out for the Congress without sharing the blame or responsibility. History will record this strange faade of Congress and the future generations will flounder and falter to find answers. But as they say, Time exposes all and makes all, obscure too. Today, when the whole nation stands on cross roads battling corruption, terrorism, appeasement or vote bank politics, regionalism and host of external threats this unique political arrangement of making Gandhis insular from responsibility or criticism will not work too long. Share power, but share your share of criticism. If you fail people then, share political oblivion till you bounce back. This is the norm of a vibrant democratic polity. The Ordinance on convicted law makers was twice discussed in the Parliament and the UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi threw full weight behind it along with the Prime Minister. Accepted Rahul's criticism on it as matter of his personal opinion but if he brought in the Prime Minister in the line of fire why Sonia Gandhi is not criticized for supporting the Ordinance. It would have been a historic press conference, if instead of his roughshod criticism he would have in a mature way told that all including his mother had committed wrong and when the PM returns we will request him to have a second look at the Ordinance. That maturity is not expected of him and what is a cause of worry is that he is now in his mid forties. By this time a natural politician and leader already shows signs of great maturity. With Obama according a farewell gesture to the political innings of Prime Minister by coming down the portico of the White House and Rahul already sounding his arrival with his rough drill master type orders, a self respecting person, if he is, Manmohan Singh should step aside. In all probability he will not given his penchant to stay in the reckoning.


With the implementation of 73rd Amendment of Panchayat Bill still hanging cloud, with the State government not in as mood to relent and implement the historic Bill in Toto, new revelations about the allocation of Rs 10 lakh to each Panchayat has shown the low level of politicking on the part of National Conference. Eye on the votes and sights on the seats of power truth gets masked, obfuscated and obliterated. Otherwise, how come that the statement of Rural Development Minister and senior NC leader Ali Mohammad Sagar have been rubbished by Chairman All Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference (AJKPC) Shafiq Mir. While as Sagar wants to steal the honours for the grant of Rs 10 lakh to each Panchayat from the Central government as a result of 'untiring efforts' of Omar Abdullah, Shafiq Mir on the other tells that Sagar was misleading people. Mir contends that it was due to personal meeting of the delegation of AJKPC at New Delhi with Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi that the funds were allocated to each Panchayat in the State. With NC telling one version and it getting rebuffed by the AJKPC, the season of cheap politicking has started once again in the State. God knows when elections will be nearer to what level the political parties will slide down in order to catch as many votes as possible. Sadly in this mad race for power it is truth that becomes the first casualty. RANASAHIB

2.qxd 9/29/2013 5:18 PM Page 1


has genuinely re-set its jihadi orientation. In any case, the exchanges made it almost certain that Singh's meeting with Sharif in New York over the weekend is reduced to a "cap and rollback terrorism" message, although the latter continued to press Pakistan's interest in his UN speech, saying the suffering of the Kashmiri people cannot be brushed under the carpet. But insofar as US-India is concerned, in public at least, there was no sign of the American hectoring - particularly on trade and commerce - that was expected ahead of the White House engagement given the sour mood on the Hill and on K street in the preceding weeks. Whether it is because of President Obama's very evident deference to the 81-year old prime minister or whether Washington wants to give India breathing space till after its general election is hard to say. will be pursued by both sides in accordance with their national policies and procedures, in a manner that would reflect the full potential of the relationship. Elsewhere, the declaration said the two sides will work to improve licensing processes, and, where applicable, follow expedited license approval processes to facilitate this cooperation. They are also committed to protecting each other's sensitive technology and information, it added. The defense declaration came after the Obama-Singh meeting ''emphasized the need for more intensive defense cooperation on both sides'' the joint statement said. The Leaders reaffirmed their desire to further strengthen defense trade cooperation, endorsing a Joint Declaration on Defense Cooperation as a means of enhancing their partnership in defense technology transfer, joint research, co-development, and co-production, it added. President Obama, it also said, encouraged the further participation of U.S. firms in partnering India's efforts to enhance its defense capacities. There was no specific mention of the guns and planes - additional C-130Js, Chinooks, Apaches - that New Delhi reportedly wants to buy from the U.S. But the joint declarations make one thing clear -- everything is on the table, including hardware that some formal allies can't get their hands on. ment projects launched by his Government in Srinagar during last more than four and a half years to give fillip to the development and economic activities. He said his Government has provided highest ever District Plans to Srinagar District as this District was starved for want of funds during the period of Opposition. He said the then Government which is in Opposition at present even tried to shift the Srinagar city to Parihaspora to avenge the Srinagar citizens for not supporting the said party (PDP). He said his Government is committed to make Srinagar a model city and an economic hub. Omar Abdullah said that he had approved the most ambitious and huge Srinagar Flyover some two years earlier but he did not lay its foundation till today for the fact that he wanted to rehabilitate the shopkeepers and others getting affected by this project. "We did not want to go in a hurry and snatch bread and butter earning capacity of the traders and shopkeepers coming under the project as was done in the case of expansion of Indira Gandhi Road", he said and referred to a Shopping Mall constructed for the affected shopkeepers of Indira Gandhi Road at Haiderpora Chowk but none of these shopkeepers was provided shop there. "I have given clear cut instructions to the ERA and JKPCC to first rehabilitate the shopkeepers and then move forward on the construction of the flyover project. It is for this reason delay has taken place and now the two Shopping Malls are almost complete at Rambagh and Exhibition Crossing for allotment to the affected shopkeepers", he maintained and said that all the affected shopkeepers would be allotted shops in these complexes before dismantling their present trade units. The function was addressed by Legislators, Nasir Aslam Wani and Irfan Ahmad Shah in whose constituencies the flyover is coming up, while Minister for Rural Development, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Minister for Planning and Development, Ajay Sadhotra, Chairperson Women's Commission, Shamima Firdous, Legislators, Dr. Mustafa Kamal, Mohammad Yasin Shah, Peer Afaq Ahmad and Ghulam Qadir Perdasi were present on the occasion.

ization of the CTD. The Additional Commissioner, CTD, Kashmir in a power point presentation said that the revenue realization in Kashmir division has increased from Rs. 490.78 crore in 2008-09 to over Rs. 1120 crore in 2012-13, marking three folds increase. He said the total revenue realized on account of VAT and CSD is of the order of Rs. 268.52 crore against last year's Rs. 22.76 crore showing an overall growth of 18.94%. He said there is also growth of 7.09% in revenue under GST. It was stated that about 1180 registrations have been granted upto ending July 2013 including 644 under VAT and 536 under GST. The total number of dealers registered stands as 31427 which include 18278 under VAT and 13148 under GST. About 2420 assessments has been completed under GST Act in the first quarter of the current fiscal whereas 807 inspections have been conducted, in which 159 cases of violation of the provision of VAT Act have been detected.

Kashmir is ...
important that the terrorist machinery that draws its sustenance from Pakistan be shut down. There must be a clear understanding of the fact that Jammu & Kashmir is integral part of India and that there can never, ever, be a compromise with the unity and territorial integrity of India." Singh, who arrived here on Friday night from Washington, will hold his first one-on-one meeting with Sharif since the latter assumed office in June. The India-Pakistan dialogue process was put on hold after an Indian soldier was beheaded on the line of control (LoC) in January. Ties hit a new low when five more soldiers were killed by Pakistani troops along the LoC last month. The terror attacks near Jammu virtually threatened to derail the New York meeting, with main opposition BJP demanding that Singh call off his meeting with Sharif. But Singh decided to go ahead with the meeting, saying such attacks will not succeed in derailing the dialogue process. Expectations from the high-profile meeting will be toned down, as the Prime Minister himself put it in the media briefing after his talks with President Barack Obama, "given the terror arm which is still active in our subcontinent".

tion over.On September 26, three terrorists had stormed a police station and then an army camp in Jammu region, killing 10 people including an army officer in twin 'fidayeen' attacks after they sneaked in from across the border. Six persons, including four policemen, were killed in the 'fidayeen'(suicide) strike on the police station in Hiranagar in Kathua close to International Border (IB) by the terrorists while four army personnel including a Lt Colonel died in the attack on Samba camp.

Ghulam Hasan ...

precious for him. "I will leave no stone unturned to come up to the expectations of the people, especially the people of Tangmarg" he added. Earlier, a warm reception was accorded to the Minister on arrival at Kunzar. He was taken in a rally up to the venue.

Manmohan Singh ...

obviously there are a lot of people in India that are still trapped in poverty," Obama said, seeming to agree with the Manmohan Singh-Amartya Sen-Jean Dreze prescription. "His primary priority has been to alleviate that poverty and give all the people of India opportunity. And we want to make sure that we're strong partners in helping him to realize that vision, because we believe that if there's a strong India that that's good for the world and it's ultimately good for the US." The other issue where Singh pushed back publicly was Pakistan, where many domestic commentators contend that he has been soft, in part because of sentimental reasons and in part due to US pressure. After Obama spoke of their shared interest in seeing a peaceful reduction of tensions on the subcontinent and thanked the Prime Minister "for what has been a consistent interest in improving cooperation between India and Pakistan," Singh lit into the issue, telling the US President of the "difficulties that we face given the fact that the epicenter of terror still remains focused in Pakistan." Although he looked forward to meeting with President Nawaz Sharif in New York, he said "expectations have to be toned down given the terror arm which is still active in our subcontinent." The Indian side reportedly took up this issue strongly during the dialogue in the context of the latest terrorist attack in Jammu & Kashmir and the Pakistan's continued patronage of and payouts to terrorist outfits from public funds, eliciting a commitment from the US side that President Obama will take up the matter with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a frank manner when the latter visits Washington on October 23. The US itself is yet to figure out whether the Pakistani establishment

India -US ...

to codify and announce their defense clinch that is everything but a formal military alliance in name. Taking off from the expanded defense cooperation set forth in the 2005 New Framework Agreement which first initiated the military relationship, the two sides said the principle of treating each other as closest partners will apply with respect to defense technology transfer, trade, research, co-development and co-production for defense articles and services, ''including the most advanced and sophisticated technology.'' The declaration said the U.S continues to fully support India's full membership in the four international export control regimes, which would further facilitate technology sharing. In the run up to the meeting, there were searching queries on whether the U.S was pursuing a defense trade initiative (which implies merely hawking its military goods) as opposed to the defense technology initiative (which implies sharing and transfer) which India sought. The joint declaration indicates it will be both - and beyond, going into the collaborative sphere. The two sides, says the declaration, will continue their efforts to strengthen mutual understanding of their respective procurement systems and approval processes, and to address process-related difficulties in defense trade, technology transfer, and collaboration. And just to make sure that it is not all words, the two sides also put a timeframe on tie-ups, saying they look forward to the identification of specific opportunities for cooperative and collaborative projects in advanced defense technologies and systems, within the next year. Recognizing the persistent differences on end-user agreements and other such wrinkles, the declaration said such opportunities

Inquire Gen ...

and held the Army was "a completely apolitical force" that did not dabble in politics. Speaking to a private news channel ahead of the Manmohan Singh-Nawaz Sharif meeting in New York on Sunday, Abdullah also stressed that "talking" was the "only way forward" to resolve the festering India-Pakistan problems despite the recent terror strikes in the Jammu region. "There is no other way. Is war going to solve any problem? How do you teach them a lesson, by sending in the Indian Army, by sending in the IAF, by sending in the Navy - are you not going to rake up more trouble?" he asked. "They are also a nuclear power. Do you want a nuclear bomb here as much as we might throw a nuclear bomb there? India is showing that even after all the provocation on our border, we still want to find peaceful method," he added. Turning to Gen VK Singh, he said the former Army chief was "absolutely lying" as far as any payoffs to the NC were concerned. "I, my son or any member of my party has never taken money from the Army," he said. Abdullah held the government was "paying the price" for not sacking Gen Singh as the Army chief when he had dragged it to the Supreme Court in January last year over his date-of-birth matter. "He has done more damage than anything else," he said. Gen Singh has clarified he had not meant that politicians in J&K were being bribed or were on the Army's payroll. Instead, he added, the funding was to organise activities to wean away youth from the separatist cause and generate goodwill in the troubled border state.

