Babylon Rising The First Shall Be Last - Rob Skiba

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Simply amazing!

After researching the historical connections between the

occult, secret societies, and Biblical prophecy with intensity for five years, I
must say there is hardly a need to study further. Rob Skiba’s Babylon Rising:
And The First Shall Be Last weaves together an outstanding tapestry from so
many tangled, hidden threads in clear and accessible terms. If you have ever
been curious about the spiritual foundations of our current place in history,
economics, politics, science, and prophecy, you have found the right book. It
will renew your faith in spite of all the evil that it uncovers, which is the
highest compliment that can be given.

— Leonard Ulrich
Filmmaker, New World Order: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy

Rob Skiba has hit a home run for the LORD and for His Church with Babylon
Rising: And The First Shall Be Last. Skiba has masterfully connected a
compendium of conspiracy dots from disparate places and across centuries of
time, and he’s gathered them into a highly readable prophecy primer, fit for
beginning students and seasoned scholars alike. If the world of symbols and
signs confuses you, make this your starting place, dear friend. Babylon Rising
is a must-read and belongs on every Bible student’s shelf.

— Sharon K. Gilbert
Author/researcher and co-host of PID Radio

Rob Skiba has answered questions historians, theologians and scientists

never thought to ask. From the first chapter onward, this book is written as a
researchable text designed thoughtfully as a study guide for the intellectual
explorer. Be prepared to have your understanding of the ancient world shaken
and to be immersed in scriptural and historical facts that until now have been
absent from any discussion.

— David K. Randall
Author, The Gatekeeper’s Daughter
Blown Away! The information in Rob Skiba’s book, Babylon Rising: And The
First Shall Be Last should be MANDATORY READING for this generation!
The insights he provides concerning possible future events are nothing short of
prophetic and if true, are of extreme significance and importance to Americans,
who very well could be the agents through which those events unfold. He has
given me much to think (and pray) about. I am thankful for this great work and I
hope it touches millions.

— Patrick Dougher
TV talk show host and professional keynote speaker

Rob Skiba opens your eyes about Bible prophecy and America’s association
with occult symbolism like few others. I believe God has given him a unique
view of our future, revealing some plausible events that very well could play
out in these Last Days. With an in-depth look at ancient history, the Bible,
current events and Hebrew word meanings, Rob brings a tremendous amount
of insight from the Scriptures that could prove to be very relevant in the days
ahead. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, he reveals how the ancient
gods —from what we thought was just mythology — are still being worshiped
right before our very eyes, and poses the fascinating suggestion that they may
be coming back... soon.

— Barry Meyer
Host of End Time Talk Radio

Rob Skiba has done his homework and presents an easy-to-read

scripturally based alternative to the mainstream line of thinking. Babylon
Rising: And The First Shall Be Last is a must own for any Christian looking
for a fresh take on Bible prophecy. Very well done.

— Minister Dante Fortson

Author/researcher and host of The Omega Hour Radio
Babylon Rising And The First Shall Be The Last
Updated and Expanded Edition

Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 by Rob Skiba II and

Cover art & design by Rob Skiba II

Book design & layout by Sheila Skiba
Edited by Mary Weeks, with contributions by Sheila Skiba and S. Douglas Woodward

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotes are from the King James Version of the Bible. Anytime a
Scripture reference is made bold, it represents emphasis added by the author.

Scripture quotations marked (NASB) are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®,
Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1 975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©
1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.,
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked GOD’S WORD Translation are taken from GOD’S WORD®, © 1995 God’s
Word to the Nations. Used by permission of Baker Publishing Group.
Sctipture quotations marked as LXX are taken from the Septuagint version of the Bible and are in the
public domain.

All images in this work are either in the public domain, taken from Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA-3.0
and/or are original creations of Rob Skiba II. Every effort has been made to comply with copyright laws,
but there may be cases where we have made a mistake. If so, the publisher will be happy to correct any
ommissions of credit and/or replace/remove content as needed in future printings.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the author, except as provided by USA copyright law.

Updated and Expanded Edition © 2013

ISBN-10: 1492170097
ISBN-13: 978-1492170099
My wife and I dedicate this book to the countless men and women who gave
up their lives, sacrificing for the cause of freedom.

For those still stuck in “the matrix,” we pray that in some way this book will
show you the way out!
Table of Figures
Foreword by Sharon K. Gilbert

Chapter One
The Genesis Six Experiment

Chapter Two
The Man of Many Names

Chapter Three
The First Shall Be Last

Chapter Four
One Nation Under God

Chapter Five
Seventy-Two and a Red Moon Rising

Chapter Six
The Omega Plan?

Chapter Seven
Coming Out of Babylon
Chapter Eight
Truth or Tradition

Coming Soon

Prayers of Deliverance from the Spirit of Nimrod

Appendix A
The Hebrew Alphabet

Appendix B - Recommended:
Reading (Organized by Author)

Appendix C
Other Products

Appendix D
Introducing SEED the series

About The Author

Figure 1: Giants of the Bible scaled to a six foot human
Figure 2: Pre-Flood Timeline of the Nephilim
Figure 3: Caesarea Philippi
Figure 4: Giant Gilgamesh holding a lion
Figure 5: Ankh
Figure 6: Map of Giza plateau — location of Osiris tomb
Figure 7: Constellation of Orion
Figure 8: The Harlot and Beast of Revelation
Figure 9: The Washington Monument
Figure 10: Rob Skiba in Army Dress Uniform
Figure 11: Montage of Rob Skiba in the Army
Figure 12: Statue of Zeus atop train station in DC
Figure 13: Statue of Freedom in Capitol Building
Figure 14: Painting of Aztec Calendar in Rotunda
Figure 15: Apotheosis of George Washington
Figure 16: President Reagan’s lying in state ceremony
Figure 17: Apotheosis of George Washington (close up)
Figure 18: Montage of pagan gods in Capitol Dome
Figure 19: H. Greenough’s George Washington statue
Figure 20: George Washington & Baphomet
Figure 21: Apotheosis of Abraham Lincoln
Figure 22: Abraham Lincoln Memorial Temple
Figure 23: President John F. Kennedy
Figure 24: Obverse side of the Great Seal
Figure 25: Reverse side of the Great Seal
Figure 26: The Capitol Crypt
Figure 27: The Capitol Rose Compass
Figure 28: Lady Liberty with eagle and feathered snake
Figure 29: The Washington Monument (again)
Figure 30: Eagles on poles (at the National Harbor)
Figure 31: Rob looking at the “The Awakening” statue
Figure 32: Back of the U.S. one dollar bill
Figure 33: Reverse side of the Great Seal (again)
Figure 34: Project Paperclip Nazi scientists
Figure 35: Mercury 7 tribute statue
Figure 36: Apollo 11 astronauts
Figure 37: Apollo 11 mission patch
Figure 38: Betsy Ross flag
Figure 39: George Washington Masonic Temple
Figure 40: Room 219 stained glass window
Figure 41: F.D.R.’s suggested changes to the new $1 note
Figure 42: Osiris and Egyptian hieroglyphic writing
Figure 43: Thoth, the Egyptian god
Figure 44: Reverse side of the Great Seal with step counts
Figure 45: Skull and Bones logo
Figure 46: President George H. W. Bush
Figure 47: President Obama (with halo)
Figure 48: President George W. Bush inaugural speech
Figure 49: President George W. Bush swearing into office
Figure 50: President Obama at press conference
Figure 51: Altar of Zeus (Seat of Satan)
Figure 52: The Mt. Hermon-Roswell Connection DVD
Figure 53: Anubis, Egyptian god
Figure 54: Anubis stands guard
Figure 55: Constellation of Orion (HD)
Figure 56: Blood moon lunar eclipse of Dec. 21, 2010
Figure 57: Blood moon lunar eclipse of Feb. 20, 2008
Figure 58: Constellation of Ophiuchus
Figure 59: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Figure 60: Apotheosis of George Washington (center)
Figure 61: Diagram of How the Game Works
Figure 62: Diagram of Dinar anti-counterfeit measures
Figure 63: Yahoo Finance screen capture
Figure 64: Stack of Dinars
Figure 65: Back of the U.S. one dollar bill (again)
Figure 66: Georgia Guidestones
Figure 67: World Trade Center buildings, 9/11
Figure 68: Indefinite detention
Figure 69: Hitler and Nazis march
Figure 70: German civilians in concentration camps
Figure 71: Skull and Bones and SS Totenkopf logos
Figure 72: 322, Tetrads and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble DVD
Figure 73: Aztec Calendar Stone
Figure 74: Tower of Babel
Figure 75: Diagram of How the Game Works (small)
Figure 76: Front and back of 25,000 Dinar note
Figure 77: Bust of Sargon (Nimrod)
Figure 78: Osama bin Laden’s last hideout
Figure 79: The High Cost of War (WWII Deaths) chart
Figure 80: Mars and the Capitol Building
Figure 81: Osama bin Laden (the “face of terror”)
Figure 82: Operation Neptune’s Spear
Figure 83: Mohamed Atta
Figure 84: Menorah: 7 Feasts of God
Figure 85: Revelation 12 alignment in the stars (9/11/3BC)
Figure 86: Crescent Moon

Table of American Wars

Ihave a lot of people to thank for helping to make this book possible. In fact, I
almost wanted to avoid this section altogether for fear of leaving anyone out. If
by chance I did, I apologize in advance for doing so. I’ve tried my best to
recall all who have contributed in some way to the creation of this book series.

First and foremost, I must thank my Lord and Savior, Yeshua (Jesus) for saving
me and providing for my every need. Without Him, I am nothing.

I wish to thank my mom and dad for loving, respecting and raising me to be the
man I am today. It wasn’t until much later in life that I realized how few grow
up in the kind of home that I did. I now know how fortunate I was and I will
never take that for granted.

A special thanks goes out to my family and all of my friends who pitched in to
review the early versions of this book and who provided helpful feedback
during the editing process. Thank you so much for your input and insights.

Among those friends, is a professional editor named, Mary Weeks. At just the
right moment, when I was actually praying for someone to help me finish this
book, she messaged me on Facebook offering her services. So, Mary, you
were/are literally an answer to prayer. Thank you for being so generous in
offering your talents and services to this project — especially on such short
notice. It is greatly appreciated!

Please note: any grammatical errors or misspelled words that may appear in
the first edition of this book, were likely because as Mary kept sending me
edits, I kept adding more content, which she never got to see due to the
deadline we set for going to print. At any rate, there are far less errors than
there were and this is a much cleaner work due to Mary’s keen attention to

I have an extensive library of books, CD box sets and DVDs on the shelves that
surround my desk, as well as on top of my desk and on the couch beside me. I
am extremely thankful for each and every author, researcher and lecturer who
poured their heart and soul into the various works that provided the inspiration
for me to write this book.

First and foremost, on the list of such researchers I must thank, are Tom Horn
and Peter Goodgame. I have studied many of the topics in this book for a long
time, but it was not until I read Tom Horn’s book, Nephilim Stargates: The
Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers and Peter Goodgame’s online
masterpiece, The Giza Discovery, that all of the pieces finally came together
for me. Those two books provided a spring-board that literally launched me
into a whole new world of research and possibilities I had never considered

Both Tom and Peter have always been very open to dialogue on these subjects
as well; eager to share and to help. Tom, thank you for all the excellent
research that you do and that you share so freely with the world. You have
opened my eyes to a great many things and have been very gracious in helping
us with our research and promoting our projects. We are grateful for your
friendship and have always enjoyed any time we’ve been able to spend with
you and your family. And Peter, I admire both your mind as well as the heart
you have for advancing and walking in the power of the Kingdom. You have
been a tremendous role model and an inspiration to me. I am blessed to have
met both of you and am most grateful for your work. Keep it up!

In time, I later discovered the works of Steve Quayle, Dr. I.D.E Thomas, L.A.
Marzulli, Patrick Heron, Dr. Ken Johnson, Douglas Hamp, S. Douglas
Woodward, Chuck Missler, David Flynn, Jim Wilhelmsen, Russ Dizdar, Derek
and Sharon Gilbert, Gary Stearman, Joseph B. Lumpkin, Dr. A. Nyland, Stan
Deyo, King and Keith Wells, Daniel Duval, Minister Dante Fortson, Spencer
Bennett, Brian Ingram, Russ Houck, Andrew Gabriel Roth, and
pastor/teachers: Mike Hoggard, Mark Biltz, Jim Staley, Richard Rives and
Michael Rood... just to name a few. Those are the names that are on the books,
CD box sets and DVDs sitting right beside me as I write this now. To each of
you, I give you my thanks and appreciation for your contributions to my
understanding of the various subjects that will be covered both in this book as
well as in the other three that I hope will soon follow it. Please know that your
work is having a tremendous impact on my life and I am sure the lives of
countless others as well!

As I began to write and post my blogs[1] and videos to the Internet, one day, a
pastor by the name of Doug Riggs contacted me as a result of seeing one of my
posts on Facebook. He was quite impressed with a video I produced
concerning Mt. Hermon and the Nephilim.[2] He passed my information along
to many of the names I just mentioned in the previous two paragraphs. One
thing led to another and the next thing you know, my wife and I were meeting
some of those fine researchers face to face at a conference in Ohio. That led to
a number of other incredible opportunities this past year that I will mention in
the following paragraphs. Doug is a “super-connector,” who loves to share
information and connect people and resources together for the purpose of
advancing the Kingdom and setting people free from the bondage of Satan.
Thank you Doug for all you do and for being the one God used to connect us
with so many wonderful, gifted and amazing researchers. You are and have
been a blessing to us and to many others I’m sure.

At the conference in Ohio, not only did we get to meet Tom Horn, but also Russ
Dizdar as well as Derek and Sharon Gilbert.

I wish to thank Russ for inviting us into his home after the conference and for
his dedication in going head-to-head with the forces of evil. He is a champion
of truth and a spiritual warrior, willing to go where few others dare to even
consider. Thank you for inspiring me to do the same.
Derek and Sharon Gilbert are both authors as well as the hosts of the Internet
radio programs Peering Into Darkness (PID Radio) and A View From the
Bunker. Derek had me as a guest on his radio program four times in 2011. It is
with great appreciation that I thank him for providing a platform for us to share
what we’ve been learning with a larger audience. I owe his wife, Sharon
Gilbert, a huge thank you as well. I originally had someone else planned to
write the Foreword to this book, but ultimately, that person was not able to do
it. I was only a few days away from going to print, when Sharon swooped in
like a superhero to save the day! She read the book, wrote an endorsement and
then agreed to do the Foreword for me — all in one day! I thought she would
get it to me in a day or two, but I was amazed to find that she had it done and
sent within the hour. Looking back at the way we all met, I would have to say,
it was a “God thing” that was meant to be. Thank you so much, Derek and
Sharon, for all you do and for your steadfast support and belief in our mission.
You are greatly appreciated.

I’d also like to thank the following Internet radio talk show hosts for believing
in me and having me on their shows as well: Tom, Nita and Joe Horn of RNN
Radio, Shannon Davis of Omega Man Radio, Richard Grund of The Porch,
Stacy and Randall Harp of Active Christian Media, L.A. Marzulli of
Acceleration Radio, Matthew Miller of End Time Tribune, Dori Etheridge of
Doors of Deception, Rozz from Preparing for Battle, Jim Wilhelmsen and
Dave Ruffino of Opposing the Matrix and Barry Meyer of End Time Talk
Radio. Thank you all for providing added exposure for our work and for all
that you do for the Kingdom.

My wife and I also wish to thank the many men and women who have
supported us financially as well as those intercessors who have kept us
covered in prayer since we stepped out in faith to start our ministry. There are
too many people to list here, and most would not want public recognition
anyway. Without mentioning names, please know that you are all loved and
your support has been greatly appreciated! We could not have accomplished as
much as we have without you.

There are a few people we must mention however. These have gone above and
beyond to love, support, encourage and carry us through the difficult times.
Thus, a very heartfelt thanks goes out to: Bob and Carolyn Skiba, Tom and
Chrissy Kinman, Mack and Rose Hoskins, Celeste Miller, Wendi Yokum,
Walter Weber, Pat and Kelli Dougher, Larry and Maria Buchmann, Jonnathan
Peter Kaye, Faith Dowden, Kevin and Amanda Roberts, Duane and Elaine
Fish, Craig and Amanda Korth, Dallas and Rebecca Morris, Bob and Joanie
Higley, Erik and Timea Hunter, John and Jennifer Petty, Lauri Ann and L.E.
Hewie, Don and Kim Snell, Tiffany Weber, Suhaila Nichol and family, the Finn
family, the Mouskondis family and the Rosales family. Your love, prayers and
generous support has enabled us to get where we are today.

Additionally, I’d like to thank The Road Adventure. It is by far the most
amazing organization I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. God used it
and the amazing men and women who volunteer there every month to literally
save my life and show me my purpose. Thank you for all you do to bring help,
hope and healing to so many. Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich of Prophecy in
the News literally catapulted our ministry to a whole new level, and we cannot
thank them enough for their support. Their ministry does a fantastic job of
helping other ministries, authors and researchers get their message out to the
masses. Gary and Bob, thank you for your television and print media services
and for your encouragement and valuable input. We are extremely grateful for
all you’ve done for us, and we look forward to a long and profitable
relationship with Prophecy in the News.

We’d also like to thank the good folks at Cutting Edge Ministries. We
appreciate your support and look forward to a continued and profitable
relationship with you as well.

I must thank both Tom Horn and David Hitt for asking me to be a speaker at the
First Annual Future Congress on Emerging Threats and Challenges in
Branson, MO. That event opened up a lot of doors for us, not the least of which
included introducing us to Prophecy in the News. Thank you both for believing
in me and allowing us to have as much time as we did to share our vision and
materials at the Future Congress. It has made a huge difference in the growth
of our ministry! And David, I thank you for your friendship and for the times
we’ve been able to sit and talk together over lunch. I have thoroughly enjoyed
our “deep” conversations, and I truly appreciate all of your help anytime I’ve
asked for it.
When it came to completing this book, I owe an extra special thanks to S.
Douglas (Doug) Woodward. We met Doug at the Future Congress, where he
very graciously allowed us to share some prime space on his product table in
front of the main auditorium. Since then, he has gone above and beyond in
helping me to complete this book by offering helpful suggestions and even
contrary and opposing viewpoints, which enabled me to identify areas that
needed further elaboration and documentation. While we didn’t always see
eye-to-eye, I thank you, Doug, for your kindness, generosity, wisdom and
insights, all of which helped to make this a better book.

And finally, I owe a great deal of thanks, gratitude and appreciation to my

amazingly wonderful, beautiful and loving wife, Sheila. I so appreciate the
time she has given me to focus on this work and for taking care of all of the
other things that needed to be done in the meantime. Sheila, thank you for
believing in me and for being so incredibly supportive as I sat for twelve and
fifteen hours a day working on this book series. I’m sure you would have
preferred that we spent more time together, doing things outside of the house,
but you never once complained. Instead, you kept me going, supporting me
every step of the way — in every way. It is so amazing to be married to
someone who “gets it” and who shares all the same passions, dreams and
visions. You always know what to look for and were of great assistance in
doing this research (fully capable of finding anything on YouTube). You
worked with me to design and produce books, flyers, brochures, labels,
websites, videos and just about anything else we could think of doing. You
stood with me through thick and thin and always believed in the dream. Your
faith knows no limits and you kept me well fed with nutritious food and drink
during the countless hours of work that went into writing this series. You are
my soulmate, and I thank God for bringing you into my life when He did. I love
you more than words can say.

Rob Skiba II

The Colony, Texas

January, 2012
ow well I recall the first time Derek and I met Rob and Sheila Skiba. It was in
October of 2010, and we had joined many other fellow prophecy scholars,
writers, and researchers in Canton, Ohio. The meeting, called the
Supernatural Science and Prophecy Conference (you can access the website
at featured Russ Dizdar, Tom
Horn, Jeffery K. Radt, Derek, and myself, and we had the honor and privilege
to mingle with many devoted Christians during the off-hours. It was on the
morning of the second day that we met the Skibas.

Taking advantage of the hotel’s morning hot breakfast bar, we joined our
compatriots and conferees in a crowded lobby, queuing up at the Belgian
waffle maker. A friend tapped us on the shoulders and asked if we’d met Rob
Skiba yet. Shaking our collective heads, Derek and I finished loading up our
plates and headed to a small table near the window where we had the distinct
pleasure of meeting a couple who would soon be setting the internet world on

Rob Skiba is disarmingly handsome: raven hair, bright eyes, and a chiseled,
leading-man jawline punctuated by a crisply trimmed goatee. His wife Sheila
is the perfect match: trim, quick to smile, and beauty pageant pretty. Now, it’s
been my experience (sadly) that more often than not, generosity in looks does
not correlate directly with an equally generous gift in mind-power, but be
careful not to judge this striking couple too swiftly, for their combined wit,
wisdom, and spiritual discernment would, if valued in gold, outweigh that of
Fort Knox (that is assuming the gold still really is in that famous fort, but that’s
another tale). For now, let us return to that small table in Canton.

As we devoured our waffles and guzzled our orange juice, Rob and Sheila
shared their vision of a television series that would unveil the truth behind
millennia of secretive and very dark plans by the enemy of all who trust in
Christ as Savior: Lucifer. This series, to be called SEED, may one day yet
reach production stage, but for now, Rob has taken his years of intense study
and research and transferred it into a planned four-book series called Babylon
Rising. I’ve been honored with the opportunity to have a ‘first peek.’

The book you now hold in your hands is but the first installment of the series,
but it is a whopper of an introduction! Connecting conspiracy dots is not an
easy task, for it involves taking the reader along a convoluted journey into
disciplines and devotees that — at first glance — appears completely
unconnected. Walking this path of discovery can be taxing, but Rob manages to
keep his readers alert and attentive as he shepherds us along this treacherous
route and unveils the darkest corners of the shadowy people and places that
populate the world of the enemy.

Babylon is indeed rising, dear friends, both figuratively and literally — but
also prophetically. Read this book through, cover to cover, at least twice, and
then pass it along to others, for this and the companions to come will help arm
all of us who stand upon the wall, watching for signs and listening for signals.
But be warned: there are no neutral positions in the coming, final battle
between Christ and His enemies. You are either for Him or against Him. This
book decodes the enemy’s plans and empowers the Church.

Welcome to the battlefield.

Sharon K. Gilbert
January 26, 2012
riting this book has been a very exciting process for me. It all started with
writing my first blog back in January of 2011. That one blog grew into a
lengthy series of blogs (see until one day I looked and
saw that I had written over 1,000 pages of content — and there was much more
yet to come! It was at that time that I decided to reorganize those blogs into
chapters and divide the content up into four books, which I called the Babylon
Rising series. This is Book 1 in that series.

Book 1 deals with the Antichrist; who he was and will be in the Last
Book 2 deals exclusively with the subject of creatures the Bible
refers to as the Nephilim; who they were, where they came from and
whether or not they will be back.
Book 3 traces the history and numerous mythologies associated with
the rebel god-king known in the Bible as Nimrod.
Book 4 wraps up the series with an in-depth look at the Last Days,
keeping the content of Books 1, 2 and 3 in mind as we explore
Biblical prophecy.
I recorded myself reading the blogs on my Internet radio show[1] and found that
people were very interested in being able to listen to the content. Therefore, in
addition to the books, I will be producing all new audio recordings (in MP3
format) of each of them and making them available through my websites[2] as
purchasable downloads and data CDs.


Since this is my first time writing a book, I am sure it will prove to be a
learning experience for me in just as many ways as it will be for you. This
material came out of my online blogs, therefore, it is written in first person,
very much the way I talk. I have tried to clean it up a bit and reformat it for the
book, but for the most part I wanted this content to come across as if I were
sitting in front of you, telling you what I have learned and believe to be true.
As such, I may not always follow all of the formal, standard “rules” for writing
a book and I know I may take some heat from my critics for doing so. I am
prepared to deal with that. Ultimately, I have tried to provide you with
something that is easy to read and full of useful information. In the end, my
hope is that this work will be judged more by the merit of its well researched
content rather than its delivery.

Nearly everything I do is meant to work synergistically together. You will get a

lot out of this book by itself, but if you combine it with the online blogs and the
videos I’ve produced on DVD,[3] you will get even more out of it.

I have included a large number of footnotes throughout the book to help you
find more information; thus enabling you to dig deeper into the various subjects
I’ll be covering here. In this day and age, that means using the print medium
along with the digital, therefore a lot of the footnotes will be URLs to online
sources of information. Each URL provided was valid at the time of this
writing. I cannot guarantee they will always remain valid though. While they
are, I would encourage you to look up those websites so that you can get a
better understanding about the many topics I’ve covered in this book.

Additionally, because I do believe “a picture is worth a thousand words,” I’ve

tried to include as many as possible to aid in the telling of this story. I have
included references and links to videos throughout this book as well, because
as I like to say in my line of work, “If a picture is worth a thousand words,
how much more can you say at 24-30 frames per second?” To make it even
easier, I have organized and embedded most of the videos related to this study
on my website for you to view (organized by chapter) at:

At the end of this book, I have also included Appendix B for your benefit.
There, you will find books, videos and a selection of online radio programs
and audio CD box sets that have all contributed to my understanding of the
content I am presenting here. For those of you familiar with using Quick
Response (QR) codes, I have also placed a few of them at the back of the book
in Appendix B, C and D. Please be sure to take full advantage of all of these
resources in order to get the maximum benefit of this material.

I will be using the King James Version of the Bible for the majority of my
Scripture references, primarily because I was raised on that version of the
Bible and I do consider it to be one of the more accurate translations available
to us in English. However, there are times when other versions of the English
Bible do provide a clearer rendition of the text in support of what I am trying
to say. In those cases, I will use other translations simply to help you better
understand a point and/or as a comparison to the KJV or other extra-biblical

When using the Bible, I always approach it with the belief that we should take
it literally wherever possible. There are times when the Bible uses metaphor
and symbolic language, but I believe in those cases, the Bible usually tells you
that it is doing so and shows you what the symbols, allegories, metaphors and
parables mean in the text itself. Thus, for the most part, unless the Bible tells
me to take it any other way but literally, I will be using a literal interpretation
of the text. I believe when we do that, all the pieces fall right into place and
everything makes a whole lot more sense.

Regarding extra-biblical texts, I do read and often quote from such books;
primarily the books of 1 Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher. I do not consider these
books to be canon, but I do consider them to be valuable sources of
information, which can serve as ancient commentaries that both elaborate on
the canonized Scriptures as well as provide added insight into the beliefs of
those who wrote the books we now consider canon. I look at those and other
similar books much the same way I view any commentary on the Scriptures. I
believe there is added value in using these ancient texts in that way because
they were written around the same time as the canonized Scriptures were
written. Thus, it shows the mind-set and beliefs the Biblical writers had as
well as the audiences to whom they were writing. As such, many of the extra-
biblical texts that are now available to us provide a window into both the
beliefs and the cultures of the ancient world, and serve to provide added
insights and perspectives we may lack today in our modern world.

This book will focus primarily on a topic few teachers of eschatology talk
about: the Nephilim. The reason for this is because Jesus said that the Last
Days would be like one very specific time in history:

“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be.” (Matthew 24:37)

The one thing that differentiates the days of Noah from any other time in history
is the mixing of angel seed with that of the human race. According to Genesis
6, this created a race of creatures known as the “Nephilim.” The Bible speaks
of giants (the Nephilim) in the land both before and after the Flood who “were
of old, great men of renown.” I believe that last statement refers to the many
characters of Greek mythology and the mythologies of other cultures that all
speak of demigod heroes and giants. This work will focus on the one who I
believe is the most famous of them all.

There are a few scholars and researchers, however, who have come before
me, and have done extensive work in the subject matter we’ll be tackling here.
Much of what I know, I learned from them. That is why I call myself a
researcher. By that I mean, I re-search that which has already been searched by
those who have gone before me. Indeed, I freely admit that I have gleaned
much insight, wisdom and knowledge from many sources over the years, and I
believe I should give credit where credit is due. Therefore, wherever and
whenever I can recall the sources of my information, I will endeavor to make
those sources known, either in the body of the text itself or with footnotes.
Over the nearly two decades that I have been studying the various topics in this
work, the Holy Spirit has given me revelation and new insights as well. Some
of those insights build upon the works of others, and some (as far as I know)
are insights that originate with me — given, I believe by God. Wherever I am
giving my own opinion and/or interpretation of information, I will try to make
that obvious and give my reasoning for it.

It is not my intent nor my desire to plagiarize anyone else’s material. If

anything, it is my desire to compliment and weave stories and ideas together in
an effort to discover and relay truth. As mentioned in the Acknowledgements
section of this work, I have been greatly influenced by a number of people who
I consider to be experts in the various topics at hand. My desire is to take what
I’ve learned from them and thread it together with what I have learned on my
own in order to “connect the dots” as best I can for you the reader.


You are reading an updated and expanded edition of this book. The primary
differences are:

1. It has a slightly modified cover, with a bar at the top showing that
this is an updated (post 2012) expanded edition.
2. The previous editions/revisions of this book were originally
published at various times during the year 2012. Thus, there were
many speculative references related to December 21, 2012. For this
edition, all references to that date have either been modified,
removed or updated in some fashion to reflect my findings post
3. New paragraphs on 666 have been added, thus modifying the layout
to Chapter Three (with new sub-headings).
4. An entire section on NASA has been added to Chapter Four.
5. A few new paragraphs concerning the number 72 as it relates to
9/11 and the Pentagon have been added to Chapter Five.
6. In Chapters Five, Six and Eight, a few paragraphs have been
modified/added in order to explain my theory concerning what I
believe may have happened to our calendar, which had a direct
influence on how we reckon the date 12/21/12.
7. I added a new section right before the Appendix section called,
Prayers of Deliverance. After doing a lot of research into Nimrod,
Babylon, Egypt and the various mystery schools associated with
them, I realized many may need to be delivered from the spirits that
come attached to these subjects.
8. Some of our new products have been added to Appendix C.


I am not a theologian, historian, scientist or scholar. I am simply a filmmaker
who is a Christian that has a passion for research. I do not claim to have the
corner on truth. I do, however, confess that I have strong, and what I consider
to be well-informed opinions. But that’s all it is. I am also not a prophet.
Therefore, when talking about things to come, I will be writing speculatively.
So, please take what I’ve written here for whatever you feel it is worth. I
encourage you to be a “good Berean” and search these things out for yourself.

When it’s all said and done, my hope is that you will have found this book fun,
interesting, exciting, thought-provoking and maybe even a little challenging. I
want to stimulate your mind and create in you a desire to know more and to
search the Scriptures, history and even current events, checking them out for
yourself in order to find answers to the many questions this work is sure to
raise. If in that way, I can cause even one person to find the Truth that sets men
free, I will consider that a victory.

Please feel free to visit my two related websites:

There you can leave comments and/or e-mail me.

I am also available to come and present this material to anyone you think might
be interested. I have extensive public speaking experience and always enjoy
sharing information with anyone who will listen. If you can assemble a
minimum of 25 to 30 people, we’ll be happy to come and do a free seminar in
the venue of your choice. All my wife and I ask is that you pay for our
transportation and lodging while we’re there. For more information, please go
he year was 1977. That’s when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I was 7 years old. That same year, I saw Star Wars for the first time. After
seeing it 12 more times (all in the first year that it came out), I knew exactly
what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I figured I would either be an astronaut, a movie star, a filmmaker or dead by

the time I was 30. It wasn’t that I had a death wish. It’s just that I’ve always
had big dreams, and I’m a very driven person when I have a goal set in my
mind. Thus, I figured if I hadn’t achieved any of those things by the time I was
30, it would be because I was dead. So, I had to get busy right away!

I did well in school and within a week of graduating from High School, I
joined the Army. There were two reasons why I did that:

1. My dad was a helicopter pilot and as my childhood hero, I wanted

to follow in his footsteps.
2. I had read somewhere that the astronauts had to learn how to fly
helicopters in order to pilot the lunar landers. Thus, if I was going to
one day land on another planet (within the next 12 years), I probably
should start learning how to do that as soon as possible!
By the time I was 21, I was flying OH-6 scout helicopters as an Enlisted
Aeroscout Observer (enlisted pilot) and loving every minute of it. But my
ultimate goal was the space program, and I knew I needed to become an officer
and work my way up to eventually flying jets.

I intended to do my officer training in the Army and then transition to the Air
Force, but every time I tried to go to the next level, something would happen to
knock me out of my slot for the next class. In every case, it was always
something outside of my control (not because I didn’t more than qualify). After
four unsuccessful attempts, I realized that was apparently not the path I was
supposed to be traveling. I left the military in 1993.

From there, I set my sights on the second goal of being a movie star. I did a lot
of theater throughout the 1990s, and did some minor television work as well as
a couple of years worth of professional modeling; where I would win a
number of industry awards including the title of Mr. Massachusetts 1992 and
U.S. Male Model of the Year 1993. Both of those titles led to other
opportunities for me, but I soon realized I really wanted to write and direct my
own material. I began writing scripts in 1994 and haven’t stopped since.

In 1997, I started developing a movie screenplay called, The Omega

Conspiracy.[1] It was during the process of writing that script that I became an
avid researcher. I dove into a lot of conspiracy theory and read a lot of stuff
about characters like John Dee, Edward Kelly, Francis Bacon, Aleister
Crowley and others.

I became obsessed with trying to understand the Illuminati and learning what
the Freemasons were really all about. It was also right about that time that
chemtrails[2] first started to streak across the sky and people were all abuzz
about the New World Order, depopulation agendas, Project Blue Beam, MK-
Ultra mind-control experiments and all sorts of other topics related to the evil
plans of “the Elite.”

Anyone who starts down any of those paths quickly finds himself hopping
down many, many rabbit trails leading to everything from Nikola Tesla’s
experiments to crop circles, the face on mars, the pyramids of Giza, Atlantis,
19.5 degree angles, the Bermuda Triangle, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, the ‘Shadow
People,’ the Knights Templar, the Black Pope, the occult symbols on our money
and all over Washington, D.C.... and just about everything else you can think of
that might get lodged in between the trans-dimensional spaces of a tinfoil-hat-
wearing, Kool-Aid drinking, conspiracy nut job (of which I was fast
becoming), freak’s brain!

Yes, many people made fun of me and the theories I was coming up with in
those days, but that never stopped me. In fact, any debate that would arise
amongst my peers only drove me deeper into the research. Thus, I became a
research-aholic. These and other topics consumed every available moment of
free time that I had. At one point, I had accumulated over 2,000 pages of
printed material and an insane amount of “Favorite Places” marked in my
Internet browser on top of that... all before I even began writing my grand
conspiracy script. When I finally started to write my outline, I realized one
thing was leading to another and the research never ends!

Nevertheless, there comes a time, when you just have to stop the research and
begin writing the story. That time came in the summer of 1999 while visiting a
friend out in Los Angeles. I was sitting in Mel’s Diner on Sunset Boulevard in
West Hollywood. The walls were papered with black and white behind-the-
scenes images of George Lucas’ break out, nostalgic film, American Graffiti.[3]
I was in creative heaven! The juices began to flow and my pen started to fill up
the pages of my notebook in no time.

The Omega Conspiracy script dealt primarily with the idea of cloning Jesus
from blood taken from various holy relics (specifically the Shroud of Turin)
believed to be associated with Him. So, I spent a fair amount of time studying
cloning[4] and learned as much as I could about DNA. Eventually, my research
led me to world renowned Shroud expert, Ian Wilson. He and I had a number
of lengthy conversations about his research on that magnificent relic. He was
absolutely convinced that it was the authentic burial shroud of Christ, and he
convinced me of the same.[5] Now, with all of that research accumulated,
categorized and outlined, as well as a great deal of the script already scribbled
on my notepad, one thing still remained.

I wanted that story to be both historically and scientifically accurate, as well

as biblically plausible. By that I mean, could I see room for such a thing to
actually play a part in a Last Days scenario involving the origin of the
Antichrist and/or False Prophet?

I dove into the Scriptures. Having accepted Christ at a young age, I had been a
student of the Bible my whole life. 2 Timothy 2:15 was my life verse growing
up, and I had a Thompson Chain Reference, King James Bible in Grade
School! I certainly was no stranger to the Book. When it came to writing the
script however, the trick was writing something with secular appeal, but from
a biblical world-view, that was exciting, educational, and yet, non-preachy.[6]

With a solid foundation, I locked myself in the basement of my home in

Massachusetts and wrote non-stop until I had something I felt I could pitch to
the studios out in LA. Finally, I finished the first draft, got on a plane and flew
back out there. I pitched it to a number of studios and then one bit! They were
interested in optioning my story. I just needed to do some rewrites.

I got back home and did a complete reworking of the story such that it became
part one of a trilogy of stories (what’s up, George Lucas?), but could stand
alone if need be. I was excited about delivering this new version, but the day I
finished the rewrite, my wife of seven years told me she wanted out of the
marriage, and was filing for divorce.

That was at the tail end of an already very difficult period of time in my life.
As a result, my world completely blew up, and I went through a three-year
crucible I would never wish upon my worst enemy, nor would I ever want to
repeat. That said, I am extremely thankful for all of it today, because I’ve
discovered that some of the most valuable lessons can be learned from the
most painful tests.

I had chased the dream to the point of losing everything. By 2003, I was broke,
bankrupt, divorced and homeless, living in a Dodge Stratus with everything I
owned in it ready to put a bullet in my head. Thankfully, God had other plans.

The Lord led me down to Dallas, Texas. There, He healed and restored me and
radically turned my life around. During and as a result of that process, in
August of 2003, I laid all of my dreams down at His feet and said, “I tried it
my way, and it didn’t work out too good. I give it all to You, Lord. I want
what you want.”

In January of 2004, I got hired at an international missions organization and

God turned me into a traveling, multimedia missionary. I went to 15 countries
in six and a half years and got to see and do things I never in a million years
imagined I would. I also met my new bride and soulmate there in the ministry
and have been blessed beyond measure ever since.

All of that — everything I’ve just written — was only preparation for what I
am doing now. Thus, as I sit here preparing to finalize this book, I am struck
with the realization that my entire life has literally led to this very moment in

The research I did back in the late 90s was a primer for all of the intense
research I’ve done over the past two years that led to the writing of this book
and to the forthcoming TV series that I’ll tell you about at the end of it.

Looking back, I would say the previous research and resulting conclusions I
had come to were almost on target. At that time, I was fully convinced that the
Antichrist would be a clone of Jesus Christ. While I do believe cloning
(perhaps even of Him) will indeed play a part in the Last Days, I now believe I
know beyond a shadow of a doubt (from the Scriptures) who/what the
Antichrist was, is not and yet will be.

I wrote this book to share with you what I believe the Scriptures and current
events are revealing to be true. Below is a brief outline of the subjects we will
be covering:

In Chapter One, we will examine Genesis 6, which is the foundation
Scripture for this whole series. This particular chapter tells us what
was going on in the days of Noah and sets the stage for helping us to
understand what may happen in the not too distant future.
Chapter Two describes a man who rose to power shortly after the
Flood and literally became the god of this world.
Chapter Three takes a look at history, examining the spirit of anti-
Christ in order to reveal the identity of the Antichrist who will lead
the world into a war with God in the Last Days.
Chapter Four challenges the belief that the United States government
and her Founding Fathers had the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in
mind when they laid the foundation of this nation. Is there a reason
why our motto “IN GOD WE TRUST” is all in capital letters? Could
it be that this was done in order to conceal the identity of the one in
whom our leaders are really putting their trust? What does the
iconography on the back of our U.S. one dollar bill really represent?
We will take a tour of Washington, D.C. to find the answer to these
and many other questions.
Chapter Five explores the significance of the number 72 and how it
relates to a very specific “plan” that was set in motion thousands of
years ago. It also examines the significance of the blood-red lunar
eclipse that appeared over the shoulders of Orion on December 21,
2010, for 72 minutes and reveals some very interesting things
concerning our presidents and their associations with that “plan” as
Chapter Six lays out what I believe has been and will be “the plan”
for America and Iraq in the Last Days. Why did America go to war in
Iraq? Why did J.P. Morgan Chase Bank lead a 13-bank consortium to
establish the Central Bank of Iraq, and what is the significance of
their new currency, the Dinar? We will examine some possible
answers in this chapter, while trying to determine if this is all part of
The Omega Plan.
Chapter Seven explores the many reasons why I believe we need to
“come out of Babylon” and takes a look at how the media lies to us in
order to keep us all stuck in fear, waging a perpetual “War on Terror.”
Chapter Eight picks up where Chapter Seven left off, issuing the same
urgent call to “come out of Babylon” to the Church. Is the Christian
Church really practicing paganism? Is there a better way? What did
God leave for us in His Holy Scriptures that shows us His entire
plan? We will look at the answers to those questions and more, while
taking a closer look at ourselves in the process.

DECEMBER 21, 2012

Many people of all faiths around the world believe we are living in the Last
Days or at least at a time when substantial “change” may be on the horizon.
The first edition of this book was released in February of 2012, as a lot of
people were anxious and searching for answers concerning the many
prophecies and “signs” that appeared to be pointing toward December 21st of
that year. There were countless TV shows, movies, radio talk shows, as well
as non-fiction books and novels all talking about that date. Shows like the
History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series were promoting the idea that our
“ancient alien ancestors” may return on that day. Many were speculating that
the earth’s poles may shift or that the sun may send out massive solar flares that
could consume the planet. New Agers believed we were headed for a great
awakening of spirit, mind and body. Everyone had a theory, and they were all
talking about it. I decided to throw my theory[7] into the pile for your
consideration as well. Turns out, we were all wrong. Or... were we?

If what I have found and have written about in this book is true, I believe some
of the “prophecies” were right, but our calendar may be off by two years. I
will explain why as we move forward in this book. Regardless, I believe we
are still in for a wild ride in the days ahead. Now more than ever we are going
to need to know the Truth, so that we do not fall for the Great Deception that is
coming. My sincere hope and desire is that the things I write in this book will,
at the very least, challenge you to dive deeper into the Scriptures, history and
current events in order that you may find the Truth for yourself. Indeed,
“something wicked this way comes,” and it all started thousands of years ago
with what I call

The Genesis Six Experiment...

“But as the days of Noah were,
so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
— Jesus Christ, 33 AD

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of

the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of
God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took
them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My
spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh:
yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were
giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the
sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare
children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old,
men of renown. (Genesis 6:1-4)
his passage of Scripture describes what I call, “The Genesis Six Experiment.”
The beginning of that chapter tells the reason why God decided to destroy the
world with the Great Flood.

One of the things I find extraordinary about the Torah (the first five books of
the Bible) is that, unlike other books of the Bible that were inspired by the
Holy Spirit,[1] the Torah was dictated. God personally spoke with Moses face-
to-face as one speaks with a friend.[2] I don’t mean to diminish the power and
authority of the other books of the Bible, but I believe that fact makes the Torah
stand head and shoulders above all other Scripture. I mean, think about it; God
literally talked with Moses and told him what to write!

In Genesis, Moses wrote that some of the angels of God left their prior estate[3]
and came down to earth and mated with women, which produced a race of
super-human hybrids known as the Nephilim. Moses went on to write that these
creatures corrupted the whole earth, and in verses 11-13, we learn that this
was the reason why God decided to destroy the earth with the Flood.

At the beginning of this chapter, I began with a quote from Jesus regarding the
Last Days.[4] In it, He says that the days before His return will be “as it was in
the days of Noah.” What differentiates the days of Noah from any other time in
human history? There have always been wars and rumors of war. There have
always been famines, pestilences and earthquakes, and men have been sinning
since the Garden of Eden. So, what was different?

The one thing that stands out as being significantly different in the days of Noah
is the unnatural offspring that came from the union of angels and humans.

With that in mind, is it necessary to correct some common misconceptions

often associated with Genesis 6:1-4 and address the following question.

How do we know that Genesis 6:1-4 is talking about angels?

I’ve run into this “debate” on more than a few occasions. The debate comes
from a line of thought (taught in many seminaries) that the term, “sons of God”
is a reference to the children of Adam’s (good) son, Seth, and that the
“daughters of men” is a reference to the children of Adam’s (bad) son, Cain.
This line of reasoning is flawed on so many levels that I can hardly believe it
is still taught. Minister Dante Fortson shares my frustration and makes an
interesting observation in his book, As The Days of Noah Were:

Seth’s line is the one that seems to be acting against the will of
God if we actually read the story. They initiate the
disobedience by taking wives of their own choosing. It seems
as though the “daughters of Cain” had no say in the matter,
and the sons of Cain did not participate in this event.
Everyone in Cain’s line seems to be completely innocent as far
as the text of Genesis 6:1-4 is concerned. The facts seem to
support the exact opposite of what the Lines of Seth Theory
teaches. According to scripture, Cain’s line seems to be neutral
in these events and Seth’s sons seem to initiate the defiance of
— Minister Dante Fortson[5]

“The Sethite Theory,” or the “Lines of Seth Theory” as Minister Fortson

calls it, is a relatively new idea. Few, if any believed in it prior to the 3rd
century AD.[6] But today, it is the prevailing view amongst seminary
professors, students, graduates and pastors. Unfortunately, that’s what they
were taught, and so it is what they teach others  —  even though it is a flawed
theory on many levels.

A proper understanding of Genesis 6:1-4 reveals much in the Bible, including

what Jesus meant when He said that our days would be “as days of Noah
were.” Whereas, an improper understanding of this passage of Scripture,
creates much confusion in determining what was really going on in many
places throughout the Bible. It also causes a skewed view of God’s character
to emerge (especially in the Old Testament, where He often calls for the
complete genocide of numerous villages and cities in the land of Canaan).

Let’s start with some really basic reasoning. How are “Nephilim” (the KJV
uses the word “giants”) born to normal human beings? If we are simply talking
about the inbreeding of the offspring of two brothers, how does one explain the
giants — both before and after the Flood?
Figure 1
And these weren’t “short” giants either. The biblical giants were huge!

Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like
the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I
destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.
(Amos 2:9)

Yes, there were real, literal giants that walked this earth. In fact, the further
back in the biblical record you go, the taller they were.

The cedars of Lebanon are said to grow from 30 feet to in excess of 120 feet in
height![7] To give you an idea of what a “short,” 30-foot giant would look like
when compared to a 6-foot tall man, I have prepared a graphic (Figure 1) that
shows it to scale.

And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of
the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers,
and so we were in their sight. (Numbers 13:33)
Looking at Figure 1, it is easy to understand why the Hebrew spies saw
themselves as grasshoppers in comparison to the sons of Anak.[8] The same
scholars who teach the Sethite Theory don’t seem to have a problem with the
biblical account of the giants that the Israelites had to drive out of Canaan. So,
how can they accept that characters like the sons of Anak, Og of Bashan and
Goliath of Gath were indeed giants and yet somehow trivialize their genetic

Short of a literal reading of Genesis 6:1-4, how are giants produced? I don’t
care how much spinach you feed a normal human being, kissing cousins do not
give birth to 12- and 30-foot giants! The only explanation that makes any sense
is that something supernatural must have caused those creatures to exist.

Those who would call themselves “scholars,” should recognize that the words
translated in Genesis 6 as “sons of God” come from the Hebrew words, benei
(Strong’s # 1121) and haelohim (Strong’s # 430).

Strong’s defines “benei” as:

afflicted, age, anointed one, appointed to, arrow

From banah; a son (as a builder of the family name)

and it describes “elohim” as:

angels, exceeding, God, very great, mighty

Plural of ‘elowahh; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used

(in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God

This is the same combination of words used in Job 1:6, Job 2:1 and Job 38:7
— each of which are commonly accepted by these same “Sethite” scholars to
be in reference to angels. The Job passages describe events taking place in
Heaven. They are not talking about Seth’s children hanging out with Satan and
the angels for a little meeting. Therefore, why should we accept the angel view
in Job, but disregard that same view in Genesis, when the text clearly indicates
that it is referring to the same thing: Angels?
The answer is simple: We shouldn’t. Thus, it is my strong belief that the
Sethite Theory that is taught in seminary and perpetuated from pulpits all
around the world is inaccurate, flawed and should be completely disregarded!

Genesis tells us that, as a result of angels breeding with women, all of God’s
creation had been corrupted, distorted, manipulated and changed from its
previous state, which God had pronounced, “very good.” There was only one
family of humans that had apparently not been affected by these “bad genes”
and that of course was Noah and his family.

These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and
perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
(Genesis 6:9)

Scripture says that Noah was “perfect in his generations,” which literally
meant genetically pure. We know this because the word used there is “tamim”
(Strong’s # 8549). It is the same word used when the Lord referred to a red
heifer that had to be physically pure, without spot or blemish:

This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath

commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that
they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no
blemish, and upon which never came yoke: (Numbers 19:2)

According to the ancient and authoritative Hebrew historical record known as

the Book of Jasher, Noah married one of Enoch’s daughters.[9] The Bible tells
us that Enoch was so righteous in God’s eyes that He took the man to Heaven
without ever having to die.[10] Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that his
daughter certainly would have known the truth and had been a great candidate
for Noah to marry. Going with the assumption that Noah and his wife were
physically/genetically pure, that would naturally have to mean that their three
sons, Japheth, Shem and Ham must also have been genetically pure. But that
does not necessarily mean that their wives were.

The Book of Jasher says that Methuselah had a son named Eliakim who had
three daughters. According to the text, Noah didn’t pick them as wives for his
three sons until just seven days before the Flood.[11] The text also says that all
but Noah, his immediate family and Methuselah had strayed from God
(including Noah’s father Lamech).[12] This being the case, it is reasonable to
assume that Eliakim falls into the category of those who had gone the way of
evil since he didn’t make it onto the ark. The problem is, the language of
Genesis 6 seems to imply that Eliakim’s daughters may have also become

Nevertheless, Noah had to pick three wives for his three sons. All things
considered, and given the limited choices he had to work with, I’d say he did a
pretty good job. But if it is true that tainted DNA entered the ark, it really helps
to explain a lot of things both in the post-Flood world as well as in these Last
Days. I will elaborate a lot more on that last statement in Book 2 of this series,
Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim.[13] In that book, I will also
reveal why I do not believe that there were “multiple incursions” of angels
mating with women again and again after the Flood, and why I believe the
corruption that Moses refers to in Genesis 6:12, is the corruption that took
place in the latter days of Methuselah.[14]

For now, let’s just take a quick look at the chronological progression of events
given in Genesis 6:

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after
that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men
which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only
evil continually.
6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth,
and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created
from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping
thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have
made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and
perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was

filled with violence.

12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
13 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before
me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and,
behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in

the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length
of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty
cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou
finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side
thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.
17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the
earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from
under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come
into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives
with thee. (Genesis 6:4-18)

In the first four verses, we see angels mating with women, thus producing
giants known as the Nephilim. In verses 5-7, we see how God feels about the
violence that came about as a result of these Nephilim hybrids. In verses 8-10,
we see that Noah was found genetically pure and thus he produced three
equally pure sons. Then, in verses 11 and 12, we see that the earth became
corrupt and filled with violence and that “all flesh had corrupted his way
upon the earth.” Verses 13-17 give further indications of God’s intense
displeasure with the inhabitants of earth and lay out both the command to build
the ark and the instructions on how to do it. Finally, in verse 18, we see for the
first time any mention of the wives of Noah’s sons. They are not mentioned
until the very end because they were not even chosen until after the ark was
finished, just seven days before the floodwaters came!
While Genesis 6:4 can indeed be used as a proof text for the appearance of
giants after the Flood, I will show you from both Genesis and other ancient
Hebrew texts that Genesis 6 is to be understood entirely within the context of
the pre-Flood world.

The Bible as well as the books of Enoch and Jubilees all indicate that there
was an initial “incursion” of angels known as Watchers who landed on Mount
Hermon in the days of Jared. They are the ones who participated in The
Genesis Six Experiment. But Enoch says that the first-generation Nephilim
offspring were to kill each other off within 500 years.[15] After the children of
the Watchers were all killed off, these disobedient angels were judged, bound
and buried under the sands of the earth.

When their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the
destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy
generations under the hills of the earth, until the day of
judgment is accomplished. (Enoch 10:12)

Thus, the first-generation Nephilim were completely destroyed and the

Watchers were severely judged and sentenced. This was the penalty imposed
by God upon any who would commit this sin.

Considering the abject terror expressed by the Watchers concerning their

judgment,[16] I do not believe that any other angel would risk doing what the
Watchers did in Genesis 6 ever again. Since we find no other direct statements
in Scripture regarding any “second incursion,” I reject that notion altogether.
Yet, we do find references to Nephilim giants again, after the first generation
were killed off, both before and after the Flood. But if they didn’t return as a
result of angels again mating with humans, how did they return? I believe the
books of Jasher and Jubilees hold the key to answering this question:

But in the latter days of Methuselah, the sons of men turned

from the Lord; they corrupted the earth, they robbed and
plundered each other, and they rebelled against God; they
went contrary to, they corrupted their ways, and would not
listen to the voice of Methuselah, but rebelled against him.
(Jasher 4:4)
And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and
took their wives by force from their husbands according to
their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the
cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the
air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with
the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw
the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted
its ways on the earth, all men and all animals. (Jasher 4:18)

The account given above in Jasher is a direct parallel to the following account
given in Jubilees:

And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and
all that moveth and walketh on the earth: and much blood
was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of
men imagined vanity and evil continually. And the Lord
destroyed everything from off the face of the earth; because of
the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which
they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed
(Jubilees 7:24,25)

Both of the above extra-biblical texts perfectly confirm and fit within the same
chronology given in Genesis 6 (before the Flood):

And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God
said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the
earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will
destroy them with the earth. (Genesis 6:12)

I believe this latter day corruption of DNA better explains how the Nephilim
hybrids (re)appeared “after that” — meaning before the Flood, as well as after
Figure 2
Figure 2 illustrates the timeline of events. First, you have the initial incursion
(circa 3550 BC) followed by the death of the first-generation Nephilim 500
years later (circa 3050 BC). Then, Enoch gets “raptured,” and Noah is born
during a time of peace.[18] But in the latter days of Methuselah, men began to
mix species, and a new breed of hybrid creatures began to emerge with
corrupted DNA. This appears to have happened during the last 120 years of
Methuselah’s life.[19] If so, all of that happened just prior to and after the birth
of Noah’s three sons. Thus, I believe the biblical account proves that at least
one of the wives of Noah’s sons had Nephilim blood (or corrupted DNA)
running through her veins.[20] That one was Ham’s wife. I say that because
Ham’s lineage is literally loaded with giants.

Through years of researching, I have found no evidence of giants or corrupt

DNA in Shem’s lineage, which makes sense because the Messiah was to come
through this line.[21] Although there may be some evidence of giants in Japeth’s
lineage,[22] Ham’s lineage has by far the most. Of the four sons of Ham, at least
three appeared to have produced giants — and lots of them!

In Genesis 10, we read that Ham begat Cush, Mizriam, Phut and Canaan. Since
the Bible mentions Canaan first (in Genesis 9), let’s start with him and work
our way backward.
I have a theory about Canaan based on the strange situation described in
Genesis 9:20-25. In that passage of Scripture, Ham finds his father naked, and
Noah curses his grandson, Canaan. Why? Scripture is silent, but I suspect it
was because there was something obviously wrong with him.

First of all, the narrative implies that Canaan had to have been present for
Noah to have cursed him. That means he was either born on the ark or shortly
thereafter. My belief is that he may have been born with six fingers and six
toes, which is a notable characteristic of the Nephilim giants.[23] If this is true,
then when Canaan was born, Noah must have looked at his grandson and said,
“Oh boy, here we go again!”

