Business Successjkhhjkg GJKH G

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Name XYZ
Date of Birth mm/dd/yyyy
Time of Birth 12:00:00 AM
Place of Birth City, Co!try
A" #er yor i!#t, yo ha$e a %"i!e"" of #rodci!& 'e(i!& thread t%e"/co!e" (hich yo
mar)et !der yor %ra!d !ame, (hich (a" i!cor#orated o! */1+/200,- At #re"e!t yo %y
dyed yar! from the mar)et a!d "im#le #ac)a&e them a" t%e"/co!e" for yor c"tomer"-
.i)e all /0rati e!tre#re!er", Mr- Dhir%hai Am%a!i i" the role model a!d yo ha$e a
dream to "et # yor o(! #olye"ter ma!factri!& mill- 1! the #roce"", yo al"o dream that
o!e day, yo (ill ha$e a !et (orth of 100 core" of r#ee"-
1! thi" re#ort, (e (ill fir"t a!aly2e (hether yo ha$e the #ote!tial to reali2e thi" dream i!
yor life a"trolo&ically a" #er yor !atal chart- 3e (ill al"o a!aly2e the a"trolo&ical
"i&!atre" for !e4t 5 year" (-r-t yor !atal chart a!d tra!"it of each #la!et thro&h yor
!atal chart, to ca#tre the #ote!tial #" a!d do(!" i! yor %"i!e"" dri!& !e4t 5 year"-
A) Basic Astrological Parameters:
Your Birt Cart:
Te im!orta"t !arameters i" #our birt cart:
Yor A"ce!da!t: A6ari"
Yor '!7'i&!: .i%ra
Yor Moo!7'i&!: /emi!i
84alted Pla!et: 9ah : ;et
De%ilitated Pla!et: '!
9etro&rade Pla!et: 'atr!
Natal status o$ eac o$ te !la"ets i" #our cart:
3e ha$e li"ted a%o$e the !atal #romi"e of all the < =edic #la!et" i! the chart %a"ed o!
their "tat" i! the chart- There are li)ely to %e lot of co!tradictio!" a%ot their "i&!ifica!ce i!
differe!t a"#ect" of life- The "ame #la!et may %e %e!eficial for a #articlar a"#ect i! o!e>"
life %y it>" ho"e locatio! %t it ca! %e i!a"#icio" for the "ame a"#ect" i! life %eca"e of
the lord"hi# of ho"e" i! the chart- ?!e #la!et ca! %e %e!eficial for a #articlar a"#ect i!
life a!d ca! #romi"e &reat "cce"" a!d at the "ame time a!other #la!et ca! %e mo"t
i!a"#icio" a!d #romi"e com#lete failre for the "ame a"#ect" i! life-
@"ally differe!t a"trolo&ical effect" do !ot ca!cel or !etrali2e each other- Both the
#o"iti$e a" (ell a" the !e&ati$e effect" ca! affect a #er"o!>" life-
Ao( mch #o"iti$e a!d ho( mch !e&ati$e (ill de#e!d o! the #la!et>" "tre!&th, it>"
f!ctio!ality (hether a"#icio" or i!a"#icio", a!d it>" di&!ity i! the chart, a!d al"o it>"
"tre!&th i! the chart-
The"e calclatio!" are com#le4 a!d are !ot o!ly made for the !atal chart %t i" al"o made
o! the differe!t di$i"io!al chart" (hich are deri$ed from the !atal chart- A! a"trolo&er ha"
to e4ami!e all the"e 6a!titati$e a!d 6alitati$e a"#ect" of each #la!et i! the chart, %efore
he ca! ma)e a fi!al 0d&me!t a%ot each #la!et o! ho( mch #o"iti$e a!d ho( mch
!e&ati$e effect" the #la!et (ill %e re"#o!"i%le for differe!t a"#ect" of life i! a #er"o!- Ai"
e4#erie!ce (ill al"o #lay a )ey role to arri$e at a fi!al 0d&me!t-
3e &i$e %elo( i! a ta%le the "tre!&th of each #la!et i! the chart a!d (hat (ill %e the o$erall
role of the #la!et i! a #er"o!>" life a" #er the a"trolo&er>" 0d&me!t-
Pla"et %ig"it#
o" Sig"
(or'si! Fu"ctio"al
Pla"et Natal Stre"gts Fi"al
+u'geme"t b#
Sa'bal ,imso!a-abal Asta-a.arga
'! De%ilitat
=11 1!a"#icio" 1X 1-12 11 B Mi4ed
Moo! Netral =1 1!a"#icio" = 0-,5 < C Challe!&i!&
Mar" ?(! 111 : X 1!a"#icio" X 1-2B 1+ 5 84celle!t
Mercry /rt-
= : =111 A"#icio" 1X 1-12 11 2 /ood
E#iter /rt-
11 : X1 1!a"#icio" = 1-10 < + Mi4ed
=e!" 8!emy 1= : 1X Mo"t
X 0-<< < 2 3ea) a!d
'atr! Moolt- 1 : X11 A"#icio" 1 1-BB 12 1 /ood
9ah 84alted 777 Mo"t
1= 7777 11 777 /ood
;et 84alted 777 1!a"#icio" X 7777 12 777 /ood
E/!la"atio" o$ Natal status o$ Pla"et Table
A) %ig"it#:
Di&!ity of #la!et i" %a"ed o! it>" relatio!"hi# (ith the "i&! (here it i" located i! the !atal
chart: The di&!ity lar&ely decide" (hat )i!d of re"lt" the #la!et (ill &i$e i! it>" #eriod /"%7
#eriod"/"%7"% #eriod"- 1f the di&!ity i" &ood the! there are %o!d to %e &ood re"lt"- 1f
the di&!ity i" !ot &ood the! there are %o!d to %e "ome %ad re"lt"- No matter (hether the
#la!et i" f!ctio!ally %e!efic/malefic or "tro!& a!d (ee) i! differe!t "tre!&th calclatio!"-
The di&!ity of a!y #la!et ca! %e a!y of the follo(i!& i! de"ce!di!& order of the #la!et>"
a%ility to &i$e &ood re"lt" dri!& it" #eriod/"%7#eriod"/"%7"% #eriod"-
1 84alted: re"lt" mo"t ot"ta!di!&
2 Mool tri)o!a: re"lt" e4celle!t
C ?(!: re"lt" &ood i! &e!eral
B /reat Drie!d: /e!erally &ood re"lt"
5 Drie!d: Mi4ed %t &e!erally o)
+ 8!emy: Mi4ed %t &e!erally malefic
* /reat 8!emy: /e!erally malefic
, De%ilitated: mo"t challe!&i!&
B) (or' si! a"' $u"ctio"alit#:
.ord "hi# of each #la!et a" #er differe!t a"ce!da!t" i! the !atal chart i!dicate"
f!ctio!ality of the #la!et for differe!t a"#ect" i! or life thro&hot or life- D!ctio!ality
ca! %e A"#icio", 1!a"#icio", Netral, Mo"t A"#icio" or mo"t 1!a"#icio"
C) %i$$ere"t Stre"gt calculatio"s o$ te Pla"et a"' teir sig"i$ica"ce:
0 Sa'Bal: Thi" i" the a%"olte modlar "tre!&th of the #la!et a!d "i&!ifie" the 6a!tm of
it>" effect" i! or life irre"#ecti$e of the f!ctio!al "tat" or di&!ity- A Be!efic #la!et (ith lo(
'had%al m"t %e "tre!&the!ed (ith /em thera#y to ma)e it more effecti$e- A malefic
#la!et (ith hi&h "had%al m"t !ot %e "tre!&the!ed (ith /em thera#y %eca"e it>" malefic
effect" (ill i!crea"e al"o 1!"tead they m"t %e harmo!i2ed (ith Ya!tra or #ro#itiated (ith
Ya&!a" a!d Ma!tra"- Thi" "tre!&th i" $ery im#orta!t for a"trolo&er (hile he recomme!d"
a"trolo&ical remedie"- The mi!imm effecti$e "had%al "hold %e 1-0- The ma4imm ca! &o
# to 2-5 i! a chart-
1 ,imso!a- Bal: =im"o#a) Bal i" calclated %a"ed o! the di&!ity of the #la!et i! 1+
di$i"io!al chart" com#ted from the Natal chart- 8ach di$i"io!al chart "i&!ifie" a "#ecific
a"#ect of life- Dor e4am#le Na$am"a chart "i&!ifie" "#o"e a!d marital life- The Da"am"a
chart "i&!ifie" #rofe""io! a!d career- The ma4imm =im"o#a) %al of a #la!et ca! %e 20,
(hich (ill "i&!ify the #la!et (ill %e %e!eficial for mo"t a"#ect" i! life- A! a$era&e "tre!&th of
10 (ill "i&!ify the #la!et (ill ha$e mi4ed effect" for differe!t a"#ect" of life- .e"" tha! 10
(ill "i&!ify the #la!et (ill %e mo"tly i!a"#icio" i! mo"t a"#ect" i! or life-
2 Asta-barga Natal stre"gt: Thi" "i&!ifie" the #ote!tial of the #la!et to deli$er #o"iti$e
re"lt" dri!& tra!"it i! relatio! (ith other #la!et" #o"iti$e a!d !e&ati$e effect"- The
ma4imm "tre!&th ca! %e ,, (hich "i&!ifie" the #la!et ca! &i$e ot"ta!di!& re"lt" i!
