Competition Announcement

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2012 llinois High School Team Figure Skating Competition

The 1
Annual llinois High School Team Figure Skating Competition will be held at the
Glacier ce Rink, 670 Lakeview Parkway, Vernon Hills, L 60061, on Monday, March 12
2012 from 5:10pm to 8:10 pm.

Applications: All applications must be postmarked or e-mailed by February 29, 2012. Each
team must submit a typed list of all team members, including names, year in high school, and
U.S. Figure Skating or S numbers. Please use the enclosed team roster forms.

Please e-mail forms to [email protected]
Or send forms postmarked by Feb. 29, 2012 to
Erin Krentz
553 Washington Avenue
Glencoe, L 60022

The fee will be $20 per school team. Also, please bring a nutritious dish for the judges' dinner
the night of the competition.

General Rules:
This competition is sanctioned by U.S. Figure Skating and will be conducted under the rules
set forth in the 2012 edition of the U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook (Rule 1040 under "Special
Competitions) and this announcement. This announcement will take precedence if there is a
conflict with the U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook.

U.S. Figure Skating, The Skating Council of llinois, the Skokie Valley Skating Club, and the
Glacier ce Arena, accept no responsibility for injury or damage sustained by any participant
in these championships. This is in accordance with Rule 3222 of the 2012 or current edition of
the official U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook.

All coaches must comply with the USFS coaches' registration policy for non-qualifying
competitions in order to be allowed to instruct/coach at the competition. For this policy, see . Coaches will need to
check in at the event registration desk and show proof of registration. However, a high school
team may enter without a coach.

Judging System:
The events will be judged using the 6.0 judging system.

Awards: To be determined.

Music: No music for this event, but background music may be played during the warm-ups.

Practice ce: Depending on how many competitors enter, we may use the first part of the ice
for practice ice. Glacier ce Arena has freestyle ice until 5:00 pm on that day. Buffalo Grove
Twin Rinks also has ice until 4:50 pm. Any skater or team person sending in a readable e-
mail will get a tentative schedule by e-mail. You can also request a schedule by e-mailing
[email protected] and requesting one.

Registration: Registration will be available from 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm on March 12
in the
lobby at Glacier.

Admission: Admission will be free. We encourage all the skaters to bring as many friends
from their school as possible. There is a railing to hang a banner if the school wants to bring a
banner too.

Concessions: Food and beverages will be available for purchase in the arena. No outside
food and drink (except for the dinner items brought for the judges) will be allowed in the

Parking: Parking is available at the ice arena.

Competition Schedule: Please be available for the entire three hours from 5:10 pm to 8:10
pm. We would like you to cheer on all the teams. We would also like to take group photos as
soon as we finish the competition so please stay until the end.

Contact nformation:
Competition Chair: Erin Krentz [email protected]
Phone: 847-224-5335 (not after 8:30 pm)
Chief Referee: Lois Todd
Accountant: Ed Mann [email protected]

Team Event:
Eligibility: Skaters may not skate below their U S Figure Skating or S Test Level as of
February 29, 2012, but may skate up one or two levels higher. Skaters may compete at only
one level.

U S Figure Skating Freestyle and S Test Equivalents
Beginner S Freestyle 1 or 2
Pre-Preliminary S Freestyle 3 & 4
Preliminary S Freestyle 4, 5 & 6
Pre-Juvenile S Freestyle 5, 6, & 7
Juvenile S Freestyle 6, 7 & 8
ntermediate S Freestyle 7 & 8
Novice S Freestyle 8 & 9
Junior S Freestyle 9 & 10
Senior S Freestyle 10

Team Scoring:
Teams will receive points based on the number of teams competing with the first place team
receiving the highest number of points and the last place team receiving one point.

Each level A, B, and C will have a 1
, 2
, 3
and 4th place team (if there are that many
teams at that level). There will be an overall high school winner by adding the points earned
from each level.

Each team must be a U.S. Figure Skating School Affiliated Club (SAC). The form, which
must be submitted to U. S. Figure Skating, can be downloaded at this web address: http://

A team will consist of at least two skaters from one high school or a unified team.

