Pre-Observation Questions - Peer
Pre-Observation Questions - Peer
Pre-Observation Questions - Peer
What is the process for developing daily learning targets and how are these
related to the priority standards and the course objectives? My course
objectives are based on an Inquiry Based Curriculum, which centers on various
thematic elements relating to life. How do you communicate these to students?
Besides a Syllabus outlining the course objectives etc. at the start of the year,
as the year progresses, the students are introduced to each unit with one of
the theme-based questions. I then remind the students of these intermittingly
throughout the term (also posted on the board).
Provide information on students that are receiving NCs (failing grades) such as
attendance, behaviors, work refusal etc I have none.
How often do you share the data with your PLC? How are you using the data to
inform your instruction?
What type of feedback are you providing to your students about progress in
your class? (ex: Parent Portal, goals etc...) Power School of courseI give them
lots of feedback on each writing they submit.
What instructional strategies will you use to help students prepare? Example:
what are the AVID and or Exit strategies you use, re-teaching etc..? I teach
them the Writing process and analytical strategies (both prepare them for
essays, paragraphs, tests etc.)
At this point I dont have anybody academically failing. I have two students that
are in trouble due to their bad behaviors. These students will face the
consequences that our handbook states.
How often do you share the data with your PLC? How are you using the data to
inform your instruction?
How do you check for understanding? How will you use information to plan
tomorrows instruction?
My practice is: If half of the class did the homework wrong. I go over the
material for at least two more days.
What type of feedback are you providing to your students about progress in
your class? (ex: Parent Portal, goals etc...)
Everything is posted on our online grading system, but I write comments, notes
and correction on their assignments. we Also have midterm grades and
comments for the parents every term.
What instructional strategies will you use to help students prepare? Example:
what are the AVID and or Exit strategies you use, re-teaching etc..?
I give them links where they can find extra resources. I also give one-on-one
extra help.
Peer # 3
What is the process for developing daily learning targets and how are these
related to the priority standards and the course objectives? How do you
communicate these to students?
As I prepare my lesson plans, I always decide my goals and objectives in
advanced. Typically, I want to make them measureable. I often use an exit
ticket strategy to ensure students understand the concepts. As I start my
lesson/activity I share these goals with the students so they also know how to
ensure their success.
Provide information on students that are receiving NCs (failing grades) such as
attendance, behaviors, work refusal etc
How often do you share the data with your PLC? How are you using the data to
inform your instruction?
How do you check for understanding? How will you use information to plan
tomorrows instruction?
Students are a major part of my class discussions. Students come to the board
to share ideas, we have peers working together and I am hopeful everyone is
comfortable asking me when they dont understand. I give many quizzes to
ensure students are up to standard and often this information drives me lesson
the following day.
Peer # 4
What is the process for developing daily learning targets and how are these related to the priority
standards and the course objectives? For each lesson I present the students with general
objectives and material they must learned. I used our school system: Moodle to communicate
with the students. Each new unit and chapter is posted on Moodle for them to see and explore
ahead of time.
Based on assessment results, provide classroom data indicating where students are currently at
in regards to academic standing within each class, example: What is your current letter grade
spread? (How many As, Bs etc
All my students are expected to achieve high and are expected to do only but the best. All of my
students are hard workers so their grades are optimal.
Provide information on students that are receiving NCs (failing grades) such as attendance,
behaviors, work refusal etc None of my students fall under this category, if they do they will then
be placed in an academic improvement plan.
How often do you share the data with your PLC. How are you using the data to inform your
How do you check for understanding?. How will you use information to plan tomorrows
instruction? Basic conversations and observations, quizzes and exams.
What pre-assessments, if any do you use? If you use a pre-assessment explain the data and how
did it change your curriculum planning? What type of feedback are you providing to your
students about progress in your class? (ex: Parent Portal, goals etc...) What instructional
strategies will you use to help students prepare? Example: what are the AVID and or Exit
strategies you use, re-teaching etc..?
Since I teach language, I based my teaching on previous material mastered.
What differentiation strategies do you use to meet individual student needs based on
assessment data?
I really do not use any specific strategies since all my activities are designed to reach all different
kind of learners.
How are you building relationships to engage students in learning? I just make sure that I am
available for them for extra help. I am not here to be their friend, but I make sure they know I
care for them. They know they can seek help from me any time.