Omar Abdullah ..
of our youth have lost their lives, Jhelum waters were blooded, every household bore the brunt of the gun, our economy got shattered and people became jobless. Now, if the people of Jammu and Kashmir cherish or friendship between India and Pakistan to live in peace and safeguard the future of our children, we are absolutely right", he said and castigated those who want to sabotage dialogue. He said without naming BJP that the Prime Minister of this party extended hand of friendship to Gen. Musharraf from Srinagar when scores of people were falling victim to the bullets in the Valley. Omar Abdullah said that when everyone globally believes and recognizes that the dialogue is the only way forward to find out solution to the issues, then all should contribute positively to facilitate the dialogue between India and Pakistan to resolve all political issues amicably. He said, though, these issues cannot be solved in a single meeting, yet, talking to each other would help to create a roadmap of carrying forward the meaningful dialogue to a logical conclusion. Omar Abdullah was addressing at a function after laying foundations of Rs. 31 crore Parking Lot at Lal Chowk and Rs. 351 crore Jahangir ChowkNatipora flyover at Rambagh here. The Chief Minister listed the develop-

Militants 'sighted' ..
three men in Army uniform roaming in the area. "They were looking at everyone with suspicion and their behavior was not like army personnel," Manoj Kumar said. Senior police, army and officials from other security agencies reached on spot and large contingent of police and CRPF personnel launched a search operation to flush out the suspected militants. However, after hours of operation, no suspected militant was seen around. Inspector General of Police, Jammu Division, Rajesh Kumar told that some locals provided wrong information to the police. "We combed the area including adjacent dense forests and no suspected militant was seen found present in the area. It was only a rumour which spread from mouth to mouth," Kumar said. The Jammu-Pathankot Highway that was sealed by police after the presence of suspected militants in the area was left open for the traffic soon after the search operation. Terrorists open ...brief firing. The whole area was cordoned off and a hunt was launched to nab the militants involved in the firing. However, the security forces could not trace any terrorist and declared the search opera-

Rather for ...

to realize arrears from the defaulters. He asked the officers of the department to work with added zeal to further improve performance of the department. He said efforts of the officers should not be to realize assigned targets only but to surpass these. He said shortfalls detected in one quarter should essentially be rectified in the next quarter. He also urged for expeditious completion of the total computer-


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Says local-self-governance antidote to all development issues

Administration made subHelp wholeheartedly in Red Cross activities: Omar servient before public: G.A.Mir Roma Wani presents historic background of J&K Red Cross Society
Addresses Lucky Draw function of Indian Red Cross Society
SRINAGAR, SEPT 28 Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah on Saturday impressed upon the people to wholeheartedly help Red Cross Society and contribute towards a noble cause. He said whenever there are, nature or human caused, challenges confronting the society all look towards Red Cross and find this Society always helping the humanity. He said and called for extending support and monitory help to Red Cross Society. Addressing a function at the Lucky Draw event organized by J&K Red Cross Society here, the Chief Minister said that by purchasing a five rupee ticket of Red Cross 'we contribute in a big way to help poor, needy, orphan, The Chief Minister referred to his childhood days when he used to visit Red Cross Melas with his grandmother Begum Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who was the Founder President of J&K Red Cross Society. He said that such Melas were organized to collect money for Red Cross Society for its noble activities aimed at helping the humanity. Speaking on the occasion, General Secretary, J&K Indian Red Cross Society, Roma Wani said that Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah who is also Vice President of the Society has granted Rs. 2 crore for construction of a Red Cross Building at the present location of Red Cross office. She said the building would be completed within two years. Roma Wani said that an amount of Rs. one lakh will be given as prizes to the winners in lucky draw. Present on the occasion were Minister for Planning and Development, Ajay Sadhotra and Advisor to the Chief Minister, Qamar Ali Akhoon. The Chief Minister in a Lucky Draw picked up first three tickets for first three winners who received Rs. 20,000, Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively. On the occasion two persons Mr. Shabir Hussain Khan and Abdul Majid Gamgeen were introduced to the audience who have donated Rs. 134 and Rs. 105 points of blood to the patients so far in their life and are continuing to donate the blood to the needy.

destitute and sufferers of various calamities and accidents'. "We all afford to buy Red Cross tickets and help the Society to carry forward its activities, as such, we

should not hesitate in doing so", he said and added that the ultimate goal of buying Red Cross ticket should not be to get prizes but to help the poor.

Shabir inspects working of hospitals in North Kashmir

Order 24x7 services in PHC Delina
SRINAGAR, SEPT 28:The Primary Health Center, Delina would start functioning round the clock with immediate effect. Direction in this regard was given by the Minister of State for Health, Mr. Shabir Ahmad Khan to the concerned authorities during his visit to the hospital on Saturday. The Minister made an extensive tour of North Kashmir and took stock of the functioning of various hospitals in the district. He said the required staff has already been provided to the 20 bedded PHC which is equipped with necessary diagnostic equipment's to provide the hassle free medicare facilities to the people of the area on 24x7 basis. He said medical facilities in the hospital would be augmented to bring it at par with other 24x7 PHCs. During his visit to Sub Health Centre, Singpora Mr. Shabir expressed dismay over the poor sanitation and absence of some staff members. He directed Director Health Services for imposing of fine against negligent staff of the hospital besides seeking explanations from them. He

Saifullah inaugurates Drugmulla Premier League Cricket tournament

SRINAGAR, SEPT 28: Affirming that local self-governance is the antidote to all development issues, Minister for Tourism Minister, Mr. Ghulam Ahmad Mir said powerful panchayats are now acting as agents of socio-economic change in the state. "Government is committed to empower panchayats and make these effective democratic institutions to address development issues on a broader spectrum and give rise to a befitting local selfgovernment module," Mr. Mir said while speaking to panches and sarpanches today at Hangipora, Kapran, Mir asked them to shoulder the responsibility of public service with a missionary fervour. Tourism Minister said

that administration at all levels has been sensitized about the role and authority of panchayats in the socio-economic development process. The minister said the decision of holding panchayat elections after a long gap of 33 years was a challenge before the Government and its successful completion is the joint success of the people and the administration. The Minister said that after halqa panchayats, block and district panchayat committees would be elected and in each district development board, a representative of panchayats would be vicechairman of the Board. "This would give the panchayats powers to be part of decision making at the district level

too," he said. The Tourism Minister said that historic legislations enacted by the Government to empower people, make the administration accountable and answerable before common man, curb chances of corruption and bring in transparency in the working of government, and giving new dimension to the development process are before the people, who he described best judge to scan government's performance. Reiterating the commitment of the coalition government for equitable and inclusive development of all the regions and sub-regions of the State and bringing political stability to ensure peace and prosperity, the Minister said.

Sports infrastructure development being prioritized: Taj

issued instructions for installation of X-Ray plant in the hospital and directed for repairs of hospital building. He said that an ambulance would be also kept available in hospital for convenience of the patients. Interacting with the locals during the visit, the Minister said that in order to equip hospitals in rural areas with necessary equipment and manpower befitting measures have been taken and special packages for doctors and para-medical staff provided to make them for working in rural areas. The Minister underlined the importance of mother-baby care and said that ASHA and Anganwari Workers have special role to play for creating awareness among the people about the health care facilities available under NRHM. He said the Government is providing adequate matching share for the successful implementation of centrally sponsored health schemes. Mr. Shabir asked the Health Department to work hard to maintain the No. 1 position it has obtained in health sector last year. "You have to redouble efforts to maintain this grading", he said assuring full support of the Government for the development and up gradation of health facilities in the State. SRINAGAR, SEPT 28: The Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Mir Saifullah today inaugurated Drugmulla Premier League Cricket Tournament. As many as 22 cricket teams are participating in the tournament. The inaugural match was played between Young Boys, Drugmulla and Friends Eleven Shatripora. The Young Boys Drugmulla won the toss and bated first. Deputy Commissioner, Kupwara, Irfat Hussain Rafiqi, SSP Kupwara, Mr. Abdul Jabar, senior citizens and a large number of students were present on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that the Government is abreast with the problems of the people and adding that every effort is being made to redress their grievances. He said such types of tournament are vital for encouraging youth towards sports. He assured the people of Drugmulla that in view of its central position, one Administration Block, Sports Stadium and other developmental programmes are on anvil. On this occasion, he announced Rs. 2 lakh for construction of flush point at Boys higher secondary school, Drugmulla and cricket kits costing Rs. 50,000 in favour of 22 cricket teams. He appealed all the concerned departments to lend their helping hand to make the tournament a big success. SOPORE, SEPT 28: Minister for Medical Education, Youth Service and Sports, Mr. Taj Mohi-ud-Din on Saturday said that the Government is giving priority to the development of sports infrastructure in the State. He said new mini sports complex are being developed in the State while as the already exiting stadia once are being strengthen, both in equipment and quality. Addressing a gathering here after giving away prizes among the winners of cricket tournament today, the Minister said directions have already been given for acquisition of plan to take all the uncovered and far-flung area in the State on the map of sports infrastructure. Terming sports a means to shape up once personality,

Mr. Taj said youth are the future of society and the Government has started giving sports infrastructure a relook so that youth are engaged in positive and constructive direction. He said every block in the State would have sports complex and every Panchayat would have a play field. The Minister said that sports

complex; he had announced at Hatlungu, Sopore would be completed within the deadline period at a cost of Rs. 5 crore. Former MLA, Hajji Rashid, Deputy Commissioner Baramulla, Mr. G. A. Khawaja, SDM Sopore, officers of District Administration and sports lovers were present on the occasion.

Vikar announces mini stadium for Banihal

BANIHAL, SEPT 28- With an aim to usher the era of peace, prosperity, communal harmony, tranquility and national integration in the state a three day Banihal Youth Festivaland educational seminar, 2013 concluded at Higher secondary School Banihal on Saturday. The Minister of State for Technical Education, Power, Information and CA&PD, Vikar Rasool Wani was the chief guest and GOC, Delta Force, Major General, AK Singh (SM) was the guest of honor on the occasion. Col. Amit Sinha, Col. Kuldeep Ahlawat, Deputy Commandant, 11 sector RR, Principal Degree College, Banihal, Tehsildar, GM IRCON, students and large number of people witnessed the programme. Scintillating cultural bonanza enthralled the jam-packed audience organized by the various renowned cultural groups from different parts of the states. The Gazals and Kashmiri songs sung by Prof. Kalish Mehra and accompanists received huge applause Rajiv Gandi Institute for Youth development also presented the dance performance while Thali dance was presented by the GDC, Ramban. While specking on the occasion, Minister appreciated the RR Army for organizing such programmes and providing platform to youth of remote and far flung area for cultural and other art related activities. He lauded that Army for contributing in the overall development of the area. Vikar said that the development of Banihal constituency is on war footing in which various road projects have been completed and ongoing projects are on the verge of execution. He informed the people that the Degree College, industrial training institute, various road projects, electrification of uncovered areas, opening and up gradations of various school, new hospital, railway project and various developmental projects have been established in Banihal Constituency in last five year. On the occasion, Minister announced Rs one crore for construction of mini stadium at Banihal.

Banihal Youth Festival 2013 concludes

Rs. 600 cr plan framed to improve power scenario in Jammu city: Bhalla
Announces Rs. 80 lakh for drainage system at Gandhi Nagar
JAMMU, SEPT 28Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Mr. Raman Bhalla on saturday said that Government has prepared a comprehensive plan of Rs. 600 crore under Restructured Re-structured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP) for improving the power scenario in Jammu city and peripheral areas including R S Pura and Akhnoor towns. Interacting with the people after assessing the problem related to power supply in Lower Gaddigarh, Bhour Camp, Karan Bagh, Rohi Morh, Indira Nagar and Dharap areas, here today, Bhalla said the project will be started soon after completing the codal formalities by Power Development Department. Superintending engineer Power Development Department (PDD) S Gurbachan Singh, besides other senior officers of Power Development Department warned them against illegal hooking, adding that 'power theft is crime, and people should avoid it. Earlier, Mr. Bhalla also conducted an extensive tour of Lower Gaddigarh, Shanti Nagar, Apna Vihar, Hari Vihar, Chuwadi in Sainik Colony and assessed drainage problem of the localities. He issued instructions to the Town Drainage Department (TDD) to start the work for construction of surface drains, for which he announced Rs. 80 lakh. Responding to demands of Lower Gaddigarh residents, the Minister asked the TDD to also construct the slab on deep local drain to provide approach lane to the people. He called upon the people to cooperate with the executing agency in completing the construction works within stipulated time frame. Mr. Bhalla called upon the people to come forward and take maximum benefit of welfare schemes for their economic development.

Sham lays foundation stone of tubewell at Jatwal

Inaugurates Sushil Khajuria memorial park at Ghagwal

were present on the occasion. For providing immediately relief from unscheduled power cuts to the Lower Gaddigarh, Bhour Camp, Karan Bagh, Rohi Morh, Indira Nagar and Dharap areas people, Mr. Bhalla asked the PDD officers to immediately start the up-gradation work of existing 6.3 MVA station to 10 MVA, adding that for this purpose Government has earmarked Rs. 96 lakh. He asked the officers to shift 5 MVA load form over loaded Ashok Nagar station and 3 MVA

from Satwari power station to newly constructed 10 MVA Shastri Nagar station so that the people of Ashok Nagar, Sanjay Nagar, Akali Kour Singh Nagar, Preet Nagar and Satwari areas would get relief from frequent breakdowns. The Minister said Government was committed to provide improved power supply in metered areas across the State by augmenting and up-grading the infrastructure base. He called upon the people to use power judiciously and pay power tariff regularly. He also

JAMMU, SEPT 28Asserting that provision of adequate safe drinking water besides other basic amenities at the doorstep of the people forms priority of the present regime, Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, Mr. Sham Lal Sharma apprised that tireless efforts have been made to overcome water scarcity and also improve water supply scenario.

While laying foundation stone of a tube well at Jatwal, Samba on Saturday the Minister exhorted upon the concerned officers to complete the ongoing works within prescribed time frame so that inhabitants do not face any inconvenience. The tubewell is estimated to be completed at Rs.2.20 crore and would benefit about 20,000 populace residing in surrounding five villages.

DDC Reasi takes stock of Navratra festival arrangements in Katra

KATRA, SEPT 28- To discusses arrangements for ensuing Navratra Festival commencing here on October 05, 2013, the District Development Commissioner, Reasi, Sahid Iqbal Choudhary convened a joint meeting of senior officers and members of Navratra Festival Committee Katra here on Friday evening. Having made a yearly event for past some time, the Navratra festival is organized jointly by Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board, Tourism Department, district Administration and active cooperation of various local organizations of the town. The meeting discussed arrangements pertaining to the daily events to be held during the Navratra festival, including daily cultural procession (Shobha Yatra), All Indian Devotional Song Competition, Wresting Competition, Religious discourse (public parvachan), public Bhagwat katha, kavi samelan, Hasya Vyang, cultural programme by Song & Drama Division (GOI), programmes by school children in premises of Government Higher Secondary School Katra and catering arrangements for artists etc. He stressed upon the government and private organizations involved in Navratra festival celebration, to work in close coordination to ensure successful conduct of the events. Later, the DDC, along with other officers, also visited the venues of events being held during the nine day celebrations . Earlier, the various events organizers projected some requirements and shared their views for making the celebrations more attractive. Among others Director Tourism Jammu, Soujanya Sharma, Additional District Development Commissioner, Reasi, Vikram Singh Jamwal, officers of SMVDSB, ZEO Pouni, Harish Dubey, President Hotel & Restaurant Association Katra, Sham Lal Kesar, President Indian Style Wrestling Association, were also present.

