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Observation Task 1: Differentiating Centers

Table 1: Differentiating Centers

Observed learning Centers
(include photo):



ADEC Learning

Differentiated Ability

(list only what you

consider to be the
primary goals)

All groups will

be provided
with u vowel

Flash cardsWords and

pictures related
to u vowel.
Picture- pencil

Play dough

-Identify word
family of vowel
-Recognize vowel
u and its family
-Listen and point
to the correct
words (cvc

Vowel u cvc word
wheel. Identify the
picture and write word
in order and draw the
line to complete the
word wheel.
Egg puzzle to
complete the u
vowel cvc words and
Make the family
words of vowel u
using play dough.

Reflections on Observation Task 1: Differentiating Centers

Read the questions below and write your answers
1. What are classroom learning centers?
-(circle time in the carpet- groups in the table)
2. What is the purpose of classroom learning centers?
- Deliver the information for student in different way that have positive interaction
and effect with them.
3. What is the role of the students while engaged during learning centers?
-Participate during the lesson in each activity.
4. What is the role of the teacher as the students are engaged during learning centers?
-Praise them by say positive word like good boy or girl, excellent, give me five and
reword system to give them one point for their group.
5. Do you feel it is important to offer tasks that are developmentally appropriate for all
student ability levels? Why / Why not?
- I think that teacher should use different activity for different level because each
student has different capabilities in different skills such as cognitive.

Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Table 2: SEN Support for Students



Area of Focus

Type, range and frequency of support

provided / needed.

Intellectual disability (delay)

Shes 9 years old but
mentality shes 3 years old
so shes cognitive skills like
young children.

Daily Teacher Support with advice from

Learning Enhancement Teacher:
Talking and discuss with him
about everyday life to develop
language skill because shes good
in speaking.
She feel difficult in writing,
teacher hold her hand and write.
Lets him to walk around the
classroom and discover the
materials or game in class.
The teacher changes his place
when he hit his friends and talks
during the lesson while teacher
give them the lesson.
Give the child chance to
participate in the lesson if he
follows the classroom rules.


9 years


5 years

ADHD he is very active, he

cannot sit in carpet more
than 5 minute and start to
hit her friends.


5 years

ADHD he is very active, he

cannot sit in one place even
in the carpet or in the table
and walk around the class
and make noisy.

Teacher reward and praise him if

he follow the rules and listen to
the teacher.

Reflections on Observation Task 2: Identifying Children with Special Educational Needs


1. What is the school policy for inclusion for SEN students in the school?
-The school has a lot of special need student for different type like (ADHD, Autism, visual,
Down syndrome) they support the by school communicates with parents to monitor their
children status through communication with Dr. during the classroom teachers care about
them and use activities suit them.

2. What accommodations were made for the identified SEN students in the
-Teacher use different activities for them but it are appropriate and relate with the lesson.
For example use play dough instead of writing the letter and using activities that include

3. Was there any assistive technology, other equipment or materials used with the
identified SEN students? If yes, please describe the equipment that was used and
what it was used for.
-Yes, teacher provides some material in the classroom like puzzle, marker to write in the
board, puppet for them. They can use it and play with it in free time or during the lesson.

4. What teaching strategies did your MST use with the identified SEN students?
-Reword them if they do well or when the follow the class rules and lets other student clap their
hand for him.

5. Where there any other school staff that worked with the identified SEN students? If
yes, please explain their role and what they did with the identified SEN student.
-Yes, one teacher shes supervises the students with special needs. If the general teacher
observes the special need student in her class make mistake and she cannot deal with
them so the regular teacher and teacher who care or administrator about the SN student
communicate with each other.

6. Do you think that SEN students should be included in the classroom or taught in
class specifically for SEN students? Why / Why not?
-I think that SN student who has improvement in different skills should include in regular
classroom to develop the skills such as reading, physical, art.

Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing Arts: Music and

Table 3: Music and Movement

Observed learning Centers
(include photo):


Teacher opens
the song for the
student by using
computer so the
student follows
the children who
are in the video
and follow the
movement he

(Music & Movement)
Appreciation: students enjoy it through description and
Pitch: students sing the same what children say.

ADEC Learning
Student recognizes
between the
season and each of
the seasons has
different movement
to describe it.

Rhythm: students replicate the rhythm of a song using clapping,

Conservation: students remember the melody of a song for
(winter, summer, spring and autumn) and the words.
High-low: when they act the leaves fall down in the autumn.
fast-slow: in the summer the weaves go splash
Relationship: all students do the movement together.
Interpretation: students use their imaginations to move and act like
winter, spring, summer, autumn seasons. Student listens to the
music and uses your imagination to move to the music.

Reflections on Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing Arts:

Music and Movement
Read the questions below and choose one to answer
1. The creative arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution and

that questions can have more than one answer. One of the large lessons kids can
learn from practicing creative arts is that there are many ways to see and interpret
the world. In your opinion, why is this important and what impact does this have on
-The arts provide challenges to students of all levels and students learn to become
sustained, self-directed learners.
2. Creative thinking and reasoning have been identified and highlighted as an essential
twenty-first-century skill by many business, education, community and government
leaders. In your opinion, do you think that this is an important skill for children to
learn? Why or why not.

Children faced daily opportunities to solve problems and to exercise their own
independent judgment when they have the opportunity to explore the world safely.
These problems may involve physical challenges, and issues of social relationships, or
understand how things work, and often seem simple to us but provide great
opportunities to practice critical thinking skills

3. Some people view creative arts education as a luxury and do not help with the
building blocks of child development. In your opinion, what are the benefits for
children who are engaged in creative arts in school?
- Student learns to observe and describe, analyze and interpret. Learns to think creatively, with an open mind
and practices problem-solving skills, critical-thinking skills, dance, music, theater and art-making skills,
language and vocabulary of the arts.

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