Project Proposal Wind Mill
Project Proposal Wind Mill
Project Proposal Wind Mill
Mini wind Turbine
Submitted To:
Eng.Khawaja Muhammad Usman
Submitted by:
Waqas Mumtaz
Project Supervisor:
Eng.Khawaja Muhammad Usman
The objective of this project is to generate electric
power through the of wind mill.
Now day's power demand is increased so this project
is used to generate the electrical power in order to
compensate the electric power demand.
A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy
from the wind energy, or also wind energy convert in
to mechanical energy and mechanical energy
converted in to electric energy by electric generator.
In this wind turbine Preston University Student Waqas
Mumtaz building a wind turbine from PVC pipe and
bicycle dynamo (Generator) this generator max power
is 5 watts and PVC pipe wind blade efficiency
approximately 10 to 15 %. If bicycle dynamo
(Generator) is not available in your area you can make
electric generator, this wind turbine can design by
teacher for their science fair project. we are trying to
make it simple cheap and efficient.
1. New 5 watts bicycle dynamo (Generator)
2. PVC pipe 4 inch dia and 14 inch in length
3. Some nut bolts
4. Super glue
5. Iron strip
6. Paper
7. Cutter
8. Marker
9. Iron saw
10. LED Lights
Diagrams and Photos
wind turbine blades paper template
Make a paper template according to diagram and take
14 inch and 4 inch diameter PVC pipe then attach the
paper template on PVC pipe and trace out line at pipe.
After marking lines on pipe cut the pipe with iron saw
carefully. you have to cut 2 pieces of blades from PVC
pipe after cutting the blade attach both blades to each
other with the help of iron strip and drill in the center
of iron strip by drill machine then fix with generator.
Project Schedule
Total Days 30days
Planning 7days
Procurement 7days
Paper Template 1day
Cutting Blades 2day
Building wind mill base 4days
Assembling 2days
Project Testing 7days
*Note: Alteration may be Possible.
Literature Review
Project Budget
1.Nut bolts Rs.100/-
2. super glue Rs.500/-
3. Iron strip Rs.100/-
4.Paper,Marker,Scale Rs.100/-
6.Cutter Rs.100/-
7.Dynmo (5watts) Rs.800/-
8.PVC Pipe Rs:200/-
9.Material for Base Rs:500/-
10.wire Rs:100/-
11.LED Lights Rs:200/-
Paint Rs:300/-
Thermo Foam Rs:200/-
Total Rs:3200/-