EDI organises awareness camp cum Loan Mela in Kishtwar

KISHTWAR, SEPT 28: An awareness camp cum Loan Mela was on Saturday organised by J&K Entrepreneurship Development Institute to make the local educated unemployed youth aware about the new initiatives of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC), About 300 youth including students of ITI, GDC and a large took part in the camp which was inaugurated by the Additional DDC Kishtwar Mr A S Chib. The main focus of the camp was to familiarise the youth about the NMDFC schemes through which the backward and poor sections among the minorities can avail soft loans up to Rs Ten lakhs at simple interest rate of mere six percent per annum. Elaborating upon the incentives offered under the scheme, Regional Coordinator JKEDI Jammu, Dr Majid Manzoor Khan impressed upon the participants to accept the new challenges of rapidly growing unemployment and use these schemes not only to gain self employment but also generate employment opportunities for others. Mr Khan said that in wake of growing population and reducing scope in Govt sector, the role of entrepreneurship becomes more vital. Addressing the participants, the chief guest Mr A S Chib said that the youth should strive to emerge as Job Givers instead of Job seekers.

BSNL asked to provide Telephone line at Shiv Khori, Improve services in district
REASI, SEPT 28: District Development Commissioner Reasi, Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary has directed BSNL to provide telephone connectivity at Cave Shrine of Shri Shiv Khori to facilitate more than 6000 pilgrims visiting the shrine every day. Taking serious note of lack of basic connectivity at such an important religious place and also from security point of view, the BSNL has been asked to provide a PCO with 4 connections for use by visiting pilgrims and also one WLL Connection for Management office near the cave. Telecom District Manager and District Engineer have also been instructed to improve mobile connectivity in Katra, Reasi, Arnas and Mahore areas where signals have been reported to be weak in many pockets. The DC has asked for carrying out a fresh survey for subscriber base in remote areas for installation of more mobile towers for providing better communication facilities to general public and also ensuring efficient preparedness for disaster management. Additional Deputy Commissioner, Rajinder Singh Tara will monitor the performance of BSNL and obtain feedback from public based on which the district administration contemplates to initiate further action in the matter for ensuring improved connectivity and universal coverage. Stressing on adhering to Universal Service Obligation by BSNL, the DC has directed the agency to ensure hassle free connectivity failing which action will be initiated. The TDM and TDE of BSNL have assured the district administration for improved connectivity. TDE Udhampur-Reasi Panju Ram submitted that new cable has been laid and further improvement is under process to improve connectivity in Reasi, Pouni, Arnas and Mahore. He also assured new connections in Bagga and Dharmari areas.

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JOHOR BAHRU (MALAYSIA): India wasted a two-goal advantage to draw 3-3 against hosts Malaysia in their last inconsequential round-robin match of The Sultan of Johor Cup Under21 hockey tournament, on Saturday. With this match, India finished on top of the standings but the result of the tie was merely of academic interest as both India and Malaysia have already qualified for Sunday's summit clash ahead of Saturday's game. Both India and Malaysia finished with 13 points and were unbeaten in the round robin stages but the Indians managed the top position on account of a better goal difference. In their final spots already sealed, both the teams lacked urgency and did not go all out in the match. The Indians dominated the early exchanges and took the lead in the 10th minute when

India draw 3-3 with Malaysia in Sultan of Johor Cup India A humiliated by WI A in opening unofficial
as they created more scoring opportunities but goals eluded them till the last 10 minutes of the game. Malaysia changed the complexion of the match in the last 10 minutes by pumping in three goals to make a stunning comeback. Malaysia reduced the deficit in the 61st minute when Shahril Saabah converted a penalty corner. Three minutes later Rashid Baharom latched on to a through pass from skipper Fitrii Saari to send a high flick into the top net past Indian custodian Harjot Singh. Shahril scored his second goal of the day in the 68th minute converting another penalty corner to make it 3-2 in favour of the hosts. Vice-captain Affan Yousof turned out to be the saviour for his side by scoring a brilliant field goal in the final minute of the match to equalise for India. MYSORE: Manpreet Juneja's resolute knocks went in vain as India A succumbed to a humiliating 162-run defeat against the West Indies A in the first unofficial Test, giving away a 1-0 lead to the visitors in the three-match series on Saturday. Needing 314 runs to win the match after West Indies declared at their overnight second innings score of 130 for three, India were bundled out for 152 by first innings chief wreckers Nikita Miller and Veerasammy Permaul at the Gangothri Glades Cricket Grounds. The hosts were earlier dismissed for 245 in the first innings, giving West Indies a lead of 184 runs. The Indian top-order failed miserably with Manpreet Juneja being an exception with his 193-ball 70 after a first-innings effort of 84. In the second innings, India lost half the side with a mere 90 runs on the board. Captain Cheteshwar Pujara (17) failed for the second time in the match, which proved quite crucial. Openers Lokesh Rahul (9), Jiwanjyot Singh Chouhan (24) and Pujara (17) were dismissed cheaply but Juneja was the last man out after he scoring a brilliant 70 off 193 balls with four boundaries innings, which helped the team amass 429 all out. Riding high on such a huge total, West Indies bowlers, especially spinners, exploited the conditions effectively,

Satbir Sing slammed in from a rebound after Amit Rohidass' initial attempt from a penalty corner was blocked by Malaysian goalkeeper Mohd Hazrul Ahmad Sobri. Malaysia earned a penalty corner in the 25th minute but wasted the opportunity as they failed to stop the push. India doubled their lead in

the 33rd minute through Ramandeep Singhwho scored from an acute angle from the right to notch up his sixth goal in the tournament. India, however, did not look impressive at the change of ends as they seemed contended with the two goal lead. Malaysia were the better side on display in the second half

Sania Mirza wins 4th SRH vs TTN: Titans thrash Sunrisers Hyderabad by 8 wickets title of the season
NEW DELHI: Riding on the brilliant opening stand of 112 runs between Henry Davids (64) and Jacques Rudolph (49 not out), Titans kept themselves alive for semifinal slot as they defeated Sunrisers Hyderabad by 8 wickets on Saturday. Titans chased down the modest 146-run target with 21 balls to spare. Rudolph and Heino Kuhn (15 not out) make sure that there were no hiccups in the chase after Titans lost AB de Villiers (9) and skipper Davids in quick succession in the middle overs. Rudolph hit two maximums and three boundaries in his unbeaten 42-ball innings. Rudolph also added 24 runs for the third wicket with Kuhn, who smacked a six and a four in his 8-ball cameo. Titans lost skipper Davids after he added 112-run for the opening wicket with Rudolph. Electing to field, Titans' pacer David Wiese starred with the ball as Sunrisers Hyderabad blowed away a good start to be restricted to 145 for seven in a crucial Group B match of the Champions League Twenty20 on Saturday. WThe duo cut, pulled and drove Titans's pacers to all parts of the ground and did not allow them to settle down. The duo scored majority of their runs through boundaries with the powerplay yielding 60 runs that included nine fours and three sixes. Dhawan continued his sublime form and got off the mark with a four through the fine leg boundary while Patel slashed Morne Morkel for a six over covers early into his innings. vDhawan smashed seven fours and a six in his 21-ball 37 before he was holed out to Morkel off Wiese. The Sunrisers lost the plot after Dhawan's dismissal and failed to keep the momentum going as Wiese delivered two more blows in subsequent overs. Wiese cleaned up Parthiv in his next over before sending back Hanuma Vihari. Seeing Sunrisers stutter in the middle overs, skipper Henry Davids, who had surprisingly bowled the first over of the match, removed Biplab Samantray for a duck.

and a six. The lower-order batsmen could not hang on with Juneja and lost their wickets after finding no answer to the mesmerising bowling by West Indies spinners. For West Indies, the match was set up by captain Kirk Edwards (91), Kraigg Braithwaite (90) and Assad Fadudin (86) with their brilliant half-centuries in the first

hardly giving a chance to the Indian batsmen to settle down in both the innings. Left-arm orthodox spinner Nikita Miller was the pick of the West Indies bowler with figures of five for 40 for a match haul of nine wickets for 101 runs. Permaul, on the other hand, snapped up three wickets for a match haul of eight in a fine exhibition of spin bowling.

Right-arm off-break bowler Narsingh Denaraine was also handy with two crucial wickets of Rohit Motwani and Harshad Khadiwale. In contrast, the Indian bowling was a great disappointment as Ashoke Dinda, Ishwar Pandey and Mohammad Shami did not fire in both the innings. They struggled to purchase wickets despite bowling 73 overs in the first innings for three wickets conceding 224 runs between them. They went wicketless in the second innings as they failed to stick to a consistent line and length. The two teams will now travel to Shimoga for the second unofficial Test which begins from October 2. After this defeat, India will look to turn the tables on West Indies with Gautam Gambhir,Virender Sehwag and Zaheer Khan, joining the team. But it would be easier said than done as Gambhir and Sehwag's performance in the NKP Salve Challenger Trophy has not been encouraging.

Unmukt century takes Delhi to Challenger Series final

INDORE: The immensely talented Unmukt Chand again showed his ability to rise to the occasion as his stroke-filled century guided Delhi to the final of the NKP Salve Challenger series with a thumping 112-run win over India 'Red' in the last round robin league match on Saturday. The Virat Kohli led side will meet Yuvraj Singh's India 'Blue' in the final of the tournament. Courtesy Unmukt's 119 and skipper Virat Kohli's useful 63, Delhi piled up a huge total of 342 for six in 50 overs after being put into bat. Milind Kumar with 52-ball57 and Rajat Bhatia with an unbeaten 19-ball-40 also beefed up the score in the end. In reply, India 'Red' were allout for 230 in 40.1 overs with Gurkeerat Singh (83) making an effort to resist the inevitable. While veteran seamer Ashish runs for the second wicket before the Delhi skipper was stumped by Smit Patel trying to hit a second successive six off Nadeem. The Jharkhand slow bowler managed to hold his own with figures of 2/54 from 12 overs, as others leaked runs. Once Kohli was gone and Sehwag also followed suit, it was Milind who joined Unmukt as the duo added 120 runs in 17.3 overs before both were dismissed. Milind hit five fours and a six during his knock. It was then left to veteran Rajat Bhatia (40 no, 19 balls, 3x4, 3x6) to take the score near 350 with some lusty blows towards the fag end of the innings. The reply was a difficult one and Robin Uthappa (7) was dismissed quickly trying to flick one from Nehra over square leg. Smit Patel played to a wrong line off a Nehra delivery to get clean bowled. Abhinav Mukund (64) tried to resurrect the innings but consumed far too many (87 deliveries) in the process.

TOKYO: Sania Mirza continued her impressiverun as she captured her fourth title of the season and 18th overall with Cara Black of Zimbabwe, recording a come-from-behind win over Liezel Huber and Hao Ching Chan to lift the Pan Pacific Open trophy on Saturday. The unseeded slayers of the top seeds in the semifinals, pipped the American-Taipei combination 4-6, 6-0, 11-9 in one hour and 25 minutes. After losing the opening set, Sania and Cara made a stunning recovery as they bageled their opponents with

three breaks to push the match to super tiebreaker, where the IndianZimbabwean combo rallied again to edge past the rivals 11-9 win. Ecstatic after the win, Sania tweeted, "#champions #yesss #wedidit #comeonnnnnn". Sania has been struggling to find consistent partners this season and today's title was her fourth with third different partner. She won Brisbane and Dubai events with American Bethanie Mattek Sands and the New Haven title came with Chinese Jie Zheng.

