6 Nysdtsea Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in A Low Risk Environment

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New York State Driver Education Classroom and In-Car Curriculum

Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Table of Contents Unit 6 Introduction.6-4 Overview, Objectives and Words to Know Teacher Information and Resources Learning Activity 6.0: Key Words Word Wall

Part 1 Natural Laws and Traction6-8 Video Overview: 6.1: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics Video Review 6.1 and ANSWER KEY: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics Fact Sheet 6.1: Natural Laws and Traction Part 2 Intersections...6-24 Video Overview 6.2: Approaching, Stopping and Turning at Intersections Video Review 6.2 and ANSWER KEY: Approaching, Stopping and Turning at Intersections Fact Sheet 6.2: Intersections

Part 3 Changing Lanes.....6-40 Video Overview 6.3: Changing Lanes Video Review 6.3 and ANSWER KEY: Changing Lanes Fact Sheet 6.3: Changing Lanes Part 4 Turning Around....6-46 Video Overview 6.4: Turning Around Video Review 6.4 and ANSWER KEY: Turning Around Fact Sheet 6.4: Turning Around Learning Activity 6.4: Turning Around Diagram Part 5 Parking.......6-58 Video Overview 6.5: Parking Video Review 6.5 and ANSWER KEY: Parking Fact Sheet 6.5: Parking Learning Activity 6.5: Parking Maneuvers

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Part 6 Passing and Being Passed.....6-72 Video Overview 6.6: Passing and Being Passed Video Review 6.6 and ANSWER KEY: Passing and Being Passed Fact Sheet 6.6: Passing and Being Passed Part 7 Unit Review and Test...6-82 Unit 6 Review Questions Fact Sheet 6.7: Words to Know Definitions Page Worksheet 6.7: Unit 6 Words to Know Matchup Unit 6 Review of Objectives Unit 6 Test and ANSWER KEY

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Overview, Objectives and Words to Know

Unit 6 Introduction Lesson Content

Overview Unit 6 will introduce the concept of natural laws and their effects on traction and vehicle movement and balance. Operator procedural tasks in a low-risk driving environment will also be introduced, including approaching, entering, stopping and turning at intersections, lane changing, turnabouts, parking, and passing.

Objectives The student will: 1. Describe natural laws and their effects on traction, vehicle movement and balance. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of approaching, entering, stopping and turning at intersections and describe staggered stops and double stops. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of changing lanes. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of procedures for turning around. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of procedures for hill parking, angle parking, perpendicular parking, and parallel parking. 6. Demonstrate knowledge of passing, being passed and passing on the right and identify the conditions described by law that regulate passing. 7. Define key words associated with the unit objectives.

Words to Know Angle parking Balance Changing lanes Crosswalk Crumple zones Double stops Gravity Hill parking Inertia Kinetic energy Parallel parking Passing and being passed Passing on the right Perpendicular parking Staggered stops Stop line Three-point turnabout Traction Turnabout Two-point turnabout U-turn Weight distribution

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Introduction
Teacher Information and Resources Slides Videos PowerPoint Slides 6.1 6.51 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

Lesson Overview Time Frame 5 hours

Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics (13 minutes 54 seconds) Approaching, Stopping and Turning at Intersections (5 minutes 37 seconds) Changing Lanes (1 minute 11 seconds) Turning Around (1 minute 50 seconds) Parking (4 minutes 4 seconds) Passing (2 minutes 28 seconds) Video Review: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics Video Review: Approaching, Stopping and Turning at Intersections Video Review: Changing Lanes Video Review: Turning Around Video Review: Parking Video Review: Passing Natural Laws Intersections Changing Lanes Turning Around Parking Turning Around Diagram Parking Maneuvers Words to Know Matchup Key Words Word Wall 6.6 6.7 Passing and Being Passed Words to Know Definitions Page

Video Review

Fact Sheets

Worksheets 6.4 6.5 6.7 Learning Activities Textbooks 6.0

Other Textbooks: Drive Right: Chapters 4, 9 and 10 Responsible Driving: Chapters 6, 10, 12 and 14 Other Textbook: _____________________________________ Unit 6 Test Unit 6 Test Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment 10 questions

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Key Words
Unit Objectives: Student will define the meaning of the key words in Unit 6. Lesson Content Key Words Learning Activity 6.0 Throughout the instruction of Unit 6, conduct learning activity to help students with vocabulary and spelling of key words.

Unit 6 Activity Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Learning Activity 6.0: Key Words Word Wall

Learning Activity 6.0

Key Words Word Wall

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment


Word Wall

Information Students begin to assimilate a new language in driver and traffic safety education. Some words are familiar, but others are new. The use of a word wall helps students with vocabulary and spelling as well as provides students with a tool for reference without giving away answers.

Materials Needed 1. Make word cards out of paper, poster board, or card stock cut in strips. 2. Markers in various colors. 3. A space to post words (i.e., bulletin board). 4. Tape or stapler and staples to affix cards on the word wall.

Learning Activity 1. As the instructor introduces new words in a unit, the instructor should post these words on the word wall. a. The instructor should remind students to use the words on the wall for recall and correct spelling. b. When an instructor poses a question and a student correctly answers the question, the instructor should allow that student to make a word strip and post the strip in the designated location on the word wall. Because this is new learning, recalling words are part of the learning process. c. Students often enjoy decorating their word with a particular flair, color, or design. 2. Words may remain posted for just the unit or remain posted throughout the course.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit Objectives and Natural Laws and Traction

Part 1 Lesson Content

Lesson Objective: Student will describe natural laws and their effects on traction, vehicle movement and balance. Lesson Content Unit Objectives Slides 6.1 and 6.2 Give an overview of what students should know and be able to do by the end of the unit. Slides 6.1 and 6.2: Title and Objectives Materials and Resources

Natural Laws and Traction Video Review 6.1 Duplicate and distribute Video Review 6.1. Students should complete the worksheet as they watch the video. Slides 6.3 and 6.4 Video 6.1 Discuss the topics covered in Video 6.1. Play Video 6.1. Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics (Time: 13 minutes 54 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 6.1, using Answer Key to gauge student understanding of the video. Video Review 6.1 and Answer Key: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics

Slides 6.3 and 6.4 - Video 6.1: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Video Overview 6.1

Video Overview 6.1: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics

Title Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics Time 13 minutes 54 seconds Topics Covered 1. Physical laws that affect car crashes. 2. How speed and vehicle weight are critical elements in the outcomes of car crashes. 3. How basic physics explains why safety belts and airbags protect people in crashes. 4. Why some of the choices we make about the cars we drive, and how we drive them, can make a difference in whether we survive a crash. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students understanding of the video. Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Video Review 6.1

Video Review 6.1: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics



1. What is inertia? ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the basis for many of the ideas used to keep people safe? (i.e., airbags, crumple zones, crash cushions, breakaway utility poles) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What happens in a collision with two cars of unequal mass? _____________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4. Why is it important for the vehicles structure to perform well in a crash? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Video Review 6.1 ANSWER KEY

Video Review 6.1: Understanding Car Crashes: Its Basic Physics ANSWER KEY

1. What is inertia? Answer: The property of matter that causes it to resist any change in a state of motion. When an object is at rest, it wants to remain at rest, an object in motion remains in motion, until acted upon from an outside force. 2. What is the basis for many of the ideas used to keep people safe? (i.e., airbags, crumple zones, crash cushions, breakaway utility poles) Answer: Extending the time of impact 3. What happens in a collision with two cars of unequal mass? Answer: The more massive car would drive the passenger compartment of the less massive car backward 4. Why is it important for the vehicles structure to perform well in a crash? Answer: You want the occupant compartment or safety cage to remain intact and all the damage of the crash confined to the front end of the car

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Lesson Content Physical Laws that Affect Car Crashes Fact Sheet 6.1 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.1 for students to use as a resource and study guide. Slides 6.5 and 6.6 Introduce the physical laws that affect car crashes and how a cars size and weight can affect the occupants protection in a crash.

