Community Service Project2016

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Community Service Project Cultural Studies Mr.

An active and engaged community of citizens requires us to seek to serve the public interest. Given some of the
seemingly insurmountable problems we face as a society, it is all the more important for us to realize that we as
individuals can make a difference in the lives of others. We can each have an amazing impact on our society when we
make our minds up to positively engage with our local community and to live our lives in service to others.
This project will provide students with opportunities to make a real difference in our local community. In the past,
students have developed an appreciation for community outreach and have sparked an ethic for service by taking this
project to heart. Additionally, students can get a start on building hours toward their National Honors Society service
hour requirements (applications are junior year).

Project Requirements:
Minimum volunteer time of 10 hours.
Students can work independently or in small groups.
Volunteer work must be unpaid.
You must be able to justify your volunteer work as serving the public interest.
Volunteer work cannot be done for your family.

Community Service Project is due:

Monday, May 2nd

Items to Submit:
(1) Time Log (10 hours) signed by a service project coordinator or parent/guardian, slide show w/ photos &
informal class presentation (25 Points)
(2) Written Reflections (question responses) - (50 Points)

Top Ten Helpful Hints:

1. Make sure your parents are comfortable with what you plan to do and who you plan to assist. Your safety is
2. Have a positive attitude. You might be surprised how much this experience can change YOUR life!
3. Take some time now to determine what you would like to do.
4. Review the list below for ideas and discuss options with your parents and friends. There are a lot of wonderful
opportunities out there.
5. Be sure to contact the organization to identify a service project coordinator who can help you jump into an
ongoing project and help you define and schedule your volunteer time.
6. Remember, some organizations have requirements for volunteering and specific times for service.
7. If you plan to assist a specific family or individual in need, you and your parents will need to approach them to
see if they want or need your assistance. Dont assume anything!
8. Consider your interests and talents and see how you can utilize them? For example, you can tutor a child in
math (math interest), coach at a park district sports camp (athletic interest), help out at an animal shelter (you
want to be a veterinarian).
9. See if your friends would like to volunteer with you. This will make the volunteer effort less intimidating and
more fun.
10. Determine when you can volunteer your time. Consider weekends, after school and even during school
breaks. Everyone is busy, but you can find time to make a difference.

Documentation of Your Service Project

Students will need to complete the following (3) three items. All items must be typed.
(1) Time Log on Volunteer Hours & Slideshow
25 Points (Applying Disciplinary Concepts)
-Provide a completed Time Log verifying your work for the volunteer efforts.
-Document the date, number of hours, and description of your work.
*Remember to have your parents/guardian or supervisor sign the Time Log to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of
your volunteer work.
-Slideshow with photographs (if possible, be in at least 1)
(2) Written Reflections
_______50 Points (Communication/Writing)
- Type responses demonstrating thought to the following two reflection questions.
- Both Reflection response should be roughly 1/2 of a page single-spaced.
1. What impact did you have on others (the community) through your volunteer work? Be specific.
2. What impact did this project have on you, personally? Be specific.

Service Ideas:

Organize a toy drive for disadvantaged children

Volunteer at homeless shelter
Donate your time with a church to take part in public service/charity work
Help an elderly person or disabled person with a home project
(rake leaves, shovel snow, clean gutters, paint)
Babysit the children of a single-parent or a family in need
Tutor a struggling elementary student (contact your former school)
Grocery shop for a homebound neighbor
Pick-up trash in a public area: park, river, roadside
Help decorate an older persons home
Visit a hospital or retirement Home
Work at an animal shelter or veterinary office
Organize a group event at service organization like the Northern Illinois Food Bank or Feed My Starving
Bake desserts for the VFW
Prepare care packages for veterans
Volunteer at a hospital
Collect food for the Batavia Food Pantry
Help out at your elementary schools Fun Fair
Help out or organize an after school sports camp with elementary school aged children

Community Service - Time Log

Volunteer Event/

Volunteered Volunteered

What did you do?

Verifying Signature

Total Hours: _______________

I, _______________________, herby verify that __________________________ has completed the volunteer work &
service hours listed above for the l Community Service Project.

(Parent or Service Project Coordinator Signature)


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