Nehra (4/38) provided early breakthroughs, left-arm spinner Varun Sood (5/84) took vital wickets in the middleorder. The day belonged 20-yearold Unmukt who faced 131 balls hitting 12 boundaries and three sixes. Senior pro Virender Sehwag (8) failed on Saturday while Gautam Gambhir (20) continued from his woeful form in county circuit. However Virat Kohli was in his fluent self as he hit 63 off

Srinivasan set to be elected unopposed; VPs Dabir, Shah dropped

CHENNAI: Unruffled by criticism and adverse observations of the Supreme Court, a defiant N Srinivasan is all set to be elected unopposed as BCCI president for a third year even as two vice-presidents were on Saturday unceremoniously dumped ahead of the Board's AGM on Sunday. Srinivasan was the lone presidential candidate put forward by the South Zone, from where he got the proposer and the seconder. While Srinivasan's nomination was on expected lines, there was some interesting drama which unfolded during the nominations for the other posts. Sudhir Dabir, vice-president from the central zone and his west zone colleague Niranjan Shah were removed from their positions even though both were eligible for extension. MCA president Ravi Savant replaced Shah from west zone, while senior Congress leader and union minister Rajeev Shukla took Dabir's position from the central zone. Another political heavyweight, Arun Jaitley, relinquished the vice-president's position due to his political commitments and was replaced by his Delhi and Districts Cricket Association (DDCA) colleague Sneh Bansal. While Dabir is considered close to former BCCI chief and Srinivasan's adversary Shashank Manohar, Shah is perceived to be a confidante of another former Board head Sharad Pawar, someone who harbours the ambition to upset Srinivasan's applecart. Haryana Cricket Association chief Anirudh Chaudhary has been nominated for the post of treasurer, which was to become vacant after Savant is formally made vice-president on Sunday. "I don't want to politicise the whole issue by making any comments. Whatever you have heard is true," Dabir said. Cricket Association of Bengal veteran Chitrak Mitra and HCA president and former India off-spinner Shivlal Yadav were game with a year's extension. But the spotlight would be firmly on Srinivasan, who can only resume his duties once the Supreme Court gives its final verdict on the case filed against his candidature by the Cricket Association of Bihar secretary Aditya Verma.

only 55 balls with five fours and two sixes -- one each of off-spinner Yusuf Pathan and left-arm spinner Shahbaz Nadeem. At the other end, Unmukt launched into India pacer Umesh Yadav (9-0-85-1), who had a horrible day in office, spraying the ball all over the place. He played some flowing cover drives but was also not afraid to play the lofted stroke. He hoicked Abhimanyu Mithun for couple of sixes -- one over mid-wicket while the other was straight over bowler's head. Unmukt-Kohli duo added 93

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Austin writes in Working a Democratic Constitution, on June 24, 1975, the vacation judge granted a conditional stay of Justice Sinhas decision, pending a decision by a larger bench, but denied her [Indira Gandhi] the right to speak or vote in Parliament. A little over 24 hours later, Gandhi imposed the Emergency. In August 1975, a servile Parliament opponents of the Government having been imprisoned hurriedly passed an amendment to the Constitution that said, to quote Austin again: Elections of the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Lok Sabha could be decided only by an authority or body established by Parliament by law, no longer by the Supreme Court. To make it seem Gandhi was not the sole beneficiary the amendment extended this privilege to disputes concerning the elections of the President and the Vice-President. With this, Justice Krishna Iyers conditional stay became infructuous. It was never his intention to enshrine it as a permanent principle in any case. So what is the UPA Government talking about? In any field, reforms occur when the status quo becomes inefficient and intolerable for stakeholders of the existing system. If diesel prices rise to Rs200 per litre, wealthy people will begin to invest or push for investment in quality public transport because the cost of using private vehicles will be too high. With politicians suffering due to a poor and time-consuming judicial process where it could take years for a conviction in a lower court to be upheld or overturned by the Supreme Court the fear of unfair disqualification could have impelled Parliament to discuss judicial reform and expedite the court process in India. This is the long and virtuous way, even if it hurts a few people in the immediate future. The short-cut is to introduce a bad measure to plug a hole in an already imperfect system. With its ordinance, the UPA Government is forcing that second choice upon the country.


On Friday, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi stunned his party-led Union Government by slamming an ordinance which the regime had forwarded to the President for assent, and which seeks to protect convicted MPs and MLAs. It must be torn up and thrown away, an agitated Mr Gandhi said. That may not be needed; the Government has virtually decided to withdraw the shameful document after this flareup. Mr Gandhi must be complimented for being brutally honest. There is no doubt that the ordinance was ill-thought out, ill-timed and mala fide in nature. It also did not have the approval of the opposition parties and, therefore, contributed to increased friction between the Government and the Opposition. When the Government came under attack on the issue, its spin doctors began to spread the canard that the Bharatiya Janata Party had been taken on board over the provisions of the ordinance. But the strong protest that the BJP registered with senior party leaders meeting the President on Thursday and requesting him to not sign the document exposed the regime's lies. Let alone having secured the BJP's consent, the Congress-led Government did not command the support of quite a few of its own Ministers and party leaders who were jittery at having to defend the indefensible. Congress MP Milind Deora and senior party leader Anil Shastri, to name just two, openly opposed the ordinance on the ground that any move to protect convicted leaders would go down unfavourably with the voters and that the Congress would suffer as a consequence in the coming electoral battles. But Mr Gandhi's eruption of anger on the issue, days after the Union Cabinet endorsed the ordinance and passed it on to the President for his signature, leads to several interesting questions. First, had the Manmohan Singh Government consulted the Congress high command before crafting the ordinance? Second, did the regime get the high command's green signal before the Cabinet approved the ordinance? Third, did the Government coordinate with the party leadership before dispatching its senior Ministers to the President in a bid to persuade the latter to sign the ordinance? It is difficult to imagine that Mr Singhs Government had bypassed Mr Gandhi while resorting to the ordinance trickery. Even assuming that the Government had suddenly developed spine though for the wrong cause the Congress vice president could not have been in the dark as the Cabinet's endorsement of the ordinance and the document's journey to Rashtrapati Bhavan has been public knowledge. Mr Gandhi's late realisation must be seen as an attempt at damage control. The Congress stood completely isolated over the ordinance and did not have a fig leaf to hide behind. It could neither dispel the growing public impression that the move was designed to save its allies nor could it point to any extraordinary' constitutional situation to justify the ordinance. If only Mr Gandhi had spoken out earlier, the Government would not have had egg on its face and his outrage would have sounded more credible. The episode leads one to wonder if the disconnect between the Manmohan Singh regime and the Congress has reached a tipping point.


Ashok Malik
The ordinance that grants an MP or MLA who has been convicted by a court of law for criminal misconduct protection from legislative disqualification can be seen from several perspectives. The debate on legislative and judicial supremacy or on the right of criminals to participate in regular electoral politics is an old one. Answers and arguments can be made from several sides, and with several nuances. What the ordinance seeks to do is peremptorily end such debate with one Government-dictated line. It is necessary to understand the roots of the problem and why a solution has to be found and also to acknowledge that the ordinance-based solution offered by the UPA Government is not necessarily the correct one. A cornerstone of jurisprudence is that no law should be directed at punishing an individual. For instance, if a law is put into place by a future Government that bars foreign-born citizens from seeking political office and if in real terms this law ends up affecting only one individual Ms Sonia Gandhi then there will be something ethically disquieting about the law. To be accepted as fair and just, a law must uphold a larger point and have implications for a wider body of people. To turn that logic on its head, how does one view an ordinance that is directed at saving an individual, Lalu Prasad? The judgement in the fodder scandal is due in a few days. It is possible Mr Lalu Prasad, a key ally of the Congress and its likely alliance partner in Bihar in the 2014 election, could be convicted. Should this happen, as per the judgement handed out by the Supreme Court a judgement that the ordinance seeks to override Mr Lalu Prasad will lose his Lok Sabha seat. The ordinance will allow him to speak in the Lok Sabha but without the right to vote, while his appeal is heard by the higher court and till the highest court, the Supreme Court, decides

What is the logic of keeping a convicted MP as a member of the House, allowing him to speak but stopping him from voting or collecting his salary? Freak cases of wrong convictions do happen; theyre not the rule
on his guilt. Most important, it will allow Mr Lalu Prasad to retain his seat in the House and not necessitate a by-election. It is a fair argument that the judicial system in India, especially in the lower echelons, is not rigorous. Convictions that are later overturned and are legally suspect can be obtained in district courts using a variety of tactics. This is not a happy occurrence but is a fact. The case can be made that MLAs and MPs who suffer on this count need anticipatory support. Why should they lose their seats and watch helplessly while a political rival wins a by-election? If the High Court or Supreme Court exonerates them later, they would be able to contest only the next election. Their previous term, won through a legitimate election, would be nullified for no fault of their own. It is true such freak cases could occur. It is true that anti-dowry laws can be misused to fix or frame a husband or a family a woman does not get along with or wants to harass. Yet, equally, it is recognised that the few aberrations dont take away from the larger validity and justness of strong deterrent laws for such crimes. That apart, to use such an argument to defend Mr Lalu Prasad is astonishing. The Central Bureau of Investigation put him in the dock in the fodder scandal some 15 years ago. He has spent time in jail, and the court has been thorough in its proceedings. If he is convicted, can anyone make the case that he has been punished in unseemly hurry by a kangaroo court? Raising the possibility of a ghastly aberration and miscarriage of justice, the UPA Governments ends up offering an escape route to a man who is the principal accused in a well-recorded corruption case going back some 20 years. What is the logic of keeping a convicted MP as a member of the House, allowing him to speak but stopping him from voting or collecting his salary? Union Minister for Finance P Chidambaram says this is in keeping with the principle set by Justice VR Krishna Iyer in 1975. Actually, Justice Krishna Iyer laid down no such principle. He merely provided what may be termed interim relief, pending a formal verdict by the Supreme Court. That verdict never came because the Government of the day didnt wait for it. There is history here that deserves recounting. On June 12, 1975, Justice JL Sinha of the Allahabad High Court held Indira Gandhi, the then Prime Minister, guilty of corrupt election practices. She stood disqualified as an MP. Realising this could create a constitutional crisis and that a Government couldnt operate without a Prime Minister, Justice Sinha imposed a three-week moratorium on his judgement. It was expected the Congress parliamentary party would meet and elect a new leader in this period. Gandhi took the matter to the Supreme Court. Since the summer holidays were on, only a vacation bench of the Supreme Court was functional. The vacation judge was Justice Krishna Iyer. Conscious that the appeal against Justice Sinhas verdict couldnt be decided upon overnight and needed to be considered and heard by a larger bench of the Supreme Court when it reopened, Justice Krishna Iyer came up with an ad hoc legal device. As Granville

The Central Bureau of Investigation put him in the dock in the fodder scandal some 15 years ago. He has spent time in jail, and the court has been thorough in its proceedings. If he is convicted, can anyone make the case that he has been punished in unseemly hurry by a kangaroo court? Raising the possibility of a ghastly aberration and miscarriage of justice, the UPA Governments ends up offering an escape route to a man who is the principal accused in a well-recorded corruption case going back some 20 years.

Wipro chief Azim Premji's nuanced stand on the new laws regarding corporate social responsibility rightly underlines the differences between a business tycoon's charitable activities and the initiatives his company undertakes to support social causes. While the former is a personal choice that cannot be imposed by the Government, the latter is a social duty, now mandated by law. On Thursday, Mr Premji made clear that while The Companies Act, 2013, passed last month, makes it compulsory for large corporates to spend a part of their profits on social development, the Government must not seek to compel philanthropy. Personal giving has to be spontaneous. It would have been easy to write off Mr Premji as a money-grubbing businessman complaining about the two per cent profit his firms now have to give to charity, had it not been for the fact that he is also one of the country's best-known philanthropists and a staunch supporter of CSR initiatives. His Azim Premji Foundation has been working to ensure universal education in India since 2001 while the Azim Premji University focuses on training education professionals; over the years, he has given away as much as 25 per cent of his personal wealth for the betterment of society. He is also the first Indian industry leader to sign the Giving Pledge, started by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, to encourage the world's richest people to share their personal wealth. In other words, Mr Premji has more than just the moral authority to comment on matters of philanthropy, both individual and corporate. His reservations, therefore, about the two per cent stipulation he worries that it may become a tax of sorts should be considered. The law should not be a restrictive or disruptive force but an enhancing one. To a large extent, the Companies Act of 2013, which replaces The Companies Act of 1956, tries to do that especially with regard to corporate social responsibility, the framework for which has been ridden with loopholes. But with the new rules in place, India now has one of the world's most ambitious and progressive CSR policies. Of course, their effectiveness will be determined by their implementation, and while the Government will have a role to play in this, it is primarily the corporates which have to step up to the plate. India has a long history of CSR which goes back to the preindustrial era when rich merchants donated to temples and helped out during famines etc; afterwards, big business families not only supported social initiatives (they still do) but also contributed to the freedom struggle. In recent years, however, India has not seen the kind of philanthropy that is common in the West it is difficult to find the equivalent of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation or the Rockefeller Foundation. This is primarily because the private sector doesnt trust the public system which is often neither transparent nor accountable.