Part 1 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Fact Sheet 6.1: Natural Laws

Slides 6.5 and 6.6: Physical Laws that Affect Car Crashes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Fact Sheet 6.1 continued Content Information

Physical Laws that Affect Car Crashes

Inertia - the law of motion. A property at rest wants to remain at rest. Body in motion keeps moving until something stops it. The object remains traveling at the same speed until acted upon by an outside force. When in a crash, the front of the car absorbs energy. This absorption slows down the rest of the car, but the occupants inside the car continue moving at the same speed until they strike the steering wheel and windshield or other objects in the vehicle. Inertia is one reason why safety belts are so important for they tie the occupants to the vehicle during a crash. G a standard unit of acceleration or deceleration. This force is experienced in car crashes, causing injury. Extending the time of impact is the basis for keeping people safe in a crash. It is the reason for airbags and crumple zones in vehicles and crash cushions and breakaway utility poles on our highways. It is also why some crashes cause severe injuries and some crashes cause minor if any injuries. Car size and weight When two vehicles of the same size and weight collide the occupants would experience the same deceleration, this would be the same as a single vehicle crashing into a rigid barrier. In a collision of two cars with different weights and size (unequal mass), the more massive car would drive the less massive car backward during the crash, causing a greater speed change in the lighter car than the heavier car. The different speed changes occur during the same time so the occupants of the lighter car would experience much higher forces than the occupant of the heavier car. This is one reason why lighter, smaller cars offer less protection to the occupants than larger, heavier cars. Larger size helps you in all kinds of crashes. Weight is primarily an advantage in a crash with another vehicle. Energy the ability to do work (the stuff that makes things move) Kinetic energy the energy an object possesses due to its motion, the rapid transfer of kinetic energy is the cause of crash injuries. Managing kinetic energy is what keeping people safe in car crashes is all about.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit Objectives, Natural Laws and Traction

Lesson Content Crashworthiness Slide 6.7 Discuss what makes a car have good or bad crashworthiness.

Part 1 Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.7: Crashworthiness

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction


Fact Sheet 6.1 continued Content Information

Crashworthiness the protection a car offers its occupants during a crash. Involves many aspects of vehicle design, including the structure and the restraint system. Good crashworthiness the safety cage or body of the car remains intact after a crash, all the damage confined to the front end and occupant compartment slows down at a gentler rate. Poor crashworthiness the safety cage or body of the car is collapsed and driven backwards, the damage is not just confined to the front end of the vehicle. Even when the occupants of the vehicle have safety belts and air bag on they are at a significant risk of injury. Controlled deformation the frame or body of the car is designed to give or collapse on impact in a controlled manner to maintain the integrity or structure of the passenger compartment.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit Objectives, Natural Laws and Traction

Lesson Content Traction Slide 6.8 Introduce the concept of traction and explain how traction can vary depending on the vehicles speed, tire condition and road surface. Explain the conditions that can affect traction, including surface materials, substances on the road, surface conditions and roadway design.

Part 1 Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.8: Road Surface and Traction

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Road Surface and Traction

Fact Sheet 6.1 continued Content Information

Traction The adhesion, friction or grip between the tires and the road surface. Without traction, a driver cannot steer, brake or accelerate. A loss of traction may cause a loss of control that can result in skidding. Traction varies Traction varies with the vehicles speed, tire condition and roadway surface. Drivers control the vehicles speed and tire condition, but they have no control over the road surface or its condition, so drivers must learn to recognize conditions that may indicate a change in traction, which will require a change in speed, position, or direction. Conditions that can affect traction: Surface materials concrete, asphalt, brick or polished concrete, dirt, gravel, new pea stone, sand over hard surface. Ranked in order, from the greatest traction to the least. Substances on the road sewer covers, paint, vinyl strips, tar, wet leaves, sand, loose gravel or mud. Reduce the level of adhesion or traction available. Surface conditions rippled surfaces or potholes, wet, icy and snow-packed roadways, bridge surfaces, overpasses and shaded areas may freeze before other road surfaces. All of these contribute to a loss of traction. Roadway design banked or crowned roads, uneven shoulders. Banked roadway usually found at a curve, is higher on one edge than the other. Crowned roadway road that is higher in the middle than at the sides. Shoulders frequently provide the only escape path in an emergency, shoulders of most highways provide less traction than the road surface. Some shoulders may be wide and paved but most are narrow and gravel. They can be rough or soft, covered with loose materials or littered with broken glass, debris or other waste and often are uneven with the road surface. Drivers must be prepared to drive on the surface that is available.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Lesson Content Natural Laws and Traction Slide 6.9 Introduce the concept of inertia.

Part 1 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.9: Inertia and Traction

Slide 6.10 Discuss the factors that influence the effects of inertia.

Slide 6.10: Factors Influencing the Effects of Inertia

Slide 6.11 Introduce the concept of gravity and how gravitys downhill pull affects a vehicles ability to accelerate and maintain speed on hills.

Slide 6.11: Gravity

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Natural Laws and Traction

Fact Sheet 6.1 continued Content Information

Inertia Traction is affected by inertia. Inertia means an object in motion continues to move straight ahead until acted upon by some outside force. This force creates problems when a driver changes a vehicles direction too suddenly. As the car travels around the corner, inertia tends to keep the car moving forward in a straight line, rather than allowing the car to follow the curve or turn. Unless traction is great enough to overcome the force of inertia, the car will slide to the outside of the curve or turn. Factors influencing the effects of inertia: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sharpness of the turn or curve Speed Size, height, weight and load of the vehicle Roadway slope or crown Roadway surface condition

Gravity The invisible force that pulls all things to earth. This force also affects vehicle traction and performance. Gravitys downhill pull affects a drivers ability to accelerate and maintain speed on hills. Driving uphill A driver must accelerate to keep a constant speed and overcome the force of gravity. On a slippery hill, acceleration may result in a loss of traction. Driving downhill The force of gravity tends to boost speed, increasing the stopping distance.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Lesson Content Vehicle Suspension, Balance and Traction Slide 6.12 Introduce the concept of balance and how it can affect the transfer of weight on the vehicle and introduce the concept of weight distribution and what happens to the tires contact patch as weight is transferred.

Part 1 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.12: Balance and Weight Distribution

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Fact Sheet 6.1 continued Content Information

Vehicle Suspension, Balance and Traction

Single-vehicle crashes More than 50 percent of occupant fatalities occur as a result of single-vehicle crashes. Basically, the driver loses control and the vehicle leaves the roadway and strikes a fixed object or overturns. These crashes normally involve improper steering or braking which can upset a vehicles balance.

Balance Refers to the distribution of the weight of the vehicle on the chassis or the frame, wheels and body of the vehicle. A transfer of weight from one point of the vehicle to another occurs when the driver accelerates, brakes, turns, or performs a combination of these actions.

Weight distribution When a car is in balance, the vehicles weight is distributed equally over the front and rear tires. However, the vehicles weight can be shifted from the center of the chassis to a position where the weight is concentrated over the front, rear, left or right tires. When the vehicle is stopped or traveling straight at a constant speed, its suspension and traction are stabilized. When weight is transferred to or from a tire, the size of its contact patch will change. A tires contact patch is the area of tire rubber that is in contact with the pavement at any time. The larger a tires contact patch, the more traction that tire has on the road surface. The average size of a tires contact patch is approximately equal to the surface area of an adult human palm.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Lesson Content Vehicle Suspension, Balance and Traction Slide 6.13 Explain what occurs to a vehicles weight distribution when the driver accelerates, decelerates and turns. (the weight does not change)

Part 1 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.13: Changing Vehicle Suspension Load

Slide 6.14 Explain how to maximize traction and minimize the chance of traction loss.

