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Kyle Talarico Adam Padgett ENGL 1102 1/27/14 Inquiry Pro o!al Context "ocial media !ite!

li#e $ace%oo# and T&itter 'a(e ne(er really layed a large role in my li)e* I remem%er al&ay! mi!!ing u date! )or im ortant date! on $ace%oo# )rom )riend!* I er!onally don+t !ee any ro%lem &it' !ocial media !ite!, t'ey are a good &ay to #ee in touc' &it' old )riend! e! ecially i) you no longer li(e near t'em* In my o inion t'e ro%lem i!n+t !ocial media it!el) %ut t'e u!e! o) it* "o many eo le u!e it a! a -ournal o) !ome !ort and relea!e t'ing! t'at !'ould remain ri(ate* T'e t&itter !y!tem o) )ollo&er! u!ually lead! to mi!under!tanding! in my o inion* T'e main goal o) t&itter i! to get t'e mo!t )ollo&er!, t'ere are t&o &ay! to gain )ollo&er!, %y %eing )amou! or %y %eing entertaining* T'ere are t&o ty e! o) entertainment &'en it come! to !ocial media, t'ere i! t'e .&o&, I can not %elie(e t'ey !aid t'at/ #ind o) entertaining or t'e .0o& t'at i! 'ilariou!/ #ind o) entertainment* "adly it i! muc' ea!ier to gain )ollo&er! %y ac'ie(ing 'umiliation t'an %y %eing )unny* T'i! i! &'y I c'oo!e 1eddit a! my rimary !ocial media outlet* 1eddit i! a &e%!ite &'ere u!er! can !u%mit o!t o) many di))erent )ormat! in a !u%reddit o) t'eir c'oice* 2o!t eo le &ould !ay t'at 1eddit i! not a !ocial media &e%!ite %ut I !ay, a! c'ee!y a! it !ound!, &'at i! !ocial media3 1eddit i! !ocial, eo le get t'ere ne&! )rom it )eature! comment! muc' li#e t'at o) $ace%oo# and #arma !imilar to li#e! on $ace%oo#, only %etter, it 'a! an o tion to lo&er t'e #arma o) anot'er u!er %y one oint* T'i! !y!tem e))ecti(ely &ill %ury t'e negati(e comment! and %ring t'e one! &it' mo!t #arma to t'e to and )or t'e ma-ority &it' a )e& rare e4ce tion! t'e 'ig'e!t comment i! o!iti(e in nature* T'e 1eddit community al!o 'a! a )ond 'atred o) .1e5 o!t!/, or o!t! t'at 'a(e %een re(iou!ly !u%mitted %y ot'er! recently, &'ic' i! good %ecau!e it encourage! originality* It+! 'ard to tal# a%out 1eddit &it'out