tra!"it- Dor 'atr! a!d Mar", if the A"hta)%ar&a "tre!&th i" more tha! C !it", it (ill mea! it
(ill &i$e &e!erally #o"iti$e re"lt"- Dor remai!i!& 5 #la!et" Fe4cldi!& 9ah/;etG the !atal
"tre!&th m"t %e 5 !it" or more to ha$e the #ote!tial to deli$er %e!eficial re"lt" i! relatio!
to all other #la!et"-
Yor a"trolo&er (ill co!"ider all the"e factor" %efore he ma)e" hi" fi!al 0d&me!t- Ai"
0d&me!t (ill %e a" follo(":
1 ?t"ta!di!&
2 84celle!t
C =ery &ood
B /ood
5 Mi4ed
+ Challe!&i!&
* Mo"t challe!&i!&
Sig"i$ica"ce a"' status o$ eac ouse i" te "atal cart:
1! the e4#la!atio! of yor horo"co#e chart, (e ha$e i!dicated the differe!t ho"e" i! yor
chart- 1t i" the ho"e" (hich relate to differe!t a"#ect" i! a #er"o!>" life- A ho"e i" mo"t
i!fle!ced %y the #la!et" located i! a #articlar ho"e- Ne4t the ho"e i" i!fle!ced %y lord
or the rli!& #la!et of a #articlar ho"e- A ho"e i" al"o i!fle!ced %y the #la!et" (hich
a"#ect the ho"e i! the !atal chart- There are 2 differe!t method" to mea"re the "tre!&th
of each ho"e i! the chart 6a!titati$ely- /i$e! %elo( are t(o ta%le"- Ta%le 1 i!dicate"
(hich a"#ect" of life are "i&!ified %y a "#ecific ho"e a!d al"o the !atral #la!etF"G "i&!ifier
F;ara)aG of each ho"e-
Ta%le 2 &i$e" each ho"e a!d it>" "tre!&th a" (ell a" the #la!et" (hich i!fle!ce each
ho"e i! yor chart either %y locatio!, lord"hi# or %y a"#ect" i! yor chart- 1t al"o &i$e" the
fi!al 0d&me!t of the a"trolo&er a!d it>" o$erall "tat" i! yor life for each ho"e i! yor
!atal chart-
Table 0
*ouse NumberSig"
Sig" Name Natural
Attributes o$ eac o$ te 01 ouse
1 11 A6ari" '! Phy"ical 'elf, a##eara!ce, %a"ic di"#o"itio!, %eha$ior, &e!eral
(ell %ei!&-
11 12 Pi"ce" E#
Di!a!ce", li6id a""et", accmlatio! of (ealth, &e!eral family
ha##i!e"", food : dri!), "#eech, "#irital "tat" of )!o(led&e,
#recio" metal"/&em", co!ce!tratio!, trthfl!e"" etc-
111 1 Arie" Mar Determi!atio!, cora&e, #hy"ical "tre!&th, "i%li!&", frie!d",
!ei&h%or", art, da!ce, drama, m"ic, $oice, "i!&i!&, memory,
comm!icatio!", (riti!& etc-
1= 2 Tar" Mo! Deeli!&", mother, the home, emotio!", a!d ha##i!e"" i! &e!eral,
academic edcatio!, )!o(led&e, fi4ed a""et", ho%%ie", lei"re
time, comfort", ho"e", %oat", $ehicle"-
= C /emi!i E# 1!telli&e!ce, #ro&e!y, #re&!a!cy, i!cli!atio! to(ard"
edcatio!/"#irital athor"hi#-
=1 B Ca!cer 'at, Mar 'er$ice" : defe!"e, health or "hort term di"ea"e", com#etitio!,
ri$al", o##o"itio!, liti&atio!, e!emie", i!timidatio!, calamitie" from
the o##o"ite "e4 etc-
=11 5 .eo E# Marria&e, lo$e affair" i!cldi!& e4tramarital, coha%itatio!,
marria&e li)e relatio!"hi#", le!&th of mate>" life, %"i!e""
#art!er"hi#", trade, forei&! re"ide!ce etc-
=111 + =ir&o 'at @!)!o(! : the chro!ic, lo!&e$ity, hidde! thi!&", "ca!dalo"
%eha$ior, em%arra""me!t, "hy!e"", acc"atio!", de"ire for
)!o(led&e of the !)!o(! or my"tical matter", e4tra$a&a!ce,
!ear!ed (ealth "ch a" lotterie", (ill", le&acie", mo!ey from
i!"ra!ce" claim" etc-
1X * .i%ra E#, '! .c) : )!o(led&e, &od, &r, #hilo"o#hy, reli&io!, father,
relatio!"hi# (ith father, %o""e", ethic", la(, dharma Fri&ht actio!G,
lo!& di"ta!ce tra$el, &ood fort!e, "#irital )!o(led&e :
X , 'cor#io Mer, E# Career, life #r#o"e, #rofe""io!, fame, father>" re#tatio! or
#o"itio! i! the (orld, father>" health a!d lo!&e$ity, ri&hteo"
actio!, com#a""io!" etc-
X1 < 'a&ittari" '! ?##ort!itie", ca"h flo(, #rofit", flfillme!t of dream" a!d
de"ire", ho#e", frie!d", (i"he" elder "i%li!&, i!fle!tial frie!d"
X11 10 Ca#ricor! E#, 'at .i%eratio!, e!li&hte!me!t, "e4al #lea"re", dete!tio!,
co!fi!eme!t Fho"#ital", #ri"o!", lo!& term mediatio! etc-G
#il&rima&e" or 0or!ey" to forei&! la!d a!d e4#e!ditre: ho"e of
Ta%le 2
*ouse Number Pla"ets
(or'si! Pla"ets
&AB) 3
&BB) Y
Astrologer Remar-s
1 A", 'a 'a Ma, E 2, *-+, 84celle!t
11 777 E ;e 2* *-2, /ood
111 777 Ma ', Me, 'a C5 5-0+ =ery /ood
1= 9a =e Ma, =e, ;e 2+ 5-B* Challe!&i!&
= Mo, E Me Ma 25 *-,+ /ood
=1 7777 Mo ;e C2 5-,< Mi4ed
=11 7777 ' 'a CC ,-C1 ?t"ta!di!&
=111 7777 Me 9a 2, *-,5 /ood
1X ', Me =e E 22 *-B, Challe!&i!&
X Ma, =e, ;e Ma 'a, 9a 2< +-21 /ood
X1 777 E Mo, E CC ,-05 84celle!t
X11 777 'a 9a 1< *-B5 Challe!&i!&
1f the A- B- "core i" 2, or more, that ho"e a!d the a"#ect" of life, the ho"e "i&!ifie"
flori"h (ell- /reater the "core, %etter the re"lt"- 1f the A- B- "core i" le"" the! 2,, the
i!di$idal face" difficltie" a!d "ffer" i! life i! tho"e a"#ect", (hich the ho"e "i&!ifie"-
The lo(er the "core &reater (ill %e the difficltie" a!d o%"tacle" i! life-
Ao"e "tre!&th %y method B FBha$a BalG "i&!ifie" if the "core "tre!&th of a ho"e i" more
tha! *-5, the a"#ect" "i&!ified %y that ho"e flori"he" more i! or life-
/reater the "core, %etter the re"lt"- The lo(er "core &reater (ill %e the difficltie" a!d
o%"tacle" i! life- Di!al remar) i" the co!"idered 0d&me!t a%ot each ho"e" made %y or
a"trolo&er, (ho ha" a!aly"ed yor chart-
B) Your Astrological Com!ete"ce $or success i" #our o4" busi"ess:
3e ha$e ide!tified * #illar" of "cce"", (hich are determi!ed %y the "tat" of * #la!et" i!
yor chart- /i$e! %elo( the #erce!ta&e "core of each of the * #arameter" or core
com#ete!ce com#ted from yor chart-
Are yo #la!!i!& to "et a !e( %"i!e""H ?r (a!t to )!o( that (he! (ill yor %"i!e""
reach the hei&ht" of "cce""H A %"i!e"" !o matter "mall or %i&, i" o!eI" a%ility to &ar!er
differe!t re"orce" li)e me!, mo!ey, machi!ery : material a!d the! #ro$idi!& !i6e
#rodct" or "er$ice" %y ma)i!& %e"t tili2atio! of tho"e re"orce"- 'cce""fl %"i!e"" %y
defi!itio! i" a "elf ""tai!i!& machi!ery to create (ealth i! eco!omic term"- The follo(i!& *
#arameter", (e ha$e ide!tified, (hich are !ece""ary to e!"re "cce"" i! %"i!e""-
A"trolo&ical chart of the dri$er of %"i!e"" m"t $alidate the #re"e!ce of the"e 6alitie" i!
am#le 6a!tity i! hi"/her #er"o!ality:
1-.eader"hi# a!d #o(er
2-Po#larity a!d %ra!d $ale
C-Doc" a!d re"lt orie!tatio!