Slide 6.14: Maximizing Traction

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Natural Laws and Traction

Fact Sheet 6.1 continued Content Information

Vehicle Suspension, Balance and Traction

Changing vehicle suspension load Front to rear when a driver accelerates, the vehicle weight or center of mass shifts to the rear. The rear suspension compresses, and the rear tires contact patches increase in size, while the front tires contact patches decrease in size. If acceleration is aggressive, there will be a noticeable rise of the vehicles front and a drop of the rear. Rear to front when a driver decelerates, the vehicle weight or center of mass is transferred to the front. If braking is hard, there is a noticeable drop of the vehicles front and a rise of the rear. Occupants will feel forward movement. Apply too little brake pressure, and the vehicle will not stop at the desired point or within the distance available. Apply too much pressure, and the wheels may lock up, resulting in loss of traction and directional control. Side to side When turning, the vehicles weight will shift in the direction opposite the turn. When turning right, the vehicles weight will shift to the left, causing the vehicle to lean to the left. When turning left the shift and lean will be to the right.

Maximizing traction To maximize traction and minimize the chance of traction loss: Avoid sudden input when accelerating, braking or steering. Focus on executing one input at a time brake, then steer, then accelerate.

Seating position Drivers should sit in a comfortable, upright position directly behind the steering wheel to control vehicle balance and help maximize the drivers view of the driving environment.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment


Part 2 Lesson Content

Lesson Objective: Student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of approaching, entering, stopping and turning at intersections and describe staggered stops and double stops. Lesson Content Intersections Video Review 6.2 Duplicate and distribute Video Review 6.2. Students should complete the worksheet as they watch the video. Video Review 6.2 and Answer Key: Approaching, Entering, Stopping and Turning at Intersections Materials and Resources

Slides 6.15 and 6.16 Video 6.2 Discuss the topics covered in Video 6.2. Play Video 6.2. Approaching, Entering, Stopping and Turning at Intersections (Time: 5 minutes 37 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 6.2, using Answer Key to gauge students understanding of the video.

Slides 6.15 and 6.16: Video 6.2 Approaching, Entering, Stopping and Turning at Intersections

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Video Overview 6.2: Intersections

Video Overview 6.2

Title Approaching, Entering, Stopping and Turning at Intersections Time 5 minutes 37 seconds Topics Covered 1. How to approach an intersection. 2. Where to stop and enter an intersection. 3. How to turn at an intersection. 4. How to turn at multi-lane intersections. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students understanding of the video. Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment


Video Review 6.2

Video Review 6.2: Approaching, Entering, Stopping and Turning at Intersections



1. Where should the driver position the vehicle in the lane when turning? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. To keep from driving over the curb when turning, what should the driver do? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. When turning right on a road with multiple lanes, into which lane should the driver enter when making and completing the turn? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. When turning left onto a multi-lane road a) into which lane should the driver turn, b) and which lane should the driver change to once stabilized? a. __________________________

b. __________________________

5. The driver should never enter an intersection unless the driver is sure of what? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment


Video Review 6.2 ANSWER KEY

Video Review 6.2: Approaching, Entering, Stopping and Turning at Intersections ANSWER KEY

1. Where should the driver position the vehicle in the lane when turning? Answer: In the middle of the lane 2. To keep from driving over the curb when turning, what should the driver do? Answer: Make sure the side mirror is even with the corner before making the turn. 3. When turning right on a road with multiple lanes, into which lane should the driver enter when making and completing the turn? Answer: Start from the right lane and enter the right lane 4. When turning left onto a multi-lane road a) into which lane should the driver turn, b) and which lane should the driver change to once stabilized? Answer: a. Turn left into the lane closest to you b. Right traffic lane 5. The driver should never enter an intersection unless the driver is sure of what? Answer: The driver can make it all the way through the intersection

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Approaching and Entering Intersections Fact Sheet 6.2 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.2 for students to use as a resource and study guide. Slide 6.17 Discuss how to approach intersections.

Part 2 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Fact Sheet 6.2: Intersections

Slide 6.17: Approaching Intersections

Slide 6.18 Discuss how to enter intersections.

Slide 6.18: Entering Intersections

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Approaching and Entering Intersections

Fact Sheet 6.2 Content Information

Approaching intersections 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Search all corners for traffic controls, pavement markings, highway users, and areas of limited visibility. Check mirrors for presence and actions of following traffic. Remember that over 30% of reported crashes are caused by rear-end collisions. Make sure the driver is in the correct position and in the proper lane. Be alert for traffic close to intended path. Adjust speed to allow more time to search the area and to smoothly stop if necessary. Remember, many people do not stop for signs and traffic signals. If the driver has a restriction to the line of sight, the driver may need to change lane position and reduce his/her speed.

Entering intersections 1. Before entering a signalized intersection, look to the front, left, right and left again for approaching vehicles and/or crossing pedestrians and bicyclists. 2. Whether a driver is first in line or in a line of vehicles, drivers should develop the habit of checking traffic and counting to three before moving. This brief wait provides some protection against drivers who fail to stop for the red signal or drivers ahead who suddenly brake to a stop. 3. Do not move into the intersection until there is space ahead in the next block. 4. Drivers may continue through the intersection if the traffic light is green or the intersection is clear. 5. If stopped, look to the front, left, right and left again before entering the intersection.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Stopping at Intersections Slide 6.19 Discuss the basic space management concepts of stopping at intersections.

Part 2 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.19: Stopping at Intersections

Slide 6.20 Discuss how to identify staggered stops and what they are designed for.

Slide 6.20: Staggered Stops

Slide 6.21 Discuss what a double stop is and when it may be necessary to use it.

Slide 6.21: Double Stops

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Stopping at Intersections

Fact Sheet 6.2 continued Content Information

Drivers may have to stop at an intersection if there is a yellow or red traffic light, a stop sign, a yield sign, or something moving into their intended path of travel. As soon as the driver identifies a reason to stop at an intersection, begin braking. If there is a vehicle behind, drivers should tap the brake pedal a few times so that the driver behind knows the front car is stopping. Staggered stops - Staggered stops are designed to keep traffic staggered to allow for larger vehicles (tractor trailers and buses) to complete turns. They can be identified at intersections with multiple lanes where the left lane stop line appears a greater distance from the intersection than the right lane stop line.

Double stops - When approaching an intersection with a stop sign, stop line or crosswalk, it may be required or necessary to stop where visibility is totally or partially blocked. The driver must then pull ahead slightly, after stopping at the legal position behind the stop line, crosswalk, or sidewalk (unmarked crosswalk) and stop again where visibility is improved.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Stopping at Intersections Slide 6.22 Discuss where to stop at intersections.

Part 2 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.22: Where to Stop at Intersections

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Where to Stop at Intersections

Fact Sheet 6.2 continued Content Information

When required to stop because of a sign or signal, drivers must stop behind the stop line, crosswalk, sidewalk (unmarked crosswalk) or behind the stop sign or signal.

Crosswalks - Define the area where pedestrians may cross the roadway. If there is a crosswalk, the vehicle with a bumper or vehicle with wheels must stop with the front bumper or front wheels behind the nearest crosswalk line. Drivers must yield to pedestrians entering or in a crosswalk.

Stop line White line found at most intersections. Sometimes there is a crosswalk and a stop line. Should there be a stop line and a crosswalk line the stop line must be obeyed first

Sidewalks - On streets that have sidewalks, but no painted crosswalks, remember that the crosswalks are still considered to be there (unmarked crosswalk). Handle these situations just as if the crosswalk were painted. Sometimes a driver will be leaving a driveway, alley, or building area such as a gas station or drive-in. It is required that the driver stop just as if there were a stop sign. The stop is made behind the sidewalk, and the driver must yield the right-ofway to all persons approaching from either side on the sidewalk and to all approaching traffic. When the way is clear, the driver may turn left or right, unless pavement markings or signs prohibit such a maneuver. No pavement markings (curb line) - If there are no identifying pavement markings and the sign or traffic control device says stop, then the stop must be made with the front bumper or front wheel behind an imaginary curb line, which stretches from curb to curb closest to the driver. If there are no curbs present, then it must be imagined where they would be, and the stop completed at that imaginary curb line. Remember the vehicle must not slow or impede the flow of cross traffic.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Turning at Intersections Slides 6.23 and 6.24 Discuss the procedures for turning at intersections.

Part 2 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slides 6.23 and 6.24: Turning at Intersections

Slide 6.25 Discuss the basic space management concepts of left turns.

