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In W ARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during

fierce confrontations as six-ton constructs of tempered
iron and steel slam into each other with cataclysmic
force, lead-spewing cannons chew through armor
plating as easily as flesh, and bold heroes set the
battlefield ablaze with a tempest of arcane might to
forge the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires
of destruction.
W ARMACHINE is a fast-paced and aggressive
30 mm tabletop miniatures battle game set in the
steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms.
You'll control an elite soldier-sorcerer known as a
warcaster fighting to take down the enemy warcaster.
Though warcasters are formidable combatants on
their own, their true strength lies in their magical
ability to control and coordinate mighty warjacks-
massive steam-powered combat automatons that are
the pinnacle of military might in the Iron Kingdoms.
W ARMACHINE focuses on the most powerful
nations in the Iron Kingdoms. These Quick Start rules
use cards from four of those factions and are designed
to get you up and running with the contents of your
battlegroup box set. They are streamlined to make it
easier to learn the game's fundamentals, so they omit
some special rules and options. The W ARMACHINE:
PrimeMk Ilrulebook contains the full W ARMACHINE
rules as well as extensive background into the world
of the Iron Kingdoms.
A warcaster is a tremendously powerful soldier-sorcerer with the ability to control a group of
warjacks telepathically. Every warcaster has a certam amount of focus points he can spend to
enhance his combat abilities and cast spells or allocate to individual warjacks to increase their
fighting capabilities. All warcasters are unique characters.
Destroy your opponent's Will'Caster to win the game!
A warjack is a huge, steam-driven metal construct built for war. A magical brain known as a
cortex hol!Sed within its hull gives it the ability to reason. Armed with the most fearsome melee
and ranged weaponry yet devised, a warjack reaches its full destructive potential only when
controlled by a warcaster.
Evety model comes with a slat card that provides a quick reference of its profile and abilities.
The primary card's front shows the model's stats, abilities, and damage grid, while ability
explanations appear on the back. Warcasters have a second card that describes their spells and
feat. We recommend you place the cards in plastic card sleeves or a sheet protector, found in
most game and hobby stores, so you can mark damage on the plastic sleeve with a dry-erase
marker to avoid damaging the card itself.
1n addition to card protectors, you will need a handful of six-sided dice, a flexible ntler or tape
measure, and some tokens (coins or glass beads are fine) to represent focus points and spell effects.
To the right of the warcaster or warjackpicture, lhefuststat RPENTR
line represents that model's combat capabilities.
SPD- Speed: How far the model can normally move,
in inches.
sm -Strength: The measure offue model's physical strength.
MAT- Melee Attack: The measure of the model's skill
with melee weapons.
RAT- Ranged Attack: The measure of the model's
accuracy with ranged weapons.
5 9 6 5 12 17 -
[;Iii SP8 1 - 12
POW P+S a A R : l A ~ l3
DEF-Defense: The measure of the model's ability to avoid being hit by an attack.
ARM- Ann or. The measure of the model's ability to resist being damaged.
CMD- Command: This stat is not used in these Quick Start rules.
1n addition, a warcaster card includes a FOCUS stat below the picture. This is the measure of the
warcaster's arcane might which is used to power spells and warjacks.
Below the model stat line, weapon stat lines show the strength and special attributes of each
weapon that model carries.
(J or f!J -Type: The green gun symbol denotes a ranged attack weapon, and the brown sword
symbol denotes a melee attack weapon.
RNG- Range: The maximum distance, in inches, a ranged weapon (J can be used against a target.
ROF - Rate of Fire: The maximum mtmber of times a ranged weapon (J can be used in a tum.
AOE- Area of Effect: The diameter, in inches, ofthe area of effect of a ranged weapon' s (J attack-
POW- Power: The base amount of damage a melee f!J or ranged weapon (J inflicts.
P+S - Power plus Strength: For quick reeret1ce, the sum of a model's melee weapon's tJ POW
and its SI'R.
Immediately below a model's stat line are a number of icons that represent common model abilities:
<iJ Arc Node: A warcaster can use this model to channel spells unless this model is engaged in
melee combat or Is knocked dov.n. This makes it the point of origin of those spells
(I) Stealth; Ranged and magic attacks declared against this model from more than 5"' away
automatically miss.
Juunediately below a weapon's stat line are a number of icons that represent common weapon abilities:
G Continuous Effect: Fin!: A model hit suffers the Fire continuous effect.
~ Critical Fire: On a critical hit the model hit suffers the Fire continuous effect.
