Newsletter For Sept 8-11 2015

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This Week:

No School

*Exercise Room/OT
*Return Library
Books Today

Letter O
*Library Day

Letter P

Letter Q
*Picture Day

Homework Notes:
Language Arts:
Read 15 minutes
with an adult
Rhyming coloring
Writing C & D
Numbers 1 & 2

For the week of Sept. 8th-11th

I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. It is
going to be hot this week so please provide water for snack so your
child stays hydrated. On Friday, Sept. 11th it is picture day, your child
does not need to wear our school colors on this day.
Language Arts: Our focus this week is on rhyming words,
blending syllables, letters A-Q, recognizing names, nouns for people,
and book handling. Our lesson this week will continue on families and
what makes every family special. Our sight word focus continues
with: I
Math: Our focus continues on number sense 0-5. Number
sense is more than counting to 5 or identifying numbers to 5, we will
be talking about numbers as being concrete such as 5 bears or 3
dogs. This in depth concept will help build understanding for addition
and subtraction.
Please make sure to read your childs library book by Monday
and return the book on Tuesday. We go to the Library on Wednesdays
but I like to collect the books a day earlier so our librarian knows who
has returned their books. If your child does not return their book by
Wednesday at the latest, they will not be able to check out a book
until the next week.
Homework is given out on Mondays and is due the next
Monday. I will collect the homework on Tuesday this week since
Monday was a holiday. I prefer to collect the homework on Mondays
only, so I will leave it in your childs folder until Monday. I do this
because some students go to afterschool care and do their homework
there and keep it in their folder all week. Also please have your child
do a little each night instead of completing the packet in one night,
the routine of doing homework each night will benefit them and make
the 1st grade transition a little easier.
Please have your child bring their blue folder each day. The
black basket will be out for both classes to put their folders in so I can
collect any notes from home and I can put notes/handouts to take
home each day.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Borges

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