Canaan’s lineage settled the land that was named after him, and we know from
Scripture that Canaan was full of giants. Remember Numbers 13:33? After the
Exodus, the spies went into the land and saw themselves as grasshoppers by
comparison. These giants were all the “ites” (as in the Hittites, Jebusites,
Amorites, etc.) that Joshua and his men and later David and his men had to
wipe out in the Old Testament.

As we saw in Figure 1, those giants were quite massive! The Israelites even
bragged about the size of one of them: a man named Og of Bashan. Although
Og was short compared to the earlier sons of Anak, according to Patrick
Heron, if we are to assume that the Hebrew cubit is 25.025 inches, he makes
note that the guy’s bed was still over 18 feet long, implying that the man
himself was nearly as tall.[24] Douglas Hamp goes even further in describing
what someone like Og of Bashan would have been able to do. Stating that Og
would have weighed about 3,125 pounds, in his book, Corrupting the Image,
Hamp paints a wonderful word-picture for us:

Considering that King Og was a warrior, we can presume that

he could at least lift the equivalent of his own body weight...
[he] would have been able to lift two war horses (1,500 pounds
each) at once with its rider and throw it! In modern terms he
could lift a midsize car![25]

Mr. Hamp then proceeds to explain why the Hebrew spies came back with the
report that the “land devours its inhabitants” by revealing what it would take
to maintain a body like Og’s:

If we use the more conservative weight calculation then he

would have needed to consume at least 22,657 calories per
day just to stay alive as per the Basel Metabolic Rate which
calculates, based on a person’s height and weight, how many
calories they need to live if they are not doing any significant
work per day.[26]

In modern terms, Hamp speculates that Og probably would have had to eat
more than 30 pizzas or about 150 cheeseburgers per day in order to get the
needed calories to maintain the lifestyle of a warrior! That should certainly put
some things into perspective for us.

From cedar-tree size Amorites to 18-footers like Og of Bashan, it is clear that

Canaan definitely had some serious Nephilim genes! But what about Ham’s
other sons? The Bible doesn’t give us much to go on concerning any giants
within Phut’s lineage. But in Mizraim’s lineage, we can find something pretty
amazing, with enormous implications. One of his sons was a guy named

Mizraim was the ancestor of the Ludites, Anamites, Lehabites,

Naphtuhites, Pathrusites, Casluhites, and the Caphtorites,
from whom the Philistines came. (Genesis 10:14 NLT)

I chose the New Living Translation for that particular verse because it gives a
much clearer account of where the Philistines originated than does the King
James Version.[27]

We know of at least five giants that came from the Philistines: Goliath and his
four brothers. From the description of Goliath, he was a “runt” as far as giants
go  —  standing at a mere 9 to 12 feet in height according to some scholars. He
and his brothers were the last of the giants (in the land of Canaan anyway) by
the time of David.

Notice, however, that the Caphtorites are said to have fathered the Philistines.
According to Jeremiah 47:4 and Amos 9:7, the Philistines came from Crete; a
place described in some translations as “the country of Caphtor” because that’s
where he settled at some point following the Flood. Why is this so significant?
Because Crete is the island from which all of Greek mythology originates![28]

The mythology of the infamous Greek gods can literally be traced back to
sometime just after the Great Flood of Noah. These gods came from Crete.
Furthermore, if you study the history of Crete, you will find that most of what
we now call “Europe” used to have to pay tribute to this tiny island in the
Aegean Sea. They had to send young virgin men and women to the Minotaur of
the Labyrinth as tribute to King Minos.[29] How so much of Europe could have
been held in subjugation to such a tiny island doesn’t really make sense, unless
you realize that the gods of antiquity likely really did exist. These gods were
always described as giants with “superpowers.” Thus, they were definitely
something more than merely famous humans.

The Bible tells us exactly who/what they really were and where they came
from. These are the post-Flood Nephilim who sprung up through the lineage of

Finally, let’s look at Ham’s son, Cush. Scripture says that Cush begat Nimrod.
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was
a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod
the mighty hunter before the LORD.
(Genesis 10:8,9)
ithout a doubt, the first blatantly anti-Christ-like figure that we read about in
Scripture is someone the Bible refers to as Nimrod. This individual is very
significant for a lot of reasons, which will become apparent by the end of this
book. For starters, I believe Nimrod was a giant just like many of his cousins.
Let’s look at the Hebrew for Genesis 10:8:

The name ‘Nimrod’ (Strong’s # 5248) is a word that both the Strong’s and the
NAS Exhaustive Concordance say is “from foreign origin.” In his Genesis 1-
15, Word Biblical Commentary, Wenham notes that the name means “we shall
rebel,” though he admits that the etymology is uncertain. That said, most
scholars seem to agree that the name essentially means, “the rebellious one.”
Regardless, I believe he has gone by many other proper names, described by
many cultures of antiquity. Before I get into that, I want to first address the
phrase, “began to be a mighty one.”

The word “began” used here is the word “he-hel”(transliterated as “chalal”) in

Hebrew. Strong’s (# 2490) defines it as:

begin, men began, defile, break, defile, eat as common things A

primitive root (compare chalah); properly, to bore, i. e. (by
implication) to wound, to dissolve; figuratively, to profane (a
person, place or thing), to break (one’s word), to begin (as if
by an “opening wedge”); denom. (from chaliyl) to play (the
flute) -- begin (X men began), defile, X break, defile, X eat (as
common things), X first, X gather the grape thereof, X take
inheritance, pipe, player on instruments, pollute, (cast as)
profane (self ), prostitute, slay (slain), sorrow, stain, wound.

This is extremely interesting. Now let’s look at the word translated as “mighty
one” to see just how interesting it really is. The word translated as “mighty
one” is “gibbor” in Hebrew. There has been some debate regarding this word
as it can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a few mentioned in Strong’s (#

champion, chief, excel, giant, man, mighty man, one, strong


Notice one of the ways that it can be used includes the word “giant,” though
this word is not as popular in that regard as other Hebrew words such as
Nephilim or Raphaim. This word “gibbor” seems to be more of a description
of a man who is indeed mighty in the sense of a warrior. But when you look at
Genesis 6:4, there appears to be an interesting connection.

“There were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in those days and

also after that when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men and they bare children to them the same
became mighty men [gibborim] which were of old men of
renown.” (Genesis 6:4)
This seems to be saying that the “gibborim” can be considered the offspring of
the Nephilim, which we know were giants. This is not always the case though.
Take David’s “mighty men [gibborim] of valor” in 2 Samuel 23:8 for instance.
I don’t believe these were Nephilim offspring — especially since one of the
things these guys did was hunt down giants! Therefore, I don’t think we can get
overly dogmatic about the word itself. I believe its meaning must be taken in
context with its usage in the sentence.[1] So, based on its usage in Genesis
10:8,9 what are we to think concerning Nimrod?

Given what we know concerning the other sons of Ham and their offspring, I
think it is reasonable to assume that through profaning/defiling himself, Nimrod
became a “mighty one”— in the sense of becoming an offspring of the
Nephilim.[2] Therefore, I believe there are at least three ways we can look at
Genesis 10:8,9:

1. Nimrod simply became a strong and powerful man.

2. Nimrod began to become a giant himself.
3. Nimrod began to become a hunter of giants.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the

earth. (Genesis 10:8)

The Hebrew word “chalal” (translated as “began”) is found 143 times in the
Old Testament,[3] and it is very interesting in terms of its usage as: profaning,
defiling and prostituting.

And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to
Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am
the LORD. (Leviticus 18:21)
Uncontrolled as water, you shall not have preeminence,
Because you went up to your father’s bed; Then you defiled it
— he went up to my couch. (Genesis 49:4 NASB)
Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest
the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of
wickedness. (Leviticus 19:29)
With these definitions in mind, I suspect all three of the above possibilities
concerning Nimrod are true. At any rate, as if to take all the guesswork out of
the equation, the Septuagint just comes right out and says that he was indeed a

And Chus begot Nebrod: he began to be a giant upon the

earth. He was a giant hunter before the Lord God; therefore
they say, As Nebrod the giant hunter before the Lord. (Genesis
10:8,9 LXX)

If he is indeed the inspiration for so many other mythological characters

throughout ancient cultures (as I hope to prove in this series), then Nimrod
most certainly was a mighty warrior, giant and possibly a hunter and subduer
of giants as well.

In fact, giants are said to have helped Nimrod build the Tower of Babel.
Ancient Arabic legends speak about the giant races being dispersed across the
lands, along with the people whose languages were confounded.[4] According
to an Arabic manuscript found at Baalbek and quoted by Michael Alouf in his
work, History of Baalbek, we see that prior to their dispersal, they may indeed
have been directly involved with some of the various building campaigns
under Nimrod’s leadership.

After the flood, when Nimrod reigned over Lebanon, he sent

giants to rebuild the fortress of Baalbek, which was so named
in honour of Baal, the god of the Moabites and worshippers of
the Sun.[5] [emphasis mine]

Apparently (though I don’t personally believe this to be true), local tradition

asserts that the Tower of Babel was actually located at Baalbek.[6] Regardless,
there does appear to be a “Nimrod connection” to that area that can still be
seen even to this day.

My wife and I went to Israel in 2005. As part of that trip, we got to visit
Caesarea Philippi and stand where Jesus stood when He asked His disciples
the question, “Who do men say that I am?”[7] If you were standing at that
location, facing the altar of Pan, you could look up to your right (to the
southeast of the base of Mount
Hermon), and see the ruins of a place
known as the “Fortress of Nimrod.”

In his book, The Giza Discovery,[8]

author Peter Goodgame did a masterful
job of laying the foundation for who
this guy was in the ancient world —
Figure 3
and who he will be in the days ahead.
The Bible calls him Nimrod, but to the ancients he was known as:

Gilgamesh Dumuzi Orion

Baal Dionysus Apollo
Melqart Bacchus Tammuz
Adonis Mithra Osiris

There are others, but I primarily want to focus on the first and the last names
given in that list. But before I do that, I’d like to explain why he is known by so
many different names.

The Bible tells us that he was the one who orchestrated the building of the
Tower of Babel. According to the Book of Jasher,[9] Nimrod led a team of
three camps, each with a special mission to accomplish upon completion of the

And all these people and all the families divided themselves in
three parts; the first said, “We will ascend into Heaven and
fight against Him;” the second said, “We will ascend into
Heaven and place our own gods there and serve them;” and
the third part said, “We will ascend to Heaven and strike Him
with bows and spears.” And God knew all their works and evil
thoughts, and He saw the city and the tower which they were
building. (Jasher 9:26)

Here we see the attributes of the first Antichrist: Nimrod was the leader of a
group of people that wanted to set up a one-world-system without God. In fact,
his goal was to make war with and kill God, thus proclaiming himself to be
God.[10] But when God saw all that they intended to do, He decided to do
something about it.

The first thing we must realize is that God did not have a problem with them
constructing a tall building. God didn’t freak out when we built the Twin
Towers at the World Trade Center. Actually, I’m not convinced that the Tower
of Babel was really all that tall anyway — at least not as compared to our
modern skyscrapers. In fact, if the people were really concerned with height,
they would not have built it in a valley![11] No, it was not about height. I
believe Nimrod was building what today we might call a “stargate.” Thus, the
Tower of Babel may have literally been a portal through which Nimrod
intended to “reach” into Heaven — and apparently, this was possible.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose
top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest
we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And
the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the
children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the
people is one, and they have all one language; and this they
begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them,
which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and
there confound their language, that they may not understand
one another’s speech. (Genesis 11:4-7)

From that text it would seem that Nimrod’s plan was possible, at least in the
sense of “reaching into Heaven.” We know that we can not build a building that
is high enough to literally enter into the “Third Heaven” where God dwells,
therefore something else must be meant by this.

Researchers like Dr. Thomas Horn, Steve Quayle, Doug Woodward, and others
share the same speculative conclusions I do concerning the idea of a
“stargate.” In fact, in his book, Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the
Return of the Nephilim, in a section called “The Amalantrah Working” Dr.
Horn writes:

In 1918, famed occultist Aleister Crowley attempted to create

a dimensional vortex that would bridge the gap between the
world of the seen and the unseen. The ritual was called the
Amalantrah Working and according to Crowley became
successful when a presence manifested itself through the rift.
He called the being “Lam” and drew a portrait of it. The
startling image, detailed almost ninety years ago, bears
powerful similarity with “Alien Greys” of later pop culture.

Nearly three decades after the Amalantrah Working, rocket

scientist and cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jack
Parsons and his pal L. Ron Hubbard (Church of Scientology
founder) conducted a second ritual, the “Babylon Working,”
in an attempt to reopen the gateway created by Crowley. The
two men were not seeking audience with Lam. Instead they
wanted the spirit of Babylon, the archetype divine feminine, to
pass through the portal and to incarnate itself within a human
being. Many adepts of Enochian magic and Ordo Templi
Orientis believe they succeeded and that she — the whore of
Babylon — walks the earth today. It would come as no
surprise, as Babylonian and earlier “gods” have been
depicted as coming through “gates” for some time.
— Dr. Thomas Horn[12]

Dr. Horn goes on to describe the many temples, monuments and megalithic
structures around the world that may in fact be portals, or stargates through
which beings can travel between dimensions. Thus, he believes Nimrod and
his people may have somehow created something that could “bridge” our
world with that of the Heavenly realm. But God put a stop to it. He confounded
their speech and separated the people of the earth.

When God confounded their language, He split the one language everyone
previously spoke into seventy new and different languages. The New Living
Translation, gives us the details:

When the Most High assigned lands to the nations, when he

divided up the human race, he established the boundaries of
the peoples according to the number in his heavenly court.
(Deuteronomy 32:8 NLT)

I chose to use the New Living Translation here, because it seems to be more
accurate than most other translations that render the last part as, “according to
the children of Israel” (who had not yet even been born). The NLT appears to
draw its translation of this verse from the Septuagint which says, “according to
the angels of God.”

Commenting on this particular passage of Scripture in Barne’s Notes on the

Bible, the author writes,

Some texts of the Greek version have “according to the

number of the Angels of God;” following apparently not a
different reading, but the Jewish notion that the nations of the
earth are seventy in number (compare Genesis 10:1 note), and
that each has its own guardian Angel (compare Ecclesiasticus
17:17). This was possibly suggested by an apprehension that
the literal rendering might prove invidious to the many
Gentiles who would read the Greek version.

King Wells, the author of Ancient Myths and the Bible reinforces this belief on
pages 12 and 13 of his book:

Remember, we must prove a thesis from more than one source,

so let’s look at Deut. 4:19:

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and

when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars,
even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to
worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy
God hath divided unto all nations under the whole

Once again, we see that God divided the nations according to

the host of heaven, and throughout the scriptures the host of
heaven has referred to the angels...

The Book of Jasher confirms this idea as well. In chapter 48:43, it describes
the throne of Pharaoh as follows.

And the throne on which the king sat was covered with gold
and silver and onyx stones, and it had seventy steps.

The narrative goes on to describe the reasons for the seventy steps, stating that
they represented the 70 languages of man.

Also any man who understood to speak in all the seventy

languages, he ascended the seventy steps, and went up and
spoke till he reached the king. And any man who could not
complete the seventy, he ascended as many steps as the
languages which he knew to speak in. It was customary in
those days in Egypt that no one should reign over them, but
one who understood to speak in the seventy languages. (Jasher

In the next chapter of Jasher, we see in the account of Joseph being made
second in charge of Egypt, that Pharaoh’s officers protested the idea of
someone ruling over them who did not know all 70 languages. This would
have presented a problem for Joseph if it were not for an angel of the Lord
coming to him that night and teaching him all 70 languages.[13]

What’s the point? The point is simply this: After the confusion of the tongues at
the Tower of Babel, men went away talking about the same guy (Nimrod), only
now in their new language. Thus Nimrod, the great and mighty warrior-hunter-
god-king, became known by many different names throughout the world. With
70 different nations/languages coming out of that one event, it is now easy to
understand how this one man could be known by at least 70 different names! In
fact, I would submit that this may be the true esoteric meaning behind our
national motto, E Pluribus Unum (I will address that idea further in Chapter

Earlier, I said I wanted to focus on two names in particular; Gilgamesh and

Osiris. Let’s start with Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest
stories ever written. Many people have made the connection that Gilgamesh is
just one of many names for Nimrod. David Livingston, for example, does a
great job of making the Nimrod-Gilgamesh connection,[14] and the Internet is
literally loaded with information and resources testifying that the two names
represent the same individual.

Gilgamesh is often depicted as a six-fingered giant.

We can see in Figure 4 that he is holding a lion
under his arm! The ancient texts[15] also make the
statement that he was “2/3 god and 1/3 man.” This
certainly seems to support my “Nephilim genetics”
case regarding the children of Ham. There is much
more that I could write about concerning
Gilgamesh, but that’s all I will focus on for now.
Let’s turn our attention to Osiris.

Osiris is a very well known character in both

history and mythology. He plays a prominent role
in secret societies and even within our own
government. But more than that, I believe he is the
central character we need to look at when it comes
Figure 4 to understanding the times we live in and what is to
come in the near future.

For instance, did you know that Osiris is the only other god of antiquity apart
from Jesus who was known as, “The King of kings and Lord of lords?”

“...he is exceedingly mighty and most terrible in his name

‘Osiris’; he endureth for ever and for ever in his name of ‘Un-
nefer.’ Homage be to thee, O King of kings, Lord of lords,
Ruler of princes, who from the womb of Nut hast ruled the
world and the Underworld...”

“Hail, my Lord, who dost hasten through eternity, whose

existence is for ever, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Sovereign,
King of the gods, who live in their shrine.”
— Excerpts from a Hymn to Osiris in the Book of the Dead
[emphasis mine]
As stated earlier, Peter Goodgame has done an amazing job of connecting the
dots and explaining the Osiris myth, so I won’t go over it all here. Please take
the time to read Part 2 of his book, The Giza Discovery to learn more.[16]
There are, however, a few things that I would like to point out here in order to
set the stage for some of the conclusions I will draw later.

Osiris’ symbol is the ankh, which looks remarkably like a

cross.[17] One dominant theory is that the “loop” at the top
of the ankh represents resurrection — as in the rebirth of
the sun. This would seem to go along with the numerous
dying and resurrecting sun gods born on December 25th that
are found in the ancient world. And suffice it to say, it is
not by chance, coincidence or accident that the Son of God
was crucified on the symbol of the sun god.
Figure 5

With that in mind, it is important to note that in Nimrod’s incarnation as Osiris,

you can truly see a mirror (reversed) image of Jesus. Where Jesus is the Son of
God, the Christ, the Messiah, Osiris is the exact antithesis. He is the sun god,
the false messiah, the anti-Christ! This is one of the primary reasons why I
believe Christians should absolutely not associate Jesus’ birth with the date,
December 25th. It was not His birthday. It was the birthday of

It is not my intent to build a comprehensive case against Christmas and Easter

in this chapter.[19] The bottom line is, in Deuteronomy 18:9, God told the
Israelites not to have anything to do with the traditions of other (false) gods.
He considers it an abomination.

If our Lord is “the same yesterday, today and forever” as the Bible claims He
is,[20] then I suspect the Word that became flesh on our behalf would give us the
same warning.[21] It has been my experience that few Christians want to hear
this message and will fight tooth and nail over it, but because I believe I have
been shown this truth, I have a responsibility to herald it.

Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of
man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them,
When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land
take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: If
when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the
trumpet, and warn the people; Then whosoever heareth the
sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword
come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own
head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not
warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh
warning shall deliver his soul. But if the watchman see the
sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not
warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among
them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I
require at the watchman’s hand. (Ezekiel 33:1-6)

I’ve sounded the alarm. It is up to you to heed it or ignore it. Needless to say,
“Christmas Day” (as defined by December 25th) is not Jesus Christ’s birthday,
but rather the birthday of the Antichrist; the dying and resurrecting sun god of
antiquity... who hasn’t resurrected yet. Hasn’t resurrected yet? What’s that

In the Book of Revelation, Jesus is repeatedly referred to as “the One who

was and is and is to come.” That theme carries through the early part of the
book, but once you get to chapter 13, you start to read about a “beast” who is
later described (in chapter 17:8-11) as the one who “was and is not and yet
shall be.”

Could it be that the Antichrist will be resurrected from the dead just like our
Savior was? Hold that thought.

Something else I want to point out regarding the Osiris-Nimrod connection, is

their association with one of the most prominent and easily identifiable
constellations in the sky: Orion. Like Gilgamesh and Nimrod, Orion is also
known as “the mighty hunter.”

In The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, the author writes the following:[22]

Though we do not find any account of Mysteries observed in

Greece in memory of Orion, the giant and mighty hunter
celebrated by Homer, under that name, yet he was represented
symbolically as having died in a similar way to that in which
Osiris died, and as having then been translated to heaven. *

*See OVID’S Fasti. Ovid represents Orion as so

puffed up with pride on account of his great strength,
as vain-gloriously to boast that no creature on earth
could cope with him, whereupon a scorpion
appeared, “and,” says the poet, “he was added to the
stars.” The name of a scorpion in Chaldee is Akrab;
but Ak-rab, thus divided, signifies “THE GREAT
OPPRESSOR,” and this is the hidden meaning of the
Scorpion as represented in the Zodiac. That sign
typifies him who cut off the Babylonian god, and
suppressed the system he set up. It was while the sun
was in Scorpio that Osiris in Egypt “disappeared”
(WILKINSON), and great lamentations were made for
his disappearance. Another subject was mixed up
with the death of the Egyptian god; but it is specially
to be noticed that, as it was in consequence of a
conflict with a scorpion that Orion was “added to
the stars,” so it was when the scorpion was in the
ascendant that Osiris “disappeared.”

From Persian records we are expressly assured that it was

Nimrod who was deified after his death by the name of
Orion, and placed among the stars...[23] [emphasis mine]

Now that we have connected Nimrod with Gilgamesh, Osiris and Orion, I will
begin to pull it all together and paint a picture that I believe perfectly
illustrates what is to come.

Many scholars have observed that the pyramids on the Giza plateau appear to
be aligned to the “belt” of the Orion Constellation.[24] I suspect this is for a
very important reason that is directly related to Nimrod and potentially to the
Last Days prophecies concerning the coming Antichrist.
In 1945, the Egyptian archaeologist Abdel Moneim Abu Bakr discovered a
water-filled shaft inside a small tunnel that runs north-south under the
causeway of Khafre on the Giza plateau. He explored it to some degree, but
never published his findings. For many years following, the shaft simply
became a swimming hole and was a source of drinking water for local
workmen. This interesting shaft eventually caught the attention of world
renowned Egyptologist, Zahi Hawass, and in 1999, he decided to undertake the
challenge of excavating it. Pumping out the water proved quite problematic,
but eventually, they were able to get it all out and see what was really down
the shaft. This is what he found:

“I have found a shaft, going twenty-nine meters vertically

down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren
Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with
water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the
middle is a large granite sarcophagus, which I expect to be the
grave of Osiris, the god… I have been digging in Egypt’s sand
for more than 30 years, and up to date this is the most exciting
discovery I have made…. We found the shaft in November and
began pumping up the water recently. So several years will
pass before we have finished investigating the find.” [25]
Figure 6

On Mr. Hawass’ personal, Internet blog,[26] he describes what they found

inside the large, granite sarcophagus:

“In the center of the emplacement, there is a large

sarcophagus made of black basalt. The sarcophagus contained
the remains of a skeleton, along with several amulets dating to
the Late Period. We were surprised to find that there was also
some red polished pottery with traces of white paint, which
probably dates to the 6th Dynasty.

There is no evidence that the shaft was ever used for a royal
burial. It is my belief that it was intended as a symbolic tomb
for Osiris, the god of the underworld.” [emphasis mine]

The 6th Dynasty dates back to roughly between 2345 BC and 2181 BC[27] or in
other words, immediately after the Flood of Noah (circa 2348 BC),[28] during
the time of Nimrod and the building/dispersal of the Tower of Babel.

Mr. Hawass goes on to state that “the burials dating to the Late Period
probably reflect the desire of the Egyptians to be close to the god of the
underworld in death.”

The obvious question becomes: was it Osiris-Nimrod’s skeleton that was

found? No. I do not believe it was — and neither does Mr. Hawass. But there’s
something else that’s interesting about this discovery. Once the water was all
pumped out and they first saw the inside of the chamber, the sarcophagus was
found open!

During his excavations of the Osiris Shaft in 1999, Dr. Hawass

found the remains of four pillars surrounded by a wall. Inside
the pillared area was part of a large, granite sarcophagus with
the lid thrown off.[29]

Apparently, someone’s body was put there, but everyone seems to agree that it
wasn’t Osiris-Nimrod’s.

A few years later, another astonishing (and related) discovery was made, but
this time, it was in the desert of Iraq. On Tuesday, April 29th, 2003, a BBC
news report came out announcing that archeologists had discovered the tomb of

I have copied the entire article to

my Babylon Rising blog site Who can compare with him in
(because it would not surprise me kingliness? Who can say, like
if it disappears from the original Gilgamesh, I am king?
BBC website soon).[31] In the
article, it is stated that they found The Epic Of Gilgamesh
an “amazing discovery” under the
desert sands of Iraq.

That was in April of 2003. When did the U.S. military occupation phase begin
in Iraq? It began the following month, in May.[32] If you remember, we went to
war under the pretense of finding “weapons of mass destruction.” We all know
those reports were later proven to be false. But I submit that they may have
indeed found the weapon of mass destruction. It would certainly appear that
the body of Gilgamesh (Nimrod) was found!

In an interview on Omega Man Radio, Tom Horn and Steve Quayle talked
about the discovery of that carcass. At about 1 hour and 27 minutes into the
interview they discussed how Nimrod “began to be a giant.” They then began
talking about the discovery of Gilgamesh’s remains and in confirmation of that,
Steve Quayle said:

“I talked to a Special Operations general who validated that,

verified that, and absolutely was there when Gilgamesh’s
remains — and his words were, ‘He was in a state of
remarkable preservation.’ OK?

And by the way, that was in the literal vicinity of where the
United States built its largest military complex, I believe it’s
one of the largest military complexes in the world.... The
advance team — Special Operations went in there to grab all
of that stuff... What I’m telling you is based on a multi-
starred general’s eye-witness report to me who was there. He
said, ‘They have Gilgamesh’s remains.’ So if they have
Gilgamesh and he is Nimrod, they got it. And the whole point
was to extract the DNA.”
— Steve Quayle[33] [emphasis mine]

If this account is true, I believe these two incredible discoveries: the

mysterious tomb of Osiris and the body of Gilgamesh, proclaim the beginning
of the End.
“The Dying God shall rise again! The secret room in the House of the
Hidden Places shall be rediscovered. The Pyramid again shall stand as the
ideal emblem of solidarity, inspiration, aspiration, resurrection, and
— Manly P. Hall[1]
omeone once asked me, “What is the purpose of prophecy?” I responded, “To
prepare us for things to come.” If that answer is correct, do you really think
God would leave us hanging concerning the details of major events in what we
call the End Times?[2]

In Mark 13:19, Jesus said that there has never been a time like those coming
days and there never will be again after they have finished. That’s pretty
serious! Therefore, when looking at the key players who have been written
about concerning the Last Days, shouldn’t we be able to find some major clues
to help us determine who they are?

Should we not be able to look at Scripture and determine exactly who the
coming Antichrist is going to be, so that we are not deceived? Obviously, I
believe the answer is a resounding Yes!
So far we have seen that prior to the Flood, Lucifer and his angels did most of
the “dirty work” themselves. They had direct interaction with humans, leading
them into sin, death and destruction. But after the Flood, we saw that a man
rose up, empowered by the devil to oppose God and His children. He did this
at the Tower of Babel. Thus, the first anti-Christ figure arose. His name was
Nimrod. There, he tried to kill God and set up a New Order with himself
serving as the god of this world. So it was that the work of evil began to take
place through a human being, apparently of Nephilim descent.

After God foiled Nimrod’s plans, the population of the world was divided into
70 nations, each ruled by an angelic principality and each people group telling
stories of the god-man who was their leader. He went by many names. Each of
those names carried with it a legend, story or myth that involved the concept of

I ended the last chapter by drawing attention to some of the various names
Nimrod has been known by — focusing specifically on the names Gilgamesh,
Osiris and Orion.

What I find interesting about the usual depiction of

Orion is that he has a lion in one hand and a club in
the other. He is also facing Taurus the bull. Bull
worship was very popular in the days leading up to
and during the time of Moses. Bull worship was also
strongly associated with Baal (who is yet another
name for Nimrod). So, here you have a mighty
hunter, facing a bull, about to smash a lion... or so he

Figure 7
We know that one of the titles for Jesus is, “The
Lion of the Tribe of Judah.”[3] As we look at Figure
7 and contemplate the Last Days, it may be tempting to think that the Antichrist
is going to win the battle. He has his hand raised to strike the Savior. It looks
pretty bleak doesn’t it?

But recently, the Lord brought me to another passage of Scripture that fits this
analogy perfectly. Now when I look at the arrogance of Nimrod/Orion, I cannot
help but think of Revelation 5:5:

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the
Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath
prevailed... (Revelation 5:5a)

When we keep reading through the Book of Revelation, we are reminded that
we are the ones who win in the end! The club of Nimrod will never strike the
head of the Lion. In fact, just the opposite is going to happen. The seed of the
woman will finally crush the head of the serpent, just as the first prophecy in
the Bible says.[4] But I’m getting ahead of myself.

In the Old Testament, one phrase stands out above all others as a description
for the Antichrist. That phrase is, “the Assyrian.” Look again at the picture of
Orion and consider this passage from Isaiah:

Woe to the Assyrian, the rod of my anger, in whose hand is the

club of my wrath! (Isaiah 10:5)
That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my
mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart
from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.
(Isaiah 14:25)

Many speculate that “the Assyrian” must be a Muslim and therefore Islam must
be the religion of Antichrist. I don’t buy that argument. I believe this term is a
specific reference to Nimrod and not to Muslims, nor a designation that we
should be looking for in a future (or current) leader of the Middle East. Much
more could be written here concerning the Assyrian in Scripture, but for the
sake of brevity, this is enough to make my point.[5]

Nimrod was known as a mighty hunter. Orion was known as the mighty hunter,
and so was Gilgamesh.

Who can compare with him in kingliness?

Who can say like Gilgamesh: “I am King!”?
Whose name, from the day of his birth, was called “Gilgamesh”?
Two-thirds of him is god, one-third of him is human.
— Excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet 1

Compare that with what the apostle John wrote concerning the ‘beast’ in the
Book of Revelation:

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and

his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered
after the beast. (Revelation 13:3)

Note: According to the Book of Jasher, Esau cut off the head of Nimrod-

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the
beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, “Who is like
unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
(Revelation 13:4)

Why would the whole world call a man “the beast” and follow him?

I believe this will happen because:

So many cultures already have some sort of connection to him

(through myth, legend and/or religion);
Something seriously freaky happened, like a mortal “head wound”
being healed; and
The man was a giant — a beast by today’s standards!
If a 4,000-year-old ‘beast’ rises up from under the Giza plateau (out of the
water),[7] it would truly be an astonishing, miraculous sight. A modern-day,
giant Frankenstein-like, god-man may very well rise from the dead. If so, cue
the freaky music and the thunder storm sound effects as the people shout, “It’s

Beyond those more obvious reasons, if we look at the Greek word that was
translated into English as “beast,” and used throughout the Book of Revelation
as a description for the Antichrist, we see it is essentially defined as a wild
animal. The word is, (transliterated) “thérion” and Strong’s Concordance
(#2342) defines it as:
Definition: properly: a wild beast, hence: any animal; met: a

That is not the word one would use for a “normal” human being — no matter
how evil they may be. There are plenty of other words John could have used to
describe the Antichrist as being evil, mean, cruel, etc., but under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he chose to use this one. Why?

Could it be that Nimrod was part animal? I believe this is very likely possible
and I would suggest you keep that thought in mind the next time you read about
or see news reports dealing with the subject of scientists creating and cloning
animal-human chimeras.[8] There is a real danger in that science, as it very
well could play a major role in the coming days as a means through which both
the Nephilim could return as well as being the method used to resurrect
Nimrod, the Antichrist.

While examining Genesis 6:4 in his book, Black Sun, Blood Moon, S. Douglas
Woodward makes a similar observation. Just as I did in the previous chapters,
Woodward notes the connection of ‘gibborim’ with ‘Nephilim’ and writes:

This association leads Tom Horn to speculate that Nimrod was

not only ‘mighty’ but may in fact have become a demigod,
equivalent to the Nephilim. Perhaps in Faustian manner,
Nimrod became ‘more than mere man.’ His new found power,
supplied by the fallen angels described in the Book of Enoch
enabled him to emerge as the dominant leader of humankind
after the flood. We are thus left wondering, “Was this
‘becoming’ a result of genetic engineering? Was he ‘made into
a mighty man’ as a result of what the fallen angels
accomplished on his behalf?” Was he a mighty hunter because
of superhuman strength or stature? This association between
Nephilim, gibborim, and Nimrod has many authors today
considering whether the Antichrist may be more than a human
entity. Is it possible that the Antichrist will have ‘god-like’
capacities through an alteration of his DNA? Perhaps, the
premise of Rosemary’s Baby and The Omen, that the Antichrist
is the ‘seed’ of Satan possessing Satanic DNA, isn’t so far

The Book of Revelation indicates it is this destroyer spirit,

Apollyon, who reigns over the ‘bottomless pit’ and who is
resurrected possessing the ‘Man of Sin.’ From the spiritual
perspective, there is no doubt that the Devil controls the
Antichrist. But could the human possessed by this most evil of
spirits also have demonic DNA as well? Horn takes the
possibility even further, considering whether a genetic
‘splice,’ perhaps first applied to the Antichrist, becomes the
Mark of the Beast.[9]


Proceeding with the premise that the Scriptures
provide the answers to our questions
concerning the Last Days, I believe there are
four chapters that absolutely reveal the identity
of the Antichrist. Those four are: Revelation
chapters 17, 13 and 9 and Matthew 24. We’ll
work backward through Revalation first, then
in the Matthew passage, I will show you what I
believe to be absolute proof, straight from the
lips of Jesus that seems to confirm this theory. Figure 8

In Revelation 17, John sees the vision of the beast with seven heads. He is
confused as to the meaning of this vision, so the angel explains it to him.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend
out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that
dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written
in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they
behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is
the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven
mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the
other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue
a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the
eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
(Revelation 17:8-11)

The beast that was previously introduced in Revelation 13 is described here in

Revelation 17 in greater detail. Here we have the “guardrails” or boundaries
within which we must stay when considering who the Antichrist was, is (not)
and yet will be.

Note that the angel describes the seven-headed beast by saying first that we
must have wisdom when looking at it. In other words, we are challenged to
think this through. The angel then says that there are seven kings to whom we
need to pay attention.

Many scholars and teachers of eschatology say that John is writing about
kingdoms not kings. In fact, while we were editing this book, Doug Woodward
pointed out to me that this is the “standard interpretation” of that passage of
Scripture. Indeed, he is right. As I looked through a number of Bible
commentaries and books that others have written concerning prophecy and the
Last Days, I saw this to be true.

However, just looking at the Scripture itself, I’m going to go with what it
actually says, rather than read something into it that it does not say. The text
says, “And there are seven kings...”; Thus, with all due respect to the many
scholars who have gone before me, I am going to go with that literal
understanding and interpretation of Revelation 17:8-11, because that’s how the
angel interpreted the vision to John. Furthermore, if I am to define the
Antichrist as a man (as opposed to a system or a kingdom), I believe it is bad
scholarship to ascribe a personal attribute to one and not to all.

The Greek word translated into English as ‘kings’ is ‘basileus.’ Strong’s

Concordance (#935) defines that word as:

Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine

Transliteration: basileus
Phonetic Spelling: (bas-il-yooce’)
Short Definition: a king, ruler, emperor
Definition: a king, ruler, but in some passages clearly to be
translated: emperor.

Note that John did not use the closely related Greek word, ‘basileia’ (Strong’s
Concordance #932), which means:

kingship, sovereignty, authority, rule, especially of God, both

in the world, and in the hearts of men; hence: kingdom, in the
concrete sense.

Thus, while kings certainly rule over kingdoms and ‘beasts’ are often used in
Scripture to describe kingdoms, I think it best to look at Revelation 17:8-11 in
terms of individuals rather than the domains they may have reigned over,
because the text actually tells you to view it that way (both in English and in

Therefore, in context, “the beast” described here is one with seven heads;
meaning there have been seven individuals in history that were all of one
‘body’ — that of Antichrist. The angel tells John that five have fallen, one
currently is (at the time of John) and another will come, but reign only for a
short time.

Peter Goodgame believes the following individuals represent the seven

‘heads’ of the beast (and I tend to agree):

1. Nimrod: Without a doubt, he is the first anti-Christ figure described

in the Bible.
2. The Pharaoh of Egypt (at the time of the Exodus): Again a man
arose, thinking himself to be a god, whose motives were to enslave
and wipe out the children of YHVH.
3. Sennacherib: This king of Assyria also thought himself to be a god
and sought to rise up against the Holy One of Israel... only to be
humbled by the Lord instead and sent home — where he was
murdered by his own sons.
4. The King of Tyre: He was another king who was first described as
a man, thinking himself to be a god, but then later described (in the
Bible) as Lucifer himself.
5. Antiochus Epiphenes: He set up an altar to Zeus in the Holy of
Holies and offered up a pig as sacrifice, creating an abomination in
God’s Holy Temple. This of course foreshadows what the last
Antichrist will do in the third Temple.

Those are arguably the most likely candidates for the “five (who) have fallen.”
Now let’s see if we can identify the other two.

6. Nero or Domitian? There is some debate about the one who “now is.”
The identity of this person depends on when John actually wrote the
Book of Revelation. It must have been a Caesar, but which Caesar
was it, Nero or Domitian? Nero most definitely fits the description of
a demon-possessed madman, hellbent on destroying God’s people.
But then, Domitian wasn’t much better. So, either one works.
7. Hitler? The one who “has not yet come” and shall reign for a short
period of time, I believe may be a prophetic reference to Adolf
Hitler. Again, he definitely fits the description of a demon-possessed,
vicious world leader who blatantly stood in the face of God. Hitler
murdered millions of the Holy One of Israel’s people, and he did so
in the manner of Luciferian, occult, ritualistic-like fashion —
including massive human sacrifice. If he is just a foretaste of what’s
to come, the last Antichrist will truly be a monster, a “weapon of
mass destruction” unlike anything ever seen before!
Here we have what I would consider the most likely candidates from history.
Yet, there could be at least one other interesting candidate to consider for that
list: Alexander the Great. He conquered the world by age 32 and his
description in the Book of Daniel recently caught my attention.

And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the

west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the
ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes.
And he came to the ram that had two horns, which I had seen
standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his
power. And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was
moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake
his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand
before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped
upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of
his hand. Therefore the he goat waxed very great: and when
he was strong, the great horn was broken; and for it came up
four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. And out
of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed
exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and
toward the pleasant land. And it waxed great, even to the
host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the
stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. Yea, he
magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him
the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the
sanctuary was cast down. And an host was given him against
the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast
down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and

Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto
that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision
concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of
desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be
trodden under foot? And he said unto me, Unto two thousand
and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision,
and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before
me as the appearance of a man. And I heard a man’s voice
between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel,
make this man to understand the vision.

So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was

afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me,
Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be
the vision. Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep
sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and
set me upright. And he said, Behold, I will make thee know
what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time
appointed the end shall be. The ram which thou sawest having
two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.

And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn
that is between his eyes is the first king.
(Daniel 8:5-21)

Daniel was told that the vision of the “he goat” was a representation of the
king of Greece. Again we have a beast (in this case a goat) that is specifically
referred to as king. That goat had a great horn between his eyes, which
represented “the first king.” Virtually every scholar agrees that this he goat is
Alexander the Great. But he was not the first king — neither of Greece nor of
the Scriptures. The first king recorded in the Bible is Nimrod. Therefore, I
suspect that Alexander the Great did what he did by the power of the spirit of
anti-Christ that has been at work for thousands of years.[10]

It should be noted that Alexander’s mother, Olympias was a devout member of

the orgiastic, snake-worshipping cult of Dionysus and both she and her
husband, King Phlip II, were heavily involved with the worship of pagan
gods. Plutarch describes the night before the consummation of their marriage,
revealing how Olympias dreamed that a thunderbolt (from Zeus?) fell upon
her womb and a great fire was kindled. Its flames were then dispersed all
about and then finally extinguished.[11] That could be why some people
concludethat Alexander was the product of an “immaculate conception” from
Zeus. Or, it could simply be an indication that his parents’ mutual occult
worship had taken them — in a spiritual sense — to this end. If that is the
case, then the child very well could have been demon-possessed from birth.

Pastor Douglas Riggs works with victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).
Many of the women he has counseled have stated that the Antichrist’s name is
Alexander and that he is alive and active today, producing Nephilim offspring
through SRA. In a conversation we had about this subject late in 2010, Doug
was trying to reconcile what he was hearing from these women with what
researchers like Dr. Thomas Horn, Peter Goodgame and now myself were
saying about Nimrod. I told him that I believed Alexander operated in the spirit
of anti-Christ, and that the coming Antichrist of the Last Days will likely have
attributes of all the previous ‘heads’ of the beast.
Whether Alexander is one of the seven or not is really not important for this
thesis. I believe the names listed (with the possibility of Alexander substituting
for one of them) are the seven heads of the beast. But notice the next verse, that
very few Bible scholars ever seem to pay much attention to (at least not in
terms of thinking about an individual as opposed to a kingdom):

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and
is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. (Revelation 17:11)

It says that the beast that was, and is not (and yet shall be) is the eighth who is
of the seven. Actually, the terminology of “was, and is not, and yet shall be”
is mentioned a few times in Revelation 17. I believe this is there for those who
“have wisdom” to take notice. First of all, it is the antithesis of the description
for Jesus in the first few chapters as the One who “was, and is, and is to
come.” Second, it fits the numerous beliefs of the ancient world concerning
their dying and resurrecting sun god. But the fact that Revelation 17:11 says
that he is “of the seven” means the last and most (in)famous anti-Christ has to
be one of the seven we’ve listed, and as I said to Doug Riggs, will probably
embody the traits of all of them combined!

Now, if we look at the description of Revelation 13, we find that this

individual had a mortal head wound that was miraculously healed. So, looking
at the list, we need to ask, which of them had a mortal head wound?

1. Nimrod - Yes!
2. Pharaoh of Egypt - No!
3. Sennacherib (king of Assyria) - No!
4. King of Tyre - No!
5. Antiochus Epiphenes - No!
6. Nero - Yes! (sort of ) It is said that he stabbed himself in the throat.
Domitian - No!
7. Hitler - Yes! (sort of ) History says that he shot himself in the head,
but recent DNA and forensic evidence seems to suggest otherwise.[12]

If we are considering Alexander the Great as one of the seven, the answer is
still - No! Thus, by process of elimination, we have three out of seven who fit
the description of having a mortal head wound:
1. Nimrod
2. Nero
3. Hitler

Which of those three is an Assyrian who has any connection to Babylon? Only
one: Nimrod.

Note: While Sennacherib was indeed an Assyrian, he never had a mortal

wound to the head. And while Alexander the Great conquered Assyria (the
Medes and Persians), he never had a mortal head wound either.

Even if the above list of “candidates” is not 100% accurate, the bottom line is,
no matter what list you put together for the seven, no person in the recorded
history of this planet fits all descriptions for the Antichrist better than Nimrod.
And if we were to apply Occam’s Razor to this analysis (the simplest
explanation most likely being the correct one), I believe the results would
speak for themselves. Therefore, we can forget any and all notions, theories
and/or ideas regarding any current political figure walking this earth. President
Obama is not the Antichrist. Neither is Ahmadinejad, Osama bin Laden, Putin,
Prince William or anyone else. No other actor on the world stage fits the part
better than Nimrod.


What discussion concerning the Antichrist would be complete, without some

reckoning of his number? Perhaps the most intriguing revelation I have had
concerning Nimrod as the Antichrist is the “coincidence(?)” concerning his
“percentages” as a god-man. In discussing something with my wife one
morning, she kept talking about the ratio of two-thirds. All of a sudden, another
piece of the puzzle fell into place.

“Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the

number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his
number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Revelation 13:18

In Tablet 1 of the Epic of Gilgamesh, the text says that he was 2/3 god and 1/3
man. Right there, you have two extremely important number percentages. One
third is (approximately) 33.3%. In the Illuminati and in secret societies in
general, 33 is a significant number. The 1/3 is his percentage of man. Man is a
carbon-based creature. Carbon consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6
electrons. In general, one could argue that the “number of man” is 666 just by
default. Thus, at least in that sense, we’d all qualify.

Consider now Nimrod/Gilgamesh’s other percentage, and you probably know

where I’m going with it. Yes, two-thirds. If we “calculate the number of the
beast” with that “understanding” in mind, we end up with approximately
66.6% or 666! This guy literally has 666 all over him.

In fact, when you move over to the Egyptian mythology

and understand that the obelisk represents the phallus
of Osiris, we must take note that the Washington
Monument is the largest phallic symbol on the planet. It
stands at 6,666 inches (555.5 feet) tall and 666 inches
(55.5 feet) wide on each of its four sides at the base.
[13] Again, we have all of those numbers attached to
one individual in history.

Indeed, if we “have wisdom,” it is very easy to

Figure 9
“calculate the number” and arrive at Nimrod! In fact,
there are even those who believe that the very name/title of the Beast itself
should, in the Hebrew gematria,[14] add up to 666.

In this passage [Rev 13:16-18] whatever the personal name of

the Antichrist will be, if his name is spelled out in Hebrew
characters, the numerical value of his name is 666. So this is
the name that will be put on the worshippers of the Antichrist.
— Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum[15]

The phrase “Nimrod son of Cush” in English, would in Hebrew be rendered as

Nimrod ben Cush. Every Hebrew letter has a numerical value.[16] Thus,
some[17] suggest this phrase adds up to 666 as follows.

Nimrod has a numerical value of 294 and is spelled:

Nun = 50
Mem = 40
Resh = 200
Dalet = 4

Ben means “son.” It has a numerical value of 52 and is spelled:

Bet = 2
Nun = 50

Cush[18] has a numerical value of and 320 is spelled:

Kaf = 20
Shin = 300

Let’s bring it all together now. We’ve already built a case for worldwide
worship of this man by many other names. He was considered a “god-man” by
many cultures. Part god, part man? Hmm. Where have we heard that before?

Jesus Christ is both God and man. He and Nimrod were both known as the
“King of kings and Lord of lords.” Both have a cross as their symbol. Both
are known as a dying and resurrecting figure (though Nimrod has yet to do so).
One is the Christ. One is the Antichrist, whose “god-number” just so happens
to calculate out to 66.6% or 666 (in more ways than one). Jesus said He is the
Alpha and Omega — the beginning and the end. Could it be that Nimrod was
the first (anti-Christ) and that he will also be the last? I believe he will be.


Earlier, I promised to show you something directly from the lips of Jesus that I
believe proves all of what I am saying here is true. Consider what the Master
says in the Gospel of Matthew concerning the Last Days:

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and
shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told
you before.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the
desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers;
believe it not.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even
unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be
gathered together.” (Matthew 24:24-28)

Notice Jesus says, “Behold, I have told you before.” I like the way the New
Living Translation renders that first part. Backing up to verse 23 it says,

“Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or

‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. For false messiahs and false
prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so
as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones. See, I have
warned you about this ahead of time.”
(Matthew 24:23-25 NLT)

In other words, I believe Jesus is saying, “Pay attention! This is serious,

guys. Even you could be deceived by what is going to happen.” He then
mentions the desert. Gilgamesh was found in the desert. He mentions “the
secret chambers.” The secret chamber of the Tomb of Osiris was found.[19] But
the last statement Jesus says makes no sense at all in any other context. He

“For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be

gathered together.” (Matthew 24:28)

The correct translation is “eagles.” But some translators of modern versions of

the Bible changed the word to “vultures” due to the apparent assumption that
eagles don’t go after dead things (i.e. a carcass). As a bird of prey, they are
known for hunting living things — though I have been informed by a number of
bird watchers, that eagles are also scavengers and they do indeed go after dead
things as well. Regardless, at least on the surface, it would appear that modern
translators changed the Scripture to match their flawed understanding
concerning the bird and the carcass. The truth is, Jesus knew exactly what He
was saying (imagine that)! And I believe the Master prophetically looked
forward in time and saw “eagles” gathered around a very specific corpse.

The eagle has been the emblem of choice for

nearly every major world empire on this
planet, past and present.[20] The eagle is of
course the national symbol for America, and
we proudly display it all over the place: from
our currency to the Great Seal; from our
government buildings to its monuments, flags
and flag poles. It is especially displayed on our
military uniforms, in various places. For
instance, colonels wear the eagle on their
shoulders, as the symbol for that rank. And for
the average soldier, the eagle is prominently
displayed on the hat, collar, chest, shoulders,
buttons and on some unit patches of our
military’s dress and combat uniforms. You
simply cannot escape the American Eagle Figure 10
imagery. It’s everywhere! Therefore, is it any wonder that Jesus described
“eagles” when He looked forward in time and described what He saw
concerning the revealing of the one who would claim to be the savior of the
world in the Last Days?

Where have America’s (eagle wearing) soldiers been since 2003? They
were/are in Iraq — Babylon. And the military occupation began one month
after archeologists supposedly found the tomb of Gilgamesh!


At prophecy meetings, people always like to ask, “Where is America in

prophecy?” After all, we are (at least at the time of this writing) the world’s
‘superpower’ nation. Should we not imagine that America would therefore be
mentioned in prophecies concerning the Last Days? Especially if we are to
believe we are now in those Last Days (or rapidly approaching them)?

The usual assumption is that something knocks America out of that

“superpower” status, and henceforth we are not a relevant player in the End
Times scenario. While I would not entirely rule out that possibility, I believe a
stronger case can be made for America’s role in the Last Days being depicted
in that passage of Matthew 24:24-28. Unfortunately, if this is true, that means
we are not playing on the right team. The implication then is that America is
busy resurrecting the Antichrist and setting up his future empire![21]

This conclusion sounds harsh, I know. But considering the Masonic (occult)
roots of our nation’s founding, the layout of our government’s capital city, the
numerous monuments and statues that glorify Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and
Roman deities, and all that has happened since 9/11 to set up a New World
Order, it’s hard not to come to that conclusion.

Let me pause here for a moment and encourage you not to question my
patriotism. Just because I am pointing out facts that are hard to accept
concerning our nation, that does not mean I am anti-America. On the contrary, I
love my country! I am a third-generation Army veteran who proudly served this
country for eight years of my life. Though I never had to see combat (thank
God), I was willing to lay my life down to protect this country (and still am) if
need be. In fact, at one point in my military career, I volunteered to serve in
Desert Storm three times. So, again I say, I love this country and please do not
question my patriotism.

Figure 11

But just because I love this country, that does not mean I agree with everything
our government does or has done in the past. The Constitution that I swore to
uphold, defend and protect, affords me the right to express these views — at
least, for now it does anyway.

For a better understanding of where I am coming from regarding America’s

founding and her ongoing involvement with all things concerning
Osiris/Nimrod, I highly recommend that you watch the following two
documentaries by filmmaker Chris Pinto: The New Atlantis and Riddles in
Stone.[22] Through these two videos, I believe Mr. Pinto has done a
magnificent job of exposing America’s role in the “End Game.”

In addition, you may also want to check out S. Douglas Woodward’s new book,
Power Quest: America’s Obsession with the Paranormal, which attempts to
make a similar case, but from the standpoint of America’s strong inclination
toward the occult, mysticism, and Egyptian paganism (as seen in the
Freemason’s role in the founding and leadership of America). The “Power
Quest,” as Woodward defines it, is humankind’s desire to become as gods.
Nothing has changed since the promises of Lucifer in the Garden of Eden: “You
shall be as gods...” is indeed the quest of those who seek to attain power apart
from the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Through their videos, audio series, books and lectures, many scholars and
researchers have laid the foundation, describing the occult roots of our nation.
[23] Like many of them, I do believe Nimrod was the first anti-Christ, and that
he will be the last. Therefore, in the remaining chapters of this book, I too will
endeavor to show you just how steeped this nation has been in the occult and
how our leaders appear to be quite obsessed with the notion of raising
Gilgamesh-Osiris-Apollo-Orion-Nimrod from the dead.
Of course now that the U.S. Military controls
Iraq we can be sure that if a rebuilt Babylon
does emerge it will happen only through the
support of the U.S. Government!
—Peter Goodgame[1]
id you ever notice how our motto, “IN GOD WE TRUST” is all in capital
letters? I believe it is to conceal the fact that our nation’s leaders are indeed
trusting in a god, but it isn’t the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

During the week of Thanksgiving (2011), my wife and I went to visit my

parents in New England. As part of the trip, we went down to Washington
D.C., in order to do some on-the-ground research there. Unfortunately, we only
had about five hours, so we had to be very selective in choosing where we
would go.

As we walked out of the train station, I looked up and saw a bunch of statues
lining the rooftop of the building.
Figure 12

The statue in Figure 12 was the first one on the left. While it appears that the
last line of text (to the right) is a quote from Scripture, look at the context.
That’s Zeus standing there with his fire and lightning bolts! The entire roof
was lined with pagan gods and similar quotes. This was the first thing I noticed
— with eyes that see.

We walked from there to the Capitol Building. When we entered through the
visitor center doors, we were greeted by the original sculpture that was the
basis for the bronze Statue of Freedom (aka
Columbia/Liberty/Isis/Ishtar/Semiramis... the Queen of Heaven) which is
perched on top of the Capitol dome.

Figure 13

We signed up for the standard tour and watched the introductory video
documentary on how and when the Capitol Building was built. It started out by
calling it the “Temple of Liberty.” Uh... last time I checked, temples are for
gods. Are they telling us right up front that this building is a temple? Well, the
first thing we saw upon entering, was the Queen of Heaven. Hmm.

Keep in mind that “D.C.” stands for “District of Columbia,” which essentially
means our capital is the domain of Isis/Ishtar/Semiramis — the mother, half-
sister and wife of Nimrod. She was the driving force behind deifying Nimrod
to establish the mystery religions of the world, as well as corrupting the true
faith of YHVH. After having incestuous relations with her father (Cush), she

produced a son (Nimrod) whom she later married and gave birth to Tammuz —
thus forming the original unholy trinity upon which both Christmas and Easter
are really based! She truly is the “Whore of Babylon” spoken of in the Book of
Revelation. And we named our capital city after her? Nice. But it gets worse.

I first read about the Apotheosis of George Washington painting that adorns the
inside of the Capitol dome in Dr. Thomas Horn’s book, Apollyon Rising 2012.
I had also seen that painting in person a number of times before — but when I
was much younger and didn’t understand what I was seeing. This time, I would
get to see it again, but with my eyes wide open.

Upon entering the Rotunda, you see a bunch of statues of presidents and other
folk all around the room. The floor-level paintings are the ones people like
David Barton[2] like to show off depicting various patriotic and “Christian”(?)
scenes. That’s all nice and wonderful, but the further up you look, the more
sinister it gets.