$ Continuous Effect: Corrosion: A model hit suffet'S the Corrosion continuous effect
$ Critical Corrosion: On a critical hit, the model hit suffers the Corrosion continuous effect.
~ Reach: This weapon has a 2"' melee range.
@ Shield: This weapon gives the model +2 ARM. A model does not gain this bonus for damage
that originates in its back arc or if the shield weapon system is crippled.
1he remaining irons are not used in these Quick Start rules: 8, {Q, f.lS, ~ . , and (I}.
In addition to irons, models' cards also contain the full text for their less conunon
W ARMACHINE abilities.
Each warcaster also has a feat, a powerful ability unique to him. A feat can be used once per
game at any time during the warcaster's activation.
After setting up the battlefield, both players roll a d6. The high roller chooses who goes first.
1he first player deploys his battlegroup up to 10- in from a table edge, and then his opponent
does the same. These battlegroups should be deployed on opposite sides of tlte battlefield with
at least 20- separating the opposing forces.
W ARMACHINE battles are fought in a series of game rmmds. Each game round, both players
lake a tum. The ptayer who deployed his army first lakes his tum first every game round. After
the second player lakes his tum, a new game round begins. A game effect with a duration of one
round expires at the beginning of its creator's next tum.
The player tum is divided into three phases:
Maintenauce Phase: Remove your previous tum's unl!Sed focus points and any effects that
expire on your tum. Resolve any continuous effects on your models.
Control Phase: Replenish your warcaster's focus points. You can then spend them to upkeep
spells or allocate them to eligible warjacks.
Activation Phase: Activate your models in any order. Each model can move and then make a
combat aclion.
A warcaster's focus is magical energy that intensifies the abilities of his battlegroup. A warcaster
receives a number o focus points equal to his FOCUS during his player's control phase. These
can be allocated as desired to warjacks in his control area or left on the warcaster. This control
area rovers 360, to a distance equal to twice the warcaster's FOCUS in inches. A warjackmust be
in its warcaster's control area (but does not require line of sight) to be allocated focus points or to
channel spells. A warjack can be allocated up to 3 focus points per tum.
Warcasters and warjacks can spend focus points during their activation for the following effects:
Additional Attack: This model can spend focus to make an additional melee or ranged attack as
part of its combat action. at 1 focus point per additional attack.
Boost Attack & Damage Rolls: This model can spend focus to add an extra die to any one of
its attack or damage rolls, called boosting, at 1 focus point per rolL Boosting must be declared
before rolling dice for the roll. Each attack or damage roll can be boosted only once, but a model
can spend focus to boost multiple rolls during its tum.
Shake Knockdown: If this model is knocked down it can spend 1 focus point to stand up. Do
this during your Control Phase after allocating focus.
Shake Stationary: If this model is stationary it can spend 1 focus point to become not stationary.
Do this during your Control Phase after allocating focus.
Warjacks can also spend focus points during their activation for the following effects:
Run or Charge: This warjack can spend 1 focus point to run or charge this activation.
Power Attack: This warjack can spend 1 focus point to make a power attack.
Warcasters can also spend focus points during their activation for the following effects. Each
focus point remaining on a warcaster adds + 1 to his ARM.
cast Spells: This warcaster can spend focus points to cast spells.
Regenerate Power Field: This warcaster can spend focus to heal his damage boxes, at 1 focus
point per d:amage box.
The 1SOO arc in front of a model's shoulders defines its front arc, which determines its perspective
of the battlefield; the opposite 180" defines its back arc. A model is facing another model when
the other model is within the first model' s front arc. A model is directly facing another model
when the center of its front arc coincides with the center of the other model's base.
A model has line of sight to another model if it can draw a straight, unobstructed line from its
base to any part of the target model's base that remains in its front arc.
A model can draw line of sight to a target over bases of other models if those models have a
smaller base than the target. A model cannot draw line of sight over the bases of models whose
bases are equal to or larger than the target's.
The first part of a model's activation is its moven1e11t. A model nutSt move or forfeit its
movement before making its combat action. A moving model's base cannot pass over another
model's base. A model can clumge its facing anytime during its movement, but when it moves
it must always move in the direction it is facing.
Full Advance: A model making a full advance moves up to its current SPD in inches.