B-'elli!& a!d tra!"actio! a%ility
5-'trate&y a!d #la!!i!&
+-Creati$ity a!d i!!o$atio!
*-Di"ci#li!e a!d re"#o!"i%ility
Yo ca! %e the o(!er of a %"i!e"", the C8?, or the ma!a&i!& director or may ha$e "ome
other #o"itio! %t (hat i" e""e!tial i" that yo are the dri$er of yor %"i!e""- Bt ho(
mch yo are com#ati%le to r! a %"i!e"", thi" de#e!d" o! yor "core %a"ed o! the"e *
#arameter" that determi!e" yor "tre!&th" a!d (ea)!e""e" a" a %"i!e"" ma! or a
#rofe""io!al- 1t i" !ot !ece""ary that yo a" a dri$er of a %"i!e"" ha$e to "core hi&h i!
each #illar- The area (here yo "core lo(, hel#" yo to ide!tify the %arrier %et(ee! yo :
yor "cce"" a!d &ide" yo to(ard" the #ath of im#ro$eme!t a!d area to %e foc"ed
1f yo "core more tha! 50 J the! yo ha$e a "co#e to &et "cce""fl i! %"i!e"" today or
tomorro(- Dor a trim#ha!t ftre i! yor %"i!e"" or to create a "elf ""tai!i!& (ealth
#rodci!& "y"tem (ith a$aila%le re"orce", yo m"t al"o ha$e the ma&ical 4 factor K IThe
8!tre#re!er LalityI i! yo- 8!tre#re!er"hi# i" the ma&ical #o(er to ide!tify a $ia%le
o##ort!ity for %"i!e"" at the ri&ht time a!d ri&ht #lace- Ae may fail, %t he doe" !ot &i$e
#- @ltimately he "tri)e" &old-
Thi" #ro&ram ha" calclated the "tre!&th of #la!et" i! yor !atal chart, (hich (ill determi!e
yor o$er all "core of #la!et"- The ma4imm "tre!&th that #la!et" ca! ha$e a" #er thi"
#ro&ram (ill %e 100J a!d The mi!imm "tre!&th that #la!et" ca! attai! a" #er thi"
#ro&ram (ill %e 2ero J- %oth are almo"t im#o""i%le i! a!y chart-
Your cart as score' 5267
Yo ha$e &ood #ro"#ect" of "cceedi!& i! a %"i!e"", all yo !eed i" to loo) for a
fa$ora%le time- Yor ")ill" a!d #ote!tial i!dicate" that yo ca! &o far i! thi" li!e- E"t (ait
for the ri&ht time a!d o##ort!ity, deci"io!" ta)e! i! hrry may ri! yor dream"- 1f yo are
#la!!i!& to o#e! a !e( %"i!e"" there are #ro"#ect" of it" "cce"" 0"t mo$e for(ard (ith
a! a#t "trate&y-
Positi.e As!ects
Pla!et "! i" the "i!&!ificator of #o(er a!d leader"hi# i! o!e" life- Yor "! "core" a 6ite
hi&h a!d i!dicate" that yo ha$e leader"hi# cali%er to &ide a!y %"i!e""-
?!ly (he! or "trate&y i" ri&ht, (e ca! thi!) of e4#a!"io! , $ale additio! a!d #o"iti$e
&ro(th i! or %"i!e""- Yor E#iter i" "tro!& a!d "core" 6ite hi&h, thi" i!dicate" that (ith
yor &ood "trate&ie" a!d #la!!i!& yo ca! defi!itely "cceed i! a %"i!e""-
Negati.e As!ects
No matter, (hat i" or "#ecific f!ctio! i! or career %t the !eed of creati$ity a!d
i!!o$atio! #re$ail" at e$ery "te#- Yor =e!" "core" a 6ite lo( thi" i!dicate" the lac) of
creati$ity a!d #o(er of i!!o$atio! i! yo- Thi" may act a" a %arrier %et(ee! yo a!d yor
"cce"", "o yo m"t de#e!d o! other #rofe""io!al" to hel# yo o! thi" a"#ect-
The o$erall "cce"" J for %"i!e"" i! yor chart i" +CJ- Thi" i" a rea"o!a%le "tarti!&
$alidatio! a"trolo&ically that %"i!e"" (ill %e "ita%le for yo- Thi" re#ort i!dicate" that yor
&reate"t "tre!&th (ill %e leader"hi# 6alitie" a!d yor !eed for #o(er a!d "tat" thro&h
%"i!e"" "cce""- The other &reat "tre!&th i" yor di"ci#li!e a!d a "e!"e of re"#o!"i%ility,
#er"i"te!ce a!d co!"i"te!cy a!d MNe$er "ay DieN attitde till yo achie$e yor &oal-
Ao(e$er the re#ort al"o i!dicate" that yo !eed to &i$e "erio" atte!tio! to yor o(! %ra!d
$ale a!d #o#larity to %e a%le to create tr"t i! the mi!d" of yor c"tomer" for yor
#rodct" a!d "er$ice"-
1f yo e4ami!e the &ra#h, yo (ill al"o o%"er$e that yo !eed to co!ce!trate a!d
"tre!&the! yor "elli!& i!fra"trctre, yor "trate&y a!d #la!!i!& #roce"", creati$ity a!d
i!!o$atio! area- The #la!et" &o$er!i!& the"e f!ctio!" i! yor chart are !ot "tro!& e!o&h-
At a##ro#riate time thro&h yor %"i!e"" &ro(th, yo (ill ha$e to de#e!d o! #rofe""io!al"
to hel# yo to "tre!&the! the"e f!ctio!"-
Di!ally la"t %t !ot lea"t, a" #er yor chart, yo may ha$e a te!de!cy to lo"e foc" a!d
re"lt orie!tatio! o! yor day to day o#eratio!", amid"t yor &ra!d dream- Yo ha$e to
ma)e today of yor %"i!e"" ha##e! %efore yo ca! dream of yor &ra!d tomorro(-
Your Primar# 8oti.atio"9 4ic 4ill 'ri.e #ou to success i" #our
Yor A"ce!da!t i" A6ari", (hich i" rled %y 'atr!- 'atr! i" retro&rade (hich i" &ood
!e(" a!d i" located i! the A"ce!da!t i! it>" o(! "i&!- A"ce!da!t "i&!ifie" the (ay (e (ill
e4#re"" or %ody, mi!d a!d "ol to the (orld at lar&e- The (ay (orld (ill #ercei$e " or the
(ay (e (ill #ro0ect or"el$e" to the (orld- A" "i&! !o- 11, it i!dicate" the &ro# or "ociety
a!d or !eed to ma)e or "i&!atre (ithi! the &ro#- 3he! 'atr! i" retro&rade, the! the
#er"o!ality of A6ari" %ecome" 6ite #o"iti$eO other(i"e A6ari" #er"o!ality ca! %e
mo"t "elf !e&ati$e amo!& all the "i&!"- 1! yor "ociety, "cce"" "ally i" attri%ted to
%"i!e"" "cce"", a!d the role model of that "cce"" i" a" 1 ha$e me!tio!ed earlier i" that
of Dhir%hai Am%a!i (ho from $ery ordi!ary %ac)&ro!d achie$e" the #i!!acle of "cce""
#re thro&h hi" o(! effort" a!d dari!& a!d e!tre#re!er ")ill- Thi" i" the dri$i!& moti$atio!
for yo for yor %"i!e"" "cce""-
Drther e4alted 9ah i" located i! yor B
ho"e, the ho"e of co!te!tme!t a!d #hy"ical
a!d emotio!al "ecrity- 9ah i! yor B
ho"e (ill ma)e yo al(ay" re"tle"", a!d (ill
!e$er allo( yo to %e co!te!t (ith yor achie$eme!t- 8$ery "cce"" that yo (ill achie$e
(ill o!ly dri$e yo to achie$e the !e4t le$el of "cce""-
Stre"gt a"' :ea-"ess i" #our !erso"alit# as !er #our cart:
3e (ill !o( a!aly2e yor %a"ic "tre!&th" a!d (ea)!e"" i! yor #er"o!ality (hich (ill %e
either "##orti$e for yor %"i!e"" "cce"" or (ill %e challe!&e" that yo m"t o$ercome i!