Redrawing the map of a Greater Middle East

G Parthasarathy
Israels Armed Forces invaded Lebanon in 1982, with the aim of creating a buffer for the security of its northern borders. Within months, the Palestine Liberation Organization led by Yasser Arafat and his armed cadres were forced to leave Lebanon, the Syrian Air Force was virtually wiped out in air battles with the Israeli Air Force, and Syrian forces had to be withdrawn from Lebanon. In the years following the Israeli action, Lebanon was engulfed by ethnic and sectarian conflict. Israels first invasion of Lebanon was not without its costs. The invasion saw the emergence of Hezbollah as a powerful Iranian-backed militia, which has in subsequent conflicts, seriously challenged the might and avowed invincibility of Israels Armed Forces. Virtually coinciding with the Israeli attack on Lebanon, Oded Yinon, an Israeli Government analyst came out with a plan for redrawing the boundaries of what the Americans were to later describe as the Greater Middle East, extending from Pakistan to Turkey. While advocating a long-term plan for the annulment of Israels Camp David Accord with Egypt and its destabilisation, Yinon envisaged total dissolution of Lebanon as a precedent for the dissolution of Syria and Iraq. Syria, he argued, would fall apart into a Shia Alawite dominated state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state near Damascus, hostile to the Sunni north, and the Druzes with a state in our Golan and in the Hauran and northern Jordan. With the bloody Iran-Iraq conflict triggered by Saddam Hussein and encouraged by the Reagan Administration then gathering momentum, Yinon held: In Iraq, a division into Provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria, in Ottoman times, is possible. So, three or more states will exist around the three major cities of Basra, Mosul and Baghdad. Shia areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish North. It is possible that the present Iranian-Iraqi confrontation will deepen this polarisation. The 1991, Saddam Husseins Iraq was torn apart in a second American-led invasion. This invasion in 2003 ended minority Sunni domination of Iraq and replaced it with a Shia- dominated Government. No less than 1,33,000 Iraqis perished in this second invasion. The new Shia-dominated dispensation is, however, not only facing de facto Kurdish separation in the north, but also a bloody insurgency by the Sunni-minority, duly backed by its Gulf Arab neighbours. Libya was, thereafter, invaded by Nato most destabilising impact caused by demonstrations against the secular and modern minded, but brutally authoritarian regime of Syrian President Bashar alAssad. An estimated 1,20,000 Syrians have perished in the conflict, which has not only widened the Shia-Sunni rift across the Muslim world, but has also unexpectedly led to the beginnings of Russian-American cooperation, to moderate the American propensity for regime change through military intervention. Syria has been forced to forego its chemical weapons a development pleasing to the heart of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose Air Force had earlier effectively destroyed Syrias clandestine nuclear weapons-related facilities. The bloody civil war in Syria, however, continues. Sunni elements in Syria remain divided between the moderate Free Syrian Army which is being armed and backed by the US and its Nato allies, while more extremist Islamist elements are being backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. The Assad regime, which depends heavily on Russian diplomatic and military support, continues to receive steadfast backing from key Shia allies Iran, Iraq and the Hezbollah. Unless a UN-brokered peace can be arranged, which presently appears unlikely, Syria appears inevitably headed for a partition along sectarian, ethnic and religious fault lines. This would be continuation of a trend where Sudan has been partitioned on religious/ethnic lines and Iraqs Shia-Sunni-Kurdish fault lines have been accompanied by fears of a tacitly US-backed Kurdish separatism. Moreover, after doors for its entry to the European Union were irrevocably shut, Turkey appears to be adopting a more assertive role in the Greater Middle East. An autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan absorbing Turkeys insurgent Kurds, with its American-installed oil pipelines traversing through Turkey, would be welcomed by Ankara. India has quite rightly frowned on separatism in Iraq and built bridges to the new dispensation there. Stability in its neighbouring Gulf region, with its vast energy resources and where six million Indians reside, remains its key area of interest. India has also opposed American/Nato military intervention in Syria, which could destabilise its Gulf neighbourhood. It is really for the people of the Greater Middle East to determine their destinies, without destabilising meddling by outsiders.

In the 1980s, Israeli analyst Oded Yinon argued that the entire Arabian Peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution. Current developments in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Turkey show that he may have been eerily right
entire Arabian Peninsula is a natural candidate for dissolution due to internal and external pressures. In the years that have followed the Yinon analysis, the Greater Middle East has witnessed traumatic and bloody conflicts and internal turmoil, as civilisational, religious and sectarian rivalries have torn societies and nations apart. Iraqs Saddam Hussein brought misery and suffering to his own people after his illadvised invasion of Kuwait, which followed the war he imposed on Iran with American support. After fellow Arabs, notably Syria and Egypt, joined the Americans to pulverise his armed forces and impose crippling economic sanctions in forces from France and the UK, backed by the Americans, for regime change, getting the erratic but secular Muammar Gaddafi replaced by Islamist-oriented leaders. Libya has not only become a focal point for Al Qaeda activity, but also appears headed towards being administered virtually as two separate entities Tripolitania and Cyrenaica. The much touted Arab Spring which was supposed to usher in a new era of democratic change exposed the harsh reality that countries with no experience of democratic traditions and institutions cannot be transformed overnight into vibrant democracies, merely because of demonstrations by an urbanised and educated middle class. Nowhere has this emerged more clearly than in Tunisia and Egypt, where elections produced rulers with Islamist inclinations, who are not exactly votaries of pluralism and modernism. In Egypt, an elected Islamist President has since been overthrown by a largely secular military, which has a tradition of not only dominating political life, but also wielding vast economic clout. It is noteworthy that the monarchies in the Gulf, Morocco and Jordan, with longstanding administrative and traditional political structures, were able to not only survive demonstrations, but emerge more confident of being able to deal with public discontent, than those authoritarian rulers who were forced to succumb to pressures for democratic transformation. The Arab Spring, however, has had the


Meghna Sharma,

India-Pakistan talks
Dear Editor,

Reject all option

Dear Editor,

via email

By deciding to go ahead with his meeting with Nawaz Sharif in New York, even after the dastardly terror strikes in Jammu, Dr. Singh has demonstrated both pragmatism and courage. Non-engagement with a democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, who has professed his intention to pursue peace with India, is not an option for our country. In fact, forces inimical to India both within and outside want to see the breakdown of the peace process. Pakistan is as much a victim of terror as India is, and it is in the interest of both the countries to fight the common enemy together.
Yours faithfully,

The Supreme Court has covered itself in shining glory by directing the Election Commission to provide a button on electronic voting machines for voters to reject all the candidates contesting an election from a constituency recognising that the right to elect includes the right to reject. Often, a voter finds himself pitted between the devil and the deep sea. Of course he can abstain but that would be seen as indifference, not passive protest.
Yours Etc. K.X.M. John,

via email

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It will make parties more responsible: Modi

NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 28: BJPs prime ministerial candidate and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Friday welcomed the Supreme Court verdict, giving voters the right to reject candidates on the ballot, and advocated making voting compulsory. But the Congress was cautious, saying it would react only after studying the ruling. However, the Left parties differed with the judgment, arguing that the no vote option was a minor aspect of comprehensive electoral reforms, which should be debated by Parliament. Curiously, there was no formal response from the BJP. Writing on his blog, Mr. Modi maintained that his government had attempted twice to bring in legislation on the right to no vote as well as compulsory voting, but the Governor did not give assent to the Bill passed by the Assembly.Right now, if accepting them. It will make them more responsible. He said compulsory voting could make our democracy stronger, easing fears about elections becoming a display of money power. The CPI(M)s Polit Bureau said it had been advocating comprehensive electoral reforms but these important issues had not been placed before Parliament so far. The Supreme Courts judgment to include a no vote on the ballot is only a minor aspect of the reforms. These matters are being dealt with piecemeal by the judiciary at a time when comprehensive reforms, including proportional representation, steps to curb money and muscle power, must be discussed and adopted by Parliament. CPI leader D. Raja said a no vote amounted to negation of the right to vote. He said Parliament was the right forum to debate electoral reforms.



Mumbai building collapse toll rises to 43

MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 28: The death toll in the Mazgaon building collapse on Saturday rose to 43 even as rescuers scoured the massive rubble looking for survivors and bodies. The owner of a decoration firm who illegally carried out faulty renovation at his rented office-cum-warehouse on the ground floor of the building has been arrested in connection with the incident. The death toll in the collapse has risen to 43 and 32 people are injured, civic body sources told PTI and added that more people were still believed to be trapped under the debris. The injured have been admitted to state-run J.J. Hospital and Nair Hospital. The fivestorey building on the Brahmadev Khot Marg, close to Dockyard Road railway station, was owned by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation. It had collapsed early Friday. As hopes of pulling out survivors receded fast, anxious relatives of those missing were thronging the scene of

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empower the voters to express their anger and reject all of them. The voters can give a message that we do not like the candidate or the can-

didates party or that partys policies. This will give out a very strong message to parties they will be forced to think why people are not

UP village prefers SP, BSP over BJP, Congress

KHAIN (ALLAHABAD), SEPTEMBER 28: It's a humid day and retired college principal Shobnath Pandey (77) is cooling off under an Ashok Tree (A tree of no sorrows). His village Khain, in the Trans-Yamuna region of this ask me which party, I will submit that I have become a nirashavawadi (pessimist). Its smarter to pick a candidate who will work for your issues," Mr. Pandey says. Located on the AllahabadMirzapur highway, this tiny village is hardly representaJanata Party are perceived to have weak regional structures and lacking in local reach and candidates. By the looks of things, if elections were held today in Khain, the SP would once again tussle it out with the Bahujan Samaj Party for the top spot, despite the growing discontent against Akhilesh Yadav's regime, especially on the miserable law and order issue. The villagers agree that law and order has always been a problem for the party, but the State government's waiver of farmer loans, free water for irrigation and free laptop schemes are fair consolation for them. No appeal for BJP The BJP, and its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, are not seen with much favour. If Mr. Modi contests from here (Allahabad), "he will stand third," predicts Amitabh Pandey, an upper caste contractor. "Modi is a media creation, only on television. This 'wave,' if it exists, is restricted to cities. Ask around if you see any BJP wallahs? What Modi?" Regardless of Mr. Modi's much talked about entry into the State, which holds 80 Lok Sabha seats, villagers view the BJP as a wholly urban oriented party, with less "zamini netas" (ground level leaders). This is why they think senior BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi lost his Allahabad seat in 2004 after three consecutive terms. The two Lok Sabha seats in the district, Allahabad and Phulpur are currently held by the SP and BSP. The SP's Reoti Raman Singh has held the Allahabad seat since 2004. Notably, Mr. Joshi's wins coincided with the pro-BJP wave in 1990's post the Ram Mandir movement. "The party's popularity extended to the rural areas then," says Shobnath Pandey, also a former pradhan. This time, the villagers are not so sure. Even among the youth, there is little support for the BJP or for its prime ministerial candidate. For the main opposition party at the centre, which depends heavily on upper and upper middle caste and urban votes, the biggest challenge in UP remains the rural votes, feel analysts. The recent communal violence in Muzaffaragar has evoked debates on polarisation of votes, in favour of the BJP. But villagers of Khain are quick to brush aside that theory. The vice-like grip of caste and preference for local candidates neutralises any form of communal voting, villagers feel. "Communal politics may help you in the town. Here, people still give preference to caste. And the SP and the BSP look to retain these caste banks," says Mohanlal Yadav (40). On Mr. Modi, he quips: "There's no way you can compare him (Modi) to Vajpayee. He is not capable of leading the nation. UP will reject any form of dictatorship." Moreover, besides the Ram Mandir issue, the BJP has nothing that can appeal to rural UP, he feels. SP supporters brushed aside accusations that the SP and BJP are playing a "fixed match" for polarizing communal votes, blaming the latter entirely. "Gone are those days. Very few people will be fooled today. Even the most illiterate persons understand what the party (BJP) is trying to do," says Parashnath Patel. Congress lacks structure, but does better than BJP While the villagers are wary of the BJP and lack confidence in the Congress over issues like corruption and price rise, they would pick the latter over the former if it came down to the two parties. "Corruption", they feel, is a lesser evil than "communalism." Notably, the Congress has failed to win this seat in three decades since local boy and actor Amitabh Bachchan sealed it in 1984. The Allahabad and Phulpur seats have historically been political bastions for the Congress, with the likes of Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Vishwanath Pratap Singh holding the seats for multiple terms. Now, media has been rife with reports that Mr. Modi could contest from a seat in UP, Allahabad being one of the possibilities.

the tragedy.Cranes and other heavy machinery have been pressed into service to lift large slabs of concrete and mangled steel.As many as 21 families of BMCs tenants lived in the 30-year-old structure categorised as a C-2 building which was in need of urgent repairs. Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan has promised strict action against those found responsible for the tragedy. The BMC has formed two committees to probe into the incident and ordered audit of similar buildings in the city. Steps are being made to provide

alternative accommodation to the affected families in the vicinity. The civic body has announced a compensation of Rs. 2 lakh to the families of every deceased person, besides bearing the cost of treatment of those injured. Ashok Mehta, the owner of Mamamiya Decorators, has been arrested for renovating his office-cum-warehouse on the ground floor of the building, thus causing the collapse, said an officer at Sewree police station, where a complaint has been registered.

IAS officer sent to jail in MP for corruption alleges conspiracy

BHOPAL, SEPTEMBER 28: A special court in Mandla, a tribal dominated district roughly 400 km east of Bhopal, sentenced Indian Administrative Service officer Shashi Karnawat to five years rigorous imprisonment and fined Rs. 50 lakhs for corruption, forgery and criminal conspiracy. The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) found evidence that Ms. Karnawat, currently a deputy secretary in the sports department, submitted fake stationery bills to the tune of Rs. 34 lakhs when she was the Chief Executive Officer of the district panchayat in 1999- 2000. Three others were also sentenced for five years and fined amounts ranging from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs. Special Public Prosecutor HL Badgiya said that Special Judge Rajeev Karmahe sent Ms. Karnawat to jail as the EOW report left no doubt of her guilt and the charges were serious. The officer purchased stationery without inviting tenders and falsified the inventory, he said. Justice Karmahe was in the news in 2007 when he charged speaker Ishwardas Rohani and ministers Ajay Vishnoi and Moti Kashyap for rioting, in a 1985 case of attacking a police station in Jabalpur. Ms. Karnawat told reporters, before she went behind bars, that she was being framed as part of a conspiracy. Senior IAS officers have framed me. They are shielding the corrupt. I will fight for justice till my death. The BJP will pay for its sins and will not return for a third time. Ms. Karnawat is a Dalit officer who was promoted to the IAS from the State Civil Service (SCS). In 2012, she had written to CM Shivraj Chouhan alleging discrimination on the basis of her caste and gender. In the same year, Ujjains Additional Commissioner Ramesh Thete, an acclaimed Marathi lyricist, had approached the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes alleging that he was being victimised. Mr. Thete was arrested in 2002 for bribery and later acquitted by the High Court and reinstated by the Supreme Court. His wife Manda Thete is being probed for cheating and forgery by the Lokayukt.