Run: A running model moves up to twice its SPD in inches, and its activation ends immediately
after it ends its movement. A warjack must spend 1 focus point in order to run. A model that
forfeits its action cannot run during its normal movement that activation. A warcaster that runs
cannot cast spells or use feats that tum.
charging model moves up to its SPD plus:> along any straight line that will get it into
melee range with its target. A warjack must spend 1 focus point in order to charge. A model with
penalties to SPD or movement cannot charge. A model can attempt to charge any enemy model
in its line of sight A charging model cannot change its facing while charging but must tum to
directly face its target at the end of its movement If a charging model does not reach its target,
its activation immediately ends. If the charging model reaches its target it can make melee
attacks. If it moved at least 3, its first melee attack is a charge attack. Charge attack damage
rolls are automatically boosted.
After its movement, a model can normally make one attack with each of its melee weapons or
ranged weapons. A model cannot make both a ranged attack and a melee attack during the same
activation. It can spend focus for additional attacks, but a ranged weapon cannot exceed its ROF.
A model making more than one attack can divide them among any eligible targets. Instead of
attacking normally, a model can make one special attack (*Attack) and can still spend focus to
make additional normal attacks of tl1e same type (additional melee attacks after a *Attack from
a melee weapon or additional ranged attacks after a *Attack from a ranged weapon).
An attack hits its target if the attack roll total equals or exceeds the targ('t's DEF. When a model
makes a melee attack roll, it rolls 2d6 + MAT, and when a model makes a ranged attack roll,
it rolls 2d6 + RAT. Boosted attack rolls gain an additional die, significantly increasing their
chances of success. An attack roll that results in all l s is an automatic miss. 1f the attacking
model rolled two or more dice, an attack roll that results in all 6s is an automatic hit. 1f the attack
hits, make a damage roll and apply the special effects of that weapon.
A model can make a melee attack against any target in its line of sight that is in melee range
of the weapon being used. A model's melee range extends o.s beyond its front arc for most
weapons or 2 for a weapon with the Reach weapon ability. A model with an enemy model in its
melee range is engaging that enemy, and a model in an enemy's melee range is engaged by that
enemy. A model that moves out of its enemy's melee range suffers a free strike.
Free Strike: A model can make a free attack with any melee weapon against an opponent that
moves out of its melee range. It gets a +2 bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll is boosted.
Power attacksare a type of special attack (*Attack) available to warjacks. These Quick Start rules
provide just a sampling of the warjack power attacks that shake the battlefields ofWARMACHINE.
A warjack must spend 1 focus point to make a power attack. When a model makes a pow('r
attack, do not apply the special abilities on its weapons.
A model cannot make a power attack as its charge attack Power attacks are melee attacks with
a o.s- range. As with other melee special attacks, warjacks can spend focus to make additional
attaCks with melee weapons after making a power attack
Head-butt: A model making a head-butt power attack smashes its head into a model to drive it to
tl1(' ground. The attacking model makes a melee attack roll against its target. If the attack hits, the
target is knocked down and suffers a damage roll with a POW equal to the attacker's current STR.
A model cannot head-butt a model with a larger base.
Slant: A model making a slam power attack rams a model with the full force of its body to send
the target model flying backward and knock it to the ground. Any effects that prevent a model
from charging, such as a penalty to its SPD, also prevent the model from making a slam power
attack. A model must have both its normal movement and action in order to use its nomlal
movement to make a slam power attack
During its activation. a model can attempt to slan1 any model that is in its line of sight at the
beginning of its normal movement. A knocked down model cannot be slammed.
Declare the slam attempt and its target, then tum the slamming model to directly face the
slam target. The slanuning model advances its full SPD plus 3 directly toward its target. The
slamming model cannot voluntarily stop its movement unless its target is in its melee range, but
it can end this movement at any point within o.s-of its target. It must stop if it contacts another
model. The slamming model cannot change its facing during or after this movement.
A slamming model that ends its slam moven1e11t within o.s-of its target has made a successful
slam. If it advanced at least 3 it makes a melee attaek roll against its target. A model that power
attack slams a model with a larger base suffers - 2 on its attack roll. If the attack hits, the target
is slammed directly away from the attacker.
If a slamming model makes a successful slam but moved less than 3-, it has not moved fast
enough to get its full weight and power into the blow. The model makes an attack roll against
its target. If the target is hit, it suffers a damage roll with a POW equal to the attacker's current
SfR but is not slammed.
A model that does not end its slam movement within o.s-of the target has failed its slam power
attack. If Uris happens, U1e activation ends.
Being Slammed: A slammed model is moved d6- directly away from its attacker and is then
knocked down. If the slamming model has a smaller base than the slam target, the model is
slammed half the distance rolled. It then suffers slam damage as described below. A slammed
model stops if it contacts a model with an equal or larger-sized base. A slanm1ed model moves
through models with smaller bases than its own.
