Emplyment Contract

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Emplyment Contract

On 01/08/1437 H Corresponding to
01/04/2016 G, This employment Contract
(The Contract) was Made Between:

(The 1st Party)

Residing its Address at P.O Box:
3154,Riyadh-121632,Kingdom of Saudi
Represented by Yusuf Bin Abdullah
Bin Mohammed Al Masher hereby
referred to as(The Employer or 1st Party)

(The 2nd Party)

Mr.Nawaz Navab being an Indian
Citizen and Holding Passport
No.M6234273 Issued on 11/02/2015
hereby referred to as (The Employee
or Second Party)
Whereas The Employee Has agreed to
work for the Employer or 1st party, and
the employer also to desired to hire the
Employee or 2nd Party, therefore the
entire contract will be have Legal
Capacity to do so and agree as follows
1) Recitation
The forgoing introduction and recitation
form an integral part of this Contract
2) Subject-Matter
The parties mutually agree that the
employee shall work for Employer with
the title Customer Accountant
effective from the date of employees
arrival or under the management of Al
Maml Trading Establishmentin which
the Employer is an owner

3) Salary and benefits

1) At the end of every calendar
month employer will pay to the
employee the Following

A) Basic Salary per Month is SR

1300/-(Saudi Riyals One Thousand
Five Hundred Only)
B) Housing and Transportation will
be provided by Company
C) Any other Allowances: SR 200/(One Hundred Saudi Riyals) as
monthly fixed allowance regards
food and Mobile Call
D) The employer may not
deduct(Nothing) from the
employees monthly
Compensation as a contribution to
GOSI(General Organization for
Social Insurance)
E) Return Ticket will be provided to
the Home/Origin Country Every
Two year
F) The Employer will Grant Vacation
2) The Parties Mutually Acknowledge
that the Incentives, rewards and
other allowances including
Housing and transportation Etc.,
Shall be excluded from employees

compensation for the purpose of

employees end of service

4) Terms of Contract
The parties both mutually agree that
the term of contract hereof 2 years,
commencing on the date of
employees arrival or date of starts
working under the employer or

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