CH 2 Content Assignment

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Chelsea Meyer 1

Ch. 2 Assignment

Main Points

Grouping Strategies to Promote -heterozygous groups promote

Peer Learning
-use of flexible grouping
-collaborative settings are ideal
for learning

The Benefits for English

Language Learners

-these students have to learn

new content and a new
-discussion in beneficial to


-this strategy involves a

question being asked, students
thinking about their answers,
and then sharing with a partner
-This approach allows more
students to be able to
-3 to 4 students work in
heterozygous groups
-students work on skills
previously taught
-a center rotation system is

Learning Stations


Reciprocal Teaching

-I dont remember groups work
being done much until high
-I think that if elementary
students are exposed to group
work prior to high school, their
attitudes to group work may
-I could see how pairing
English speakers with ELLs
would help them to develop
their language skills

-I like this strategy b/c it is fast,

can be applied to any subject,
and requires that all students
participate in some sort of

-although time consuming, I

could see the value in using
learning stations
-they would allow the teacher
to pinpoint what needs to be
worked on and provide extra
practice time for every student.
-I used this strategy with sixth
graders during my Junior
-It worked out really well
because it allowed everyone to
go over the text more quickly
and understand it more

-Used when multiple texts

(topics, paragraphs, etc.) are
introduced at the same time
-members of the home group
divide the text into equal parts.
-one member from each group
then divides to create new
groups (the expert groups)
-after going over text, experts
return to their home groups to
teach the topic.
-used in student-directed
-I like this strategy because it
groups of four
could be applied to any type of
-text is segmented into smaller text.

Chelsea Meyer 2

Research on Reciprocal

Introducing Reciprocal

-uses a structured discussion
-students use the following
comprehension strategies: 1)
Questioning the text by asking
literal and inferential questions
of one another, 2) Clarifying
understanding through
discussion of how a confusing
point might be cleared up (ex:
using a dictionary, checking the
glossary, asking the teacher), 3)
Summarizing the main ideas of
the passage, 4)Predicting what
the author will discuss next,
based on what is known so far
-combines comprehension
-student centered and,
therefore; is found to be
motivating to students
considered to be at risk.
-positively impacts
standardized testing results on
reading comprehension
-strategies must first be taught
so that students are comfortable
with them
-each strategy should be
modeled and taught separately

Role Sheets

-used to support student

-only used until students are
comfortable with the strategies
on their own

Reciprocal Teaching in the

English Classroom

-done using rotating role cards

-ensures that students have
experience with a wide variety
of comprehension activities
-allows students to have
experience with summarization

-I think that I would use it

chapter-by-chapter on a chapter
book. This way, the students
could have organized
discussion for each chapter
(and they wouldnt be
overwhelmed by the length of
the book)

-Because the students will have

more exposure to
comprehension strategies with
the strategy, then they will be
able to apply the strategy in
their own reading.
-I would teach a series of
lessons using short stories in
which I show how to apply the
-This way, students will be
comfortable with strategies
before moving on to larger
-I like the idea of these sheets
for students to use as a guide.
However, I hope that students
would develop their own
questions as their comfort level
with the strategy increases.
-I like the idea of using role
cards because it ensures that
students switch roles and have
experience with different
comprehension strategies.

Chelsea Meyer 3
and reading proficiency
Schoolwide Conversations
That Promote Learning

Effects of Schoolwide

Teaching Strategies That are

Transportable and Transparent

Reflective Teaching

A Professional Invitation

-Reciprocal teaching provides

student with opportunities to
support the understanding of
one another using contentrelated texts.
-group activities allow students
to refine reading skills
-Students conversations
promote learning and
-a schoolwide focus on literacy
instruction could impact
schoolwide achievement
--Schools that score at or above
mastery level on standardized
tests have: schoolwide focus on
achievement, agreed-upon
curriculum choices, and an
emphasis on writing
-strategies fit easily into the
school day
-strategies could be applied to
multiple content areas
-students know what the
strategies are and use them on
their own (transparency)
-the teacher reflects on lessons
by asking the following
questions: 1)How effective was
I today? 2) What can I learn
about my teaching by looking
at todays lesson? 3)How can I
improve my teaching?
-a teacher can never stop
-it is important to utilize the
professional resources
-The professional organizations
that teachers should utilize are
as follows:
1. American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance

-Overall, I like the idea of

using a collaborative approach
in reading.
-I think that the discussion of
texts will help students to
understand more difficult texts.

-I really like what this said

about an agreed-upon
-Because many teachers
follow different curriculums, it
is impossible for them to
compare lessons and
collaborate on how to improve
-I like the idea of students
being aware of what strategies
they are using.
-This way, they can apply the
strategies on their own.

-In order to be successful, it is

necessary to be flexible with
-In order to improve lessons,
reflection is necessary

-I think that these resources

could be valuable for teachers.
-However, I think that (because
they are content-specific), they
are often overlooked by
Elementary teachers

Chelsea Meyer 4
2. American Association of
Family and Consumer Sciences
3. Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development
4. International Reading
5. National Art Education
6. National Association for
Bilingual Education
7. National Association for
Music Education
8. National Council for Social
9. National Council of
Teachers of English
10. National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics
11. National Science Teachers
12. PEAK Parent CenterEducation of Students with
13. TASH- Education of
Students with Disabilities
This chapter focused on various reading strategies that could be applied to the reading
strategy. Although most of these strategies would be most beneficial for non-fiction texts, they
could be adapted to fit fiction texts. This chapter encouraged a very collaborative classroom.

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