Kinsey Resume 4-15-2014 No Address
Kinsey Resume 4-15-2014 No Address
Kinsey Resume 4-15-2014 No Address
Un|vers|ty of W|scons|n-Mad|son, Madlson, Wl AugusL 2014
8achelor of Sclence ln CommunlLy & nonproflL Leadershlp
AddlLlonal Ma[or ln LnvlronmenLal SLudles
ConcenLraLed Coursework ln 8uslness
comolotlve ClA: 3.7/4.0
uean's Ponor LlsL: Sprlng 2012, lall 2012| uean's Plgh Ponors: Sprlng, 2013, lall 2013
Amer|can Un|vers|ty, WashlngLon, uC AugusL 2010 - May 2011
CommunlcaLlons, Law, Lconomlcs, CovernmenL (CLLC), LnvlronmenLal SLudles
comolotlve ClA: 3.8/4.0
uean's Ponor LlsL: lall 2010, Sprlng 2011
Un|vers|ty of W|scons|n-Mad|son, Madlson, Wl
o lbl upslloo Omlctoo (2012): School of Puman Lcology Ponors SocleLy
o OtJet of Omeqo (2012): Creek CommunlLy Ponors SocleLy
o Atlle Mocks, It. 5pltlt AwotJ keclpleot (2013): Awarded by Lhe Wlsconsln Alumnl AssoclaLlon
o Meyetboff uoJetqtoJoote xcelleoce AwotJ fot leoJetsblp, 5etvlce, ooJ 5cbolotsblp (2014): Awarded
by uW-Madlson ulvlslon of 8ecreaLlonal SporLs
Iac|||t|es Staff Member, UW-Mad|son D|v|s|on of kecreat|ona| Sports, Madlson, Wl AugusL 2012 - resenL
loclllty 5opetvlsot (201J-pteseot)
o Cversee faclllLy managemenL relaLed Lo: faclllLy malnLenance, paLron lssues, concerns, & emergencles,
luslon sofLware Lrouble-shooLlng, speclal evenLs, emergency slLuaLlons
o Supervlse sLudenL employees Lo ensure correcL pollcy enforcemenL, excepLlonal cusLomer servlce, and a
healLhy worklng envlronmenL
o CerLlfled ln AdulL llrsL Ald, C8, and ALu, flrsL responder ln emergency slLuaLlons
Offlce cletk (2012-201J), lu cbecket/1owel koom AtteoJoot (2012)
o lmmedlaLely oversaw offlce-sales, phone calls, Lasks, paLron lssues and concerns
o Sold membershlps and equlpmenL Lo paLrons frequenLly LoLallng over $300 per shlfL
o Managed faclllLy Lowel room, equlpmenL renLals, locker rooms, and courL reservaLlons
nltloq commlttee Membet (Iooooty 2014-pteseot)
o lormulaLe employee appllcaLlon quesLlons, selecL lnLervlew candldaLe based on paper appllcaLlons,
conducL ln-person lnLervlews wlLh candldaLes
metqeocy Awoteoess commlttee Membet (Iooooty 2014-pteseot)
o laclllLaLe monLhly mock emergencles Lo LesL sLudenL sLaff employee knowledge and preparedness for
emergency slLuaLlons
L|tt|e Iree L|brary, Madlson, Wl uecember 2013 - resenL
ovltoomeotol commoolty Ootteocb cootJlootot
o Lead fundralslng lnlLlaLlves and donor communlcaLlon concernlng Lhe flrsL LlLLle lree Llbrary ln kenya
o Crganlze uW 8ulldlng uay for sLudenL organlzaLlons alongslde Lhe Wlsconsln unlon ulrecLoraLe
o SLrengLhened presence on soclal medla lncludlng lacebook, 1wlLLer, lllckr, lnLeresL, and lnsLagram
o SLraLeglcally lncreased 1wlLLer followlng by 100 ln 3 monLhs
W|scons|n League of Conservat|on Voters, Madlson, Wl !anuary - May 2013
o Led volunLeer nlghLs for communlLy members Lo become lnvolved ln envlronmenLal advocacy
o CompleLed admlnlsLraLlve duLles lncludlng daLabase upkeep, asslsLed wlLh ma[or malllngs, and
malnLalned conLacL wlLh Wlsconsln leglslaLors ln regards Lo Lhe Cpen-lL Mlnlng 8lll
900 North M|ch|gan Avenue Shops, Chlcago, lL May - AugusL 2011
o Managed soclal medla slLes lncludlng lacebook, 1wlLLer, and webslLe for promoLlons
o Led dally Lasks such as assembllng glfL card packages up Lo $2,000 ln value
Appa|ach|an Vo|ces, WashlngLon, uC !anuary - May 2011
o Crganlzed Appolocbloo 1teosotes speaker Lour LhroughouL Lhe u.S.
o CohosLed volunLeer nlghLs Lwlce monLhly Lo advocaLe and promoLe pollcles
arade Cha|r, UW nomecom|ng Comm|ttee, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln-Madlson !anuary - CcLober 2013
o Lead organlzer of 2013 Pomecomlng arade, $12,000 budgeL, 90 parade enLrles, 10,000 aLLendees
o CollaboraLed wlLh ClLy of Madlson offlclals, unlverslLy professlonals, and corporaLe sponsors
Undergrad kep., Adv|sory 8oard to the Cff|ce of Susta|nab|||ty, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln-Madlson 2012 - 2013
o Advlsory 8oard serves as sound board Lo uW's Cfflce of SusLalnablllLy, formlng new ldeas and
susLalnable lnlLlaLlves
o ALLended plannlng meeLlngs each semesLer wlLh fellow Advlsory 8oard Members/uW faculLy and sLaff
V|ce res|dent, Mu|r Woods Mentors, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln-Madlson 2011 - 2012
o AsslsLed Lhe plannlng and compleLlon of monLhly fleld Lrlps for 23+ chlldren from 8ayvlew CommunlLy
CenLer and 8adger 8ock Mlddle School
De|ta Gamma Soror|ty, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln-Madlson 2011 - resenL
o ultectot (5ptloq 2011-loll 2012): Convened weekly chapLer meeLlngs, Led LradlLlons and ceremonles
o volunLeered 12 hours for Servlce for SlghL phllanLhropy and Madlson communlLy each semesLer
8r|tt|ngham V|k|ng Crgan|zat|on Scho|arsh|p kec|p|ent !une - AugusL 2013
o ALLended slx week summer Lerm aL Lhe Copenhagen 8uslness School ln Copenhagen, uenmark
! cootses: rlnclples of llnanclal AccounLlng, Leadlng & Managlng CrganlzaLlons
o 1raveled for Lhree weeks Lhrough Scandlnavlan counLrles (norway, llnland, Sweden), hosLed by uW-
Madlson Alumnl ln each counLry
o 1raveled for Lhree weeks Lhrough lrance, 1he neLherlands, Czech 8epubllc, oland, Cermany, and