You Can Programme Your Destiny

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Can you programme your destiny Some t!in" t!at it is #eyond !uman endea$our%
Ot!ers are &on$in&ed t!at it is not on'y possi#'e #ut a'so (easi#'e and desira#'e% To t!e
(ormer &ategory #e'ong (ata'ists )!o are sure t!at present 'i(e is t!e resu't o( deeds
done in t!e pre$ious one% *en&e+ t!ere is no es&ape (rom t!e present% It is a deed
a&&omp'is!ed #y t!e president o( t!e Immorta's!
To t!e 'atter &'ass (a'' t!ose )!o nurse t!e t!oug!t t!at #irt! is a matter o( &!an&e% To
t!is e,tent+ it is destiny )!i&! is #eyond !uman &ontro'% -ut t!e dynami&s o(
persona'ity open immense possi#i'ities o( de$e'opment% To t!is e,tent+ destiny &an #e
.I do not mean to e,pose my ideas to ingenious ridi&u'e #y maintaining t!at e$eryt!ing
!appens to e$ery man (or t!e #est/ #ut I )i'' &ontend t!at !e )!o ma"es t!e #est use
o( it+ (u'(i's t!e part o( a )ise and good man0+ says Cum#er'and%
*e is rig!t on t!e dot% T!e )!ee's o( mature are not meant to ro'e #a&")ards% 1ata'ism
is t!e do&trine o( (oo's! T!e (ata'ist a')ays 'oo"s (or t!e easy )ay out% *e (inds s!e'ter
in readymade 2uotes )it!out e,amining t!eir rea' imp'i&ations% 1or e,amp'e+ one o(ten
!ears (rom a (ata'ist3 Man proposes #ut god disposes% T!e (ai'ure is easi'y passed on to
god% Su&! as man is es&aping !is o)n responsi#i'ity and !is o)n ro'e in )!at !e &a''s
.god disposes%0
-a'(our Terse'y &omments+ Destiny is t!e s&apegoat )!i&! )e ma"e responsi#'e (or our
(ai'ures%0 4!ene$er )e (a&e t!e mig!t o( ad$ersity+ )e &o)er and go under+ #'aming
.T!ere is no (ate+0 t!at &annot #e surmounted )it! s&orn+0 is a masterpie&e o( a
statement (or t!ose )!o !a$e #een ree'ing under t!e s!attering #'o)s o( destiny%
It is signa' mar" (or t!ose do)n5and5outs )!o !a$e &!osen to go do)n t!e gutter
rat!er t!an stand up to ad$ersity in t!eir 'i(e% T!e )ea"'ings go to t!e seed% T!e strong
sprout and #'ossom%
.4e''3 I made t!e )a$e/ didn6t I0 said Rut!er(ord )!en !e )as to'd t!at !e )as riding
t!e &rest o( a )a$e% *e !ad energy+ ent!usiasm and &apa&ity (or !ard )or"%
-eet!o$en #e&ame dea( at t!e age o( t)enty5eig!t% In a 'etter to a (riend+ !e said3 .I
)i'' ta"e (ate #y t!e t!roat3 it )i'' not )!o''y o$er&ome me%0
4it! &ourage and &on(iden&e and $ita'ity+ !e mastered !is (ate+ &u'minating into a
musi&a' genius% -eet!o$en is an e,amp'e o( )!at a !uman #eing &an a&!ie$e #y !is
*e'en 7e''er+ de(eated and #'inded+ 'earned to read+ )rite and to spea"% In !er 'i(e s!e
#e&ame an inspiration to disa#'ed persons% *er 'i(e )as a triump! o( !uman spirit o$er
a(('i&tion+ deso'ation and despair%
A''port o#ser$es3 t!e !ea't!y person+ )it! ri&! e,perien&e and maturity o( out'oo" is
a#'e to programme !is o)n identity%
Our (uture is not s!aped #y !eredity or en$ironment+ t!oug! t!ey p'ay t!eir ro'e%
Sure'y+ man !as instin&ts 8dri$es9 #ut t!ese do not !a$e !im% *e &ou'd re:e&t t!em%
T!ere )as (reedom to &!oose%
In!eritan&e T)ins may #ui'd di((erent 'i$es+ on t!e #asis o( identi(i&a' dispositions% O(
a pair o( identi&a' t)ins one #e&ame a &rimina' )!i'e !is #rot!er #e&ame a
.I( )e ta"e peop'e as t!ey are+ )e ma"e t!em )orse% 4e treat t!em as i( t!ey )ere+
)!at t!ey oug!t to #e/ )e !e'p t!em to #e&ome )!at t!ey are &apa#'e o( #e&oming+0
says Goet!e%
Destiny means a man6s appointed or u'timate 'ot or (ate% It is not (ore5ordained or pre5
determined% Man is t!e ar&!ite&t o( !is o)n destiny%
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.
