The 97th amendment of the Indian constitution made several important changes regarding cooperative societies. It inserted the words "Cooperative Societies" after "Unions" in Part III. A new Article 43B was inserted in Part IV stating that the state shall promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies. A new Part IXB was inserted after Part IXA. The key features of the amendment include making the right to form cooperative societies a fundamental right and reserving seats for scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and women on boards of every cooperative society.
The 97th amendment of the Indian constitution made several important changes regarding cooperative societies. It inserted the words "Cooperative Societies" after "Unions" in Part III. A new Article 43B was inserted in Part IV stating that the state shall promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies. A new Part IXB was inserted after Part IXA. The key features of the amendment include making the right to form cooperative societies a fundamental right and reserving seats for scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and women on boards of every cooperative society.
The 97th amendment of the Indian constitution made several important changes regarding cooperative societies. It inserted the words "Cooperative Societies" after "Unions" in Part III. A new Article 43B was inserted in Part IV stating that the state shall promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies. A new Part IXB was inserted after Part IXA. The key features of the amendment include making the right to form cooperative societies a fundamental right and reserving seats for scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and women on boards of every cooperative society.
The 97th amendment of the Indian constitution made several important changes regarding cooperative societies. It inserted the words "Cooperative Societies" after "Unions" in Part III. A new Article 43B was inserted in Part IV stating that the state shall promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies. A new Part IXB was inserted after Part IXA. The key features of the amendment include making the right to form cooperative societies a fundamental right and reserving seats for scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and women on boards of every cooperative society.
1 What is coo!"ati#!$ A coo!"ati#e is a% a&to%o'o&s associatio% o( !"so%s )ho #o*&%ta"i*+ coo!"at! (o" th!i" '&t&a* socia*, !co%o'ic, a%- c&*t&"a* .!%!(it/ Coo!"ati#!s i%c*&-! %o%0"o(it co''&%it+ o"1a%i2atio%s a%- .&si%!ss!s that a"! o)%!- a%- 'a%a1!- .+ th! !o*! )ho &s! its s!"#ic!s 3a co%s&'!" coo!"ati#!4 a%-5o" .+ th! !o*! )ho )o"6 th!"! 3a )o"6!" coo!"ati#!4 o" .+ th! !o*! )ho *i#! th!"! 3a ho&si%1 coo!"ati#!4 97 AMENDMENT OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION
In Part III o( th! co%stit&tio%, a(t!" )o"-s 7o" &%io%s7 th! )o"-s 7Coo!"ati#! Soci!ti!s7 )as a--!-/
I% Part IV a %!) Article 43B )as i%s!"t!-, )hich sa+s: The state shall Endeavour to promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of the co-operative societies".
A(t!" Part IXA o( th! co%stit&tio%, a Part IXB )as i%s!"t!-/
Salient features of the act are: -
It 'a6!s Ri1ht to (o"' coo!"ati#!s is a funa!ental ri"#t/
E!&$,erin" t#e State -$(ern!ent% to o.tai% !"io-ic "!o"ts o( acti#iti!s a%- acco&%ts o( coo!"ati#! soci!ti!s: )hich ha#! i%-i#i-&a*s as '!'.!"s ("o' s&ch cat!1o"i!s: P"o#i-i%1 (o" o((!%c!s "!*ati%1 to co0o!"ati#! soci!ti!s a%- &enaltie% i% "!s!ct o( s&ch O((!%c!s/
NEW INSERTIONS In Part III o( th! co%stit&tio%, a(t!" )o"-s 7o" &%io%s7 th! )o"-s 7Coo!"ati#! Soci!ti!s7 )as a--!-/
I% Part IV a %!) Article 43B )as i%s!"t!-, )hich sa+s: The state shall Endeavour to promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of the co-operative societies".
A(t!" Part IXA o( th! co%stit&tio%, a Part IXB )as i%s!"t!-/ INFO.MATION EXT.ACTED F.OM /