order to %e "cce""fl i! yor o(! %"i!e"" $e!tre-
Your Stre"gt:
A" already me!tio!ed, yor "tre!&th i" yor leader"hi# 6alitie"- Yo de"ire to ac6ire
"tat" a!d reco&!itio! (ithi! yor "ociety thro&h yor %"i!e"" "cce""-
Yor "tre!&th i" yor #er"i"te!ce a!d !e$er &i$e # attitde till yo "cceed-
Your 4ea-"ess:
Yo may %e i! too mch of a hrry- Yo (old co!ti!o"ly li)e to &ro( (ithot
co!"olidati!& yor "cce""- A" a re"lt yo may o$ere4te!d yor"elf- Yo ha$e to reali2e
a" #art of yor ;armic de"ti!y, 'atr! (ill !ot &i$e yo ea"y "cce""- 'atr! (ill ma)e yo
"tr&&le all the (ay, %t e$e!tally 'atr! (ill &ra!t yo yor de"ired "cce"" le$el- A" #er
today>" "ta!dard, yo ha$e %ecome a! e!tre#re!er rather late i! yor life at the a&e of BC-
Bt yo m"t !ot ta)e "hort ct" a!d yo m"t co!"olidate yor &ai! %efore yo attem#t
the !e4t le$el of "cce""-
Te magical 3 $actor o$ e"tre!re"eursi!:
8!tre#re!er"hi# i" all a%ot timi!&- That i" ta)i!& the ri") at the ri&ht time o! the ri&ht
o##ort!ity- A"trolo&ically thi" (ill mea! a fa$ora%le #erfect com%i!atio! of Da"ha a!d
tra!"it i! yor chart, (he! yo m"t ide!tify the ri&ht o##ort!ity a!d "tri)e the iro! (he! it
i" hot !either too early !or too late- 1f thi" com%i!atio! come" at the ri&ht a&e, the! yo are
lc)y a!d yo (ill ha$e the ma&ical X factor for "cce""- Ao( ri&ht a!d ho( #o(erfl i" the
com%i!atio! (ill decide the le$el of "cce"" i! yor life-
3he! Dhir%hai cho"e to create 9elia!ce, it i" the ri&ht time- 1t (a" a! i!!o$ati$e a!d
totally !e( o##ort!ity i! the mar)et #lace, a!d the mar)et !eeded it- Bt (he! yo (old
li)e to e!ter, it i" already a matre i!d"try- The e!try %arrier i" $ery hi&h i! e$ery re"#ect
(hether it i" fi!a!ce, com#etitio!, the "cale re6ired to ma)e it $ia%le etc- etc- Ae!ce 1
(old ad$ice yo to thi!) ot of the %o4, a!d yo ha$e to ha$e "ome i!!o$ati$e idea"
a%ot yor #rodct/ mar)et/tech!olo&y matri4- 3ithi! the "ame "e&me!t, yo m"t come
ot (ith a! i!!o$ati$e o##ort!ity- Yor #re"e!t M8 T?? "trate&y (ill !ot hel# yo to
achie$e yor &oal- 1f yo ca!!ot thi!) %y yor"elf, the! yo m"t ha$e "trate&ic allia!ce
(ith "ome%ody el"e (ho ca! the! come ot (ith "ch idea- Ao(e$er yo m"t ha$e the
ri&ht ")ill to ide!tify "ch a #art!er- 1 (ill o!ly comme!t here that a"trolo&ically the *
ho"e, the ho"e of #art!er"hi# i! yor chart i" ot"ta!di!&- Part!er"hi# i" !ot al(ay"
a%ot "hari!& ca#ital a!d #rofit %t it cold %e "hari!& of )!o(led&e, idea a!d i!!o$atio!
Fa.orable i"'icatio" o$ :ealt i" #our cart:
%a"a#oga i" #our cart:
ho"e i! or chart i" the ho"e of i!come- 2
ho"e i! the chart i" the ho"e of (ealth
accmlated or yor !et fi!a!cial (orth- .ord of 2
a!d lord of 11
ho"e i! yor chart i"
E#iter- E#iter i" located i! 5
ho"eO the ho"e of creati$ity a!d i!telli&e!ce i" a &ood
MDha!ayo&aN i! yor chart- Thi" "i&!ifie" yo (ill ear! (ealth thro&h yor creati$ity a!d
i!telli&e!ce- Drther A"hta)%ar&a "core of 10
ho"e i! yor chart i" 2<, (hich i" a%o$e 2,-
The A"hta)%ar&a "core of 11
ho"e i! yor chart- Thi" i!dicate" that effort to re(ard ratio
i! yor chart i" CC/2< (hich i" &reater tha! 1- Yor re(ard" (ill al(ay" %e hi&her tha! yor
effort"- Thi" i" al"o a!other fa$ora%le i!dicatio! of (ealth i! yor chart-
ho"e lord =e!" i" located i! yor 10
ho"e co!"titte" fir"t cla"" 9a0yo&a for
%"i!e"" "cce"" i! yor chart- =e!" i" al"o B
ho"e lord, (hich i!dicate" yor %"i!e""
"cce"" (ill come i! yor motherla!d o!ly-
Ao"e a!d C
ho"e lord Mar" i" (ell #laced i! 10
ho"e i! it>" o(! "i&! o!ly- Thi" i"
al"o a fa$ora%le "i&!atre for "cce"" i! yor #rofe""io! thro&h yor o(! effort" o!ly
Calle"ges i" creatio" o$ 4ealt i" #our cart:
E#iter the "i&!ifier of (ealth i" located i! the Na)"hatra of 9ah- Tho&h 9ah i" e4alted
i! B
ho"e of yor chart, %t %y it>" $ery !atre, it (ill ca"e certai! #" a!d do(!" i! yor
i!come a!d (ealth thro&hot yor life-
E#iter the "i&!ifier of (ealth a!d the #la!et re"#o!"i%le for the Dha!ayo&a i" !ot $ery
#o(erfl i! yor chart- A" "ch it (ill remai! i!effecti$e !le"" yo "tre!&the! E#iter
thro&h a"trolo&ical remedy-
'imilarly, the Yo&a)ara)a =e!" i! yor chart i" a&ai! !ot $ery "tro!& a!d effecti$e, !le""
yo "tre!&the! the "ame (ith a"trolo&ical remedy-
.ord of *
ho"e, the ho"e of #art!er"hi# a!d al"o %"i!e"" tra!"actio! i" de%ilitated a!d
located i! <
ho"e of yor chart- '! "i&!ifie" /o$er!me!t, lar&e or&a!i2atio!" li)e
%i&&e"t #olye"ter ma!factrer", a!d e$e! lar&e fi!a!cial i!"tittio!" or %a!)" may !ot %e
$ery "##orti$e to yo i! yor e4#a!"io! #la!- '! al"o "i&!ifie" yor father- Yor chart
i!dicate" that i! yor %"i!e"", yo may !ot &et a!y #hy"ical or material "##ort from yor
:at ;i"' o$ busi"ess 4ill be suitable $or #ou as !er #our cart<
Mar" i" the lord of 10
ho"e a!d i" al"o located i! yor 10
ho"e, 'cor#io- Mar" i! yor
Na$am"a chart i" al"o located i! 'cor#io i! *
ho"e- Mar" i" the "tro!&e"t #la!et i! yor
chart- 1t i" =ar&ottama i! yor chart- =e!" a!d ;et are al"o located i! yor 10
Ao(e$er Mar" i" far "tro!&er a!d more %e!eficial for yo- 1t i" Mar", (hich (ill determi!e
the fa$ora%le #rofe""io! or %"i!e"" for yo- Mar" doe" de!ote e!&i!eeri!& #rodctio! or
a!ythi!& to do (ith e!er&y- Ao(e$er, the mo"t im#orta!t %"i!e"" that (ill %e "i&!ified %y
Mar" (ill %e real e"tate, la!d a!d a&ricltre- Mar" al"o "i&!ifie" atomo%ile %"i!e"" or
a!ythi!& that deal" (ith e!er&y- Mar" (ill al"o deal (ith military a!d defe!ce #rodctio!-
=e!" deal" (ith l4ry item" a!d life "tyle item" li)e hi&h e!d &arme!t", 0e(ellery etc-
;et deal" (ith #oi"o! or "ecret (or)- To that e4te!t, ma!factre of #olye"ter or deali!&
i! #olye"ter yar! i" defi!itely the "i&!ifica!ce of ;et #laced i! yor 10
Astrological sig"i$ica"ce a"' suitabilit# o$ #our !rese"t busi"ess:
A"trolo&ically, yor #re"e!t %"i!e"" of (i!di!& #olye"ter yar! ca! %e attri%ted to ;et i!