Each team must have high school administrative or athletic department approval.

High schools may combine. All combined teams must be listed on the team application form.
The competition committee reserves the right to place skaters on teams so that all high
school skaters have the opportunity to compete.

All skaters who enter must currently attend a high school or be home schooled as a student in
Grades 9-12. This competition is open to schools from states other than llinois.

All skaters must be registered with the U.S. Figure Skating or S in order to qualify for
competition entry and must provide their membership number on the attached forms.

Each team member must be a member in good standing with the US Figure Skating or S
and their local member club.

Team Banners are encouraged.

Unsportsmanship like conduct & foul language will not be tolerated at any competition and is
grounds for disqualification.

f there are not at least two Level C teams, skaters will have the option to move up to Level B
or compete as the only team at Level C. f there are not two Level B teams, skaters will have
the option to move up to Level A or compete as the only team at Level B. The team will only
get one point if they are the only team.

Males and females will skate on the same team.

Level A, B, and C teams must have a minimum of two skaters on their roster for each level
entered. No skater may perform more than 50 percent of the total number of elements. A high
school or unified team may enter a team at one, two, or all three levels.

Teams will be required to submit a Team Event Roster at check-in at least 10 minutes prior to
the start of the competition. All skaters on the team roster must be listed. Once the roster has
been turned in, substitutions will only be allowed under extenuating circumstances with the
Referee approval.

The skaters for the jump elements will be allowed one retry with only the best attempt being
judges. The spins and the moves in the field will only be allowed one attempt.

f a team does not have a skater capable of or eligible to perform an element, the team will
receive no credit for that element.


(The number of eIements wiII be determined by the number of skaters that enter.
The eIements wiII be seIected from this Iist.)

LeveI A
Jumps Moves
No Rextrlctlonx No Rextrlctlonx No Rextrlctlonx
Comp 1 - Solo Sit (min 6 revs in pos)
Comp 2 - Bielman or Upright - No
Layback (min 6 revs in position)
Comp 3 - Camel (min 6 revs in position)
Comp 1 - Solo Double Flip or Double Toe-
Comp 2 - Solo Double Loop or Double
Comp 3 - Solo Double Lutz or Double
Spiral Sequence Serpentine or Circular.
See US Figure Skating rulebook for
description of spirals which may be
included. Only first 3 spirals will be
Layback or Cross foot Spin (minimum 6
revolutions in position)
Comp 1 & 2 - Single Axel
Comp Single Axel oi Bouble Axel
Footwork Sequence straight line, circular
or serpentine, using full ice surface
(including full range of steps, turns and
Flying Spin - May include change of
position (minimum 6 revs in position)
Combination Jump Double/Double or
Triple/Double Jump
Spiral, na Bauer or Spread Eagle. Only one
named element will be counted
Combination Spin Must include 3
positions and at least 1 change of foot
(minimum 5 revolutions per foot)
Split Jump Sequence
(3-4 jumps - Positions optional)
Back Rocker/Choctaw Sequence (Novice
pattern 5) or Junior Back Loop Pattern;
skater will perform one length of arena
using either foot of choice (pattern 6A or

LeveI B
Jumps Moves
Muxt not huve puxxeJ IntermeJlute
Must not have passed
Intermediate Freestyle
Must not have passed Novice
Comp 1 - Camel (minimum 3 revs)
Comp 2 - Layback or Upright (min 4 revs)
Comp 3 - Sit (minimum 4 revolutions)
Comp 1 - Any Single Flip or Salchow
Comp Any Single Lutz oi ToeLoop
Comp Any Single oi Bbl Salchow
na Bauer, Back Spiral or Spread Eagle
(one position only, may change edge;
may not change feet or combine
Forward Scratch Spin
(minimum 4 revolutions)
Single Loop or Axel Footwork Sequence Circle or Straight
Line - NO Serpentine
(includes 3 turns and Mohawks)
Back Spin Position optional (minimum 4
Combination Jump Single/Single or
Double/Single Jump
Forward Spiral
Combination Spin - 1 change of foot
(minimum 3 revolutions per foot)
Split or Stag Jump step Nohawk Sequence Pie}uv
pattein siue oi Inteimeuiate
FI Twizzles pattein skatei will
peifoim FI patteins only R anu L foot