Sfula Apply slam damage after the movement and knockdown effects. The model hit
suffers a damage roll wit11 a POW equal to the attacker's current SI'R. Add an additional die to
the damage roll if the slammed model contacts a model with an equal or larger-sized base. Slam
d:amage can be boosted.
Collateral Damage: If a slammed model contacts a model with an equal-sized base or moves
through a model with a smaller-sized base, that model is knocked down and suffers collateral
d:amage. A model taking collateral d:amage suffers a damage roll with a POW equal to the
attacker's current SfR. Collateral damage cannot be boosted. A contacted model with a larger-
sized base than the slammed model does not suffer collateral dan1age and is not knocked dovm.
A model in melee combat (either engaged by an enemy or engaging an enemy) cannot make ranged
attacks. A model can declare a ranged attack against any target in its line of sight. Declare the attack
before measuring range. If the target is beyond maximum range, the attack automatically misses.
Aiming Bonus: A model can choose to forfeit its movement to gain a +2 aiming bonus to its
ranged attack rolls during its combat action that turn.
Lu:g!!l-in-Melee Penalty: A model that targets a model engaged by an enemy or engagmg an
enemy suffers a penalty to its ranged attack rolls and magic attack rolls.
An AOE attack fOllows all nom1al targeting rules. A successful attack
roll indicates a direct hit on the intended target, which suffers a direct hit damage roll of
2d6 + POW. Center the AOE template over the targeted model's base. Every other model with
any part of its base covered by the AOE template is hit (but not directly hit) by the attack and
suffers a blast damage roll of 2d6 + 1/2 POW: Make separate damage rolls against each model
in the AOE; each roll can be boosted individually.
An AOE attack that misses its target deviates d6-
from the center of its intended target in a random
direction and does blast damage to every model in
the AOE. An AOE attack declared against a target
that is out of range automatically misses, and its
point of impact deviates a number of incl\es equal to
its RNG from a point on the line to its declared target.
Spray Attacks: An attack with a RNG listed as "SP 8" is a spray attack. Make a ranged attack
roll against every model (friendly and enemy) in a straight path 1 wide and s long from the
attacker's front arc. Spray attacks ignore the Stealth <1) advantage, and an attacker never suffers
a target-in-melee penalty when making a spray attack.
Automatic Effects: Apply weapon abilities that affect a "model hit" any time the attack roll
successfully hits the target. All models under tile AOE are hit by an AOE attack.
Critical Effects: Apply weapon abilities that trigger on a "critical hit" when the attack roll
successfully hits the target and any two dice in the attack roll show the same number. All
models under the AOE suffer the effects of a critical hit by an AOE attack.
Continuous Effects: Some weapon abilities inflict a continuous effect on a hit or a critical hit.
These effects do not have an inlmediate effect but have the potential to continue afflicting an
enemy fur multiple turns. Resolve continuous effects on your models during your Maintenance
Phase. Roll a d6. If t11e result is a 1 or 2, tile effect is removed without causing furlher damage.
On a 3 through 6, the effect remains in play and the model suffers the resulting effect. Corrosion
does 1 point of damage. Ftre causes a POW 12 damage roll.
Knockdown: Some attacks and special rules cause a model to be knocked down. While. knocked
down a model cannot move, make actions, make attacks, cast spells, channel spells, or use feats
and does not have a melee range. A knocked down model does not engage other models and
cannot be engaged by them. A melee attack roll against a knocked down model automatically
hits. A knocked down model has a base DEF of 5 against ranged and magic attacks. A knocked
down model does not block tine of sight and cannot be slammed.
A knocked down model can stand up at the start of its next activation. If a model is knocked
down during its controller's tum, however, it cannot stand up until that player's next turn even
if it has not yet activated this tum. To stand up, a model must fOrfeit either its movement or its
action fur that activation. A model that forfeits its movement to stand can make an action, but it
cannot make attacks involving movement, such as slams. A model that forfeits its action to stand
can use its nonnal movement to make a full advance but not to run or charge. When a model
stands, it ceases to be knocked down.
sulionar;y: A stationary model catU\ot activate. A stationary model does not have a melee
range. A stationary model does not engage other models and cannot be engaged by them. A
stationary model cannot advance, make actions, make attacks, cast spells, or use feats. A melee
attat'k roll against a stationary model automatically hits. A stationary model has a base DEF of
5 against ranged and magic attacks.
A ranged or magic damage roll is 2d6 + POW. Melee attacks add the attacker's STR as well.
Boosted damage rolls gain an additional die. Mark one damage box for every point that the
damage roll exceeds the target's ARM.