In time good or i'' !e &annot #ut inspire and (orti(y a'' t!ose )!o attend to !im%%% 4!at
one indi$idua' !as done anot!er &an aspire/ t!e destiny one man !as &!a''enged and
(ina''y mastered+ anot!er !as it in !is po)er to &on(ront%
As (or en$ironment+ )e "no) t!at it does not ma"e man+ #ut e$eryt!ing depends on
)!at man ma"es o( it on !is attitude to)ards it%
Man is #y no means mere'y t!e produ&t o( !eredity and en$ironment% As Dr ;%C% 1ran"'
stresses+ t!ere is a t!ird e'ement3 de&ision% .Man u'timate'y de&ides (or !imse'(/ and+
in t!e end+ edu&ation must #e edu&ation to)ards t!e a#i'ity to de&ide0%
You are t!e master o( your (ate+ t!e &aptain o( your sou'+ #e&ause you !a$e t!e po)er
to &ontro' your t!oug!ts% Your #rains #e&ome magneti<ed )it! t!e dominant t!oug!ts
you !o'd in your mind+ and #y some means+ t!ese magnets attra&t to us t!e (or&es+
t!e peop'e+ t!e &ir&umstan&es o( 'i(e+ )!i&! !armoni<e )it! t!e nature o( your
dominating t!oug!ts%
-e(ore you a&!ie$e su&&ess and rea'i<e t!e top o( your am#ition+ you must magneti<e
your minds )it! intense desire (or su&&ess in t!e a&!ie$ement o( your goa'+ and
#e&ome a&!ie$ement5&ons&ious unti' t!e desires (or a&!ie$ement dri$e to map out and
de(ine p'ans (or a&2uiring it%
I( you ma"e dynami& designs in your mind+ o( !o) you )is! to #e!a$e+ you )i''+ 'i"e
an in$in&i#'e &urrent+ pour into t!e patterns you !a$e &reated and gi$e yourse'( a
magneti& $igour (or t!e (u'(i''ment o( your desires% T!e )i'' o#eys and t!oug!t patterns
or menta' pi&tures in your mind+ and operates as t!ey &ommand%
Moti$es are t!e (or&es o( your persona'ity% I( your dominant moti$e is t!e a&!ie$ement
o( su&&ess+ you )i'' programme your destiny a&&ording'y and attra&t su&&ess as a
magnet attra&ts iron (i'ings%
=et t!e master t!oug!t .I )i'' su&&eed0 dominate your t!in"ing pro&ess%
Not!ing su&&eeds 'i"e su&&ess5t!in"ing and not!ing (ai's 'i"e (ai'ure5t!in"ing% T!is is
t!e magi& o( master t!oug!t%
Ra: 7apoor on&e said on !is su&&ess as a (i'm5ma"er+ .I t!in" (i'ms% I eat (i'ms% I drin"
(i'ms% I dream (i'ms%0 T!is is t!e magi& mantra o( strong moti$ation%
You are responsi#'e (or your o)n destiny% T!e responsi#i'ity is your :o#+ and t!e
sooner you 'earn !is star" (a&t+ t!e sooner you )i'' start t!in"ing and a&ting 'i"e a
su&&ess(u' !uman #eing%
It is up to you to &ontro' and s!ape t!e (or&es t!at ma"e your 'i(e% None outside you
!as t!e duty to s!ape t!em (or you% It is you+ yourse'(+ )!o is at t!e !e'm and i( you
do not rea&! your destination+ it is #e&ause you did not ta"e (u'' &ontro' o( resour&es%
T!e (au't 'ies in you+ not in your stars!
I( you do not s!ou'der (u'' responsi#i'ity+ t!e )or'd )i'' s!ape your destiny+ not
a&&ording to your needs+ potentia'ities and ideas+ #ut a&&ording to its o)n )!ims%
It !as a )ay o( 'etting t!ose ('ounder a#out aim'ess'y )!o )ait (or ot!er men and
(or&es outside t!emse'$es to &!art t!e &ourse o( t!eir 'i$es (or t!em%
I( you do not pu'' your o)n strings+ someone e'se )i''!
Don6t dri(t or 'et anyone e'se ta"e &!arge% Do not re'y on ot!ers to do your part and
a&t (or you%
T!ose )!o ('oat )it! t!e stream depending on ot!ers to &'ear t!e pat! o( )!ate$er is
o#stru&ting t!eir passage+ or t!reatening to )re&" t!eir 'i(e+ &annot arri$e at t!eir goa'%
You !a$e to e,p'ore &!anne's (or yourse'( and sai' your o)n )ay t!roug! t!em+ in
order to #ring your s!ip !ome%
Your destiny is an indi$idua' t!ing and t!at it is upto your persona''y to ta"e &!arge
and s!ape it a&&ording to your &apa&ity+ need+ aspiration and idea's%
It &annot #e !anded o$er to an assem#'y5'ine and &ome out tai'or5made to (it you% It
must #e designed and !ammered out #y you a'one%
I( t!ings do not turn out as you )is!+ you )i'' !a$e no one to #'ame #ut yourse'(% You
are your o)n !ope%
You must ma"e your o)n destiny% Ne$er p'a&e tota' re'ian&e to anyone ot!er t!an
yourse'( )!en it &omes to s!aping your o)n destiny or guiding your o)n 'i(e% .Not!ing
&an #ring you su&&ess #ut yourse'(%0
Dont ever let your strings go.
Refuse to be manipulated by others.
Dont be content to be regulated.
Take charge of your own life.
Be your own helmsman. addle your own canoe.
ull your own strings.

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