Immersion Week 2 - Lesson 3

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College of Education

Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Breanna Cook

Date and Time of Lesson: November 13, 2014 at 9:10

School: Springfield Elementary

Subject/Grade Level: Reading/Fifth

Description of Lesson: The students will compare and contrast text structures for two different
informational texts.
Lesson Title or Essential Question that guides the lesson: How do I compare and contrast text
structures of informational texts?
Curriculum Standards Addressed:
SC Curriculum Standard(s):
CCSS R.I.5.5- Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison,
cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.
EEDA Standard(s): Grade Three-Five Learning to Work Standard 4: Students will
demonstrate a positive attitude toward work and the ability to work together.
o Competency 2: Demonstrate cooperative work habits in a group
o Competency 3: Demonstrate being a positive team member
SSCA Element: Appropriate behaviors for a safe learning environment
o A(1): A safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and
achieve high academic standards.
Lesson Objective(s):
Fifth grade students will create a Venn diagram to
compare and contrast the text structures of two
informational text passages.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Before: Students completed a seven
question pre-assessment on the
elements of informational texts.
Many students incorrectly answered
the multiple-choice questions that
asked the students to choose the
definition of compare and the
definition of contrast. Therefore, the
use of a Venn diagram as a graphic
organizer and instructional strategy
will help students visualize and use
compare and contrast in context.
Then, students will have more
support to master comparing and
contrasting text structures of
informational texts.
During: The teacher will observe
student interaction and collaboration
during the small group activity.

After: The students will complete an

exit slip prompt. The prompt is use
the sentence starters in your reading
notebooks to write one sentence
from your Venn diagram comparing
or contrasting the text structures of
the two articles. The teacher will
collect the exit slip and look at them
to check student progress in
knowledge of comparing and
contrasting text structures.
Materials/Resources: The students will need a pencil, marker, classroom chart paper, and two
passages provided by the teacher.
Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge):
Socially, the students need to respect with their peers during the small group activity.
Physically, the students also need to be appropriate in their spoken language and body
language. Additionally, they need to stay at their seats. Cognitively, students completed their
notes for text structures of informational texts the previous week and identified text structures
using the Pass the Bag game yesterday. So they have mastered identifying text structures for
informational texts. Emotionally, students need to listen to their peers and speak during the
small group activity.
1. Who can tell me what the word compare means?
a. So when we compare two articles or reading passages what are we doing?
2. What about contrast, what does contrast mean?
a. So what would we do if we were asked to contrast two things? For example,
contrast chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
3. Today you will work in groups to compare and contrast two passages. Yesterday we
identified text structures for informational text, so who remembers which type of graphic
organizer is used when we compare and contrast?
4. Today, you will work in groups to create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the
two passages.
a. You will create your Venn diagram on a piece of chart paper.
b. You may only use one piece of chart paper, so you need to first use pencil.
5. With your groups, you will read the passages and then draw a Venn diagram.
a. On your Venn diagram you need to include how the text structures are different
and if there are any similarities. The differences go on the outside circles and the
similarities in the middle section where the two circles cross.
6. Give each group a checklist so they have expectations written in front of them.
7. Students will be given fifteen minutes to read and complete their Venn diagrams.
a. During this time, the teacher will walk around and assist groups as necessary.
8. After fifteen minutes, the teacher will bring the group together.
a. The students will share one similarity or difference for the text structures of the
i. Questions:

o What part of the passages helped show you that similarity or

difference? Key words, pictures, etc
o What is one similarity?
o How is it a similarity?
o What is one difference between the two text structures?
o How is it a difference?
9. Why is it important that we compare and contrast the text structures of informational
10. Exit slip: Use the sentence starters in your reading notebooks to write one sentence from
your Venn diagram comparing or contrasting the text structures of the two articles.
a. Once you have completed your exit slip, please turn it in to the basket in the back
of the classroom and then pack up/line up.
Activity Analysis:
The main activity for this lesson is student exploration of two informational text
passages. During this exploration, students will read the passages and then create a
Venn diagram to compare and contrast the text structures that are used. This activity
meets students needs because they are actively engaged. Additionally, the creation
factor will help students remember how to compare and contrast text structures of
informational texts, thus, meeting the learning objective.
Another activity is the individual completion of an exit slip. Each student will answer the
prompt provided by the teacher. The prompt will ask students to write a comparison or
contrast sentence using the Venn diagram they made. This activity meets the learning
objective because students will demonstrate whether or not they are able to compare
and contrast the text structures of two or more informational texts.
I do not intend to use technology during this lesson. Students will not work with
technology either. I am providing students with printed directions, because I feel that
technology may distract students if used with this lesson.
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
The students are in groups that are conducive to their learning. With the use of a group
activity, the students can support one another to ensure success. If students are absent,
students will be moved around so that they are in five equal groups. Students will be allowed
to use their notes on comparing and contrasting text structures, which is in their reading
notebooks. The students are using chart paper to create their Venn diagrams. Since the paper
is expensive, the students may only use one piece. Therefore, students who mess up and want
a new piece will be given a printed Venn diagram sheet to complete instead. Students will be
given a checklist so that they are aware of the expectations for the activity. If students are
confused or need scaffolding, I will walk through the Venn diagram with them before they
begin to create their own. For groups that finish early, they can create a jingle to help them
remember the difference between compare and contrast. My pre-assessment showed that
students struggle with the definitions of compare and contrast, so this activity would help
extend practice with these definitions.

Grade 5 daily reading comprehension. Evan-Moor Corporation. Retreived from

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