Now, Tatkal for passenger trains too

NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 27: Continuing with its spree of raising fares to generate more revenue, the Railways have decided to introduce Tatkal tickets for passenger trains also, increase rates for parcel and for transportation of birds and animals. Tatkal would be in place for those passenger trains that had recorded an average utilisation of 60 per cent capacity during the previous financial year. The zonal railways have been vested with the responsibility of identifying such trains. The Tatkal charges for these trains will be the same as for superfast trains and the same principle will be applicable for earmarking seats. The rates for luggage and parcel traffic have been increased with effect from October 1. The minimum parcel charge is Rs. 30. The parcel rates for Rajdhani, Duronto and Shatabdi express trains have been hiked by a minimum of 25 per cent. The cost for parcels of birds, pets, or wild animals have been increased by a minimum of 25 per cent irrespective of the category of trains they have been booked in. These hikes come on the heels of the 15 per cent hike in freight charges of commodities in the name of busy season charge.

district, falls under the Bundelkhand Development Scheme. Yet, like much of the region, it is reeling under incessant power cuts, which have reduced water supply and hampered irrigation causing crops to dry, consequently, leading to heavy losses for farmers. "No party has been able to solve our basic problems. I have lived through the rule of all the parties. Now if you

tive of the mood in Uttar Pradesh. Its 6,000 odd population suffers from the same malaise that any other village in eastern UP would relate to: unemployment, bad roads, water shortage, insufficient power supply, crop failure and so on. But it could offer important lessons for the major parties ahead of next year's general elections. Across the village, the Congress and the Bharatiya

Govt urged to match Railways speed Seemandhra protesters force closure of Central govt. offices
B A N G A L O R E , SEPTEMBER 28,: Railway Minister M. Mallikarjuna Kharge on Saturday urged the State government to immediately release its share of funds for railway projects and pace up land acquisition process so as to speed up completion of the ongoing projects. Speaking after flagging off the Yeshwanthpur-Mangalore Weekly Express here, Mr. Kharge said in the last six months, the government has released only Rs. 50 crore whereas the Railways has released Rs. 320 crore. The Railways has earmarked over Rs. 700 crore for projects in Karnataka and an equal amount has to come from the State government. In the next six months, the government has to release the balance Rs. 650 crore at the rate of Rs. 109 crore a month, he said. Patting his own back, Mr. Kharge said in 100 days of assuming the office, he not only got 13 trains announced in the Railway Budget for Karnataka but also introduced three new trains which were not announced in the budget. As far as ongoing projects are concerned, land acquisition at certain stretches has been hampering the progress. If the government provides land near Kunigal Stud Farm immediately, the Railways could complete the Bangalore-Hassan new line within this year, he said. Similarly, if the government completes rehabilitation of affected people on the Chikballapur-Kolar line, services could start within two months. Ditto is the case with the Kottur-Harihara new line where land acquisition on a small stretch is hampering the project. Mr. Kharge said the Railways would commence operation on Kadur-Chickmaglur new lines within a month. Speaking earlier, Union Minister for Petroleum and Natural Gas M. Veerappa Moily urged Mr. Kharge to announce Mangalore and Gulbarga as new divisional headquarters for South Western Railway. Mangalore has all the potential to become a divisional headquarters so as your Gulbarga. Please expedite the process, he said. Stating that the SakleshpurMangalore line is not exploited to its capacity, Mr. Moily asked the Railway Minister to speed up the BangaloreHassan new line project which reduced the travel time by over four hours between Bangalore and Mangalore. Ill take up the matter of land acquisition near Kunigal with the State government, he said. Later, JAC members laid siege to the house of Tirupati MP Chinta Mohan and demanded his family members that the legislator come out and talk to the protesters. On learning about his absence, the JAC members spoke to the MP over phone and expressed their anguish over the State bifurcation issue. Meanwhile, members of the SVU JAC staged a skit, carrying the effigy of TRS resident K. Chandrasekhar Rao at the varsitys Golden Jubilee Arch. Later, they burnt the effigy and raised slogans in support of Samaikyandhra cause. Members of the Yadava Sangam led by E. Hemanth Kumar Yadav took out a rally from the NTR Circle to Jyoti Rao Phule statue and extended their support to the BC JAC. Students and staff members of the Tejaswi English Medium School took part in the relay hunger strike organised by the Tirupati Samaikyandhra JAC (SAPS) near the MCT office. Meanwhile, cultural forum Eetaram Kavita Vedika and Andhra Nadu magazine have announced to jointly organise a Samaikyandhra Kavi Sammelanam on September 30 at B.R. Ambedkar Bhavan Auditorium. Poets and singers will render their compositions to encourage the supporters and extend support to the Samaikyandhra movement.

States to enjoy greater flexibility under MGNREGS

NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 27: The Ministry of Rural Development has issued a clarification at the behest of several States for creation of greater durable assets in the rural areas under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employee Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). Based on the request of several states to allow flexibility in the wage: material norm of MGNREGS so as to facilitate creation of durable assets. I have got the matter examined, stated a letter from Jairam Ramesh, Ministry of Rural Development to all States Chief Ministers. One of the biggest challenges of the programme remains productive asset creation. Though the primary objective of NREGA is livelihood security, it is modelled to create assets in the countryside to enhance soil productivity and water availability thereby decreasing the dependency on the programme itself. Expanding on the wage material ratio between the Gram Panchayat and block level, the letter stated: I have directed the Ministry to issue a clarification that the wage material ratio shall be maintained at the Gram Panchayat level for 50 per cent of works, the wage material ratio needs to be maintained at the block level. This clarification shall aid allocation financial resources under MGNREGA, which would allow greater flexibility at the state level for creating durable infrastructure in the rural areas.

Regulation of clinical trials inhibiting drug development

B A N G A L O R E , SEPTEMBER 28: The regulatory regime governing clinical trials poses challenges to Indian biotechnology companies, said Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, chairperson of the State Vision Group on Biotechnology and chairman and managing director of Biocon, here on Friday. Speaking at the curtain raiser to announce the 14 edition of the industrys flagship event, Bangalore India Bio 2014, Ms. Shaw said the regulatory hurdles are a major challenge to drug development in the country. She said that regulation, not only in India but in other countries as well, would be discussed at the event to be held from February 10 to 12, 2014. Ms. Shaw said that the alleged abuse of guidelines and regulations governing clinical trials would not be discussed at the event. This would not be the forum to debate this, she remarked. Describing the regulatory regime as draconian, Ms. Shaw said that biotechnology has the power to transform the energy, food and health sectors, apart from promoting environmental sustainability. Karnataka can emerge as a global biotech manufacturing hub, provided there is sufficient investment and pragmatic regulation, she said. Srivatsa Krishna, Secretary, Department of IT, BT and Science and Technology, said that biotechnology had the potential to perform as well as the IT industry had done in the last two decades. While the IT industry generates revenues amounting to Rs. 6.4 lakh crore, of which 80 per cent is exported, the size of the biotechnology industry is about Rs. 23,500 crore, 50 per cent of which is earned through exports. Why cant the biotechnology of today become the IT (industry) of tomorrow? he said. Nobel laureate Sir John Bertrand Gurdon will deliver a lecture on the opening day of the event. Marc Van Montagu, winner of the World Food Prize in 2013, would speak at the event. More than 3,000 business visitors from 15 countries are expected to attend the event.

TIRUPATI, SEPTEMBER 28: Following the schedule of protests announced by the APNGOs to shut down the Central government organisations on September 27 and 28, members of the Tirupati Employees JAC on Friday made sure that the order was followed to the letter and spirit. Divided themselves into groups, the JAC members forced a complete shutdown of Income Tax Office, Head Post Office, BSNL, both government and private banks and Passport Office in the town. Mild tensions prevailed when the protesters, who tried to barge into the Customs and Central Excise Office, were prevented by the police. Witnessing the commotion, the employees voluntarily joined the protest and expressed solidarity with the agitators.

KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 28: The All India Trinamool Congress on Saturday announced its decision to suspend its member Kunal Ghosh for anti-party activities, party general secretary Partha Chatterjee said. Mr. Ghosh who has been leading a tirade against the party in respect of the Saradha scam, is a Rajya Sabha member. He was show-caused earlier this month.Mr. Chatterjee said that Mr. Ghosh has been making statements daily aimed at maligning the party and the decision was taken unanimously by a three member disciplinary panel, pend-

Trinamool suspends Rajya arrested for molestSabha member Kunal Ghosh Four ing woman in Kolkata

KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 27: Four persons were arrested today who had molested a woman at upscale Park Street area on Friday night, police sources said. The woman, who is a corporate executive, lodged a complaint against the four who passed lewd comments and molested her in front of a bar at around 10:00 pm yesterday, the sources said. An AngloIndian woman was gang-raped in a car last year which had led to a huge public outcry.

Two teenage girls go missing in Amritsar

ing enquiry.Mr. Ghosh has pointed an accusatory finger at the party, demanding a CBI enquiry to unravel the role of some of the party members in the scam. AMRITSAR, SEPTEMBER 27: Two teenage girls on Saturday went missing under mysterious circumstances, police said. Chehertha Police Station SHO Harish Behal said, as per complaints of the families, both the girls were living in the same neighbourhood and were good friends. They were studying in a government school in the Chehertha area of Amritsar, he said. The girls, aged around 16 years, have been identified as Madhu and Bindu.

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IT TAKES A PHONE CALL Pakistan judicial panel says TO MEND US, IRAN RIFT India visit was successful
W A S H I N G T O N , SEPTEMBER 28: The Iranian president, his car making its way to the airport through New Yorks dense traffic, gets in touch with the White House Situation Room. President Barack Obama, at his desk in the Oval Office, gets on the phone. Fifteen minutes later, the two say goodbye in each others language. And with that, a generationlong rift between the U.S. and Iran is that much closer to being bridged. Iranians awoke on Saturday to learn that their president, Hassan Rouhani, had spoken directly to President Barack Obama, breaking through a barrier that had left American and Iranian presidents divorced from such contact for 34 years. The two presidents pledged to resolve concerns about Irans nuclear ambitions, which have isolated Iranians from the global community and led to crippling economic sanctions. breakthrough on the nuclear issue could portend even deeper ties between the U.S. and Iran a notion that would have seemed unfathomable in recent years, when Mr. Rouhanis predecessor was describing America in satanic terms. The telephone call capped a week of seismic shifts in the relationship while Mr. Rouhani was in the U.S. for an annual U.N. meeting. Mr. Obama had left open the possibility of an exchange with Mr. Rouhani, but the Iranian later said the timing wasnt right. But hours before the phone call, at a news conference in New York, Mr. Rouhani linked the U.S. and Iran as great nations. And the night before, U.S. and European diplomats were hailing a very significant shift in Irans attitude and tone in the first talks on the nuclear standoff since April.

The appetite for serious talks having been tested at a presidential level, the focus turns to negotiations among foreign ministers and other officials from the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany, who together will chart a path forward, a senior Obama administration official said. The group wants Iran to present a more detailed proposal before or at the next round of negoti-

ations, scheduled in Geneva on Oct. 15-16, another U.S. official said. Mr. Rouhanis aides initially reached out to arrange the call, said officials, who werent authorized to comment by name and demanded anonymity. But it was Mr. Obama who signalled days earlier he was willing to meet with his Iranian counterpart. By the end of the call, Mr. Obama was suggesting that a

ISLAMABAD, SEPTEMBER 28: The Pakistan Judicial Commission which is probing the November 26, 2008 Mumbai terror attacks says its visit to the city was successful from the prosecution point of view. The commission returned on September 26, 2013 and Chaudhry Muhammed Azhar who heads it told The Hindu on Saturday that the visit was excellent and people were courteous and cooperative. He said the prosecution had a limited scope but it was able to reexamine all the evidence within the given circumstances. The commission has cross-examined two witnesses, a doctor who carried out the post mortems of the nine terrorists who were killed in the attack and Ramesh Mahale, the investigating officer of the case. The additional chief metropolitan magistrate who presided over the proceedings will seal the records and sent it to the government of India and then it will be sent to the Pakistan foreign office, he said. The report will be shared with the

Federal Investigation Agency and the Anti-Terrorism Court after that. The case will be heard next on October 3, 2013. This time the commission was

allowed to cross examine witnesses unlike last year. The eight-member commission visited India after initial delays, from September 21, 2013.

Another earthquake rocks Awaran in Balochistan

UN votes to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons

UNITED NATIONS, SEPTEMBER 28: The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Friday night to secure and destroy Syrias chemical weapons stockpile, a landmark decision aimed at taking poison gas off the battlefield in the escalating 2 -year conflict. The vote after two weeks of intense negotiations marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis that has gripped the council since the Syrian uprising began. Russia and China previously vetoed three Western-backed resolutions pressuring President Bashar Assads regime to end the violence. Todays historic resolution is the first hopeful news on Syria in a long time, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Kimoon told the council immediately after the vote, but he and others stressed that much more needs to be done to stop the fighting that has left more 1,00,000 dead.

