The Internship Report of Mega Bank Edited

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Faculty of Management Nobel College


I hereby declare that the work reported in this project work on Mega Bank submitted to Nobel College, Pokhara University is my original work done in the form of partial requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) under the supervision of Mr. Dipesh Shrestha, HOD-Management Faculty, Nobel College, and Mr. Asutosh Rimal, Nobel College.

Chandani Dhakal PU Reg. No: 2009-2-03-0103 December, 2012


Faculty of Management Nobel College


This is to certify that the Internship Report

Submitted By: Chandani dhakal

Entitled Internship Report Of Mega Bank Nepal Limited

Has been prepared as approved by this college. This internship report is forwarded for examination.


Mr. Kamal Regmi (Principal) Nobel College December, 2012

Mr. Dipesh Shrestha (HOD) Management Faculty Nobel College



Firstly, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to Pokhara University for making this internship program as a part of BBA program and providing such an opportunity to work in the renowned organization.

I am immensely thankful to Mega Bank Nepal Limited and HR manager of Mega Bank Nepal Limited, Ms. Jenu Thapa for granting me the permission to work in the organization. I am thankful towards the entire Mega Bank Nepal Limited family for providing me the opportunity of being a part of it as an internee. I would also like to thank all the individuals including intern friends for their direct and indirect help, co-operation, encouragement and contribution at MBNL Bouddha branch, who were very much cooperative and supportive during my 8 weeks stay. It would be injustice to these individuals if I dont mention their name. They are: Kedar Basnet Resha Ghimire Pasang Sherpa Sabina Tamang Roshan Dhakal Jaya Khanal

Branch Manager Operation In charge Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant and other working staffs.

Besides these people from bank, I would like to thank all those customers whove been so cooperative during the marketing period. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Nobel College family and my indebt gratitude also goes to Mr. Dipesh Shrestha, HOD of management faculty of Nobel College, Mrs. Rashmi Mainali, coordinator of BBA program. Im deeply indebted to Mr. Ashutosh Rimal for supervising and assisting me in preparing this report.

Thank you Chandani dhakal


Page no. Titel Page Declaration Recommendation Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Abbreviation Executive Summary I II III IV VI VI VII VIII

Chapter 1..1-4 Introduction.1 1.1 Background of BBA program 1.2 Background of study 1.3 objective of study 1.4 Placement 1.5 Work duration 1.6 Study methodology 1.7 Limitation regarding internship 1.8 Important of internship 1.9 Objective of internship 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3

Chapter 2. 5-29 Introduction of banking industry.. 5 2.1 Bank 2.2 Important of Bank 2.3 Commercial bank in Nepal 2.4 Function of commercial bank 5 5 6 6


2.5 Profile of Mega bank 2.6 Capital Structure 2.7 corporate Structure 2.8 Products and Services of Mega Bank 2.8.1 Consumer Banking 2.8.2 FCY Denominated Account 2.8.3 Consumer Lending 2.8.4 Mega Remit 2.8.5 Mega SCT Debit Card 2.8.6 SME Banking 2.9 Overview of Saving Accounts and Loans and Advances 2.10 Vision, Missions and Values 2.11 Board of Directors of MBNL 2.12 Management Team of Mega Bank

7 8 9 10 10 16 17 24 24 24 25 27 28 29

Chapter 2. 30-34 Analysis and activities performed.. 30 3.1 Customer service department 3.2 Responsibility of customer service department 3.2.1 Interaction with Customer 3.2.2 Record Keeping 3.2.3 Using System Software 3.2.4 Receiving Phone Calls 3.2.5 Other CSD Tasks 3.3 Marketing 3.4 Analysis of Marketing 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 34

Chapter 4.. 35-39 Environmental and SWOT Analysis.. 35 4.1 External Environmental Analysis 4.2 Internal Environmental Analysis v 35 36

4.3 SWOT Analysis


Chapter 5 .....39 Findings and Recommendations39 5.1 Findings 5.2 Recommendations 39 39

Program Workplace Relationship40 Bibliography 41

List of Figures 2.1 Figure of Capital Structure 2.2 Figure of Corporate Structure 8 9

List of Tables 2.1 Table of Fixed Deposits of MBNL 2.2 Table of Education loan of MBCA Account Holder 2.3 Table of Interest Rates of Savings, Loans and Advance 2.4 Management Team of Mega Bank 12 15 27 29




Any Branch Banking Services Automated Teller Machine Central Office Central Office Account Section Information Technology Nepal Industrial and Commercial Nepal Rastra Bank Short Message Service Telegraphic Transfer Smart card Technology Society for the Worldwide Inter-bank Financial

Telecommunication A/C SWOT Ltd. BBA Account Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats Limited Bachelor in Business Administration


Executive Summary
The main intention of this study is to understand the policies and practices of different departments of a bank with focus on Mega Bank, so that the students can relate it to the classroom learning and gain some knowledge about the overall day to day works of a bank that will help in the near future. The main objective is to acquire greater independence, confidence and maturity by handling daily challenges in a work environment. I have introduced the organization named Mega Bank and dedicated the first the first phase of as background of the study and in the second phase I have describe about the origin and growth of banking, commercial bank plus importance of banking in Nepal. I have introduce the bank with its vision, mission, different products offered by bank. On third phase I have mentioned the things that I learned during my internship like operational management with its risk associated plus marketing services offered by the bank. On fourth phase I have tried to make SWOT analysis with major findings and recommendations. The overall performance of the company is satisfactory. The bank has accomplished most of its strategic goals set forth in the beginning of the financial year. It is able to cope with the cutting age technology. The bank always believe that continuous learning, enhancement of skills, work ethics and values and career development leads to win-win situation for both employees and organization. Bank highly valued partnership so as to achieve business objectives. During the preparation of my report, I was guided by Ms. Resha Ghimire (Operation In charge), Mr. Kedar Basnet (Branch Manager), and for this I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude towards them. I am grateful to their support and kind conduct.


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