Slide 6.25: Turning Left

Slide 6.26 Discuss the basic space management concepts of right turns.

Slide 6.26: Turning Right

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning at Intersections Turning at intersections: 1.

Fact Sheet 6.2 continued Content Information

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Approach the intersection by checking for the following: oncoming and cross traffic, other highway users, traffic control devices, roadway condition and areas of limited visibility. Check mirrors for presence and actions of following traffic. Signal intent to turn at the intersection 3 to 4 seconds in advance or 100 feet before the turn. Position the vehicle for appropriate turn. Steer into proper lane. Tap brake pedal to alert following driver. Adjust speed as necessary, stopping if required. Recheck cross and oncoming traffic. Remember that 90 % of drivers do not stop for stop signs in residential areas. Check mirrors. Identify a safe time/space gap in cross traffic. Look through turn to farthest possible point. Steer into proper lane using hand to hand (push/pull/slide steering). Adjust speed as appropriate. Check mirrors for traffic to the rear.

Turning left When turning left at an intersection, make sure you are in the correct lane if there are multiple lanes and pull into the intersection to be ready to turn left. Keep a traffic light in your upper vision if present. Before turning left across oncoming traffic, look for a safe gap in the traffic. Prior to turning search right, front, and left to be sure there are no vehicles or pedestrians in the travel path or approaching from either side. Before turning, search in the direction of oncoming traffic. Be sure you turn into the correct/legal lane. In some states the left turn on red is allowed. Check your state law. Turning right Before turning right, make sure that there is no traffic approaching from your left and no oncoming traffic turning left into your path. Do not begin turning without searching for approaching pedestrians. Where there is more than one right turn lane, exit and enter the corresponding lane and be alert for drivers crossing lanes while making the turn. Remember when turning right on red, drivers must first stop and yield right-of-way to any vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians in your path of travel.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Multi-lane Intersections Slide 6.27 Discuss the basic space management concepts of multi-lane intersections. Emphasize the increased risk of crossing multi-lane traffic at intersections controlled either by stop signs or traffic signals.

Part 2 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.27: Multi-lane Intersections

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Multi-lane Intersections

Fact Sheet 6.2 continued Content Information

The procedures for crossing or joining traffic at higher speeds on multi-lane roadways are similar to those employed for basic intersection maneuvers; however, these maneuvers takes more time and are more dangerous. Drivers must understand the increased risk of crossing multi-lane traffic at intersections controlled either by stop signs or traffic signals. While the procedures remain consistent, gap requirements increase substantially whether crossing or turning left or right. Turning on multiple lanes, with drivers cutting across lanes, is another problem associated with traveling on multi-lane, higher speed roadways on which new drivers must learn to be alert.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Intersections Learning Activity 6.2 Conduct learning activity to demonstrate basic maneuvers to students using toy cars and placemat type desk diagrams.

Part 2 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Learning Activity 6.2: Basic Maneuvers Demonstration Using Toy Cars

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Learning Activity 6.2

Topic Basic Maneuvers

Basic Maneuvers Demonstration Using Toy Cars

Information New drivers must learn basic maneuvers before completing more complex maneuvers. This activity demonstrates to students different driving situations they may encounter related to intersections, turnabouts, parking, and passing. Materials Needed 1. Toy cars 2. Placemat type desk diagrams of intersections, driveways, parking places (angle, perpendicular, parallel), and rural roadways Learning Activity 1. Create a variety of basic maneuver scenarios. a. For the intersection maneuvers demonstrate: right turn correct lane choice left turn correct lane choice negotiating roundabouts single lane and multi-lane right turn on red yielding to pedestrians left turn yielding to oncoming traffic b. The turnabouts can be reviewed using driveway diagrams. A U-turn on a twolane roadway, a three-point turn on a twolane roadway, and a two-point turnabout to the right and left. c. All parking can be demonstrated using diagrams of all three types of parking places. 2. Give directions for the students to demonstrate all maneuvers in Unit 6 using the toy cars and placemat type desk diagrams. 3. There are different ways to conduct this activity, the instructor can: a. Have students work in pairs and demonstrate to each other the maneuvers. b. Assign each student a maneuver and have him/her demonstrate to the entire class. c. Demonstrate incorrect maneuvers and have the students make the corrections.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Changing Lanes
Lesson Objective: Student will demonstrate knowledge of changing lanes. Lesson Content Changing Lanes Video Review 6.3 Duplicate and distribute Video Review 6.3. Students should complete the worksheet as they watch the video. Slides 6.28 and 6.29 Video 6.3 Discuss the topics covered in Video 6.3. Play Video 6.3. Changing Lanes (Time: 1 minute 11 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 6.3, using Answer Key to gauge student understanding of the video.

Part 3 Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Video Review 6.3: Changing Lanes Video Review 6.3: Changing Lanes Answer Key Slides 6.28 and 6.29: Video 6.3 Changing Lanes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Changing Lanes
Video Overview 6.3: Changing Lanes

Video Overview 6.3

Title Changing Lanes Time 1 minute 11 seconds Topics Covered 1. How to change lanes on the roadway. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students understanding of the video.

Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Changing Lanes
Video Review 6.3: Changing Lanes

Video Review 6.3



1. When is it an absolute necessity to check behind? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. When is a car too close to your vehicle when attempting to change lanes? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Which mirror, inside or outside gives you the true picture of where other vehicles are behind you on the roadway? ______________________________________________________________________

Changing Lanes

Video Review 6.3

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Video Review 6.3: Changing Lanes ANSWER KEY

1. When is it an absolute necessity to check behind? Answer: Before the driver attempts to move into someone elses lane 2. When is a car too close to your vehicle when attempting to change lanes? Answer: When it appears in the side mirror 3. Which mirror, inside or outside gives you the true picture of where other vehicles are behind you on the roadway? Answer: The inside rearview mirror

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Changing Lanes
Lesson Content Changing Lanes Fact Sheet 6.3 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.3 for students to use as a resource and study guide. Slide 6.30 Explain the procedures used for changing lanes.

Part 3 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Fact Sheet 6.3: Changing Lanes

Slide 6.30: Changing Lanes

Slide 6.31 Explain the problems associated with changing lanes.

Slide 6.31: Problems Associated with Changing Lanes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Changing Lanes
Changing Lanes

Fact Sheet 6.3 Content Information

Changing lanes involves a movement either to the left or to the right. It involves steering actions and, generally, a change in speed. Drivers are required to signal in advance to alert other drivers of their intentions. Drivers need to pay close attention to the actions of other drivers before changing lanes. Drivers must check for traffic in the lane they want to enter and behind their vehicle. Changing lanes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Maintain safe following interval. Check highway and traffic conditions ahead, to the sides and behind. Select a safe gap in traffic. If clear, signal. Check mirror blind spot in direction of lane change. Adjust speed and steer into lane. Cancel signal. Adjust speed to flow of traffic. Check mirrors for following traffic.

Problems associated with changing lanes Not using turn signals Do not forget to use the turn indicator to signal the drivers intention to change lanes. Drivers need to form the habit of using turn signals before changing the vehicles position. Slowing down Maintain speed when lane changing, unless slowing down for a slowmoving vehicle or a traffic light ahead, for example. Not selecting a safe gap Make sure there is a large enough gap in traffic before changing lanes.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around

Part 4 Lesson Content

Lesson Objective: Student will demonstrate knowledge of procedures for turning around. Lesson Content Turning Around Video Review 6.4 Video Review 6.4: Turning Around Duplicate and distribute Video Review 6.4. Students should complete the worksheet as they watch the video. Video Review 6.4: Turning Around Answer Key Materials and Resources

Slides 6.32 and 6.33 Video 6.4 Discuss the topics covered in Video 6.4 Play Video 6.4. Turning Around (Time: 1 minute 50 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 6.4, using Answer Key to gauge student understanding of the video.

