Allied Health Professions That We Presently Have in The Philippines

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Allied health professions

that we presently have in

the Philippines

These are the common allied

health professionals
practicing in the country with
available education and
professional training.


Identifies and rehabilitates hearing

impairments and related disorders.


Diagnoses and treats neuromuscular disorders, with

emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment
and/or manipulation of the spine.

Clinical Psychologist

Assesses, diagnoses, treats and helps to prevent mental



Promotes good health through proper diet and treatment of


Emergency medical

Also known as ambulance technician; responds quickly to any emergency

and life-threatening situation to immediately treat serious injuries,
physical or mental trauma to increase a patients chances of survival.

Guidance Counselor

Assist students with personal, family, education, and career decisions

and concerns.

Health Educator

Specializes in health education and promotes the development of health

knowledge, life skills, and positive attitudes toward the health and wellbeing of students.

Massage Therapist

Performs the scientific manipulation of the soft

tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing
those tissues; uses manual techniques that include
applying fixed or moveable pressure on affected

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