Newsletter For Aug 31-Sept 4 2015

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This Week:

Letter J
*Early Release

Letter K
*Exercise Room/OT

Letter L
*Library Day

Letter M

Letter N
Wear Red/Black

For the week of Aug. 31st- Sept. 4th

This week we will begin working on our Language Arts and
Math curriculum. In the newsletter each week I will break down what
we are focusing on in class for both curriculums. This week we will
have homework and it is attached to this newsletter.
Language Arts: Our curriculum is called Journeys and our
focus this week is on rhyming words, blending syllables, letters J-N,
recognizing names, nouns for people, and book handling. Our lesson
this week will be on families and what makes every family special. We
will also introduce our first sight word: I
Math: Our curriculum is called GoMath and our focus this
week is on number sense 0-5. Number sense is more than counting to
5 or identifying numbers to 5, we will be talking about numbers as
being concrete such as 5 bears or 3 dogs. This in depth concept will
help build understanding for addition and subtraction.
If you would like to provide headphones for your child to use in
the computer lab, please put the headphones in a ziplock baggy with
your childs name on it. Most of the grade levels are suggesting this
because our labs have a limited number of headphones and personal
headphones may also help limit the spread of germs during flu and
cold season.
Your child will be bringing a library book home on Wednesday
and it needs to be returned next Tuesday
Homework this week is due next Tuesday, 9/8 since Monday is
Labor Day and there is no school. I will also be out this Tuesday, 9/1
for a math training. Please return allergy forms, all about your child
forms, learning compacts, and parent info/media release forms ASAP.
There are birthdays coming up and I would hate for a child not to be
able to participate because their allergy form has not been turned in.
If you need another form please let me know, I will send another one
home with your child.

Homework Notes:
Language Arts:
Read 15 minutes
with an adult
Family activities
Writing A & B
Numbers 1 & 2

Please have your child bring their blue folder each day. The
black basket will be out for both classes to put their folders in so I can
collect any notes from home and I can put notes/handouts to take
home each day.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Borges

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