yor 10
ho"e, a" me!tio!ed a%o$e- Thi" i" frther athe!ticated %y the fact that yo had
i!cor#orated yor %"i!e"" o! 1+
Ely 200, a!d mo"t li)ely it %ecame o#eratio!al from
Mercry/'atr!/;et #eriod %et(ee! B
'e#tem%er 200,- Thi" (a" al"o )!o(! a" ;et
#eriod i! yor life a" yo had com#leted BC year" of a&e a!d ;et ha" %ro&ht ma0or
;armic cha!&e" i! yor life a!d made yo a! e!tre#re!er- Yo al"o ha$e e!tered * year"
mai! #eriod of ;et from 2B
Ely 2010 till 2B
Ely 201*- ;et i" al"o e4alted i! yor chart-
Ao(e$er dri!& ;et #eriod, 1 (ill later i! the re#ort (ill ad$ice "ome di$er"ificatio! (hich
(ill "i&!ify a com%i!atio! of Mar" a!d ;et a"trolo&ically-
Astrological Sig"atures $or "e/t = #ears to 'eci'e 4e" to start #our
Pri"ci!les o$ %asa S#stem:
The Da"ha =ichar or #la!etary #eriod" of =edic A"trolo&y #ro$ide a !i6e a!d
com#rehe!"i$e "y"tem for 0d&i!& the effect" of #la!et" thro&hot the de$elo#me!t of or
li$e"- They are the mo"t accrate "y"tem for "ho(i!& ho( the #la!et" di"tri%te their
effect" thro&h time a!d the differe!t "ta&e" of or li$e"-
The mo"t commo! of the"e "y"tem" of #la!etary #eriod" i" the =im"hottari Da"ha or the
P1207year cycleP- Thi" follo(" a #redetermi!ed "e6e!ce, the "tarti!& #oi!t of (hich i"
determi!ed %y the lo!&itde of Moo! at the time of %irth- 1! it, each of the "e$e! ma0or
#la!et" #l" the t(o .!ar Node" are &i$e! "#ecific #eriod"- Thi" e!tire life "#a! i" di$ided
i!to differe!t mai! #eriod" of #la!et" a!d (ithi! thi" mai! #eriod, there are "%7#eriod" of
all the #la!et" a!d the! each "%7#eriod ca! %e di$ided i!to "%7"%7#eriod" of #la!et"-
The effect" of the #la!et" %ecome mo"t o#erati$e dri!& the Mai! Da"ha or the "%7Da"ha-
The tra!"it effect" a!d the relatio! %et(ee! the Mai! #la!et a!d the "%7#la!et al"o
determi!e (hether the &ood effect" (ill %e more #redomi!a!t or the %ad o!e"-
%asa calculatio" meto' : b# 'egree
%asa S#stem ,imsottari
%asa calculatio" meto' : b# 'egree
%asa S#stem ,imsottari A"tar %asa
Yo (ill o%"er$e that %et(ee! 2B
Ely, 2010 till 20
Decem%er, 2010 yo (ill %e
e4#erie!ci!& * year" mai! #eriod of ;et- ;et i" located i! 10
ho"e, the ho"e of
#rofe""io! from A"ce!da!t i! yor chart- ;et i" al"o e4alted i! yor chart- Yo (ill
defi!itely $ery acti$e #r"i!& yor #rofe""io!al &oal dri!& the ;et #eriod- Ao(e$er ;et
i" al"o located i! 2
ho"e from '! i! yor !atal chart- 2
ho"e i" the ho"e of
accmlatio! of (ealth- Thi" i" the macro directio! of mai! #eriod of ;et i! yor life- Thi"
i" certai!ly a fa$ora%le "i&!atre for co!"olidatio! of yor %"i!e"" a" (ell a" to im#leme!t
a correct "trate&y for e4#a!"io! a!d &ro(th i! yor %"i!e"" from the #re"e!t le$el-
The &ood !e(" i" * year" mai! #eriod of ;et (ill %e follo(ed %y 20 year" mai! #eriod of
=e!"- =e!" i" al"o located i! 10
ho"e from A"ce!da!t (hich i" al"o the 2
ho"e from
'! i! yor !atal chart-
=e!" i" f!ctio!ally the mo"t a"#icio" #la!et i! yor chart a!d i" called the Yo&a)ara)a
for yor chart i! (ho"e #eriod , de"ti!y (ill %ri!& ma!y !e( o##ort!itie" for co!"olidatio!
of yor (ealth a!d yor !et (orth thro&h yor %"i!e"" acti$ity- =e!" #eriod (ill %e
%et(ee! 2B
Ely, 201* till 2B
Ely, 20C* -
Thi" (ill %e al"o the la"t %t mo"t acti$e #eriod for yo #rofe""io!ally a!d for %"i!e""
Astrological tra"sit sig"atures 4it res!ect to #our "atal cart $or "e/t =
Te +u!iter Tra"sit:
E#iter the mai! "i&!ifier of (ealth i! yor chart i" #re"e!tly tra!"iti!& thro&h yor "eco!d
ho"e ,Pi"ce" the ho"e of (ealth- E#iter "ally ta)e" o!e year a##ro4imately to tra!"it
thro&h o(! "i&!- ?$er !e4t 5 year" E#iter (ill tra!"it from 2
ho"e to +
ho"e i! yor
chart- Dri!& the"e 5 year" E#iter (ill co!0oi! 9ah i! the B
ho"e of yor !atal chart a"
(ell a" E#iter a!d Moo! i! the 5
ho"e of yor !atal chart- The"e co!0!ctio!" (ill tri&&er
ma0or e$e!t" i! yor life- The A"hta)%ar&a tra!"it "tre!&th of E#iter i" more or le"" o) a" it
tra!"it" thro&h yor 2
ho"e a!d C
ho"e- Ao(e$er it (ill %e mo"t challe!&i!& (he! it
(ill tra!"it thro&h yor B
ho"e, Tar", a!d (ill al"o co!0oi! !atal 9ah i! yor B
%et(ee! 20
May, 2012 till *
E!e, 201C, Yo !eed to (atch ot thi" #eriod $ery careflly
a" 9ah a!d E#iter com%i!e ca! ca"e a ma0or "et %ac) for yo i! yor %"i!e""-
Ao(e$er the &ood !e(" i" E#iter (ill %e e4traordi!arily fa$ora%le for yo i! tra!"it (he! it
(ill tra!"it thro&h %et(ee! Ely, 201B till 1
Ely, 2015- Thi" i" li)ely to coi!cide (ith a
ma0or "cce"" (i!do( for yor %"i!e""-
Dor E#iter tra!"it , the date" that 1 am &i$i!& yo m"t %e factored %y Q/7 C mo!th" %efore
a!d after the tra!"it-
Te Satur" Tra"sit :
'atr! i" #re"e!tly tra!"iti!& thro&h ,
ho"e , =ir&o from yor A"ce!da!t, till B
2012- ,
ho"e tra!"it of 'atr! i" "##o"ed to %e challe!&i!& a!d "tre""fl- Dort!ately
'atr! i" f!ctio!ally a"#icio" #la!et for yor chart %ei!& the lord of A"ce!da!t a!d .ord
of 12
'atr! %y it>" $ery !atre ha" "ome malefic a"#ect a""ociated (ith it "#ecially %eca"e it i"
al"o 12
ho"e lord the ho"e of e4#e!ditre a!d lo""e"- The tra!"it "tre!&th of 'atr! i"
!ot %ad - 1t i" 0"t a%ot acce#ta%le- Ae!ce (hile it i" tra!"iti!& thro&h ,
ho"e, "ome of
the e4#e!"e" that yo (ill i!cr may tr! ot to %e lo""e" i!"tead of it %ei!& i!$e"tme!t for
ftre &ro(th a!d "cce""- Ao(e$er for !e4t 5 year", after B
A&"t, 2012O 'atr! (ill
tra!"it thro&h yor <
ho"e, till aro!d C1
?cto%er, 201B a!d the! thro&h yor 10
ho"e till aro!d C1
?cto%er, 201*- The la"t tra!"it (ill defi!itely %e mo"t fa$ora%le for
yor %"i!e"" "cce"", a" #er it>" tra!"it "tre!&th- Thi" (ill al"o mar) more or le"" the e!d
of mai! #eriod of ;et i! yor life - A"trolo&ically %y e!d of ;et #eriod yor %"i!e""
"hold ha$e $ery firm fo!datio! from (hich yo (ill %e a%le to &ro( to mch &reater
hei&ht" dri!& the 20 year" mai! #eriod of =e!" (hich yo (ill e4#erie!ce after the mai!