There is a ring around the base of the dome depicting the Frieze of American
History. Going all the way around the Rotunda, we see various scenes of
American history from Columbus to the Wright Brothers’ first flight in
chronological order. Constantino Brumidi, the painter who did the Capitol
dome’s fresco of deified George, was the original designer of the frieze as
well. Of course, he did not paint the whole thing, as he died in 1880. The
remaining scenes were painted by Filippo Costaggini and Allyn Cox.[3] Thus,
what began in 1878 was finished in 1953. It is quite impressive. But if you pay
attention, shortly after and to the right of the Columbus scene, you will see the
following image.
Figure 14

The scene depicts Cortez and Montezuma at the Aztec temple. Note the Aztec
Calendar Stone (upon which the Mayan prophecies are based) in the
background. Why is this scene depicted as an integral part of American
history? Aside from the calendar stone, the other iconography is very
interesting. Take the serpent wrapped around the pole with flames on top, for
instance. That image shows up quite a bit in our capital city actually. More on
that shortly.

I made a mental note of the imagery, then my eyes continued to gaze upward
past the ring of 72 pentagrams (which are used in the occult as “binding
utilities”), and on into “the womb of Isis” as Tom Horn would say. Sure
enough, there was George Washington seated as a god in Heaven!

The tour guide said the painting of the Apotheosis was finished in 1865. That
date jumped out at me, so I asked, “Isn’t that the year Abraham Lincoln was
Figure 15

She said, “Yes, in fact he was the first

president to undergo the ‘lying in
state’ ceremony in this very room. And
every other deceased president since
Lincoln has had their coffin placed
here in the center of the room for
public viewing and mourning as
well.” [4] Figure 16

Remember, apotheosis means “ascension into godlikeness” or to “exalt one to

a divine level.” In short, the word refers to a man becoming a god! This
philosophy originated with the promises of the serpent in the Garden of Eden,
continued in Babylon, was perfected in Egypt and lives on to this day,
apparently in our own Capitol Building.

“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your
eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good
and evil.” (Genesis 3:5)

Through what amounts to an occult ceremony, we send our dead presidents

through the portal of Isis’ womb to join George Washington in apotheosis.
Most of you were probably taught that America was founded as a Christian
nation. I know I was. People like David Barton travel around the country trying
to convince us that our Founding Fathers were Christians and/or upheld strong
Christian values. But what he shows in his Wall Builders’ presentation is only
partially true.

There is a much darker side to our nation’s founders and heritage that he does
not show. Since most of you have probably already seen and read the sorts of
things that he promotes concerning our Founding Fathers, I won’t go over it
here. But for a more balanced view, I would encourage you to watch Chris
Pinto’s documentary, The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers.[5] The last
57 minutes of that documentary contains Mr. Pinto’s commentary on David
Barton and his message.

Let’s go back to the beginning and talk about our first president.

Figure 17

Remember, the term “apotheosis” refers to the idea that an individual has been
raised to godlike stature. George Washington has become a god? What!? I
don’t remember reading about that in history class!

I understand honoring presidents, leaders and heroes, but turning them into
gods? No. I don’t think so. But there it is. And yet, if that is supposed to be a
depiction of Heaven and this was indeed a Christian nation (as most of us were
taught to believe) should we not expect to see biblical figures surrounding
George? People like, oh I don’t know, say, Jesus, Abraham, Moses, the
apostles, or angels like Gabriel and Michael maybe?
No. That’s not what we see. Instead, we see characters like Neptune, Vulcan,
Ceres, Minerva, and Mercury, the messenger of the gods — and our Founding
Fathers seated at his feet taking notes!

Figure 18

What in the world is going on with all of this? We know that the ancient
pharaohs, Caesars and emperors thought of themselves as gods, ruling over
their nations, but our U.S. presidents too? Come on! Haven’t we outgrown that
kind of nonsense? That’s what I thought, until I started researching all of this
for myself.

Figure 19 is of Horatio
Greenough’s 1840,
government commissioned
statue of George Washington
enthroned as a god. Which
god? Zeus! This statue was
specifically made to look
similar to one of the Seven
Wonders of the ancient world Figure 19
— the statue in the Temple of

Here’s something else that needs to be pointed out concerning George

Washington’s statue. Why is our first president, one of our “Founding Fathers,”
posed as the goat-god Baphomet?

Figure 20

In his work, Magick (Book 4), the famed occultist and the self-proclaimed
“Father of Satanism,” Aleister Crowley, had the following to say concerning

“The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the

Black Brothers to imply a Unity in their ignorant muddle of
dispersions. A devil who had unity would be a God... ‘The
Devil’ is, historically, the God of any people that one
personally dislikes... This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of
Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and
Evil; He bade ‘Know Thyself!’ and taught Initiation. He is
‘The Devil’ of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is
BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane
perfection... He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his
letter is ‘ayin,’ the Eye, so that he is Light; and his Zodiacal
image is Capricornus, that leaping goat whose attribute is
Liberty.” [6]

For Crowley and others, Baphomet is Satan himself. So, here we have our
first president “deified” as Lucifer! Lovely. Nothing like starting our nation
off on the wrong foot.

If the so-called “Father of our Nation” is depicted this way, what should that
tell us about his children? Does not a father reproduce after his own kind? Do
not children follow after the traits of their fathers? Could it therefore stand to
reason that all other presidents since Washington might have been following
his lead? Indeed, this sort of thing wasn’t just limited to President George

In 1865, images like this one started to show up

depicting Lincoln as a Christlike figure in the heavens
(note the cap of Mithra/Nimrod hanging from the pole
in the foreground). Later, a massive statue was made of
him seated on a throne and placed in what we now call
the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C..

Figure 21

Figure 22

Something I find noteworthy about that memorial is the quote above Lincoln’s
head. “IN THIS TEMPLE?” Again, what are temples for? They are for gods!
So, just like George Washington, here we have the deification of Abraham
Lincoln too. There are other examples I could give, but I think you get the idea.

I do not believe it is just a coincidence that nearly all of our presidents have
either been Freemasons, associated with Freemasons, members of other secret
societies (such as Skull and Bones), or related to each other. Yes. Forty-three
out of our forty-four presidents are all related!

A 12-year-old girl named BridgeAnne d’Avignon actually took the time to do

the research for herself and compile it into a picture format.[7] She connects all
of our presidents (except Martin van Buren) to King John “Lackland” of the
House of Plantagenet.

The House of Plantagenet is a branch of the Angevins.

Popular legends surrounding the Angevins suggested that

they had corrupt or demonic origins. While the chronicler
Gerald of Wales is the key contemporaneous source for these
stories, they often borrowed elements of the wider Melusine
legend. For example, Gerald wrote in his De instructione
principis of “a certain countess of Anjou” who rarely attended
mass, and one day flew away, never to be seen again. A similar
story was attached to Eleanor of Aquitaine in the thirteenth
century romance Richard Coeur-de-lion. Gerald also presents
a list of sins committed by Geoffrey V and Henry II as further
evidence of their “corrupt” origins.

According to Gerald, these legends were not always

discouraged by the Angevins. Richard the Lionheart was said
to have often remarked of his family that they “come of the
devil, and to the devil they would go.”

A similar statement is attributed to St. Bernard regarding

Henry II. Henry II’s sons reportedly defended their frequent
infighting by saying “Do not deprive us of our heritage; we
cannot help acting like devils.” The legends surrounding the
Angevins grew into English folklore and led some historians to
give them the epithet “The Devil’s Brood.”

— Wikipedia[8] [emphasis mine]

Not long ago, CBS News even picked up on similar clues and reported the
many people related to presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.[9] In
that report, they discovered that George W. Bush is Dick Cheney’s ninth
cousin, once removed. Dick Cheney is also related to Barack Obama who is
Bush’s eleventh cousin. Speaking of Abraham Lincoln, he was Bush’s seventh
cousin, five times removed. Do you remember the Bush-Kerry election? Well,
they are also related; ninth cousins, twice removed. And of course, there had to
be royalty in the bloodline too. Princess Diana was Bush’s eleventh cousin,
twice removed.

If it is indeed true that all of our presidents are related and are descendents of
these Angevin-Plantagenet characters, is it any wonder why this country has
turned out the way it has?

I don’t believe that President John F. Kennedy was a saint by any stretch of the
imagination, however the following excerpts from his speech given on April
27, 1961, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City are rather interesting:

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a

free and open society; and we are as a
people inherently and historically opposed
to secret societies, to secret oaths and to
secret proceedings.
Figure 23
We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and
unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed
the dangers which are cited to justify it.

And there is very grave danger that an announced need for
increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to
expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship
and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent
that it is in my control.

And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high

or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here
tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to
cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the
public the facts they deserve to know.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and
ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for
expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead
of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on
intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night
instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted
vast human and material resources into the building of a
tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military,
diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes

are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not
praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed,
no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with
a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish
to match.

It is the unprecedented nature of this challenge that also gives
rise to your second obligation — an obligation which I share.
And that is our obligation to inform and alert the American
people — to make certain that they possess all the facts that
they need, and understand them as well — the perils, the
prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that
we face.
No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For
from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that
understanding comes support or opposition. And both are
necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the
Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous
task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have
complete confidence in the response and dedication of our
citizens whenever they are fully informed.

This means greater coverage and analysis of international
news — or it is no longer far away and foreign but close at
hand and local. It means greater attention to improved
understanding of the news as well as improved transmission.
And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet
its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible
information outside the narrowest limits of national security
— and we intend to do it.

And so it is to the printing press — to the recorder of man’s
deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news —
that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with
your help man will be what he was born to be: free and
— President John F. Kennedy, 1961[10] [emphasis mine]

In that speech, President Kennedy let us know that there is a “monolithic and
ruthless conspiracy” that has “conscripted vast human and material
resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that
combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and
political operations.” Was he actually telling us the truth about what is really
is going on? I believe he was. I also believe this “ruthless conspiracy” has
grown larger and even more powerful since 1961.

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that there really is no difference

between Republican and Democrat anymore — if indeed there ever was. As
Judge Napolitano recently put it: What if Democrats and Republicans were
two wings of the same bird of prey?[11] Furthermore, I now believe that
Americans don’t really elect their leaders either. The more I research this sort
of thing, the more I have become absolutely convinced that our presidents have
been handpicked for us by a Luciferian Elite, whose “bloodlines” probably go
all the way back to Nimrod. And I am not alone in this belief. Dr. Thomas
Horn, Douglas Woodward, Leonard Ulrich and other researchers have also
come to similar conclusions and/or have indicated the same suspicions in their
writings, lectures, audio recordings and videos. Like them, I do not believe we
have had a truly representative form of government for a long time (again, if
indeed we ever did).

In my opinion, the old phrase “of the people, by the people, for the people”
appears to have been replaced with “of the Secret Societies, by the
Illuminati, for the Elite.” We simply choose which one we want to rule over
us, and of the two choices we are finally given to pick from, we are essentially
given a choice between a Phoenix and a Pyramid (as in Babylon or Egypt).
Both accomplish the same end just by different means, as both are essentially
playing for the same Luciferian system.

To further illustrate why I believe that to be true, I’d like to draw your attention
to the Great Seal of the United States, which was placed on the U.S. one dollar
bill in 1935 by the high-ranking Freemasons, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
and V.P. Henry Wallace (after Wallace met with occultist, Nicholas Roerich).

Consider what the highly regarded Freemason writer, Manly P. Hall had to say
about the front of our nation’s Great Seal:

“Careful analysis of the seal discloses a mass of occult and

Masonic symbols, chief among them the so-called American
eagle — a bird which Benjamin Franklin declared unworthy to
be chosen as the emblem of a great, powerful, and progressive
people. Here again only the student of symbolism can see
through the subterfuge and realize that the American eagle
upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix, a fact
plainly discernible from an examination of the original seal.”
— Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages [emphasis

Hall says the “eagle,” that America is so well

known for, is actually a symbol of a
“conventionalized phoenix.” Therefore, it is
important to note here that the phoenix is also
directly related to Osiris. For according to
Egyptian mythology, the phoenix is associated
with the sun god. She is called the Bennu,[13]
which means “the Ascending One,” and
essentially represents the soul of Osiris. Thus,
Figure 24
the phoenix is yet another symbol for the
rebirth of Osiris, rising up out of the ashes of death.

It is becoming more and more clear to me that this country was not founded as
a “Christian nation” so much as it was a “Masonic nation” whose sole purpose
(as the “New Atlantis”) is to bring about the New World Order — the order of
Osiris and the return of the ancient gods. Virtually everything in our nation’s
iconography reveals this to be true.

Did genuine Christian men and women also play a role in America’s founding?
Yes, of course they did. My point is, most of us were taught all about the
Puritans, Protestants, Pilgrims and Quakers in American History class. What
we were not taught is that in addition to the Christians who “came over on the
boat,” there were also Rosicrucians, Masons, Illuminists and other adepts of
the occult that came over as well. Unfortunately, they were the ones who
established our government, not the Puritans, Protestants, Pilgrims and

“In essence, before declaring its independence and then

afterward and ever since, America remains a symbol of
freedom — from tyrants and despots — be they monarchs or
ecclesiastics. However, at its inception not only was it a safe
haven for puritan Protestants (exemplified by the pilgrims of
Plymouth), it became a sanctuary for spiritualists wishing to
practice esoteric rituals based on mystical belief systems. We
are not just the home of the free and the brave — we are home
to mystics and to paranormal practitioners. Such is our
melting pot — not quite a witches cauldron — but a
concoction of spiritual recipes that are as much a part of our
national composition as… well, apple pie. And judging by the
sentiments expressed directly by our Founders, their ideology
aligns closely with Freemasonry and much less with
Christianity — despite what our rosy tradition has taught.”
— S. Douglas Woodward[14]

To drive the point a little deeper, when examining our nation’s Great Seal and
the so-called eagle in particular, consider this intriguing observation by the
Roman poet Ovid concerning the phoenix:

“Most beings spring from other individuals; but there is a

certain kind which reproduces itself. The Assyrians call it the
Phoenix. It does not live on fruit or flowers, but on
frankincense and odoriferous gums. When it has lived five
hundred years, it builds itself a nest in the branches of an oak,
or on the top of a palm tree. In this it collects cinnamon, and
spikenard, and myrrh, and of these materials builds a pile on
which it deposits itself, and dying, breathes out its last breath
amidst odors. From the body of the parent bird, a young
Phoenix issues forth, destined to live as long a life as its

When this has grown up and gained sufficient strength, it lifts

its nest from the tree (its own cradle and its parent’s
sepulchre), and carries it to the city of Heliopolis in Egypt,
and deposits it in the temple of the Sun.” [15] [emphasis mine]

I find it extremely interesting that the life span of Osiris’ “soul-bird” is five
hundred years. According to the Book of Enoch, five hundred years is the
allotted life span of the Nephilim (the offspring of the Watchers)![16] This is
significant, because as we saw in Chapter 2, I broke down the Hebrew in
Genesis 10:8 to make the connection that Nimrod was indeed a Nephilim
hybrid. Thus, we may find even more meaning to the prophetic words of Jesus
in Matthew 24:37 concerning the sobering implications of America’s role in
the Last Days.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be. (Matthew 24:37)

The backside of the Great Seal of the United

States of America is also very interesting and
loaded with symbolism. Notice that there are
72 stones arranged in 13 rows, forming the
unfinished pyramid.

Everything in occult symbolism is deliberate

and has meaning. So, what does this mean? Dr.
Figure 25 Thomas Horn has an online series of articles
that preempted the release of his book,
Apollyon Rising 2012, which goes into great depths on this subject. In one of
those online articles he wrote the following:

It is no coincidence that the start and ending dates of the final

thirteen katuns of the Mesoamerican Mayan Long Count
calendar are reflected in the thirteen steps of the pyramid on
the United States’ Great Seal. That the steps of the pyramid
were intended to convey units of time has been an open secret
for many years. Though he was not sure what to make of it
himself, Paul Foster Case wrote many years ago that:
“Since the date, 1776, is placed on the bottom
course of the pyramid, and since the number
thirteen has been so important in the symbolism of
the seal, it is not unreasonable to suppose that the
thirteen courses of the pyramid may represent
thirteen time periods.”
John Kehne made an even more intriguing observation,
directly coupling the Great Seal’s trestleboard date, 1776, and
the Mayan ending date 2012:
This Seal shows a thirteen-step pyramid with 1776
in Roman numerals.… [The year] 1776 was not only
the year that the Declaration of Independence was
signed, but was also a special year in the Mayan
calendar. Just as the last katun in the Great Cycle is
“katun 2012,” the first katun in the cycle of thirteen
was “katun 1776.”
In fact, the katun ended thirty-three days before the
signing. So 1776 is the bottom level of the pyramid,
where the date is actually inscribed—the top of the
pyramid is therefore 2012.

—Thomas Horn, Apollyon Rising 2012[17]

Again, everything in Freemasonic imagery is deliberate and pregnant with

meaning.[18] If Dr. Horn is right, then our Great Seal points directly to the year
2012 — and it does so from the starting date of our nation’s founding. To me,
this seemed to indicate that it very well may have been the destiny of America
to bring about “whatever” was supposed to happen on December 21, 2012.

The Seal not only ties this nation directly to the year 2012, but it is also loaded
with symbols tied directly to Osiris-Nimrod. So, what are we to derive from

Considering the topics we have covered so far, I think it is more than

reasonable to assume that just as Israel was the country through which God
brought His Messiah, the United States appears to have been specifically
designed to be the agency through which the Antichrist will be brought (back)
to life. However, I don’t believe it will happen here. I believe through our
intervention and input, Osiris-Nimrod will “rise” out of Egypt, just like Jesus
did.[19] He will then become established as the king of the world (once again)
in his hometown of Babylon, from whence he will ultimately attack Israel.[20]


As an American, I hate the thought that we could be the primary catalyst for
bringing about the rise of Antichrist and the culmination of the Last Days, but
the facts are hard to ignore. The deeper you investigate the meanings of our
nation’s icons, symbols and monuments, the more you come to realize just how
much this nation is steeped in the occult.

Let me take you back to where we left off on our tour of Washington, D.C. and
the Capitol Building. After we left the Rotunda, we went down below it.
Directly under the “dome room” of our nation’s Capitol Building is an area
known as “The Crypt.” The Crypt? That certainly took me by surprise, so I
asked our tour guide about it, “The Crypt? Who’s buried here?” She smiled
and said, “No one. I guess they just liked the name.” Yeah, right.

As you can see (looking at Figure 26), the room is laid out in a rather
interesting fashion. My mind immediately began to envision what it would look
like with the lights turned off and people standing in a circle dressed in robes,
holding candles and chanting some Satanic ritual babble — the hypnotic
sounds echoing off the stone floor, pillars and walls. I guess that’s what
happens when you have an active imagination and spend the better part of two
years researching stuff like this. But what else would you expect with a name
like, The Crypt ?

Figure 26

The small room contains 40 Doric columns, which support the Rotunda above.
On the floor in the middle of the room, directly below the center of the Capitol
dome, is a rose-cross-compass. This is
apparently the center of Washington, D.C..
Supposedly, below that is Washington’s
empty tomb (he’s buried at Mount Vernon).
One can’t help but wonder — if this is true
— that perhaps the “empty tomb” has other
esoteric meaning.
Figure 27

Figure 28

We moved on from there to the room that was the original meeting place for the
House of Representatives. Once again we were greeted by the Queen of
Heaven extending her hand with a scroll in it. Check out the picture above and
notice what is positioned on both sides of her: an eagle and a snake (two
creatures that don’t usually play well together).

Remember the snake around the column I mentioned earlier? Well, this one is a
feathered snake! The Aztecs predicted that their feathered snake god,
Quetzalcoatl (aka Kukulcan and Gukumatz) would return in 2012. Here we
have a feathered snake in the original meeting place of the House of
Representatives, and in the other room we have that painting of the famous
Aztec Calendar Stone, that ends in 2012. What’s going on here? I asked the
tour guide what the snake represented. She said, “Wisdom.”

Wasn’t it the Serpent in the Garden who promised wisdom to Adam and Eve if
they only disobeyed God? I find it interesting that both Thoth of the Egyptians
and Hermes/Mercury of the Greeks/Romans were also known as the wise
messenger of the gods, who practiced and taught writing, astrology, magic and
alchemy. Thus, some think that Quetzalcoatl, Thoth and Hermes/Mercury are
all one and the same — and we just saw Hermes/Mercury hanging out next
door in the Capitol dome.

When you consider that the biblical Greek word for ‘angel’ is simply a
messenger,[21] this all starts to come together and make sense. It’s Lucifer: the
‘angel (messenger) of the gods’ that we’re talking about here. He is the chief of
all false gods, and he and his cronies are all over our Capitol Building!

Not far away, you have the massive 6,666-inch tall phallic
symbol of Osiris (the Washington Monument) sticking up like a
middle finger directed at the One True God of Heaven and
Earth. Not far from that, we have the Temple of Lincoln and
Thomas Jefferson’s Pantheon — all of which stand within
view of the All-Seeing-Eye of the 333-foot tall Masonic
Figure 29
America, we need to wake up! There is an evil agenda at
work, and our country is leading the way in making it happen. As I said before,
I now strongly believe that America’s sole purpose has been to bring about the
rise of Babylon and the return of the Antichrist! My trip to Washington, D.C.
only reinforced that belief.

Remember the Scripture I focused on toward the end of the previous chapter?

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be

gathered together. (Matthew 24:28)

As I’ve already noted, the eagle has always been a symbol for world empires,
and it is of course the primary symbol here in the United States. It is all over
our government buildings, on top of our flags, and on our military uniforms
(top to bottom). Eagles are everywhere!

As our day trip was coming to an end, I was determined to find one more site.
Almost by accident, we found it. I saw two
pillars, each with a large metal eagle
perched on top. Those two eagles stand
high above a very peculiar statue known as
The Awakening. It depicts a giant, bearded
god rising up out of the sands of our
National Harbor. “The Awakening?” Just Figure 30
who or what are we awakening? I think you
know the answer to that by now.

Figure 31

It should be noted, that according to ancient Egyptian texts, Osiris is (and

always has been) destined to “awaken.” Consider these quotes:

“…lead those who are in the Abyss, and command the gods… raise
yourself up; hasten to your spirit.” – Pyramid Text Utterance 512
“Raise yourself, O Osiris… You live, you live, raise yourself up!” –
Pyramid Text Utterance 532
“’Come my child,’ says Atum, ‘come to us.’ say they, say the gods to you
Osiris... he lives because the gods have ordained that he live.” –
Pyramid Text Utterance 577
“I am yesterday and I am today; and I have the power to be born a
second time!” – Egyptian Book of the Dead[22]
Indeed, considering this nation’s obsession with all things related to
Osiris/Nimrod, I believe the United States is destined to be the driving force
behind his resurrection (and they appear to be advertising it with this statue). I
also believe that this was the primary reason we went to “occupy” Iraq[23] in
the first place — one month after archeologists digging in her desert sands
claimed to have found the tomb (and body) of Gilgamesh — and just four years
after the secret chambers of Osiris’ tomb were found in Egypt.

Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the

desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers;
believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and
shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son
of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the
eagles be gathered together.
(Matthew 24:26-28)

When someone tries to tell us that our Founding Fathers had the “God of the
Bible” in their hearts and minds when they laid the foundation of our
government, built its buildings, framed our Constitution, and produced our
nation’s iconography and currency, I think we need to start asking, “Which god
of the Bible?” Because as you can see, our government is not now, nor was it
ever, following after or trusting in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

Let’s look at our nation’s Great Seal once again, considering the following
ancient Roman text as we do:

Muses of Sicily, let me sing a little more grandly...Now the last

age of the Cumaean prophecy [24] begins: the great roll-call
of the centuries is born anew: now Virgin Justice returns,
returns old Saturn’s reign, With a new breed of men sent
down from heaven. Only favour the child who’s born, pure
Lucina,[25] under whom the first race of iron[26] shall end, and
a golden race[27] rise up throughout the world: now your
Apollo reigns.
He will take on divine life, and he will see gods mingled with
heroes,[28] and be seen by them, and rule a peaceful world
with his father’s powers.[29]

O dear child of the gods, take up your high honours (the time
is near), great son of Jupiter! See the world, with its weighty
dome, bowing,[30] earth and wide sea and deep heavens: see
how everything delights in the future age!
— Excerpts from Virgil’s Eclogue IV: The Golden Age
[emphasis mine]

Figure 32

Now flip over a one dollar bill and read the motto, Novus Ordo Seclorum.
That Latin phrase was taken from a line in the above poem by Virgil. The
original Latin phrase is: “Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo” and is
the line translated into English as, “The great roll-call of the centuries is born
[or begins] anew.”

A man by the name of Charles Thomson placed that phrase on the Great Seal in
1782. He was both a Latin teacher and a fan of Virgil’s writings, so he
shortened the phrase to Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means, “A New Order of
the Ages,” and placed it below the Great Pyramid.

The phrase, Annuit Coeptus above the pyramid means “favors undertakings.” It
is an incomplete statement, thus the subject must be supplied.
Who is the one favoring and what undertakings
are being favored? The iconography must be
taken as a whole. Therefore, the meaning and
answer to those questions is in the Great Seal
itself. The “Eye of Providence” that sits
hovering over the pyramid and between Annuit
and Coeptus is better known as the “All-
Seeing-Eye” of Horus-Osiris-Nimrod, and it
serves as the best candidate for answering the Figure 33
question of “who” we are talking about here.

However, if we were to take it a step further and consider what (or who)
“inspired” Charles Thomson to use this phrase, we must again look to his
favorite poet, Virgil.

In Book IX of Virgil’s Aeneid, we find the Latin phrase, “Audacibus annue

coeptis.” Essentially, it means, “Grant me success in this brave venture.” It
is a prayer. To whom is the subject (in this case, Ascanius) praying? He is
praying to his god, Jupiter/Zeus, asking him for victory in his battle against

“All-powerful Jupiter, assent to my bold attempt. I myself

will bring gifts each year to your temple, and I’ll place before
your altar a snow-white bullock with gilded forehead, carrying
his head as high as his mother, already butting with his horns,
and scattering sand with his hooves.”
— Excerpt from Virgil’s Aeneid, Book IX [emphasis mine]

Note how we have Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Babylonian themes all on one
“cypher” on the back of our currency. We must acknowledge that there is a
great deal of information encoded in the symbols of our nation’s Great Seal —
all of which is hidden in plain sight. Thus, we must be made aware that the “IN
GOD WE TRUST” is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but rather the
god(s) of the ancient, pagan world!


I cannot help but wonder if the Illumined ones were not also giving us some
pretty substantial signs through NASA’s various space programs. First, we
must recognize that NASA was founded with a number of Nazis who were
brought over to America from Germany via Project Paper Clip, and other
occultists (like Jack Parsons) playing key roles in the development of manned
space travel.

We allowed felons to immigrate into our country illegally. We

turned a blind eye to their reprehensible crimes in Europe. We
excused their murders in the name of our national security. We
sought Nazi technologies to gain advantage over our enemies,
thereby allowing these scientists and intelligence agents to
stain our mental health systems, certain aspects of our
intelligence services, our genetic science, and even sanction
the indiscriminate use of mind-controlling drugs. Prior to
World War II, we encouraged Nazi science to advance eugenic
policies. Afterwards, we recruited Nazi scientists to energize
our ‘race into space’, and even enlisted Nazi criminals to play
a part in the assassination of a president.
— S. Douglas Woodward[31]

Figure 34

More than 1,600 Nazis escaped the judgment they deserved and found refuge in
America.[32] A group of 104 German rocket scientists, including Wernher von
Braun, Ludwig Roth and Arthur Rudolph are pictured here (Figure 34) at Fort
Bliss, Texas in 1946. The group had been subdivided into two sections: a
smaller one at White Sands Proving Grounds for test launches and the larger at
Fort Bliss for research. Many had worked to develop the V-2 Rocket at
Peenemünde Germany and came to the U.S. after World War II, subsequently
working on various rockets including the Explorer 1 Space rocket and the
Saturn V rocket at NASA.[33] Volumes of books have been written about all of
this, so I’m not going focus on it here. Instead, I want to take a closer look at
the early programs.

True to occult form, NASA named their projects after pagan deities: Mercury,
Gemini and Apollo, with the latter being the title for the ultimate mission of
landing a man on the moon.

I don’t know who was in charge of naming the various space programs, but I’d
like to suggest that they were named on purpose, with each having significant
meaning. The people at NASA clearly had an understanding of the pagan
pantheon, when they named their various missions, rockets and space modules.

S. Douglas Woodward agrees. In his second Power Quest book, he notes that
the numbers 33 and 19.5 repeatedly pop up in NASA’s chosen extra-terrestrial
landing sites as well as relative to NASA’s various locations on the Earth.

Ominously, it isn’t just location, but it is the place in the

heavens where select stars reside at the exact moment of a
landing or ‘take off ’. Oftentimes, it is the rising of Sirius, the
star of Isis, which may be at this angle relative to a spacecraft
or a NASA location (specifically, shining above or below the
equator of that remote moon or planet — or even above
Mission Control in Houston), at the moment when the
spacecraft lands on these distant bodies. The consistency of
this phenomenon (which [Richard C.] Hoagland notes
throughout his story every time it occurs — and that is
frequent) argues persuasively that these choices are conscious
and not chance. Hoagland calls this ‘the Ritual Alignment
Model’ and he explains how the key elements relate to
Egyptian cosmology: “Only five stellar objects in the entire
sky have any significance in our version of the ancient
Egyptian cosmology; the three belt stars of Orion,
representing Osiris [also Apollo in Greek and Roman
cosmology]; Sirius, representing Isis; and Regulus in Leo,
representing Horus [the son of Isis]. And only five narrow
bands of stellar altitude (19.5° above and below the horizon,
33° above and below the horizon, and the horizon itself ) have
any significance.”
— S. Douglas Woodward[34]

In other words, both Woodward and Richard C. Hoagland are saying that
NASA’s decision makers are intentionally ritualistic in their planning.
Woodward goes on to point out that the “only gods of interest are Osiris, Isis
and Horus, who are indeed the primary characters in the Egyptian story of

Who else is obsessed with the number 33 and the rituals of Osiris that pertain
to resurrection? Of course, the Freemasons — and NASA certainly has
employed/recruited many of them into their programs. Almost with tongue in
cheek, Woodward gives some “random factoids” concerning the use of the
number 33, noting that Werner Von Braun conducted his first V2 rocket tests in
America at “Launch Complex 33” in White Sands, New Mexico (it is the only
launch complex there). The landing strip at Kennedy Space Center is labeled
“33.” During the Apollo 11 mission, at 33 minutes post touchdown, Freemason
Buzz Aldrin performed a Masonic ritual as Regulus was at 19.5° below the
horizon as viewed from the moon’s perspective.[35] And then there’s this
interesting observation courtesy of Jay Weidner: [36]

Nephtys - Sister of Isis

Ausir - One of the Egyptian forms of the name Osiris
Set - Osiris’ brother
Aset - One of the Egyptian forms of the name Isis

What intrigued Woodward in his research concerning NASA also intrigues me,
and that is this odd marriage of Freemasonry with Nazi beliefs within the
organization. Generally speaking, the Nazis were quite opposed to the
Freemasons. As Woodward points out, Hitler and his occultists were adherents
to the Norse mythology, which dealt with Thule, Hyberborea, Odin, Thor, the
Valkyries and so on and not on the mythology of Egypt, Babylon, Greece and
Rome, which, for the most part, shared gods of a common origin. The gods of
Freemasonry stem from Semitic cultures and many of their rituals deal with the
Jewish Temple of Solomon. Thus, there is also a rather solid connection
between Freemasonry and Zionism, so it’s not much of a stretch to understand
why Hitler and company would stand opposed to it. While I am very interested
in the Nazi side of NASA, I think it best to keep our attention on the Freemason
side of our space program, for it is the most obvious, and has the most bearing
on our thesis here.

We learn [from Richard C. Hoagland] that John F. Kennedy, at

the request of Lyndon Johnson his Vice-President, appointed
James E. Webb as the administrator of NASA. Webb, a 33°
Freemason, appointed Kenneth S. Kleinknecht director of
Project Mercury. Ken Kleinknecht was brother of C. Fred
Kleinknecht, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme
Council, 33° Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasons,
Southern Jurisdiction for the United States of America, from
1985 to 2003. Their father, C. Fred Sr., was yet another 33°
Mason of the Scottish Rite as well as a member of its Supreme
— S. Douglas Woodward[37]

Right away, we see top down leadership of high-level Freemasonry. From

there, we learn that a number of the astronauts were also Freemasons. Now
let’s look at the three major programs in the early space race, namely:
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.

In the Roman mythology, Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks) was the messenger
of the gods. He was the son of Maia,( daughter of the Titan, Atlas and one of
the seven sisters, known as the Pleiades) and Jupiter (Zeus to the Greeks). As
Hermes, he was the god of transitions and boundaries, moving freely between
worlds of the mortal and divine. He was also the psychopomp conductor of
souls to the underworld (where Osiris rules). Hermes/Mercury has a strong
connection to Apollo, in the sense that he was a half-brother and also that he
carried the caduceus (the double-serpent entwined staff), which was given to
him by Apollo. The caduceus is a recognized symbol of commerce and
negotiation, two realms in which balanced exchange and reciprocity are
usually recognized as ideals.[38] So what was going to be exchanged in space?
On February 20, 1962, the Atlas rocket carried
John Glenn into orbit aboard the Friendship 7.
This was the flight that ushered in the new era of
space travel, but think of the symbolism employed
here. Atlas was the father of Mercury. The Atlas
rocket, which looks like a big penis, shot up into
space with one passenger (seed) on board. Thus,
Glenn (one of the 7 Mercury astronauts) was the
ambassador of earth sent up in ‘Friendship’ with
the number 7, which is generally accepted as the
number of God. Was he to play the role of
messenger of the gods? Glenn is a Freemason[39]
and was a member of DeMolay International (the Figure 35
Masonic youth organization), so nothing would surprise me.

Again, these organizations actively practice rituals that go all the way back to
the Babylonian and Egyptian mystery schools. Within these schools is the
constant obsession with the phallus and the womb. The Mercury program
‘sowed the seeds.’ The next step in the process of getting to the moon was
called, Gemini: the “bridge to the moon.” NASA’s official website describes

On May 25, 1961, three weeks after Mercury astronaut Alan

Shepard became the first American in space, President John F.
Kennedy announced the goal of sending astronauts to the
moon before the end of the decade.

To facilitate this goal, NASA expanded the existing manned

space flight program in December 1961 to include the
development of a two-man spacecraft. The program was
officially designated Gemini on January 3, 1962.[40]

The Gemini Program was the intermediate program between the Mercury and
the Apollo programs. In mythology, the Gemini were the twin brothers Castor
and Pollux. Their mother was Leda, and once again, their father was Zeus. In
some accounts however, Pollux was regarded as the son of Zeus while Castor
was the son of the mortal Tyndareus. One immortal, the other mortal. When
Castor was killed, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with
his twin to keep them together. Thus, they were transformed by the king of the
Olympian gods into the constellation Gemini.

It was also a common belief that one would live among the gods, while the
other was among the dead. Again, we see a duality, dealing with pagan deities
and the Underworld.

The Dioscuri (as they are sometimes called) were regarded as helpers of
mankind and patrons of travellers. Sailers often invoked them to seek
favorable winds.[41] It seems therefore rather fitting that as NASA pushed
forward, with the goal of going to the moon, that they would need ‘favorable
winds’ from yet more children of Zeus, the god not only of the Greeks, but
clearly of the United States of America as well.

The Gemini astronauts flew into space atop the Titan II rocket. Here again, we
see a direct tie to the first generation Nephilim (the Titans of mythology), who
were the product of the union of angels mating with humans. Perhaps it was a
fitting name for this stage of the program as one of the mission objects was to
practice and perfect the docking (mating) of the Gemini spaceship with the
Agena target vehicle.[42]

While these procedures/maneuvers were natural and should certainly be

expected when planning something as monumental as what would follow with
the Apollo Program, we also see Freemasonic influence in not only the mission
objectives, but also in the symbolism such activity represents (once again, the
phallus and the womb). Is this why the astronauts who were Freemasons
always seemed to have a need to commemorate such activity with items
particular to their craft?

Astronaut Gordon Cooper, during his epochal Gemini V

spaceflight in August of 1965, carried with him an official
Thirty-third Degree Jewel and a Scottish Rite flag.
— Kenneth S. Kleinknecht [43]

As crazy as it may sound, considering all we have been learning so far, I have
to wonder if these guys weren’t actually performing Masonic rituals out there
in space on a regular basis. Of the sixteen astronauts who were part of the
Gemini phase, six were either Masons or the sons of Masons.[44]

Figure 36

Finally, we come to the Apollo Program. The Apollo astronauts traveled atop
the Saturn V rocket. Saturn (known to the Greeks as Cronus) was the first Titan
god of the Capitol, the original king of the gods during the Golden Age before
his son Zeus overthrew him and took over. Zeus as we know, was the father of
Apollo according to the Greek myths.

Apollo 11 is probably the most famous of all the Apollo missions. It was the
one that (supposedly) landed men on the moon for the first time. The men
(Figure 36) who flew that mission were, Neil Armstrong commanding,
Michael Collins as the Command Module pilot and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin as
the Lunar Module pilot. Buzz Aldrin was a Scottish Rite Mason, and though
hard to vet, some say Armstrong was too. Many doubt this claim, but at the
very least, there seems to be a strong consensus that he was the son of one.[45]

What intrigues me most about the fact that Apollo 11 was the one that
(supposedly) accomplished the lofty goal of landing a man on the moon is all
of the symbolism of this particular mission. In Revelation 9:11, we see the
name of the Beast, who is the Antichrist: Apollyon. Eleven is the verse
number. Eleven is the mission number. Is there also a connection to the chapter

As I pondered that question, I was reminded of something I had read long ago
concerning The Nine. Essentially, the story goes something like this: In the
1950’s - 1970’s there was a group of people who were into channeling spirits.
Apparently, nine different ‘entities’ showed up, eventually pretending to be
aliens from other worlds. As I understand it, the first manifestation of a
representative of The Nine, was on December 31, 1952, when an individual
named Dr. Andrija Puharich (who was a U.S. Army doctor involved with the
C.I.A.’s notorious MKULTRA mind-control project) invited an Indian mystic
named Dr. D. G. Vinod to his lab. The mystic went into a trance at 9PM and
supposedly said, “We are nine principles and forces.” These entities would
later proclaim, “God is nobody else than we together, the Nine Principles of
God... We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one ...”
There is a lot more that could be said about this group, but (as interesting as
this story is)[46] I don’t want to go down that rabbit trail here. Instead, I’d like
to redirect to a couple of ancient ‘Council of Nine’ myths that may be more in
line with our subject.

Some have linked The Nine to the Ennead of Egypt. The Ennead were the nine
great gods: Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Nephtys (Sister of Isis), Ausir
(Osiris), Set (Osiris’ brother) and Aset (Isis) — the latter four of course
forming the acronym, NASA. If this link is indeed a solid one, there are ancient
legends that speak of the Tep Zepi (the First Time). It was an age the Egyptians
referred to as the time when the ‘sky gods’ came down to earth, raising the land
from the water. They came in ‘flying boats’ and brought wisdom to mankind
through the bloodlines of the Pharaohs. Gods in flying boats? NASA, Apollo
spaceship? Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

In the Greek mythology, it was said that the god Prometheus had sympathy for
mankind. He saw humans shivering at night as they ate raw meat, so he gave
fire (which he stole from the gods) to mankind. This infuriated Zeus, so to
punish Prometheus, the king of the gods had him chained to a rock and every
day an eagle came down and ate his liver. The liver grew back and the eagle
returned to do the same thing to him the next day.
To punish mankind, Zeus formed the Council of Nine. Its exact function is not
entirely clear to this author, however its members were Aphrodite, Apollo,
Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus. Together,
according to the myth, the council created Pandora, a woman made from clay,
who possessed great beauty, charm, eloquence, deceit, skill and curiosity. She
was given a box, but was commanded never to open it. As we might expect,
her curiosity got the best of her, so she opened it, and out flew hate, anger,
sickness, poverty and all sorts of bad things, which are now found in the
world. The only thing that did not escape the box was hopelessness. Thus, even
with all the evil in the world, humans still have hope.

In 1969, the hopes of people all around the

world were directed toward 3 men as they
approached the moon. Then on July 20 (which
in gematria is 7+20=27-2+7=9) Apollo 11’s
eagle landed.

If Apollo is in fact synonymous with Osiris-

Nimrod, then it cannot be just a coincidence
that the Command Module was named
Figure 37
Columbia, which as we’ve learned is just
another name for Isis/Semiramis, the half-sister/mother/wife of Nimrod! And
as if to put the icing on the cake, the Lunar (Lander) Module was called the
“Eagle.” Considering the Masonic use of the eagle as a stylized phoenix
(which was the soul-bird of Osiris), there is just way too much synchronicity
here for me to take it any other way, but deliberate. In fact, I believe it was all
very deliberate, as evidenced by the fact that a Masonic ritual was apparently
performed on the moon.

The ‘History’ page of the official website for the Tranquility Lodge No. 2000
of Texas[47] states:

The Story of Tranquility Lodge No. 2000

On July 20, 1969, two American Astronauts landed on the
moon of the planet Earth, in an area known as Mare
Tranquilitatis , or “Sea of Tranquility”. One of those brave
men was Brother Edwin Eugene (Buzz) Aldrin, Jr., a member of
Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417, AF&AM, Seabrook, Texas.
Brother Aldrin carried with him SPECIAL DEPUTATION of
then Grand Master J. Guy Smith, constituting and
appointing Brother Aldrin as Special Deputy of the Grand
Master, granting unto him full power in the premises to
represent the Grand Master as such and authorize him to
claim Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction for The Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons, on The Moon, and directed that he make
due return of his acts. Brother Aldrin certified that the
SPECIAL DEPUTATION was carried by him to the Moon on
July 20, 1969.

To commemorate this historic event, and to further solidify

and establish Texas Freemasonry on the Moon, it is proposed
that a charter be issued to a new Lodge, to be known as
Tranquility Lodge No. 2000...

[bold emphasis mine - CAPS in the original]

Texe Marrs published an on-line article[48] that provides us with a bit more
detail concerning this “special deputation” of Aldrin:

Next, brother Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, at the time a 32° Masonic

initiate, planted on the moon’s surface the real flag intended
for honor, the flag that Apollo 11 had carried in its storage
compartment, the flag with the Scottish Rite’s emblem of deep
and mysterious spirituality, the double-headed eagle.

The Phoenix Bird—The Double-headed Eagle

This, then, was the esoteric, but hidden and encoded meaning
of the name “Eagle” for the lander. The cabalistic ritual script
called for elevated man, initiated god-man, to “ride” the black
phoenix bird, the “Eagle,” to glory, upward toward the sun.
God-man was to make his nest among the stars which decorate
the black-garbed night, amidst the day-time canopy of the blue
sky (the blue lodge).

And so, following their occultly prescribed pagan

psychodrama ritual to the letter, the astronauts claimed the
moon for their Sovereign, whom they, the Masons, majestically
address as The Great Architect of the Universe, known more
simply as The Builder.

Just as Christopher Columbus, Hernando DeSoto, Ferdinand

Magellan and all the great explorers had planted their flag
and had claimed the land and territory they had discovered to
be the legal possession of their respective monarch and
country, the astronauts declared the celestial body of the moon
to be the property of their own Noble and of his fiefdom. In
their warped minds, the moon belongs to Lucifer, with title
held by his high servant and potentate, the Sovereign Grand
Commander, Supreme Mother Council, 33°.
— Texe Marrs[49]

In 1969, The New Age Magazine reported:

The history of Masonry in the space age took another step

forward on September 16, 1969, when Astronaut Brother
Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., 32°, visited the House of the Temple in
Washington. Accompanied by his father, Edwin E. Aldrin, Sr.,
also a Scottish Rite Mason, Astronaut Aldrin paused in his
busy schedule to greet Grand Commander Smith and to present
to him the handmade Scottish Rite flag he had taken to the

The flag is made of white silk, measures 22 x 30 centimeters,

and is edged by a band of gold. It is embroidered with the
words “The Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction,
USA” and the motto “Deus Meumque Jus.” It is also
decorated with the double-headed eagle, the crown of the
Thirty-third Degree, the insignia of the Sovereign Grand
Commander, and the insignia of a Master Mason. On that
historic lunar flight from July 16 to 24, 1969, the presence of
this flag symbolized Masonry’s universal importance. When
man reaches new worlds, Masonry will be there.
— The New Age Magazine, December 1969, page 34

Another researcher/whistle-blower, the late William Cooper wrote an article

back in 1997 called, Majesty Twelve. In that article he said:

All names, missions, landing sites, and events in the Apollo

Space Program echo the occult metaphors, rituals, and
symbology of the Illuminati’s secret religion. The most
transparent was the faked explosion on the spacecraft Apollo
13, named “Aquarius” (new age) at 1:13 (13:13 military time)
on April 13, 1970 which was the metaphor for the initiation
ceremony involving the death (explosion), placement in the
coffin (period of uncertainty of their survival), communion
with the spiritual world and the imparting of esoteric
knowledge to the candidate (orbit and observation of the moon
without physical contact), rebirth of the initiate (solution of
problem and repairs), and the raising up (of the Phoenix, the
new age of Aquarius) by the grip of the lions paw (reentry and
recovery of Apollo 13). 13 is the number of death and rebirth,
death and reincarnation, sacrifice, the Phoenix, the Christ
(perfected soul imprisoned in matter), and the transition from
the old to the new. Another revelation to those who understand
the symbolic language of the Illuminati is the hidden meaning
of the names of the Space Shuttles, “A Colombian Enterprise
to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis... and all
Challengers shall be destroyed.”
— William Cooper[50]

NASA’s space shuttle era began with its first flight on April 12, 1981 and
lasted 30 years. The final mission, STS-135 (which equals 9 in gematria)
ended on July 21, 2011 with the last flight of Atlantis. Guess what the new
space program is called. Orion! With a planned first flight into low Earth orbit
(in 2014), NASA claims:
Orion will be able to travel to the moon, Mars or an asteroid.
Orion also could carry crews or supplies to the space station.

Orion will launch on top of a huge rocket. NASA is building

this rocket. It is called a heavy-lift launch vehicle. It will take
Orion farther into space than people have been before.

Orion will use energy from the sun, which is called solar
energy. Orion has solar panels that look like round wings.
They will get power from the sun when Orion is in space.[51]

Then in 2016, NASA intends to launch the OSIRIS-REx (king Osiris), a space
probe designed to explore and take samples from the “Bennu” asteroid. Yeah,
I’m sure the names are all coincidental. OSIRIS REx supposedly stands for
“Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security and
Regolith Explorer”. Do you get the sense that they are trying to force an
acronym just for the sake of honoring their god(s)?

OSIRIS-REx is scheduled to arrive at the Bennu (remember, the Bennu is the

‘soul bird’ of Osiris, that is the Phoenix, which represents resurrection) in
2018. The plan is to analyze the asteroid and in 2019, to take samples from it
to bring back to earth. In the on-line promo video,[52] they reveal hopes of
recovering DNA, which will be returned to Earth by 2023! At time, while
hovering above the earth, the space probe will eject the ‘space seed’ in a tiny
return vehicle, sending it here for further study.

Most working NASA probably don’t realize it, but I think it is clear, this
organization is occult to the core and right from the start, it was and is all about
the worship of pagan deities under the guise of science. I now thank (YHVH)
God that I never made it into the space program!


Considering all that has been said already, I have to wonder if there is another
reason why we originally had 13 stripes and 13 stars on the flag. We were told
that the stars and stripes represented the 13 original colonies. However, I can
no longer write that number off as “coincidental” when considering the
subjects I’ve been writing about in this book. As we will soon see, the
numerical value of God’s holy name, , is 26. If the 13 stars and 13 stripes
(totalling 26) really have more to do with all of the pagan-occult mythology
associated with secret societies and Francis Bacon’s dream of a New Atlantis,
then literally everything about our nation’s iconography is directly related to
the false god, Osiris-Nimrod! In every way he is the counterfeit of God the
Father and of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Figure 38

The Flag Resolution of 1777

On June 14, 1777, the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress
passed the Flag Resolution which stated:

“Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen

stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen
stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.”

A new Constellation? Could that be Orion (Nimrod) by any chance? Consider

this: The numbers 777 are typically associated with God. Thus, in terms of
numerological symbolism, with the 1 in front (of 1777), we might think, “one
God.” But as we have seen so far, “they” aren’t thinking about the same God
you and I are thinking about. They worship Nimrod, in all of his various
incarnations. How appropriate then, that they should adopt a flag in his honor
in the year 1777, complete with a whole bunch of interesting numerical values.
Then again, maybe that’s all just a coincidence, right?
We were told that Betsy Ross was the one who designed the flag depicted in
Figure 38. But the true origin of the stars and stripes design is very poorly
documented. Supposedly, according to the popular tale, a woman named Betsy
Ross sewed the first flag from a pencil sketch that was handed to her by
George Washington. Knowing what we now know about George, that should be
suspect in and of itself, but it should also be noted that no real evidence for this
story even exists! We get this whole story from Ross’s grandson, William
Canby, who first publicly suggested it nearly a full century later.

She made a prototype flag. The committee liked it. Congress

approved it. And the Philadelphia seamstress became a flag
maker for the fledgling nation. Colonel Ross fronted the
operation, supplying a £100 advance for materials. Canby’s
tale struck a responsive chord among Americans. They loved
Washington’s role in the story as well as Ross’s character—an
engaging mix of can-do spirit, common sense, and homespun

By 1873, the Betsy Ross story was appearing in national

journals. In 1909, Canby’s brother and nephew published a
book, The Evolution of the American Flag. That volume
cemented widow Ross’s place in the public mind.

The article get’s even more intriguing as you read on...

Canby relied on family oral accounts. None of Canby’s sources

had witnessed Washington’s visit or his grandmother making
the flag. Instead, all said they had heard her tell the story
many times.

Today, historians almost uniformly agree that family oral

history is not particularly reliable. Though evidence shows
that Betsy Ross made flags for the Pennsylvania navy, nothing
else in Canby’s story can be verified. Specifically, a few points
trouble researchers: No evidence shows that a congressional
flag committee existed in 1776. If one had, Washington
probably would not have been on it because he was not a
member of Congress. No record shows Congress addressing
the flag issue in any way until it passed the 1777 resolution.
Nothing suggests that Washington ever dealt with Betsy Ross
for any reason. No written material of any sort supports the
story. We probably will never know who made the first flag.

We do, however, have a good idea about who originated its

design. Credit for that achievement may go to Francis
Hopkinson, a New Jersey representative to the Continental
Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Hopkinson was a talented man with a strong interest in
designing symbols. He played a role in creating the Great
Seal of the United States, the Continental Board of Admiralty
seal, treasury seal, and American currency. Documents also
show that he worked on the first official United States flag.

—[55] [emphasis mine]

Considering all we’ve learned, those last two sentences say a lot! If I had not
done all of this research, I never would have made this connection. But now,
whenever I see the numbers adding up like this, I cannot help but be skeptical
of the things we were taught to believe in school. Therefore, when I stumble
across a “coincidence,” like the same guy working on the flag design that
worked on the Great Seal, I tend to think it is not at all coincidental, but rather
an indication that something else may be at play here... and it is likely going to
be somehow related to Nimrod! If so, this should certainly give us reason to
pause and think before we “pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United
States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under
‘God,’ indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

It grieves me to make this statement. As I have already indicated, I am about as

patriotic as they come and I love my country. However, given what we have
learned so far, I question the idea that our country was founded with the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in mind. “God” is too generic and given the fact that
nearly all of this nation’s iconography appears to be pointing toward
Osiris/Nimrod, I can’t say with confidence that the phrase in our Pledge of
Allegiance is indeed directed toward YHVH.

Futhermore, “Liberty” and “Justice” are not just ideas, they are names of
known pagan dieties (both of which are associated with Nimrod’s wife,
Semiramis/Ishtar/Isis).[56] I am not saying that you should not show your
patriotism. I’m saying we must all do what we feel convicted by the Holy
Spirit to do, and that we should make our choices based on informed
decisions, as opposed to the traditions that were passed down to us.

ROOM 219
We’ve all seen the paintings of George Washington taking a knee in prayer. The
question is, to whom or what was he praying? As you should be able to tell by
now, ‘GOD’ is an inadequate term in telling us exactly which god we are
talking about here. The ‘Great Architect of the Universe,’ while sounding
noble, poetic and grand, is not the name of YHVH. It is the title of the god of

In the Capitol Building, there is a room called the Congressional Prayer Room.
Knowing that this room is often simply referred to as ‘Room 219,’ and
realizing that Hebrew words have numerical value,[57] I decided to look up
what words had that value. A simple Internet search[58] brought up the
following most notable results:

pr.n. “Brother of Anger”.

pr.n. “Emptying by Yah”, or “Skin bottle of Yah”
temper, anger, prophetic spirit, spirit (of the living,
breathing being in man and animals), God’s spirit,
departing at death, disembodied being... spirit of God
1g1) as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy 1g2) as
impelling prophet to utter instruction or warning 1g3)
imparting warlike energy and executive and
administrative power 1g4) as endowing men with
various gifts 1g5) as energy of life 1g6) ancient angel
and later Shekinah
Obviously, I’m most interested in : the “ruwach” or “the spirit” that
Strongs (# H7307) defines as: the disembodied spirit; the ancient angel that
imparts warlike energy and executive, administrative power, that may be
being invoked in that room.

People like David Barton would have us believe the fact that Congress has a
“prayer room” is proof of our nation’s Christian values. I beg to differ.
Reverend Patrick J. Conroy, Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives
describes the room:

In the design and decoration of the room, it was important

that no part of the furnishings and no symbol used would
give offense to members of any church. At the same time they
wished to incorporate in the fabric and decoration of the
room the basic unity of belief in God and His Providence that
has characterized our history. The accent is on simplicity. An
interfaith advisory committee, comprised of the House/Senate
chaplains and a Catholic and Jewish representative, approved
what was put in the room.
The room’s inspirational lift comes from the stained glass
window with George Washington kneeling in prayer as the
focal point. Surrounding him are the words from Psalm 16:1,
“Preserve me, O God, for in thee do I put my trust.” Above
him are the words from Lincoln’s Gettysburg address: “This
Nation Under God.”
Also incorporated into the window are the two sides from the
Great Seal of the United States. The pyramid and eye contain
the Latin phrases Annuit Coeptus (God has favored our
undertakings) and Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the
ages is born). The Eagle, with the phrase E Pluribus Unum
(from many, one). (In religion, it signifies America’s faith in
tolerance and mutual respect. In statecraft it signifies one
nation out of thirteen colonies.)[59] [emphasis mine]

On the surface, all of that sounds wonderful and even somewhat acceptable
from a Judeo-Christian, patriotic perspective. That is until, you consider
everything else I’ve been writing about in this book.

Figure 39

One of the last stops we made during our trip to Washington, D.C., was to the
Masonic Temple of George Washington (Figure 39). During the tour, the guide
said that at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 1 in 5
Americans was a Mason (assuming that number is including women and
children, that basically means nearly every adult male was a Mason).

Whether that statistic is accurate or not, it is undeniable that their fingerprints

are literally all over our nation’s capital city — including inside Room 219,
where there is a large stained glass window (Figure 40) depicting George
praying (as usual). But I believe this window gives us a “window” through
which we can clearly see who he was praying to (and who the many Masons in
Congress are likely praying to as well).

The stained glass window was donated by craftsmen from

California. It is dedicated “to those who have in the past
sought God’s guidance and to those who presently determine
the destiny of this Nation by the inspiration of their
decisions.” Illuminated from behind, the window provides an
appropriate back drop for prayer.