Slides 6.32 and 6.33: Video 6.4 Turning Around

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Video Overview 6.4: Turning Around

Video Overview 6.4

Title Turning Around Time 1 minute 50 seconds Topics Covered 1. How to turn the vehicle around by backing into an alley or driveway on the right. 2. How to turn the vehicle around by heading into an alley or driveway on the left. 3. How to turn the vehicle around by completing a three-point turnabout. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students understanding of the video. Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Video Review 6.4: Turning Around

Video Review 6.4



1. What is the safest way to turn around? ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. When heading into an alley or driveway on your left to turn around where should you stop the vehicle once in the lane? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. When is the only time you should use the three-point turnabout maneuver to turn around? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around

Video Review 6.4 ANSWER KEY

Video Review 6.4: Turning Around ANSWER KEY

1. What is the safest way to turn around? Answer: Backing into an alley or driveway on your right 2. When heading into an alley or driveway on your left to turn around where should you stop the vehicle once in the lane? Answer: When rear bumper clears curb or edge of roadway 3. When is the only time you should use the three-point turnabout maneuver to turn around? Answer: If there are no alleys or driveways

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Lesson Content Turning Around Fact Sheet 6.4 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.4 for students to use as a resource and study guide. Slide 6.34 Discuss the basic concepts of turning the vehicle around using a driveway on the left and right side. Explain that the advantage of backing into a driveway is that the driver will have full view in both directions as s/he re-enters traffic. Emphasize this is the safest way to turn around. Emphasize that turning around to the left is a somewhat more risky way to turn around because backing onto a street can be dangerous. Worksheet 6.4 Duplicate and distribute Worksheet 6.4. Throughout the instruction on turning around, students should be completing the worksheet. Allow some time during these lessons for students to do this.

Part 4 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Fact Sheet 6.4: Turning Around

Slide 6.34: Turning Around to the Left and Right

Worksheet 6.4 and Answer Key: Diagram Turning Around

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Turning Around to the Right and Left

Fact Sheet 6.4 Content Information

Turning Around by Backing into an Alley or Driveway on the Right (Right two-point turnabout): The numbers below match the numbers of the cars to the right. 1a. Check traffic to rear and tap brake pedal to alert following drivers 1b. Signal intention to turn right and check to make sure the driveway/alley is clear 2a. Stop with rear bumper of vehicle in line with the far edge of the driveway/alley 2b. Check traffic to sides and rear 2c. When safe, back slowly, turning steering wheel rapidly all the way to the right 3a. As vehicle centers in driveway/alley, straighten wheels 3b. Continue backing straight until front of vehicle clears the curb 3c. Stop, turn on left signal and shift to drive 3d. Check traffic and pedestrians in both directions 4a. When safe, turn left into proper lane and accelerate as appropriate 4b. Check traffic to the rear Turning Around by Heading into an Alley or Driveway on the Left (Left two-point turnabout): 1a. Select a driveway/alley on the left that is clear of obstacles and where visibility will not be blocked when backing into street 1b. Check to rear and tap brake pedal to alert following drivers 1c. Signal intention to turn left 2a. When safe, turn into driveway/alley as close as possible to the right side 2b. Stop as rear bumper clears curb or edge of roadway 2c. Signal a right turn and shift to reverse 2d. Check in all directions for vehicles and other highway users 3a. When safe, move slowly back, turning steering wheel rapidly all the way to the right 3b. Check left front while backing to make sure there is a clear space as you turn 3c. As vehicle centers in nearest lane, straighten wheels, stop and shift to drive 4a. Cancel right turn signal and accelerate smoothly 4b. Check traffic to the rear

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Diagram Turning Around Name Date

Worksheet 6.4

Directions: Draw arrows to show how you would complete the maneuver.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Diagram Turning Around ANSWER KEY Name Date

Worksheet 6.4 ANSWER KEY

Directions: Draw arrows to show how you would complete the maneuver.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Lesson Content Turning Around Slide 6.35 Discuss the basic concepts of a threepoint turnabout on the street. Emphasize that this is the most dangerous way to turn around because it results in your vehicle being stopped and blocking a complete lane. This maneuver should only be used when traffic is the lightest, on a straight, flat road and when no other option is available.

Part 4 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.35: Three-point Turnabout

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Three-point Turnabout

Fact Sheet 6.4 continued Content Information

The three-point turnabout results in the vehicle being stopped and blocking a complete lane. It should only be used when the traffic is the lightest traffic and when no other option is available. Never attempt this maneuver near a hill or curve, or anywhere where sight distance is limited. 1a. Check oncoming traffic and traffic to rear 1b. Signal right and stop as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway or curb 2a. Check once again for traffic, for this turn will require 15 to 30 seconds to complete. 2b. Signal a left turn before you begin and check your blind area over the left shoulder. 3a. While moving slowly forward, steer tight all the way to the left. 3b. While your vehicle is still moving slowly forward and when the front wheels are about 5 feet from the curb or pavement edge, slowly roll to a stop just before the right front tire reaches the curb or road edge. 3c. Quickly check for traffic coming from the left and right. 3d. With your foot on the brake pedal, shift to Reverse. 4a. Back slowly and steer tight to the right. 4b. When your rear wheels are about five feet from the road edge or curb, look over the left shoulder and keep looking back while rolling slowly. Stop just before the left rear tire touches the curb or road edge. 5a. Check traffic, shift to Drive and steer into the proper lane, adjusting speed as appropriate. On narrow roadways, it may be necessary to repeat steps 3 and 4 to complete the maneuver

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around
Lesson Content Turning Around Slide 6.36 Discuss the basic concepts of a U-turn and how to perform a U-turn. Emphasize that U-turns require wide streets or vehicles that can turn in a very small area. They are not permitted in all areas, so look for signs that prohibit them. Slide 6.36: U-Turn

Part 4 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Turning Around

Fact Sheet 6.4 continued Content Information

This method of turning around can be done in mid-block or at an intersection if legal. Check your local laws and follow road signs to be sure U-turns are permitted. If making a U-turn at an intersection, you must yield to all other traffic. At busy intersections, this type of U-turn is generally prohibited by a sign. If you decide to make such a turn mid-block, select a spot with little traffic. Be sure that your field of vision is clear and the car is not near a curve, intersection or the crest of a hill. Be sure other drivers can see your vehicle well in advance. Avoid locations where children are playing or pedestrians are present. Performing a U-turn 1. Be sure no other vehicles are following you 2. To alert other drivers that you are slowing, tap your brake pedal lightly and turn on your right signal 3. Stop as close as possible to the right curb or the edge of the pavement, in order to provide maximum space to execute your turn 4. Check for traffic to your front and rear. If all is clear, turn on your left turn signal 5. Before you proceed, check a second time for traffic over your left shoulder and to your rear. 6. Steer tight to the left, moving your vehicle slowly until it faces in the opposite direction. If the roadway is narrow and without curbs, your right front wheel may move onto the shoulder of the road. 7. When the turn is nearly complete, straighten the wheels, position your vehicle properly in the traffic lane and adjust your speed as appropriate.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment


Part 5 Lesson Content

Lesson Objective: Student will demonstrate knowledge of procedures for hill parking, angle parking, perpendicular parking, and parallel parking. Lesson Content Materials and Resources

Parking Video Review 6.5 Duplicate and distribute Video Review 6.5. Students should complete the worksheet as they watch the video. Slides 6.37 and 6.38 Video 6.5 Discuss the topics covered in Video 6.5. Play Video 6.5. Parking (Time: 4 minutes 4 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 6.5 to gauge student understanding of the video. Slides 6.37 and 6.38: Video 6.5 Parking

Video Review 6.5: Parking

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Video Overview 6.5: Parking

Video Overview 6.5

Title Parking Time 4 minutes 4 seconds Topics Covered 1. How to park uphill and downhill. 2. How to park in an angle parking space. 3. How to park in a perpendicular parking space. 4. How to parallel park. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students understanding of the video. Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Video Review 6.5: Parking

Video Review 6.5



1. How is perpendicular parking similar to making a right turn? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. How should a driver position the car before parallel parking? ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. When parallel parking, how far from the curb should the driver position the tires? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What should a driver do to keep the car from moving while unattended? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. When parking uphill, with a curb, which way should the driver turn the tires? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Video Review 6.5: Parking ANSWER KEY

Video Review 6.5 ANSWER KEY

1. How is perpendicular parking similar to making a right turn? Answer: Position the car and signal just like a right turn 2. How should the driver position the car before parallel parking? Answer: Stop with the back of the car (rear bumper) even with the front of the parking space or the rear bumper on the parked vehicle 3. When parallel parking, how far from the curb should the driver position the tires? Answer: 6 9 inches from the curb 4. What should you do to keep the car from moving when unattended? Answer: Set the parking brake and put the car in park 5. When parking uphill, with a curb, which way should the driver turn the tires? Answer: Turn the wheels sharply left and let the wheels rest against the curb

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Parking Fact Sheet 6.5 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.5 for students to use as a resource and study guide. Slide 6.39 Discuss the procedures for leaving traffic to park along the curb or edge of the roadway.

