Requirements Issuance of DOLE Clearance

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Requirements for the Issuance of DOLE Clearance

1. Request letter from the company (addressed to Dir. Raymundo G. Ara!ante"

#. Copy of DOLE $ %CR Reistration under Rule 1&#&
'. Copy of Department Order ( 1)*&# Reistration
+. Arraned in a folder ,ith correspondin la-els
1. Items no. # and ' can -e secured from the correspondin /ield Office ,hich has 0urisdiction o!er your
company. 1lease refer to the 2Contact 3s4 pae of this ,e-site for e5act address of the /ield Office
,hich has 0urisdiction o!er your company.
#. 6hose companies that are not enaed in 0o- contractin or su-*contractin ,ill not -e required to
secure the D.O. 1)*&# Reistration (Item ' requirement"

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