Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Most Essential Estimates the square root of a whole number to the nearest hundredth.
Learning Plots irrational numbers (up to square roots) on a number line.
D. Enabling
II.CONTENT Square Root
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide G7 TG pp.88 - 92
b. Learner’s Material G7 LM pp. 64 - 75
Pages PIVOT LM 24 - 27
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
A.Introduction What I Need to Know
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
What’s new?
Take a look at the unusual wristwatch and answer the questions below.
Count the total number of squares of the chess board. Prove that it has a total of 204 squares.
What’s in?
A. Write if the square root of the number is rational and I if irrational.
1. 81 2. 121 3. 29 4. 67 5. 225
B. Between what 2 integers the square root of the numbers can be found.
1. 23 2. 113 3. 339 4. 640 5. 75
What is it?
Keep in Mind
Recall that a rational number is expressed as a fraction or decimal. Every terminating or non-terminating repeating decimal
represents a rational number. A square root of a number is a number when multiplied to itself will give you the original number.
For example, the square root of 9 are +3 and -3 because when +3 and -3 are multiplied to themselves, they are equal to 9. If the
square root of a number is nonterminating, non-repeating decimal, we say that it is an irrational number.
Every positive number has two square roots, one is positive and the other is negative. The principal square root is the positive
square root of the given number or radicand. The principal root is rational if the radicand is a perfect square. If not, then the
principal square root is irrational. Zero has only one square root, which is zero. In addition, negative numbers do not have real
square roots. Their square roots are called imaginary numbers, which are tackled in a higher branch of Mathematics.
Square roots are the numbers that, when multiplied by themselves, equal to the number under the square root sign, the
radicand. If the principal square root is irrational, the best you can do is to give an estimate of its value.
V. REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that __________.
I realize that ______________.
Prepared By:
Marina A. Linatoc
Subject Teacher
Checked By:
Mena M. De Torres
Principal III