Part 5 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Fact Sheet 6.5: Parking

Slide 6.39: Leaving Traffic

Slide 6.40 Discuss the basic concepts of hill parking procedures. Discuss and insert any state laws that may apply. Worksheet 6.5 Duplicate and distribute Worksheet 6.5. Throughout the instruction on hill parking, students should be completing the worksheet. Allow some time during this lesson for students to do this.

Slide 6.40: Hill Parking

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Hill Parking

Fact Sheet 6.5 Content Information

Leaving traffic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Search ahead for a legal parking space Check following traffic Signal Release accelerator Tap brake pedal to alert following drivers Press brake pedal to point of resistance Steer gently toward curb Apply firm, steady pressure for smooth stops

Parking up or downhill without a curb and downhill with a curb: 1. Before securing vehicle, turn wheels sharply right, toward the edge of the road 2. Let leading edge of front tire touch road edge or curb


Parking uphill with a curb: 1. Before securing vehicle, turn steering wheel sharply left, away from the curb 2. Let vehicle roll back slowly until rear edge of tire gently touches curb


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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Parking Maneuvers Name Date

Worksheet 6.5

Directions: Indicate the wheel position for each maneuver, then list the procedures for each type of Hill Park. UP HILL WITH CURB DOWN HILL WITH CURB



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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Parking Maneuvers ANSWER KEY Name Date

Worksheet 6.5 ANSWER KEY

Directions: Indicate the wheel position for each maneuver, then list the procedures for each type of Hill Park. UP HILL WITH CURB DOWN HILL WITH CURB

Turn wheels away from curb.

Turn wheels to curb.



Turn wheels to curb.

Turn wheels to curb.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Parking Slide 6.41 Discuss the basic concepts of angle parking. a. Explain how to enter an angle parking space. b. Explain how to exit an angle parking space.

Part 5 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.41: Angle Parking

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Angle Parking

Fact Sheet 6.5 continued Content Information

Entering an angle parking space: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify space to be entered Signal intention to turn left or right Position vehicle 5 to 6 feet from rear of parked vehicles Move forward slowly until the driver can look straight down the painted line that marks the near side of the space the driver plans to enter. This line of sight is the reference point to begin turning. 5. Turn steering wheel sharply left or right as appropriate. The danger points are the front corner on the right side and the rear corner on the left side of the parking vehicle, shown below. 6. As vehicle is centered in the parking space, straighten wheels; determine the forward reference point to place the front of the bumper even with the curb or parking line. 7. Move forward to the front of the parking space, stop and secure vehicle

Exiting an angle parking space: 1. 2. 3. 4. With engine started, foot on brake, release parking brake, signal direction of turn Check in all directions for vehicle and pedestrian traffic When safe, shift to reverse Move straight back until back of front seat/door post is in line with rear of vehicle on side of turn 5. Turn steering wheel in direction of the angle. Check front bumper/corner clearance on side opposite direction of turn (front danger point) 6. Continue backing into travel lane. When vehicle centers in lane, straighten wheel 7. Stop, shift to drive, adjust speed as appropriate

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Parking Slide 6.42 Discuss the basic concepts of perpendicular parking. a. Explain how to enter a perpendicular parking space. b. Explain how to exit a perpendicular parking space.

Part 5 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.42: Perpendicular Parking

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Perpendicular Parking

Fact Sheet 6.5 Content Information

Entering a perpendicular parking space: 1. Identify space to be entered 2. Signal intention to turn left or right 3. Position vehicle 8 to 9 feet from rear of space driver wishes to enter 4. Move forward slowly until the driver can see straight down the line marking the near side of parking space to be entered 5. Look to the center of the parking space 6. Move forward slowly, turning the steering wheel sharply left or right as appropriate When parking between vehicles, the danger points are the front corner on the far side, and the rear corner of the vehicle on the near side of the space. 7. As vehicle centers in space, straighten wheels 8. Move forward to the front of the parking space until the driver sees the front line or curb edge just under the left or right side mirror. Seeing the line under the mirror is the reference point. Stop and secure vehicle (Note: this technique can also be useful when approaching intersections where you must stop at a stop line or crosswalk line.) Exiting a perpendicular parking space: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. With engine started, foot on brake, release parking brake, signal direction of turn Check in all directions for vehicle and pedestrian traffic When safe, shift to reverse Move slowly back until windshield (window post) is in line with rear of vehicles parked on either side Turn steering wheel slowly in direction you desire to back out. Check front bumper clearance on side opposite direction of turn (danger point) As the front bumper of vehicle clears vehicle on side opposite of turn, turn steering wheel sharply to avoid striking vehicle parked in opposite row Continue backing into travel lane. When vehicle centers in lane, rewind to straight Stop, shift to drive, adjust speed as appropriate

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Lesson Content Parking Slides 6.43 and 6.44 Discuss the basic concepts of parallel parking. a. Explain how to enter a parallel parking space. b. Explain how to exit a parallel parking space.

Part 5 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slides 6.43 and 6.44: Entering a Parallel Parking Space

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Parallel Parking

Fact Sheet 6.5 continued Content Information

Entering a parallel parking space: 1. Identify legal parking space 2. Check following traffic 3. Tap brake pedal and signal intentions 4. Stop with back of front seats/center door post aligned (for shorter vehicles align rear) 5. Shift to reverse, check traffic and look in direction of intended movement 6. Back slowly, turning steering wheel tight and quickly left or right as appropriate 7. Back until back of front seat/center door post is in line with rear bumper of vehicle parked in space ahead 8. Back slowly while rewinding steering wheel to straight 9. Check front to make sure wheels are straight 10. Back slowly until front bumper has cleared rear bumper of vehicle parked in space ahead 11. Move slowly back, turning steering wheel tight and quick left or right as appropriate 12. Stop before touching vehicle parked in space to the rear (develop reference points to know your distance from the vehicle behind you) 13. Shift to drive, move slowly forward turning wheels to straight 14. Stop centered in space, within 12 of curb/edge of road and secure vehicle Reference points for parallel parking As drivers gain experience in parallel parking, they may continue to use the reference points, which are the center, back of front seat and the rear corner of the vehicle. Exiting a parallel parking space: 1. Foot on brake, start engine, release parking brake and shift to reverse 2. Check vehicle behind, move slowly back, straighten wheels if turned for hill parking 3. Stop and shift to drive 4. Signal intentions 5. Check mirrors and blind spot for vehicles and other highway users 6. Select safe gap, move slowly forward steering tight left or right as appropriate 7. Check front bumper for clearance of rear bumper of vehicle parked in space ahead 8. When back of front seat/center door post is in line with rear bumper of vehicle parked in space ahead 9. Steer to center of lane and accelerate to appropriate speed 10. Cancel turn indicator 11. Check traffic to rear

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Part 6 Lesson Content

Lesson Objective: Student will demonstrate knowledge of passing, being passed and passing on the right and identify the conditions described by law that regulate passing. Lesson Content Passing Fact Sheet 6.6 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.6 for students to use as a study guide and resource. Slides 6.45 and 6.46 Video 6.6 Discuss the topics covered in Video 6.6. Play Video 6.6. Passing (Time: 2 minutes 28 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 6.6 to gauge student understanding of the video. Slides 6.45 and 6.46: Video 6.6 Passing Fact Sheet 6.6: Passing Materials and Resources

