Algebra II Syllabus

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Algebra II Syllabus

Wiesbaden High School

Mathematics Department
DoDEA students will become mathematically literate world citizens empowered with the
necessary skills to prosper in our changing world. DoDEA educators extensive content
knowledge and skillful use of effective instructional practices will create a learning community
committed to success for all. Through collaboration, communication, and innovation within a
standards-driven, rigorous mathematics curriculum, DoDEA students will reach their maximum
Course Overview
This mathematics course is designed to give students a firm understanding of advanced concepts
in Algebra. Standards include the study of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and
logarithmic families of functions; complex numbers, sequences and series, trigonometry, and
conic sections. Students will be expected to apply previously learned Algebra and critical
thinking skills, and extend on their prior knowledge. The ideal student in this class will have
successfully completed Algebra I and Geometry, and will have a strong work ethic. The class is
fast-paced, and is a higher level of difficulty than prior math courses, so a commitment to doing
your best daily is critical.

Attitude / Behavior
A A p po os si it ti iv ve e a at tt ti it tu ud de e w wi il ll l b br ri in ng g p po os si it ti iv ve e r re es su ul lt ts s, and all students and staff are expected to do their
personal best in class daily. Respect for yourself, others, and the environment around you will
also be expected from everyone in the classroom. If students behavior is disrespectful or
disruptive, disciplinary actions will follow. Your teachers are here to help you succeed, but they
are not mind-readers. It is expected that if you are not understanding the material, you will seek
extra help in seminar or other times outside of the class period.

Your grade will be determined by your performance on daily homework assignments, warm-ups, notes,
classwork, projects, quizzes and chapter tests. The standard grading scale will be used.

* Warm-ups / Notes / Class Work - 1 10 0% %
* Daily Assignments/Homework - 1 10 0% %
* Quizzes - 3 30 0% %
* Chapter Tests - 5 50 0% %
Grading Scale
A 100% - 93% B- 81% 80% D+ 69% - 68%
A- 91% - 90% C+ 79% 78% D 67% - 62%
B+ 89% - 88% C 77% 72% D- 61% - 60%
B 87% - 82% C- 71% 70% F Below 60%

Warm-ups / Notes / Class Work (10%)
Your efforts in class and on your daily assignments will be the key to your success in class. Each day
you come to class you will have the opportunity to learn something new and practice what your have
learned. Each class period you will be expected to complete the daily warm-up, take notes, and get
started on an assignment.

Daily Assignments/Homework (10%)
Completing the daily assignment is crucial to your overall success in class. If you do not complete the
daily assignment, you will not do well in class. All assignments must be completed in PENCIL and
corrected in PEN. Each assignment will be graded. Each assignment is worth 5 5 p po oi in nt ts s. Homework
quizzes may also be a part of your daily assignments grade. Late homework will be accepted for
reduced credit prior to the unit test. After the unit test, no credit will be awarded for late work from that

Assessments (80%)
The best way to prepare to for a quiz or test is to study your notes, warm-ups, and previous assignments.
Practicing problems (re-doing) from those sources will help you be more prepared for the quiz or test.
There are also study guides that are available in the textbook, online at, or may be
provided by your teacher.

Quizzes (30%) Each chapter, you will have at least one quiz (usually two) that will cover the material
we have most recently been studying. If you are not successful on the quiz, you may get extra help,
study, and re-take it one time. All quiz re-takes must be complete prior to the chapter test. You are
responsible for scheduling an appropriate time for the re-take.

Chapter Tests (50%) At the end of each chapter you will have a chapter test. These tests will be
cumulative; that is, each chapter test will have material from the most recent unit of study, as well as
review material from prior chapters. If you are not successful on the test, you may re-take it one time.
Test re-takes must be complete prior to the next unit test. You are responsible for scheduling an
appropriate time for the re-take.

Being Prepared for Class
Every minute in class is valuable to everyones education and success, and therefore its very important
students come to class prepared every day. Students are expected to bring their book, a pencil, a pen, and
a notebook or folder with them everyday. S St tu ud de en nt ts s m mu us st t b be e s se ea at te ed d a an nd d r re ea ad dy y t to o b be eg gi in n c cl la as ss s w wh he en n t th he e
b be el ll l r ri in ng gs s. . T Th hi is s i in nc cl lu ud de es s s sh ha ar rp pe en ni in ng g p pe en nc ci il ls s, , p pu ut tt ti in ng g a aw wa ay y s sn na ac ck ks s a an nd d d dr ri in nk ks s, , a an nd d g ge et tt ti in ng g t th he ei ir r
m ma at th h b bo oo ok ks s a an nd d f fo ol ld de er rs s o ou ut t. If students enter the classroom after the bell has rung, they will be
considered tardy.

Bathroom Business
T Th he e b ba at th hr ro oo om m p pa as ss s w wi il ll l o on nl ly y b be e u us se ed d i in n e em me er rg ge en nc cy y s si it tu ua at ti io on ns s. There are frequent breaks built into
our school schedule throughout the day for bathroom use, and a trip to the bathroom during class will
take a significant amount of time. Each minute in class is important to your success, and trips to the
bathroom interrupt your education and that of others. Please use the facilities during passing periods,
break, and lunch.

Extra Help
Mathematics doesnt always come easy for everyone. If you are having difficulty in class, p pl le ea as se e d do on n t t
h he es si it ta at te e t to o a as sk k f fo or r e ex xt tr ra a h he el lp p. Please make sure that you come prepared with your completed
homework assignments, notes, quizzes, and/or tests. This will allow me to better assist you and see
where you are having problems. Your teachers are more than willing to help you. Extra help can be
arranged during seminar or after school. There is also extra help available at Tuesday/Thursday
Scholars in the library, or through websites such as, which is free to you as a DoDEA student.

I have read and understand these classroom expectations and policies for Algebra 2, and will do my best
to contribute to a positive learning experience. I understand that my attitude and behavior towards the
class will directly affect my learning experience and success in the class.

Student Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Student Name (Print): ______________________________________________

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Parent Name (Print): ______________________________________________

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