Amlodipine Drug Study

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Generic Name Dosage, Classification Indications Mechanism of Action Side Effects Nursing Considerations

(Brand Name) Timing, General Class and

& Date and Route Family
Amlodipine  5 mg  Calcium channel To treat high Amlodipine is an  Swelling of  Assess BP (sitting, lying,
tab blockers blood angioselective calcium your legs or standing) and pulse periodically
August 19,  OD  Antianginal drug pressure. channel blocker and ankles during therapy.
2019  P.O  Antihypertensive Lowering high inhibits the movement  Tiredness or  Monitor frequency of
blood pressure of calcium ions into extreme prescription refills to determine
helps prevent vascular smooth sleepiness adherence to therapy.
strokes, heart muscle cells and  Stomach  Assess patient for signs of
attacks, and cardiac muscle cells pain angioedema (dyspnea, facial
kidney which inhibits the  Nausea swelling). May rarely cause
problems. It is contraction of cardiac  Dizziness angioedema.
also used to muscle and vascular  Hot or warm Lab Test Considerations:
prevent smooth muscle cells. feeling in  Monitor serum electrolytes and
certain types Amlodipine inhibits your face glucose periodically during
of chest pain calcium ion influx (flushing) therapy. May cause
(angina). across cell  Irregular hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia,
membranes, with a heart rate hyperglycemia, metabolic
greater effect on (arrhythmia) acidosis, dilutional
vascular smooth  Very fast hyponatremia, decrease urinary
muscle cells. This heart rate calcium excretion, and
causes vasodilation (palpitations) hyperuricemia.
and a reduction in  Abnormal  Monitor renal function. May
peripheral vascular muscle cause increase BUN and serum
resistance, thus movements creatinine. May rarely cause
lowering blood slight decrease in hemoglobin
 Tremors
pressure. Its effects on and hematocrit. May cause
cardiac muscle also increase hepatic enzymes,
prevent excessive cholesterol, and triglycerides.
constriction in the
coronary arteries.

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