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Video Overview 6.6: Passing

Video Overview 6.6

Title Passing Time 2 minutes 28 seconds Topics Covered 1. Passing on a two-lane roadway. 2. Estimating passing gap needs. 3. Places it is illegal to pass. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students understanding of the video. Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Video Review 6.6: Passing

Video Review 6.6



1. At 55 mph, you traveled 968 feet; you need _________ as much distance to pass a vehicle ahead. 2. If the oncoming car seems to be getting closer: _______________________________ 3. When curbs or hills keep you from seeing far enough ahead: ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Dont start to pass unless: _______________________________________________

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Video Review 6.6: Passing ANSWER KEY

Video Review 6.6 ANSWER KEY

1. At 55 mph, you traveled 968 feet; you need _________ as much distance to pass a vehicle ahead. Answer: Twice 2. If the oncoming car seems to be getting closer: Answer: Its already too close 3. When curbs or hills keep you from seeing far enough ahead: Answer: Assume theres a car just out of sight or just about to appear 4. Dont start to pass unless: Answer: Theres room ahead to return

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Lesson Content Passing Slide 6.47 Describe the seriousness of the problem of injuries and fatalities associated with head-on collisions. Describe instances when it is illegal to pass. Assist students in learning the laws regarding passing, and the legal responsibilities placed on both the driver doing the passing and the driver being passed.

Part 6 Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.47: Illegal to Pass

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed


Fact Sheet 6.6 Content Information

Passing and head-on collisions Head-on collisions, typically involving a passing maneuver, annually account for approximately 5,500 or nearly 14% of all traffic fatalities. While some crashes occur due to impatience, or illegal actions, many occur due to lack of knowledge regarding time/space gap requirements. Impatience, errors in timing and poor judgment of space contribute to head-on collisions. Illegal to pass There are a number of instances when it is illegal to pass: Solid yellow line - When there is a solid yellow line on the drivers side of the center line or a sign indicates a no passing zone. Oncoming vehicles Anytime there is an oncoming vehicle approaching you should not pass until the other lane is clear. Hills and curves Anytime your view is blocked by a curve or a hill, you should assume that there is an oncoming vehicle just out of sight. Intersections It is dangerous and illegal to pass where a vehicle is likely to enter or cross the roadway. Do not pass in intersections and avoid passing at other intersecting points such as parking lot entrances and alleyways. Lane restrictions Before passing look ahead for road conditions and traffic that may cause other vehicles to move into your lane position. Highway-railroad grade crossings and bridges You should not pass if there is a railroad grade crossing or bridge visible to you.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Lesson Content Passing Slide 6.48 Discuss the time/space gaps necessary to complete a pass at various speeds and how to estimate passing gap needs. Emphasize developing the ability to determine a safe gap at various speeds. Explain how using headlights at all times is important when passing and being passed.

Part 6 Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.48: Estimating Passing Gap Needs

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed


Fact Sheet 6.6 continued Content Information

Learning to estimate passing gap needs A four lane divided or undivided highway can also be used to practice identifying space gap needs when passing a vehicle on a two-lane roadway. Traveling 40 m.p.h. a driver is going to make a flying pass of a vehicle traveling 30 m.p.h. If the driver makes all of the visual checks, signals intentions, and starts the pass from an interval two seconds behind the vehicle ahead, it will take about 13 seconds to complete the pass. At 50 and 40 m.p.h. about 16 seconds and at 60 and 50 m.p.h. about 19 seconds. If the passing maneuver is started from three seconds back with both vehicles traveling the same speed, the passing driver will have to accelerate to a speed 15 m.p.h. faster than the vehicle to be passed to complete the pass in the same time limits. To estimate the time and distance the oncoming vehicle is from the driver: Begin counting, one-thousand and one, one-thousand and two, one-thousand and three, etc. When an oncoming vehicle is spotted continue the count until the driver passes the oncoming vehicle in the opposite lane. Drivers should keep trying until they are accurate at estimating the time they will need. Although if you can see a vehicle in the opposite lane approaching you it is not safe to pass. Using headlights at all times Passing is one more situation in which the use of headlights during daytime hours is critical. The combined distance traveled by the passing and oncoming vehicle at 60 m.p.h. is 38 seconds or 3,344 feet. Without headlights on, an approaching vehicle may not become visible until it is within 2,200 to 2,500 feet. This is in contrast to about 4,500 feet with headlights or daytime running lights illuminated. This difference in visibility can be critical.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Lesson Content Passing Slide 6.49 Discuss the procedures used when passing another vehicle. Discuss what to do when being passed by another vehicle.

Part 6 Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.49: Passing Procedures

Slide 6.50 Discuss the procedures when passing on the right.

Slide 6.50: Passing on the Right

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Passing and Being Passed

Passing Procedures

Fact Sheet 6.6 continued Content Information

Prepare to pass Position the vehicle 2 to 3 seconds behind the vehicle to be passed Check mirrors and oncoming traffic Check ahead for safe passing distance Signal left Overtake the ongoing car Accelerate and move into passing lane Accelerate quickly to the legal speed Concentrate on the path ahead Check mirror for following vehicles Return to lane Check inside rear-view mirror for the front of the vehicle being passed Signal right Change lanes, steer to center of lane and maintain speed Cancel turn signal Being passed Being passed also places demands on the driver of that vehicle. The law specifically prohibits a driver who is being passed to increase the speed of the vehicle. Move to the right side of the lane when being passed. Check state law for giving right-of-way to a passing vehicle. Passing on the right In some states it is legal to pass on the right of another vehicle waiting to make a left turn provided it can be done safely and without leaving the traveled portion of the roadway. Passing on the right should be done cautiously and safely when multiple lanes are available. Crossing the white line that marks the right edge of the road, or driving onto the paved shoulder or gravel shoulder is illegal.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit Review and Test

Lesson Objective:

Part 7 Lesson Content

Student will evaluate their knowledge of the content presented in Unit 6 through review questions, key word matchup worksheet and unit test. Lesson Content Review Questions Unit 6 Review Questions Ask review questions to summarize discussion on Unit 6. Unit 6 Review Questions Materials and Resources

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Review Questions

1. What should the driver do before entering an intersection? Answer: Look front, left, right and left again for approaching vehicles

2. Where should the driver stop if there is both a crosswalk and stop line? Answer: The stop line 3. What should the driver do before turning right on red? Answer: Make a full stop in the correct position, yield right-of-way to any vehicles, bicycles or pedestrians. Move out to check traffic approaching from the left. 4. Outline the general procedures for changing lanes. Answer: Maintain safe following distance, check traffic ahead, to sides and behind, select a safe gap, signal, check blind spot, adjust speed and steer into lane, cancel signal, adjust speed to flow of traffic, check mirrors for following traffic 5. What is the most dangerous way to turn around? Answer: A three-point turnabout on the street 6. Which is the safer option for turning around; backing into a driveway or backing onto a street? Answer: Backing into a driveway 7. When parking uphill or downhill without a curb or downhill with a curb, where should the wheels be turned? Answer: Toward road edge or curb 8. Explain how to use a reference point to help a driver enter a perpendicular parking space. Answer: Pull forward until you see the perpendicular parking space line just under the left or right side mirror 9. When parallel parking, how far from the curb/edge of road should the driver finish? Answer: Within 12 inches from the curb/edge of road 10. When is it illegal to pass? Answer: When there is a solid yellow line on your side of the center line, when a sign indicates no passing, when approaching a hill, curve or intersection, within 10 feet of bridges, tunnels and railroad crossings. 11. When is it legal to pass on the right? Answer: When another vehicle is waiting to make a left turn.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit Review and Test

Lesson Content Words to Know Review Fact Sheet 6.7 Duplicate and distribute Fact Sheet 6.7. Use the definitions page as a resource for teaching and for the students as a resource and study guide. Worksheet 6.7 Duplicate and distribute. Have students complete the worksheet. Review the answers.