#eriod of ;et- The date" &i$e! a%ot 'atr! tra!"it, the re"lt" m"t %e factored %y Q/7 +
mo!th" -
Te tra"sit o$ Rau);etu:
9ah/;et are #re"e!tly tra!"iti!& thro&h yor 11
ho"e a4i" (hich i"
'a&ittari"//emi!i i! yor chart, till aro!d 15
A#ril, 2011- Thi" (ill %e follo(ed %y the
#air>" tra!"it thro&h yor 10
ho"e (hich i" 'cor#io/Tar" till aro!d *
201C- Dri!& thi" later tra!"it ,%oth 9ah/;et (ill co!0oi! (ith each other>" !atal #o"itio!"
i! yor chart, "i&!ifyi!& the tri&&er of a ma0or ;armic cha!&e i! yor #rofe""io! a!d
%"i!e""- The date" &i$e! m"t %e factored %y Q/7 B mo!th" %efore a!d after the tra!"it-
3hether the"e cha!&e" "hold "i&!ify &ro(th or "et%ac) (ill %e determi!ed %y the other
tra!"it" a" (ell a" the da"ha "y"tem already di"c""ed %efore-
U!s a"' 'o4"s i" li$e a"' i" busi"ess success $or "e/t = #ears troug
te le"s o$ ;arma I"'e/:
From %ate To %ate Soul

@5 0A= B=A ?B@ BC= ?05= ?BB 1@5 @> 2BB 1C0 ?205 02>
21= 15@ =>C ?C0 =>C ?C@ 0>> 151 0=2 B>@ 2C@ ?000 11>
2B0 502 0@C ?B>2 C0C ?=A 1C@ 00B B5C 11 @>@ ?@5 102
0>=C =0A 0221 =B= 0012 C> 2=1 5>B BA0 0222 CCA 02@ @1C
?5@ ?5AB =BB ?012 ?BB2 ?2> ?221 1=C ?A0B B21 ?0>B0 ?1@ ?11=
=12 ?22B C20 ?=0 ?@A 0@= 52 1BB ?B11 5B0 ?=>@ B>5 0@5
BBB 0@@ 1>> ?B5C 0BC @B 121 ?B0 ?002 0=C 1AC 1>A ?00
?0C1 ?CC ?C@ ?0@> ?00> ?AC ?001 ?2B ?0@@ ?AA ?00B ?0CC ?10A
=5A 01@@ 2>@ ?10B 0B@0 ?0@@ B@C 10C 00B0 0A2 0@12 ?2BA =2C
0@A 01@@ ?05 B> 02CC ?2=A 20C A2 00>B C> 0@BB ?C>5
Best DE 5>> 8i/e' F 5>> A"' DE 1>> A.erage F 1>> A"' DE 2> :orst F 2>
Soul Index:
Thi" &i$e" the #ro&re"" of a"trolo&ical "i&!atre for the 'ol- A" "ch, thi" 1!de4 "i&!ifie" the health of or
i!!er a!d oter "elf a!d ho( (e are %ildi!& # or #hy"ical a!d me!tal #ote!tial- 1t re#re"e!t" the i!!er "elf
Fthe 'olG, a!d the oter "elf Fthe BodyG- 1t i!dicate" the (ay (e #ro0ect or"el$e"77or %eha$ior a!d attitde
to the e4ter!al (orld, a" (ell a" or #hy"ical attri%te"-
Wealth Index
Thi" i!dicate" the #ro&re"" of a"trolo&ical "i&!atre for or ca#acity to accmlate material (ealth- 1t #ro0ect"
or ear!i!& ca#acity thro&h or o(! effort" a!d re#re"e!t" ho( (e are ma!a&i!& the "r#l" %et(ee! or
i!come a!d e4#e!ditre of material #o""e""io!" to create a co!ti!o" flo( of (ealth- 'i!ce "ch (ealth ca!
%e "ed for the #ro"#erity of or e!tire family a!d "ociety, thi" i!de4 (ill al"o "i&!ify the material #ro"#erity of
or e!tire family a!d or e4te!ded family-
Efforts Index
Thi" re#re"e!t" or %a"ic e!er&y i! life a!d &i$e" the #ro&re"" of a"trolo&ical "i&!atre o! ho( effecti$ely (e
are tili2i!& or i!here!t cora&e a!d effort"- Thi" "i&!ifie" the im#l"e a!d i!te!tio! that dri$e ", a!d
mo!itor" (hether (e are %ei!& a%le to %ri!& forth or fll #ote!tial i!to or ;arma or !ot- 'i!ce or "i%li!&"
a!d frie!d" are mea!t to hel# " i! or effort", thi" i!de4 al"o "i&!ifie" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre for the
#ro"#erity, a!d or relatio!" (ith or "i%li!&" a!d frie!d"- A lo&ical e4te!"io! of thi" i" that thi" i!de4 reflect"
or ca#acity to #ro0ect or (ill o! the e4ter!al (orld, or o$erall comm!icatio! effecti$e!e""-
Happiness Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre of or ca#acity to feel &ood, a!d or %a"ic emotio!al !atre determi!i!&
or ca#acity for 0oy i! thi" life- Th", thi" i!de4 "i&!ifie" or #hy"ical a!d emotio!al "ecrity le$el, a!d
mo!itor" or ca#acity for re"t a!d rela4atio! a" (ell a" #eace of mi!d- The lo&ical e4te!"io! i" that the i!de4
"hold ca#tre or accmlatio!" of creatre comfort" li)e &ood ho"e, co!$eya!ce a!d other l4ry item" of
comfort- ?! a! emotio!al le$el, thi" i!de4 (ill mea"re or comfort le$el (ith or mother, family, motherla!d,
i! &e!eral e$erythi!& that co!"titte" dome"tic %li"" for or life-
Creativity Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre of or #ote!tial to create !e( thi!&" a!d !e( idea"- 1t mo!itor" ho(
creati$ely (e are tili2i!& or )!o(led&e, or )arma, or de"ire a!d or effort"- 1t "i&!ifie" or le$el of
i!telli&e!ce- Th" (he! (e are yo!&, thi" i!de4 (ill &i$e the "i&!atre for or edcatio!al a!d academic
achie$eme!t"- Thi" i!de4 i" al"o o!e of lo$e, "#ecifically for childre!- The fi!e"t e4am#le of or de"ire a!d
"e!"al #lea"re i" the %irth of or #ro&e!y from or !io! of lo$e- Th", thi" i!de4 &i$e" the a"trolo&ical
"i&!atre for the (ell %ei!& a!d #ro"#erity of or childre!- Thi" i!de4 al"o ca#tre" or feeli!&" of lo$e a!d
roma!ce for a!other #er"o!- 1t trac)" i!fatatio!" a!d lo$e affair" %t !ot relatio!"hi#" of lo!&7term
commitme!t, (hich are re#re"e!ted %y the '#o"e 1!de4-
Disease Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre for di"tr%a!ce of ea"e i! or life- Di"ea"e actally mea!" Di"tr%a!ce of
8a"e I for a!y a"#ect of life- 1f it i" di"tr%a!ce of ea"e for the #hy"ical %ody, a !e&ati$e $ale of i!de4 (ill
re#re"e!t I ill!e"" I- 1f it i" di"tr%a!ce of ea"e i! $ocatio!, the !e&ati$e $ale of i!de4 (ill re#re"e!t e!mity,
o%"tacle", liti&atio!, a!d de%t"- 1t !ormally "i&!ifie" o##o"itio!", difficltie" a!d o%"tacle" i! life- A #o"iti$e
$ale of i!de4 (ill re#re"e!t that (e are %ei!& a%le to carry ot all or I ;arma I (ithot a!y o%"tacle", a!d
e$e! if there are o%"tacle" (e (ill %e a%le to o$ercome them "cce""flly-
Spouse Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre of or relatio!"hi#" (ith or #art!er" i! life, a!d al"o "i&!ifie" their (ell
%ei!&- The mo"t im#orta!t #art!er i! or life i" or life #art!er a!d that i" (hy (e call thi" i!de4 the I '#o"e
1!de4 I- Thi" (ill al"o i!dicate or "cce""e" a!d failre" i! or %"i!e"" !e&otiatio!", a!d i! tradi!&
acti$itie"- 1t (ill al"o i!dicate relatio!" (ith or %"i!e"" a""ociate" a!d #art!er"- Thi" i!de4 al"o ca#tre"
a"trolo&ical "i&!atre" for "hort 0or!ey" that (e may !derta)e- A #o"iti$e $ale of the i!de4 (ill mea!