— The Reverend Patrick J. Conroy[60] [emphasis mine]

That quote says it all as far as I am concerned.

Masons donated the window, through which the
proper Illuminati (illumination) sets the
“appropriate backdrop” for what is really
going on in that room.

Of particular interest to me is the layout of this

window. Notice that the Great Seal is
seemingly reversed. You would think that the
front of the Seal would be at the top and the
back at the bottom, but that’s not how it is
depicted. George is kneeling beneath the “All-
Seeing Eye” of Horus-Osiris-Nimrod showing
who we are to be praying to in Room 219.
David Barton and others conveniently leave
this kind of detail out when talking about the
six chair Congressional Prayer Room.[61]
Figure 40
In an interview with Matthew and Laurie
Crouch,[62] Barton says that the Capitol Building is filled with religious
symbolism, activities, paintings, sculptures, and so forth. Indeed it is.
Unfortunately, as we’ve seen here, those are not in honor of the true religion of
YHVH. In that interview, he says, the members of Congress “take their faith
very seriously.” I have no doubt about that. I just question in whom/what some
of them have put their faith.

I say, “some of them” because I do not doubt that there probably are good,
Godly (in the sense of worshippers of the One True God, YHVH) men and
women in Congress. I do believe there are such people in our government, and
would never make the mistake of painting a broad stroke over the whole entire
establishment; lumping everyone into the Illuminati picture I’m painting here.
But for those who are Christians, I also seriously doubt that they know what’s
really going on in regards to things I am writing about in this book. In fact, I’d
say probably most (if not all) of them have absolutely no clue.

In his video, A Spiritual Heritage Tour of the United States Capitol, David
Barton says, “There is a room here at the Capitol that honors the faith of
George Washington.” The problem is, Barton fails to identify what “the faith
of George Washington” really means. He should include a tour of the Masonic
Temple of George Washington to get a better idea, and to be more accurate in
his writings, teachings, seminars and videos. I don’t know if he leaves those
details out on purpose or if he may in fact be very sincere in his steadfast
(albeit extremely naive) belief that this country was founded on Christian
principles, by men who truly worshipped the God of Abraham, Isaac and

What’s also interesting to me, is the story Barton tells Matthew and Laurie
Crouch[63] about a time when an important vote was coming up and 60
Congressmen were crammed into a room that only has 6 chairs, seeking ‘GOD’
for help in how to cast their votes. That could be a good thing — or a very bad
thing, depending on what was really going on in this Masonic prayer room (that
is not open to the public).


The current one dollar bill (i.e. the #1 denomination) also has the Great Seal’s
imagery reversed. It was designed by the 32nd president of the United States
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 33rd vice-president of the United States, Henry
Wallace (who were both 32 nd degree Masons) in the mid-1930s. Interestingly
enough, the original design had the eagle on the left and the pyramid on the
right. Roosevelt approved the design with the condition that they be reversed.

With the pyramid now on the left, the eagle on the right and the phrase E
Pluribus Unum (translation:“Out of many, one”) hanging from its beak, the
message of the dollar becomes extremely interesting indeed.

We have been told that the phrase “Out of many, one” refers to the many states
and various ethnicity that make up
our one united country, often referred
to as a “melting pot.” However, we
must take all of the symbols on the
Great Seal as a whole, meaning the
messages encoded in its symbols
must harmonize with each other.
Therefore, I believe the true meaning Figure 41
is seen in the many gods that are all
really representations of just one; the god-man the Bible calls Nimrod.

Production of the one dollar Federal Reserve Note was undertaken and went
into “circulation” the same year John F. Kennedy was killed. Ever since then,
our Founder’s encrypted plan has been set in motion, and through ignorance,
we continue to both endorse and “circulate” (keep in motion) that plan both in
our own country as well as throughout the world by our continued use of this
occult talisman[65] we call the U.S. one dollar bill.

What does it all mean? If we were to look at the back of the one dollar bill and
begin reading left to right across the center imagery, the symbols appear to be
telling us:

Zeus/Satan[66] favors our undertaking; that which we do under

Osiris’ watchful eye — an undertaking that started in 1776
and will be completed in 2012. At that time, we will usher in
the New Order of the Ages. It is in you, oh Zeus, that we put
our trust to help us raise your son. Like a phoenix rising out of
the ashes of death, under the sign of Saturn,[67] Apollo-Nimrod
will rise again. And thus, the one (false) god represented by
many names, shall come claiming peace in one hand, but
waging war with the other.

Admittedly, that is my own interpretation, but the symbols do seem to support it

—  or at least something to that effect. As much as I truly hate to admit it, our
Founding Fathers and the presidents who followed after them all seem to have
been looking forward to the “awakening” of Gilgamesh-Osiris-Apollo-
Nimrod! They put a plan in motion with that goal in mind. Despite what people
like David Barton would have us believe, everything about our nation’s
iconography appears to support the idea that this “One Nation Under God” is
really one nation whose government was dedicated to a false god, right from
the beginning.

It’s time we get to know the One True God and His Messiah!


The “All-Seeing Eye” on the back of our dollar bill comes from Egyptian
mythology. It is directly related to Osiris and his son

Horus (who is supposed to be the reincarnation of Osiris). In the Egyptian

picture language, the name Osiris is represented by the imagery of a throne, an
eye and the profile of a man as seen in Figure 42.

His name essentially translates to mean, “He who has his eye on the throne.”

The name “Osiris” is the

Greek corruption of the
Egyptian name “Asar” (or
Usar.) There are several
possibilities as to what this
name means, “the Strength of
the Eye,” is one. Another is
“He Sees the Throne.”
Figure 42
Also of interest is the Hebrew meaning
of the word ‘pharaoh.’ My wife and I began taking Hebrew lessons early in
2011. As we learned the Hebrew letters, we were taught that they have both a
numerical value as well as a number of meanings (see Appendix A to learn
what each of the letters mean). With this idea in mind, there is a Hebrew idiom
that says, “If every letter has seven meanings, then every word has seventy.”
Therefore, using the chart in Appendix A, we began to look up meanings for
various Hebrew words and names. Of course, we started with the name of
YHVH, the true name of God, but before I show you that meaning, I want to
show you the spelling and subsequent interpretation of the word “pharaoh,” as
defined by the letters that make up that word.

In Hebrew, “pharaoh” is spelled, [Pey, Resh, Ayin, Hey].[69] Using the

chart in Appendix A to define each letter, we can thus derive the following
word-letter meaning:

Pey: has a numerical value of 80 and its meanings include: the

mouth, to speak, to open
Resh: has a numerical value of 200 and its meanings include: person,
the head, the highest, the most important
Ayin: has a numerical value of 70 and its meanings include: the eye,
to see, understand, reveal
Hey: has a numerical value of 5 and its meanings include: reveal,
show, mercy, grace or when used at the end of a word means:
“who/what/that comes from.”

Therefore, in Hebrew, the title of “pharaoh” has a numerical value (or

“weight”) of 355 and essentially means:

[The one who] comes from and speaks for the most important
(or highest) eye.

Of course, there are other ways you could translate those letters (hence the
concept of deriving 70 meanings from one word), but when you consider the
idea that ancient pharaohs thought of themselves as being a host for
Horus/Osiris,[70] this definition certainly fits quite well.

It should also be noted that every Hebrew word has what is known as a
“shoresh,” which is the two or three letter root of a word.[71] These two or
three letter root consonants form the basic support structure of a family of
related words. Adding vowels, prefixes and suffixes to that root creates
variations in meaning, tense and parts of speech. Thus, when learning Hebrew,
we’ve found that if you can identify a shoresh, you can easily then figure out
what a word means, because all words that have the same shoresh are in some
way related to every other word that contains that root as well.
Looking at the Hebrew spelling of pharaoh ( ), we might then find as
its root, which is a word that means ‘leader or prince.’ That fits perfectly, but
consider its two letter root of , which would be pronounced “Ra” and
means ‘bad, evil, wicked’ in Hebrew (see Strong’s # 7451). So, the Egyptian
god, Ra (at least phonetically) is by definition, evil in the Hebrew language.
Thus, (pharaoh) could also be understood to mean:

Revealing the mouth of the prince of evil.

This concept becomes even more interesting when you realize that our modern
presidents may be regarded as pharaohs as well, especially when you consider
all of the Egyptian practices and beliefs that are incorporated into Freemasonry
and the iconography on our national symbols. As you will see in the next
chapter, there are indeed people who consider President Obama to be a
pharaoh, and have openly stated as much. Perhaps all that is not so much by
coincidence, but rather design?

Now that we’ve looked at the meaning of a false god, let’s look at the meanings
of the One True God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

In Hebrew, the name of God is spelled with the letters, [Yod, Hey, Vav,
Hey]. Therefore, again reading right to left, using the chart in Appendix A, we
can derive the following meanings from those letters.

Yod: has a numerical value of 10 and its meanings include: Work,

Hand/Arm, Activity, Deed.
Hey: has a numerical value of 5 and its meanings include: reveal,
show, mercy, grace or when used at the end of a word means:
“who/what/that comes from.”
Vav: has a numerical value of 6 and its meanings include: join, nail,
establish, secure, attach, man, man’s number (created on the sixth
Hey: has a numerical value of 5 and its meanings include: reveal,
show, mercy, grace or when used at the end of a word means:
“who/what/that comes from.”

The four-letter name of God, therefore, has a numerical ‘weight’ of 26 and can
mean something like:
What comes from the activity/work or deed revealed in the
nailed/man (of Mercy/Grace).

Or more simply, it could mean something to the effect of:

The work of Mercy that comes from the nailed man of Grace.

The doubling of the meaning of the letter Hey in this word shows me that the
two are of each other, or in other words, they are one and the same: Grace and
Mercy revealed/what comes from or through Father and Son, who are both
one; a concept Jesus Himself said was true.[72]

If you think that’s cool, wait until you learn what Jesus’ Hebrew name means!
The name “Jesus” is not Hebrew, it is a late addition to the human language as
it is a transliterated English word that comes from the Greek word ‘Iesous,’
which itself was transliterated from the Hebrew name He was given: ‘Yeshua.’
In Hebrew, His name would be spelled, [Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin]. Using the
same method, let’s break down the name of Yeshua:

Yod: has a numerical value of 10 and its meanings include: Work,

Hand/Arm, Activity, Deed.
Shin: has a numerical value of 300 and its meanings include: Destroy,
Consume, Devour
Vav: has a numerical value of 6 and its meanings include: Join, Nail,
Establish, Secure, Attach, Man’s number (created on the sixth day)
Ayin: has a numerical value of 70 and its meanings include: Eye, See,

The four-letter name of Yeshua therefore, has a numerical ‘weight’ of 386 and
can meaning something like:

The hand/activity/work or deed that destroys/consumes or

devours the established/security/man’s eye/understanding.

Or more simply, it could mean something to the effect of:

The work that destroys the establishment of the eye!

I prefer to look at it this way: Yeshua is...

The hand that destroys the establishment of the eye!

I like that description because Yeshua (Jesus) is the one who will poke out the
eye on the back of your dollar bill. He has and will destroy all the work of the

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth

from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1
John 3:8)

Osiris-Nimrod and all who follow him will only be acting out in the likeness
of Lucifer, who has had his eye on God’s throne since the beginning.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the

morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst
weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of
God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in
the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the
clouds; I will be like the most High.
(Isaiah 14:12-14)

Unfortunately for Lucifer and his prized son Gilgamesh-Osiris-Apollo-Nimrod

(and all who follow and worship him), that will never happen!

Yeshua (Jesus), is the name that is above all names, even outweighing them in
terms of the Hebrew lettering! Consider what the Psalmist wrote:

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for
thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified
thy word above all thy name. (Psalm 138:2)

The Apostle John told us that the “Word” is Yeshua (Jesus).[73] He is indeed
the Highest, the one who will soon crush all who stand against Him. I don’t
know about you, but I want to be on the winning team. Osiris, like his father
Lucifer, may have his eye on the throne, but he’ll never sit on it. The true Son
of God, Yeshua (Jesus), is the only One worthy to sit on the throne... and He
wins in the end!
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to
divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and
for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the
heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. Then God made two
great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule
the night. He made the stars also.
(Genesis 1:14-16)
embers of the occult love to play with numbers just as much as they do
symbols. In fact, numerology is usually associated with the paranormal,
astrology and other divining arts.[1] It can be used to encode and decode
secrets and mysteries. Adepts of the mystery schools are often highly skilled in
that particular discipline. Therefore, they look for ways to incorporate
numbers into their schemes and to divine meaning in what they see in the
numerical values found in nature and the universe as a whole. They do this in
many ways, using the numbers as a language. In fact, it was St. Augustine of
Hippo (AD 340-430) who even referred to the usage of numbers as the
“Universal Language.” Thus, when it comes to occult numerology, we must
ask, what are they saying? You see, it really doesn’t matter what it means to us.
The question is, what do the numbers mean to them? This is important, because
they act on those beliefs.

I am by no means an expert in that area, but I have noticed some things worthy
of addressing here in this chapter. As I begin, I want to clearly state that I am
not into numerology, meaning I do not live my life by the usage of numbers, nor
do I put my trust in them for my future.

That said, anytime I see things like numerology, astrology and the like, I know
those are counterfeits. But you can’t have a counterfeit of something that is not
real. I do believe that YHVH is a God of order and of numbers. I also believe
there is significance to the Bible Code[2] and that there is substantial evidence
supporting the idea that God does indeed “encode” truths in the Bible and even
in creation itself in many ways. But He doesn’t hide them from us, He hides
them for us!

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of

kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2)
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Luke 11:9)

I showed you some examples of hidden truths that can be found in the Hebrew
letters in the last chapter. That’s just one example. There are many more.
God’s Word is indeed rich with constant revelation and truth, such that it does
not matter how many times you read the Scriptures; there is always more to
find, discover and learn! It should not surprise us then, that the devil would
counterfeit that same concept in the writings and activities of his followers too.

In my research, I have found the number 72 to be a particularly interesting and

significant number. Here are just a few entries mentioned on Wikipedia:

In a plane, the exterior angles of a regular pentagon measure 72

degrees each.
The atomic number of hafnium
In degrees Fahrenheit, it’s considered to be room temperature.
The average number of heartbeats per minute for a resting adult.
Percentage of water of which the human body is composed.
The life duration of the ovule is 72 hours.
The mass of the Moon is 1/72 nd that of the Earth.
The volume of Saturn is 72 times that of the Earth.
The axis of the earth moves off one degree every 72 years when
compared to the stars.
There are 72 Paranatellons: The extra-zodiacal constellations that
rise and set simultaneously with zodiacal constellations.
Messier object M72 is a magnitude 10.0 globular cluster in the
constellation Aquarius.
The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on -727
August 16 and ended on 752 January. The duration of Saros series 72
was 1,478.1 years, and it contained 83 solar eclipses.
The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series which began on -407
June 5 and ended on 891 July. The duration of Saros series 72 was
1,298.1 years, and it contained 73 lunar eclipses.
The conventional number of scholars translating the Septuagint,
according to the legendary account in the Letter of Aristeas.
The conventional number of disciples sent forth by Jesus in Luke 10
in some manuscripts (70 in others).
The number of names of God, according to Kabbalah.
The Shemhamphorasch related to the number of the names of God.
The total number of books in the Catholic version of the Holy Bible if
the book of Lamentations is considered part of the book of Jeremiah.
The current distribution of the Book of Revelation is 22 chapters,
adopted since the 13th century. But such was not always the case. The
oldest known division of the text is that of the Greek commentator
Andrew of Cesary (6th century) into 72 chapters.
The number of warriors on the Muslim side at the Battle of Badr.
The number of people martyred along with Imam Hussain at the Battle
of Karbala.
The number of devils according to The Lesser Key of Solomon.
The 72 old men of the synagogue, according to the Zohar.
The degrees of the Jacob’s ladder were to the number 72, according
to the Zohar.
The 72 disciples of Confucius.
The god Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and
accomplices of Set.
The number of the Immortals in Taoism.
The number of virgins a Muslim might get as a reward in Heaven.
The number of hours in 3 days.
A loud tone of 72Hz makes light objects vibrate.
The height of the HAARP radio antennas is 72 feet tall.
There are 72 goetic demons.
Thoth, of Egyptian mythology, wins a 72nd of each day of the year
from the Moon in a game of Draughts, as a favor to Nut, the Sky
Goddess. He uses these portions to make the 5 intercalary days on
which the remaining gods and goddesses were born.
— Wikipedia[3] [emphasis mine]

Another website called, Look Up Fellowship,[4] by Jeffery Radt has the

following to say about the number 72:

It is said that Psalm 72 is a prophecy of the Second Coming of

Christ and the Millennium! Furthermore, many scholars point
to Psalm 72 as a proof text to support the position that the
Land of Israel has expanded to include the whole Earth (the
true Israel of God in the New Covenant has expanded to
include all Jews and Gentiles who accept Christ as their

“...We have 70 elders chosen in Numbers 11:14-17 to assist
Moses. These 70, plus Aaron and Moses, equal 72  —  the 72
who spoke on God’s behalf to the people. Also, there were 72
ornaments on the Menorah in the Tabernacle  —  a symbol of
Light  —  and the oil in it, the Holy Spirit. Also, there were
said to be 72 separate pieces of the veil in the Temple which
separated the Holy place from the Most Holy Place. All these
speak of the transmission of God’s message. Additionally, the
Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, was said to have been
translated by 72 Hebrew Scholars (6 from each tribe) in 72
days  —  again a transmission of God’s message! Something
else, pertinent in our time is that the priestly garments are
being remade for Temple service. The garment of the High
Priest has brass bells and pomegranates woven into its hem.
Interestingly, they have decided that 72 of each, alternating
around the hem, will be used! Inspired? I think so!”

And this is just the beginning! The more you look, the more you will find that
there is no shortage of interesting things to “look up” concerning the number
72. But for the purpose of this book, I want to draw your attention to just a few
of the previously listed bullet points:

The mass of the Moon is 1/72nd that of the Earth.

The axis of the earth moves off one degree every 72 years compared
to stars.
The number of devils according to The Lesser Key of Solomon.
The god Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and
accomplices of Set.
Thoth, of Egyptian mythology, wins a 72nd of each day of the year
from the Moon in a game of Draughts, as a favor to Nut, the Sky
Goddess. He uses these portions to make the 5 intercalary days on
which the remaining gods and goddesses were born.
Each of these deal with Osiris, demons, the earth, the moon and the stars
(constellations). Let’s start with the stars. Remember what Moses wrote in the
opening chapter of Genesis?

Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the

heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for
lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the
earth”; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the
greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the
night. He made the stars also.
(Genesis 1:14-16)

Scientists today and ancient astronomers of the past have observed that every
72 years, the stars in the sky appear to move one degree from their previous
position on the horizon.

Originally, the Ancient Egyptian year was 360 days long. That number of
course is identical to the number of degrees in a circle.
In Egyptian mythology, Thoth was the “keeper
of records.” He was associated with the arts,
science, astronomy and writing in the form of
hieroglyphs. In one legend, Thoth won a game
of draughts with the moon and thus was able to
gain 5 extra days for the year.[5] So, he encoded
his knowledge of the precession of the stars
(constellations) by multiplying 72 by the extra
5 days arriving at 360 (the number of degrees
in a circle). Then, when the 72 years are
multiplied by the 360 degrees of a complete,
circular (star) cycle, we discover that it takes
25,920 years for each heavenly precession to
be completed —  at which time the whole thing Figure 43
starts all over again.

The subject of the “resetting” of the precession has become a hot topic these
days, especially as we approached the year 2012, with all the “prophecies”
supposedly written about it by the Aztecs, Mayans and other ancient cultures.
Did they arrive at their numbers the same way as the Egyptians? I don’t know.
However, the concept does lead us to investigate December 21, 2012, a date
intimately connected to the number 72, the founding of the United States of
America, and (potentially) the emergence of the coming Antichrist.

Remember what John Kehne wrote concerning the Great Seal’s trestleboard
date of 1776 and the Mayan ending date of 2012? He said that the 13 steps (of
72 stones) represent the cycle of thirteen, 19.7 year katuns, which began in
1776 and will end in 2012. Thus, it would appear that our country has always
had a predestined rendezvous with 2012.
Figure 44

I believe now more than ever that we as Americans (and especially if you are
a believer in Jesus Christ ) need to understand this. If it is true that our country
is going to be responsible for placing the Antichrist in power, I personally
don’t want to have anything to do with supporting that agenda. We are
responsible for the things and people we put our trust in and support. This is
one of the reasons why I simply cannot “cast my vote” anymore (at least not for
presidents). I can no longer put my stamp of approval, my allegiance, nor my
financial support behind anyone who is part of a system that is deeply
entrenched in occult ritual and practice. That sounds harsh, I know — even un-
patriotic — and I’m sure many will strongly disagree with me in this regard. I
get that, but please allow me to further explain why I feel this way.

Even mainstream pundits like Judge Andrew Napolitano are questioning the
entire process. While he doesn’t appear to be coming at the subject from the
same angle as I am, he still certainly appears to be quite jaded and fed up with
the whole system.

What if elections were actually useful tools of social control?

What if they just provided the populace with meaningless
participation in a process that validates an establishment
that never meaningfully changes? What if that establishment
doesn’t want and doesn’t have the consent of the governed?
What if the two-party system was actually a mechanism used
to limit so-called public opinion? What if there were more
than two sides to every issue, but the two parties wanted to
box you in to one of their corners?

What if the whole purpose of the Democratic and Republican
parties was not to expand voters’ choices, but to limit them?
What if the widely perceived differences between the two
parties was just an illusion? [6]

My research has led me to believe that all modern secret societies are either
descended from or connected to the Illuminati, with many of them operating
under the umbrella of the Scottish and York Rites of Freemasonry.[7] Their
rituals and practices can be traced straight back to the mystery schools started
by Nimrod and Semiramis. As such, they inherently carry the “spirit of
Antichrist,” which is what truly ends up running (and ruining) this country,
through the kind of leadership that always seems to be associated with or a
part of these secret societies. Thus, I’m of the opinion that if a candidate for
public office (especially that of the presidency) has any affiliation with such
organizations, we need to turn, run the other way and have nothing to do with

This leads me to another point: Just because candidates say they are Christians,
it does not mean they are. I believe a lot of politicians like to play that card
just to capture our support. Therefore, believers in Jesus Christ really need to
do their research before believing these people. Jesus said, “By their fruits
you shall know them.” He did not say, “By their eloquent words, promises
and campaign slogans,” but rather that we would be able to identify people
by their actions.[8]

I don’t know what better proof I could ask for, to confirm both the statement
Judge Napolitano made as well as what I said in the previous chapter about
Republicans and Democrats playing for the same team (as in, two wings of the
same “bird of prey”), than the 2004 run for president.
Both George W. Bush and John Kerry
catered to the conservative and Christian
voter base, trying to earn their trust (votes).
Both also openly admitted to being
members of the Skull and Bones secret
society, but were also quite evasive in
discussing their (continued?) affiliations
with it.

Consider what this Cutting Edge Figure 45

Ministries article[9] has to say about Skull
and Bones and President George H. W. Bush:

The Skull and Bones also incorporates sexual activities into

their practices.

“The [ritualistic] death of the initiate will be as

frightful as the use of human skeletons and ritual
psychology can make it...” (Esquire Magazine, “The
Last Secrets of Skull and Bones,” Ron Rosenbaum,
p. 89).
Sexual perversion is part of ritual psychology. Ron
Rosenbaum, author of the Esquire Magazine article, stated that
on initiation night, called tap night,

“...if one could climb to the tower of Weir Hall, the

odd castle that overlooks the Bones courtyard, one
could hear strange cries and moans coming from the
bowels of the tomb as the 15 newly tapped members
were put through what sounded like a harrowing
ordeal...” (Esquire, September, 1976, p. 86).

Further, [initiates] “lay naked in coffins and tell their deepest

and darkest sexual secrets as part of their initiation.”
(Esquire, p. 85). These experiences in the coffins incorporated
sexual pain and resulted in being born-again, into the Order,
as we mentioned above. (Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p.95) A
powerful spiritual force charges through the participants of
these ceremonies, transforming their lives dramatically.

This type ritual is classic Satanism. Anton LaVey states, in his

book The Satanic Rituals: Companion to the Satanic Bible, (p.

“The ceremony of rebirth takes place in a large

coffin...This is similar to the coffin symbolism that...
is found in most lodge rituals.”
Make no mistake about it: Any organization which utilizes
this coffin ritual to simulate rebirth is practicing Satanism,
including Skull and Bones. The Skull and Bones believes that
on the night of initiation, the initiate “dies to the world and is
born again into the Order...” (Esquire Magazine, September,
1977, p. 89).

During the 1988 Presidential
Campaign, a TV reporter asked Vice-
President Bush if he were a
Christian. Bush initially stammered,
but then said, “If you mean born
again, then, yes, I am a Christian.”
Vice-President Bush answered this Figure 46
question in a very expert manner, simultaneously being true
to his own occult foundation while misleading innocent,
trusting Christians.

As born-again Christians carry out the ritual of water baptism

by immersion to demonstrate that they have died to the old
way of life and have been reborn into a new life, Satanists
have their ritual to demonstrate the same life transformation.
Rosenbaum continues his expose’ of the born-again
experience, “then it’s into the coffin and off on a symbolic
journey through the underworld to rebirth, which takes place
in Room Number 322. There, the Order clothes the newborn
knight in its own special garments, implying that, henceforth,
he will tailor himself to the Order’s mission.” (Ibid., p. 89,
148). This ritual description is as occultic as any I have read,
and truly reveals the Skull and Bones as Satanic.

One of the most sobering facets of this counterfeit born again

initiation ritual is that the initiate swears to an allegiance to
the Secret Order that transcends any allegiance later in life.
New Age Christian author Bill Cooper captures this disturbing
fact most succinctly,

“...Members of the Order (Skull and Bones) take an

oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any
nation or king or government or constitution, and
that includes the negating of any subsequent oath
which they may be required to take. They swear
allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New
World Order... according to the oath Bush took
when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his
oath of office as President of the United States
means nothing.”
(Cooper, Behold A Pale Horse, p. 81-82).

Since the oath as President occurred after the Oath to Skull

and Bones, it is not worth the paper on which it is printed.
That kind of hold is powerful. Indeed, as Ron Rosenbaum
began the research necessary to write his article for Esquire,
he was warned about the power of Skull and Bones.

“The power of Bones is incredible. They have their

hands on every lever of power in the country.”
The only thing which is important to the Skull and Bones is
their goal of a New World Order. In conjunction with this
understanding, remember one other secret society belief, i. e.,
the ends justify the means.
— Cutting Edge Ministries[10] [emphasis mine]

Lies, deceit, manipulation, satanic, sexual rituals... do any of those sound like
the “fruits” we should identify as “Christian?” No. Those are all the fruits of
the devil, and one major characteristic of the spirit of anti-Christ is the
tendency to “exalt oneself above all that is God.”

Now (as of the time of this writing), we have a president who thinks he is
some sort of god and a press that is all too happy to picture him as such.[11] The
man has literally been hailed as some sort of a messiah by both Christians and
non-Christians alike  — especially amongst Muslims.

On February 24, 2008, addressing the Nation

of Islam Savior’s Day, even the Islamic leader,
Louis Farrakhan said:

“When Obama talks, the Messiah

is absolutely speaking.” [12]
The world has certainly embraced this man. Figure 47
Therefore, we must pause here for a moment
and discuss President Barack Hussein Obama —  for he also has an interesting
connection to the number 72 worth investigating. Consider the strange, cryptic
comment he made after his first 100 days in office:

“Finally, I believe that my next hundred days will be so

successful, I will be able to complete them in 72 days.
[audience laughter] And on the 73rd day, I will rest.” [13]
— President Obama

What’s that all about? Sure he said those words at his first White House
Correspondence Dinner as a “joke” — or was it? We will look more into that
statement shortly after we take notice of a previous statement he made at that
same dinner.

Earlier in his speech,[14] he referred to his first hundred days as a “whirlwind

of activity.” Did you know that George W. Bush used that same term ,
“whirlwind,” in his acceptance speech? So what? Remember: symbols and
codes are how the “Illumined ones” love to communicate.

In Dr. Thomas Horn’s online article titled, “Summoning the Angel from the
Whirlwind,”[15] he writes:

On January 20, 2001, President George W. Bush during his

first inaugural address faced the obelisk known as the
Washington Monument and twice referred to an angel that
“rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.” [keep in mind
this was before 9/11] His reference was credited to Virginia
statesman John Page who wrote to Thomas Jefferson after the
Declaration of Independence was signed, saying, “We know
the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you
not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this

Five weeks after the inaugural, on

Wednesday, February 28,
Congressman Major R. Owens of
New York stood before the House
of Representatives and prayed to
the “Angel in the Whirlwind.” He
asked the spiritual force to guide
the future and fate of the United
States. Twenty-eight weeks later
Figure 48
(for a total of 33 weeks from the
inaugural — a number invaluable to mysticism and occult
fraternities), nineteen Islamic terrorists (according to the
official story) attacked the United States, hijacking four
commercial airliners and crashing two of them into the Twin
Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third
into the Pentagon, and a fourth, which had been directed
toward Washington, D. C. crashed near Shanksville,
Pennsylvania. What happened that day resulted in nearly
3,000 immediate deaths, at least two-dozen missing persons,
and the stage being set for changes to the existing world

When Bush was giving his

second inaugural speech four
years later, he again offered
cryptic commentary, saying,
“For a half century, America
defended our own freedom by
Figure 49 standing watch on distant
borders. After the shipwreck of
Communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose,
years of sabbatical — and then there came a day of fire....” A
few paragraphs following, Bush added, “By our efforts, we
have lit a fire as well — a fire in the minds of men. It warms
those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress,
and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the
darkest corners of our world.”

The phrase, “a fire in the minds of men,” is from Fyodor

Dostoyevsky’s nineteenth century book, The Possessed (The
Devils), a novel set in pre-revolutionary Russia where civil
resistance is seen championed by nihilist Sergei Nechaev who
tries to ignite a revolution of such destructive power that
society will be completely destroyed. The fact that a United
States president would quote this phrase in an official speech
of record was astonishing to many analysts, given that The
Possessed is about violent government crackdown on dissent
that sparks civil unrest and revolution marked by public
violence. Fire in the Minds of Men is also the title that
historian James H. Billington chose for his famous book on the
history of revolutions, including the origin of occult
Freemasonry and its influence in the American Revolution.

In his closing comments, Bush himself tied the inaugural

crypticisms to the Masonic involvement in the American
Revolution, saying, “When our Founders declared a new
order of the ages… they were acting on an ancient hope that
is meant to be fulfilled.” The phrase “a new order of the
ages” is taken from the Masonically designed Great Seal
(“Novus Ordo Seclorum”) and Bush further acknowledged that
the secret society members were acting on an “ancient” hope
that is “meant to be fulfilled.”
— Dr. Thomas Horn, Summoning the Angel from the
Whirlwind [16] [emphasis and pictures mine]

Secret societies and the presidents who love them have cryptic ways in which
they communicate with each other — often right in front of us! So, what are
they communicating? Dr. Horn continues:

Invitation to angels by elected officials combined with passive

civilian conformity is key to opening doorways for
supernatural agents to engage social governance. This is a
classic tenant of demonology. Spirits go where they are
invited, whether to possess an individual or to take dominion
over a region. One could contend therefore that starting in
2001, the United States became so disposed in following and
not challenging unprecedented changes to longstanding U.S.
policies including the Christian rules for just war, that a
powerful force known to the Illuminati as the “Moriah
Conquering Wind,” a. k.a. “the Angel in the Whirlwind”
accepted the administration’s invitation and enthroned itself in
the nation’s capital. Immediately after, it cast its eyes on the
ancient home of the Bab-Illi, Babylon, where the coveted
‘Gate of the Illi’ had opened once before.

Despite a series of ever-changing explanations as to why

George W. Bush was stubbornly resolved in taking the U.S.
into Iraq/Babylon, the home of the ‘Etemenanki’ (House of the
Foundation of Heaven and Earth, the ‘Tower of Babel’) even
though Iraq was not connected to the events of September 11,
2001, years later if you asked a room of 20 analysts to define
what was the true nature behind the U.S. entering that war,
you would probably receive 20 different answers.
— Dr. Thomas Horn[17] [emphasis mine]

Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, L.A. Marzulli and a lot of others have publicly
spoken out against the Luciferian system[18] for years — and have been
attacked for doing so. And now, I am speaking out as well. People are listening
and beginning to wake up. The Elite don’t like that, but we are living in urgent
times. What is coming is very serious. The watchmen are needed to sound the
alarm so that the people do wake up. Therefore, I ask you to please pray for all
of the “watchmen on the wall” in these Last Days.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood [although that

happens sometimes too], but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)


I think we need to look deeper into President Obama’s cryptic “joke” about
completing his second 100 days in 72 days and then resting on his 73rd day.
What was really being said there? If he was just “joking,” of all the numbers he
could have chosen , why did he pick 72? Why not complete them in 68 days?
Or 81? There has to be significance to his very specific choice of the number
72 — and there certainly is!

During his first 100 days, he sure

didn’t waste much time “remaking
America.” In less than a month in
office, he signed The American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 (the $787 billion economic
stimulus package enacted by the
111th Congress). What’s also very
interesting about this, is that he
signed that $787 billion bailout-
Figure 50
bill in Denver, Colorado rather
than in the oval office of the White House. Why did he push so urgently for this
bill, only to delay its signing just so that he could do it in Denver, on February
17 (which is an important date to the New World Order)?

One online blogger suggests:

February 17, 2009, falls upon one of the most important

Illuminati astrological ‘signs of great changes’ with the
conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, and which in its most
simplistic sense means,

“With the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, you have

an abundance of energy and enthusiasm to take on
tasks that would frighten all but the most

— Sorcha Faal, Obama Turns US Over To ‘New World Order’

On February 17th[19]

Whether there is some astrological reason he chose that date (as this person
suggests) or not, I do not know. But the fact that he chose to do it in Denver is
very interesting to me. I’ll explain why shortly. In the meantime, let’s dig a
little deeper.

On his 72nd day in office, President Obama met with the leaders of China,
Russia, and Britain while in London for the G20 summit. It was one of his
busiest days thus far, one that included everything from reopening talks on
nuclear disarmament with Russia to giving the Queen of England an iPod.

By April 2nd (day 73 of his first 100 days), President Obama was “resting” at
the G20 Summit, apparently endorsing the commitment of another $1.1 trillion
in additional loans and guarantees to finance trade and bail out troubled
countries.[20] Meanwhile, in public opinion polls, people were asking “Should
Obama Control the Internet?” [21] The Brits were also freaking out because
Michelle Obama embraced the Queen of England[22] and the president’s
bowing to the Saudi King raised a lot of eyebrows.[23]

The 100th day of Obama’s presidency was April 29, 2009. Seventy-two days
added to that brings us to July 10, 2009. Obama said that he intended to rest
(from his creative labors) on that following Saturday. Of course, Saturday is
the seventh day of the week — the day Scripture calls the Sabbath. So, the
biblical inference of Obama comparing himself to God is (I think) much more
than a coincidence. As stated in the previous chapter, this is not a foreign
concept concerning our presidents, but Obama does not even appear to be
concerned with concealing this idea. In fact, he seems to embrace it.

The date July 11, 2009, is the date of Obama’s 73rd “day of rest.” It is a
significant date for the reasons stated above, but more importantly because it is
the first of 1,260 days (or 42 months — an amount of time that should be
familiar to most students of prophecy) from July 10, 2009 to December 21,
2012! Was Obama consciously aware of that? I don’t know, but such
synchronicities are hard to ignore, and I would have a very hard time writing it
off as merely a “coincidence.”

Just what exactly did Obama finally accomplish on the 172nd day of his
presidency that he should “rest” on the 173rd — the day that would set up the
next 42 months for the “big date” that everyone was talking about (December
21, 2012)?

The closer we got to July 11, 2009, the stranger things became. In fact, I
suppose a 1,000-page book could easily be written exploring all of the
strangeness surrounding this unique god-president named, Barack Hussein
Obama. Seriously, the more you look into this man and the world’s response to
him, the weirder things get. Take the response in Cairo for instance.


In preparation for our president’s visit to Egypt, vendors had plaques made up
declaring, “Obama: New Tutankhamon Of The World.” The “New
Tutankhamon of the World?” What in the world is that all about? When has
such a thing ever happened to a head of state? Our president was called a
pharaoh — someone who is considered to be Horus, the reincarnation of
Osiris.[24] An online source gives us the details:
A souvenir shop-owner displays a recently-made metal plaque
for sale to tourists reading “Obama, New Tutankhamon of the
World,” in the Khan el-Khalili market area of Cairo, Egypt
Thursday, May 28, 2009, ahead of President Barack Obama’s
planned June 4 speech in Cairo on U.S. relations with the
Muslim world. The sign refers to Tutankhamon who was one of
the last Pharaohs of Egypt’s 18th Dynasty and ruled during a
crucial, turmoil-filled period in Egyptian history.
Hieroglyphics at base of plaque were claimed by the vendor to
spell the name “Obama.” [25]

Notice, of all the pharaohs Obama could have been compared to, he was
referred to as the “New Tutankhamon!” Commonly known today as “King Tut,”
he was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. He ruled from 1333 BC to
1323 BC during a time known as the New Kingdom. He was one of the few
pharaohs to have actually been worshipped as a god, enjoying a cult-like
following during his own lifetime.[26] He had temples dedicated to his cult as
far away as Kawa and Faras in Nubia. There are even references in these
remote places of him as being a deified king. A stela discovered at Karnak and
dedicated to Amun-Re and Tutankhamon describes a situation where he could
be appealed to for forgiveness. Apparently, a petitioner could also be freed
from any ailment caused by wrongdoing.

King Tut was also the son of Akhenaten, who was most known for turning
Egypt to a monotheistic form of worship. Keep this concept in mind: Prior to
Tutankhamun, Egypt worshipped one god.

Obama: the New King Tut of the world?

Never have I seen a U.S. president who came out of nowhere, with next to no
public record of note, yet the man is essentially worshipped all around the
world! And don’t forget, this was just within the guy’s first two hundred days
in office. But the thing I really want to point out concerning the comparison of
Obama to that particular pharaoh, is the fact that King Tut brought back the
worship of the “old gods” and ushered in the “New Kingdom” era in Egypt.

Could that be Obama’s purpose at this point in history as well? To usher in the
New World Order  — and its worship of the “old gods” of antiquity?
Remember that the “apostasy” spoken of by the apostle Paul in the New
Testament, refers to a “falling away” from the (true) faith before the Antichrist
is “revealed.”

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4)

Will Obama be the one who ushers in the apostasy by bringing back (or
endorsing) the worship of the old gods? Will he be the one who sets the stage,
thus preparing the way for the Antichrist just as John the Baptist prepared the
way for Jesus Christ?

In the first three chapters of this book, I made the case for why I believe a
resurrected Nimrod will be the Antichrist. So, I certainly do not believe
Barack Hussein Obama is the tyrant of the Last Days. Nevertheless, there
is no shortage of commentary online where lots of people are making all sorts
of connections to President Obama as being a very good candidate for the
Antichrist. I do have to admit, I think a lot of the information out there is very
compelling and quite interesting — freaky even! But I don’t buy it.


Figure 51

The picture above is of the “Seat of Satan” spoken of in Revelation 2:12,13.

This Altar of Zeus has since been relocated from the Pergamum of the Bible to
Berlin (big surprise). It now stands beside the Ishtar Gate (which used to be
part of the city of ancient Babylon) as the most famous and popular item in the
Berlin Collection of Classic Antiquities.

With around one million visitors each year, the Pergamon

museum is one of most popular of all the National Museums.
Its main attraction is the Pergamon Altar (2nd century BCE).
The frieze depicting the battle between the gods and Titans is
regarded a masterpiece of Hellenistic art. The next room to the
south contains the market gate of Miletus, an exquisite piece
of Roman architecture. From there visitors can proceed to the
Museum of t he Ancient Near East.

— Staatliche Museen zu Berlin[27] [emphasis mine]

In researching this, I found it quite interesting that the Seat of Satan was moved
to Berlin, Germany just prior to World War I, then it was relocated to a better
facility prior to World War II and placed right alongside the Ishtar Gate of
Babylon! Is it any wonder that two world wars were started in Germany?
Could it be the place where the final World War is launched as well? Time
will tell, but it certainly appeared to be the place where Obama was launched.

In July of 2008, Obama gave yet another “change” speech under Germany’s
famous Victory Column. This was Hitler’s favorite place for the Berlin Nazi
rallies. The sight of Obama standing, arm outstretched, in that all-too-familiar
gesture below the pagan goddess Victoria (aka Nike), is certainly chilling
enough.[28] But not nearly as scary as what happened at his acceptance speech
at the Democratic National Convention held in — where else? — Denver,
Colorado. There, Obama gave his acceptance speech in front of a replica of
the Seat of Satan (Altar of Zeus)! [29]

Like Hitler (who certainly was a true son of Satan), Obama chose to have a
copy of the Altar of Zeus as the backdrop for his acceptance speech. Thus, he
knowingly chose the Seat (or throne) of Satan to be the platform for accepting
his role in the days ahead.

If we look at the movies and TV shows of the past 10 years or so, we have to
acknowledge that there certainly does appear to have been a concerted effort
on the part of the Illuminati’s propaganda machine (known as Hollywood) to
precondition the masses to the idea that a black U.S. president will be the one
to keep us safe in these Last Days. Nimrod was the son of Cush, who’s name
means, ‘black terror.’ Thus, it is quite likely that Nimrod was/will be black.

Now before I go any further, let me clearly state here that I am in no way,
shape or form a prejudice man. I could not care less what color a person’s
skin is. We all have red blood, and I believe all men are created equal. So, I
am not being racist here. I am merely pointing out (as many others have done as
well) that there have been numerous Apocalyptic-type shows and movies that
have featured a black president. Here are just a few:

Deep Impact (Morgan Freeman)
Idiocracy (Terry Alan Crews)
The Fifth Element (Tom Lister, Jr.)
The Left Behind series (Louis Gossett, Jr.)
2012 (Danny Glover)

TV Shows:

24 (Dennis Haysbert)
The Event (Blair Underwood)

In the short-lived TV series, The Event, a black president has to deal with the
existence of aliens living among us, who are planning to take over the world.
Interestingly enough, the second episode was called, “To Keep Us Safe.”

Is this all just a “coincidence” or is there something more going on here? I

personally don’t believe in coincidences. All of that “entertainment” seems to
have prepped (or brainwashed) the people of this country (and indeed the
world) to embrace President Obama as some sort of savior — or at the very
least, the one (new King Tut) who may welcome (or bring back) the old gods.
Then there was the strange “event” that happened in Norway when President
Obama got his “Nobel Peace Prize.”[30] I have spent a lot of time looking into
that strange spiral that appeared in the Norwegian sky on December 9, 2009,
[31] and the one thing I can say is that it most certainly was not a failed missile.
This wasn’t the only spiral to be seen either. Another showed up over the skies
of Australia about six months later, and there have been others sighted around
the world since then as well.

Nearly every one of these sightings was followed by news reports attributing
the phenomena to “failed missiles.” First of all, if missiles are failing over
major cities all over the world, that’s a major problem! But I don’t believe that
explanation anyway. Missiles don’t do what these things did. Simple as that.
When you combine that fact with the notion that ancient people were carving
depictions of this exact same shape into the rocks and caves of the world,[32]
you have to acknowledge that this could well be a significant “sign in the
heavens,” to which we probably should be paying attention.

Then He continued by saying to them, “Nation will rise

against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be
great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines;
and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. (Luke
21:10,11 NASB)

On her Welcome to the Mind of a Writer website,[33] author Sharon K. Gilbert

had some interesting insights into this particular passage of Scripture:

The Greek word translated ‘terrors’ is a curious word indeed.

In fact, it quite surprised me when I looked it up. It is
phobetron (pronounced FOE-bay-tron). According to Strong’s
(G5400), phobetron implies ‘that which causes terror or
fright’. It comes from the root word ‘phobeo’ (from which we
derive our English word ‘phobia’). Phobeo is that which
causes fear, or it can be something that instills great respect
or reverence. It can instill awe or amazement, or simply
compel us to flee for our lives.

Phobetron only appears in the Bible once. Just once. Luke is
the only one whom the Holy Spirit inspired to use this curious
word. One small word that may imply many, horrendous events
yet to come. The rise of machines. A ‘singularity’ of sorts...
Think of it the next time you watch the movie, Terminator.

Phobetron. You know, if I wanted to be very speculative, then I

might also mention flying machines as a source of terror and I
would connect this ‘sight’ with the phrase that follows it,
‘great signs from heaven.’

— Sharon K. Gilbert (excerpts from her blog, Sheer

Speculation on the Greek Word: Phobetron)[34]

What a great catch! I have never seen that before, but I

think Sharon is really on to something. There certainly has
been an incredible number of UFO sightings in the last few
years. In my DVD, The Mount Hermon-Roswell
Connection,[35] I include an eight-minute montage showing
UFO sightings as reported just in the last few years on
Figure 52 mainstream news. I made that video in the summer of 2011.
There have been almost as many reported sightings since
then. The “phopetron” may indeed be coming! While there have been UFO
sightings reported for centuries, in recent years, they have become more and
more frequent. But that’s not really anything new. The spirals, on the other
hand, are.

I find it rather interesting that most of these strange heavenly signs started after
Obama became president. That said, and while I can agree that all of this is
worth thinking about and carefully considering, as I’ve already pointed out, he
cannot be the Antichrist. I don’t believe he is the False Prophet either. So, what
are we to make of the man? I will pursue this matter further in Book 4, Babylon
Rising: Countdown to Armageddon, in the chapter titled, Riders on the Storm.
There, I will tell you exactly who I think Barack Hussein Obama is in the End
Times list of characters — and what I believe his role is as one of several
forerunners sent to prepare the way,[36] much like John the Baptist prepared the
way for Jesus.
Back to President Obama’s 72nd day of his second hundred in office — the day
before he “rested from his labors.” On the evening of that “last day,” the
president met with Pope Benedict for about 40 minutes to have “private talks.”
The Vatican said that “bioethics and life issues” were a central part of the
discussion.[37] Considering the Pope had just (three days earlier) made some
interesting statements that seem to advocate the New World Order,[38] one can’t
help but wonder and speculate about what all really may have been said in
those “private talks.”

I also find it very interesting that this “messianic-pharaoh-god” met with the
Pope (to discuss genetics no less) at the start of the 1,260 day countdown to
December 21, 2012 — especially when you consider which pope Benedict is.
According to Saint Malachy’s prophecy, The Prophecy of the Popes,[39] Pope
Benedict could be the one who immediately precedes the last pope (False
Prophet?) and ushers in the End of Days. Could it be that the forerunner to the
Antichrist met with the forerunner of the False Prophet? These are just some of
the things that make you go, “Hmm.”


On page 298 of Apollyon Rising 2012, Tom Horn ties all of this together and
makes a startling observation:

“These beings [the fallen angels or “ kosmokrators”] became

worshipped on earth as gods following Babel, led by
Nimrod/Gilgamesh/Osiris/Apollo. Consistent with this
tradition, the designers of the Capital Dome, the Great Seal of
the United States, and the Obelisk Washington Monument
circled the Apotheosis of Washington with seventy-two stars,
dedicated the Obelisk seventy-two years after the signing of
the Declaration of Independence, and placed the seventy-two
stones of the Great Seal’s uncapped pyramid, above which the
eye of Horus/Osiris/Apollo stares. These three sets of seventy-
two (72), combined with the imagery and occult numerology of
the Osiris/Obelisk [penis], the Isis/Dome [womb], and the
oracular Great Seal, are richly symbolic of the influence of
Satan and his angels over the world (see Luke 4:5-6, 2
Corinthians 4:4, and Ephesians 6:12) with a prophecy toward
Satan’s final earthly empire — the coming novus ordo
seclorum, or new golden pagan age.”
— Dr. Thomas Horn, Apollyon Rising 2012 [added
descriptions mine]

New golden pagan age? Yes. I believe a big part of the “Great Deception” is
going to be a “falling away” from faith in the One True God, back to a belief in
the old world pantheon of pagan deities — most of which all represented one
false god, named Osiris — or, as we have seen, the god-man the Bible calls

Something else that I think is noteworthy, involves the month of October, 2008.
Just one month before Barack Obama was placed —  oh, I mean, selected or uh
— elected as our president, the jackal-headed Egyptian god Anubis (who was
believed to be the guide and protector of the dead) arrived in Atlanta, Georgia,
to pave the way across the country for King Tut’s treasures! In the context of all
that I have been writing here, doesn’t that seem quite odd and rather peculiar?
Probably just a coincidence, right? I don’t think so.

This is how[40] describes Anubis:

Anubis is an incredibly ancient god, and

was the original god of the dead before
Osiris “took over” the position. After that
point, Anubis was changed to be one of the
many sons of Osiris and the psychopomp
(conductor of souls) of the underworld. His
totem of the jackal is probably due to the
fact that jackals would hunt at the edges of
the desert, near the necropolis and
cemeteries throughout Egypt. Prayers to
Figure 53
Anubis are found carved on the most ancient
tombs in Egypt, and his duties apparently are many. He
watches over the mummification process to ensure that all is
done properly. He conducts the souls through the
underworld, testing their knowledge of the gods and their
faith. He places their heart on the Scales of Justice during the
Judging of the Heart, and he feeds the souls of wicked people
to Ammit.
— [emphasis and picture mine]

And so, this “son of Osiris,” the “mummy overseer” and “conductor of the
Underworld” made his rounds across the country. In March of 2010, he even
moved to Manhattan for some very telling photo ops in front of the equally
pagan Statue of Liberty. By June of 2010, Anubis found his way to —  wait for
it — Denver International Airport! Wow. What do you know? There, the
exhibit was to run from June 29, 2010, through January 9, 2011 (which
incidentally is the day I wrote this chapter). It was said that “Anubis will be
standing guard during that time.”[41]

Standing guard? Standing guard for what — or maybe I should say, for whom?
Could it be that the plan to raise Osiris is taking place and Anubis is being
brought in to ensure that it is all “done properly” and that everyone is brushed
up on their knowledge of the old gods?

Meanwhile, almost as if to be sure

everyone is familiar with this
character, “they” slated for young
American audiences in 2011, a new
Nickelodeon TV series called, House
of Anubis. Gotta make sure the kiddos
are exposed too!

Is Pharaoh-King Tut-Obama preparing

the theater for his future king? Now,
imagine Osiris/Nimrod stepping back Figure 54
onto the world stage, backed by
supernatural manifestations in the air and on the ground of the old gods of
mythology. Think that’s crazy? Keep reading.


On December 21, 2010 an amazing thing happened — that also involves the
number 72. This is the event that actually caused me to really take a hard look
at all of the subjects I am writing about here. In fact, it is what prompted me to
write this book in the first place. I’m talking about the total lunar eclipse that
occurred on the winter solstice of 2010.

The Book of Jasher states that Nimrod was decapitated by Esau.

And Nimrod and two of his men that were with him came to the
place where they were, when Esau started suddenly from his
lurking place, and drew his sword, and hastened and ran to
Nimrod and cut off his head.

And Esau fought a desperate fight with the two men that were
with Nimrod, and when they called out to him, Esau turned to
them and smote them to death with his sword.

And all the mighty men of Nimrod, who had left him to go to
the wilderness, heard the cry at a distance, and they knew the
voices of those two men, and they ran to know the cause of it,
when they found their king and the two men that were with him
lying dead in the wilderness. (Jasher 27:7-9)

This ancient Hebrew text says that Esau killed Nimrod and the two men who
were with him, but there were no witnesses to this event. By the time Nimrod’s
other “mighty men” (giants?) got to the scene, Esau was gone. With no
witnesses to testify as to what really happened to the king of the world, you can
imagine the stories that might have been told. Imagine the conspiracy theories
that probably developed around this tyrannical king’s death. Imagine those who
may have tried to take credit for killing Nimrod for their own benefit. When
you look at it like that, it is very easy to see how numerous stories could have
developed in the ancient world to explain Nimrod’s death.

Nearly every legend of the other incarnations of this individual depicts him
meeting a horrible end as well. Whether you are talking about Osiris,
Dionysus, Bacchus or Mithra you will find that decapitation, castration,
mutilation, and the hacking into pieces of his body are all common descriptions
of this man’s death. He truly is the first Frankenstein monster — a mutilated
dead man destined to rise again!

In fact, even the constellation of Orion (as

seen in filtered HD through a high-powered
telescope) looks like a massacred body
sitting out there in space. Red, nebulous
clouds completely surround the
constellation like a pool of blood, and the
area where his head should be looks like a
bloody mess instead! Orion literally looks
like some sort of “cosmic roadkill”
hanging out there in space!

On December 21, 2010 during the winter

solstice (the time when the Sun
symbolically dies, and we have the darkest
days of the year), there was a total lunar
eclipse. This happened exactly two years
Figure 55
away from the infamous date of December
21, 2012. Keep that fact in mind.

What I found to be even more extraordinary was the time, the timing and the
location of the moon that night. The moon turned blood red while in full
eclipse at 2:22 a.m. (CST) as viewed from the 33rd Parallel here in Dallas,
Texas for a total of 72 minutes —  and it did so right above the shoulders of
Orion, in front of Taurus, between Orion’s club and the horns of the bull (see
Figure 51). In other words, the moon literally appeared as a blood-red,
decapitated head floating above the shoulders of
Orion/Osiris/Gilgamesh/Mithra/Apollo -- Nimrod! Was that a sign of the
times? Is this what the ancients were all pointing toward regarding 2012?
Could it be that our calendar was/is off by two years? I suggest that it was and
I think you will see why as we continue.

Note that this particular eclipse was really only viewable over the United
States — the place many scholars like to refer to as “spiritual (or Mystery)
Babylon.” It should also be noted that 2:22 a.m. Central Standard Time, was
3:22 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, which of course is the time zone for the East
Coast where Washington, D.C. is located. Remember what we learned about
concerning secret societies earlier? Is it just a “coincidence” that this very
specific sign in the heavens, that just so happens to have numerous meanings
directly related to Osiris-Orion-Gilgamesh-Nimrod, also happened at a time
(3:22) directly related to a number that is prominently displayed on the Skull
and Bones iconography?

Figure 56

Again, let me remind you about several of the significant bullet points I
mentioned at the beginning of this chapter concerning the number 72:

The mass of the Moon is 1/72nd that of the Earth.

The axis of the earth moves off one degree every 72 years compared
to stars.
The number of devils according to The Lesser Key of Solomon.
The god Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and
accomplices of Set.
Thoth, of Egyptian mythology wins a 72nd of each day of the year from
the Moon in a game of Draughts and uses these portions to make the 5
intercalary days on which the remaining gods and goddesses were

Our moon, which is 1/72nd the mass of the earth, appeared over Osiris-Orion-
Nimrod’s shoulders like a decapitated head for 72 minutes. Osiris is intimately
related to both the number 72 and the year 2012. Egyptian mythology spells out
the precession of the stars that lead to December 21, 2012. President Obama,
was referred to as an Egyptian pharaoh and was heralded by Anubis (no less)
before giving an acceptance speech in front of a replica of the Seat of Satan,
which is also intimately connected to both the number 72 as well as the date
December 21, 2012.