UN must be reformed to reflect political realities: Manmohan

UNITED NATIONS, SEPTEMBER 28: Making a strong case for the reform of the UN Security Council to reflect current political realities, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday said global peace and security issues must be handled through multilateral efforts. The U.N.s role in advancing peace and security is the focus of renewed attention at a time when the world is facing multiple challenges, Dr. Singh said in his address at the world bodys General Assembly. The U.N. Security Council must be reformed and restructured to reflect current political realities. More developing countries should be included as both permanent and non-permanent members, he said. India has been pushing for its inclusion in an expanded and restructured Security Council, a move that has been backed some key P-5 members but China has been non-committal. Multilateral efforts must guide our quest for peace and security, wherever they are threatened. And the centrality and contribution of the UN system to development must be restored, he said. Countries are now not only more interdependent, but also face new and increasingly complex challenges. For multilateralism to remain relevant and effective in the future, multilateral institutions need to be reformed, Dr. Singh said. Dr. Singh indicated that the reforms should also encompass global financial bodies. Multilateral Financial Institutions should also enable an enhanced voice for developing countries in their decision making structures, he said. Dr. Singh said growing scepticism about the U.N.s handling of peace and security issues underlined the necessity of reforms. He said never has scepticism about the U.N.s capacity to do so been higher, or the external environment less propitious for multilateralism. Multilateral efforts require the building of a new international consensus, suited to our time and rooted in todays realities. It is only such a plan of action that will enable the UN to meet the twin tests of legitimacy and efficacy, he said. I S L A M A B A D , SEPTEMBER 28: As Balochistan struggles to cope with a powerful earthquake four days ago, another one with an intensity of 7.2 on the Richter scale rocked parts of Awaran, on Saturday, killing four. According to the spokesperson for the Balochistan government, Mr. Jan Muhammed Buledi, Awaran was badly affected again with three villages bearing the brunt of the quake. The U.S. Geological Survey recorded the event with a magnitude of 6.8 at 12.34 p.m. on Saturday at a depth of 14.8 km, 96 km from Awaran, which is extensively damaged in the earlier earthquake on September 24. It said this earthquake was an aftershock of the previous one. In Tuesdays earthquake so far 359 are confirmed dead, he said, while the figure for the injured is 765. In Awaran alone 32,000 families are affected, while in Kech it is 5,000. The Chief Minister of Balochistan is camping in Awaran area and has formed local committees for relief. So far 20,000 food packets and 15,000 tents have been distributed Mr. Buledi said.

A red light for one form of weapons does not mean a green light for others, the U.N. chief said. This is not a license to kill with conventional weapons. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said the strong, enforceable, precedent-setting resolution shows that diplomacy can be so powerful that it can peacefully defuse the worst weapons of war. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the

resolution does not automatically impose sanctions on Syria. The resolution calls for consequences if Syria fails to comply, but those will depend on the council passing another resolution in the event of noncompliance. That will give Assad ally Russia the means to stop any punishment from being imposed. As a sign of the broad support for the resolution, all 15 council members signed on as co sponsors.


Rupees right level is at 59-60 a dollar, says FM

MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 28: Finance Minister P Chidambaram, on Friday, said that the right level of rupee would be between 59 and 60 a dollar, and the currency should not overshoot that level. But that is not something I am willing to pronounce on, said Mr. Chidambaram,while addressing a a meeting organized by the Federation of Indian Exports Organizations (FIEO) here. The Finance Minister said that the global economy was changing. Things have changed. In the U.S. economy, there is clearly an upswing. In Europe too, some countries, particularly the U.K., are showing better growth. China is expected to grow at 7 per cent. Even Japan is expected to show an unprecedented 3 per cent growth, he said. He said the U.S., Europe, and made by exporters and had taken several measures to simplify import-export related procedures, he said. The Padmanabhan Committee had studied the issue of export credit in detail but mentioned that putting exports under priority sector might affect some other sectors. Under priority sector lending, banks lend 40 per cent of their loans to sectors such as agriculture and small scale industries. Exporters, meanwhile, have demanded greater government support to push exports. They called for setting up of an export development fund, with contribution from the government as well as the industry, to boost export promotion. Exporters also demanded a single-window service or a nodal officer system to deal with various central excise, customs and service tax issues.

Gold maintains buoyancy on India's Forex rising demand, silver surges r e s e r v e s jump by $2 bn to $277 bn
MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 28: Indias foreign exchange (Forex) reserves jumped by $2.03 billion to $277.38 billion for the week ended September 20, the biggest weekly gain in nearly two years, on the back of concessional swap facilities offered to banks by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Forex reserve has increased sharply for the second consecutive week. It had jumped by $544.7 million in the previous week. According to RBIs Weekly Statistical Supplement, the countrys foreign currency assets, the biggest component of the Forex reserves, increased by $1.97 billion to $249.22 billion for the week ended Sep 20. The foreign currency assets, expressed in the US dollar term, include the effect of appreciation or depreciation of non-U.S. currencies held in reserve, such as the pound sterling, euro and yen. Analysts say the concessional swap facilities offered by the RBI to banks was the main reason for such a sharp increase in the Forex reserve. The RBI had announced the concessional swap facilities Sep. 4, with a view to support the battered rupee. Under the new facilities, commercial banks can swap dollars raised through foreign currency non-resident deposits and overseas Forex loans with RBI at a discount to the market swap rate. The special drawing rights (SDRs) increased by $38.3 million to $4.42 billion, while reserves with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) rose by $17.4 million to $2.01 billion. The value of Indias gold reserves remained unchanged at $21.72 billion during the week under.

China, followed by Japan and South East Asia, were important export markets for India. He asked exporters to competitively push their products in these markets as well as emerging markets. He reiterated that

the government was committed to giving boost to exports, and was in talks with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to make export credit cheaper. The government had been responsive to the suggestions

Bangladesh begins import of power from India No issue on Singapore

DHAKA, SEPTEMBER 28: Bangladesh, on Friday, began importing electricity from India on an experimental basis, adding 50 MW to the national grid. The import, which took roughly three years to materialise after it was decided in 2010, was part of the countrys plan to help ease the crisis. The test-supply of 50 MW electricity was transmitted on Friday morning through an electrical grid inter-connection point in Bheramara, Kushtia, opposite to West Bengal of India. A 125-km transmission line has been constructed between Baharampur of India and Bheramara in Bangladesh. Of this, 40 km fell inside Bangladesh. Power Grid Company of Bangladesh (PGCB), which is the co-ordinator of the import process, said by the end of October around 250MW of power would be imported into Bangladesh. Another 250MW was expected to be imported from Indias private sector by November this year. The two countries signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in 2010 regarding import of 500 MW of power from India. Officials here said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina would go to Bheramara and her

Airlines-Tata Sons venture, says AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes BlackBerry reports Q2 loss of $965 mn
Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh would formally inaugurate the power export to Bangladesh via video conference from Delhi on October 5. Authorities said half of this power would be coming from the Indian Government electricity quota, and the rest from the open market. Experts believe the total amount of electricity, which will be imported under a 35-year contract, will greatly improve the countrys power situation, which is now being tackled through costly but short-term rental power plants. Controversy The government, meanwhile, rejected the allegations that the coal-based power plant, being constructed under an IndiaBangladesh joint venture project in Rampal, near the Sundarbans, would adversely affect the worlds largest mangrove forest. The National Committee on Protection of Oil, Gas, Mineral Resources, and Power-Port, a body of the left-leaning parties and environmentalist groups, have already vowed to resist the planned inauguration of the Rampal Power Plant scheduled on October 22. The committee members will end their five-day cross-country long march to the Sundarbans on Saturday in an effort to stall the project. The pro-left participants in the long march alleged that the coalbased project would harm biodiversity and ruin the world heritage. However, the government has been claiming that the environment would not be harmed, as there would be enough checks to prevent pollution. CHENNAI, SEPTEMBER 28: Clearing the air with regard to the Tatas signing MoU with Singapore Airlines, AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes on Saturday said there was no issue between him, Singapore Airlines and Tatas.I have and continue to have no issue on SIA (Singapore Airlines) and Tata. No difference to Ginger and Taj Hotels. These are two very separate business, Mr. Fernandes said in social networking portal Twitter.Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata Group, signed a memorandum of understanding with Singapore Airlines for a joint venture to start a new full service airline in IndiaThe new venture, to be called Tata SIA Airlines Ltd., would have Tata Sons as the majority partner with 51 per cent stake, while Singapore Airlines would hold 49 per cent stake with $49 million of foreign direct investment. NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 28: Struggling smartphone maker BlackBerry on Friday reported a net loss of $965 million for the second quarter ended August 31, 2013 hit hard by inventory charge related to its latest offering Z10. The Canadian handset manufacturer had posted a net loss of $235 million for the period ended September 1, 2012, it said in a release. BlackBerry follows MarchFebruary as fiscal year. It also cancelled its second quarter earnings conference call and webcast due to the letter of intent agreement between BlackBerry and Fairfax Financial Holdings on a $4.7 billion offer by Prem Watsa-led firm to acquire the handset maker. Revenue for the second quarter of fiscal 2014 was approximately $1.6 billion, down 49 per cent from $3.1 billion in the previous quarter and down 45 per cent from $2.9 billion in the same quarter of fiscal 2013, it added.We are very disappointed with our operational and financial results this quarter and have announced a series of major changes to address the competitive hardware environment and our cost structure, BlackBerry President and CEO Thorsten Heins said.While the company goes through necessary changes to create the best business model for its hardware business, BlackBerry continues to see confidence from customers through increasing penetration of BES 10, where it now has more than 25,000 commercial and test servers installed to date, up from 19,000 in July 2013, he added.In terms of revenue break-up, about 49 per cent came from the hardware business, 46 per cent for service and 5 per cent for software and other revenue.During the quarter, approximately 5.9 million BlackBerry smartphones were sold through to end customers, which included ship-

MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 28: Gold on Saturday extended rally at the domestic bullion market on the back of heavy buying from stockists and retail customers amid robust investment offtake. Silver also surged owing to sustained speculative demand as well as industrial support. Standard gold of 99.5 per cent purity climbed by Rs. 200 to

finish at Rs. 30,465 per 10 gm from Fridays closing level of Rs. 30,265. Pure gold of 99.9 per cent purity rose by Rs. 195 to close at Rs. 30,610 per 10 gm from Rs. 30,415. Silver ready (.999 fineness) jumped Rs. 430 to conclude at Rs. 50,730 per kg as compared to Rs. 50,300 previously. Globally, the yellow metal

rebounded sharply on safe haven demand as U.S. budget concerns amid ongoing uncertainty over Fed tapering its stimulus measures weighed heavily on investor sentiment. December gold shot up $15.10 to settle at $1,339.20 an ounce at the Comex division of the NYMEX late on Friday and silver December contract gained by $21.83 an ounce.

ments made prior to the second quarter and which reduced the companys inventory in the channel, BlackBerry said.During the second quarter, BlackBerry recognised hardware revenue on about 3.7 million BlackBerry smartphones. Most of the units recognised are BlackBerry 7 devices, in part because certain BlackBerry 10 devices that were shipped in the second quarter of fiscal 2014 will not be recognised until they are sold through to end customers, it added.On loss, BlackBerry said, The GAAP loss from continuing operations for the quarter was $965 million, including a primarily non-cash, pre-tax charge against inventory and supply commitments of approximately $934 million (the Z10 Inventory Charge). Besides, pre-tax restructuring charges of about $72 million related to the Cost Optimisation and Resource Efficiency programme was also taken.

MISC 8 2-day conference of 'Empowerment of Women in Panchayats': The Road Ahead begins at KU Governor chairs Executive Council meeting of SMVD University Necessary provisions in place for women empowerment: Sagar Stresses for introducing courses in sync with job market demand
NEW DELHI, SEPT 28 The Executive Council of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University met at New Delhi on Friday under the chairmanship of Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, who is Chancellor of the University, and took various policy and other decisions for the future growth of the University. The Council gave in-principle approval to various infrastructure projects which include construction of new boys and girls hostels, residential quarters for faculty and non-teaching staff, sewage treatment plant, water treatment plant and other works. The Governor directed that these works and future constructions in the University Campus should be in complete harmony with the approved Master Plan of the University. Regarding the need for revision of the original Master Plan, it was decided that an experienced consultant may be engaged and the revised Master Plan should be presented before the Council for its approval to any change. The Council deliberated on the intake of students during 2013-14 Academic Session and compared the same with that in the past years. The Vice Chancellor was advised JAMMU, SEPT 27Maintaining that the government has put in place the necessary provisions for adequate and proper empowerment of women, the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar has said that by ensuring this the participation of women folk in different spheres of life be it political, social and economical has witnessed a phenomenal increase. The Minister was speaking at a 2-day conference of 'Empowerment of Women in Panchayats': The Road Ahead organized by Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Union Planning Commission at University of Kashmir here on Saturday. Member Planning Commission, Government of India, Dr. Syeda Hamid, Deputy Country Director UNDP, Alexandra Solovieva, Director ISS, Dr. Gorge Mathew, Academicians, Social Scientists, women Panches, Sarpanches, social workers and others were present. Mr. Sagar said that by participating in large numbers in the Panchayati elections, the women have exhibited their active participation in the democratic process and also electing their representatives. He said that a large

to present a critical analysis of all the existing courses so that the courses which are no longer market relevant could be stopped. The Council recognized that because the University is a residential institution it will not be in a position to introduce many new courses till such time as additional accommodation is built. In this context, the Vice Chancellor informed that new hostels for boys and girls presently under construction will be completed in time for the Academic Session 2014. The Council emphasized the importance of introducing suitable modules for imparting moral and philosophical education to the students, in addition to the technical

courses they are pursuing, for providing balanced and wholesome education. The Council members opined that the business establishments are attaching great value to such modules for their employees coming out of the universities, in addition to the technical expertise they may possess. The Council took a number of decisions to streamline admissions, attendance, rationalization of faculties and schools and other academic matters. On this occasion, the Governor released the inaugural issue of the monthly eNewsletter of the University "Times@SMVDU", which shall be available on the University Website (

At the beginning, Prof. Sudhir K. Jain, Vice Chancellor, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, gave a detailed presentation on the functioning of the University. Among others the meeting was attended by Prof. Talat Ahmad, Vice Chancellor, University of Kashmir; Prof. M. P. S. Ishar, Vice Chancellor, Jammu University; Mr. R. S. Pawar, Chairman, NIIT Ltd; Mr. R. P. Agrawal, former Secretary, Union Ministry of Human Resource Development; Prof. Vinayshil Gautam, and Mr. Navin K. Choudhary, Principal Secretary to the Governor and CEO of the Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board.

