Race League Letter 2014
Race League Letter 2014
Race League Letter 2014
Dear Skiers:
Bousquet Ski Area is sponsoring the evening recreational race league again this winter.
Bousquet will hold a series of eight racing nights beginning Tuesday, January 6th, 2015,
at 7:00 p.m. Cost this year will be $90.00 per person, $75.00 for a season pass holder.
This includes: skiing on the mountain good from 5:00 p.m. to closing, race fees, and the
friendly atmosphere of Bousquets Tamarack Lounge, awards banquet, and prizes for
winning teams and individuals on the final race night.
Last season, we launched the Race League Facebook Page with great success. This page
is an excellent communication tool to inform racers about changes to the schedule,
weather cancellations as well as results. Please go to
www.facebook.com/BousquetAdultRaceLeague and Like the page.
A Sign-up party will be held at Moes Tavern in Lee on Tuesday, December 16th, 2014
from 5:30PM-7:00PM. Hope to see you all there!!
The specifics are:
1. The league is open to skiers 21 years of age and older.
2. The league is open to skiers with intermediate through advanced skiing ability. You
need no prior experience. Remember, the idea is to get together and have fun!
3. The league is limited to the first 25 teams submitted with deposit.
4. The league will be held on Tuesday nights beginning January 6th, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.
Eight races will be run; any race missed will be made up at the end of the eight-week
5. Registration on the first Tuesday night will be in the Tamarack Lounge from 5:00
6:30 p.m. Every other Tuesday, registration will be from 6:00 6:30 p.m.
6. A roster and $75.00 DEPOSIT are due by December 19th, with the balance due in
full on the first race night. To avoid confusion, it is requested that TEAM
CAPTAINS handle all team fees. Racers who split the season must pay in full on
the first race evening. (Racers whose teams are not paid in full after the first week
will not be allowed to race!)
7. Categories will be all female, all male, mixed, and senior 36-over. Captains must put
their teams into one of these four categories; any team not designating a category will
be placed into the all-male category. Mixed teams shall consist of at least two
8. Points system. Teams will be racing for points based on the individual finishes in
each respective division. For example, if there are 125 racers, there will be 125
possible points for the night. Points are assigned by place of finish; i.e., 1st place = 1
point, 2nd place = 2 points, etc. Teams with the lowest points for the season in each
division will win awards. Note: Teams consist of five people. If only four people
show up to race on a particular night, the missing racer is given the last place points
plus one. You may have subs; however, it is up to that individual to give his or her
pass to the sub and retrieve it. We will not issue passes for subs. Team captains will
be responsible for giving the bib to the sub. Also, subs must be of the same sex as the
person they are replacing and a minimum of 21 years of age.
Note from the Kitchen:
Please remember that the Tamarack Lounge has a large menu with a splendid variety. We
welcome you to come in before your race and join us for dinner or after the race for some
munchies. Keep your eye out for race day specials.
If you need further information, call Chris Shields at (413) 441-1110.
Team Captain:
Email Address:
All Male
Senior 36-over