Considering all of the demonic symbolism and meanings that are found in all of
this, I think it is also pertinent to note that the time, 3:33 a.m. (which was only
a few minutes later) is known as the witching hour — the time of demons —
the time when a lot of so-called “alien abductions” are said to take place. The
moon was deep red by this time, and I believe all of this is very significant and
should be taken into consideration. Remember, God Himself said that the stars,
sun and moon are to be for “signs and for seasons.”

“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the

heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs, and for season, and for days, and years...” (Genesis

In the Bible, the Zodiac was referred to as “Mazzaroth.”[42] God uses the
“signs in the heavens” to show us things. Throughout history, blood-red moons
have typically been a sign of (usually bad) things to come. Thus, this “sign”
cannot be a good thing, and I do not believe that it is merely by chance that
God placed it above America at this specific time in history.

Actually, I think all of this makes perfect sense, especially when you consider
what “Bonesmen” Daddy and Junior Bush did in Iraq and what Pharoah-
Obama is doing now to bring about some major prophetic events. We would do
well to heed the sign and all of the warnings contained within it.
The last time we had a similar blood moon eclipse was on February 20, 2008
at about 9:30 p.m. (CST). It took place in the constellation Leo right between
Regulus and Saturn.

This is what Wikipedia has to say about Saturn (keep in mind also that Regulus
is considered the “King Star” and Leo, the King Constellation):

“In Babylon he was called

Ninib and was an agricultural
deity. Saturn, called Cronus by
the Greeks, was, at the dawn
of the Ages of the Gods, the
Protector and Sower of the
Seed and his wife, Ops, (called
Rhea by the Greeks) was a
Harvest Helper...”
— Wikipedia[43] [emphasis Figure 57

Not long after the February 2008 red-moon eclipse, the economy began to
collapse,[44] and the “seeds” for a coming New World Order were sown,
paving the way for “the dawn of the ages of the gods” to be ushered in by the
new, soon-to-be-appointed pharaoh-president who would take us the rest of the

The aftermath of the 2008 eclipse wasn’t so good for America. So what are we
to make of the “signs” given on the night of December 21, 2010? Without
making any direct conclusions here, I will just throw these other interesting
observations into the mix for your consideration:

Jupiter and Uranus were in conjunction with each other that night as
well. Jupiter (or Zeus) representing the king of the gods (Lucifer) and
Uranus representing the heavens.
The Sun was in Sagittarius, the animal-human hybrid with a bow and
arrow  —  also accompanied by Mars (the god of war) and Mercury
(the messenger of the gods).
Saturn (the Titan father of the Olympian gods) was in the belly of

God said that these stars and planets were placed there to show us things. I
could read an awful lot into these “signs” but I’ll leave that to the experts.
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the earth:

Earthquakes rocked the entire planet[45] killing many people as an

appropriate response to...
North and South Korea continuing to make rumblings of war.[46]
A missile was fired from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel causing
Israel to answer back.[47]
Iraq announced that it had finally formed its new government (just in
time for the floating “head” of Orion-Nimrod to begin making its
descent onto their former leader’s shoulders):

“The government, headed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,

a Shiite, was approved unanimously in Baghdad on Tuesday,
ending nine months of political gridlock that had Washington
fearing fresh political turmoil as U.S. forces continue their
Iraq pullout.”

— National Journal[48]

Needless to say, I believe the event of December 21, 2010’s blood-red moon
eclipse rising for 72 minutes over Orion-Osiris-Gilgamesh-Nimrod (as the
whole planet was shaking) on the day of Iraq’s “rebirth” (Nimrod’s new
Babylon) is very significant. So significant in fact, that it has me wondering, if
December 21, 2010 was not the actual date that the ancients were pointing
toward. Again, I’ll ask, could it be that our calendar is off by two years?


Another extremely significant “sign” appeared shortly after that event. A bunch
of news articles[49] came out stating things like:

The tilt of the Earth’s axis has gradually shifted since the
ancient times when the Babylonians determined the dates of
the Zodiac. The calendrical rejiggering also supposedly re-
introduced a sign discarded by the Babylonians: Ophiuchus,
alternatively called the much cooler sounding Serpentarius.

Those [Zodiac] signs you were born into are different now
because the Earth’s wobble on its axis has created a one month
bump in the alignment of the stars, according to [astronomer]
Parke Kunkle.

“Because of this change of tilt, the Earth is really

over here in effect and the Sun is in a different
constellation than it was 3,000 years ago.”
How interesting that right after this “red moon rising” event, there was all sorts
of talk about the earth’s new “pole shift,”[50] and then hundreds of thousands of
birds started to fall from the sky[51] and millions of dead fish started to wash
up on beaches.[52] Now, we have a 13th sign of the Zodiac. What is most
interesting to me is which sign they added. They added Ophiuchus!

Ophiuchus is also known as the

“Serpent Handler” and Asclepius, the
god of healing. Also of extreme
interest, he was the son of Apollo (yet
another name for Nimrod). But wait!
There’s more!
Figure 58
According to the mythology, Asclepius
was given the power to restore the dead back to life. Of particular interest, is
the fact that one of the individuals he is said to have restored to life was the
great hunter Orion (Nimrod)! In fact, according to the story, Asclepius was
restoring so many people back to life that the Realm of the Dead was
becoming depopulated.

Hades, the God of the Underworld, whom the Romans knew as

Pluto, complained to Zeus about the loss of the dead. Everyday
Hades had fewer and fewer subjects over whom to rule.
So in response to the pleas of Hades, Zeus struck down
Asclepius with a thunderbolt. Apollo was infuriated by the
slaying of his son, and took his revenge by slaying the three
one-eyed beings called Cyclopes who forged Zeus’

So to appease the anger of Apollo, Zeus revived Asclepius and

set him in the sky as the constellation of Ophiuchus.

The Serpent Wrestler is a symbol of health and healing

because of the connection with the serpent, which was a
symbol of rebirth in the classical culture. It was thought that
the serpent was reborn when it shed its skin each spring. [53]

How incredibly appropriate! Our new Zodiac sign is that of the one who uses
the power of the serpent to heal and raise both Orion-Nimrod and release those
who were dead in Hades! Is that what John the revelator was trying to tell us
when he wrote about the fourth horsemen?

Figure 59

When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the
fourth living creature saying, “Come.” I looked, and behold,
an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death;
and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to
them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with
famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
(Revelation 6:7,8 NASB)

Is John describing the literal release of Hades? If so, this sure puts Jesus’ little
discussion with Peter in Caesarea Philippi into a whole new light. You know,
the part where Peter replied to the Lord’s question of, “Who do you say that I

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the
living God.”

And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona,

because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My
Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter,
and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of
Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the
kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have
been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall
have been loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:16-19 NASB)

I’m thinking we’re going to have to truly understand what is being said here —
and this whole “binding and loosing” deal? Yeah. I believe we’re going to
need to know how to do that too! Because...

“There shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the
stars; and upon the earth distress among nations, with
perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring. Men’s hearts will
fail them for fear and for looking upon those things which are
coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud
with power and great glory. And when these things begin to
come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your
redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:25-28)

Notice, Jesus said “and then,” meaning after these things “begin to come to
pass” we should start looking up because our redemption “draweth nigh.”[54]
That says to me that we may be here for a fair amount of this strange and scary
stuff — which means, those of us who have our Rapture Shoes all laced up and
ready to go, may have to hang on for a bit and actually take a stand against
some of this scary stuff before “flying away ol’ glory.”

Please note, I’m not trying to offer an opinion on when the Rapture takes place
here, and I’m not trying to be rude. Believe me, I hope we’re getting out of here
sooner than later too. But how can we be considered as the “Overcomers”
mentioned in the Book of Revelation unless we actually overcome something?
Again, I’m not interested in debating whether or not there is a pre-, mid- or
post-Tribulation Rapture, I’m simply saying we should “occupy until He
comes”[55] — whenever that may be. The way I look at it, I would rather be
prepared and not need to be, then not be prepared when I do need to be.

In the meantime, I cannot help but wonder if we may see the loosing of the
bands of Orion before joining the Lord in the air.

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the

bands of Orion? (Job 38:31)
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That
ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by
spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of
Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for
that day shall not come, except there come a falling away
first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called
God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the
temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (2
Thessalonians 2:1-4)


The Washington Monument is an obelisk. In Egyptian mythology, the obelisk
represents the “missing piece” (the reproductive organ) of Osiris. According
to the myth, 72 conspirators killed him. His evil brother Set then cut the body
into 14 pieces, only 13 of which were found by Osiris’ wife Isis. She
fashioned the obelisk as a representation of that missing piece in order to
impregnate herself with Osiris’ seed, which produced Horus; who she said
was the reincarnation of Osiris.

The Washington Monument’s foundation was excavated and laid 72 years after
the signing of the Declaration of Independence.[56] It has the number “666” all
over it and it represents the phallus of Osiris. The phallus is that which
delivers the seed!

The Capitol Building’s dome is a representation of the womb of Isis (Osiris’

wife). It lies in waiting just ahead of the Washington Monument. Inside the
dome, there are 72 binding pentagrams surrounding a mural of George
Washington, who has essentially been deified.

Figure 60

In the painting (Figure 60), George is seated as a god with a woman on either
side of him. Surrounding this trio are 13 more women (remember 13 pieces of
Osiris were found by Isis) who each have a star over their heads. They form
the shape of a pyramid, with the center of the dome forming the pupil of an all
seeing eye. The two women at the top of the pyramid shape are holding a
banner that says, “E Pluribus Unum” (which I would maintain really means,
one god represented by many).
Remember, as we have already learned, the Great Seal of the United States (a
supposedly Christian nation) is loaded with ancient mythological symbolism
and nothing from the Bible. The Egyptian phoenix/Bennu adorns the front,
holding 13 arrows and 13 olives/leaves, and the uncapped pyramid on the
backside of the Seal contains 13 steps comprised of 72 stones. Above it,
hovers the eye of Horus/Osiris.

The Capitol Building is not the only structure in Washington, D.C. that has a
connection to the number 72 as well as the phoenix. The Pentagon does too!
Remember the first bullet-point in the list at the beginning of this chapter?

In a plane, the exterior angles of a regular pentagon measure 72

degrees each.

Curiously enough, there is also a connection to a different type of “plane” —

as in the one that (supposedly) hit the Pentagon on 9/11.[57] Construction of the
Pentagon began on September 11, 1941. Sixty years to the day later, it was hit
on September 11, 2001 by (so we were told), American Airlines Flight 77, and
thus the (coincidentally) most heavily reinforced portion of the recently
renovated and partially emptied[58] 7 floored[59] building collapsed.

It was the only area of the Pentagon with a sprinkler system,

and it had been reconstructed with a web of steel columns and
bars to withstand bomb blasts. The steel reinforcement, bolted
together to form a continuous structure through all of the
Pentagon’s five [upper] floors, kept that section of the
building from collapsing for 30 minutes—enough time for
hundreds of people to crawl out to safety. The area struck by
the plane also had blast-resistant windows—2 inches thick and
2,500 pounds each—that stayed intact during the crash and
fire. It had fire doors that opened automatically and newly
built exits that allowed people to get out. — Esther Schrader,
LA Times[60]

So, here we have Flight 77, hitting a 7 floored building (777 is of course the
number of YHVH), in the place where the least amount of damage and
casualties would occur. Guess what they named that “wing” of the building
after it was repaired? The Phoenix![61]

Remember, Manly P. Hall says that the “eagle” on the front-side of the Seal
represents a “conventionalized phoenix.” In Egyptian mythology, the phoenix is
associated with the sun god. She is called the Bennu,[62] which means “the
Ascending One” and essentially represents the soul of Osiris. Thus, the
phoenix is yet another symbol for the rebirth of Osiris, rising up out of the
ashes of death. At some point, we must simply acknowledge the facts, the
numbers and symbols that are all around us. When we do, it is hard to deny that
America’s primary role appears to be all about the resurrection of Osiris,
who is Nimrod, the Antichrist!

We are definitely living in the days when truth is indeed stranger than fiction! If
I’m reading the “signs” and the Scriptures correctly, the time is short, and we
need to be ready and prepared for what very well could be... The Omega Plan.
Official Legal Disclaimer:
The content of this chapter is for informational purposes only. I am not a qualified
broker, investor, accountant, tax lawyer, financial planner or professional adviser of any
kind. Nor am I in any way affiliated with any sort of product, service, selling or
marketing group. I am nothing more than a person who wishes to share some
information with you. So, as with anything of this nature, please do your own research
and consult a qualified professional before making any financial investment decisions.

I could be wrong, but...

his chapter includes my personal opinions and interpretations of historic and
recent events as well some of my own speculation about the future. That is the
reason for the question mark at the end of the chapter title. Do your own
research and take the following for whatever you feel this information is
worth. Back in the early ‘90’s the U.S. went to war with Iraq. We called it,
“Desert Storm.” Prior to that war, Iraq was a world superpower  — at least in
the sense of its wealth and natural resources.

Their currency is called the “Dinar.” From 1982 until about 1993, 1 Dinar was
worth about $3.22 USD. Their only competitor was Kuwait as the highest
valued currency on the planet. After Desert Storm, the U.N. imposed sanctions
on Iraq, causing the value of their currency to begin to plummet. By the time we
went back into Iraq in 2003 (under pretense of finding weapons of mass
destruction), the value of their currency had plummeted to about 3,000 Dinar to
one U.S. dollar. It became completely worthless. [1] But what happened after
that is nothing short of extraorDinary.

Before I go any further, I feel it is necessary to point out that the Rothschild
family has played a key role in the banking history of this planet, going back at
least as far as the 1700s. I recently came across a couple of videos online that I
believe perfectly lay out the Illuminati’s game plan concerning the
manipulation of money through central banks. The first one is Leonard Ulrich’s
fantastic documentary, NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1.[2]
The second one is called, The Secret of Oz.[3] If you decide to watch these two
videos, your time will be extremely well spent. If you only have time to watch
one, watch the first one. I firmly believe that Leonard Ulrich’s video needs to
be watched and widely distributed by people who care about life; who long
for liberty; who desire freedom from tyranny; and who want to break the chains
that enslave the entire human race.

Many have speculated that the war in Iraq is really about oil or water and/or
all sorts of other natural resources. My personal opinion is that it is not so
much about any of that. It’s about building the completed New World Order.


Figure 61

“Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who

makes its laws.”

— Baron Mayor Amschel Rothschild

In 2003, when the U.S. invaded Iraq for the second time, I believe the global
elite immediately went to work on a “plan” that would eventually change the

The ruins in Baghdad of the Central Bank of Iraq, its marble-

clad walls collapsed, are symbolic of the condition of the
entire Iraqi banking sector. A majority of the country’s banks
were bombed, torched and looted during the war. Six months
after the United States declared an end to major combat
operations, only a few banks are open for business.

Late in 2002, even before war in Iraq was certain, high-level

US treasury officials began drawing up plans for financial
reconstruction. They knew that reopening the banks after the
fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime would be essential to get the
country running again.

They were right. And the widespread devastation left

economic planners with a clean slate on which to design a
new banking and financial system. What has emerged is a
radical proposal to transform a centrally planned economy
based on Eastern European communism into a free-market
model for the Arab world.

The occupation government of Iraq has decreed a sweeping

liberalization that would privatize most state run industries
except oil and gas, roll out the red carpet for foreign
investors and put much of the banking system in foreign
hands. It is a plan that many analysts and economists say is
bound to fail in a country that lacks basic institutions and
laws vital to the functioning of a free-market economy.
— Gordon Platt[4] [emphasis mine]

While at that time, Gordon Platt stated that “many analysts and economists
say [the plan] is bound to fail...” you have to take into account who it was that
was getting involved. The following is from a November 2003 CBS news report:

Meanwhile, the CPA [US-led Coalition Provisional Authority]

named a 13-bank consortium led by JP Morgan Chase to
operate the newly created Trade Bank of Iraq, which will
support Iraqi imports of equipment and commodities funded
through the Development Fund for Iraq. The CPA-administered
fund receives most of the proceeds from Iraqi oil exports. JP
Morgan Chase was selected over five competitors, including
groups led by Bank of America, Bank One, Citigroup and
Wachovia, as well as UK-based HSBC, which applied as a
single bank.

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank went in

and headed up a 13-bank
consortium to establish the new
“Trade Bank of Iraq,” but really it
was the new Central Bank of Iraq
(CBI).[5] They immediately got rid
of the old Saddam Dinars and
created brand new currency using
De La Rue.[6] The new (completely
worthless) currency was printed
with the most high-tech, anti- Figure 62
counterfeit measures of any
currency on the planet!

You have to ask yourself, “Why is the most worthless currency in the world
also one of the most anti-counterfeit protected in the world?”

Up until December of 2008, you could actually buy the New Iraqi Dinar (NID)
from Chase banks as a normal currency exchange. You could literally walk in
and exchange USD for Iraqi Dinar (aka IQD or NID) just like you would any
other world currency. This was a bit unusual because Iraq, for all intents and
purposes, was no longer a player on the world market due to the still imposed
U.N. sanctions (and the fact that their currency was worthless). Incidentally,
Chase got the IQD from Bank of America (which is another story altogether).

As I stated earlier, before the first Iraq war, the Iraqi Dinar was one of the
highest valued currencies on the planet; at one time worth about $4.86 to 1
Dinar.[7] After the second Iraq war started, their currency plummeted to about
3,000 Dinar to 1 U.S. dollar (USD). But watch this! Enter JP Morgan Chase
and associates and the value of the Dinar steadily began to increase in value
from about 3,000 to 1 to about 1,170 to 1 where it has sat for over a year now.
Below is a screen capture of a chart from Yahoo Finance that shows how the
Dinar has appreciated in value over the past five years:

Figure 63

It is a little confusing when you first look at this chart because I used the word
“appreciated” and yet you see the graph falling. What you are looking at is the
value of the Dinar as compared to the U.S. Dollar. The Yahoo Finance website
only allows you to go back 5 years. But still, you can see that in August of
2006, the Dinar was worth about 1,500 to 1 USD. In 2009, it leveled off at
roughly 1,170 to 1. As of this writing, you can see that it has crept down (up in
value) to 1,163 to 1. So, even when left to grow on its own, it has appreciated
steadily in value since 2003. This has been largely due to our efforts in helping
to stabilize the country of Iraq. And it is still appreciating in value.

Pay attention to what this means. While the rest of the world’s currencies are
plummeting, Iraq’s is just quietly growing in value  — in the background,
completely unnoticed by the public at large (primarily due to mainstream
media skewing our view of what is really happening over there). But every
now and then the mainstream press will do a piece of news like in those
depicted in the YouTube video playlist viewable at:

According to those video news reports, there are some “in the know” and
every now and then the average Joe might catch a glimpse for himself. Sure,
there are a lot of websites out there calling this whole thing a scam and telling
people to stay away.[8] You can do your own research and decide for yourself.
I’ve done mine, and I am fully convinced this is a “good deal.”

I do find it funny though that some of the guys in the above listed YouTube
videos kept saying they didn’t know where to get the Dinar and that “it’s very
hard to buy this stuff” and such. That is quite ridiculous. It is very easy to buy
Dinar online. Here are two sites that I am familiar with:

While I know of others who have used, I have not, so I

cannot personally vouch for them. I have however done business with I trust them and have referred many people to them as well.

NOTE: At the time I initially wrote this chapter, you could still purchase
Dinar on both of those sites. However, something appears to have
happened that leads me to believe we may be closer to a breakthrough! As
of the end of 2011, this is what I saw on’s website:

Dinar Trade Inc. is currently undergoing some major changes

never before seen in the market. Soon we will be offering new
options for your current and future Iraqi Dinar holdings,
along with other investment opportunities in Iraq. We would
like to thank all of our loyal customers for their blessings and
support during this major transition. We look forward to
doing business with you in the near future.


I don’t know what that means exactly, but it seems unusual for a business
that makes a lot of money selling Dinars to stop doing so all of a sudden,
while at the same time “offering new options for your current and future
Iraqi Dinar holdings, along with other investment opportunities in
Iraq.” That certainly sounds promising to me!
Again, as stated in the disclaimer at the beginning of this chapter, I am not
licensed, nor am I in any way qualified to give financial advice. So, please
be wise about this sort of thing and do not do anything rash. If you are
interested in learning more, you can sign up for my Babylon Rising Updates,
by filling out the online e-mail submission form at:

Is it a risk? Of course it is! The Middle East is constantly in turmoil. But as my

dad says, “Never invest more than you’re willing to lose.” In my opinion,
that’s just good advice for any investment.

I didn’t get involved with any of this because of all the information I read on
financial websites. I didn’t even get involved because of what I saw in the
current political news. I got involved because of what I saw in prophecy
concerning the rise of Babylon. Check out the following video interview
between Glenn Beck and Joel Rosenberg and consider what the Bible has to
say about Iraq in the Last Days:

I do not agree with Mr. Rosenberg’s take on America in the Last Days (because
of my theories concerning our role in actually bringing about the Antichrist’s
rise to power), but I do agree with what he has to say about Iraq’s emergence
as an economic super-center. And I don’t think it is just a coincidence that after
the Third Horse of the Apocalypse rides, the statement is made:

And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four

living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and
three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the
oil and the wine.” (Revelation 6:6 NASB)

Wikipedia has this to say about Dinars:

The Dinar is the name of the official currency in several

countries. The Gold Dinar was a coin dating back to the early
days of Islam, issued by many rulers, and the Islamic gold
Dinar is to this day still used as a coin or unit of account,
separate from the currencies listed below. Many claim that the
name of the Gold Dinar was derived from denarius, a Roman
currency whose name meant “ten times” (as it was originally
worth 10 asses), but it is unknown whether this is the true

Also of interest (considering all that we learned in the previous chapter) is the
fact that in 211 BC, Rome introduced a standardized denarius alongside a
short-lived denomination called the victoriatus, which contained 4.5 grams or
about 1/72 nd of a Roman pound of silver. According to HJ Haskell and Alfred
Knoff, this “was the backbone of Roman currency through the Roman
Republic with fair consistency at this weight.” [9]

Was that the currency available at the time John wrote the Book of Revelation?
Could be. I don’t really know. Regardless of whether or not the Iraqi Dinar
truly is derived from the Roman currency known as a “denarius,” I do find the
similarity a little too hard to ignore, especially when I consider Babylon’s role
in the Last Days. I will elaborate more on this shortly.

Iraq’s current situation is similar to that of Japan and Germany after World War
II. Countries have had their currencies devalued because of war before. Then,
once everything gets back on track and the country rebuilds and rejoins the
Global Community, their currency “revalues” (RV) or in some cases it may be
“re-instated” (RI) to its pre-war value. So, what does that mean with regard to
the Iraqi Dinar?

Remember in the previous chapter, I told you that Iraq had finally announced
its new government. What I didn’t tell you was that the U.N. also released the
sanctions that were imposed on them.[10]

The council lifted sanctions that have been in place since

Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Iraq will now be able to
pursue a civilian nuclear program and take control of its oil
and natural gas revenue on June 30, 2011. The council also
terminated all remaining activities of the controversial oil-for-
food program which ran from 1996- 2003 and helped ordinary
Iraqis cope with sanctions.
— Fox News[11]

Curiously, this happened exactly two years to the day from the date Chase
stopped selling Dinar over the counter (Dec. 15, 2008).

What this means is, they will soon be able to join the global community once
again. But you can’t play in the world market unless you have a viable,
tradeable currency! That (at least in my opinion) means Iraq has to RV or RI its
currency to a level that is comparable to those in the world market. As a result,
now all the speculators are freaking out, expecting Iraq to either RV or RI in
the very near future.

Figure 64

What does that mean for the investor? The idea here is that the value of the
Iraqi Dinar could quickly RV to at least a 1 to 1 ratio  —  although many
believe it could go as high as it was before the invasion of Kuwait, which
would mean it could RI at a 3 to 1 ratio (or even higher). Essentially, you buy
it now while it’s still cheap, then when it raises in value, you go to the bank
and exchange it for U.S. currency. Once it is on the world market as a tradeable
currency, you should be able to exchange it anywhere currency is normally
exchanged, which includes most major banks.


The information in the remainder of this chapter is just a theory, so please keep
an open mind and work with me on this.
We’ve already seen how the U.S. went into Iraq under false pretenses. As
previously stated, I believe there is a totally different reason why we are there.
At any rate, the fact is JP Morgan Chase went in and helped set up a central
bank. That means, the

Illuminati now has a vested interest in making sure Iraq succeeds. And so far it
has. Their country is being rebuilt and their currency is growing stronger.

In the news, “smart” investors are highly encouraged to invest and speculators
have been going crazy because Iraq is now poised to become a world
superpower again — almost overnight.

Meanwhile, as all of that was going on, the U.S. economy had a (planned?)
crash. Our economy continues to crash, and I believe it will ultimately tank in
the very near future. The same could be said for most major world economies.
So, what’s going on?

Back in July of 2010, President Obama talked about downsizing our military
forces in Iraq. By the time 2010 drew to a close, in early December, the U.N.
had finally released Iraq from the sanctions that had been put on them. That
effectively put them back on the world market as a viable player once again.
All that was left was for the newly formed government to be announced. That
happened on December 21, 2010, on the same day the moon turned blood red
and floated over the shoulders of Orion, or shall we say, Babylon’s founder,
King Nimrod! Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so. Then Iraq announced their
2011 Budget:

“Iraq Central Bank said that the current budget for year 2011
is the biggest in Iraq history...”
— The Currency Newshound[12] [emphasis mine]

Suffice it to say, in order for all that they have planned to occur, the nation must
have a tradable currency. Therefore, speculation revolves around the idea that
they will revalue (RV) and some even suggest a reinstatement (RI) back to its
former value before the sanctions. That is not at all unreasonable, considering
the country certainly can sustain that value with its natural resources — just as
it did back before the sanctions were imposed. Iraq does after all have one of
the largest oil reserves on the planet just sitting there under its soil waiting for
global consumption.

Should an RV/RI occur, such an incredible event literally has the potential to
reset the global economy! Think about the implications of that. If speculators
stand to reap a good return from investing in Iraqi Dinars, just imagine how
rich the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are going to be — especially when you
consider they likely own billions (if not trillions) of dollars worth of Dinars,
and the U.S. Treasury and the treasuries of other countries may as well. If in
fact they do, they would have “bought” them when the ratio was over 2,000 to
1. If that’s true, and Iraq RVs at a 1 to 1, that’s a staggering amount of money!
But remember, Iraq’s currency used to be worth more than $3.22 to 1 Dinar. If
they RI at a pre-1990 rate, forget it. They’ve just made the biggest ROI of all
time! They will absolutely own the world — and I would submit that has been
their goal all along.[13]

Since World War II, the USD has been the world’s (dominant) Reserve
Currency.[14] I believe that was planned, and so was the downward spiral of
currency values that started here in America. When America fell, the whole
world fell. But wait! We helped to both crush Iraq and then rebuild her —   or
should I say the bankers did on the backs and blood of American soldiers and
Iraqi citizens. But consider this: when the Iraqi currency “bails out” the world
economy, do you think the world will want to stay on the USD as its Reserve
Currency? No way! China, Russia and others have already made moves to get
off of it.[15]

The U.S. put the world in the

economic state it’s in right now.
Therefore, I believe there’s no
way the world is going to trust
America in the future. If this
theory is correct, and the Iraqi Figure 65
Dinar helps to save the world
economy, it will be in the perfect position to be raised up as the new Reserve
Currency. This makes sense to me, not just for economic reasons, but also for
prophetic reasons as well.
How far away are we from finding out if any of this is true? Not far at all in my
opinion. Speculation concerning the Iraqi Dinar has been rising to a fever
pitch, especially now that Iraq’s government is in place and our troops are
coming home. Now, those who have purchased Iraqi Dinar’s (IQD) at a
substantial discount, wait patiently to see how wealthy they are going to
become virtually overnight.

In war, when an army drops a bomb and civilians get hurt, they call it
“collateral damage.” As stated above, I believe the Elite are well stocked in
IQD. Thus, the rich will become substantially richer. Those of us who have a
few hundred (or even thousand) dollars worth of Dinar stashed away will be
nothing more than “collateral beneficiaries” of the greatest economic super-
plan in history. But I believe, said beneficiaries will only have a short window
of time to benefit from this financial miracle. Why? Because the Elite don’t
want rich people. They want poor people who are easier to herd and control. If
the Georgian Guidestones[16] have anything to say about it, they also want
billions of dead people, so they certainly don’t have our best interest in mind.

Consider the message of the Georgia Guidestones:


What exactly is the message? Well, we don’t have to go much further than the
first “commandment” to know that we probably need to be paying attention!

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance

with nature.[17]
Figure 66

That is the first “new commandment” etched in stone. In order to maintain

humanity under 500 million, that means more than 6.5 billion people have to

Having that in mind, I believe wisdom and discernment is needed, especially

for those in the Body of Christ who may benefit from a revalue of the Dinar.

Scripture says that “the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the
righteous.”[18] Many people have interpreted that in many different ways, but
consider this: The Scriptures testify that the parents of Jesus were poor. We
know this because they could only afford the poor man’s offering of two
pigeons for sacrifice.[19] But Jesus was destined to do great things. So, what
happened? You have to go back in time over 500 years to see what God had in
mind to solve that problem.

The prophet Daniel served under the leadership of three kings in Babylon. In
that time he amassed tremendous wealth and became a great teacher of ‘sacred
astronomy.’ [20] Many believe that the magi who came from the east, were in
fact Jews who came out of Daniel’s school of astronomy. This would seem to
make sense.

First, they knew the stars well and thus were able to discern the signs they
were seeing around the time of Jesus’ birth. Second, why else would the
wealthy elite of a foreign country want to travel such a great distance to pay
tribute and honor to the baby king of another nation that already had a reigning
king? It makes perfect sense that the magi were well-educated, well-trained
and wealthy men of Jewish descent. They knew both astronomy and the
prophecies of Hebrew scripture. So what happened? Tremendous wealth was
brought out of Babylon and delivered to Jesus. Those riches helped to finance
His future ministry, just as the herbs and spices were prepared for His future

There was a similar situation with the Hebrew slaves leaving Egypt during the
Exodus. They had a mission to go and inhabit the land that would eventually
become known as Israel. They brought the wealth of Egypt with them when
they did.[21]

Could it be that we will soon see a repeat of history? Most of the people that I
know who own Dinar are believers in Jesus Christ — and there are a lot of
them. Will the wealth of the (wicked) east (Babylon) be brought to the Body of
Christ (again) to enable us to accomplish our work in these Last Days? I
believe so.

Babylon was where the first “World Order” without God was attempted under
Nimrod. Will the first be the last? The Bible talks about it rising again.
President George H. W. Bush was obsessed with the idea, especially after the
first Iraq war was “over.” After Desert Storm, it seems like everyone was
talking about a New World Order and the need to embrace it. A lot has
happened since then and there is still much more that is yet to happen.[22]
Ultimately, it is my strong belief that the NWO’s headquarters will be located
in Babylon, Iraq.


I think we are seeing the “Omega Plan” falling into place. In summary, the
following is a timeline for what I believe has happened and what will happen
to usher in Babylon’s rise to power once again.

On September 11, 1990, President George H. W. Bush announced his

plan for a New World Order.
In 1999, Zahi Hawass discovered the Tomb of Osiris.
On September 11, 2001, eleven
years (to the day) from the time
daddy Bush announced his plans
for a New World Order (that he
said, “will succeed”), a terrible
event rocked the United States.
And what do you know? Junior
Bush just so happened to be in
office to push the NWO plan
through! I will not get into the
details here, but I do believe those
horrible attacks were completely Figure 67
planned and orchestrated from
within. Why? Because the only ones who benefitted from it were the
Military Industrial Complex, the neo-cons, globalists, international
bankers and power hungry elite of this government. When in doubt,
follow the money! (Here’s a little hint: The trail does not lead to
caves in Afghanistan.)
Soon after the events of 9/11, the Patriot Act was passed and our Bill
of Rights began to be completely stripped away from us. Little by
little the Constitution was shredded and tossed out the window.
Cameras started popping up on every street corner. Our phones, e-
mails and pretty much every area of our life became monitored. We
gave away more and more of our freedoms all in the name of
“security.” Today, Big Brother is all around you, and we have more to
fear from our own government than we ever did from box-cutter-
toting, turban-headed “terrorists” living in caves.
With the declared “War on Terror,” peace has effectively been
stripped away from this planet forever! For it is not a war against a
people or a nation, but rather against an idea that was conjured up in
the minds of a few Luciferian elite. Thus, it would seem that the rider
on the Red Horse[23] has been given his big sword, and I believe the
name written on it is “The War on Terror.” With both real and
imagined constant “threats,” it is a war that will never, ever end! The
only way it could end is if the people who caused it were to stop it. In
classic Hegelian Dialectic [24] fashion, I suspect that is exactly what
will happen. Thus, the stage has been set for a New World Order, and
things are falling nicely into place for a one-world government to be
formed, with the Antichrist at its head.
In April of 2003, archeologists digging in Iraq claimed to have found
the Tomb of Gilgamesh. A month later, the U.S. invasion ended and
the military occupation phase began. Supposedly, we moved against
Iraq under the pretense of finding “weapons of mass destruction.” As
everyone now knows, we did not find weapons, but I do think that we
found a weapon of mass destruction; I believe we found Nimrod!

In case there are any doubts, consider the fact that one of the first things our
troops did when they entered Iraq was raid the museum of Baghdad. What?
That’s right. We plundered a museum!

The museum was the victim of a carefully planned assault. The

thieves who took the most valuable material came prepared
with equipment to lift the heaviest objects, which the staff
could not move from the galleries, and had keys to the vaults
where the most valuable items were stored. Not since the
Nazis systematically stripped the museums of Europe has
such a crime been committed.[25] [emphasis mine]

Interesting that we were compared to the Nazis (who were also quite obsessed
with finding ancient artifacts related to pagan gods). What did our troops take?
That is up for speculation at this point because it is classified, but one website
brings up this juicy tidbit of information:

On June 7, 2003,U.S. authorities announced that world famous

treasures of Nimrud were recovered from a secret vault in
Iraq’s Central Bank. [remember who was in charge of the
whole central bank?] The artifacts included necklaces, plates,
gold earrings, finger and toe rings, bowls and flasks. Officials
said that of the 170,000 items initially believed missing, just
3,000 remained unaccounted for. And, of those, 47 were main
exhibition artifacts.[26] [emphasis mine]

Notice how the trivial things like plates and earrings were “recovered” and
returned. Oh, aren’t the Americans great!? How nice and noble of them to seek
out and return those “national treasures” to Iraq. But what about the 3,000
unaccounted for items? All we know is cuneiform tablets were a hot

My personal belief is that they were looking for anything and everything to do
with the “portal technology” that was the Tower of Babel —  especially
considering that some of the items stolen were from the “world famous
treasures of Nimrud.” Were blueprints and instructions included in those
treasures? If so, they could certainly prove to be incredibly useful —
especially if we have the guy who built it!

The Septuagint version of the Old Testament gives us something very

interesting to consider in Isaiah 13:

The Vision Which Esaias Son of Amos Saw Against Babylon

Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice

to them, beckon with the hand, open [the gates], ye rulers. I
give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfil
my wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insulting. A voice of
many nations on the mountains, [even] like [to that] of many
nations; a voice of kings and nations gathered together: the
Lord of hosts has given command to a war-like nation, to come
from a land afar off, from the utmost foundation of heaven; the
Lord and his warriors [are coming] to destroy all the world.
Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is near, and destruction from
God shall arrive. Therefore every hand shall become
powerless, and every soul of man shall be dismayed. The
elders shall be troubled, and pangs shall seize them, as of a
woman in travail: and they shall mourn one to another, and
shall be amazed, and shall change their countenance as a
flame. For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which cannot
be escaped, [a day] of wrath and anger, to make the world
desolate, and to destroy sinners out of it. For the stars of
heaven, and Orion, and all the host of heaven, shall not give
their light; and it shall be dark at sunrise, and the moon shall
not give her light. (Isaiah 13:1-10 LXX)

Orion darkened... and giants coming through a “gate” in Babylon? On one of

his online blogs, Tom Horn adds some further intrigue to this whole scenario:

Isaiah... says, “open the gates, ye ruler,” ...whoever this ruler

is, he opens “gates” in Iraq/Babylon through which end-times
giants (gibborim) return to the surface of earth as agents of
God’s wrath. Noting that Isaiah ties the destruction of
Iraq/Babylon with the reappearance of gibborim in this way,
we recall how thousands of U.S. troops, on invading Iraq
during the Bush administration, admittedly filled U.S.
containers with archaeological materials, including what
some have speculated to be cuneiform tablets pointing to the
location of pure-blooded Nephilim buried in underground
caves.[27]This is exactly where Enoch said the dead
antediluvian Nephilim are, and raises fascinating questions:
Would agencies like Darpa have interest in studying or cloning
the extinct beings if they were, or have been, found? Could
man in his arrogance revive ancient DNA, revitalizing or
blending it with other living organisms in a way similar to
what the Watchers did in making the first Nephilim? Is the
factual reappearance on earth of such legendary beings
verified by Isaiah, who also foresaw transhuman creatures
such as satyrs (transgenic half-men, half-goats) accompanying
the return of giants in the end times, or why other apocryphal
books like 2 Esdras 5:8 prophesy the birth of “monsters” for
the same period of time?

Some may be shocked to learn that in addition to the

citations above, the Bible actually describes an ultimate end-
times spiritual warfare between the “mythological gods” and
Christ. “The Lord will be terrible unto them: for he will
famish all the gods of the earth” says Zephaniah 2:11. “The
Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; ‘Behold, I will punish
the…gods’” (Jeremiah 46:25).
— Dr. Thomas Horn, Forbidden Gates Part 18 [28] [emphasis

That certainly should give us pause to think about what was/is really going on
in Iraq! Let’s continue the timeline...

Also in 2003, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank went into Iraq and set up their
new Central Bank (CBI). They created a new currency that was
completely worthless, yet had some of the most high-tech, anti-
counterfeit measures of any other currency on the planet. The
governments and elite of the world purchased billions of dollars
worth of Dinar at a 2,000 (or 3,000?) to 1 U.S. dollar (USD) ratio.
Then, they began the process of appreciating the value to its current
rate of 1,163 to 1 USD. Already, they are in a position for a healthy
return, but with a revalue (RV) they will make trillions. With a
reinstatement (RI), they will have made trillions and trillions more!
In 2008, plans were set in motion to collapse the current World
Reserve Currency (the USD).
The U.S. economy finally collapsed in 2010 and with it so did the
economies of the world. This perfectly set the stage for a New World
Currency that will ultimately serve the New World Order.
On December 21, 2010, Nimrod’s nation was “born again” out of the
ashes like a Phoenix. A blood-red moon floated above Orion’s
shoulders like a decapitated head above his heavenly body as if to
herald this event at 3:22 in the morning EST (Remember, one Iraqi
Dinar used to be valued at $3.22. These are either just a bunch of
wild coincidences, or they are all significant signs.).
As the above was taking place, the entire earth literally shook in
We’ve been at war for more than eight years. In that time, our troops
were trained to put down terrorists and revolutionaries in both Iraq
and Afghanistan. Many of our soldiers were required to do multiple
tours of duty, actively engaged in what is called, “urban suppression”
style warfare. They were ordered home (and to Israel[30]) at the end
of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.
On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National
Defense Authorization Act into law. This act allows “indefinite
detention” of anyone suspected of
being a terrorist. Warrants are no
longer required for soldiers,
police, paramilitary and/or
government officials to enter your
home. There is no more “innocent
until proven guilty” in a court of
law. That has become a thing of
the past. You can now be found
guilty of nothing except being on
someone’s “watch list” for doing Figure 68
pretty much anything they desire
to use against you. Sections 1021 and 1032 are particularly
disturbing. Section 1021 affirms the president’s authority to detain
people via the Armed Forces (you know the ones who spent eight
years in on-the-job training for urban suppression of “terrorism”), any
person the government deems to be a “terrorist” and that such a
person may be indefinitely detained without trial. An amendment that
would have explicitly forbidden the indefinite detention without trial
of American citizens was rejected by the Senate.[31] Section 1032
lays out the requirement for military custody. All persons arrested
and detained according to the provisions of section 1031, including
those detained on U.S. soil, whether detained indefinitely or not, are
therefore required to be held by the United States Armed Forces. That
essentially means Americans can be arrested on home soil and taken
to Guantánamo Bay under a provision inserted into the bill that funds
the U.S. military. Once there, you are basically gone. No attorney is
going to fight for you, and you will have no further contact with
friends or family. At that point, you are fair game and subject to the
whims of your jailors and the Luciferians who give them their orders.
So much for “with liberty and justice for all.”
Many of our soldiers who have come home over the years had trouble
adjusting to civilian life again. Thus, they either stayed in the military and
continued to be deployed into more combat operations, or they started signing
up with privatized defense contract organizations. This effectively creates a
civilian army that enables the government to get around Posse Comitatus.[32]
It would appear that Obama’s dream has been realized!

We cannot continue to rely on our

military in order to achieve the
national security objectives that
we’ve set. We’ve got to have a
civilian national security force,
that’s just as powerful, just a
strong, just as well funded.”

— Senator Barack Obama, 2008[33]

[emphasis mine]

Is it just me, or is that the sound of Nazi

Figure 69
boots coming down the street?

We can no longer continue to ignore the signs! Hitler started his war by having
his own Reichstag burned down. It was the False Flag Operation [34] that
enabled him to establish a new Nazi-controlled Germany under his leadership.
If our “Reichstag” was 9/11, the results are and will be exactly the same.

“The maxim is ‘Qui tacet consentire’: the maxim of the law is ‘Silence
gives consent’. If therefore you wish to construe what my silence
betokened, you must construe that I consented.”

—Thomas More, in A Man For All Seasons *

Figure 70

At the end of World War II, allied troops marched German civilians through the
concentration camps to show them the horrors they were either directly or
indirectly responsible for. Directly, in the sense that some were in favor of
Hitler’s leadership, ideals and methods. Indirectly, in that many chose to
remain silent and/or oblivious to what was really going on in their own

I pray we will be guilty of neither in the United States of America.

The global economy could literally reset in one day, thus setting the stage for
the New World Order to rule and reign  — and interestingly enough, it all
appears to be tied to the numbers 322.

March 22, 1980 (3/22) is the date that the Georgia Guidestones were
The early morning of March 22, 2003 was the date that the U.S.
unleashed the full measure of its “Shock and Awe” campaign against
As noted in the previous chapter, the
numbers 322 appear prominently on the
logo for the Skull and Bones secret society
of which both Presidents George H. W.
Bush and George W. Bush were members.
These two presidents were both
responsible for Iraq’s downfall and
rebuilding, as well as for ushering in the
New World Order. When you consider that
George H. W. Bush’s father, Prescott Bush
was (allegedly) an active financial
supporter of the Nazis,[37] one can’t help
but wonder if the similarity in the logos is
not more than just “coincidental.” This is
especially true when you consider the fact Figure 71
that the Skull and Bones Society is closely
related to the German Brotherhood of Death (a.k.a. the Thule Society)
both of which have direct ties back to the Bavarian Illuminati, founded
in the 1700s.[38]
Even if George W. Bush didn’t get re-elected, The Omega Plan
certainly would have continued via fellow Bonesman, John Kerry. We
can assume this because (as we saw in Chapter Five), the oaths they
took in the Skull and Bones secret society supersede the presidential
oath of office.
The previous value of the Iraqi Dinar was $3.22 to 1 USD. This is a
value many speculators believe will be what the Dinar will RI
(reinstate) back to when Iraq is finally a player in the world market once
The blood-red lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010 happened at 3:22
a.m. EST as Iraq (Babylon) was announcing its new, fully formed
government and the entire planet shook.
Read Executive Order 13603 (which just so happens to add up to 13),
the “National Defense Resources Preparedness” order that was written
on 3/16/12, but posted to the Federal Register on 3/22. It basically gives
the government the right to literally seize everything (food, water, drugs,
health facilities, services and supplies, transportation, energy, etc.) in
the event of a “national emergency.”[39]
See also: 322 - Secret Societies, Depopulation And The Health Care
Plan by Jay Weidner[40] for some other interesting things to check out
regarding the date 3/22.
Perhaps most interesting of all, is the date March 22, 2013. As you will
learn in the last chapter of this book, I believe we need to be paying
attention to the seven Feasts of God (NOTE: According to Leviticus
23:2, these are not the Feasts of the Jews, but rather of YHVH Himself ).
In Hebrew, they are called moedim, which means “appointed times.”
Essentially, they represent the “script” God is following.

At His first coming, Jesus fulfilled the Spring Feasts to the letter. He
was crucified on Passover, buried on Unleavened Bread and rose again
on First Fruits. The Holy Spirit later descended on Pentecost. If the first
coming of Christ absolutely followed this script, it only stands to reason
that the events surrounding His Second Coming will as well, thus
fulfilling the remaining three Fall Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and
Tabernacles. To learn more, I would suggest you go to the 119
Ministries website and watch Part 1 of their End of Days video series
titled, “Yahweh’s Prophetic Calendar”[41] then watch Part 4, “Daniel
Unsealed (Urgent Update).”[42]

In the latter video, they make a very strong case for

us to be watching for the Feast of Trumpets on
September 1, 2016. They also talk a lot about the
blood-moon tetrads coming up in 2014 and 2015,
which land on Feast days.[43] While I disagree with
their conclusions concerning the timing of the Day
of the Lord,[44] I did find something very interesting
about the dates they are highlighting. Specifically,
if you back off 1,260 days from the Feast of
Figure 72 Trumpets, September 1, 2016, you land on March
22, 2013 (3/22). They suggested that could be (or
could have been) the date of the Abomination of Desolation spoken of
by the prophet Daniel; taking note of what Jesus said concerning the
resulting flight into the wilderness:
But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the
sabbath day: (Matthew 24:20)

Find a calendar, and you’ll see that 3/22/13 is right smack in-between
the last day of winter and a Saturday (Sabbath)! Now, personally, I do
not believe it marks the date of the Abomination of Desolation,
however it does just so happen to mark the 33rd anniversary of the
Georgia Guidestones. Perhaps also of interest, on that particular day,
President Obama just so happened to be in Israel (for the first time),
which caused a lot of people to take notice — especially those who
believe he is the Antichrist. Again, I do not believe that to be the
case, but it may be something worth noting just the same.

Is all of this just a coincidence? I don’t think so. I don’t know what the odds
are that everything should sync up so perfectly with numerous Scriptures, the
stated goals, objectives and iconography of the occult as well as the Feasts of
God, but I will certainly be paying attention to these dates. I do not believe the
Abomination of Desolation took place on 3/22/13, however, I do believe that
date may have kicked off the twenty year time-frame known as the time of
Jacob’s Trouble.[45] At any rate, considering all of this, all I can say is I am
thankful for Deuteronomy 3:22:

Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight
for you. (Deuteronomy 3:22)

DECEMBER 21, 2012

A new world economy for the New World Order is primed and ready for a
new world leader to emerge. Could that leader be Nimrod? I believe it will
be. I also believe a lot will happen in the coming years, which will rapidly put
all things into motion to bring about the rebirth/resurrection of Nimrod as the
king of the world, otherwise known as the Antichrist.

The Illuminati’s philosophy, rituals and practices all started with Nimrod and
Semiramis in Babylon. It has all come full circle for that same nation to rise to
global superpower status, nearly overnight. My prediction is that the IMF will
set the Dinar up to be the NWO’s One World Reserve Currency[46] replacing
the dollar in the very near future — probably after all the dust settles. Clearly,
the stage is being set.[47]

Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:24-28?

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and
shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told
you before. [In other words, PAY ATTENTION!] Wherefore if
they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not
forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For
as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto
the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For
wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered

The “carcass” of Gilgamesh has apparently

been found in the “desert.” The “secret
chamber” known as the Tomb of Osiris has
been found. The United States “eagles” have
been and continue to be heavily entrenched and
invested in the hometown of Nimrod.
Iraq/Babylon is rising to power again in these
last days. Obviously, I do believe it is quite Figure 73
possible [48] that Gilgamesh-Osiris-Apollo-
Nimrod will also one day rise (resurrect), but at this point, I can only speculate
as to how and when that will happen.

Going into 2012, a lot of “signs” appeared to be pointing to December 21st as

the date of some “significant event.” Ancient people from cultures all around
the world seemed to have been pointing to that day for a reason. As a result, it
caused me to wonder, could that be the day the angel opens the “shaft to the
bottomless pit” and releases the spirit of Apollyon (a.k.a. Apollo/Nimrod) to
re-inhabit its former host body? Would that be the beginning of the “revealing”
of the man of sin?

Like many people, I had lots questions and all sorts of wild speculation going
into the year 2012, but there were problems: Although we see in Revelation
17:8, that the Beast comes up out of the Bottomless Pit (as opposed to Kenya,
Hawaii, the Vatican, the E.U., and/or the Arab League as many teach),
Revelation 9:1-11 tells us when that happens. It happens at the Fifth Trumpet.
We are not there yet, so the obvious conclusion is that December 21, 2012 was
not to be the day of Nimrod’s resurrection. Still, it may have been the day of
some significant prerequisite activities that the public at large is not privy to
and will likely never know anything about. Why would I maintain such ideas?
Because, in my opinion, there is just way too much evidence (including a great
deal of our own nation’s iconography) pointing directly to that date for it to be
considered a non-issue .

Perhaps that was the day scientists were able to extract viable DNA from the
carcass of Gilgamesh? Maybe that’s the day some sort of cloning experiment
took place in order to prepare a host body for the spirit of Apollyon to inhabit.
Perhaps through some sort of genetic tampering, some individual living today
underwent procedures that will eventually cause him to “begin to become a
gibborim” just as Nimrod did thousands of years ago. Could that be how he
physically returns? I don’t know. I suppose anything is possible. Truly, these
days, truth is stranger than fiction. In the end however, all we have is pure

Along similar lines, allow me to offer up one last bit of speculation

concerning December 21, 2012: Considering all we learned in the previous
chapter regarding the bizarre events, which took place on December 21, 2010
and in the days immediately following, I cannot but help wonder if that was
really the date to which the ancients were pointing. In Chapter Eight, I will
show you when I believe Jesus Christ was born, based on the stellar
alignments given in Revelation 12:1-5. In short, the free software called
Stellarium[49] indicates the birth of Christ as having occurred on September
11, 3 B.C. (-2 according to the software). If that was indeed His birthdate, then
our calendars are off by two years. Thus, the 72 minute, blood-moon eclipse,
which took place over the shoulders of Orion, as the entire planet shook and
Nimrod’s hometown announced its fully formed government, just before the
13th sign was added to the Zodiac and fish and birds started dying off by the
millions... may have been the signs the ancients were pointing toward. I
suppose if all of that had happened in 2012, everyone would be talking about
it! But it happened two years early, and virtually no one talked about it because
it went completely under the radar.

Still, as pointed out in the previous chapter, there were a lot of strange things
that did indeed line up with the end of 2012. Therefore, right now, my working
theory is that December 21, 2010 was the actual date that the ancients were
concerned with, whereas December 21, 2012 on our current calendar may
have been a follow up date for the Elite. One way or another, both appeared to
have had major significance.

As I said at the very beginning of this chapter, I could be wrong about all of
this. Do your own research. I’ve done mine and these are the conclusions I
have come to as a result. My advice would be to watch, pray, be ready and
look up  —  so much the more as you see the Day approaching!
I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of Babylon, my
people, so that you do not participate in her sins and suffer from any of
her plagues.”
(Revelation 18:4 GOD’S WORD Translation)
ne year ago this week, I began working on what started out to be just a single
blog called, 72 and a Red Moon Rising. That single blog led to a full year of
intensive research and writing, which eventually grew so voluminous that it
morphed into a series of four books (each currently in various stages of
completion). This is the first one in that series, and I think it is appropriate that
I am writing this chapter now because a lot has happened in this past year and
indeed even this past month.

Undoubtedly, some of what I am going to write about in this and the next
chapter may offend you. Please understand that it is not my intent to offend or
condemn anyone. My desire is simply to share information that I believe will
be vital to our understanding of and possibly our survival in these Last Days.

As the old saying goes, “Truth hurts.” Indeed, sometimes it does, and we don’t
always want to hear it. In fact, at first, I myself did not want to hear it and
found it offensive when I did. Often when a paradigm shift in belief patterns
happens there is a grieving process. Part of that process can involve anger,
depression, and even anxiety, until finally we reach acceptance. I have reached
acceptance, and now I desire to pass what I have learned on to you.
Understandably, your first reaction may be to become angry at me for doing so.
But I believe when God reveals truth to us, we are responsible to share it. For
if we do not, who will? Therefore, I ask that you please not shoot the
messenger, as I am going to issue a call to...

Come Out of Babylon!

The word Babylon comes up 265 times in a keyword search of the King James
Bible, or 273 times in the New American Standard Bible.[1] Even just a
cursory glance over the various references reveals that it is not good to be in
Babylon. It is a place associated with captivity and evil. It is the city that was
first founded by Nimrod. There he built a tower with the goal of “reaching”
into Heaven. After crossing over from this world into the Heavenly realm, his
plan was to make war with the angels, overtake the Throne Room, kill God and
set up false gods to take His place.[2] And at least in theory, according to the
text — apart from killing God — it would appear some of that may actually
have been possible.

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have
all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing
will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to
do. (Genesis 11:6)

Babylon was situated on the Euphrates River, the original foundation of which
is described under the word Babel. Many ancient traditions, credit Nimrod as
the builder of both the Tower of Babel and the city. Some say that it was his
mother/sister/wife[3] Semiramis who was the founder of the city. Others
attribute the fame and splendor of it to Nebuchadnezzar. These accounts may
all be reconciled by considering that Nimrod may have founded it. Semiramis
possibly rebuilt it after the incident at the Tower of Babel, and then much later,
Nebuchadnezzar greatly restored, enlarged and adorned it.

Babylon was the Greek name of the city written in the

cuneiform script of the Babylonians, bab-ili, which means in
Semitic, “the gate of god.” The Hebrews called the country, as
well as the city, Babhel. This name they considered came from
the’ root, balal, “to confound” (Genesis 11:9).
— International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Figure 74

Thus, Babylon is both “the gate of god” and the place of “confounding.” And it
has lived up to the meaning of its name throughout the Scriptures. But Babylon
is not so much the “gate of YHVH,” as it is rather the “gate(way) of the gods”
—  the place from which all pagan gods originated in ancient

Many have referred to America as “spiritual Babylon, economic Babylon, and

Mystery Babylon” and all sorts of other such descriptives, likening our country
to that ancient city. I remember hearing pastors preaching in the wake of 9/11,
using Scriptures like Zephaniah 1:15-17 and 3:6 and Revelation 18:10 to say
that the Twin Towers fell as a result of God’s judgement.

That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day

of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and
gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, A day of the
trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the
high towers. And I will bring distress upon men, that they
shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against
the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and
their flesh as the dung. (Zephaniah 1:15-17)
I have cut off the nations: their towers are desolate; I made
their streets waste, that none passeth by: their cities are
destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none
inhabitant. (Zephaniah 3:6)
Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas
that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is
thy judgment come. (Revelation 18:10)

There were a lot of people trying to twist those Scriptures, taking the
opportunity to preach some good ol’ apocalyptic, hellfire and brimstone
messages that America better repent! Some were saying that those Scriptures
were prophecies being fulfilled as we watched the towers fall again and again
all day long on every TV channel.

I think we need to be very careful about such things. On the surface, and to the
typical biblically illiterate layperson, those Scriptures did seem to fit what we
were seeing. But Scriptures must always be taken in context. You can’t just
pick and choose some good “catch phrases” to go along with the evening news.
I was raised to take the Bible literally whenever possible and to always read
and study it in context. There is no reason for me to not think that whenever
Babylon is being referred to in the Scriptures, the writers are talking about the
literal place, located in the country we now call Iraq.