"cce""fl "hort 0or!ey" a!d a !e&ati$e $ale of the i!de4 (ill mea! #ro%lem" a!d difficltie" i! "ch
Windfall Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre for "dde! !e4#ected fort!e" a!d mi"fort!e"- Tho&h (i!dfall i"
"ally a""ociated (ith &ai!, (e are "i!& thi" term to "i&!ify %oth !e4#ected &ai!" a!d lo""e"- The"e
e$e!t" are !ot e4#ected, "tri)e "dde!ly a!d "eem to %e !a$oida%le- The #o"iti$e i!de4 $ale "i&!ifie"
!e4#ected mo!etary &ai!" li)e !e4#ected i!herita!ce, or &ai!" i! &am%li!&, "#eclatio! a!d lotterie"- 1t
al"o "i&!ifie" !e4#ected !e( o##ort!itie" a!d co!tact", (hich (ill %e #rofita%le- The !e&ati$e i!de4 $ale
"i&!ifie" the re$er"e77calamitie", accide!t", a!d lo""e" i! "#eclatio!, &am%li!& a!d e$e! death- A"
me!tio!ed already, the"e are the re"lt" of #a"t ;arma" a!d De"ti!y a!d, accordi!& to ", thi" i" that o!e
i!de4 (hich #ro%a%ly ca!!ot %e altered %y or o(! effort"- The differe!ce %et(ee! the Di"ea"e i!de4 a!d thi"
i!de4 i" that the Di"ea"e i!de4 i" !ot !e4#ected a!d "dde!, %t thi" o!e i"- Ao(e$er, o!e ca! ma)e
co!ti!&e!cy #la!" thro&h o!eI" effort" to mi!imi2e the im#act-
Destiny Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre for or PDe"ti!yP- 1t re#re"e!t" or #rime $ale", #ri!ci#le", a!d ideal" a"
(ell a" "#irital a!d ethical di"#o"itio!- 1t "i&!ifie" the ho!or, #re"ti&e, reco&!itio! a!d acce#ta!ce (e (ill
recei$e i! thi" life- 1f thi" i!de4 i" #o"iti$e a!d &oi!& # dri!& a #articlar #eriod, it "i&!ifie" that De"ti!y i"
fa$ora%le to " a!d (hate$er effort" (e #t i! (ill #rodce fa$ora%le re"lt"- 1f thi" i!de4 i" !e&ati$e a!d
&oi!& do(!, it mea!" de"ti!y i" !fa$ora%le a!d (e (ill ha$e to #t additio!al a!d more creati$e e!er&y to
achie$e "cce"" i! or effort"-
Vocation Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre of ho( (e (ill #ro&re"" i! or =ocatio!, ho( (e (ill #erform or
ordai!ed dtie" a!d the effect of or actio!" #o! the (orld- Th", thi" i!de4 (ill de#ict or #rofe""io!al
"cce"" a!d failre, a!d or "ocial "tat", #o(er a!d i!fle!ce- Thi" i!de4 (ill al"o de#ict the (ell %ei!& of
or father li)e the Aa##i!e"" 1!de4 re#re"e!t" the (ell %ei!& of or mother- 1! &e!eral thi" i!de4 (ill "i&!ify
or relatio!" (ith /o$er!me!t, or "#erior" a!d #eo#le i! athority-
Desire Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre of ho( or de"ire" are %ei!& flfilled- Th", thi" i!de4 de#ict" actal
material &ai! or i!come that (e achie$e thro&h or effort", creati$ity, a!d or $ocatio!"- A #o"iti$e $ale a!d
#(ard tre!d may i!dicate that or &ai! may %e e$e! hi&her tha! the effort" that (e are actally #tti!&-
'imilarly ,a !e&ati$e $ale a!d do(!(ard tre!d may i!dicate that or &ai! (ill !ot %e comme!"rate to or
Detachment Index
Thi" &i$e" the a"trolo&ical "i&!atre of ho( or material a!d #hy"ical a""et" are &etti!& detached from "-
Thi" i!de4 (ill de#ict or material otflo(, e4#e!ditre or lo""e"- Th", a #o"iti$e i!de4 (ill de!ote
e4#e!ditre" for #rofita%le i!$e"tme!t", or e4#e!"e" for a !o%le ca"e li)e charity- 1! today I" &lo%al
eco!omy, a #o"iti$e i!de4 ca! al"o mea! "cce""fl a!d #rofita%le forei&! relatio!" a!d $e!tre"- A !e&ati$e
i!de4 (ill i!dicate i!$e"tme!t" tr!i!& "or a!d e4#e!ditre" #rely for &ratificatio! of or "e!"e" a!d
#hy"ical de"ire"-
Comme"ts o" ;arma I"'e/ table $or "e/t = #ears:
The ;arma 1!de4 accmlated $ale" for + mo!th" i!ter$al for a #eriod of 5 year" are
&i$e! i! the 1C
colm! i! the ta%le- The"e $ale" are !ot al&e%raic additio!" of fir"t 12
colm!"- ;arma i!de4 $ale" de#ict the o$erall "i&!atre" i! yor life dri!& !e4t 5 year"-
The differe!t i!de4e" ha$e their "#ecific "i&!ifica!ce" corre"#o!di!& to differe!t a"#ect" i!
yor life-
Drom the o$erall #oi!t of $ie(, the mo"t %lli"h #eriod or ha##y #eriod i! yor life (ill %e
%et(ee! 1
Decem%er, 2011 to C1"t May, 2012 follo(ed %y 1
E!e, 201B to C0
No$em%er, 201B- The mo"t challe!&i!& #eriod" i! yor life (ill %e %et(ee! 1
E!e, 2012
till C1
May, 201B- The remai!i!& #eriod" (ill %e more or le"" a$era&e or %"i!e"" a" "al
a" it "ta!d" today- Thi" challe!&i!& #eriod i" al"o athe!ticated %y my comme!t" o!
$ario" tra!"it" that 1 had di"c""ed a%o$e- Al"o Da"ha (i"e thi" #eriod (ill coi!cide (ith
;et/'! #eriod a!d ;et/Moo! #eriod %et(ee! 20
De%rary, 2012 till 25
Ea!ary, 201C-
Ae!ce yo !eed to %e e4tremely catio" a!d carefl a!d m"t #la! %eforeha!d o! ho(
yo (ill co#e (ith !e4#ected challe!&e" "#ecially i! yor %"i!e""-
1 (ill comme!t o! other i!de4 $ale" (he! 1 di"c"" the $ario" "trate&ic i""e" co!cer!i!&
yor %"i!e"" "cce"" for !e4t 5 year":
8ost Fa.orable)Bullis !erio's $or busi"ess success $or "e/t = #ears:
@!do%tedly thi" (ill %e dri!& 1
Decem%er, 2011 to C1
May, 2012-
Yo (ill "ee that %oth yor co!fide!ce le$el a" (ell a" yor effort" le$el (ill %e $ery hi&h a"
reflected %y 'ol i!de4 a!d effort i!de4- Yo are li)ely to i!itiate clear !e( "trate&y a!d a
#la! of &ro(th to ta)e yor %"i!e"" to a differe!t le$el alto&ether from the #re"e!t le$el-
The creati$e i!de4 i" $ery hi&h dri!& thi" #eriod reflecti!& that yo (ill %e a%le to formlate
a clear , creati$e a!d doa%le "trate&y dri!& thi" #eriod- The =ocatio! i!de4 i" al"o $ery
hi&h i!dicati!& yor leader"hi# (ill %e at #ea) le$el to &ide the de"ti!y of yor %"i!e""-
A"trolo&y (ill #ro$ide yo (ith thi" (i!do( of o##ort!ity , %t it i" for yo to ma)e the %e"t
"e of thi" o##ort!ity a!d to !ot (a"te thi" o##ort!ity %y %ei!& too catio" or %y %ei!&
too #roacti$e a!d o$ere4te!di!& yor"elf-
8ost Calle"gi"g)bearis !erio's $or busi"ess success $or "e/t = #ears:
The mo"t challe!&i!& #eriod dri!& !e4t 5 year" (ill %e %et(ee! 1
E!e, 2012 till C1
May, 201C- The mo"t im#orta!t #ro%lem i" li)ely to %e ca"h7flo(, a!d yo may face a
"e$ere ca"h cr!ch- Thi" i" reflected i! hi&hly !e&ati$e De"ire 1!de4 dri!& thi" 1 year
#eriod- The o$erall i!d"try that yo are "er$i!& may %e affected %y "erio" rece""io! a!d
lac) of dema!d- Yo (ill %e "im#ly !lc)y a" reflected %y hi&hly !e&ati$e De"ti!y i!de4
$ale- A $ery im#orta!t c"tomer o! (hom yo de#e!d may %e !a%le to #ic) # hi"
commitme!t a!d yo may %e "tc) (ith !"old i!$e!tory- Thi" i" reflected %y !e&ati$e
"#o"e i!de4 dri!& thi" #eriod-
Ao(e$er the &ood !e(" i" =ocatio! i!de4 (ill "till %e #o"iti$e dri!& thi" #eriod a!d yo
mi&ht ha$e a "r$i$al #la! a!d re"er$e" to tide o$er dri!& thi" difficlt #eriod-