Part 7 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Fact Sheet 6.7: Unit 6 Words to Know Definitions Page

Worksheet 6.7 and Answer Key: Unit 6 Words to Know Matchup

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Words to Know Definitions Page

Fact Sheet 6.7 Content Information

Angle parking parking so that vehicles are arranged diagonally/at an angle with a curb or other boundary. Balance refers to the distribution of the weight of the vehicle on the chassis or the frame, wheels and body of the vehicle. Changing lanes involves a movement either to the left or to the right and involves steering actions and generally a change in speed. Crosswalk defines the area where pedestrians may cross the roadway. Double stops involves stopping at a stop sign at the legal position behind the stop line or crosswalk where visibility may be totally or partially blocked and then pulling ahead slightly and stopping again where visibility is improved. Gravity the invisible force that pulls all things to earth and affects vehicle traction and performance. Hill parking parking on a downgrade or an upgrade and turning the wheels either towards the curb/road edge or away from the curb/road edge to prevent the vehicle from rolling away. Inertia the tendency of an object in motion to resist any change in direction and of an object at rest to resist motion. Parallel parking parking so a vehicle is in line with a group of vehicles arranged one behind the other, parallel to and close to a road edge or curb. Passing and being passed to overtake a slower or stopped vehicle by going around the vehicle so that the driver is now in front of the vehicle and no longer behind it. Perpendicular parking parking so that vehicles are arranged at 90-degree angles with a curb or other boundary. Staggered stops designed to keep traffic staggered to allow for larger vehicles to complete turns. They can be identified as the white lines found at intersections. Stop line white line found at most intersections, where vehicles must come to a stop before a stop sign or traffic signal.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Words to Know Definitions Page

Fact Sheet 6.7 continued Content Information

Three-point turnabout a way to turn the vehicle around in a limited space by moving in a series of back and forward movements, which results in the vehicle being stopped and blocking a complete lane. Traction the contact between the tire and road surface; the adhesive or holding quality of friction. Turnabout a turning maneuver in which a driver uses a series of moves to reverse a vehicles direction. Two-point turnabout a turnabout made by first backing into a driveway or alley. Although more dangerous, a turnabout can also be made by heading into an alley or driveway and then backing into a street. U-turn a turnabout that is a full, u-shaped left turn back in the opposite direction, usually done at intersections or mid-block. Weight distribution the division of weight within a vehicle.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Instructor Notes

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Words to Know Matchup

Worksheet 6.7



Directions: Match the clues on the left with the words in the list on the right. Place the matching letter in the blank to the left of the number. ________ 1. Should be obeyed first if there is also a crosswalk present. ________ 2. Pulling ahead slightly, after stopping at the legal position behind the stop line or crosswalk, and stopping again where visibility is improved. ________ 3. White lines found at intersections to allow for larger vehicles to complete turns. ________ 4. Defines the area where pedestrians may cross the roadway ________ 5. Turning the vehicle around in a limited space by moving in a series of back and forward movements. _______ 6. The contact between the tire and road surface. A. Balance


Changing lanes




Double stops




Staggered stops

________ 7. The distribution of the weight of the vehicle on the chassis or the frame, wheels and body of the vehicle.


Stop line

________ 8. A movement either to the left or to the right, which involves steering actions and generally a H. change in speed. ________9. A turnabout made by first backing into a driveway or alley. I.

Three-point turnabout


_______ 10. The tendency of an object in motion to resist any change in direction and of an object at rest to resist motion.


Two-point turnabout

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Words to Know Matchup


Worksheet 6.7 ANSWER KEY

Directions: Match the clues on the left with the words in the list on the right. Place the matching letter in the blank to the left of the number. ___G___ 1. Should be obeyed first if there is also a crosswalk present. Pulling ahead slightly, after stopping at the legal position behind the stop line or crosswalk, and stopping again where visibility is improved. White lines found at intersections to allow for larger vehicles to complete turns. Defines the area where pedestrians may cross the roadway Turning the vehicle around in a limited space by moving in a series of back and forward movements. The contact between the tire and road surface. The distribution of the weight of the vehicle on the chassis or the frame, wheels and body of the vehicle.



___D___ 2.


Changing lanes

___F___ 3.



___C___ 4.


Double stops

___H___ 5.



___I___ 6.


Staggered stops

___A___ 7.


Stop line

___B___ 8.

A movement either to the left or to the right, which involves steering actions and generally a H. change in speed. A turnabout made by first backing into a driveway or alley. The tendency of an object in motion to resist any change in direction and of an object at rest to resist motion. I.

Three-point turnabout



___E__ 10.


Two-point turnabout

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit Review and Test

Lesson Content Unit Review and Test Slide 6.51 Discuss what the students have learned by the end of this unit.

Part 7 continued Lesson Content

Materials and Resources

Slide 6.51: Unit Review

Reading Assignment Assign students the reading material for the next unit. Students might begin reading after they have completed the Unit 6 Test.


Other Textbooks: Drive Right: Chapters 14, 15 and 16 Responsible Driving: Chapters 9 and 10 Other Textbook: ______________ ____________________________

Unit 6 Test Duplicate and distribute the Unit 6 Test. Collect and grade the test. After returning tests to the students, review the answers and clarify any confusion.

Unit 6 Test, page 6-92

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Review
Unit 6 Review

In this unit, you learned the following: Natural laws and their effects on traction, vehicle movement and balance. How to approach, enter, stop and turn at intersections and the meaning of staggered stops and double stops. How to change lanes. The procedures for turning around. The procedures for hill parking, angle parking, perpendicular parking, and parallel parking. How to pass, be passed, pass on the right, and the conditions described by law that regulate passing. Key words associated with the unit objectives.

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Test

Select the best answer and place the appropriate letter (A, B, C, or D) on the line provided. _______1. If you must turn your car around on a narrow street and most of the traffic is coming toward you, the best type of turnabout would be: A. 3-point or Y-turn B. 2-point turnabout using a road on the right C. Intersectional U-turn D. 2-point turnabout using a road on the left _______2. When turning left from a two-way street, which lane should you be in? A. The right lane B. The lane closest to the center line C. The lane nearest to the curb D. Any lane, if there is no other traffic present _______3. When parking on the right shoulder of a hill where there is no curb you should: A. Point the front wheels toward the center of the road B. Have the rear wheels closer to the shoulder C. Turn the front wheels so they point to the side of the road D. Place the front wheels parallel to the edge of the pavement _______4. When two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection from different streets: A. Driver on the right shall yield to the vehicle on the left B. Driver on the left shall yield to the vehicle on the right C. Both vehicles must stop D. Neither vehicle must stop _______5. Before changing lanes, the most important thing you should do is: A. Signal to communicate with others B. Make sure the area and travel path are open C. Change speed to slow vehicles behind D. Look in the rearview mirror for vehicles close to you

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

_______ 6. What is the most important step in turning the car around? A. Careful check of traffic in all directions B. Signal C. Shift to the proper gear D. Select the lane of traffic in which to turn

Unit 6 Test Page 2

_______7. When deciding whether to pass a vehicle ahead of you, the most important factor to consider is: A. The size of the vehicle ahead B. The size of a vehicle behind C. The space and time needed to pass D. The speed of the vehicle ahead _______8. When preparing to make a lane change, what else should you do besides use lane change signal device? A. Make a mirror blind area check to the left or right rear B. Slow down a little and check the rear C. Show a hand signal and wave everyone back D. Change your lane position _______9. You are able to check the mirror blind areas by: A. Glancing ahead left and right B. Using the side-view mirror to check the rear C. Using both the inside and the outside mirrors and a head check D. Using the inside mirror to check behind _______10. When braking hard, the weight of the vehicle noticeably shifts: A. To the rear of the vehicle B. To the front of the vehicle C. To the left of the vehicle D. To the right of the vehicle

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Unit 6 Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Basic Maneuvers in a Low-Risk Environment

Unit 6 Test ANSWER KEY


1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10


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