mentioning Imgur* Imgur i! t'e rimary image re!ource u!ed %y redditor!, it i! u!ed %ecau!e it i! (ery ea!y to u load a 'oto quic#ly and t'en u!e t'e lin# )or your o!t* 6outu%e i!, o) cour!e, u!ed )or t'e ma-ority o) t'e (ideo! o!ted on reddit* T'e u!e o) !u%reddit! al!o gi(e! 1eddit an ad(antage o(er ot'er !ocial media !ite! %ecau!e it i! li#e a )ilter )or t'e content you !ee, t'i! i! im ortant %ecau!e it let! you decide &'at you &ant to !ee on t'e &e%!ite* 7!er oriented control i! !omet'ing t'at i! u!ually o(er loo#ed on t&itter you can c'oo!e &'o to )ollo& %ut you ne(er #no& &'at t'ey &ill o!t and it i! t'e !ame &it' )riend! on $ace%oo#* T'ere are !o many t'ing! t'at can %e learned )rom !ocial media and t'e internet i) u!ed correctly er!onally my )a(orite lace to learn i! %y &atc'ing (ideo! on 6outu%e* I am t'e #ind o) er!on t'at get! e4citement )rom learning !o t'e internet i! a let'ora o) -oy )or me* T'ere are !o many re!ource! t'at are a(aila%le to anyone near a u%lic li%rary or any u%lic com uter!, t'i! i! en'anced e(en more in modern yout'! t'at 'a(e !mart5 'one!* 2any eo le do not reali8e 'o& muc' #no&ledge t'ey are mi!!ing out on &'ile carrying a com uter in t'eir oc#et!* I 'a(e !een too many eo le !ay a que!tion aloud t'at could %e ea!ily an!&ered %y a quic# Google !earc' and t'en -u!t %e !ati!)ied &it' not #no&ing t'e an!&er* T'i! could 'o&e(er ma#e u! rely on Google )or all t'e an!&er!, %ut, i! t'i! a good or a %ad e))ect* Google i! muc' more e))icient t'an and li%rary allo&ing it+! u!er! to 'a(e t'eir que!tion! an!&ered muc' )a!ter* I %elie(e t'at curio!ity could %e a im ortant )actor in &'y eo le come %ac# to !ocial media day a)ter day, t'ey are curiou! &'at t'eir )riend! are u to, &'ic' in a &ay i! t'e an!&er to a que!tion, !o &e are learning )rom !ocial media* It i! 'ard to tell i) !ocial media i! a ro%lem %ecau!e &e 'a(e ne(er e4 erienced it %e)ore, It i! -u!t a more e))icient &ay o) connecting &it' eo le you #no&* I do not t'in# it 'a! 'ad a! %ig o) an im act on t'e younger generation a! many eo le claim it 'a!, I 'a(e ne(er 'eard o) anyone meeting ne& )riend! and t'en ne(er tal#ing to t'em again ot'er t'an t'roug' $ace%oo# or t&itter, &e all !till !ee# t'e !ame !ocial interaction a! &e 'a(e )or t'ou!and! o) year!* T'e only ro%lem I !ee t'at i! ari!ing )rom !ocial media i! in)ormation t'at !'ould %e #ee &it'in t'at grou o)

)riend! ma#ing it to $ace%oo# and %ecoming u%lic* I do agree t'at !ome eo le do not under!tand t'e (alue o) 'a(ing ri(acy and %elie(e t'at all in)ormation !'ould %e !'ared not #no&ing t'at !ome eo le mig't not &ant to 'ear it*

Inquiry 2y main que!tion &ill %e i! !ocial media really a ro%lem3 I &onder i) !ocial media 'a! a! %ig o) an e))ect on !ociety a! many eo le claim* I &ill !earc' )or !tudie! on t'e e))ect! o) !ocial media on today9! yout'* I &ill al!o )ind article! t'at 'a(e %een o ulari8ed %y t'e media and com are t'e claim! in t'o!e article! and com are t'em to t'e !tudie! I 'a(e )ound* :t'er que!tion! I 'a(e are &'y i! t'e di(er!ity o) !u%reddit! !o im ortant3 I &ould ta#e e4am le! o) o!t! )rom !e(eral !u%reddit! and com are and contra!t t'e o!t! and e4 lain &'y t'ere di))erence! are im ortant* ;o& can &e u!e !ocial media )or good3 I &ould loo# to !ee i) !omeone 'a! already came acro!! t'i! que!tion and u!e t'eir e4 eriment a! a re!ource )or my a er* I) !omeone 'a!n+t I &ould 'a(e to loo# )or t'e o!iti(e e))ect! o) !ocial media and !ee 'o& to am li)y t'em* 0'at are t'e %ene)it! o) !ocial media3 I &ould try to )ind a !tudy t'at de!cri%ed &'at 'a en! &'en eo le u!e !ocial media and I &ould )ocu! on t'e o!iti(e e))ect!* Next steps I &ill %e trying to )ocu! on my )ir!t t'e!i!, i! !ocial media a ro%lem* I &ill com are article! t'at !tate ro%lem! t'at 'a(e to deal &it' !ocial media* <a!ed on t'e ro%lem! re!ented in t'e article I &ill try to )ind i) t'ere i! any trut' to t'em or i) t'ey are greatly e4aggerated*

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