This document summarizes the anatomy of dicot and monocot roots as well as cross sections of Zea mays and Cucurbita moschata roots. It describes the key tissues and structures in each including the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, stele, xylem, phloem and vascular bundles. It notes that dicot roots have concentric layers while monocot roots contain air spaces and lignified conjunctive tissue. Zea mays is described as having atactostelic vascular bundles separated by parenchyma. Cucurbita moschata is noted to have two types of phloem and xylem composed of narrow tracheids and
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This document summarizes the anatomy of dicot and monocot roots as well as cross sections of Zea mays and Cucurbita moschata roots. It describes the key tissues and structures in each including the epidermis, cortex, endodermis, pericycle, stele, xylem, phloem and vascular bundles. It notes that dicot roots have concentric layers while monocot roots contain air spaces and lignified conjunctive tissue. Zea mays is described as having atactostelic vascular bundles separated by parenchyma. Cucurbita moschata is noted to have two types of phloem and xylem composed of narrow tracheids and
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Name : Sartika
Class : D (Biology ICP)
ID : 081404157 DICOTYLE ROOT Cortex: Te regio! i!!er to e"i#lema is $alle% $ortex a!% it is omoge!o&s' Te $ortex is $om"ose% o( ti! )alle%* s"a$io&sl y arra!ge% "are!$yma $ells tat $o!stit&te ma!y layers' +it i!$rease i! age* te exterior $orti$al regio! #e$omes s&#eri,e% a!% %ea%' Tis exterior $ortex is k!o)! as exo%ermis' Te i!!ermost $orti$al layer is $alle% e!%o%ermis' Its $ells are #arrel-sa"e% a!% are $losel y "a$ke%' .a!y $ells get s&#eri,e% o! teir ra%ial a!% i!!er )alls' Tese ti$ke!i!gs are $alle% $as"aria! stri"es' S&$ e!%o%ermal $ells may #e$ome totall y s&#eri,e% o! all )all s&r(a$es a!% are $alle% sto!e $ells' Tese $ells %o !ot allo) $o!%&$tio!' Te !o!-s&#eri,e% e!%o%ermal $ells are $alle% "assage $ells' I!!er to e!%o%ermis* o!e or t)o layers o( "are!$yma are "rese!t* $o!stit&ti!g "eri$y$l e' Stele: /yl em a!% "loem "at$es are i! e0&al !&m#er a!% alter!ate )it ea$ oter' /yl em or "loem "at$es are &s&all y (o&r i! !&m#er' I! /yl em* te "rotoxyl em eleme!ts (a$e "eri$y$le1 #et)ee! xylem a!% "loem eleme!ts* "are!$yma $ells are "rese!t $o!stit&ti!g $o!2 &!$ti3e tiss&e* )i$ later #e$omes a se$o!%ary merist em' 4e!$e 3as$&lar #&!%les are %es$ri#e% as ra%ial* exar$ a!% o"e!' Pit is 3ery small* )it $losel y "a$ke% "are!$yma $ells' MONOCOTYLE ROOT Te !at&re o( e"i#lema* exo%ermis* $ortex* e!%o%ermis a!% "eri$y$le is simi lar to tat o( Di$ot root' 4o)e3er i! $ortex* large air s"a$es o( s$i,oge!o&s origi! may #e see!' Te !at&re a!% arra!geme!t o( 3as$&lar #&!%les are also simi lar to tat o( Di$ot root' B&t 3as$&lar #&!%les are &s&all y more ta! six i! !&m#er' Te Pare!$yma "rese!t i! #et)ee! xyl em a!% "legm is $alle% $o!2 &!$ti3e tiss&e* )it ti! $ell )alls' Tis tiss&e %oes !ot #e$ome meristemati $ a!% t&s %i((ers (rom Di$ot root' Pit is relati3el y large a!% "are!$ymat o&s' Te "are!$yma o( te Pit a!% $o!2 &!$ti3e tiss&e* #e$ome lig!i(ie% a!% S$lere!$ymato&s' Te 3as$&lar #&!%les are %es$ri#e% as "olyar$* ra%ial* exar$ a!% $lose%' 5! e!%oge!o&s lateral #ra!$ may #e see! %e3elo"i!g (rom "eri$y$l e a!% "assi!g tro&g $ortex' Zea mays $ross se$t i o!al root Zea mays is a mem#er o( te grasses* a!% is a! im"orta!t (oo% $ro" )orl%)i%e' Tis mo!o$otyle%o!o&s "la!t $o!tai!s 3as$&lar #&!%les tat are $lassi(ie% as ata$tosteli$' 5! ata$tostele is $o!si%ere% to #e te most e3ol3e% 3as$&lar #&!%le i! 3as$&lar "la!ts' Te 3as$&lar system is $om"ose% o( i!%i3i%&al "rimary #&!%les* )i$ are se"arate% #y #roa% ,o!es o( "are!$ymato&s tiss&e' Te xylem is re%&$e% i! ea$ #&!%le to &s&ally t)o large metaxylem 3essels* a!% te largest #&!%les a3e "rotoxylem eleme!ts )i$ are &s&ally sort-li3e%* a!% %estroye% %&ri!g stem elo!gatio!' Tey are re%&$e% to la$&!ae ($a3ities) i! 3as$&lar #&!%les o( mat&re stems' Te "loem is re%&$e% to a (e)* large-%iameter sie3e t&#es* s&rro&!%e% #y $om"a!io! $ells a!% asso$iate% 3as$&lar "are!$yma $ells' Tere are ma!y 3as$&lar #&!%les i! a 6ty"i$al Z. mays stem a!% !early all are s&rro&!%e% #y "are!$ymato&s $ells' Cross se$t i o!al root o( Cucurbi t a moschat a Tis is a! exam"le o( a! er#a$eo&s %i$otyle%o! stem' Tis "la!t #elo!gs to te C&$&r#ita$eae* )i$ are almost all ex"loite% #y ma! as a so&r$e o( (oo%' Te "&m"ki!s a3e i!teresti!g a!atomy* i! tat most o( teir stems are ollo)-$e!tere% a!% te 3as$&lar #&!%les $o!tai! t)o %isti!$t gro&"s o( "loem' Te o!e* te i!ter!al "loem* is (o&!% o! te i!si%e o( te )ater-$o!%&$ti!g xylem' It is o&tli!e% i! #l&e i! te mi$rogra" to te rigt' Te oter is $alle% te exter!al "loem* is (o&!% o! te o&tsi%e o( te xylem' It is o&tli!e% i! re% i! te mi$rogra"' Te xylem is $om"ose% o( !arro) tra$ei%s a!% )i%er-%iameter 3essels' Te "loem )iti! te "&m"ki! (amily is $om"ose% o( $om"a!io! $ells a!% sie3e t&#es* )i$ $o!tai! sie3e "lates* )i$ are see! i! te mi$rogra" to te rigt' Te root o( Al l i um cepa'