That said, if what I have written about thus far is true, I do believe America
will have much to answer for in these Last Days. As an American, that deeply
concerns me. So far we’ve seen that our leaders have had Luciferian agendas
planned from day one of our nation’s founding, and clearly, not much has
changed since then. Thus, I believe we as American citizens may be held

We both allow and perpetuate our own slavery by continuing to play along
with their game. Figure 75 shows
how the game works. Ultimately, I
believe we are enslaved because
we want to be! I say that because
there are 300 million of us against
only a few thousand (at best) of
‘them.’ The vast majority has
willingly and ignorantly allowed
the small minority to rule over
them. We also willingly allow our
tax dollars and other resources to
advance some truly evil agendas at
the same time. I don’t know about
you, but I really don’t want to be Figure 75
responsible for “participating in
her sins” as the opening Scripture for this chapter states. I want to come out of
Babylon! For me, that means unplugging myself from their ‘matrix’ and refusing
to be manipulated any longer. This is not an easy task to be sure, but I believe
it can be done.

What am I talking about? Among other things, I’m talking about the whole
facade of supposedly electing presidents who are “of the people, by the
people, for the people.” I believe that simply is not true. If it were, let me ask
you (once again) what are the statistical odds that 43 out of 44 of our
presidents would all be related to each other; many of them tracing directly
back to the same man (King John Lackland of the House of Plantagenet)?[5]
Further, why is it that nearly all (if not all) of them have been members of
secret societies — all of which have practices that trace directly back to
Nimrod and ancient Babylon? All of our presidents have been either
Freemasons, Bonesmen, members of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the
Bohemian Grove, the Bilderbergers, or any number of other Round Table[6]
secret societies, fraternities and/or special interest groups that don’t allow the
general public to know what they are truly about. It gets to the point where
“coincidence” just doesn’t cut it anymore. Sooner or later we must face the
facts. The Elite don’t like to share power. Once they have it, they keep it in the
family. No outsiders are allowed to crash their power party. That’s the way it
has always been, and that’s the way it is today.
It appears to me we have presidents who are “of the Masons (and other secret
societies), by the Illuminati, for the Elite.” As such, I truly believe our votes
are nothing more than meaningless exercises in futility that only serve to keep
us all stuck in the matrix. We allowed ourselves to become enslaved by this
system through our own ignorance and the fact that we continue to unwittingly
play their games. I am not trying to be insulting. Ignorance doesn’t mean stupid,
it just means uninformed and unaware of what’s really going on. But we can no
longer afford to be uninformed, lacking understanding of how we are being
used by this matrix.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you

have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My
priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also
will forget your children. (Hosea 4:6 NASB)

Please allow me a moment to address the issue of our Presidential elections.

What I’m about to write here is relatively new to me and is the result of all the
intense research that I’ve been doing for this book series over the past few
years. In the past, I was quite politically active, but the last few elections
caused me to start questioning a lot of things concerning our so-called election


I used to go to Tea Party rallies and was a huge supporter of Ron Paul during
the 2008 run for president. He spoke my language and said a lot of things I
believe in. But after what happened to him last time around (like the media
completely pushing him out in spite of a very large support base), I began to
realize that we live in a corporate-controlled, media-manipulated, two-party
dictatorship. Every election, ‘they’ simply boil our ‘choices’ down to only two
individuals that appear to be handpicked by ‘someone’ other than the American

Take the 2008 ‘election’ for instance. On the one hand (forgetting about the
other GOP drones and cloned yes-men), you had Ron Paul, a well-established,
long-time Congressman with an easily verifiable track record of active politics
since 1976. Next to no one in the mainstream media paid any (positive)
attention to him. I attribute this largely to the fact that more than 90% of all
mainstream media in this country is owned by six corporations.[7] Those six
corporations are owned by a select few, extremely wealthy and powerful elite,
who I believe have been and are the ones placing our presidents into office.

On the other hand, you have Obama, a guy who literally came out of nowhere,
posing as the Democrats’ messiah. No one even knew who he was less than a
decade ago, and all of a sudden he swoops in and takes the stage? And I won’t
even go into the real and very legitimate issues concerning his birth

Prior to that election, you had the Bush-Kerry run for office in 2004. Both were
Bonesmen! So, it really didn’t matter who got elected. Either one of them
would have “gotten the job done” for the Elite.

Indeed, the last few elections left me very cynical and quite jaded about the
whole system. So I began to search for answers. My conclusion was that in
spite of what the mainstream media would have us believe, Democrats and
Republicans are really playing for the same team, just with different logos on
their shirts. Either one will get the job done for those who placed them in front
of us as a ‘candidate.’ What team are they playing for? Take a look at the stars
on the Republican Party (elephant) logo, and you tell me.[9]

Ron Paul knows that running on a Libertarian or any other third-party ticket is
never going to work. So, he opts for the Republican side of the fence. But if he
is as legit as his supporters hope he is, he will never have a chance. First of
all, he claims to want to do away with the IRS and advocates auditing and/or
getting out from under the Federal Reserve. He talks a big game about getting
us out of our national debt by stopping the use of fiat money and becoming
more fiscally responsible. On top of all that, he wants us to stop fighting unjust
and undeclared wars all over the planet. Frankly, he just makes way too much
sense! If he weren’t toting the company line concerning 9/11, I’d be tempted to
think he truly was “the one prophesied to bring balance to The Force!”

That kind of talk simply will never fly with those who are printing the money
and pulling all of the strings in our government and the Military Industrial
Complex.[10] You know, that group of fantastically wealthy, psychopathic ‘Sith
lords’ who got off on financing the bullets, bombs and bandages for both sides
of every war for the last 100+ years? Yeah, those guys.

Now let’s play the other side of the coin. If by some astronomically
improbable chance Ron Paul did get elected in the inconceivable off-chance
that our votes actually are counted in a foolproof system where dead people
and dogs can’t check a box or punch a card and hanging chads or computerized
voting fraud won’t be an issue, he’d likely end up finding himself lying beside
Lincoln and Kennedy when the Emperor executes ‘Order 66.’ [11]

No matter how you look at it, at least in

my opinion, Ron Paul doesn’t have a You can’t solve a spiritual
chance... unless he is ‘part of the problem with a political
family’— in which case, he certainly solution.
won’t be our savior. He’ll be doing the
bidding of the same people who pulled every other president’s strings. Nothing
will change. All we will be doing is wasting our time and money trying to
solve a spiritual problem with a political solution. It will never work.

The recent Iowa Caucuses only reinforced my distrust of the entire system.
Thankfully, more and more people are waking up as a result of such things. An
online journalist named Jeffrey Phelps expressed his frustration with the whole
affair by noting that for the first time, the Iowa GOP decided to move the final
vote counting to an undisclosed location that would conveniently be hidden
away from public scrutiny. He writes:

What played out as a result was a mockery of democracy as

Iowa election officials permanently skewed the results of the
caucus, illegally miscounting and completely dismissing votes
for Ron Paul, many of which were ironically from precincts
that Romney lost in ’08.

Other missing or “uncounted” votes were expected to be heavy

Ron Paul supporting, major populated areas and college town
precincts, now leaving the true winner forever in question.

After all this, what’s extremely frightening about the situation
is that fact that neither the establishment and its media, nor is
anyone in any policing agency doing anything about it, as if
it’s no big deal that the official election results in the Iowa
caucus was tampered with, rendering the results of the election
forever compromised, potentially putting the future of the
caucus and elections processes, this nation, and Ron Paul’s
call for liberty, freedom, and the rule of law in serious
— Jeffrey Phelps, Denver Conspiracy Examiner[12]

Phelps goes on to say some of the same things I’ve already stated about how
solid Ron Paul’s voting record is, having held to the same values, principles
and ideals for 40 years, something he says the other candidates couldn’t even
fathom given their careers full of “criminal activity and flip-flopping on
issues.” He also reminds us that the precincts around the country that don’t use
paper ballots, but rather electronic voting machines, are even more susceptible
to fraud,[13] and concludes his article by quoting Judge Napolitano as stating,
that the whole thing is a hoax that exists, “to merely perpetuate the fake,
corporate-controlled, ‘two-party’ system of political slavery.” Indeed, we
have been enslaved by a system that appears to be corrupt to the core. David
Richards calls Congressmen out as “running a criminal enterprise in all but
name,” going so far as to call the United States “the Illuminati’s military

To make sure American politicians play their role,

Congressmen are allowed to own stocks in defense
contractors, and make millions of dollars buying and selling
them using insider knowledge.

According to reports from, in 2006, 151

members of Congress had $195.5 million invested in defense
corporations.[14] Their average net worth was $910,000
compared to $100,000 for American families in general.[15]
Over 50 range between $5 million and $190 million.[16] John
Kerry is at the top end of the scale.
For the psychopaths on Capitol Hill, each new military
escapade is a lottery windfall.
— David Richards[17]

Richards describes war as a racket that is very profitable for Congress, and he
suggests that congressmen should have to wear NASCAR-like outfits with
patches that show the American public who their corporate sponsors are. I
know it would never happen, but still, I agree with that notion completely.

Ron Paul appears to be legit and from what I can tell, he seems to be largely
funded by grass-roots efforts, with a large percentage of that funding actually
coming from the American soldier (who is probably sick of dying in foreign
countries, paying the price for the greed of those in Congress who are heavily
invested in the Military Industrial Complex). If there is any hope for this
country to get out of that, someone like Ron Paul might be the best choice. The
problem is, he is so far out of the norm and too many have too much to lose
with someone like him at the helm. Thus, the “matrix” will always spit him out
of the running. The only one who will get a seat in the Oval Office is someone
who is a player with the same corporate sponsorships on his NASCAR outfit
as all the rest. Folks the system is rigged![18] The sooner we accept that, the
sooner we can start looking for a better solution.

To borrow an analogy: We could submit a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in the entire

system, but if memory serves, that’s what ushered Senator Palpatine[19] into the
chair of Chancellor of the Republic,[20] which later morphed into becoming the
Supreme Emperor of the first Galactic Empire.[21] Not good. Was George
Lucas just telling us a fun story or was he giving us a taste of things to come?

Here’s the bottom line for me: I don’t believe you can fix Babylonian America
with a Babylonian system. We must come out of Babylon if we truly want to
be free. At least for me and my house, I believe our time and money is far
better spent working on the spiritual problem. By that I am referring to the
“principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places” that
seem to be all too welcome in our nation’s capital.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble

themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land.
(2 Chronicles 7:14)


In Chapter Two, I mentioned a recent interview on Omega Man Radio, in
which Tom Horn and Steve Quayle talked about the discovery of the carcass of
Gilgamesh. At about 1 hour and 27 minutes into the interview they begin
talking about how Nimrod began to be a giant. They then discussed the
discovery of Gilgamesh’s remains. Regarding confirmation of that, Steve
Quayle said:

“I talked to a Special Operations general who validated that,

verified that and absolutely was there when Gilgamesh’s
remains — and his words were, ‘He was in a state of
remarkable preservation.’ OK? And by the way, that was in the
literal vicinity of where the United States built its largest
military complex, I believe it’s one of the largest military
complexes in the world. In that whole area. The advance team
— Special Operations went in there to grab all of that stuff...
What I’m telling you is based on a multi-starred general’s eye-
witness report to me who was there. He said, ‘They have
Gilgamesh’s remains.’ So if they have Gilgamesh and he is
Nimrod, they got it. And the whole point was to extract the
DNA. And I’ve also been told that the whole point... of the
human genome project... is to locate specific genetic markers
for the disembodied spirits to reanimate their host body that’s
brought back.”

I will write a lot more about the DNA issue in the next book in this series,
Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim. Needless to say, I believe that is
indeed the real reason we have been in Iraq for the better part of the last
decade. The fact that our troops are now coming out of Babylon tells me that
they have accomplished whatever it was they needed to do, which makes me
wonder what (or who) else may be coming out of Babylon with them.
In any case, make no mistake, in the grander scheme of things — the big
picture, if you will — I am certain our work in Babylon is not yet done. Let’s
look now at the current withdrawal of our military presence from Iraq to see if
we can determine what might happen next.

On December 17, 2011, CNN ran an article stating:

“Last of U.S. Troops Leave Iraq”

In a final tactical road march, the last U.S. troops in Iraq

crossed the border into Kuwait on Sunday morning, ending
almost nine years of a deadly and divisive war. They were the
last soldiers in what amounted to the largest U.S. troop
drawdown since the war in Vietnam.

Back in September of 2011, as the drawdown moved forward, the Huffington

Post wrote an article telling us that the U.S. is leaving behind over 250 million
dollars worth of equipment, vehicles and even entire military bases (505 to
be exact)!

There were 505 U.S. military bases and outposts in Iraq at the
height of operations, said Col. Barry Johnson, a spokesman
for U.S. forces in Iraq. Only 39 are still in U.S. hands — but
that includes each of the largest bases, meaning the most
significant handovers are yet to come.

Those bases didn’t come cheap. Construction costs exceeded

$2.4 billion, according to an analysis of Pentagon annual
reports by the Congressional Research Service. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers alone was responsible for $1.9 billion in
base construction contracts between 2004 and 2010, a
spokesman told HuffPost.

Rather than strip those bases clean and ship everything home,
Defense Department officials tell The Huffington Post that
over 2.4 million pieces of equipment worth a total of at least
$250 million — everything from tanks and trucks to office
furniture and latrines — have been given away to the Iraqi
government in the past year, with the pace of transfers
expected to increase dramatically in the coming months.
— Huffington Post[23] [emphasis mine]

Are they telling us that it is more expensive to ship our equipment home than it
is to replace it? I think not. What that really tells me is we essentially armed
both our former enemies, as well as the coming forces of the Antichrist, with
all sorts of nice toys ready to go for when Nimrod settles back into his
hometown. And if Iraq decides to team up with the Arab League[24] and/or Iran
under the banner of Islam in the near future, Israel could be in a lot of trouble!
Note what Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website [25] has to say:

We are reaching out to our neighbors and the Arab countries

through participation in multilateral forums, including the Arab
League, and by encouraging regional cooperation based on our
historical cultural ties and geographical proximity. Iraq can be a
positive factor for regional stability and a friendly, peaceful
country that respects national interests and understands the
security concerns of our neighbors, with whom we are in dialogue
to resolve pending issues including prisoners of war, refugees,
compensation claims and water and border issues.
Iraq remains committed to its Islamic identity and, as the home of
some of Islam’s holiest sites, we are establishing procedures for
religious tourism and promoting cultural exchange.
All of that sounds very sweet, but I wonder how they can remain peaceful
toward Israel and loyal to Islam at the same time? That seems like an
oxymoron to me. Especially since Islam’s stated objective through cleric after
cleric and dictator after dictator has been to wipe Israel off the map.[26] I also
don’t think for one minute that any of that would come as a shock or surprise to
our current leaders in Washington, D.C. if such an attempt were made. In fact, I
would go so far as to suggest that this was the plan all along.

An Iraqi journalist asks about U.S. military help for Iraq in

the years ahead.
Al-Maliki says he spoke with Obama about “the need for

Obama says he seeks to help “a sovereign Iraq” protect its

people and its borders; says military cooperation will be
similar to that given to other nations.

Obama also notes that the U.S. Embassy in Iraq will be

bigger than others, but only because the security demands
are so different.
—[27] [emphasis mine]

We didn’t do all that we did in Iraq for the last nine years only to leave
everything behind and hand over all control to the Iraqis. No. Our troops may
be leaving, but the United States will always have a strong handle on whatever
happens there.

“Our goal simply is to make sure Iraq succeeds,” Obama says.


I’ll bet it is! America’s plan has always been to be sure Babylon succeeds. But
how and why? In the following excerpt from the (previously quoted) recent
White House Press Conference, Obama introduced Prime Minister Maliki as
“the elected leader of a sovereign, self-reliant and democratic Iraq.”

Obama speaks about how the U.S. military mission in Iraq is

ending, and the two nations are now turning the page to “a
new chapter” in their relationship. He predicts a bright
economic future for Iraq, with American assistance; he also
offered the kind of security assistance that the U.S. provides to
other allies.

“I pledged to end this war responsibly,” Obama says. “After

nearly nine years, our war in Iraq ends this month.”

Now, Obama pledges “an equal partnership” and “a broad

relationship” with the new Iraq.
—[29] [emphasis mine]

This brings us back to a discussion about the Iraqi Dinar. How is it that Obama
can predict a “bright economic future for Iraq” when they have a completely
worthless currency?

Answer: They need to revalue (RV) that currency to something that has value
and can be traded on the open market. Why? Because you can’t have a “bright
economic future” when all you have is pretty, Monopoly money to play with!
If you remember, the Dinar once was $3.22 to 1 Dinar in value, so the
prospects of a revaluation are very exciting indeed.

Obama went on to say:

Economically, Iraqis continue to invest in their infrastructure

and development. And I think it’s worth considering some
remarkable statistics.

In the coming years, it’s estimated that Iraq’s economy will

grow even faster than China’s or India’s. With oil production
rising, Iraq is on track to once again be one of the region’s
leading oil producers.

With respect to security, Iraqi forces have been in the lead for
the better part of three years — patrolling the streets,
dismantling militias, conducting counterterrorism operations.
Today, despite continued attacks by those who seek to derail
Iraq’s progress, violence remains at record lows.

And, Mr. Prime Minister, that’s a tribute to your leadership

and to the skill and the sacrifices of Iraqi forces.

Across the region, Iraq is forging new ties of trade and

commerce with its neighbors, and Iraq is assuming its
rightful place among the community of nations. For the first
time in two decades, Iraq is scheduled to host the next Arab
League Summit, and what a powerful message that will send
throughout the Arab world. People throughout the region will
see a new Iraq that’s determining its own destiny — a country
in which people from different religious sects and ethnicities
can resolve their differences peacefully through the
democratic process.

Mr. Prime Minister, as we end this war, and as Iraq faces its
future, the Iraqi people must know that you will not stand
alone. You have a strong and enduring partner in The United
States of America.

And finally, we’re partnering for regional security. For just as
Iraq has pledged not to interfere in other nations, other
nations must not interfere in Iraq. Iraq’s sovereignty must be
— President Obama, excerpt from the Dec. 12, 2011, Press
Conference [emphasis mine]

In the previous chapter, I wrote about what I think may be The Omega Plan. In
it, I revealed the various dealings the United States has had with Iraq and the
founding of both its Central Bank as well as its new government. As noted, it
was JP Morgan Chase Bank that led the 13-bank consortium that established
the new Central Bank of Iraq (CBI). Given the fact that the same players who
established our own central banking system and Federal Reserve are also
involved in the formation of Iraq’s, tells me that our interests there will be
well taken care of. Thus, I feel it is safe to say that the true Babylon will rise
again, thanks to the help of psuedo-Babylon (the United States of America).

Make no mistake, the two are one — at least until America (as we know it) is
no longer needed. At that point, I believe we will be discarded. I think we still
have some more time left before that happens though. Perhaps that’s why the
writing on the Dinar is in both English and Arabic. Note how it is the English
(America) backing the Arabic (Babylon) front of the currency pictured below.
Figure 76

Figure 76 depicts their highest value currency note, but it is the same for their
other denominations as well. Remember too that this worthless money also has
some of the most anti-counterfeit measures of any other currency incorporated
into its design.

For now, we will just have to patiently wait and see what happens. I can’t
imagine it will be too much longer before something pops though. Too many
things are lining up.

In the meantime, of course, all of this looks great on Obama’s resume. I mean,
the guy starts out with a Nobel Peace Prize (for what?) and ends with the
[supposed] death of Osama bin Laden as well as the completion of military
action in Iraq. To the typical, brainwashed American, this shows that Obama is
the man who gets things done. Now just imagine what will happen if the Iraqi
Dinar revalues and the entire world’s economy magically resets. I can hear the
chants in the streets just in time for the next election polls, “Our messiah does
it again!”
Perhaps that’s the real reason for the RV’s delay? Maybe “they” are just
waiting for the perfect time before the next election to spring the news? If so,
don’t believe the Obama camp’s hype for a second. It’s all just an elaborate
stage show, and one president after the other has done his part in this grand
charade to make it happen.

Speaking of hype...


When the news reports first came out that Osama bin Laden had been killed, I
knew it was a scam. The reports were so filled with Illuminati memes it
wasn’t even funny. In fact, it was rather pathetic  —  they put so much in plain
sight and so few even took notice. Now, I say that fully acknowledging that
prior to researching this stuff for myself, I probably would have been duped as
well, so please don’t be offended by what I am saying here. I believe we have
all been lied to!

I will go into much more detail about the various incarnations and
representations of Nimrod that have appeared throughout ancient history in
Book 3, Babylon Rising: Mythology and the Coming Great Deception.[30] In
the chapter titled, Nimrod, Niburu and the Anunnaki,[31] I show how some
scholars have connected Sargon (whose one-eyed bust is pictured right) with
the person of Nimrod. At first glance, does that image remind you of anyone? Is
that just a coincidence?

The official story was that SEAL Team 6 on May

1st (which was both on the 66th anniversary of
Hitler’s [supposed] death and also the day the
Illuminati was founded) at 3:30 in the afternoon
(EST) shot Osama bin Laden through the left eye,
then later dumped his body into the ocean (thus,
leaving the world with absolutely no solid proof
whatsoever to substantiate anything that was told to

Remember the news reports?

Figure 77
Obama gave the final order to pursue the operation on April
29, officials said.

The house was 100 yards from the gate of the Kakul Military
Academy, an army-run institution where top officers train. A
Pakistan intelligence official said the property where bin
Laden was staying was 3,000 square feet.

At 3:30 p.m. EST, a 40-man Navy Seals squadron raided a

compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, killing the Al Qaeda
leader with a bullet to the head.
—[32] [emphasis mine]

“He did resist the assault force, and he was killed in a

firefight,” an official said. NBC News reported that he was
shot in the left eye.
— Today News:[33] [emphasis mine]

Right off the bat, the text I have in bold (above) stands out. First, April 29th is
a very interesting date in the occult and a significant date for the conclusion of
Obama’s first 100 days in office (as seen in Chapter Five) as well. Right there
in the Fox report, you have Obama giving the order on April 29 th paired up
with a description of the house being 100 yards away. I’m sure that’s just a

Figure 78
Then we’ve got the 3,000-square-foot property. Remember the official death
toll on 9/11 and the same amount of “missing artifacts” from the Baghdad
museum? And let’s not forget the time, 3:30 EST (33 being a high
occult/Masonic number). Oh, and of course, the compound just had to be
shaped like a pyramid too. Come on! Seriously? How much more in plain sight
do they have to be with this stuff? And Osama had his left eye put out in a
pyramid?! Please.

Not too long after that “victory,” soldiers belonging to the same elite fighting
force, SEAL Team 6, were all loaded onto a National Guard helicopter that
was later shot down. Convenient. Since when do Special Forces soldiers all
travel together? Worse than that, since when do they travel on any equipment
not piloted by their own highly skilled, Special Forces personnel?

Insurgents shot down a U.S. military helicopter during

fighting in eastern Afghanistan, killing 30 Americans, most of
them belonging to the same elite unit as the Navy SEALs who
killed former Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials
said Saturday. It was the deadliest single loss for American
forces in the decade-old war against the Taliban. —[34] [emphasis mine]

When I was a helicopter pilot in the 1/110th Air Cav., one of my friends was an
instructor pilot that I used to fly with often. He later moved to Texas and joined
a National Guard unit —  the same unit that flew the above mission. After this
event happened, my friend told me that he knew the pilots of the Chinook
helicopter that was shot down in Afghanistan. Now, I’ve flown with plenty of
Guard pilots. Some are veterans from active duty service, others are newbies.
So I mean no disrespect to my brothers in the Guard when I say this, but what
in the world is going on here!?

It wasn’t long before veterans started asking questions like this:

“Why were some of the most elite

of America’s military, in such Active duty, Special Forces
large numbers, tooling around on troops should not be traveling
a National Guard aircraft? Also, in National Guard helicopters,
those around me are wondering especially that many of them,
why such a large number all in one place in a hostile
(extremely unconventional for environment. That just doesn’t
Seals, Green Berets, etc) of them (normally) happen!
riding in a single aircraft instead
of being spread out into
numerous aircraft.”

Without question, I mean no disrespect to the pilots and crew

of the National Guard aircraft, but the fact is that it’s very
“strange” that Seals would be conducting an actual mission,
with such large numbers, in such a basic aircraft.…Especially,
given the fact that there were special operation Chinooks
easily available and sitting idle when this tragedy took place.”

The only thing that makes any sense to me is that those good men were
sacrificed so that the truth would not get out. This would certainly also serve
as a deterrent to keep quiet anyone else who might want to talk. To be honest,
this absolutely breaks my heart. Please pray for our service men and women.
Generally speaking, they are good, American citizens who have volunteered
for service in order to do their duty for God, country, family and friends. They
signed up to protect and serve you and me. They believe in what they are
doing, and do it to the best of their ability, no matter the personal cost. For
those reasons and more, I say they deserve our respect, honor and much needed

That said, they are also victims of pure evil who are routinely used to create
more victims around the world. Evil men take advantage of their patriotism,
youth and zeal, and send them straight into hell-on-earth scenarios. Thus, the
soldier becomes nothing more than cannon fodder for the sadistic plans of a
small elite. Today, soldiers are little more than pawns that our evil overlords
have no problem experimenting on, using, and discarding in order to advance
their Luciferian agendas.

In Haig’s presence, [Henry] Kissinger referred pointedly to

military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns
for foreign policy.
— Henry Kissinger, as quoted in The Final Days[36]

For those reasons and more —  as much as I absolutely love this country  — I
would never again recommend that any young person join the military. Things
have become really bad, and I suspect it’s only going to get worse.

If you really want to know why I feel this way, please consider watching the
following documentaries:

Why We Fight [37]

In Lies We Trust: CIA, Holywood and Bioterrorism [38]
The Secret of Oz [39]
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined [40]
The Ultimate Con[41]

Figure 79



World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history.

Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of
the world population.

World War II fatality statistics vary, estimates of total dead
ranging from 50 million to over 70 million.[42] The sources
cited in this article document an estimated death toll in World
War II of 62 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war in world
history in absolute terms of total dead but not in terms of
deaths relative to the world population.

When scholarly sources differ on the number of deaths in a

country, a range of war losses is given, in order to inform
readers that the death toll is disputed. Civilians killed totaled
from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-
related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25
million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million
prisoners of war.
— Wikipedia[43] [emphasis mine]

Just let those numbers sink in for a minute. War is big business! It costs us
trillions of dollars, not to mention our lives, limbs, loved ones and sanity —
but it costs ‘them’ nothing. ‘They’ profit from both sides of any conflict by
supplying the bullets, bombs and bandages at a premium cost to you and me,
the average taxpaying sheeple of the world. Who are they? Elite bankers. If you
haven’t already watched the documentary, NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical
Prophecy Vol. 1 [44] by Leonard Ulrich, please do so at your earliest
convenience. I believe everyone in America needs to see that film.


As I have already shown you, our nation’s capital is literally loaded with
idolatry. Statues of the pagan gods are everywhere. For instance, do you want
to know who greets you when you enter the Capitol Building? None other
than the Roman god, Mars, who was the GOD OF WAR!

And we wonder why our nation seems to have been at war in some form or
another ever since its founding (which of course came about as a result of the
Revolutionary War).

Figure 80

The Romans called him Mars. To the Greek, he was known as Ares. They were
known as gods of war. Who else had that title? The more ancient Sumerian
god, Ninurta, did too. In Sumer and Akkad, Ninurta (derived from Ningursu)
was the god of the constellation that became known as Orion. Could it be that
all of these are just various incarnations or titles for Nimrod — the mighty
hunter? We’ve already looked at the various “mighty hunters” that Nimrod has
appeared as throughout the centuries and different cultures. Regardless of
whether or not there is a direct tie between Mars and Nimrod, they are both of
the same warring spirit. Nimrod was the first god-king-warrior to rule the
world after the Flood. All other legends and myths concerning gods, depicting
the same attributes, can be traced back to him — and his iconography can be
seen all over our nation’s capital city.
* These numbers were taken from Wikipedia sources and do not include the countless numbers of people
who lost their limbs, mobility, sanity and loved ones to the horror and carnage represented by the table


For nearly 25% of her short history, America has been engaged in active war.
Furthermore, in addition to the major wars listed in the above table, we have
also engaged in numerous ‘police actions,’ skirmishes and covert operations,
during and between those wars. In the process, we’ve been setting up both
military bases and embassies in all of these countries, acting as ‘champions of
liberty’ and the ‘world’s policemen.’ We are everywhere, and with President
Bush’s declared War on Terror we will always be at war. Why? Because, as
I’ve already said, that is a war not against a people or nation, but rather,
against an idea — and it will never end. Indeed, the god of war rules this

In mythology, Mars was said to have been the father of Romulus and Remus;
the first of the two being credited with forming the early Roman Empire, with
Rome being named after himself. That empire has never died. It lives on in
nearly every way through the United States of America. So, if you want to look
for a “Revived Roman Empire” in biblical prophecy, look no further. If you
live in the good ol’ U.S. of A., you are standing in it. Again, the proof is all
over Washington, D.C..


Our current War on Terror was the direct result of the events of 9/11. I freely
confess, I am one of those tinfoil-hat-wearing ‘conspiracy theorists’ who
unashamedly and whole-heartedly believes that “9/11 was an inside job.” I
didn’t always feel that way though. In fact, for a long time, I would have been
highly insulted by the mere insinuation that our government would do such a
thing to its own people. I simply could not believe that and blasted anyone who
did. It was much easier to put the blame on people with funny turbans around
their heads living in caves on the other side of the planet. But when you
remove the passion that comes with national pride and look at the facts
objectively, there are just way too many holes in the ‘Official Story’ of 9/11 for
me to buy it anymore.

Why do we believe the things we are told by mainstream media?

The secret societies that orchestrate these wars love to use Nimrod’s mystical
iconography on everything because they know how powerful such tools are for
manipulation and control. Just turn over your dollar bill, and there you’ll see
his all seeing-eye watching you. There is power in such imagery because they
are symbols. Symbols conceal for those who don’t have eyes to see and reveal
for those who do have eyes to see. We carry them around in our pockets all the
time. They are flashed on screen and in print everywhere we look. We simply
cannot get away from it. But once your eyes are opened to the truth, you will
indeed be able to see through the lies. If we do not learn to truly see, the Elite
will continue to play us all for fools  —  civilian and military service
personnel alike.

For instance, in order to keep us all fighting and

killing, there must be a ‘face of evil’ for us to go
after. For the past two decades or so, one of those
faces was that of Osama bin Laden. That face has
been the primary, motivating force behind the
whole War on Terror —  as if this one man could
orchestrate all the terror in the world. Indeed, his
Figure 81
image has been a powerful tool in the hands of the
Elite for keeping America at war. Thus, when the
reports came in that he had been killed, the whole country stood and cheered in
victory, posting all over their Facebook pages statements like, “Ding, dong,
the witch is dead!” To which I screamed as loud as I could (mostly in CAPS),



Still, not too many heard what I was saying. I think most probably thought I
was just being an unpatriotic jerk.

This administration, just like the previous one, is capitalizing on the fear
and trauma of the public.

For a fantastic summary of the many absurdities given in the “Official Story,”
be sure to watch 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory.[45] When I was able to step away
from the noise of corporate-controlled media and think for myself, I had many
of the same questions and realizations depicted in that short, but very well
done, satirical video. So I began to search for answers myself — and boy, did
I find them! Ladies and gentlemen, I can say with complete confidence, we
have been lied to about a great many things. If you don’t believe me and have
trouble with the so-called “9/11 truth movement” (imagine that: people having
trouble with the truth), please watch all of the videos listed in this chapter. I
have provided the ability to do so, all on one page, on the Babylon Rising:
And The First Shall Be Last website (see the links in the footnotes below).
If this sort of information is new to you, I suggest you spend some time
watching non-mainstream news videos and documentaries concerning the
numerous events of 9/11 that do not line up with the ‘Official Story.’ Here are a
couple to get you started:

Loose Change [46](this is the one that started it all for me)
9/11 Mysteries [47] (note the totally bogus ‘eye-witness’ at 3:17)

There was the constant reinforcement of the ‘Official Story’ concerning 9/11 in
all of the videos that followed the (supposed) death of Osama bin Laden.[48]
The Elite apparently believed that the American people needed a refresher
course in brainwashing. So, they orchestrated the ‘killing’ of Osama bin Laden
and then immediately went on the air and proceeded to feed the lie to us once

Thanks to mainstream media’s constant reinforcement of the lies, here it is

more than 10 years later, and most of American still believe that box-cutter-
toting, inexperienced, Muslim, terrorist pilots brought down 3 buildings at
free-fall speed (violating all laws of physics), and managed to slam into the
most secure, monitored and reinforced building on the planet: the Pentagon,
with no resistance from anyone or video footage to verify that this indeed
happened the way we were told it did. Now those same Americans are
overjoyed that we supposedly killed the so-called mastermind behind it all:
Osama bin Laden. But did you know that there have been a number of reports
stating that Osama bin Laden had either died or been killed — in mainstream
news — since 2001? Here are just a few:

Bin Laden Already Dead

December 26, 2001

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an

untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported,
citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of
the Al Qaeda leader.
— Fox News[49]
The Death of bin Ladenism
July 11, 2002

Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in
Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive
died in December and was buried in the mountains of
southeast Afghanistan.
— New York Times[50]
Is Bin Laden Dead?
September 23, 2006

Earlier on Saturday, the French newspaper L’Est Republicain

cited a report by the French intelligence service, Direction
Generale des Services Exteriors ( DGSE), saying that Saudi
intelligence officials “seem to have become convinced that
Osama bin Laden is dead.” The report quoted by the
newspaper said the Saudis believe bin Laden “might have
succumbed to a very serious case of typhoid fever resulting in
partial paralysis of his lower limbs while in Pakistan on
August 23, 2006.” Echoing that report, a Saudi source,
speaking on condition of anonymity, told TIME that Saudi
officials have received multiple reports over the last several
weeks that Bin Laden has been suffering from a water-borne
illness. “This is not a rumor,” said the source.
— Time Magazine[51]
FBI Official Thinks Bin Laden Is Dead
February 11, 2009

(CBS) FBI counterterrorism chief Dale Watson said

Wednesday he believes Osama bin Laden is dead — the first
time a senior U.S. law enforcement official has publicly given
an opinion on the al Qaeda leader’s status.

— CBS News[52]
WEINER: Osama bin Laden is dead
December 23, 2010
CIA reports, doctors and biographers have asserted that bin
Laden had (has) a range of diseases from typhoid to renal
disease, Addison’s disease, secondary osteoporosis and
Marfan syndrome. Intelligence agencies think that in 2000, he
had kidney-dialysis devices shipped to him in Afghanistan. His
1987 biography states that bin Laden was being treated with
insulin for diabetes and suffered serious low blood pressure. Is
it likely that the most wanted man in the world has been
regularly receiving medical attention without detection for the
past 10 years?

In 2008, former CIA case officer Robert Baer asserted, “Of

course he’s dead.” In 2002 and 2009, Pakistani Presidents
Pervez Musharraf and Asif Ali Zardari separately stated that
bin Laden was dead. In 2002, FBI counterterrorism chief Dale
Watson stated that bin Laden “probably” was dead.

Since 2004, we have seen no new bin Laden videos; we’ve only
heard audios. One video released in 2007 could be a
compilation of older videos. So why does the intelligence
community continue to support the impression that he’s alive?
— Washington Times[53]

Some of these articles may eventually be taken offline as a result of people

going there to read and confirm these things. In the meantime, just start

Osama bin Laden dead 2001

Osama bin Laden dead 2002
Osama bin Laden dead 2006
Osama bin Laden dead 2009
Figure 82

It seems like nearly every time someone needed a boost in the polls, the press
reported some progress in the hunt for bin Laden. Or if they needed a boost in
American support for the War on Terror they released some new footage of [a
poser pretending to be] Osama issuing new threats. This most recent death
report, appears to be the final one — and it was a good one too!

American Special Forces led by President Obama strike hard and fast! Wow!
And our troops get withdrawn from Iraq, just in time for Christmas — and so
the minds of the masses can be put more at ease going into the holidays, and the
next election year. That’s awfully convenient, don’t you think?

Considering George H. W. Bush was once a director of the CIA and the fact
that the Bush family has very close ties to the bin Laden family,[54] shouldn’t
we at least be suspicious of the whole story we’ve been told about Osama bin
Laden? An article by Rick Wiles of American Freedom News reveals some
interesting things concerning the Bush-bin Laden connections.

President Bush recently signed an executive order to freeze the

US financial assets of corporations doing business with
Osama bin Laden. He described the order as a “strike on the
financial foundation of the global terror network.”
“If you do business with terrorists, if you support or succor
them, you will not do business with the United States,” said
President Bush.

He didn’t say anything about doing business with a terrorist’s

brother - or his wealthy financier.

When President George W. Bush froze assets connected to

Osama bin Laden, he didn’t tell the American people that the
terrorist mastermind’s late brother was an investor in the
president’s former oil business in Texas. He also hasn’t leveled
with the American public about his financial connections to a
host of shady Saudi characters involved in drug cartels, gun
smuggling, and terrorist networks.

Doing business with the enemy is nothing new to the Bush

family. Much of the Bush family wealth came from supplying
needed raw materials and credit to Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.
Several business operations managed by Prescott Bush - the
president’s grandfather - were seized by the US government
during World War II under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

On October 20, 1942, the federal government seized the Union

Banking Corporation in New York City as a front operation for
the Nazis. Prescott Bush was a director. Bush, E. Roland
Harriman, two Bush associates, and three Nazi executives
owned the bank’s shares. Eight days later, the Roosevelt
administration seized two other corporations managed by
Prescott Bush. The Holland-American Trading Corporation
and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, both managed
by the Bush-Harriman bank, were accused by the US federal
government of being front organizations for Hitler’s Third
Reich. Again, on November 8, 1942, the federal government
seized Nazi-controlled assets of Silesian-American
Corporation, another Bush-Harriman company doing business
with Hitler.
Doing business with the bin Laden empire, therefore, is only
the latest extension of the Bush family’s financial ties to
unsavory individuals and organizations. Now that thousands
of American citizens have died in terrorist attacks and the
nation is going to war, the American people should know about
George W. Bush’s relationship with the family of Osama bin

A friend of mine told me that one of his clients was on the plane that escorted
the bin Laden family out of the country in the days immediately following 9/11.
Why were the bin Laden’s and other Saudis spirited around and given a free
ride out of this country if Saudi money and a member of their family were
supposedly directly responsible for the events of that awful day?

After the airspace reopened, six chartered flights with 142

people, mostly Saudi Arabian nationals, departed from the
United States between September 14 and 24. One flight, the
so-called Bin Ladin flight, departed the United States on
September 20 with 26 passengers, most of them relatives of
Usama Bin Ladin. [56]

Although I am not at all a Michael Moore fan, I must admit that his
documentary film, Fahrenheit 9/11 brings up some good points concerning this
issue. On his website, under bullet point number 3, the question is asked, “Did
these individuals get special treatment by law enforcement?” Moore

Yes, according to Jack Cloonan, a former senior agent on the

joint FBI-CIA Al-Qaeda task force, who is interviewed in
Fahrenheit 9/11. Cloonan raises questions about the type of
investigation to which these individuals were subjected,
finding it highly unusual that in light of the seriousness of the
attack on 9/11, bin Laden family members were allowed to
leave the country and escape without anyone getting their
statements on record in any kind of formal proceeding, and
with little more than a brief interview.
Most Saudis who left were not interviewed at all by the FBI. In
fact, of the 142 Saudis on these flights, only 30 were

The film puts this in perspective. Imagine President Clinton

facilitating the exit of members of the McVeigh family out of
the country following the Oklahoma City bombing. Or
compare this treatment to the hundreds of people detained
following the 9/11 attacks who were held without charges for
months on end, who had no relationship to Osama bin Laden.
— Michael Moore[58]

I believe it is well past the time for realizing that the whole Osama bin Laden
deal was a facade. Was he a terrorist and an “evil” man? Yes. There can be no
doubt that he presented a very real threat to the United States and the world
because of his beliefs, activities and associations. But it must be noted that the
CIA practically created Osama bin Laden.

Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary in the UK from 1997–2001, and Leader of the
House of Commons and Lord President of the Council from 2001–2003,
believed the CIA had provided arms to the Arab Mujahideen, including Osama
bin Laden.

“Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental

miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the
80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage
jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.”
— Robin Cook[59]

In his book, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA, author Tim Weiner

The Sudan was an international clearing house for stateless

terrorists in those days. Among them was Osama bin Laden.
The agency first knew him in the late 1980s as a rich Saudi
who supported the same Afghan rebels that the agency armed
in their fight against their Soviet oppressors. He was known as
a financier of people who had grand visions of attacking the
enemies of Islam.[60]

From a BBC news article:

...Bin Laden left Saudi Arabia in 1979 to fight against the

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Afghan jihad was backed
with American dollars and had the blessing of the governments
of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. He received security training
from the CIA itself.[61]

From a Forbes business information service article:

...[Osama bin Laden] received military and financial

assistance from the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan and the United States.[62]

From a ABC News article:

In the 1980s, bin Laden left his comfortable Saudi home for
Afghanistan to participate in the Afghan jihad, or holy war,
against the invading forces of the Soviet Union - a cause that,
ironically, the United States funded, pouring $3 billion into
the Afghan resistance via the CIA.[63]

During the Reagan administration, U.S. funding of the Mujahideen increased

significantly and CIA Paramilitary Officers played a big role in training,
arming and sometimes even leading Mujahideen forces. They actually taught
the Mujahideen many of the terrorist tactics Al Qaeda is known for today.

A typical rebuttal to these claims usually involves some CIA or government

official basically saying they only supported the indigenous Afghan
Mujahideen, and they deny that the CIA or other American officials had any
actual contact with Osama bin Laden, let alone armed, trained, coached or
indoctrinated him.

The phrase “Al Qaeda” essentially means “the base” (some say database). It is
an organization that was founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between
August 1988 and late 1989.[64] If it is true that the U.S. funded and trained the
Mujahideen and Osama bin Laden (whether directly or indirectly), then we
must take responsibility for creating this monster.

This all reeks of a convenient setup to me. Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda make
perfect “patsies” in what has got to be the greatest conspiracy of all time. The
whole idea that it was Muslim terrorists that flew those planes into buildings
came as a result of miraculously finding a paper passport that — what do you
know? — just so happened to not only somehow survive the “intense jet fuel
fires” that supposedly caused the Twin Towers to collapse at nearly free-fall
speed, but also just so happened to belong of one of the terrorists who
supposedly did it! Wow. What are the odds of that? Of all the papers to find in
the ash and rubble, we happened to find the impervious passport of a Muslim
terrorist hijacker. Incredible. Who writes this stuff? If we saw such an obvious
plant in a movie plot, we’d say that it was too “on the nose” and too much of a
stretch to be believable. Yet, that’s the story we all believed regarding 9/11.
And that’s the story that led us into the War on Terror.

This bogus War on Terror has literally robbed peace from the earth forever. It
has to make you wonder if this is not an indicator that the Second Horse of the
Apocalypse has already left the stable.

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was
given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and
that they should kill one another: and there was given unto
him a great sword.
(Revelation 6:4)

It is my personal belief that “War on Terror” may be the name of this “great
sword” that takes peace from the earth. It is an oxymoron. War is terror! How
do you wage terror on terror and hope to eliminate terror? That makes no sense
at all. This is not a war against a nation or a people group either. It’s a war
against an idea... that will never end. Thus, peace has effectively been stripped
away from this world by a lie.

Able Danger was the rather peculiar name of a classified military planning
effort led by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA). It was meant to develop an information operations
campaign plan against transnational terrorism.

In December 2006, a sixteen-month investigation by

the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that,
“Able Danger did not identify Mohamed Atta or any
other 9/11 hijacker at any time prior to September 11,

Supposedly, according to the “Official Story,”

Mohamad Atta was one of the ringleaders in the Figure 83

September 11th attacks. He was allegedly the hijacker pilot of American

Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the North Tower.

Orion Scientific Systems had created charts that included pictures of then-
known Al Qaeda operatives, but none including Mohamed Atta. Then, a
follow-up chart was made after the 9/11 attacks that did show Atta.

The Wikipedia overview on Able Danger reveals:

Attorney Mark Zaid, representing Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer

and the other four Able Danger employees at the Senate
Judiciary Committee hearing in September 2005, pointed out
to the Committee that his clients had been forbidden by the
Pentagon to testify to the Committee. He also discussed the
Defense Intelligence Agency’s decision to suspend Lt. Colonel
Shaffer’s security clearance shortly after it became known that
he had provided information to the 9/11 Commission on Able
Danger. “Based on years of experience I can say categorically
that the basis for the revocation was questionable at best.” [65]

An investigation by the Defense Department Inspector

General’s office (IG) in September 2006 concluded that “the
evidence did not support assertions that Able Danger
identified the September 11, 2001, terrorists nearly a year
before the attack, that Able Danger team members were
prohibited from sharing information with law enforcement
authorities, or that DOD officials acted against LTC Shaffer
for his disclosures regarding Able Danger.” However, some of
the people questioned by the IG claimed their statements to
the IG were distorted by investigators in the final IG’s report,
and the report omitted essential information that they had
provided. Lt. Col Tony Shaffer has claimed that the DOD
retaliated against him for speaking out publicly about the IG
report’s distortions.[66]

Some people have alleged regarding the events of 9/11 that the
Pentagon obstructed the Senate Judiciary Committee’s
investigation and that there was a cover up.[67]

Why would the Pentagon want to silence people who might have real evidence
regarding the attacks of September 11, 2001? What are they trying to hide?
Why the need for a “cover up” of information?

In the ground-breaking documentary film Loose Change, there is a very

interesting segment dea ling with Abel Danger and the alleged hijackers. The
following is a transcript from the film which shows news footage of each of
the following individuals discussing these issues.

DYLAN AVERY’s VO: The company responsible for the chart,

Orion Scientific Systems, would claim that only two charts
were produced and that Atta was not present on either one.

CURT WELDON (identified on screen by LCFC titles as

“Congressman (R), Pennsylvania): Show them all out, John.
These are all the charts, spread them out. These are all Orion-
produced charts. These charts were all done by the data
mining efforts. So the Orion Corporation lied to the Senate
Judiciary Committee staff. All data mining efforts and yet the
company said to the Senate Judiciary staff, “We don’t have any
of those charts, they’re not ours”. Well, there they are. And
their logos are on each one of them.

Imagine that! The Orion Corporation lied! Is it just a coincidence that the
corporation responsible for the charts that detailed Abel Danger (as in the
“danger to Abel”) has the same name as the Mighty Hunter, who was and will
be the Antichrist and the head of the New World Order? Is it surprising that
this deception would play a part in all of this?

CURT WELDON (LCFC titles identify this as “Senate

Judiciary Hearing on Able Danger – September 21st, 2005”):
Well, Mr Chairma n, at least two of the five people that were
going to appear today were threatened with removal of their
security clearances if they continue to talk about this.

VOICE (not shown): Are you at liberty to identify who those

two are?

WELDON: I will to you, I’d rather do it privately, since the

Defense Department has chosen not to allow anyone to
testify, but I will provide that information to the Committee.

JOSEPH BIDEN (identified by LCFC titles as “Chairman,

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations – Member, Senate
Committee on the Judiciary”): For the life of me, I don’t
understand why, as I understand it, and I stand corrected if
I’m wrong, but I understand the witnesses we assumed we were
going to get to hear from, from the Defense Department, have
been pulled. They may be or may not be in the room but have
been instructed that they cannot testify. I think that’s a big

WELDON: This is actually a chart of Al Qaeda and the

various cells around the world. Much of this data, most of it
was obtained prior to 9/11 by the work of Able Danger. As you
see, there is an actual photograph of Mohammed Atta.

VOICE: What does that... what does that depict generally?

WELDON: It depicts the, uh, organizational and activity
associations of Al Qaeda operatives that were involved in 9/11
and late events.

MARK ZAID (identified by LCFC titles as “Attorney, Krieger

and Zaid PLLC – Founder, James Madison Projects”): And at
the time, if the Commission had looked into this in early 2004,
the chart that had Mohammed Atta on it still existed. There
was a chart in Mr Smith’s office. There was the chart that still
should have been in the Defense Intelligence Agency because
it wasn’t destroyed within Lt Col Shaffer’s files until the spring
of 2004. The same with the chart that Mr Smith had.

ERIC KLEINSMITH (identified by LCFC titles as “Chief of

Intelligence, LIWA – Former Army Major”): Our support to
Able Danger became severely restricted and ultimately shut
down due to intelligence oversight concerns. I was supported
vigorously by both the LIWA and the INSCOM [?] chain of
commands, and we actively worked to overcome this shutdown
for the next several months. In the midst of this shutdown, I,
along with one of my analysts, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Terri
Stephens, were forced to destroy all data, charts, and other
analytical products that we had not already passed on to
SOCOM related to Able Danger.

WELDON: Another former DOD official will testify today

that he was ordered to destroy up to 2.5 terabytes of data.
Now I don’t know what a terabyte of data is, so we contacted
the Library of Congress. It’s equal to one fourth of all the
entire written collection that the Library of Congress

ARLEN SPECTER: Are you in a position to evaluate the

credibility of Captain Phillpott, Colonel Shaffer, Mr. Westphal,
Ms. Preisser, or Mr. J.D. Smith, as to their credibility when
they say they saw Mohammed Atta on the chart?
KLEINSMITH: Yes, sir. I believe them ex... implicitly.

NEWSCASTER: Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer, who was the

first member of Able Danger to go public, has now been told in
writing by the Defense Intelligence Agency that he can’t speak
to members of Congress or their staff without prior approval,
and now his security clearance, which allowed him to deal
with classified information, has been pulled. The
congressman says Shaffer has been gagged, punished for
speaking up.

DYLAN AVERY’s VO: The official response to Able Danger

began in September 2005 with a letter from 9/11 commissioner
Slade Gorton [spelling not verified] to Senator Arlen Specter.
Gorton concludes by saying that since Condoleezza Rice,
President Bush and the White House deny that Able Danger
identified the 9/11 hijackers, it never happened. A six-month
investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded
in December 2006 that Able Danger did not identify
Mohammed Atta or any other 9/11 hijacker. Can we be certain
that the hijackers were radical Muslims on a suicide mission,
or is there a possibility that they were trained, funded and
protected in our own country?

Film-maker Dylan Avery asks some very important questions in his

documentary. I believe every American needs to watch Loose Change and do
their own research into the events and alleged perpetrators of 9/11. That film
and others like it can be viewed at:


Just in time for the 11th anniversary of 9/11, a new book came out called, No
Easy Day by former U.S. Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette, (who wrote under the
name Mark Owe). The book attempts to give a firsthand account of how he and
other members of SEAL Team Six (allegedly) killed Osama bin Laden. I found
the following dialogue (reported by CNN) on how they initially confirmed that
they had just killed Osama bin Laden to be rather interesting.

Bissonnette: So he moved out to where the women and kids

were, grabs one of the younger kids. Says, “Hey, who is that
inside?” She says, “Osama.” “Osama who?” “Osama bin
Pelley: The child?
Bissonnette: The child.
Pelley: Identified him?
Bissonnette: Yep. Grabbed one of the females, again asked her,
“Hey, who is that?” She said, “Osama bin Laden.”
Pelley: Does a cheer go up among the SEALs? You start
shaking hands? Patting each other on the back?
Bissonnette: Not – nothing. It’s all business. We’re on the
clock here. So, we call up the commanding officer. He comes
upstairs. Looks at the body. We give him what we have so far
of – hey, here’s what he looks like, take a look. He’s tall.
Woman and kid confirm it. He took one look. He said, “OK, I
think that’s him.” — CNN[68]

Seriously? The most identifiable man on the planet could only be ID’d by a kid
and a woman? And because he was “tall” that SEALed the deal? “OK, I think
that’s him.” Really? Give me a break. If Osama bin Laden was really the
threat we were all led to believe he was, our intelligence agencies would
practically have the hairs on his head and face named, numbered and
memorized. They’d know every detail about him and these SEALS would have
been thoroughly briefed before going after him. There would be no question as
to his identity.

But at this point, all we the people are left with are questions. After all, they
supposedly dumped the body into the ocean leaving us with no real proof
whatsoever to substantiate any of the stories we were fed by the mainstream
media. If they truly wanted to avoid the rapid development of conspiracy
theories, that definitely was not the right thing to do.

If we don’t want to partake of Babylon’s sins, I believe we’re really going to

have to get good at discerning what is true and what is false, because here’s the
harsh reality if we don’t: More innocent men and women are going to pay a
very high price for the god of war.

Again, let me say, I do not believe this is something that can get fixed with a
political solution. Coming out of Babylon does not require votes, picket
signs, guns, nor a violent revolution, it requires repentance.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble

themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

On that note, I feel it is appropriate to close this book with one final chapter
concerning the need for the Church to also repent and “come out of Babylon” in
these Last Days...
O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of
affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth,
and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things
wherein there is no profit.
(Jeremiah 16:19)
od has used Babylon largely as His place of judgment for the Hebrew nation.
When they refused to honor God the way He told them He is to be
honored, obeyed and worshiped, He gave them over to the gods they chose
over Him. So it was that they went into exile and captivity.

Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that
which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be
carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD. (2
Kings 20:17)

But because our fathers had provoked the God of heaven to

wrath, He gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of
Babylon, the Chaldean, who destroyed this temple and
deported the people to Babylon. (Ezra 5:12 NASB)
The Jews spent 70 years there in captivity.[1] Psalm 90:10 defines a generation
as 70 years (80 if by strength). Thus, it would appear that an entire generation
went into bondage. Then, finally after a full generation’s time, the Jews came
out of Babylon. Unfortunately, they carried Babylon with them when they left.
They brought back many pagan customs, beliefs and practices from their time
there, just as they did when they left Egypt (during a previous time of
bondage). Those customs, ideas and practices became intermingled with the
true faith of YHVH, and it always got them into trouble.

The traditions brought forth from Babylon were the primary cause of many of
the issues that Jesus had to deal with when confronting the Pharisees and
Sadducees of His day. Today, His Church has basically gone and done the
same thing. Many of the traditions and practices of Christian churches today
are rooted in pagan Babylon.[2]

As we have already seen, the United States was founded on things that
originated not with the one true God of the Bible, but rather with the gods that
(originally) came out of Babylon. In the previous chapters, I spent a lot of time
talking about our government. My goal with this final chapter is to show you
some of the things I believe we need to take a serious look at within our
churches and ultimately within ourselves.

As I am writing this chapter, I’d like to point out that today is Christmas Day,
2011. Therefore, I want to pause for a moment and address a comment I made
in the Man of Many Names chapter concerning why I believe Christians
should have nothing to do with the celebrations of December 25th. The origins
of Christmas are directly related to the thesis of this entire book series — and
it all traces directly back to Nimrod and Babylon. Before I go any further
though, I feel it is necessary to lay a little bit of a foundation for this portion of
the chapter:

The dictionary defines the word:

rebuke as: to express sharp disapproval or criticism of

(someone) because of their behavior or actions.
condemn as: to pronounce to be guilty; sentence to
punishment: to condemn a murderer to life imprisonment.