Delhi University's 4-year programme exams in Nov

NEW DELHI, SEPT 28: A 'tentative' schedule for the first semester exams has been issued by the Delhi University. The exams for the first batch of students studying under the four-year undergraduate programme will start in the third week of November. The external evaluation for the compulsory foundation courses and the applied language courses will start after the Discipline I (or 'major subject') papers are over. The teachers say that at the time of introduction of the semester system, the sample papers were provided on time for them to know the structure of the question paper. The exams for foundation courses will begin after the exams for discipline courses are over. University authorities had issued guidelines for the evaluation of foundation courses the external exam is of 20 marks out of a total of 75. There are no sample papers available for the external evaluation also. The notification from the university says, "The university shall set the question paper with sufficient choices.

Workshop on "Conservation of Mahseer" held

Manohar asks scientists to draw effective preservation plan

REASI, SEPT 28: One day workshop on "Conservation and gene Banking of Mahseer" was organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai in collaboration with Department of Fisheries, Government of Jammu &Kashmir here on Saturday. The workshop was inaugurated by Minister for Fisheries, Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma, while MLC Jugal Kishore, DDC Reasi Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary were also present on the occasion. More than 50 eminent scientists from all over the country and experts of SKAUST and Jammu University, besides officers of the department of Fisheries J&K participated and shared their experiences in conservation and rehabilitation of Mahseer Fisheries. In his inaugural address, Dr. Manohar Lal Sharma stated that the Jammu and Kashmir state has immense potential for the development of recreational fisheries especially that of Mahseer and stressed for effective conservation and propagation of this specie. He also stressed the need to draw strategies for rehabilitation of this indigenous specie by different Fisheries Institutions of National Level as well as state fisheries dept to save the prized Mahseer and other fish species. The Minister further appreciated the efforts of Dr. W.S.Lakra, Director and VC , CIFE and his team for holding the workshop at Reasi which will be helpful not only for Jammu and Kashmir but even in the surrounding states which are having same ecological conditions for conservation of Mahseer. The Minister said that the every support will be extended by the state Government if some collaborative projects are initiated for the fisheries development in the state. Minister was informed that the department of fisheries has established a Mahseer Farm at Anji Reasi under the expert advice of S.N Ogle, exclusively for the production of Mahseer seed for stocking in the local water bodies. R.K Dogra, Director Fisheries apprised the participants about the achievements of the department and stressed upon the need for establishment of more Mahseer hatcheries to rehabilitate the endangered fish species. Dr. W.S Lakra, in his address, thanked the department of Fisheries, Govt of J&K for accepting the proposal and their keen interest in organising the program. He assured that CIFE would provide all technical assistance to the state government for Masheer conservation project. MLC Jugal Kishore and DDC Reasi Dr Shahid Iqbal Choudhary on said that such an workshop will be a guiding force for new generation of researchers as well as the experts associated with the job of conservation and rehabilitation of Mahseer. Later, an interactive session was held where the speakers put forth their views and experiences. Prominent among others who spoke were Dr Gopal Krishan, Dr K.K .Vass, S.N Ogale, Mahesh Mahajan, R.SChauhan, Dr. Devjeet Sharma, Dr. K.D Joshi, Dr U.K Sarkar and Dr Atul Borgohain, Dr N.K.Chadha, Dr V.K Tiwari, Qasim Lone.

number of women have been elected as Panches and Sarpanches and they are contributing their bit in ensuring the socio-economic transformation of their respective areas. "The involvement of women panches and Sarpanches in the formulation and implementation of various developmental programmes in their areas has ensured the broad based implementation of the same which would go a long way in ensuring the need based and holistic development of the rural and far-flung areas", the Minister added. The Minister said that large number of women panches and Sarpanches have also been provided the necessary training under the capacity building programme of the pan-

chayats so that they can fully understand the working of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and also get the necessary information about the implementation and the benefit of various welfare programmes. Mr. Sagar said that the government has also put in place the necessary mechanism by which the empowerment of women in other spheres of life has been ensured by introducing various schemes and welfare programmes. It is pertinent to mention that out of 4,128 Sarpanch posts in the 22 districts of the state, only 29 Halqa Panchayats have women Sarpanches. 9424 women ward members have also been elected for five years. The socio-economic conditions of the ward mem-

bers show that most of them are first timers and in the age group of 30-40. The conference comprises various plenary and working group sessions. The themes of the Plenary are Women's Political Empowerment in Jammu and Kashmir, Women and Panchayati Raj in India with special focus on Jammu and Kashmir and Elected Women Leaders: Challenges and Prospects Similarly, the themes of working group are Role of panchayats in Local Development, Gender Budgeting and Local Planning, Health and Other Basic Services and Panchayats, Panchayats, Women and Good Governance and Dynamics of Women's Participation in Panchayati raj.

Governor inaugurates International Seminar on Kashmir Shaivism

Emphasizes on promoting inclusiveness, strengthening harmony
SRINAGAR, SEPT 28- Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor, inaugurated a 2-day International Seminar on "Kashmir Shaivism", organized by the Ishwar Ashram Trust, Ishbar Nishat, at SKICC, here on Saturday. The Governor, who was the Chief Guest on this occasion, observed that Kashmir has remained a seat of knowledge and learning since centuries past where religious and spiritual discourses used to take place among the saints, scholars and preachers of varied faiths, adding that one and all need to make continued efforts to restore the pristine glory of the State as an abode of peace, harmony and knowledge. The Governor referred to the unfortunate phase through which the State passed in the past years and stressed the very high importance of adherence to the high traditions of inclusiveness which Kashmir had propagated. promotion of Kashmir Shaivism. Dr. Navjivan Rastogi, Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, Ishwar Ashram Trust, dwelt on the various aspects of Kashmir Shaivism. Dr. Mark Dyczkuwski highlighted the contribution of India towards spirituality and ethical and moral values. In his welcome address, Dr. Anusheel Munshi, Trustee, Ishwar Ashram Trust, dwelt on the activities of the Trust and aims and objects of organizing the seminar. He thanked the Governor for taking keen interest in the activities of the Trust. Mr. Vijay Kumar Kaul, Trustee, Ishwar Ashram Trust, presented a Vote of Thanks. Eminent scholars from within the country and abroad, intellectuals, functionaries and members of the Ishwar Ashram Trust and a large number of participants of the Seminar were present on this occasion.

Speaking extensively about salient features and various approaches of Kashmir Shaivism, the Governor emphasized the need for promoting inclusive ideologies and approaches which is the need of the hour. In this context, he recalled the outstanding contribution of Swami Lakshman Joo towards the propagation of the philosophic, religious and spiritual traditions of Kashmir Shaivism, which has inherent traditions and values of inclusiveness. The Governor congratulated

the Trustees of the Ishwar Ashram Trust for organizing this Seminar and wished the participants fruitful deliberations. The Governor released a Souvenir and a CD on Kashmir Shaivism brought out on this occasion. The Governor was honoured on this occasion by presenting to him a memento. Ms. Prabha Devi, an eminent Shaivite scholar, spoke extensively about the valuable contribution of Swami Lakshman Joo Maharaj in the

Lone inaugurates two-day international conference at KU Legal awareness camp held at Pulwama Allahabad University gears up to conduct CRET 2013
Stresses on close Liaison between Colleges & Universities
PULWAMA, SEPT 28: To provide Legal Aid to the students and make them aware about legal services, a daylong legal awareness camp was organized at Government Degree College, Pulwama by District Legal Services Authority here on Saturday. In the said programme, the Principal District and Sessions Judge and members of Legal Services Authority imparted free training to the students. They advised the students for making general masses aware about the Legal Aid Services. The Principal District and Sessions Judge said that aim and objectives of the said training is to make aware the people living below poverty line. The awareness programme was attended by legal experts, faculty members of College, Schools and students. ALLAHABAD, SEPT 28: Allahabad University authorities have completed preparations for conducting the Combined Research Entrance Test (CRET) '13 to be held on September 29. Director admission Prof B N Singh said around 3500 candidates who would be taking the exam on Sunday. The exam, which is being conducted for the first two levels of the test, would be held at two centers in the city- BHS (1255 candidates) and Bishop Johnson School (1146 candidates). The test would also be held at Delhi center for which 144 candidates have registered. He added that candidates who have qualified for the JRF and those who would be appearing in the test after completing their MTech in computer science or electronics and communications have been exempted from the first two

levels of the CRET. The test for level one would be held from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm wherein the candidates would be required to answer objective-type questions. At the level two exam, held from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm, the PhD aspirants would be tested on a subjective paper. The varsity authorities have constituted two teams of observers who would be visiting these centers on September 29.

SRINAGAR, SEPT 28: Stressing on the need for better coordination between the Universities and the Colleges so as to facilitate placement of students in corporate world and industry, the Minister for Higher Education Mr. Mohammad Akbar Lone emphasized for introduction of more and more job oriented courses in these institutions to enhance the employability of the youth. While inaugurating a twoday International Conference on 'Contemporary Issues in Business, Management & Finance (CIBMF-II) organized by Department of Business & Financial Studies (DBFS) in collaboration with J&K Bank, SBI and HDFC Bank here at University of Kashmir, the Minister called for a close liaison between colleges and Universities so that the students avail the maximum opportunity of the campus placements and recruitment drives conducted in these universities by various companies who come from other

parts of the country and the world." Underscoring the need for introduction of job oriented courses in the colleges and Universities, Mr. Lone said all the educated youth who comes out from colleges and Universities cannot be absorbed in public sector, so the onus lies on colleges and universities to introduce such skill- oriented course which makes our youth highly skilled so that they can become self-reliant by launching their own ventures instead of hankering after the limited government jobs. Mr. urged the need for promoting the corporate and industry culture in the state adding that conferences academicians and the industry people can discuss and evolve some strategy which may provide an answer need to be organized in this regard. In his presidential address the Vice Chancellor University of Kashmir Prof Talat Ahmad said that such conferences have become more important and relevant given the way the markets

are behaving in the contemporary times and because of the challenges and treats posed by economic meltdowns and economic depressions. Prof Talat said he is delighted to know that delegates from various parts of the country and abroad are participating in the two-day conference and said that he is looking forward to a very healthy and brainstorming deliberation during the various technical sessions of the conference. Delivering the key note address on the occasion Prof IM Pandey, who is Professor of Finance & Research at IIM Lucknow explained how the financial regime in India was liberalized which provided the country an access to the international markets and economies. Prof Pandey deliberated on the various issues and aspects of various developments happening in business world in the country and all over the world and the implications of these developments on the financial health of the country.

2 days Review cum Orientation workshop for Northern States of Country on PC & PNDT Act concludes at Srinagar
Distt. Wise action plan formulated to save the girl child
SRINAGAR, SEPT 28: First Review cum Orientation Regional workshop on PC & PNDT organized by Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW), in collaboration with National Rural Health Mission, J&K concluded at TRC Nowgam Srinagar on Saturday. The workshop was inaugurated by Mr. Gazzanfar Hussain, Secretary Health & Medical Education on 26th September. In his inaugural Speech Mr Gazanfar said, Government of Jammu and Kashmir has taken several initiatives for improving the skewed sex ratio through reconstitution of Regulatory bodies, large scale Advocacy programmes including targeting the adolescent groups in the higher secondary schools and colleges, involvement of religious leaders and rewarding informers. He said in the monthly review meetings of health sector, the sex ratio at State Nodal Officers of Himachal Pradesh Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh also highlighted their State specific initiatives and good practices in the workshop. Advocate Varsha Deshpande, Founder member of Lek Laadki Abhiyaan & member of National Inspection Monitoring Committee & Dr Neelam Singh, member NIMC sensitized the participants regarding various issues of PC & PNDT Act and suggested measures for curbing the declining sex ratio. Dr V S Salhotra, DC (RCH) MoH&FW, GoI coordinated the sessions and gave his valuable inputs. The workshop was attended by senior officers from MoH&FW, Govt. of India, Nodal Officers from States Northern Region of the country including Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir.

birth as per the HMIS figures is being reviewed at block level and accordingly action plans are prepared for the blocks where the sex ratio is a matter of concern. As per the HMIS report 2012-13, the sex ratio at birth in the State is 913, thereby, meaning that Government efforts have started showing the results. Mission Director NRHM J&K, Dr Yashpal Sharma while giving detailed presentation during the workshop

highlighted the best practices adopted by the State for curbing the decline in female sex ratio and informed that this year has been dedicated to save the girl child and district wise action plans have been prepared which are under execution. The issue being of very sensitive nature States Chief Minister, Health Minister and the Chief Secretary are taking periodic review of the issue and suggesting various corrective

actions to be taken at each and every level, he said adding that state Government has strengthened the regulatory mechanism and large scale advocacy on the issue will definitely help in reducing the gap in the Sex ratio. Director Health Services Punjab while speaking on the occasion highlighted various innovations made by Punjab in this regard and suggested for intensive interstate coordination on the issue. The

CHIEF-EDITOR, PUBLISHER, OWNER: Rohit Singh Rana, C.E.O.:Pawan Rathore, Administrative Head J&K: Vikram Singh, LEGAL ADVISOR: Advocate Ashok Parihar PRINTED AT JK PRINTING & PUBLICATIONS, SUJWAN, JAMMU TAWI. For Contributing articles mail us at [email protected], [email protected]. For Complaints, Querries or Advertisement Contact us: 0191-2580342.. Address: Sector-12, H.No-12 Nanak Nagar, Jammu (All disputes are subjected to the exclusive jursisdiction of Jammu District courts only.)

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