Sheep Brain Dissection With Labeled Images
Sheep Brain Dissection With Labeled Images
Sheep Brain Dissection With Labeled Images
1. The sheep brain is enclosed in a tough outer covering called the dura mater. You can still see some structures on the brain
before you remove the dura mater. Take special note of the pituitary gland and the optic chiasma. These two structures will likely
be pulled off when you remove the dura mater.
Brain with Dura Mater Intact
2. This image shows the ventral surface of the sheep's brain with most of the dura mater removed. The pituitary gland and the
optic chiasma are still intact.
(A = pituitary gland, B = optic chiasma, C = olfactory bulb)
3. On this image, the dura matter has been completely removed, you can still see the optic chiasma but the pituitary gland is
missing. The infundibulum (pituitary stalk) is now visible in the center. Careful dissection also reveals two other large nerves: the
oculomotor nerves (C.2). Often these two nerves are removed with the dura mater, but in this image they are still intact.
4. If you flip the brain over to the other side, you can see the cerebellum, it will be loosely attached to the cerebrum in most
cases. If you did not carefully remove the dura mater you may have accidentally pulled the entire cerebellum away from the brain.
The lobes of the brain are visible, as well as the transverse fissure, which separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum. The
convolutions of the brain are also visible as bumps (gyri) and grooves (sulci).
5. The gap between the cerebrum and the cerebellum at the transverse fissure can reveal some internal parts of the brain. In this
image, a student is bending the cerebellum down to show the superior and inferior colliculi. Just behind the colliculi, the pineal
6. Using a scalpel and the longitudinal fissure as a guide, the brain is separated into the left and the right hemispheres. This cut
was not made very cleanly, but it was made in the right spot. Sharp scalpels work best for this procedure.
7. In the image below, a probe indicates the location of the lateral ventricle.
8. Once the brain is cut this way, the colliculi can also be seen from the inside and the pineal gland is revealed only if you made a
very careful incision.
On this image, the pineal is pinned in yellow and the pin continues on to where the colliculi have been bisected.
9. Other major structures are visible, here the probe indicates the arbor vitae (tree of life) found within the cerebellum. The fissure
between the cerebrum and the cerebellum is called the transverse fissue. The cerebellum only loosely connects to the rest of the
brain when the dura is removed.
10. This brain is pinned to show the pineal gland, thalamus and lateral ventricle.
11.The image below shows a cleanly separated brain with the major internal structures visible and labeled.
12. Finally, a section of the brain is cut to examine the difference between white matter and gray matter.
Related Pages: Sheep Brain Dissection Lab Guide | Sheep Brain Labeling | Cranial Nerves Coloring |