As I point out some things, please keep the above definitions in mind.
Although, rebuke to the one being rebuked often feels like condemnation, it is
neither my desire nor intent to condemn anyone. Look at it this way: If I were
stepping off into some sin like fornication, adultery, alcohol, drugs or
whatever, would you not tell me that it is wrong? Or would you just let me
continue on to my own destruction? I would hope you would seek to correct me
and show me that the path I am on is not good.

Having said that, how well do alcoholics typically receive the message that
what they are doing is wrong? How well does the fornicating adulterer take it
when you tell them that they need to break off the affair? How well does the
drug addict take it when you tell them they can’t have anymore?

Usually, the response is not good and is often followed by, “Stop judging me!”
or “What gives you the right to condemn me?” and other similar responses
along those lines. I pray neither of those are the responses you will feel toward
me. My hope is that you take what I write in the spirit in which it is intended,
rather than becoming defensive. My sincere hope and desire is that this chapter
will cause you to think about some things perhaps you have never considered
before. Please do your own research and see if the Holy Spirit bears witness
to what I am saying.


I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of

Babylon, my people, so that you do not participate in her sins
and suffer from any of her plagues.” (Revelation 18:4 GOD’S
WORD Translation)

Even as our troops have come out of Babylon (Iraq) in a physical sense, I
believe the Church needs to begin its exodus from Babylon in a spiritual sense.
The concept of a son of god being born on December 25th, goes all the way
back to Nimrod, progressing into Tammuz, then Osiris, later Zeus, Mithra and a
host of other sun gods who were all celebrated on the day we now call

The actual observance of the day of Jesus’ birth was long in

coming. In particular, during the first two centuries of
Christianity there was strong opposition to recognizing
birthdays of martyrs or, for that matter, of Jesus. Numerous
church fathers offered sarcastic comments about the pagan
custom of celebrating birthdays…
— Encyclopedia Britannica
Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church.
Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts...
— The Catholic Encyclopedia

Writing about this very issue, Tertullian (155-220 AD) reports that the early
Christians did not join the pagans in their holiday customs and celebrations.

On your [pagans] day of gladness, we [Christians] neither

cover our doorposts with wreaths, nor intrude upon the day
with lamps…We are accused of lower sacrilege because we do
not celebrate along with you the holidays…
— Tertullian (c. 197, W), 3.44.
Christians have no acquaintance with the festivals of the
— Tertullian (c. 198, W), 4.24.
You Christians have your own registers, your own calendar.
You have nothing to do with the festivities of the world. In
fact, you are called to the very opposite…
— Tertullian (c. 2122, W), 3.101.
We must now address the subject of holidays and other
extraordinary festivities. We sometimes excuse these to our
wantonness, sometimes to our timidity – in opposition to the
common faith and discipline. The first point, indeed, on which
I will join is this: whether a servant of God should share with
the very nations themselves in matters of this kind – either in
dress, food, or in any other kind of festivity.… “There is no
communion between light and darkness,” between life and
death. Or else we should rescind what has been written, “The
world will rejoice, but you will grieve”…When the world
rejoices, let us grieve. And when the world afterward grieves,
we will rejoice….There are certain gift days, by which some
adjust the claim of honor; or with others, the debt of
wages….If men have consecrated for themselves this custom
from superstition, why do you…participate in festivities
consecrated to idols?
— Tertullian (c. 200, W), 3.68, 69.
“The pagan Romans clad their door posts with green and
branching laurels... In the Saturnalia... presents come and
go... There are... gifts... and banquets... yet Christians should
have no acquaintance with the festivals of the pagans.”
— Tertullian quoted by David Bercot, A Dictionary of Early
Christian Beliefs, 1998, p. 342
To the pagans, the Saturnalia was fun. To the Christians, the
Saturnalia was an abomination in homage to a disreputable
god who had no existence anyway.
— Earl Count, 4,000 Years of Christmas: A Gift from the Ages
Faithful men of God who knew and loved the Scriptures of
truth fought against the mingling of paganism with the name
of Christ. They were valiant in opposing the entry of
Christmas and its festivals among the believers.
— R. F. Becker, The Truth about Christmas: Flee from
The early Christians discouraged the use of evergreen
decorations in Christian homes and assemblies, because their
display had long been associated with heathen festivals.
— Campbell, The Story of Christmas
Historically speaking, Tertullian and many others strongly expressed the
disapproval by early Christians of those who participated in pagan holiday
festivities on December 25th and at other times as well. Clearly, the Christian
Church of today however, is much different than it was in the first two
centuries after Christ.

If you spend time searching God’s Word for most of the

common practices in conventional churches, you will rarely
find them. If you go further and spend time tracing the history
of these practices, you will soon discover that most of our
religious habits are man-made choices. In fact, you’re likely to
discern a pattern about the way that we “do church” these
days: If we do it, it’s probably not in the Bible as one of the
practices of the early church! Does it surprise you that most of
what we do in religious circles has no precedent in scripture?
This includes many of the activities within church services, the
education and ordination of clergy, the routines commonly
used in youth ministry, the methods of raising funds for
ministry, the ways in which music is used in churches, even the
presence and nature of church buildings…new perspectives
and practices that churches have held on to for many years…
— George Barna, Pagan Christianity, p. xxvii-xxix

Christians today are showing that they are no different than the Israelites of the
Bible, who were prone to straying in the direction of pagan practices.

And they rejected his statutes, and his covenant that he made
with their fathers, and his testimonies which he testified
against them; and they followed vanity, and became vain, and
went after the heathen that were round about them,
concerning whom the LORD had charged them, that they
should not do like them.
(2 Kings 17:15)

And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD,
after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast
out before the children of Israel.
(2 Kings 21:2)

Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and
be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are
dismayed at them. (Jeremiah 10:2)

What is the “way of the heathen” that the Lord was constantly warning His
people to avoid? Pretty much anything that was not of Him! It’s quite simple
really. If God warned against it, the people of God were not to do it. Nothing
has changed. God’s laws and commands remain in full effect. The first one

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me!”

The Hebrew phrase translated to “before me” in English literally means,

“before my face.” In other words, God is saying, “I don’t even want to see any
hint of a false god among you! Get it out of my face!”

Barne’s Notes on the Bible says:

Before me — Literally, “before my face.” The meaning is that

no god should be worshipped in addition to Yahweh. Compare
Exodus 20:23. The polytheism which was the besetting sin of
the Israelites did not in later times exclude Yahweh, but
associated Him with false deities.
— Barne’s Notes on the Bible , commentary on Exodus 20:3
[emphasis mine]

I’ve already shown you how many gods are “in His face” all over our nation’s
capital. But the Church compounds the problem by participating in things like
Christmas and Easter — especially while doing so in His name.

One of the responses I hear most often when making comments like that is,
“But that’s not what it means to me...” followed by some excuse about not
thinking about other gods, but rather focusing on Christ while doing what they
do during those holidays.
It really doesn’t matter what it means to us.
It matters what it means to God!

While Christians argue that they are not worshipping or even thinking about
any other gods on Christmas and Easter; claiming that their hearts and minds
are solely on Christ, I have to ask how are those justifications any different
from the rationale of the Israelites in the wilderness when they set up the altar
with the golden calf?

Now when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down
from the mountain, the people assembled about Aaron and said
to him, “Come, make us a god who will go before us; as for
this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt,
we do not know what has become of him.” Aaron said to them,
“Tear off the gold rings which are in the ears of your wives,
your sons, and your daughters, and bring them to me.” Then
all the people tore off the gold rings which were in their ears
and brought them to Aaron. He took this from their hand, and
fashioned it with a graving tool and made it into a molten calf;
and they said, “This is your god, O Israel, who brought you
up from the land of Egypt.”

Now when Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it; and
Aaron made a proclamation and said, “Tomorrow shall be a
feast to the LORD.” So the next day they rose early and
offered burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings; and the
people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.
(Exodus 32:1-6 NASB)

Notice what they did. They set something up and declared that the works of
their hands was God — the One who brought them up from their slavery in
Egypt. They worshiped a representation of a pagan deity, proclaiming that it
“shall be a feast to the LORD!” The word “LORD” there in English is
translated from the Hebrew word YHVH, which is the true name of God. Thus,
they were doing as the heathen do —  and doing it in the name of YHVH while
claiming that He was the one they were thinking about as they brought gifts, ate,
drank and made merry.
That is exactly what Christians all over the world are doing with Christmas.
They are associating the Son of God with traditions that have always been
attributed to the false sun gods of antiquity and participating in rituals that have
nothing to do with the one true God of the Bible or His Son, Jesus Christ. If
you keep reading that story in Exodus, you will see that God was extremely
unhappy about that sort of thing. It didn’t matter what the people thought.
Clearly it mattered more what He thought about it all.

The next usual response I hear from Christians is, “But God knows my
heart...” Thinking about that response, I posted the following question on my
Facebook page on December 13, 2011:

If your spouse cheated on you with someone else, but you

were gracious enough to woo him/her back (and did so at
great personal cost) and then after coming back to you, they
started to celebrate your birthday on the day the person they
committed adultery with was born — while doing so in your
name — how would that make you feel? Even if they said,
“But I’m thinking of you. Honest. Oh come on, honey, you
know my heart.” Would you be OK with that? Seriously?

I received over 150 responses! Before people realized what I was really
asking, these were some of the responses and my interaction with them:

Male Friend A: This situation actually hurts to think of!

Me: I think so too.

Male Friend B: Where did you hear about this situation? Is

this something you read, or based upon some folks you know ?

Me: It was a disturbing situation I discovered that was

happening to someone I love dearly.

Male Friend A: Oh gosh! I’m sorry to know that.

Male Friend C: I know that Person as well. I agree, very

disturbing. [this person got it!]

Me: Me too. Yeah [Friend C], quite a few have heard about it.
Most just don’t care. I appreciate your concern guys. Pray that
the wayward spouse realizes what they are doing and has a
change of heart. The other one doesn’t deserve this.

Female Friend A: That is just so wrong

Me: I agree. How can someone do that? Especially to a spouse

willing to love them so much!

Female Friend A: They only get away with what one lets them
get away with.

Male Friend D: Do you think the spouse knows the correct

day to celebrate and just chooses not to? Or do you think it’s
unintentional? [this person got it!]

Male Friend E: It’s like your spouse knowing your day off but,
takes her day off on her ex-lover’s day off. Hmm, Probably just
a “bad habit.” What’s another word for habit? Oh yeah ....
“tradition”... [this person got it!]

Female Friend B: Betrayal once is hard enough; betrayal

twice is unacceptable; betrayal thrice(?), hmmm...Forgive and
forget which would mean to forget the one who betrayed you,
end the relationship, and move on...

Me: Well, when you’re married to someone, I would think you’d

at least do them the courtesy of remembering their birthday. I
mean, that’s almost as bad as saying someone else’s name while
being intimate. Can’t be good.

Thing is, this girl should know better. Her husband is truly an
amazing guy. I know him. He’s crazy in love with her even
though she constantly does things that hurt him. I asked him why
he puts up with it. He said, “I just love her so much. More than
my own life!” I was reading a story once that showed how far he
went to woo her back. Wow. I mean it was insane how much he
did to get her back. And she does this? It’s criminal. Yet he still
wants to stay with her.

Some people just don’t know what they’ve got.

Female Friend A: Sounds like a addiction, he needs to go cold

turkey. Once a cheat always a cheat. They just get better at
hiding it. Not to mention he is now making her a idol. And we
know the commandment about idols.

Me: Yeah... I hear ya. How in love can someone be to take that
kind of continual abuse? I know I couldn’t deal with it. My
previous wife slept with someone else. Short of crucifixion, or a
terminal illness, I don’t know if I can imagine anything more
painful than that was. We ended up divorced. But if I took her
back and she did that... wow. Game over. But he keeps pursuing
her — to the ends of the universe if need be.

I don’t think it’s idolatry though. It’s the best example of

unconditional love I’ve ever seen — because he knows that she
has a lot of damage from the physical and emotional abuse of her
previous relationships. He’s willing to love her through it

Female Friend C: This is an awesome perspective... I wish

more would see it this way. [this person got it!]

Female Friend A: But even God punished Israel for adultery!

Me: Yeah [Female Friend C], he tells me all the time that I have
a lot to learn. In many ways I wish I could love like he does.
What an amazing role model! I am so blessed to know him.

Yes, He did [Female Friend A]... but He also pursues her even
to this day. And one day Israel will turn back to Him because of
it. My friend reminds me of that all the time.

Male Friend F: That’s an interesting scenario. Call it quits,

but that’s my personal opinion. Adultery is biblical ground for
divorce. The most disrespectful part is celebrating your
birthday on the day they committed adultery. Maybe I
misunderstood, but the day they chose to celebrate is not the
spouse’s actual birthday right? Anyone that will commit
adultery, then rub it in your face by making a celebration of it
has not been “wooed” back. Cut your losses and move on.
Sometimes people get in God’s way, and again, just my
opinion, but it seems 100% clear that the cheating spouse was
in a RELATIONSHIP with another person. There is a huge
difference between a random sexual encounter and having two
relationships going on in which special dates are remembered.
If it was just cheating, I’d say, to each their own, but that
scenario is way out of line. Cheating is forgivable, starting
another relationship is not.

Female Friend A: Sorry, but your friend is a fool! As long as

he takes it, she will do it.

Me: Maybe so. But the Bible gives a great illustration of this
whole scenario in the book of Hosea. God pursues and pursues
His bride!

Female Friend A: But he also wants repentance!

Me: Indeed, He does.

Those were just a few highlights of the passionate responses that thread
generated and my interaction with those Facebook friends. Similar responses
continued for awhile until someone exposed what I was really saying.

A little over 3,000 years ago, the prophet Nathan used a similar parable to get
King David’s attention.[3] The results were the same in that Facebook thread as
they were in that Old Testament story. People got emotional and drew from
personal experiences (pain) to give their opinions — and then they realized
that they were the ones being rebuked as the unfaithful spouse.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of
God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Genesis 1:26,27)

Man was created in the physical appearance of God as well as in His likeness.
At the realization that we are the bride who has confused our Groom’s birthday
with that of His arch-enemy, this should give us pause to think about our usual
defense of Christmas. If we feel this way as humans made in the image and
likeness of God, why should we think that God does not feel the same way?

In that light, “Oh, but you know my heart” just doesn’t seem to cut it, does it?
If your spouse said that to you, would it work? No, and I don’t think it flies too
well with our Heavenly Spouse either.

Is this a salvation issue?

No, I do not believe this is a salvation issue. Nor do I believe that a Christian
who celebrates Christmas or Easter is going to go to hell for doing so. That
said, I still do not believe God is pleased with a heart/mind that knows to do
good and does it not.

Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to

him it is sin. (James 4:17)

Is celebrating Christ’s birth the right thing to do? I see no one in the Bible
doing so, but I would not go so far as to say that it is wrong. Angels, shepherds
and wise men celebrated it. Indeed, the birth of Christ is an amazing and
wonderful thing to celebrate. But what about doing so on December 25th? Ah,
now there is where I see a problem.
Here are a few books I highly recommend on the subject:

Too Long in the Sun, by Richard Rives

Time is the Ally of Deceit, by Richard Rives
The Pagan-Christian Connection Exposed, by Michael Rood

“Well that’s just the day I choose to celebrate His birth!”

Since when do we choose what day to celebrate someone else’s birthday?

Should it not be on the day they were actually born?

“But no one knows when Christ was born! So, why not celebrate it on
December 25th?”

First of all, I believe that is a lie. I do not believe that “no one knows when
Christ was born.” I believe the Bible tells us exactly when He was born, and it
most certainly was not on December 25th!

The Bible gives us all we need to know concerning God’s redemptive plan for
mankind. In it, God Himself tells us which holidays He wants us to celebrate
and specifically when we are to do so. They are called the Seven Feasts of
God. See Leviticus 23 for a full description, but in a nutshell, they are:

1. Passover
2. Unleavened Bread
3. First Fruits
4. Pentecost
5. Trumpets
6. Atonement
7. Tabernacles

The first thing I want you to know is that these

are not the Feasts of the Jews. They are the
Figure 84
Feasts of YHVH!

These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations,

which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. (Leviticus 23:4)

On Mt. Sinai, God essentially gave Moses the “Script” for His “Divine
Drama” and commanded His people to learn and practice it. If they did, they
would know the timing and exact nature of each of God’s Divine Acts, and
most notably the works of His only begotten Son, Jesus. If we do the same, so
will we.

Everything God did in the Bible, lines up with these Feasts. Thus, everything
Jesus did also had to line up. And you know what? They did! Thus, if we want
to start looking for the time of Christ’s real birthday, we should start there —
not during the time of pagan Winter Festivals that were always associated with
false gods, and originated with Nimrod in Babylon. Therefore, I believe part
of coming out of Babylon means coming into an understanding of our Hebrew
roots. After all, the Bible was written by Hebrews, for Hebrews, in a Hebrew
mindset. So why not look at the Scriptures through the lens of the Hebrews
instead of the historically pagan Gentiles? When we do, everything becomes
much clearer.

Jewish tradition says that Adam was created on Yom Teruah (aka the Feast of
Trumpets and Rosh haShanah). I cannot confirm that from the Scriptures, but
based on what I can confirm, that notion seems plausible. For I believe that the
“Second Adam” was born on that day, and Stellarium[4] appears to confirm that
notion. But Americans (especially) will perhaps find the exact date a little bit

The Fall Feasts happen... well, in the Fall. And the beginning of the Fall Feasts
is usually in the September/October time frame. Keep that in mind. Now let’s
look at a New Testament Scripture. I believe Revelation 12 gives us the best
clue as to when Jesus was born.

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman

clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon
her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child
cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there
appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red
dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns
upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of
heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood
before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to
devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth
a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:
and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
(Revelation 12:1-5)

I’ve read a lot of commentaries on this passage and most (if not all) of them try
to say that the “man child” is the Church. I strongly disagree. The Church is
always referred to as a female and as the “bride of Christ.” John is not all of a
sudden advocating homosexuality. No. The Church is not the “man child” to
whom he is referring. Furthermore, the Church is not to rule all nations with a
rod of iron, nor has she yet been caught up unto God and to His throne. The
only One who fits the above description is Jesus, the Son of God who was
born of a virgin.

In the heavens, there is a constellation known as Virgo (the virgin). God has
placed His divine plan both in the Scriptures as well as in the stars above.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament

sheweth his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)

Yes, they do. The above passage in Revelation is describing a stellar

alignment, which is indeed showing His marvelous handiwork. That stellar
alignment happened exactly as described on only one day in human history:
September 11, 3 BC (imagine that)!

Using the free software available at, you can go back in time to
September 11, 3 BC (note: the software reckons 3 BC as -2) and see it for
yourself. This is how you do it:

First, set the Time Zone Settings on your computer to Jerusalem time
Open the software and select F6 on your keyboard to access the
Location window. Set your viewing location for Baghdâd, Iraq, then
close that window.
Select F5 on your keyboard to access the Date and Time window. In
the year window option, highlight whatever is there and replace it
with “0,” then use the down arrow to back the year date off to -2. Set
the month window to “9” and the day window to “11.” Set the
software clock to 5 a.m. and then close that window.
Select F4 on your keyboard to access the View window. In the Sky
menu, check off the “Show planets” and “Scale Moon” boxes. Then,
select the Markings tab and check off the “Show lines,” the “Show
boundaries” and the “Show art” boxes. Back off the “Art brightness”
value to “.25,” then lose that window.
Hit the letter “A” on your keyboard to get rid of the atmosphere.
Using your mouse, click on the sky and spin the view around by
dragging left or right until you see the “E” on the horizon. This
indicates that you are now facing the eastern sky. You should see
Virgo’s head and shoulders, with Venus and Mercury within them.
Hit the letter “G” on your keyboard to get rid of the ground.

I believe this is what the Magi saw from their location in ancient Babylon. It
was the exact fulfillment of what the apostle John would later write in
Revelation 12. If the atmosphere and ground-plain views were turned on, you
would just barely see the sun about to come up over the eastern horizon. Let’s
see how this alignment gives us a better idea of what may have so impressed
those ancient sky-watchers.

Hit F5 again to bring the Date and Time window back up. Drag it off
to the right side of your screen.
Move your cursor back over the sky, and using the scroll wheel on
your mouse, scroll back to zoom out a bit more in order to reveal
Jupiter and the constellation of Leo.
Back the date off to 8/6/-2 (August 6, 3 BC).
Advance the day window, one day at a time and watch the dance that
takes place with the moon, planets and constellations.

Depending on how far out you have zoomed your view, you should see the
moon at the top of your screen. Venus and Jupiter should be right in front of
Leo’s face.

Jupiter is known as the “king planet.” Venus is known as the “queen planet.”
Beginning around August 6 of 3 BC, Venus chases her king. As you advance the
days forward, you will see that the waning moon crosses over the two planets
around the 9th of August. On the 12th of August, Venus sits on top of Jupiter.
This would have been a very bright alignment!

As you advance forward in time, Venus leaves her king and is joined by
Mercury (who was known as the “messenger of the gods” in mythology). This
would have also been a bright alignment. These two head straight for the
constellation Virgo (the virgin).

Meanwhile, by September 11th, Jupiter, the “king planet” literally parks and
sits over Regulus, the “king star,” which is in the paw of Leo, the “king
constellation.” Again, this would have been a very bright alignment and a
significant sign to the ancient astronomers. If there truly were “three kings” that
witnessed the birth of Christ, these were the three![5]

On September 11, 3 BC (-2), we see

the waxing sliver of a New Moon
(which signals the beginning of the Fall
Feasts) under the feet of Virgo, who is
now “clothed with the sun” shining
brightly in her belly, with Mercury and
Venus at her head. If we consider the
nine bright stars of Leo plus the planets
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury at and
above her head, we have an exact
match to the description John gives in
Revelation 12:1-5!
Figure 85
Thus, I believe the heavens declare the
glory of God, and as such, they reveal that the true birth date of Jesus was
September 11, 3 BC (-2) and not December 25th. Dr. Michael Heiser agrees
and has a good presentation on it that you can watch here:

NOTE: Be sure to reset your computer’s Time Zone back to your original
settings after you close the software.
Jewish scholar, Mark Biltz on the other hand gives a very compelling argument
for Christ being born later in the Fall Feasts, during Sukkot (Feast of
Tabernacles). You can watch his video presentation at:

Here’s the thing: I am not an expert on this stuff by any stretch of the
imagination, but as I understand it, the Fall Feasts last 23 days total: from
Tishri 1 to Tishri 23. They are broken down as follows:

1. Feast of Trumpets (aka Yom Teruah and/or Rosh haShanna): Tishri 1

2. Day of Atonement: Tishri 10
3. Feast of Tabernacles: Tishri 15-21 with the 8th day of assembly on
the 22nd and the giving of the Torah on the 23rd.

The Hebrew month “Tishri” would roughly land around the time we call
September, but the date varies due to our reckoning of time by the sun versus
the moon and the Gregorian Calendar versus the Hebrew calendar.

As much as Mark Biltz’s descriptions make a lot of sense (and may even be
absolutely true), I still lean toward the birth being on the Feast of Trumpets,
primarily because of Revelation 12:1-5. That Scripture (at least for me) takes
all the guesswork, assumptions, and “coincidences” (as interesting as they may
be) out of the equation.

Regardless, either way, many scholars agree that Jesus was born sometime
during the Fall Feasts. These feasts last for three weeks! So, why settle for a
one-day pagan holiday that has more to do with the Antichrist than Jesus
Christ, when we can have a wonderful three-week party with God, celebrating
His Son, His way, on the days He set aside for our benefit and His divine
plan!? There may be other, more sobering reasons to observe this season too.

September (Tishri) is the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, and judging
by the sliver of a New Moon, September 11, 3 BC certainly appears to have
been the date for Yom Teruah (Trumpets/Rosh haShanah), which begins with
two witnesses confirming the sighting of the New Moon.

Two witnesses? Does that sound familiar to anyone? There are Two Witnesses
described in the Book of Revelation!
Could the time of Jesus’ birth be
related to the timing of His return as

Many do in fact believe that Christ will

return on Yom Teruah during the
blowing of the trumpets —  specifically
Figure 86
the “last trump.” Could it be that Jesus
will return on His birthday? If so, and you are one of those Christians who
celebrates His birthday on the day that the Antichrist was born (December
25th) you’ll probably miss the party.

Take note of the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. The statement
in verse 13, “Watch therefore, for ye know not the day nor the hour wherein
the Son of man cometh.” is a direct reference to the Feast of Yom Teruah
(Trumpets), which has always been known as “the day no man knows the day
or the hour.” The reason for this is that the new moon had to be verified by the
two witnesses as appearing at a very specific point on the horizon as viewed
from the Temple mount. If it didn’t appear on one day (which begins at sunset),
it began on the next. Thus, the phrase “the day no man knows the day or the
hour” was a Hebrew idiom for that particular time of the Feast of Trumpets.

If that is true, it only serves as yet another reason (among many) that I believe
proves Christians need to not have anything to do with Christmas. It is a day of
deception, and it has nothing to do with our Savior or His real birthday. It is a
day that will keep you in darkness and lead you astray concerning the days to
come. Worst of all, it is a day that has roots going back to Babylon and as the
title of the previous chapter suggests, we need to come out of Babylon! This is
yet one more way for the church to do so.

A friend of mine on Facebook posted the following:

When the Da Vinci Code came out a few years ago, pastors
were incensed about the movie promoting a fictional idea that
our Messiah had children by one of His followers. Books were
passed out in churches condemning this movie and exposing
the lies. Sermons were preached everywhere attacking the lies
in the movie. Meanwhile, each year hundreds of thousands of
churches institutionally promote the lie that Christmas is
about our Messiah among other vacant theologies.

Where is the same indignation about those lies?

In this case, why are those of us who expose these lies for the
purpose of helping people to see the truth, the ones subject to
condemnation while the promoters of the lies are defended?

I can certainly identify with the lamentation of his last question. I have come
under a great deal of attack for taking a stand against Christmas. Sadly, the
most resistance came from clergy and seminary-trained individuals who should
know better. On one hand, they will say, “We know Jesus was not born on
December 25th.” On the other, all of their songs, banners, cards and signage
will indicate otherwise. That is both hypocrisy and lying wrapped up in one!
How does that bring honor and glory to God?


My personal opinion is that Lucifer loves Christmas. Why? Because I think the
Adversary is rather pleased with the overall effects of that particular holiday.


1. More suicides than any other time of the year.

2. Pastors believing in and perpetuating a lie from their pulpits.
3. Parents lying to their children about both Santa Clause and the birth of
4. Entire generations of gluttonous, spoiled brats who are never satisfied
with what they have and demand more every year.
5. People going into debt, thus enslaving themselves to a system created
by Lucifer himself.
6. People (including Christians) totally unaware of the true holidays that
YHVH Himself told us to celebrate.
7. Churches spending money on Christmas lights, trees (that are really
ancient representations of Osiris’ phallus) and other decorations
steeped in ancient occult rituals; putting them all over the house of
God (church) just like the Jews did to the Temple.
8. Churches putting on huge plays, spending money on costumes, props
and lights instead of widows and orphans, thus corrupting pure
religion as defined by Scripture: “Pure religion and undefiled before
God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in
their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
(James 1:27)
9. The world laughs at and mocks us as being ignorant Christians,
because they know the truth (that Dec. 25th is a pagan day of sun-god
10. Christians blasting those who try to share the truth.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

Do people get saved on December 25th and on Easter as a result of church

“outreach” activities on those days? Sure. I’ve participated in, wrote and
directed many Christmas and Easter plays. I even played the part of Christ in a
number of Passion Plays that drew crowds who don’t normally go to church.
Over the years, I would say several dozen people got saved as a result of
attending those plays too. But the reality is we should be doing that all year
long; that is, we should be doing things that draw people to Christ. I just
maintain (now) that we should never have to do it through lies!

Many will try to tell me, that Christmas and Easter are the two times of the
year that people who normally would never go to church, will. My question is
where do you see that model in the Scriptures? The world is not supposed to
come to the Church, the Church is supposed to go to the world!

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is
given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and
teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and,
lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
(Matthew 28:18-20)
Jesus didn’t give a Great Commission, commanding us to do things that would
draw the world to come through the doors of a building. He commanded us to
go out to all the world and to teach the nations all that He commanded us to
do. Since Jesus was the Word that was with God, and was God made flesh and
dwelt among us,[6] that means the commands given in the Old Testament are
just as much His commands as those given in the New Testament.

God, through His Word, commanded us to have nothing to do with the practices
of the pagan heathens. Christmas and Easter are both celebrations that are
totally and completely related to Nimrod and his mother-sister-wife
Semiramis. Christmas celebrates his birth, not Jesus’ birth. Easter is based
completely on the fertility goddess myths that were started by and centered on
the worship of Semiramis/Isis/Ishtar (from which we get the word Easter) and
has nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, if you only knew how many more people could be reached
around the world with the kind of money most churches spend on Christmas
and Easter celebrations, you would be absolutely shocked! I know one local
mega-church that literally spends millions of dollars on a massive Christmas
show every year (that also depicts Santa Clause). Others do the same for
Easter. The problem is, most of the people in those audiences are already
saved. Do you know how far that kind of money would go in third-world
countries and on both the foreign and domestic mission fields? I was a
missionary for nearly seven years, so I know how far that much money could
go. The key word in that last sentence is “go,” which is what we should be
doing and where our money should be spent in support of missionaries who are
doing just that.

Having been a missionary and having worked with missionaries in nearly a

dozen countries around the world, I know firsthand that pretty much all of them
struggle to get by with the barest minimum of financial support. I have seen
hundreds of thousands of dollars go toward building gyms and basketball
courts, while missionaries struggle to get a church to give them $100 a month
to help them actually do what Jesus commanded us to do. That is truly sad, and
I believe it both grieves and angers our Lord’s heart.

All said and done, I’d say the devil actually has far more to gain from
Christmas and Easter than do the lost and needy. And when it comes to the
Great Deception that’s on the horizon, those two pagan holidays have only
been preparation for a payoff later.[7]


And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and

his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered
after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave
power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying,
Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
(Revelation 13:3,4)

Have you ever wondered why the Scriptures say that the whole world will
worship the Beast? I believe they will because they already have! Maybe they
did so in ignorance, but if you can get someone to ignorantly follow you, it is
that much easier to convince them to do more later. This is why I think the
pagan traditions that have crept into the true faith of Jesus Christ are so very

Does God honor the heart of the Believer who loves Christ, who sings to Him
and celebrates His birthday on December 25th and His resurrection on Easter
in ignorance? I believe He does. After all, they don’t know any better.
However, we live in a day when people no longer need to do things or live in
ignorance. All the truth we need is here and readily available. But now, people
refuse to hear it and blast people like me who seek to share it. Being willfully
ignorant is different from simply not knowing something. As a traveling
evangelist I once heard put it, “Willful ignorance is like being dumb on

Yes, I think Lucifer, the Father of Lies, Satan, that old Serpent the Devil loves
Christmas and Easter! More Christians celebrate on the days that he created to
be a holiday than they do the seven Holy Feasts that God created to be
observed and celebrated. Thus, the whole world has already been worshipping
the beast — and that right there must be the ultimate snub to God.

I think Lucifer is probably the biggest egomaniac in the universe. He will do

everything he can to get people to worship him, even if it means slapping the
name of Jesus over the former names of Zeus, Osiris, Mithra, Baal, Tammuz,
Nimrod, etc. to do it. I can almost see him laughing at us and mocking God. I
believe he looks at all of this and says,

“Ha, ha, ha YHVH! Look at that! They know nothing about YOUR
holidays, but they love mine! And he, he, he, Ho, Ho, Ho... they actually
think they are celebrating YOUR Son’s birthday! Wow! Gotta love it. Your
people are so easily deceived!”;

Meanwhile Jesus is all alone on Yom Teruah (His real birthday), with only a
few people gathered to honor that and all of the other days His Father set aside
for us to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Speaking of Ho-Ho-Ho, I won’t even bother to go into all of the Satanic links
there are to Santa Clause, but consider this: In Hebrew, Ho-Ho-Ho would be
spelled with the letters Hey Vav-Hey Vav-Hey Vav. The letter Hey at the
beginning of a word means “the” and the letter Vav has a numerical value of 6.
Hmm... Does that mean, “Ho-Ho-Ho” really means, “The 6 -The 6 -The 6,”
which is of course the number of the beast? Maybe it’s just a coincidence.
Then again, maybe not. All of this comes from Nimrod. And as we’ve already
learned, Nimrod is the Antichrist. So, apparently it all fits together quite well.

Church, it’s time we come out of Babylon!

If you cannot receive any of the things I’ve been saying about Christmas and
Easter, please at least take the time to do your own research into the various
topics I’ve raised in this book. A good place to start might be to watch the
video, Truth or Tradition[8] by Jim Staley. Please do so before being tempted
to criticize me or post negative comments about this material on reviews, blogs
and/or Facebook pages. Pastor Jim Staley does a fantastic job of tracing the
origins of our traditions, where they came from (Babylon) and why we started
doing them, as well as why we should stop.


What does all of this boil down to? I believe that as both Americans as well as
believers in Jesus Christ, we must wake up and speak up! We can no longer
stay silent. We have been lied to about a great many things, and if we don’t
wake up soon and begin learning and teaching others about the truth, it will be
that much easier for billions to be deceived in the coming Great Deception that
Jesus spoke of, which will spread like a cancer in the Last Days.

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and
shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24)

Some have argued that “if it were possible” means that it is not going to be
possible. However, both Jesus and the apostle Paul seem to indicate just the
opposite is true:

And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall
come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth
near: go ye not therefore after them. (Luke 21:8)

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man

soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galations 6:7)

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

These are admonitions to not let or to not be deceived. That implies that it is
indeed possible. It is up to us to not let that happen. But if it has been so easy
to deceive us so far, I feel confident in saying, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” It
is going to get worse, much worse. Whether I am 100% correct in all that I
have written here or not is irrelevant. If even some of what I’ve said in this
book is true, we are going to need to be as close to our Savior as possible to
avoid the dangers that lie ahead.

We must come out of Babylon! Her ways are evil. She brings plague, sickness
and disease of mind, spirit and body, and the call of the Last Days grows
louder and louder:
I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of
Babylon, my people, so that you do not participate in her sins
and suffer from any of her plagues.”
(Revelation 18:4 GOD’S WORD Translation)

I don’t believe it is just a coincidence that Christ was really born on

September the 11th, and that this day just so happens to be the worst date in
American history. Can you imagine singing, “It’s the most wonderful time of
the year...” on that day? Lucifer has done everything he can to steer us away
from the things of God and to set the stage for his son, the Antichrist, Nimrod
to rule and reign.

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord

Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye
be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit,
nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ
is at hand.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of
sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is
worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
shewing himself that he is God.
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

I believe the “falling away” Paul is referring to is a departure from the true
faith (as opposed to a physical depart as some Pre-Tribulation Rapture
adherents like to propose). I believe the coming Great Deception will indeed
be very great, and I also believe it will be possible for many Christians to be
deceived right alongside everyone else. That is the primary motivation behind
all that I am writing: I don’t want to be among the deceived, and I don’t want
you to be either.

Babylon has indeed been rising. The first anti-Christ will indeed be the last.
He is the direct mirror opposite of Jesus. Jesus is the Son of God. Nimrod is a
son of Satan. Jesus came to give us eternal life. The Antichrist will present a
false means of gaining immortality.[9] Jesus was known as the King of kings
and Lord of lords. So was Nimrod. Jesus is known by the symbol of the cross.
Nimrod/Osiris is known by the symbol of the ankh. Jesus set up a kingdom for
his people with Himself at its head. Nimrod will set up a New World Order
with himself at its head. Jesus came from Heaven, died, rose again and went
back to Heaven. Nimrod died, went to hell and will rise again — and rule until
he is cast alive into the Lake of Fire. Jesus is the One who “was, and is, and is
to come.” Nimrod is the beast that “was, and is not, and yet shall be.”

Church, be not deceived! This individual will be very convincing. Everything I

have written about here came from Babylon. It’s time we came out of Babylon.
It actually makes me sick when I consider the depths of the deception that
impacts our lives on every level, from the foods we eat to the days we
celebrate as holidays and from the truth behind our country’s foundation to the
millions dying around the world in unjust wars based on lies. It literally
touches everything.

I am not judging anyone except myself at this point. It truly saddens me,
because I was guilty of playing the game for 41 of the 44 years of my life. By
that, I mean that I didn’t take the time to truly search out the truth behind these
things for myself. I believed what I was told by good people who were only
teaching what they were taught.

“Traditions are passed down to us in innocence and accepted in

ignorance.” [10]

In years past, I accepted much in ignorance and as a result I participated in a

lot of things that only contributed to the problem, and unknowingly drew me
farther away from Christ and closer to the Antichrist (whether I knew that was
happening or not). Never again!

I would encourage you not to believe the things that I have written either. You
are not going to be held accountable to me. You will be held accountable to
God. I could be wrong about some or all of this. Or I could be right about some
or all of it. I don’t know. I’ve simply done my best to share what I believe I
have learned. So please ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to all truth. Check out
the things I have said for yourself. Try the spirits to see whether they be of God
or man or devil. Finally, I will leave you with this prayer, that I have sincerely
prayed for myself as well:

Father in Heaven, please forgive me. I know I am a sinner. I

believe You sent your Son, Jesus, to die a horrible death on the
cross to pay the price for my sin and to draw me out of
Lucifer’s grasp in order that I may spend eternity with You. I
accept Jesus’ sacrifice and ask Him to come and live in my
heart right now. Cleanse me of my sins and save me, Lord.
Father, send Your Holy Spirit to help me know and do right.
Please help me to get on Your calendar and to no longer give
the devil any form of worship — even in ignorance! Help me to
know and to share the truths You reveal to me in love so that
others can come out of Babylon before it’s too late. In Jesus’
holy name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed that prayer and this is the first time you’ve asked Jesus Christ to
be your Lord and Savior, please send us an e-mail[11] and let us know. We’d
love to celebrate and pray with you!
In the next book in this series, Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim,
we will explore the origins of the Nephilim, and their return both before and
after the Flood, thus revealing what may soon be “coming upon the earth,”
which will be so terrifying that men’s hearts will fail them at the sight of it. I
will also show you what I think is going on with the recent and massive
increase in UFO sightings all around the world and how I believe it all relates
to Genesis 6 and the resurrection of the Antichrist.[12]

In Book 3, Babylon Rising: Mythology and the Coming Great Deception, I

will show you how deep the deception goes and how far back in history it can
be traced. I will reveal how Nimrod went from a man to a “mighty hunter” to a
god and how his fame quickly spread throughout various ancient cultures,
spinning off entire world religions and cults. I will trace the origins of
mythology and show you how I believe it may all come together to form the
coming Great Deception.

Finally, in Book 4, Babylon Rising: Countdown to Armageddon, I will

summarize it all with an in-depth look at prophecy and how I believe all of
these things will play out in these Last Days, from the rise of Babylon and her
Antichrist to their bitter end in fiery judgment. Few teachers of eschatology
ever include the Nephilim and Nimrod into their calculations. You will see
how these two variables change everything!
After a year had passed since the publication of the first edition of this book, I
began to notice some negative things happening to me; primarily with my
health. I think I took for granted that I could just dive deep into all of this
subject matter without being completely armored to do so. The fact is, we are
in a very spiritual battle. I took on the spirit of antichrist, and wrote eight
chapters about Nimrod. The final chapter was a call for myself and the Body of
Christ in general to “come out of Babylon.” What I neglected to address is that
Babylon/Nimrod may also need to come out of us!

Many who read this book may either personally have been involved in
organizations such as Freemasonry, or have relatives that were. If so, there
may be a spirit there that needs to be cast out. I don’t want to be an additional
part of the problem. There are many things in this book that may unknowingly
open up doorways in the spirit realm. After doing a conference on this
material, someone came up to me and made me aware of this truth, then shared
a prayer of deliverance for renouncing Nimrod, Babylon, Egypt and all false
gods that came out of them. I feel it is my duty to pass those prayers along to
you as well.

The following was taken from a website called, Aslan’s Place, A Ministry of
Paul and Donna Cox.[1] It is presented here with their permission. Please take
the time to prayerfully read through every line, asking our Heavenly Father for
complete deliverance.

“Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral

line for the spirit of rebellion that was in Nimrod who set himself to
oppose You and revolted against You.

On behalf of myself and my ancestors, I repent for and renounce the

tyranny and despotism that Nimrod practiced and the evil of the empire
that he established. I repent for the lust for power that the empire was
founded on and for Nimrod’s hunting of the souls of men.

I repent for the trading of the souls of men in Babylon. Forgive me and my
family line for the spirit of rebellion in which the city of Babel or Babylon
was founded.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral

line for all the beliefs and attitudes that caused the building of the
religious ziggurat which was the Tower of Babel and was the motivation
behind other ungodly buildings and structures. We repent for the
arrogance and presumption that holds that men could by themselves build
the gateway to God.

We repent for the astral worship and astrology practiced at the Tower of
Babel. We repent for the fear that the people lived in, the fear that they
would be scattered abroad to live in isolated communities — exposed to
danger, unknown, and without honor and standing.

We repent for the fear behind building a religious tower to ‘make a name
for ourselves.’ We repent for misusing the power of religion to share the
glory of God, to make a name for ourselves, and to try to control our lives
and our future. We repent for all agreement with the spirit of Babylon,
which uses religious authority to gain earthly power and prestige. We
repent for our rebellion, pride, and self-will — the arrogance that makes
us want to make a name for ourselves and to believe that we can
accomplish anything we want on our own without You.
Lord, help us not to avoid the risks of establishing new frontiers but to
embrace them; help us to be fruitful and replenish the earth, to bring Your
dominion to bear in places where Your kingdom has not been established,
and to partner with You to fulfill the birthrights and callings that You have
for our lives.

Lord we repent for being aligned with Babylon, the City of Man. Please
help us to be citizens of and aligned with the City of God, the New
Jerusalem. Lord, help us to enter into Your inheritance for us by faith,
looking for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is You.

Lord, we repent for the state religion Nimrod established to deify and
worship himself as emperor. We repent for the worship of Satan and his
demons, and for star-worship.

We repent for the worship of Nimrod that is connected to the planet

Jupiter, and for worshiping Nimrod as Zeus in Greece, as Jupiter in Rome
and as Marduk or “Bull Calf of the Sun,” god of magic and incantations,
god of the agricultural people.

We repent for the worship of this entity as the god associated with the
planet Mars, as the patron deity of the city of Babylon, also known as Bel
or ‘lord,’ and as the ‘bull of Utu.’

We repent for the worship of this entity as the ‘Bull of Heaven’ and for
worshipping the crescent moon as a symbol of the horns of the bull. We
repent for the worship of the bull in Egypt as Apis, embodiment of Ptah
and later of Osiris. We repent for the worship of the bull in Greece as the
‘Bull of Crete,’ the Minotaur.

We repent for the worship of Nimrod as Ninus in Babylon, Kronos, ‘Bull-

Horned One’ or Saturn in Rome, Zeus in Greece, Osiris in Egypt,
Zoroaster in Chaldea. We repent for his worship as Hercules or Atlas in

We repent for the worship of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, queen of

Babylon. We repent for the worship of the Queen of Heaven, also known as
Ammas or Mother of the gods and Ge or Gaia the Earth goddess, as the
Madonna in Italy, as Juno, Cybele or Rhea in Rome, as Athena, Minerva
or Hera in Greece, as Shing Moo or Ma Tsoopo in China, as Astarte or
Ashtoreth in Phoenicia. We repent for the worship of Semiramis as
Aphrodite of Greece, Venus of Rome, and Vesta or Terra of Rome.

We repent for the worship of the unholy trinity in the Babylonian mysteries
— Nimrod, his consort Semiramis and their posthumous son, Tammuz,
who was proclaimed as the reincarnation of Nimrod. We repent for all the
paganism and idol worship that had their roots in the legends having to do
with Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz.

We repent for the worship of Semiramis and Tammuz as Ashtoreth and

Tammuz of Phoenicia, Isis and Horus of Egypt, Aphrodite and Eros of
Greece, Venus and Cupid of Rome, Cybele and Deoius of Asia, and Parvati
and Iswara of India.

We repent for the system of Mysteries of Babylon that was set up when this
false worship went underground in Babylon at the time Nimrod was killed.
We repent for the intended purpose–glorifying the dead Nimrod. We repent
for the sacrifices to the dead that this worship involved. We repent for the
ritual of lamenting his early death at the summer solstice.

We repent for the use of seals of secrecies, oaths, initiation ceremonies,

and magic used to continue this idolatry in secret. We repent for spreading
this secret mystery religion through the earth.

We repent for Freemasonry, which promulgates the Mysteries of the

Egyptian Isis, the goddess-mother, wife of Osiris. We repent for practice of
other mystery and false religions, such as Satanism, Luciferianism,
Illuminati, Gnosticism, the Knights Templar, Rosicrucianism, the
Theosophical Society, the New World Order, New Age and Lucid Trust.
Lord, please disconnect us from all these false cults.

Lord, on behalf of ourselves and our ancestors, we repent for the worship
of Tammuz, posthumous son of Semiramis, who was claimed to be Nimrod
resurrected. We repent for the false legend that he was the promised ‘seed
of the woman’ who would deliver mankind.

We repent for the association of the worship of Tammuz with the winter
solstice when the days are the shortest and for the legend that the winter
solstice is the sun dying and being reborn. We repent for burning the Yule
log on the winter solstice, and replacing it with a trimmed tree the next
morning to represent his resurrection. We repent for continuing this
pagan tradition during Christmas celebrations. We repent for the worship
of Tammuz as the Sun God and as the Assyrian fertility deity. We repent for
the worship of Tammuz as Horus in Egypt, Bacchus in Rome, Adonis in
Greece, Baal-berith or Lord of the Covenant, and as Vishnu in India.

Lord, we repent for the worship of all heavenly bodies — the sun, the
moon, and the planets and for the association of false gods with planets.
We repent for the development of astrology, which focuses on a study of
the zodiac that originated in Babylon. We repent for trying to find and
manipulate our birthrights and callings by locating the section of the sky
that we were born under. We repent for the association of astrology with
demonism or Satanism where Satan and his hosts have been worshipped
in the guise of signs or planets.

Forgive us for the worship of the Moon God of the Chaldeans, the god of
nomadic people. Forgive us for using the Crescent Moon as the symbol of
the Moon God and for establishing the lunar calendar around this ungodly
worship. Forgive us for worshipping the black meteorite stone as the
Ka’aba, for calling the moon god the Lord of the Ka’aba and for its
worship and the worship of 360 other idols. Forgive us for the worship of
the Moon God as Sin in Syria and as Al-Ilah in Arabia.

Forgive us for the establishment of Islam as a religion built around the

worship of the Moon God Al-lah. Forgive us for the establishment of cities
such as Jericho or Beth-Yerah (House of the Moon God) around this false
worship of the Moon God. Forgive us for the establishment of centers of
worship of the Moon God at Ur and Harran and building temples to this
god throughout Babylonia and Assyria. Lord, please disconnect us from
the principalities of the land of Babylon, including all astral worship and
worship of the moon.

Lord, please deliver us from all curses of insanity that have come upon us
as a result of the worship of the moon. Forgive us for all rituals and
practices associated with the different cycles of the moon, including
rituals done at new moon, full moon, and all shape-shifting.

We repent for all worship of the sun and sun deities as Helios or Titan and
Apollo in Greece, Shamash or Tammuz in Mesopotamia at Sippar and
Larsa, the Germanic Sol, the Vedantic Surya and Adityas, the Incan Inti
and Aztec Huitzilopochtli, the Egyptian Ra, Amaterasu in Japan, and the
Slavic Dazhbog.

We repent for the use of the symbol of the snake, serpent, or dragon that is
associated with Nimrod/Marduk. We repent for all worship of snakes, use
of snakes in rituals, and worship of deities associated with snakes.

We repent for the use of the caduceus or Rod of Asclepius, that is, the
winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it, the ancient astrological
symbol of commerce associated with the Greek god Hermes, as the symbol
of medicine based upon the astrological principles of using the planets
and stars to heal the sick. We repent for all worship of Asclepius, Chiron,
Hermes and all association of these false deities with the practice of
medicine. We repent for the use of magic and hermetic arts in the practice
of medicine.

We repent for the worship of other false deities associated with the snake
such as Pos eidon, Hydra and Triton, Gorgons and Medusa, Shiva, Naga,
Auslavis in Lithuania, the Rainbow Serpent of the Aboriginal People of
Australia, the Minoan Snake Goddess, Zombi in West Africa and Haiti,
Degei in Fiji. Lord, please disconnect us from all these snake deities. Lord,
please disconnect us from Leviathan, the sea monster. Lord please
disconnect us from the ancient serpent, the dragon.
We repent for the worship of An, the god of heaven at the E’anna temple at

We repent for the worship of Enlil, the god of the air and storms
associated with the planet Jupiter at the E’kur temple in Nippur.

We repent for the worship of Enki the god of water and fertile earth
associated with the planet Mercury at the E’abzu temple.

We repent for the worship of Eridu or Ea, the god of magic, wisdom, and

We repent for the worship of Ki or Nirhursag, the mother-goddess

representing the earth at the E’saggila temple at Kish.

We repent for the worship of Ashur, the sky god, the main god of Assyria at

We repent for the worship of Ninlil or Nillina, the goddess of the air, the
south wind, and wife of Enlil at the E’kur Temple in Nippur. We repent for
the worship of Nergal, god of death, associated with the planet Mars, son
of Enlil and Ninlil.

We repent for the worship of Inanna, the goddess of love and war
associated with the planet Venus, at the E’anna temple at Uruk.

We repent for the worship of Marduk, son of Ea, the god of light, the main
god of Babylon (Babylonian) at the E’saggila temple in Babylon.

We repent for the worship of Nanna or Suen or Sin god of the moon at the
E’hursag temple of Ur and Harran.

We repent for the worship of Utu Tutu or Shamash God of the sun at the
E’barbara temple of Sipparand in Babylonia.

We repent for the worship of Ninurta at the E’Girsu temple at Lagash.

Lord, please disconnect us from all these ungodly entities.

Heavenly Father, on behalf of my ancestors and myself, I repent for

coveting the things of Babylon or the world system and being seduced by
the things of the world into disobeying Your commandments and going
against Your ways. On behalf of myself and my ancestors who were part of
the Babylonian system, I repent for agreeing with the seductive spirit of
Babylon and for anything we did in this spirit to seduce Your people away
from You.

We repent for trying to find our legitimacy by displaying to the world the
power, wealth, influence, gifts, talents, and treasures that You gave us and
for using them in the world when they were meant to be dedicated to You
and be used in Your service. We repent that we found our legitimacy in
looking for admiration and favor from the world instead of deriving our
legitimacy from our relationship with You. Lord, we repent for being
found wanting when you tried us to know what was in our hearts. We pray
that You may align our hearts with Your heart.

On behalf of our ancestors, we repent for allowing curses into our

generational lines so that generational blessings and treasures were stolen
from our families and our generational lines and sold to the Babylonian
system. Lord, please restore to us these generational treasures.

Lord, we pray for our own deliverance from Babylon and the deliverance
of many people from this system. On behalf of ourselves and our ancestors
from Babylon, we humble ourselves before You, pray, seek Your face and
repent of our wicked ways, our evil, our iniquity, our pride, arrogance, and

Forgive us for not listening to or obeying the Words of Your servants, the
true prophets, for not turning from our evil ways and living in the land and
inheritance that You have given to us. Forgive us for going after other gods
to serve them and worship them and for provoking You to anger with the
works of our hands.
Lord, please set Your eyes upon us for good, bring us into our land and
into our inheritance, build us up and plant us. Give us a heart to know You
—to know that You are the Lord and that we are Your people. We return
unto You with our whole hearts.

Please remove the destruction, the desolation, the scorn and shame that
have come upon us. Please restore to us the sounds of joy, singing,
laughter, the sounds of marriage festivities, and the sound of the
workmen; please give us light for our activities. Please remove the
barrenness of our land. Please take away the sword and the wine cup of
Your fury. Please deliver us from our oppression, for we put our trust in
You alone.



I spent a lot of time, and many paragraphs in this book describing Osiris and
our nation’s obsession with him. I even quoted from the ancient Pyramid Texts
and the Book of the Dead. You read the various hymns to Osiris included in
this work. Now, I want to encourage you to renounce all of those things, just to
be certain any doors that may have been opened are permanently closed and
any spirits that may have entered through are cast out. Please take the time now
to read/pray through these prayers of renunciation for Egypt and the false gods
associated with its various mystery schools, sayings and practices. I will start
it off by addressing the quotes found in this book.

Dear Heavenly Father,

YHVH, Lord, on behalf of myself and all who read this book, I repent for
saying, whether aloud or in my head any and all hymns, incantations and
unholy writings pertaining to Osiris, and the mystery school texts that
intend to bring him back from the dead. On behalf of my ancestors, friends
and relatives, I repent for all branches of my family line who may have
recited those words as initiations into the various levels of Freemasonry
and/or other secret societies. Please sever all ties to Osiris, Isis and Horus
and any other Egyptian god and break any and all curses that may be
associated with allegiance to them.

YHVH on behalf of myself and all ancestors in all branches of my family

line, I repent for the worship of and prayers, incantations and homage
presented to and for specifically the gods of Osiris, Isis and Horus, but also
for all of the other false gods of Egypt.

Heavenly Father, please release me from any and all ties, blessings, curses
and invocations connected to these pagan gods of Egypt. Release me from
any generational curses that may be upon me due to the sins of my
ancestors. I renounce any and all loyalty to these gods. I renounce any and
all prayers, hymns and/or incantations offered to or derived from the
worship of the many false gods of Egypt.

I repent of any and all affiliations with the gods of Egypt and I renounce
them here and now. By the blood of Yeshua (Jesus), please cleanse me and my
family line from these things and anything else that may be connected in any
way to the gods of Egypt.

The following is from the last part of the Prayers of Deliverance for Egypt as
listed on the Aslan’s Place website.

Lord, I repent for all worship of the gods whom you judged by sending the
plagues against Egypt—Anuket, goddess of the Nile, Khnum, the guardian
of the Nile, Hapi, the spirit of the Nile, Osiris, who had the Nile as his
bloodstream, Heqt, the frog-goddess of fertility, Geb, god of the earth,
Hathor, a cow-like mother goddess, Qadshu, goddess of sexuality,
Imhotep, the god of medicine, Serapis, protector from locusts, Shu, god of
the air, Nut, the sky goddess, and Set, god of the desert, storms, darkness
and Chaos.

Please disconnect me from these gods.

If you’d like to recite the full prayer, please visit the Aslan website:


Aslan’s Place website):

If you or someone you love is a descendant of a Mason, I recommend that you

pray through the following prayer from your heart. Don’t be like the Masons
who are given their obligations and oaths one line at a time and without prior
knowledge of the requirements. First, bind spirits of deception, antichrist,
witchcraft, and death in the name of Jesus Christ. Then read it through so you
know what is involved. It is best to pray this aloud with a Christian witness or
counselor present. We suggest a brief pause following each paragraph to allow
the Holy Spirit to show any additional issues that may require attention.

Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to You in the name of
Jesus Christ Your Son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and
cleansing from all sins committed against You, and others made in your
image. I honor my earthly father and mother and all of my ancestors of
flesh and blood and by adoption, but I utterly turn away from and
renounce all their sins. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their
sins on my children and me. I confess and renounce all of my own sins. I
renounce Satan and all of his works in my family and me.