Mark damage left to right. Remove the model from play when you mark its last damage box.
Watjacks become inert if their controlling warcaster is removed from play, so destroy your
opponent's warcaster to win the game!
When a watjacl< suffers damage, the attacking player rolls a d6 to determine whim column of its
damage grid takes the damage. Starting with the uppermost empty box in that column and working
down. mark one damage box per damage point taken. Once a column is full, continue recording
damage in the next column to the right that contains unmarked damage boxes. If a column contains
no unmarked boxes, move to the next column over. Damage wraps, so if all the damage boxes in
column 6 are marked, continue recording damage in column 1 (or the next column with unmarked
damage boxes). Continue shifting columns as required until every damage point taken is recorded.
System boxes are damage boxes labeled wifu a letter. Once all a system's boxes are rilarked, that
system is crippled. Mark the system status box located beneath the damage grid, to show this.
A-Arc Node: A model with a crippled Arc Node system loses the Arc Node advantage_
c - Cortex: A model with a crippled Cortex system loses all focus points on it and cannot be
allocated fOcus points. It cannot spend focus points fur any reason_
M- Movement: A model with a crippled Movement system has its base DEF changed to 7 at\d
cannot run or cl\arge. If this happens while it is advancing as part of a charge or slam the
model immediately stops advancing and its activation ends.
.L, R, or H- Left Arm, Right Ann, or Head: The l ocation of a waljacks' weapon is shown directly
below its type icon <rJ 1 (J). A model with a crippled ann orhead rolls one less die on
the attack at\d damage rolls with weapons in that location. Additionally, a model with a
crippled weapon system cannot use that systen1 to make special attacks. Weapons wifu a
location of "- " cannot be crippled
When all a watjack's damage boxes are marked, remove that watjack from play.
A war caster's spells can be used to enhance his army or hinder his enemy's.
Warcaster cards contain the full text of their spells as well as the fOllowing information, which
is to the right of each spell name:
COST- Focus Cost: The number of focus points a warcaster must spend to cast tile spell.
RNG -Range: The maximum distance, in incl\es, the spell can be used against a target. If the
RNG is "SELF," fue spell can be cast only on the warcaster.
AOE- Area of Effect: The diameter, in incl\es, of the spell's area of effect. If the AOE is "CIRL,"
the spell affects every model in the warcaster's control area.
POW-Power. The base amount of damage the spell inflicts.
UP- Upkeep: Whether the spell can be maintained. See below for details.
OFF-Offensive: Whether the spell is offensive. See below for details.
Upkeep Spells: Some spells can be maintained for more than one round. During your Control
Phase, your warcaster can spend focus to keep his upkeep spells in play, at 1 focus point
spell. An upkeep spell that is not upkept expires during your Control Phase. A warcaster can
have only one of each of his upkeep spells in play at a time, although he can maintain any
number of different upkeep spells simultaneously. A model can have only one friendly and
one enemy upkeep spell cast on it at a time. If another upkeep spell is cast on a model fuat
already has one from the same source-friendly or enemy-the eruJier upkeep spell expires and
is replaced by the new one.
Offensive Sp.dffi Offensive spells require fue warcaster to make a magic attack roll when
casting them. When a model makes a magic attack roll, it rolls 2d6 +FOCUS. Magic attacks
require line of sight like ranged attacks, suffer the target-in-melee penalty, and can be boosted.
Declare the attat'k befOre measuring range. If the target is beyond maximum range, the attack
automatically misses.
Channeling: A warcaster can cast spells through any of his watjacks that have the Arc Node (i)
advantage. Tilese watjacks are known as channelers. The channeler becomes the spell's point
of origin, and all ranges are measured from it. It must be in the warcaster's control area at\d
have line of sight to the spell's target. The warcaster does not require line of sight to eitller the
channeler or fue spell's target Channeling a spell is a passive effect, done during the warcastet's
activation, that has no effect on fue channeling model's own activation. Focus points assigned to
a channeler catU\ot be used to affect the chatU\eled spell in any way. An engaged watjack cannot
channel spells. A stationary watjack can channel spells, but a knocked down warjack cannot.
Some of the cards in your battlegroup box set use rules that are not covered here. Ignore these
terms if you see them.
Intluence: This spell on Warwitch Deneghra is not used in Quick Start games.
Terrain Effects: concealment, obstacle. obstruction, rough terrain, terrain
Troop Temts: unit; tNarrior, impact attack
HORDES Terms: animi, fury
Play WARMACHINE against
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