LeveI C
Must Not have Passed Pre-1uvenile Moves or Preliminary Freestyle
2 Foot Spin (minimum 4 revolutions) }ump Foiwaiu Spiial
Forward Upright Spin (min 4 revs) Single ToeLoop oi Salchow Footwoik Sequence ice Stiaight
Line only
Sit Spin (minimum 2 revs in position) Combination }ump SingleSingle no
Axel waltz jump ok
Pieliminaiy Back Ciossoveis pattein
skatei will peifom figuie
pattein foiwaius only oi Pieliminaiy
Foiwaiu Ciicle pattein skatei
will peifoim full iulebook pattein F0
FI ciicles

1st Annual llinois High School Team Figure Skating Competition
Monday, March 12, 2012
Entry Checklist (mail all forms together in one packet)
____ Team Entry Form (1 per team)
____ Skater Entry Forms (1 form for each skater on the team)
____ Team Roster Form (1 per team)
At registration, you will need to submit a form indicating the elements each skater will skate.

Team Entry Form
Team Name ______________________________________________________________
High School (s) Name (s) ____________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
High School (s) Athletic Director Or Administrator Signature __________________________
High School (s) Athletic Director Or Administrator Name ____________________________
(if more than one school, please sign below)

Team Representative Name __________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________ E-Mail ________________________________

Adult Contact (if representative under age of 18) ___________________________________
Phone ____________________________ E-Mail ________________________________

Contract Statement
understand that this entry must be received by February 29, 2012. The competition
committee reserves the right to combine groups.

The undersigned agrees to hold harmless U.S. Figure Skating, llinois Skating Council,
Skokie Valley Figure Skating Club, Glacier ce Arena, and the school district and the school(s)
named above and their employees and agents from any and all loss, damage, and/or injury
that may be sustained by the entrant in any manner while participating in any of the activities
of said competition.

have verified that the parent's signature, club permission, and all information the Skater's
Entry Form has been competed for every member of this team (skater's signature if 18 years

Team Representative Name Team Representative Signature Date

Entries can be e-mailed to [email protected]
Or sent to: Erin Krentz
553 Washington Avenue
Glencoe, L 60022
Registration Questions: Erin Krentz 847-224-5335 [email protected]

1st Annual llinois High School Team
Figure Skating Competition
Monday, March 12, 2012

IndividuaI Skater Entry Form
FiII out and return to your Team Representative as soon as possibIe.

Skaters Name _______________________________________________________

School/District ___________________________________Grade _______________

Team Name ________________________________________________________

USFSA or S number _________________________________ (USFSA or S)
Highest Free Skating Test Passed _______________________
Highest Moves in the Field Test Passed ___________________
Highest Dance Test Passed _____________________________

Competitor, Parent and Guardian Statement:
understand that this entry must be received by February 29, 2012. The competition
committee reserves the right to combine groups.

The undersigned agrees to hold harmless U.S. Figure Skating, llinois Skating Council,
Skokie Valley Figure Skating Club, Glacier ce Arena, and the school district and the school(s)
named above and their employees and agents from any and all loss, damage, and/or injury
that may be sustained by the entrant in any manner while participating in any of the activities
of said competition.

Parent or Guardian Signature ____________________________________________

Skater's Signature if over 18 _____________________________________________

Please indicate your skating level:
Team LeveI A_____________ B_____________ C______________

E-Mail (only if you want to receive e-mail about this competition)


1st Annual llinois High School Team
Figure Skating Competition
Monday, March 12, 2012

Team Roster

Team Name_______________________________________________________________

School/District Name ________________________________________________________

Level A (List Skater Name and Grade)

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________
8. __________________________________________
9. __________________________________________
10. _________________________________________

Level B (List Skater Name and Grade)

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________
8. __________________________________________
9. __________________________________________
10. _________________________________________

Level C (List Skater Name and Grade)

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
7. __________________________________________
8. __________________________________________
9. __________________________________________
10. _________________________________________

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