I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge

or craft by my ancestors and myself. I renounce witchcraft, the principal
spirit behind Freemasonry, and I renounce Baphomet, the Spirit of
Antichrist and the curse of the Luciferian doctrine. I renounce the
idolatry, blasphemy, secrecy, and deception of Masonry at every level. I
specifically renounce the insecurity, the love of position and power, the
love of money, covetousness, and greed, and the pride that would have led
my ancestors into Masonry. I renounce all the fears that held them in
Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting,
in the name of Jesus Christ.

I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors,

including Tyier, Master, Worshipful Master, or any other. I renounce the
calling of any man Master, for Jesus Christ is my only Master and Lord,
and He forbids anyone else having that title. I renounce the entrapping of
others into Masonry, and observing the helplessness of others during the
rituals. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any
female ancestor who felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he
entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret


First Degree: I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and

the curses involved in the First or Entered Apprentice Degree, especially
their effects on the throat and tongue. I renounce the Hoodwink, the
blindfold, and its effects on emotions and eyes, including all confusion,
fear of the dark, fear of the light, and fear of sudden noises. I renounce
the secret word, BOAZ, and all it means. I renounce the mixing and
mingling of truth and error, and the blasphemy of this degree of Masonry.
I renounce the noose around the neck, the fear of choking and also every
spirit causing asthma, hayfever, emphysema or any other breathing
difficulty. I renounce the compass point, sword or spear held against the
breast, the fear of death by stabbing pain and the fear of heart attack from
this degree. In the name of Jesus Christ, I now pray for the healing of the
throat, vocal cords, nasal passages, sinuses, bronchial tubes, allergies and
asthma, for healing of the speech area, and the release of the word of God
to me and through my family and me.

Second Degree: I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me

and the curses involved in the Second or Fellow Craft Degree of Masonry,
especially the curses on the heart and chest. I renounce the secret words
JACHIN and SHIBBOLETH and all that these mean. I cut off emotional
hardness, apathy, indifference, unbelief, and deep anger from my family
and me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray for the healing of the
chest/lung/heart area and for the healing of my emotions and ask to be
made sensitive to the Holy Spirit of God.
Third Degree: I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me
and the curses involved in the Third or Master Mason Degree, especially
the curses on the stomach and womb area. I renounce the secret words
all that they mean. I renounce the spirit of death from the blows to the
head enacted as ritual murder, the fear of death, false martyrdom, fear of
violent gang attack, assault, or rape, and the helplessness of this degree. I
renounce the falling into the coffin or stretcher involved in the ritual
murder. I renounce the false resurrection of this degree, because only
Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life! I also renounce the
blasphemous kissing of the Bible on a witchcraft oath. I cut off all spirits
of death, witchcraft, and deception and in the name of Jesus Christ I pray
for the healing of the stomach, gall bladder, womb, liver, and any other
organs of my body affected by Masonry, and I ask for a release of
compassion and understanding for my family and me.


I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the penalties

and the curses involved in the York Rite of Freemasonry, including these

Fourth Degree: Mark Master, the secret word JOPPA, the keystone/mark,
and the penalty of having the right ear smote off causing permanent
deafness and the right hand chopped off for being an imposter.

Fifth Degree: Past Master, with the penalty of having my tongue split from
tip to root.

Sixth Degree: Most Excellent Master, with the penalty of having my breast
torn open and vital organs removed and exposed to rot on the dung hill.

Seventh Degree: Holy Royal Arch, its secret words JAH-BU-LON and the
penalty of having my brain exposed to the scorching rays of the meridian
sun. I renounce false communions or Eucharists, all mockery, skepticism,
and unbelief about the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross of

Eighth Degree: Royal Master, the oaths, secret words and curses.

Ninth Degree: Select Master, and the penalties of having my hands

chopped off to the stumps, my eyes plucked out from their sockets, my body
quartered and thrown among the rubbish of the temple.

Tenth Degree: Super Excellent Master and the penalties of having my

thumbs cut off, my eyes put out, my body bound in fetters and brass and
conveyed captive to a strange land.

Eleventh Degree: Knights Order of the Red Cross and the penalties of
having my house torn down, the timbers thereof set up and I being hanged

Twelfth Degree: Knights Templar, the secret word KEB RAIOTH, and
penalty of having my head struck off and placed on the highest spire of

Thirteenth Degree: Knights of Malta, the secret word MAHER-SHALAL-



I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the curses

involved in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite including:

Fourth Degree: Secret Master, the secret word ADONAI, and the penalties
of all former degrees.

Fifth Degree: Perfect Master, the secret word MAH-HAH-BONE, and the
penalty of being smitten to the earth with a setting maul.

Sixth Degree: Intimate Secretary, the secret word JEHOVAH, and the
penalty of having my body dissected, and my vital organs cut into pieces
and thrown to the beasts of the field.
Seventh Degree: Provost and Judge, the secret words HIRUM-TITO-CIVI-
KY, and the penalty of having my nose cut off.

Eighth Degree: hitendant of the Building, the secret word AKAR-JAI-

JAH, and the penalties of having my eyes put out, my body cut in two and
my bowels exposed.

Ninth Degree: Elected Knights of the Nine, the secret words NEKAM and
NEKAH, and the penalty of having my head cut off and stuck on the
highest pole in the East as a monument of my villainy.

Tenth Degree: Illustrious Elect of Fifteen, the secret word of Elignam, and
the penalties of having my body opened perpendicularly and horizontally,
exposed to the air for eight hours so that flies may prey on it, and for my
head to be cut off and placed on the highest pinnacle in the world.

Eleventh Degree: Sublime Knights Elect of the Twelve, the secret word
STOLKIN-ADONAI, and the penalty of having my hand cut in twain.

Twelfth Degree: Grand Master Architect, the secret word RAB-BANAIM,

and penalties.

Thirteenth Degree: Knight of the Ninth Arch of Solomon, the secret word
JEHOVAH, and the penalty my body being given to the beasts of the forest
as prey.

Fourteenth Degree: Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Mason and the
penalty of having my body cut open and my bowels given to vultures for


I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the curses

involved in the Council of Princes of Jerusalem degrees of Freemasonry.

Fifteenth Degree: Knights of the East and the secret word RAPH-O-DOM.
Sixteenth Degree: Prince of Jerusalem, the secret word TEBET-ADAR,
and the penalty of being stripped naked and having my heart pierced with
a poininiard.


I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the curses

involved in the Chapter of the Rose Croix degrees of Freemasonry.

Seventeenth Degree: Knights of the East and West, the secret word,
ABADDON, and the penalty of incurring the severe wrath of the Almighty
Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Eighteenth Degree: Knight of the Pelican and the Eagle & Sovereign
Prince Rose Croix of Heredom, the secret words IGNE NATURA
RENOVATUR INTEGRA, and the penalties of being forever deprived of
the word, to be perpetually in darkness, my blood continually running
from my body, to suffer without intermission the most cruel remorse for
the soul, that the bitterest gall mixed with vinegar be my constant drink
and the sharpest thorns be my pillow and death on the cross complete my
punishment. I renounce and reject the Pelican witchcraft spirit, as well as
the occultic influence of the Rosicrucians and the Kabbala in this degree.
I renounce the claim that the death of Jesus Christ was a “dire calamity,”
and also the deliberate mockery and twisting of the Christian doctrine of
the atonement. I renounce the blasphemy and rejection of the deity of
Jesus Christ, and the mockery of the communion taken in this degree,
including a biscuit, salt, and white wine.


I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the curses

involved in the Council of Kadosh degrees of Freemasonry:

Nineteenth Degree: Grand Pontiff and the secret word EMMANUEL.

Twentieth Degree: Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges, the secret words

JEKSON/STOLKIN and the penalties of all former obligations.

Twenty-first Degree: Noachite of Prussian Knight and the secret word


Twenty-second Degree: Knight of the Royal Axe and the secret words

Twenty-third Degree: Chief of the Tabernacle, the secret words URIEL-

JEHOVAH and the penalty that the earth should open up and engulf me
up to my neck so I perish.

Twenty-fourth Degree: Prince of the Tabernacle and the penalty that I

should be stoned to death and my body left above ground to rot.

Twenty-Fifth Degree: Knight of the Brazen Serpent, the secret words

MOSES-JOHANNES and the penalty that I have my heart eaten by
venomous serpents.

Twenty-sixth Degree: Prince of Mercy, the secret words GOMEL and

JEHOVAH-JACHIN, and the penalty of condemnation and spite by the
entire universe.

Twenty-seventh Degree: Knight Commander of the Temple, the secret word

SOLOMON and the penalty of receiving the severest wrath of God inflicted
upon me.

Twenty-eighth Degree: Knight Commander of the Sun, or Prince Adept,

the secret word STIBIUM and the penalties of having my tongue thrust
through with a red-hot iron, my eyes plucked out, my senses of smelling
and hearing removed, my hands cut off and in that condition to be left for
voracious animals to devour me, or executed by lightening from heaven.
Twenty-ninth Degree: Grand Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew and the
secret words NEKAMAH-FURLAC.

Thirtieth Degree: Council ofKadosh, Grand Pontiff, and Knight of the

Black and White Eagle, the secret words EMMANUEL, STIBIUM
ALKABAR, PHARASH-KOH and all they mean, with all the former
penalties applied.


I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the curses

involved in the Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret degrees
of Freemasonry, including:

Thirty-first Degree: Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander. I renounce

all the gods and goddesses of Egypt which are honored in this degree,
including Anubis with the ram’s head, all sun gods, including Ra, Re, Aten
and Osiris; and Isis the sister and wife of Osiris and also the moon
goddess. I renounce the mother goddess Diana or Artemas. I renounce the
Soul of Cheres, the false symbol of immortality, the Chamber of the Dead,
and the false teaching of reincarnation.

Thirty-second Degree: Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret and its secret
words PHAAL and PHARASH-KOL. I renounce Masonry’s false
trinitarian deity, AUM, and its parts: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the
preserver and Shiva the destroyer. I renounce the deity of AHURA-
MAZDA, the claimed spirit or source of all light, and worship with fire,
which is an abomination to God, and the drinking from a human skull in
some rites.

Thirty-third Degree: Grand Sovereign Inspector General, the secret words

MACHA, BEALIM, and ADONAI; and its penalties being all the former
ones, including having my tongue torn out by its roots. I renounce and
forsake the declaration that Lucifer is God. I renounce the cable-tow
around the neck. I renounce the death wish that the wine drunk from a
human skull should turn to poison and the skeleton whose cold arms are
invited if the oath of this degree is violated. I renounce the three infamous
assassins of their grand master, which are law, property and religion, and
the greed and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate and control
the rest of mankind.
SHRINERS (This exists in America only)

I renounce the oaths taken by my ancestors or me and the curses and

penalties involved in the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic

I renounce the piercing of the eyeballs with a three-edged blade, the

flaying of the feet and being forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile
shores of the Red Sea until the flaming sun shall strike me with a livid
plague. I renounce the madness, the hoodwink, the mock hanging, the
mock beheading, the mock drinking of the blood of the victim, the mock
dog urinating on the initiate, and the offering of urine as a
commemoration. I renounce the worship of the false god Allah as the god
of our fathers.


I renounce any other secret words, attributing false gods’ names to God,
and idolatrous symbols, such as

the Horus, or All-Seeing Eye, which was the emblem of Osiris

(the sun god), the creator worshipped by the ancient Egyptians
and passed off on current day Masons as the eye of the one true
the G, which the lower degree Masons are told represents
geometry or the Great Architect of the Universe (who upper
degree Masons learn is Lucifer) but actually can stand for
whatever god one chooses, and in books for the upper degrees
means “Generating Principal” (phallus);
the Blazing Star, actually symbolizes various pagan gods and
the obelisk, which symbolizes a phallus or penis as an emblem of
resurrection (but not Christian resurrection);
the mark in the form of squares and angles which marks the
person for life;
the point within a circle, which the first three degrees of Masons
are taught represents the individual Mason inside the bounds of
Masonic duty, but which is revealed to the upper levels Mason to
represent the sexual union of Osiris and Isis, signifying the
prolific powers of nature;
the Masonic square and compass which likewise represents the
sex act;
the Apron, a symbol of the Masonic belief that salvation must be
earned which is a direct violation of Scripture;
the jewel or talisman that may have been made from this mark
sign and worn at lodge meetings;
the Shriner’s fez, which celebrates the Muslim massacre of
50,000 Christians in the Moroccan city of Fez;
and all others.

I renounce all allegiances to individuals or organizations that are in

conflict with the primary allegiance of my life, Jesus Christ, as revealed in
God’s word, the Bible. I ask God to cut off all these curses and their effects
on my family and me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for the healing
of the any area where healing is needed by any of us.

I renounce all the other oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me, the
rituals and the curses of every other lodge, degree and order involved in
Freemasonry anywhere in the world. These include, in part. Prince Hall
Masonry (the lodge structure for American Blacks), the Allied Degrees,
the Grand Orient Lodges of France, Italy, Central and South America, the
Red Cross of Constantine, the Order of the Secret Monitor, the Masonic
Royal Order of Scotland, the Order of Amaranth, and the women’s Orders
of the Eastern Star, of the Ladies Oriental Shrine, and of the White Shrine
of Jerusalem; the girls’ Orders of the Daughters of the Eastern Star, the
International Orders of Job’s Daughters and of the Rainbow; and the boys’
Order of De Molay.

I renounce involvement by any of my ancestors or me in all other secret

societies with ties to Masonry, such as, Mormonism, the Royal Order of
Jesters, the Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows, the Independent Order
of Oddfellows and its women’s auxilli-ary called the International
Association of Rebekah Assemblies, Buffalos, Druids, Foresters, Orange,
Elks, Moose and Eagles Lodges, the Ku Klux Klan, the White Supremacy
Movement, the Grange, the Woodmen of the World, Riders of the Red
Robe, the Knights of Pythias, the Mystic order of the Veiled Prophets of the
Enchanted Realm, and their effects on me and all my family. I renounce
the New World Order, the One World Government, the Uluminati, the
Theosophical Society, Cabala, and any other organizations involved with
the Masons in the satanic conspiracy to rule the world.

I renounce the ancient pagan teaching of the First Tracing Board, the
Second Tracing Board and the Third Tracing Board used in the ritual of
the Blue Lodge. I renounce the pagan ritual of the “Point within a Circle”
with all its bondages and phallus worship. I renounce the occultic
mysticism of the black and white mosaic checkered floor with the
tessellated border and the five-pointed blazing star. I renounce the symbol
“G” and its veiled pagan symbolism and bondages. I renounce and utterly
forsake the Great Architect Of The Universe, who is revealed in the higher
degrees as Lucifer, and his false claim to be the universal fatherhood of
God. I also renounce the false claim that Lucifer is the Morning Star and
Shining One and I declare that Jesus Christ is the Bright and Morning
Star of Revelation 22:16.

I renounce the All-Seeing Third Eye of Freemasonry, or Horus, in the

forehead and the obelisk and their pagan and occult symbolism. I
renounce all false communions taken, all mockery of the redemptive work
of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, all unbelief, confusion and
depression, and all worship of Lucifer as God. I renounce and forsake the
lie of Freemasonry that man is not sinful, but just imperfect, and so can
redeem himself through good works. I rejoice that the Bible states that I
cannot do a single thing to earn my salvation, but that I can only be saved
by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the
cross of Calvary.

Father God, I repent of and seek forgiveness for the sins committed by my
ancestors and me
of walking on unholy ground, including Freemasonry, Mormon,
occultic and pagan property dedicated to the worship of false
for the sin of idolatry committed by my ancestors and me of
looking to anyone or anything other than the one true Savior,
Jesus Christ, for salvation, rescue, protection, or provision;
for all subversion of justice practiced by the Freemasons or any
other organization to which my ancestors or I belonged;
for the collaboration of the Freemasons in the satanic conspiracy
to rule the world.

Father God, I confess to You that when my ancestors and I complained

against You we gave Satan a legal right to put the Destroyer in our
bloodlines. And when we rebelled against You and rejected Your rightful
place as our God, we gave Satan a legal right to deceive us with all the
gods of the gentiles. Some of us committed the sin of idolatry by joining
Freemasonry. Even if they (we) joined Freemasonry ignorant of its true
nature, we are nevertheless guilty of all of its sins. I acknowledge your
justice in putting a curse on our bloodlines for this sin and the many sins
that followed either by commission or by allegiance to the organization
committing the sins. These sins include, in addition to those already
confessed, all of the atrocities of satanic ritual abuse practiced at secret
levels of Freemasonry: blasphemous rituals, blood sacrifices, animal and
human sacrifices, sexual sacrifices, rape, bestiality, sexual immorality,
illegitimate births, breeding babies for the purpose of sacrificing them,
torture, murder, violence, and mind control (by ElectroVoltOverLoad,
withholding normal love, soul shattering, torture, programming and
demonization) of infants and children, plus any others. Thank You for
Your mercy toward me when You called me to Yourself and gave me faith
to believe in Your Son Jesus’ atonement for me on the cross. He was made
a curse for me so that I no longer have to live under any curse. I ask You,
Father God, in the name of Jesus, to forgive all of this generational
iniquity in my bloodlines and cleanse it away so the curses do not come
down to me or to my children to a thousand generations. I ask You, Jesus,
to cleanse my body, soul, and spirit and to deliver me of all the effects of
this generational iniquity.
Now dear Father God, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, Your
Son, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to
cleanse my spirit, soul and every part of my body which has been effected
by these sins, in Jesus name! Lord Jesus, I ask You to destroy the spiritual
equivalents of the physical objects used in Masonry that I now
symbolically remove and give to You

the hoodwink (a blindfold)

the veil of mourning • the mail around the neck
the noose, which I cut from around the neck and gather together
with the cable-tow running down the body
the ring of the false Freemasonry marriage covenant, which I
renounce, from the ring finger of the right hand
the chains and bondages of Freemasonry on the body
the ball and chains from the ankles
all Freemasonry effects, regalia and armor, especially the apron
all KKK or other secret organization regalia

I renounce every evil spirit associated with Masonry and witchcraft and all
other sins and, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command Satan’s evil spirits
to be bound up into one, leaving nothing of evil remaining, and to leave me
now, touching or banning no one, and to go to the place appointed for you
by the Lord Jesus, never to return to me or my family. I claim the promise
of God’s word that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be
delivered. Jesus, I ask to be delivered of every spirit of sickness, infirmity,
curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy associated with these sins
that I have confessed and renounced and I ask You to heal me and my
family of all effects they have had.

I surrender to God’s Holy Spirit and to no other spirit all the places in my
life where these sins have effected me. I ask You, Lord, to fill me with (and
baptize me in) Your Holy Spirit now according to the promises in Your
word. I take to myself the whole armor of God promised in Ephesians 6
and rejoice in its protection as Jesus surrounds me with His Holy Spirit. I
enthrone You in my heart. Lord Jesus, for You are my Lord and Savior, and
my source of eternal life. Thank You, Father God, for Your mercy, Your
forgiveness and Your love, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


This material was adapted by Karen Sackett, of Shield of Faith Ministies,

Minneapolis, MN, and further modified by lay counselors at Christ Church
Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC. The original “Prayer of
Release for Masons and Their Descendants” is contained in the book
Unmasking Freemasonry, Removing the Hoodwink, by Seiwyn Stevens, ISBN
0-9583417-3-7, and combined with information from Greg Lambert’s book.
Masonic Symbolism Explained. ISBN 1-877203-04-1, both of which can be
obtained through Jubilee Publishers, P.O. Box 36-044, Wellington 6330, New
Zealand, or by visiting their Internet site,, where additions
are made to the prayer periodically. See more at:

The prayers provided here have been developed during Bible studies, prayer
sessions and through revelation. We have faith that they have been provided by
God and we test them all against God’s Holy Word. These prayers are not a
quick fix. Instead, they are starting points as you work out your freedom in
Christ. Be ready to adjust these prayers as you and those you pray with listen
to the Holy Spirit.

Adapted from Dr. Joel Young - For His Glory Ministries:
I have often been asked what books I’ve read that have inspired me in my
work. Therefore, I wanted to provide the following resources for you to check
out for yourself. This list represents a selection of books either directly from
my own research library or from authors I respect. Most of the books on this
list were of tremendous value to me in the writing of this book series. They are
not necessarily listed here in any particular order, but are categorized by
Recommended Reading:
For additional resource material that goes along with this book series, please
be sure to visit the Babylon Rising blog site:

To order more copies of this book, visit:
Recommended Viewing:
The following is a list of videos I highly recommend watching in order to get a
better understanding of some of the positions I take in this book and why. For
those of you who are familiar with and know how to use the QR Code system,
you can use the code provided (on the next page) to go directly to the videos
You can also access all of the videos I just listed and more at:

In addition, I would also like to recommend that you watch the many thought
provoking videos available through 119 Ministries at:
Recommended Listening:
The following is a list of CD box sets and online radio shows I highly
recommend you listen to in order to get a better understanding of some of the
positions I take in this book and why.
Listen to my Blog Talk Radio show,
The Revolutionary Radio Project


Mythology and the Coming Great Deception /The Mount Hermon-

Roswell Connection Double-Feature ($35)
Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last ($25)
322, Tetrads and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble ($22)
Archon Invasion And The Return of the Nephilim 1 ($25)
Archon Invasion And The Return of the Nephilim 2 ($22)
Archon Invasion: 2045 and the Quest for Immortality ($25)





MP3 Sets:

Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last Audio Book

The Babylon Rising Blog Series
The Revolutionary Radio Project: Supernatural Collection
Get the Babylon Rising SEED Interactive DVD-Rom Super Collection For
Just $50!

You get Book 1, Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last, as well as
the 2hr. DVD that goes with it, plus the Mythology and the Coming Great
Deception & The Mt. Hermon-Roswell Connection Double Feature, Book
2, Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return of the Nephilim, and the 2
DVDs that go with it, along with the SEED: Why We Need To Be
Culturally Relevant DVD as a bonus! Get them all together in this bundle
and you will save $44.

To order any of these products and to take advantage of any special sales we
may be running go to:
he content of this book (and the others that will follow) provides the non-
fiction foundation upon which the forthcoming science-fiction TV show we are
currently developing called, SEED the series will be built. SEED really is
Lost meets Battlestar Galactica, wrapped up in The X-Files. It will have the
mystery and intrigue that made Lost so successful, combined with the sci-fi
appeal of shows like Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek, mixed with the
conspiracy and alien agenda themes of The X-Files.

The reason we are creating this series is to get the message of books like this
one (as well as those of the other authors mentioned in it) out to the masses. In
my opinion, nothing has a greater impact on our culture than movies, television,
music, the arts and entertainment. Statistics show that the average American
watches 4 to 5 hours of TV per day and as a whole, we spend over $9 billion a
year going to the movies.

In fact, that was the primary reason why filmmaker, Alex Kendrick started
making movies like Facing the Giants, Fireproof and Courageous. He said:

“I found a (Barna Group) survey that basically said the top

three most influential factors in our culture were movies,
television, and the Internet. The church wasn’t even in the top
— Alex Kendrick[1]

When you realize how much time the average American spends going to church
or reading their Bibles verses watching TV and going to the movies, it’s not
hard to understand why George Lucas once said:

“For better or worse, the influence of the church, which used

to be all powerful, has been usurped by film. Films and
television tell us the way we conduct our lives, what is right
and wrong.”
— George Lucas[2]

George Lucas captured my young imagination at age 7, and as I said in the

Introduction to this book, Star Wars had a profound impact on my life growing
up. Imagine if the stories of the Bible could capture an entire generation the
way that one film did!

One advantage of the science-fiction genre is that people go into it suspending

their disbelief. Thus, if they have turned their disbelief filter off, that means
they are open to believing whatever is being said. The devil has taken full
advantage of this truth for too long! We believe it’s time for the Church to
become as good at telling the truth as the devil is at telling lies, and that is why
we have developed this series called, SEED.
The time has never been better for a series like SEED. It seems as though
nearly everyone is searching for answers concerning December 21, 2012 (and
beyond). Unfortunately, the Church is largely silent on the subject and/or has no
answers to provide. The world on the other hand, is offering up lots and lots of
answers based on the ancient prophecies of people who were anything but
godly (in the sense of worshippers of YHVH anyway).

The History Channel has run three seasons worth of their Ancient Aliens
series, promoting the idea that we were the product of “seeding” and genetic
tampering by beings known to some as the “Anunnaki,” who were the gods of
the ancient world. This concept is gaining more and more acceptance and the
speculation is that our ancient, alien parents may be returning soon — possibly
on December 21, 2012.

After watching two seasons worth of the Ancient Aliens series, a good friend
of mine called me. He had recently finished going to a Bible college and had
ambitions of starting his own Bible school when I got the call. To say he was
shaken in his faith would be a little bit too strong of a statement, but he was
quite disturbed by what he had seen nonetheless. Knowing that I was “into this
stuff,” he asked me what I thought about it. He is not alone. Many have asked:

“What do you do with this kind of evidence? I mean, it’s real

and we can’t just ignore it, but how do all of these crop circles,
megalithic structures, UFOs and ‘ancient aliens’ fit into what
we believe to be true from the Scriptures?”

It was at that moment, while talking with my seminary trained friend, that I
knew there was a real need to educate the Body of Christ. Why? Because Jesus
said that there was a deception coming that would be so great that even His
elect could be deceived by it. The deception is already here dear friend, and I
believe it is going to get much worse in the days ahead. Therefore, I began to
think about that old saying, “Find a need and fill it.”

I started going to lectures, seminars and conferences to learn from people like
Tom Horn, LA Marzulli, Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Doug Woodward, Russ
Dizdar and others who were already teaching on the subjects you never hear
about in church. Soon, I was doing lectures of my own and producing CDs and
DVDs that would later be sold through organizations like Prophecy in the
News and Cutting Edge Ministries. However, in all of that, I kept noticing
something that I found to be rather disturbing: there were always only a handful
of people at those conferences and lectures and only a few thousand books,
DVDs, and CDs were being sold.

There are over 300 million people in America and more than 7 billion on the
planet! I began to wonder how in the world are we ever going to reach that
many people if only a few hundred were going to these lectures and a few
thousand were buying the books, CDs and DVDs? Then it hit me: the best way
to reach the masses is through the media — specifically through the medium of
science fiction television. Thus, SEED the series was born.

SEED will deal with the subjects from a Biblical worldview, but will be
served on a secular palette. By that I mean, it will not be the next Left Behind
series or a program that will only run on networks like TBN or CBN. SEED is
designed to play to the same audiences that watch V, The Event, Fringe, The X-
Files, Heroes, Lost, Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It will be just as
“cool” and have the same production value, while providing another way to
look at comparable subject matter, in a non-preachy format.

In my opinion, there are at least three major problems with most Christian
movies and television shows:

1. They are usually severely underfunded, which leads to cheesy acting,

poor lighting and sound and insufficient production value. Children of
the King of the universe should surely be able to do better than that!
2. They attempt to preach in a venue that people go to be entertained.
That will never work (and the financial statistics prove it doesn’t).
People do not go to the movies or watch episodic television to be
preached to (they can surf to TBN and CBN if they want preaching),
their desire is to be entertained.
3. Because Christian productions are so concerned with “closing the
deal,” they become overzealous with a “message” that they feel must
be conveyed, to the point where they actually end up producing
something that the world will never go see. As a result, they merely
“preach to the choir,” and completely miss the opportunity to reach
the very audience they set out to give the message to in the first place.

The apostle Paul understood that the natural (or carnal, secular) man cannot
receive the things of the Spirit, nor can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned:

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of
God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know
them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians

I believe this is why Jesus spoke in parables. He taught culturally relevant

stories that illustrated Kingdom principles. He taught about fishing and
farming... things the people could easily relate to in order to show them what
the Kingdom is really like.

Jesus did not walk around with scrolls under His arms saying, “Obadiah
says... and Nahum says...” like the characters in most Christian films do.

Come on, admit it: how many times have you seen a Christian film or show that
was full of someone (usually with a bad southern accent) saying, “The Bible
says...” every ten minutes? That does not compute in the average moviegoer’s
mind. They don’t speak “Christianese” and neither should we — if we actually
want to reach them.

Your friends and family are much more likely to come to faith in Jesus Christ
as a result of conversations born out of a relationship with you than they ever
will from a 60 minute television show or a 2 hour movie that is loaded with
Scripture references.

I appreciate something Mel Gibson said while promoting his film, The Passion
of the Christ. It was a very powerful film and many of the top evangelicals in
the country got behind it. At one point, Gibson was basically asked to put an
“invitation” at the end of the film. This is a paraphrase, but he basically said,

“No guys. That’s not my job, that’s your job. My job is to put
compelling images up on the screen. Your job is to do the
follow up.”

Following that same philosophy, our goal with SEED is to put compelling
images on the screen, such that the secular world will become intrigued and
want to continue watching it. Your job will then be to water the “seeds” we
plant in SEED and use them as talking points — or a bridge — to lead others
to the Truth.

There are a total of 72 episodes planned for SEED, divided up over 6 seasons,
with 12 episodes per season. The first two scripts have been written and a
third one will be finished soon. If you want to read what has been done so far,
you can download the two-part pilot episode by going to:

We cannot do this alone. If we go to any major studio or network, they will

control our content, censor us, and have the power to cancel the series
prematurely and own the rights, thus killing the project forever. The only way
this can work is with your help. We are putting the control into the hands of our
audience. This gives us total freedom and gives you the assurance that your
favorite show will remain on the air, without being compromised.

Do you want the content that you’ve read in this book to get out to the masses?
Do you want the messages of Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, LA Marzulli, Jim
Wilhelmsen, S. Douglas Woodward, Russ Dizdar, Doug Hamp and others to
get out to a much larger audience in a cool, science-fiction format? Well,
SEED the series is how we intend to do it!
Please visit, and click the “SEE” link in order to
learn more about this project. Click the “SOW” link to get involved and help
make this show a reality.

“Christianity is not a religion. It is a revolution against the

forces of darkness.”
— Peter C. Spencer[3] Filmmaker,
Return to the Hiding Place
Rob Skiba is the co-founder of King’s Gate Media,
LLC, the creator/writer of the forthcoming, science-
fiction, Internet TV series SEED, and the author the
non-fiction book, Babylon Rising: And The First Shall
Be Last.

Rob is an award-winning documentary filmmaker,

entrepreneur, published author, artist, keynote speaker, motivational coach,
trainer, teacher, Army veteran, former missionary and an active member of
three charitable organizations, serving on several boards of directors.

He has written and directed numerous theatrical plays, including performances

in New York, Connecticut and throughout western Massachusetts. He has been
an actor ever since the founding of his High School Drama Club in 1986. Since
then, he has helped to start several Community Theater groups as well as the
Drama Ministry at his home church and has toured the country with a traveling
acting troop.

A graduate of the Hollywood Film Institute, Rob Skiba’s life-long dream has
been to produce powerful television and motion picture productions. He is
currently in pre-production on SEED the series and has numerous projects in
various stages of development.

Rob is happily married, has a teenage son and lives in The Colony, Texas.
1. See:
2. See: The Mt. Hermon-Roswell Connection DVD in Appendix C.
1. The Revolutionary Radio Project:
2. and
3. See Appendix C for a list of DVDs available for purchase.
1. That was more than ten years before I knew there was a book by the same title written by Dr. I.D.E.
2. Having been in aviation for 6 years, I knew the difference between a chemtrail and a contrail.
Contrails streak behind a plane as vapor clouds that dissipate quickly and disappear a short distance
behind the plane. Chemtrails on the other hand, do not dissipate and hang in the air all day; often in a
“checker board” formation after multiple planes have left them behind.
3. The movie was set in the 1950s and became the inspiration for the TV shows like, Happy Days and
Lavern and Shirley.
4. This was also around the time that Dolly the sheep was cloned.
5. Read: The Shroud: The 2000-Year-Old Mystery Solved by Ian Wilson
6. People don’t go to the movies to be preached to, they go to be entertained. Read more about this in
Appendix D.
7. A theory that is largely based on the research of people like Peter Goodgame, Tom Horn, Steve
Quayle and others.
1. 2 Peter 1:21
2. Exodus 33:11
3. See also Jude 6
4. Matthew 24:37
5. As the Days of Noah Were, by Minister Dante Fortson, page 36
6. Prior to the 3rd century, going all the way back to the days of Noah, the belief was that the “sons of
God” were angels. Dr. Chuck Missler notes in an article titled, Mischievous Angels or Sethites?
that the Sethite Theory really originated with Julius Africanus. From there it was embraced by Cyril
of Alexandria and Augustine. Today, it is the prevailing view taught in seminaries and churches. See: more history on the origins of the Sethite Theory,
see also chapters seven and eight of Douglas Hamp’s book, Corrupting the Image.
7. See: and
cedars can grow from 30 meters up to 70 meters tall.
8. I will discuss the sons of Anak and the Nephilim giants of the Bible in greater detail in Book 2,
Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim
9. Jasher 5:15
10. Genesis 5:24
11. Jasher 5:35-36
12. Jasher 5:19 and Jasher 5:24
13. You can read what has been written so far online at:
14. See Jasher 4:4 and Jubilees 7:24,25
15. Enoch 10:10
16. Enoch 13:3-5
17. For more on this idea, see: Also, be sure to watch
the documentaries, Building Gods and Technocalyps to see what may bring them back again:
18. Noah’s name means “rest”
19. Refer to God’s statement in Genesis 6:3
20. There is also evidence of giants in the lineage of Japheth. This will be dealt with in greater detail in
Book 2, Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim
21. See, Building a Pure Nation:
22. Ancient and current indications are that Gog and Magog were giants. Again, I will deal with that
more in Book 2, Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim
23. See 2 Samuel 21:20 and 1 Chronicles 20:6
24. Chapter 4 of The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse, by Patrick Heron
25. Excerpts from Corrupting the Image, by Douglas Hamp, pages 152 & 153
26. Ibid
27. KJV reads: “And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim.” (Genesis
10:14) Compare with Jeremiah 47:4 and Amos 9:7.
28. See:
29. See: and
1. Note: The Hebrew translators of the Septuagint translated the Hebrew word “gibborim” as gigas
(which is the root for the word gigantes or giant in English) in Gen. 10:8,9. However, these same
scholars translated the same word (gibborim) in 2 Sam. 23:8 (for instance) as ton dynaton, which
simply means mighty/courageous/strong warrior.
2. See also this person’s explanation:
4. See for instance, the works of Berossus, Eupolemus, Alexander Polyhistor and the Sibylline Oracles,
as quoted by Cory.
5. History of Baalbek, page 29, by Michael Alouf,
6 Ibid, page 28 quoting a traveller named D’Arvieux’ from his Memoires, Part II - Ch. 26
7. See: Matthew 16:13-20
8. Available for free online at:
9. Jasher 9:23-39
10. Note 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 19:19
11. Genesis 11 says they built their city and tower in the plains of Shinar
12. Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers, by Thomas R. Horn, chapter
2, pages 21 &22,
13. See: Jasher 49:9-18
15. Epic of Gilgamesh
16. Available for free online at:
17. The “cross” was actually a symbol that goes way back in time, representing numerous gods whose
names were spelled with a “T” such as Tammuz, Themis, Theos, Thor, Tyr, Tantalus, Tet and
others. Tammuz is the Babylonian Dumuzi, “The son who rises.”
18. For an excellent resource concerning the pagan origins of many Christian traditions, I would
recommend reading, Too Long in the Sun and Time is the Ally of Deceit by Richard Rives
19. I will write more about it in Chapter Eight, Truth or Tradition
20. See: Malachi 3:6a and Hebrews 13:8
21. See: Leviticus 18:3 and Jeremiah 10:2,3
22. The Two Babylons, by Alexander Hislop, Chapter II, Section II, Sub-Section IV, Death of the Child
23. Sourced from
24. This is especially true, since books like Robert Bauval’s, The Orion Mystery have come out.
Author/researcher, S. Douglas Woodward also observes that this arrangement is mirrored in other
megalithic structures such as England’s first “Stonehenge,” the Thornborough Circle in Yorkshire,
England, which as he points out in his book, Decoding Doomsday may be 800 to 1,000 years older
than the pyramids of Giza (see chapter 7, page 133). He also makes note of similar arrangements
amongst the city designs of North American Indians and elsewhere, thus stating to me in an e-mail,
“This was common knowledge among the ancients, even if it isn’t common to us.”
25. Sandpit of Royalty, from the newspaper Extra Bladet (Copenhagen, Jan. 31, 1999)
26. Read his personal account of this excavation:
28. According to Bishop Ussher’s timeline. Other ancient history scholars like Dr. Ken Johnson place the
Flood at 2269 BC (see: ).Josephus, Ussher, and other
scholars disagree slightly on some of their dates, but most agree that a straightforward reading of
the Bible indicates the Flood of Noah having taken place some time between 2500 BC and 2300
29. See:
30. BBC NEWS article:
31. Visit:
32. See:
33. You can listen to the entire show online here:
1. The Secret Teaching of All Ages, by Manly P. Hall, page 44
2. The Scripture says, “Surely the Lord GOD does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to
His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7 NASB)
3. Revelation 5:5
4. Genesis 3:15
5. For more amazing insights on the Assyrian, read the article Peter Goodgame wrote for Raiders News
6. See Jasher 27:1-12 Note also the awesome connection here to Genesis 25:29-34. Hebrew tradition
states that Shem killed Nimrod, though I have yet to find any ancient text that supports that notion.
Whereas, Jasher explicitly states it was Esau. Something that could be considered, however, is the
idea that Shem may have killed Nimrod, and Esau may have killed Tammuz (who was believed to be
Nimrod reincarnated).
7. See: Revelation 13:1 and Revelation 9:11
8. I will write much more about that subject in Book 2, Babylon Rising: The Return of the Nephilim.
See also the book Forbidden Gates, by Tom and Nita Horn
9. Black Sun, Blood Moon, by S. Douglas Woodward, chapter 12, pages 142 & 143.
10. 1 John 4:3
11. For more, see:
12. See: and Google:
Hitler DNA did not commit suicide
13. Dr. Thomas Horn, David Ovason and others have pointed out these facts. See:
14. The practice of adding up the numerical values of words.
15. The Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events, Revised Edition,
Arnold Fruchtenbaum, 2003, page 251.
16. See the chart in Appendix A.
17. Such as Professor Bruston, Professor of Theology at Montauban, and researchers/Bible scholars like
Peter Goodgame and Mariano Franco of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
18. Apparently, there are two ways to spell Cush. The one above and another more common way: Kaf-
Vav-Shin. If the latter spelling is used, the phrase adds up to 672, Everyone who suggests the 666
connection uses the spelling without the Vav. In support of the latter spelling, we do find the gentilic
form of Cush (i.e. Cushite/Ethiopian) spelled without the Vav in several places: Numbers 12:1,
Amos 9:7 and Daniel 11:43, all of which have interesting prophetic importance when considered in
a Last Days context.
19. Watch the Chapter 2: The Osiris Shaft at Gaza and its Mysteries video here:
20. S. Douglas Woodward adds, “Ironically (but importantly) as Chuck Missler points out, it was the
standard (ensign) of the Tribe of Dan… who refused to take the snake of its ensign (for
obvious reasons even to the members of the Tribe of Dan at the time of the Exodus). They
choose, instead, the eagle! Hence it is not surprising that you also frequently see a symbol of
an eagle with a snake in its talons! Of course, as J.R. Church well documents, the Tribe of
Dan is also the tribe associated with the Antichrist (see Daniel Reveals the Bloodline of
Antichrist, by J. R. Church).”
21. Interesting trivia: The word America appears to derive from the word “Amaru,” which is the name
for the serpent god, Quetzalcoatl in Perru. Amaruca is literally translated, “Land of the Plumed
Serpents.” According to Mesoamerican lore, Quetzalcoatl (called Amaru in Peru) was a strange
visitor who claimed to be a “priest” from a far away land. He apparently had the ability to
transform himself into a feathered serpent. References:
22. Both are viewable for free online with a simple Google search or to watch them on DVD, you can
purchase them through Chris Pinto’s Adullum Films website:
23. I have made a number of those resources available to you in Appendix B
1. Excerpt from Prophecies of ‘The Assyrian’: Will the Antichrist Come from Iraq? by Peter
Goodgame, for Raiders News Network. To read the full article, visit:
2. David Barton is the founder of a Christian organization, called Wall Builders. See:
4. Figure 16 is of President Ronald Reagan’s lying in state ceremony
5. Viewable for free online with a simple Google search or, to watch it on DVD, you can purchase it
through Chris Pinto’s Adullum Films website:
6. Crowley, Aleister; Mary. Desti, Leila. Waddell (2004). Magick : Liber ABA, Book Four, Parts I-IV.
Hymenaeus. Beta (ed.). York Beach, Me.: S. Weiser.
7. Visit to learn more and see her chart.
8. citing various sources: Meade 1991, p. viii, Gerald of Wales,
Instructione Principis, Fordham University, Warren 1978, p. 2 and
9. See:
10. Full transcript available through the JFK online library:
11. See Judge Andrew Napolitano’s article, What If Elections Don’t Matter? at:
12. For an excellent video presentation on this subject, be sure to check out Chris Pinto’s documentary,
Eye of the Phoenix. See also Dr. Thomas Horn’s book, Apollyon Rising 2012.
14. Power Quest: America’s Obsession With The Paranormal, pg. 157 by S. Douglas Woodward
15. Thomas Bulfinch, Age of Fable: Vols. I & II: Stories of Gods and Heroes. 1913
16. Enoch 10:10
17. For the whole article go to:
18. For more information concerning the symbols and meanings contained in the imagery on the back of
our U.S. one dollar bill and our nation’ s Great Seal, see also The Occult Nature of the Seals
19. Matthew 2:14,15 and Hosea 11:1
20. Note the interrelationship of Egypt, Assyria (Babylon), and Israel in Isaiah 7:17-20 and Isaiah 19:23-
21. Strong’s #32: angel, messenger
22. Please see the Prayers of Deliverance section at the back of this book.
23. U.S. military occupation of Iraq began on May 1, 2003 after the successful invasion.
24. A reference to the prophecies of the Cumaen Sybil.
25. In Roman myth, Lucina was the goddess of childbirth.
26. Could this be what Daniel 2:43 is referring to?
27. Hesiod wrote about the 5 Ages of Man. The age of Cronus/Saturn (Satan) was known as the Golden
Age of Greek mytholoy.
28. Again, is this a parallel reference to what Daniel saw in Daniel 2:43?
29. As the son of Satan
30. Is this a parallel (counterfeit) reference to Psalm 18:8-10?
31. From the Prologue to Power Quest Book Two: The Ascendancy of Antichrist in America, by S.
Douglas Woodward, page xxxviii
32. Hunt, Linda (1991). Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project
Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. New York: St.Martin’s Press. pages 6,21,31,176,204,259.
34. Power Quest Book Two: The Ascendancy of Antichrist in America, by S. Douglas Woodward,
Chapter Five, page 171.
35. Ibid, page 172.
36. Ibid, page 173
37. Ibid, page 190
38. As one specialized study of symbolism notes, “In modern times the caduceus figures as a symbol of
commerce, since Mercury is the god of commerce. M. Oldfield Howey, The Encircled Serpent: A
Study of Serpent Symbolism in All Countries And Ages, New York, 1955, p77
39. Member of Concord Lodge No.688 Concord, Ohio
40. Source:
41. The twins are actually mentioned in the Bible as being the name for a ship that carried Paul to Rome:
Acts 28:11 (KJV)—”And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had
wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.”
42. The Agena Target Vehicle (ATV) was an unmanned spacecraft used by NASA during its Gemini
program to develop and practice orbital space rendezvous and docking techniques and to perform
large orbital changes, in preparation for the Apollo program lunar missions.
43. From a November 1969 edition of New Age Magazine article written by Kenneth S. Kleinknecht,
33°, the Manager of the Apollo Program Command and Service Modules; Deputy Manager,
Gemini Program; Manager, Project Mercury.
44. See and compare with:
45. See and
46. For more see: and Council of
49. Magic, Alchemy, and the Illuminati Conquest of Outer Space: The Eagle Has Landed! Source:
50. See the full article here:
53. Federal Citizen Information Center: The History of the Stars and Stripes.
55. Ibid
56. Here are some other resources for you to look into:
57. See Appendix A
58. See: and The Bible Wheel value for 219 at
60. Ibid
61. Interestingly enough, there are only six chairs in the room.
62. Watch the video clip on the Dakota Voice website:
63. Ibid
64. Figure 36 shows FDR’s handwritten notes suggesting the modification.
65. A talisman (from Greek telesma or from the Greek word “telein” which means “to initiate into the
mysteries”) is an amulet or other object considered to possess supernatural or magical powers.
Thus, to the occult practitioner, an object loaded with mystery symbols (like the one dollar bill has
all over its back) can be used to initiate supernatural activity.
66. Revelation 2:12,13 says that the “Satan’s seat” was in Pergamum. The seat of Satan was the Altar
of Zeus. He was the “god of this world” often referred to in the New Testament.
67. The stars above the eagle form the shape of the so-called Star of David. That symbol has nothing to
do with David or the true nation of Israel. It is the “star of Remphan” (Saturn) that Stephen spoke
about in the book of Acts 7:42,43.
69. Note: Hebrew words are read from right to left.
70. The pharaoh was considered to be Horus in life and Osiris in death. New incarnations of Horus
succeeded the deceased pharaoh on earth in the form of new Pharaohs. See:
71. and
72. John 10:30
73. John 1:1-14
1. Lynne Kelly (2004). The Skeptic’s Guide To The Paranormal, Allen & Unwin
2. Also known as the Torah Code, it is a supposedly a set of secret messages encoded within the
Hebrew Bible that describes prophesies and provides other guidance regarding the future. It involves
the idea of Equidistant Letter Spacing (ELS) as the primary method by which purported hidden
messages can be extracted. Though Bible codes have been postulated and studied for centuries, the
subject has been popularized in modern times by Michael Drosnin’s book The Bible Code. See also:
3. The Wiki Source contains even more bullet points. See:
5. See Audrey Fletcher
6. Excerpts from the Judge Napolitano article, What If Elections Don’t Matter? See:
7. See:
8. Matthew 7:15-20
10. The article I read ends with Steve Van Nattan’s name. For more information, see: as well as his apparent source: and
11. See:
12. See:
13. Watch highlights of the speach here:
14. See :43 - :48 in the video referenced in footnote #7
15. Read the full article here:
16. Editor’s Note [from the website]: This information is free to share with anybody and to repost but is
COPYRIGHTED by Defender Publishing and the author (Tom Horn). If you wish to post
elsewhere, please include this copyright statement.
17. Ibid See also:
18. I define Luciferian systems as those systems put in place by people who follow Lucifer. These are
different from and should not be confused with Satanic systems. Satanists like Aleister Crowley
and Anton LaVey and others like them are open about evil and their pursuit of it. Luciferians on the
other hand — at least as I understand them — do not believe they are doing evil. They are
followers of Lucifer, not Satan (whom they consider to be evil). We know they are one and the
same, but they do not see it that way. They view Lucifer as the bearer of light (illumination),
wisdom, knowledge and are more akin to the New Age Movement than they are Satanists. In
essence, they view Lucifer much the same way the ancient Sumerians viewed their god Enki. I will
write more about that in Book 3: Babylon Rising: Mythology and the Coming Great
24. See Chapter Four: ONE NATION UNDER GOD, pages 93-95
26. Oxford Guide: Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology, Editor Donald B. Redford, p. 85, Berkley,
ISBN 0-425-19096-X
28. See the pics on the blog version of this chapter:
29. Ibid
30. Do a Google image search for “Norway spiral”
31. See videos on:
32. See:
35. Available on my blog site: See also Appendix C.
36. See:
37. See:
38. See:
40. See:
41. See:
42. Job 38:32
43. See:
44. The U.S. economy lost 63,000 jobs. See:
45. See:
46. See:
47. See:
48. See:
49. See:
50. See:
51. Google: “dead birds fall from the sky”
52. Google: “millions of dead fish”
53. See:
54. See also Matthew 24:3-31
55. See Luke 19:13
56. Excavation for the foundation of the Monument began in early 1848. The cornerstone was then laid
as part of an elaborate Fourth of July ceremony hosted by the Freemasons.
57. I recommend that you watch the documentary, 9/11: In Plane Site, which “coincidentally” just so
happens to have a total running time of 72 miuntes.
58. How amazing that the “terrorists” just so happened to have aimed for the most heavily reinforced
portion of the building, when only about 800 of the usually 4,500 people were there due to the
59. See the dimensions and layout:
60. (September 16, 2001). “Pentagon, a Vulnerable Building, Was Hit in Least Vulnerable Spot”. Los
Angeles Times. See:
61. “Project Phoenix” was the name given to the project to repair the damage caused on 9/11/01.
1. See:
2. See:
3. See:
4. Read Total Rebuild: Reconstructing Iraq’s Banking System Starts From Scratch by Gordon Platt
5. CBI website:
6. See:
7. In 1932. See:
8. Like this one for instance:
9. The New Deal in Old Rome, HJ Haskell, Alfred K Knoff New York 1939
10. Google: “December 2010 UN sanctions lifted on Iraq”
11. See:
12. See:
13. For more information, be sure to listen to the 16 part YouTube video presentation of Myron Fagan’s
1960 lecture on the Illuminati and CFR:
14. See:
15. See:
16. See:
17. Read the Wired Magazine article to learn more about the Georgia Guidestones:
18. Proverbs 13:22
19. Luke 2:24 - compare to Leviticus 12:6-8. Some dispute this, but if they were wealthy, that would
make Mary and Joseph quite dishonest in their offering.
20. Watch Michael Rood’s teaching, Truth and Tradition:
21. Exodus 12:35,36
22. Be sure to watch Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined here:
23. See Revelation 6:4
24. A thesis that gives rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the
tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis. In other words, cause the
problem that creates a reaction to which you have the solution.
25. See:
26. See:
27. Enoch 10:11,12
28. Read the full article here:
29. See: Earth Continues to Shake All Over, USGS Live Seismic Server, Pole Shift? at:
32. Posse Comitatus Act - Federal law that prevents the government and law enforcement agencies
from using federal military personnel to enforce the laws of the land.
33. Obama, July 2, 2008, in Colorado Springs, CO
34. False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments or other organizations, which
are designed to deceive the public in such a way that makes them believe they are being carried
out by other entities. See also:
* From the 1966 movie, A Man For All Seasons (
35. See:
36. See:,2933,81791,00.html
37. See:
38. See: and
40. See:
43. These tetrads were first discovered by Pastor Mark Biltz back in 2008.
44. See my DVD, 322, Tetrads and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (depicted in Figure 68)
45. Note: If Isaiah 46:10 is true, then the end (Revelation) is d eclared from the beginning (Genesis).
Genesis 31:38-41 tells us Jacob’s Trouble lasted 20 years.
46. Note Revelation 6:6 says the currency of the Last Days is the “denarius.”
47. On June 27, 2013, the U.N. released Iraq from all remaining Chapter VII sanctions, thus making the
nation a legitimate player on the world market once again. A currency RV/RI appears to be next
on the horizon.
48. See also Tom Horn’s 2009 online article, Opening Pandora’s Box? here:
49. Stellarium is a free software that enables you to view stellar alignments throughout history. You can
download it at:
1. Using the search function on
2. Genesis 11 and Jasher 9
3. It would appear from my research that Semiramis may have been a daughter of Cush. Through
incest with her father, she produced Nimrod. Thus, she became both his half-sister, mother and wife.
Google: Semiramis mother sister Nimrod
4. More on that in Book 3, Babylon Rising: Mythology and the Coming Great Deception.
5. Visit for more
6. A U.S. and British-based group of secret societies and government think tanks that consists of the
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the United Nations, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome,
the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Trilateral Commission. David Icke calls this
network “the most powerful expression of the Illuminati” and says that these are dominated by
the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, with major manipulators in play like Henry Kissinger. To read
more from Mr. Icke go to:
7. See:
8. See:
9. The stars are up-side-down in the shape of pentagrams. See: See also: http://you- As for the Democrats, at an event for Hillary Clinton, she was standing in
front of a huge American flag that had the stars inverted the same way:
10. Put it simply, the Military-Industrial Complex is described as an all-too friendly relationship that may
develop between defense contractors and government forces, where both sides receive what they
are perceivably looking for: a successful military engagement for warplanners and financial profit
for those manning the corporate boardrooms. It can be viewed as a “war for profit” theory. See:
11. ”Order 66” was the executive order given by the Emperor in Episode III, Star Wars: Revenge of
the Sith. Upon execution of that order, the cloned army turned against and killed all of the good
Jedi warriors.
12. Excerpts of the full article, Iowa Vote Fraud Official, by Jeffrey Phelps from:
13. See the testimony of a computer software developer who testified under oath that he rigged election
14. Source:
15. Source:
16. Source:
17. Excerpt from the full article, Congressmen are Paid to Vote for War by David Richards from:
18. Obama is related to both Bush and Cheney and Mitt Romney is related to 6 former presidents, so in
2012, it would not have mattered at all which one “won.”
19. Senator Palpatine was a character in the Star Wars saga created by George Lucas
20. In Episode I, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
21. In Episode III, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
22. Read more:
23. Read more:
24. See:
26. See also: Iran Preparing Now For Armageddon, by Reza Kahlili on
27. Read more:
28. Ibid
29. Ibid
30. To read what I have written so far, go to:
32. Read more:
33. Read more:
34. Read more:
35. Read more:
36. The Final Days by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, chapter 14, page 194 in the paperback
version (1995)
37. See:
38. See:
39. See:
40. See:
41. See:
42. See:
44. See:
45. See:
46. See:
47. See:
48. See:
49. Read more:,2933,41576,00.html#ixzz1hb4xTs21
50. Read more:
51. Read more:,8599,1538569,00.html#ixzz1hbCDH2kU
52. Read more:
53. Read more:
54. See:
55. Read the entire article here:
56. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Threats and Responses in 2001,
Staff Statement No. 10, The Saudi Flights, p. 12
57. Ibid
59. Cook, Robin (2005-07-08). “The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means”.
London: Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved 2005-07-08 See also:
60. Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Tim Weiner, pg. 533 (© 2007-2008 Anchor Books)
64. See: The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda’s Leader (2nd Ed.) pg. 75 by
Peter Bergen (2006 New York: Free Press. ISBN 0-7432-7892-5).
1. Jeremiah 25:9-12 & Jeremiah 29:10
2. For more on this, read Too Long in the Sun and Time is the Ally of Deceit by Richard Rives and
The Pagan-Christian Connection EXPOSED by Michael Rood.
3. See 2 Samuel 12
4. Stellarium is a free software that enables you to view stellar alignments throughout history. You can
download it at:
5. There were likely many more than just three magi (wise men) who came to see Jesus. Note also,
they did not arrive for His birth in the manger. They arrived when He was approximately two years
old and living in a house. See Matthew 2:11.
6. John 1:1-14
7. See also The Beast and the Anti-Messiah (New-Age “Maitreya”) for more interesting reading
about Christian traditions associated with and/or derived from Nimrod worship at:
8. Watch Truth or Tradition, by Jim Staley of Passion for Truth Ministries at:
9. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall
flee from them. (Revelation 9:6)
10. Michael Rood is fond of making this statement in his teachings.
11. E-mail: [email protected]
12. Part one of this book has been released under the title: Archon Invasion: The Rise, Fall and Return
of the Nephilim.
1. Read War on the Airwaves at:
2. George Lucas: Interviews by George Lucas and Sally Kline, page 143
3. Please support this incredible film: Return to the Hiding Place:

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