Test About Good Citizen - Correction

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Level: 4MS

Third term test of English-4MS_ Correction

There are many homeless and needy people who are suffering from hunger and diseases in our country.
Giving a helping hand to needy persons is not only a responsibility, but it’s also an act of humanity. We can
change their lives and give them a good will and happiness by showing them hospitality, love and a little of
what we have. Being poor is just a life course that they face. This does not make them different or unwanted
people at all. They are our brothers.
There are many charities and organizations that help the needy and homeless people in our society. They
donate food, money and even build shelters when it is possible. In addition to this, we should create school food
donation charity to provide the opportunity to teach students the value of food, good nutrition and model
socially behaviour. Students will learn how to care about others and think how to make the world a better place.
If you involve children in choosing charities, you will instill a desire to share and serve that will last throughout
their lives.
You should know and realize that even if you don’t have much, you have enough to share with others.

Section one: Reading comprehension: (7 points)

Task 1: Read the text and answer the questions. (2 points)
1- Can we change the life of homeless and needy people to a better one? How?
Yes, we can. We can change their lives by showing them hospitality, love and a little of what we have.
2- Does charity make the world a better place?
Yes, it does.
3- Give a title to the text.
Importance of charity.

Task 2: Read the text and I answer the questions. (2 points)

1- Needy - Generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering.
2- Charity - Someone who is poor or demands a lot of care or attention.
3- Donate - To make a gift, to give, contribute.
4- Share - To divide up among two or several people.

Task 3:
Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to: (1 point)
learners = students kids = children
I find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to: (1 point)
same≠ different death ≠ life
Section two: Mastery of language: (7 points)
Task 1: Spot the mistakes and correct them. (2 points)
I like help the pour and needy peoples ?
Help: helping
Pour: poor
peoples : people
Task 2: Give the correct form of verbs between brackets (3 points)
If you (to give) give a hand to a needy person, you ( to bring) will bring joy and happiness in his life. Also,
(not forget) don’t forget to teach these noble values to your children from an early age.
Task 3: Classify the following verbs in the table according to the pronounciation of their final s (2 points)
Duties - donates - experiences – volunteers
/s/ /z/ /iz/
donates Duties experiences

Part two: Written Expression: (6 points)

There are a lot of activities that someone can do to be called a good citizen. Write a short article about how to
be a god citizen.
Write about:
- Who is a good citizen?
- What are the activities that a good citizen does? (Give examples)
- Use the imperative and conditional type 01.

A good citizen

Being a good citizen means being a responsible member of your community. One way to do this is by
practicing acts of charity and kindness. Donate your time or money to local charities, volunteer at a food
bank or shelter, or help your elderly or disabled neighbors with tasks they can't do themselves. Organise
campaigns to clean streets. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.
By helping those in need, you are making a positive impact on your community and setting an
example for others to follow. Remember, being a good citizen is not just about following laws, but also
about showing compassion and empathy towards others. If you follow these tips, you will succeed in
contributing to the common goals of you society.

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