Gro4t Strateg# $or "e/t = #ears astrologicall# :
Yo ca!!ot "im#ly de#e!d o! %"i!e"" a" "al a##roach a!d ca! de#e!d o! #rely
or&a!ic &ro(th i! yor %"i!e""- Yo are i! a hi&hly com#etiti$e i!d"try (hich ma)e" yor
#rofita%ility "#ecially lo( (ith yor #re"e!t le$el of %"i!e""- Yo ha$e to ide!tify i!or&a!ic
&ro(th o##ort!itie"- Yor #re"e!t dream a!d thi!)i!& of ha$i!& a com#lete %ac)(ard
i!te&ratio! a!d to %e a%le to "et # #olye"ter #la! dri!& !e4t 5 year" i" "im#ly !reali"tic
from the #re"e!t le$el of %"i!e""- 1!"tead yo m"t thi!) of di$er"ifyi!& i!to a com#lete
!e( %"i!e"" a" "&&e"ted earlier to yo o! (hat )i!d of %"i!e"" (ill %e "ita%le for yo
a" #er yor chart-
Alter!ati$ely yo "hold "ee) o##ort!itie" li)e &oi!& for(ard i! the #rodctio! chai!- Yo
are #re"e!tly "er$i!& the traditio!al ;!itti!& i!d"try- Yo may thi!) of hi&h $ale "#ecial
yar! to "er$e "#ecial re6ireme!t" of hi&h $ale &arme!t ma!factrer" or e$e! create
"trate&ic #art!er"hi# to &o # the $ale chai!- Yo ca! al"o thi!) of $ery "#ecial #rodct"
(ithi! yor li!e to "er$ice "#eciali2ed i!d"trie" li)e defe!ce, electro!ic" etc- 1 ca!!ot
"&&e"t (hat the"e #rodct" (ill %e, yo (ill ha$e to ide!tify them- The %ottom li!e i" yo
ha$e to &o # the $ale chai! (hich (ill !ot re6ire i!$e"tme!t li)e #olye"ter ma!factri!&
#la!t- The %e"t time to &et i!to "ch $e!tre ha" %ee! already di"c""ed i! the mo"t %lli"h
#eriod dri!& !e4t 5 year"-
Te best times $or #ou to $i"aliHe a"' i"itiate #our gro4t !la"s 'uri"g "e/t = #ears
E!e, 2011 to C1
May, 2012
2G 1
E!e, 201B to C1
May, 2015
Dri!& %oth the"e #eriod" yor creati$e i!de4 (ill %e $ery hi&h- De"ti!y i!de4 (ill al"o %e
$ery hi&h "imlta!eo"ly- Strateg# For "e/t = #ears :
3e ha$e already ide!tified the mo"t challe!&i!& #eriod dri!& !e4t 5 year"- Yo ha$e to
#la! %efore ha!d a!d m"t ha$e %ac) # re"er$e" to meet yor (or)i!& ca#ital
re6ireme!t dri!& thi" difficlt #eriod thro&h e4ter!al "orce of f!di!&-
Fi"a"ci"g a"' source o$ $i"a"ci"g $or "e/t = #ears:
1! %"i!e"" fi!a!ce ca! %e rai"ed either thro&h yor i!ter!al re"er$e" or yor o(! ca#ital-
There i" a $ery limited #o""i%ility of the "ame at yor #re"e!t le$el of o#eratio!- The other
"orce" cold %e either e6ity or de%t- De%t "er$ici!& (ill %e really difficlt i!cldi!&
a$aila%ility of de%t for yo at yor #re"e!t le$el of %"i!e"" a!d #rofita%ility- Yor %e"t
o#tio! (ill %e e6ity #artici#atio! from frie!d" a!d other" for a com#letely !e( #ro0ect a"
#art of yor i!or&a!ic &ro(th "trate&y that 1 ha$e di"c""ed earlier- The %e"t time for yo to
do "o (ill %e a&ai! %et(ee! 1
Decem%er, 2011 till C1
May, 2012, (he! "#o"e i!de4 i"
hi&h, (i!dfall i!de4 i" hi&h a" (ell a" di"ea"e i!de4 i" #o"iti$e-
Recruitme"t a"' ma"!o4er strateg# $or "e/t = #ears:
A" #er ;arma i!de4 ta%le, the fa$ora%le time (i!do( for e4#a!di!& yor ma!7#o(er %a"e
(ill %e dri!& 1
Decem%er, 2012 to C1
May, 201C (he! the di"ea"e i!de4 i" #o"iti$e for
yo- Ao(e$er it "till i!dicate" that it "hold %e limited e4#a!"io! #la! for ma!#o(er-
I"$rastructure i".estme"t $or "e/t = #ears:
The o!ly fa$ora%le time (i!do( a$aila%le for yo dri!& !e4t 5 year" for i!fra7"trctre
i!$e"tme!t either i! "#ace or i! #la!t a!d machi!ery (ill %e dri!& 1
Decem%er, 2011 to
May, 2012 (he! ha##i!e"" i!de4 i" #o"iti$e - Yo "hold !otice that thi" i" the o!ly
#eriod i! e!tire 5 year" (he! thi" i!de4 i" #o"iti$e - 1! &e!eral a"trolo&ically yo are li)ely
to e4#erie!ce lac) of i!fra7"trctre thro&hot thi" #eriod-
Strategic Allia"ce a"' Part"ersi! 'uri"g "e/t = #ears :
Dor e4#a!"io! a" (ell a" "r$i$al , yo ha$e to form "trate&ic allia!ce" (ith i!di$idal" for
fi!a!ce a" (ell a" for "trate&y a!d tech!olo&y- Yo may ha$e to form lo!& term "trate&ic
allia!ce" (ith other %"i!e"" or&a!i2atio!" for mar)eti!& a" (ell a" #rodctio!-
1 ha$e already "tated that a" #er yor chart #art!er"hi# (ill %e %e!eficial for yo a!d it (ill
%e al"o ""tai!a%le- Ao(e$er yo m"t %e clear a!d reali"tic ,a!d fair (he! formi!&
#art!er"hi# to a""e"" o%0ecti$ely (hat each #art!er i" %ri!&i!& o! the ta%le, a!d that
"hold %e the %a"i" of #art!er"hi#-
Te $ollo4i"g !erio's 4ill be best suitable to $orm strategic allia"ces a"'
!art"ersi!s 'uri"g "e/t = #ears:
E!e, 2011 to C1
May, 2012
1"t E!e, 201B to C1"t May, 2015
Dri!& %oth the"e #eriod" %oth "#o"e i!de4 a" (ell a" de"ti!y i!de4 (ill %e hi&hly #o"iti$e
for yo-
Possibilit# o$ a" IPO 'uri"g "e/t = #ears :
Thi" i" !li)ely to %e a!y rele$a!t i""e for yor %"i!e"" dri!& !e4t 5 year" -
A"s4er to #our s!eci$ic co"cer"s:
Yor t(o co!cer!" of (he! yo (ill ha$e 100 core" or (he! yo (ill "tart yor o(!
#olye"ter ma!factri!& mill i" !ot really a!y "erio" !or reali"tic co!cer!" for yo at thi"
mome!t at the #re"e!t le$el of %"i!e""- 1t i" totally i! the realm of fa!cy a!d (i"hfl
Ao(e$er a" 1 ha$e ad$i"ed yo i! the re#ort, yo ha$e to "erio"ly thi!) of !e( "trate&y for
i!or&a!ic &ro(th a!d ho( to &o # the $ale chai!- Yo al"o "erio"ly !eed to thi!) a%ot
"trate&ic #art!er"hi# (ith other #rofe""io!al" to rai"e fi!a!ce , tech!olo&y, a!d to ide!tify
!e( #rodct/mar)et "trate&y "o that yo ca! really tili2e a!d e4#loit the (i!do(" of o##or7
t!itie" for &ro(th dri!& !e4t 5 year"-
Astrological Reme'ies :
A"trolo&ical remedie" ca! #rotect yo from i!a"#icio" effect" of de%ilitated '! i! yor
chart- To reali2e yor dream yo !eed to !etrali2e yor '! A'AP-
Yo "hold (ear a Numeric Surya Yantra Thi" i" a lifetime recomme!datio! for yo-
1! order to &o a!y(here %eyo!d yor #re"e!t le$el of %"i!e"", Yo (ill ha$e to ma)e %oth
=e!" a!d E#iter i! yor chart more effecti$e tha! (hat they are i! yor !atal chart %y
"tre!&the!i!& them thro&h /em thera#y-
Yo "hold "tre!&the! the #la!et =e!" %y (eari!& a Diamond (ei&hi!& 0-5 to 0-+ carat"
i! "i2e- 1t m"t %e mo!ted o! a &old or (hite &old ri!& a!d (or! o! the middle fi!&er of
ri&ht ha!d- The &em m"t %e #t o! fir"t o! a Driday mor!i!&-
Yo "hold "tre!&the! the #la!et E#iter %y (eari!& a Yello! Sapphire (ei&hi!& 5 to +
carat" i! #ote!cy- 1t m"t %e mo!ted o! a &old ri!& a!d (or! o! the i!de4 fi!&er of yor
ri&ht ha!d- The &em m"t %e #t o! fir"t o! a Thr"day mor!i!&-

?! %ehalf of Cy%erA"tro-Com
'atra0it Ma0mdar
NOTE: Getti"g best Iualit# astrological gemsto"e is a .er# toug tas- "o4a'a#s7 *o4e.er9 ere is
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